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Last active November 2, 2018 21:28
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  • Save Splaxi/ff7485a24f6ed9937f3e8da76b5d4840 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Format comment based help
$moduleName = ""
#$path = "C:\GIT\GITHUB\$moduleName.Workspace\$moduleName\$moduleName"
$path = "C:\GITHUB\LocalRepository\$moduleName"
function Get-Header ($text) {
$start = $text.IndexOf('<#')
$temp = $start - 2
if($temp -gt 0) {
$text.SubString(0, $start - 2)
else {
function Format-Help ($text) {
$start = $text.IndexOf('<#')
$end = $text.IndexOf('#>')
$help = $text.SubString($start + 2, $end - $start - 3)
$skipfirst = $null # to avoid trailing spaces
foreach ($newline in $help.Split("`n")) {
if (-not $skipfirst) { $skipfirst = $true; continue }
$trimmed = $newline.Trim()
foreach ($line in $trimmed) {
if ($line.StartsWith(".")) {
" $line"
else {
" $line"
function Get-Body ($text) {
$end = $text.IndexOf('#>')
$text.SubString($end, $text.Length - $end)
$files = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$filesPublic = Get-ChildItem -Path "$path\functions\*.ps1"
$filesInternal = Get-ChildItem -Path "$path\internal\functions\*.ps1"
foreach ($file in $files) {
$text = ($file | Get-Content -Raw).Trim()
Set-Content -Path $file.FullName -Encoding UTF8 -Value (Get-Header $text).TrimEnd()
Add-Content -Path $file.FullName -Encoding UTF8 -Value "<#".Trim()
Add-Content -Path $file.FullName -Encoding UTF8 -Value (Format-Help $text)
Add-Content -Path $file.FullName -Encoding UTF8 -Value (Get-Body $text).TrimEnd() -NoNewline
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