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Last active July 25, 2022 09:29
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Domain Similarity Script
# Coded by Geekink
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import urllib.request
import sqlite3
import os.path
import re
import math
# This function takes a url and returns its text content
def get_text(url):
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
html ='utf-8')
return html
except Exception as e:
return ''
# This function takes a text string and returns a list of words
def get_words(text):
# Remove all non-alphanumeric characters
text = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', ' ', text)
# Convert to lowercase
text = text.lower()
# Split into a list of words
words = text.split()
# Remove stop words
stop_words = ['a', 'an', 'and', 'are', 'as', 'at', 'be', 'by', 'for', 'from', 'has', 'he', 'in', 'is', 'it', 'its', 'of', 'on', 'that', 'the', 'to', 'was', 'were', 'will', 'with']
words = [w for w in words if w not in stop_words]
return words
# This function takes a url and returns a dictionary of words and their frequencies
def get_word_frequencies(url):
text = get_text(url)
words = get_words(text)
frequencies = {}
for word in words:
if word in frequencies:
frequencies[word] += 1
frequencies[word] = 1
return frequencies
# This function takes two dictionaries of words and their frequencies and returns a score between 0 and 1
# indicating how similar the two are.
def get_similarity(f1, f2):
# Get the list of unique words
unique_words = set(list(f1.keys()) + list(f2.keys()))
# Initialize the numerator and denominator
numerator = 0
denominator1 = 0
denominator2 = 0
# Calculate the numerator and denominators
for word in unique_words:
if word in f1 and word in f2:
numerator += f1[word] * f2[word]
denominator1 += f1[word] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[word] ** 2
elif word in f1:
denominator1 += f1[word] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[word] ** 2
# Prevent division by zero
if denominator1 == 0 or denominator2 == 0:
return 0
# Calculate and return the similarity score
return numerator / (math.sqrt(denominator1) * math.sqrt(denominator2))
# This function takes a url and returns a dictionary of link destinations and their frequencies
def get_link_frequencies(url):
text = get_text(url)
# Find all links in the text
links = re.findall('<a href="([^"]+)">', text)
# Initialize the dictionary
frequencies = {}
# Calculate the frequencies
for link in links:
if link in frequencies:
frequencies[link] += 1
frequencies[link] = 1
return frequencies
# This function takes two dictionaries of link destinations and their frequencies and returns a score between 0 and 1
# indicating how similar the two are.
def get_link_similarity(f1, f2):
# Get the list of unique link destinations
unique_links = set(list(f1.keys()) + list(f2.keys()))
# Initialize the numerator and denominator
numerator = 0
denominator1 = 0
denominator2 = 0
# Calculate the numerator and denominators
for link in unique_links:
if link in f1 and link in f2:
numerator += f1[link] * f2[link]
denominator1 += f1[link] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[link] ** 2
elif link in f1:
denominator1 += f1[link] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[link] ** 2
# Prevent division by zero
if denominator1 == 0 or denominator2 == 0:
return 0
# Calculate and return the similarity score
return numerator / (math.sqrt(denominator1) * math.sqrt(denominator2))
# This function takes a url and returns a dictionary of css file names and their frequencies
def get_css_frequencies(url):
text = get_text(url)
# Find all css file names in the text
css = re.findall('<link href="([^"]+.css)"', text)
#css = re.findall('(\<style\>)(.+)(<\/style>)', text)
# Initialize the dictionary
frequencies = {}
# Calculate the frequencies
for file in css:
if file in frequencies:
frequencies[file] += 1
frequencies[file] = 1
return frequencies
# This function takes two dictionaries of css file names and their frequencies and returns a score between 0 and 1
# indicating how similar the two are.
def get_css_similarity(f1, f2):
# Get the list of unique css file names
unique_css = set(list(f1.keys()) + list(f2.keys()))
# Initialize the numerator and denominator
numerator = 0
denominator1 = 0
denominator2 = 0
# Calculate the numerator and denominators
for file in unique_css:
if file in f1 and file in f2:
numerator += f1[file] * f2[file]
denominator1 += f1[file] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[file] ** 2
elif file in f1:
denominator1 += f1[file] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[file] ** 2
# Prevent division by zero
if denominator1 == 0 or denominator2 == 0:
return 0
# Calculate and return the similarity score
return numerator / (math.sqrt(denominator1) * math.sqrt(denominator2))
# This function takes a url and returns a dictionary of javascript file names and their frequencies
def get_javascript_frequencies(url):
text = get_text(url)
# Find all javascript file names in the text
javascript = re.findall('<script src="([^"]+.js)"', text)
# Initialize the dictionary
frequencies = {}
# Calculate the frequencies
for file in javascript:
if file in frequencies:
frequencies[file] += 1
frequencies[file] = 1
return frequencies
# This function takes two dictionaries of javascript file names and their frequencies and returns a score between 0 and 1
