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Created May 31, 2012 17:38
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Deleting embedded document from document, MongoDB shell with $pull
> use test_database
> var pu = db.Profileusers
> pu.find({"blocks.title":""}).toArray() // find in Profileusers collection all profile users that have a block which title is empty
"_id" : ObjectId("4fc73221c0cd99aba79c7b74"),
"blocks" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("4fc78936376ab08618000000"),
"title" : "", // <-- here is the incriminating element, it's gonna fly muaaahaaaaaaa-ha-ha-ha (evil_grin)
"image" : "",
"description" : "",
"content" : ""
"_id" : ObjectId("4fc78988376ab0ec2d000000"),
"title" : "Efekat ♥", // <-- this one is safe for now
"image" : "",
"description" : "Some nicey nicey desc",
"content" : "Who needs a content for Fs' sake"
"password" : "password", // <-- totally safe, recommended ;)
"roles" : [
"username" : "SpoyggNew2"
> pu.update( {"blocks.title":""}, {$pull:{"blocks":{"title":""}}} ) // in Profileusers find all documents that have a block which title is empty
// and $pull all blocks that have an empty title.
// Some obvious notes:
// 1. You can select root document anyway you like
// 2. You can select embedded document anyway you like
// 3. What is important is this construct:
// db.<collection>.update( <clause for root>, {$pull:<clause for embed(s)>} )
// 4. Since this is done with Mongo shell do not paste this comments!!! Anyway
// it will stick better if you write it on your own you lazy copy-paster!
> pu.find({}).toArray()
"_id" : ObjectId("4fc73221c0cd99aba79c7b74"),
"blocks" : [ // notice the absence of that ugly non-titled block :D
"_id" : ObjectId("4fc78988376ab0ec2d000000"),
"title" : "Efekat ♥",
"image" : "",
"description" : "Some nicey nicey desc",
"content" : "Who needs a content for Fs' sake"
"password" : "password", // <-- once more, this is totally safe, use as much as possible :D
"roles" : [
"username" : "SpoyggNew2"
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