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Created March 11, 2021 16:00
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PoC in Python for Dual_EC_DRBG Backdoor
import time
from pwn import log
from random import randint
from fastecdsa.curve import P256
from fastecdsa.point import Point
def mod_inv(a, m): # For prime number m
return pow(a, m-2, m)
def p256_mod_sqrt(z): # Based on the identity: when p = 3 (mod 4)
return pow(z, (P256.p + 1) // 4, P256.p)
class Dual_EC_DRBG(object):
def __init__(self, seed):
self.seed = seed
#Use the generator point specified in the standard
self.P = P256.G
def backdoor(self):
# Pick a random number between that in is in the set E
self.d = randint(2, P256.q)
# Calculate the inverse mod and generate our Q from P
# We do this to perform Elliptic Cuve multiplication using regular algebra
# This is the value that allows the backdoor and that the attacker knows
e = mod_inv(self.d, P256.q)
self.Q = e * self.P"Generated point Q: \n"+str(self.Q))"Hidden relationship Q=P*d with d: "+str(self.d))
def gen(self, seed=None):
if seed == None:
seed = self.seed
# Calculate r which will also be the next seed
r = (seed * self.P).x
# Get the pseudo-random number generated by the curve
x = (r * self.Q).x
return x & (2**(8 * 30) - 1), r
def update(self, seed):
self.seed = seed
# This checks if the x_coordinate corresponds to a valid Y on the curve
def valid_point(x_coordinate):
# y^2 = x^3 - Ax + B (mod p)
y_2 = ((x_coordinate**3) - (3 * x_coordinate) + P256.b) % P256.p
y = p256_mod_sqrt(y_2)
# Check mod_sqrt function fit the function and got the right y
if y_2 == y**2 % P256.p:
return y
return False
# The attacker has the two intercepted Xs, the secret d backdoor and
# obviously the public Q
def brute(intercepted, d, Q):
possible_points = []
# If the 2 bytes generated are the same as the one intercepted
# we have the correct state
check = intercepted & 0xffff
bits = 2**16
progress = log.progress("Bruteforcing "+str(bits)+" possibilites")
start = time.time()
for lsb in range(bits):
# Reconstruct lsb that were discarded
output = (lsb << (8 * 30)) | (intercepted >> (8 * 2))
y = valid_point(output)
if y:
# Check if values actually fit
point = Point(output, y, curve=P256)
s = (d * point).x # Calculate possible state
val = (s * Q).x & (2**(8 * 30) - 1) # Derive possible x
if check == (val >> (8 * 28)):
# Got the predicted x and the predicted state
progress.success("Took "+str(time.time()-start)+"s")
return val & (2**(8 * 28) - 1), s, possible_points
progress.failure("Took "+str(time.time()-start)+"s")
return None, None, None
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = 0x1fc95ca948ecc306 # Original state of the system, generated arbitrarely
E = Dual_EC_DRBG(s)
our_x, new_state = E.gen()
log.success("Got pseudo random number: "+str(our_x))
log.success("Updated state "+str(s)+" -> "+str(E.seed))
# Now the user has generated a random number and updated the state
# using the new r. The user sent the x (for example the Nonce in TLS)
# This x gets intercepted by an attacker, this would not mean anything
# but he is aware of the value of d (e is mod_inv of d) in the backdoor
new_x, third_state = E.gen()
log.success("Generated second pseudo random number: "+str(new_x))"New state: "+str(third_state))
# The attacker now has two random numbers generated, now he can try and
# find out what the state was to prediuct the next state and thus the next x
observed = (our_x << (2 * 8)) | (new_x >> (28 * 8))
_, attacker_state, points = brute(observed, E.d, E.Q)
if attacker_state != None:
log.warning("Attacker derivated the internal state!")
print("State predicted: "+str(attacker_state))
# The user now, unaware, generates his new number using the state
# which was predicted by the attacker. If the attack was successful
# the X predicted will be the same as the one from the attacker
user_x, _ = E.gen()"User generated: "+str(user_x))
attacker_x, _ = E.gen(seed=attacker_state)"Attacker generated: "+str(attacker_x))
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