# indicating how similar the two are.
def get_javascript_similarity(f1, f2):
# Get the list of unique javascript file names
unique_javascript = set(list(f1.keys()) + list(f2.keys()))
# Initialize the numerator and denominator
numerator = 0
denominator1 = 0
denominator2 = 0
# Calculate the numerator and denominators
for file in unique_javascript:
if file in f1 and file in f2:
numerator += f1[file] * f2[file]
denominator1 += f1[file] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[file] ** 2
elif file in f1:
denominator1 += f1[file] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[file] ** 2
# Prevent division by zero
if denominator1 == 0 or denominator2 == 0:
return 0
# Calculate and return the similarity score
return numerator / (math.sqrt(denominator1) * math.sqrt(denominator2))
# This function takes a url and returns a dictionary of server header names and their frequencies
def get_header_frequencies(url):
# Get the server headers
headers = urllib.request.urlopen(url).getheaders()
# Initialize the dictionary
frequencies = {}
# Calculate the frequencies
for header in headers:
name = header[0]
if name in frequencies:
frequencies[name] += 1
frequencies[name] = 1
return frequencies
# This function takes two dictionaries of server header names and their frequencies and returns a score between 0 and 1
# indicating how similar the two are.
def get_header_similarity(f1, f2):
# Get the list of unique server header names
unique_headers = set(list(f1.keys()) + list(f2.keys()))
# Initialize the numerator and denominator
numerator = 0
denominator1 = 0
denominator2 = 0
# Calculate the numerator and denominators
for header in unique_headers:
if header in f1 and header in f2:
numerator += f1[header] * f2[header]
denominator1 += f1[header] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[header] ** 2
elif header in f1:
denominator1 += f1[header] ** 2
denominator2 += f2[header] ** 2
# Prevent division by zero
if denominator1 == 0 or denominator2 == 0:
return 0
# Calculate and return the similarity score
return numerator / (math.sqrt(denominator1) * math.sqrt(denominator2))
# This function calculates the similarity score for two URLs and stores it in the database.
# If the score in the database is stale, it is updated.
def calculate_similarity(url1, url2):
# Get the word frequencies
word_frequencies1 = get_word_frequencies(url1)
word_frequencies2 = get_word_frequencies(url2)
# Get the link frequencies
link_frequencies1 = get_link_frequencies(url1)
link_frequencies2 = get_link_frequencies(url2)
# Get the css frequencies
css_frequencies1 = get_css_frequencies(url1)
css_frequencies2 = get_css_frequencies(url2)
# Get the javascript frequencies
javascript_frequencies1 = get_javascript_frequencies(url1)
javascript_frequencies2 = get_javascript_frequencies(url2)
# Get the header frequencies
header_frequencies1 = get_header_frequencies(url1)
header_frequencies2 = get_header_frequencies(url2)
# Get the similarities
word_similarity = get_similarity(word_frequencies1, word_frequencies2)
link_similarity = get_link_similarity(link_frequencies1, link_frequencies2)
css_similarity = get_css_similarity(css_frequencies1, css_frequencies2)
javascript_similarity = get_javascript_similarity(javascript_frequencies1, javascript_frequencies2)
header_similarity = get_header_similarity(header_frequencies1, header_frequencies2)
# Calculate the overall similarity
similarity = (word_similarity + link_similarity + css_similarity + javascript_similarity + header_similarity) / 5
# Connect to the database
conn = sqlite3.connect('similarity.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# Create the scores table if it doesn't exist
c.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scores (url1 TEXT, url2 TEXT, score REAL, stale BOOLEAN)')
# Get the score from the database
c.execute('SELECT * FROM scores WHERE url1=? AND url2=?', (url1, url2))
row = c.fetchone()
# If the score is not in the database, insert it
if row is None:
c.execute('INSERT INTO scores VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (url1, url2, similarity, 0))
# If the score is in the database, update it if it is stale
if row[2] < similarity or row[3] == 1:
c.execute('UPDATE scores SET score=?, stale=? WHERE url1=? AND url2=?', (similarity, 0, url1, url2))
# Commit the changes
# Close the connection
return similarity
# This function calculates the similarity between two URLs and displays the results.
def main():
# Get the two URLs
url1 = input('Enter the first URL: ')
url2 = input('Enter the second URL: ')
# Calculate the similarity score
similarity = calculate_similarity(url1, url2)
# Display the results
print('The similarity score is ' + str(similarity))
# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
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