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Last active March 11, 2020 07:30
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Save Spomky/246eca6aaeeb7a40f11d3a2d98960282 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate JWT for Apple Push Notification
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Jose\Factory\JWKFactory;
use Jose\Factory\JWSFactory;
$key_file = '/PATH/TO/KEY/FILE';
$secret = null; // If the key is encrypted, the secret must be set in this variable
$private_key = JWKFactory::createFromKeyFile($key_file, $secret, [
'kid' => 'ABC123DEFG', // The Key ID obtained from your developer account
'alg' => 'ES256', // Not mandatory but recommended
'use' => 'sig', // Not mandatory but recommended
var_dump('We show our private EC key');
var_dump('We prepare the payload (claims to sign).');
$payload = [
'iss' => 'DEF123GHIJ',
'iat' => time(),
var_dump('We prepare the protected header.');
$header = [
'alg' => 'ES256',
'kid' => $private_key->get('kid'),
var_dump('We create our JWS using the private key, the payload and the header');
$jws = JWSFactory::createJWSToCompactJSON(
var_dump('We show our JWS.');
/* Same code as above without comments */
$key_file = '/PATH/TO/KEY/FILE';
$secret = null;
$private_key = JWKFactory::createFromKeyFile($key_file, $secret, ['kid' => 'ABC123DEFG', alg' => 'ES256', 'use' => 'sig']);
$payload = ['iss' => 'DEF123GHIJ', 'iat' => time()];
$header = ['alg' => 'ES256', 'kid' => $private_key->get('kid')];
$jws = JWSFactory::createJWSToCompactJSON($payload, $private_key, $header);
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Spomky commented Oct 17, 2016

Do you allow me to use this key in a new test case for the library?

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edamov commented Oct 17, 2016

Yes, I do =)

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smccoy78 commented Mar 9, 2017

Has a solution to the issue @edamov listed above been found? I am getting a similar "Unable to load the key" error. I'm not sure if my issue starts like @edamov's did with the openssl needing to be upgraded or not. Any ideas?

  1. in Assertion.php line 275
  2. at Assertion::createException(true, 'Unable to load the key', '38', null) in Assertion.php line 1644
  3. at Assertion::false(true, 'Unable to load the key') in KeyConverter.php line 157
  4. at KeyConverter::loadKeyFromPEM('-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- private key -----END PRIVATE KEY-----', null) in KeyConverter.php line 120
  5. at KeyConverter::loadFromKey('-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- private key -----END PRIVATE KEY-----', null) in KeyConverter.php line 104
  6. at KeyConverter::loadFromKeyFile('APNsAuthKey.p8', null) in JWKFactory.php line 161
  7. at JWKFactory::createFromKeyFile('APNsAuthKey.p8', null, array('kid' => 'key_id', 'alg' => 'ES256', 'use' => 'sig')) in ApiSupportController.php line 330

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iisdan commented May 2, 2017

I am having the error "Unable to load the key" using a .p8 file

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hissain commented Mar 11, 2020

I have a valid certificate cert.p12 exported from Mac Keychain. How can I know private and public key for alg ES256?

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