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Created November 11, 2021 14:42
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class SearchResults(discord.ui.View): # Create an interaction wrapper thing
def __init__(self, search_query: str, max_pages: int = None): # Call the init method so we can store data
"""Creates a search results viewer based on discord interactions
search_query (str): The query to search with
max_pages (int, optional): The maximum number of results to show. Set to None to disable the limit. Defaults to None.
super().__init__() # Make sure to keep init methods from discord.ui.View and dont overwrite them = 0 # Set a global page number
self.resource = build("customsearch", "v1", developerKey=api_key).cse() # Only grab the data here for stability
self.back_button = None # Set variables for controlling buttons from each other's interactions
self.next_button = None
self.max_pages = max_pages = search_query
@discord.ui.button(label="Back", # Create the back button
async def previous_page(self, button: discord.ui.Button, interaction: discord.Interaction): # Pass required parameters
self.back_button = button # Save this instance of the button globally
if self.next_button.disabled is True: # Check if the next button is disabled
self.next_button.disabled = False # If it is then enable it
result = self.resource.list(q=f"{}", cx="9f5b481aa553e3a4e", searchType="image").execute() # Grab the data from the resource
if == 1: # If this is the first page
button.disabled = True # Disable the button and continue with the page still being 1
# Used to artificially finish the interaction (theres probs a method for this but i cba rn)
await interaction.response.edit_message(view=self) # Used to artific
else: # If this isnt the first page -= 1 # Increment the global page number
url = result["items"][]["link"] # Grab the link for this page
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Here is what i found : `{}`", url=url)
await interaction.response.edit_message(embed=embed, view=self)
@discord.ui.button(label="Next", # Create the next button
async def next_page(self, button: discord.ui.Button, interaction: discord.Interaction): # Pass required parameters
self.next_button = button # Save this instance of the button globally
if self.back_button.disabled is True: # Check if the back button is disabled
self.back_button.disabled = False # If it is then enable it
result = self.resource.list(q=f"{}", cx="9f5b481aa553e3a4e", searchType="image").execute() # Grab the data from the resource here
# Just incase for whatever reason
# results have changed (probs unneeded)
if self.max_pages is not None: # Make sure there is actually a numerical limit
if == self.max_pages - 1: # Check if the limit has been hit
button.disabled = True
await interaction.response.edit_message(view=self)
return += 1 # Increment the global page number
url = result["items"][]["link"] # Grab the link for this page
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Here is what i found : `{}`", url=url) # Form the embed again with the updated link
await interaction.response.edit_message(embed=embed, view=self) # Edit the original message with the updated content
async def img(self, ctx, *, search):
start_index = 0
resource = build("customsearch", "v1", developerKey=api_key).cse()
result = resource.list(q=f"{search}", cx="9f5b481aa553e3a4e", searchType="image").execute()
url = result["items"][0]["link"]
embed1 = discord.Embed(title=f"Here is what i found : `{search.title()}`", url=url)
embed1.set_footer(text= f'Requested by {}')
print(f"{}#{} Searched: {search.title()}")
await ctx.send(embed=embed1, view=SearchResults(search_query=search))
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