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Yanis Guenane Spredzy

  • eNovance from RedHat from IBM
  • Bordeaux, France
View GitHub Profile
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
# Create project and upload jobs
- name: Gather available templates
[2020-04-03T01:21:25.229Z] TASK [windows_ws_setup : Ensure the required NuGet package provider version is installed] ***
[2020-04-03T01:21:33.314Z] fatal: [tqe-security-tower363-1148-29-student1-windows_ws]: FAILED! => changed=true
[2020-04-03T01:21:33.314Z] cmd: Find-PackageProvider -Name Nuget -ForceBootstrap -IncludeDependencies -Force
[2020-04-03T01:21:33.314Z] delta: '0:00:06.437528'
[2020-04-03T01:21:33.314Z] end: '2020-04-03 01:21:32.431776'
[2020-04-03T01:21:33.314Z] msg: non-zero return code
[2020-04-03T01:21:33.314Z] rc: 1
[2020-04-03T01:21:33.314Z] start: '2020-04-03 01:21:25.994248'
[2020-04-03T01:21:33.314Z] stderr: |-
[2020-04-03T01:21:33.314Z] Find-PackageProvider : No match was found for the specified search criteria and package name 'Nuget'. Try
Spredzy / titi.yml
Last active October 30, 2017 08:03
- hosts: localhost
- name: echo Ansible
shell: echo "Ansible"
register: product
when: True
- name: echo AnotherProduct
shell: echo "AnotherProduct"
Name: dci-doc
Version: 0.0.1
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: The Official documentation of Distributed-CI
License: ASL2.0
Source0: dci-doc-%{version}.tar.gz
Requires: httpd
name=vimfactory repo
'type': 'skipped',
'value': 'test skipped',
'time': 0.02311568802,
'action': 'skipped',
'name': 'test_1',
'classname': 'classname_1',
'message': 'skip message'
If you have two-factor authentication enabled on GitHub, you'll see the message
"Must specify two-factor authentication OTP code." In this case, you need to
create a "Personal Access Token" on GitHub's "Account Settings" page
( and place it in a file
named ~/.gist-vim like this:
# Initial Step:
# Schedule a new job giving a specific topic and specifying the remote CI.
# The return of this action contains all the data associated with the job,
# we hence register those data for later consumptions
- hosts: localhost
- name: Schedule a new job
# Initial Step:
# Schedule a new job giving a specific topic and specifying the remote CI.
# The return of this action contains all the data associated with the job,
# we hence register those data for later consumptions
- hosts: localhost
- name: Schedule a new job
# Initial Step:
# Schedule a new job giving a specific topic and specifying the remote CI.
# The return of this action contains all the data associated with the job,
# we hence register those data for later consumptions
- hosts: localhost
- name: Schedule a new job