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Last active February 1, 2018 11:30
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google-auth-library token_id check
const credentials = require( './credentials.json' )
const { OAuth2Client } = require( 'google-auth-library' );
var client = new OAuth2Client( GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, '', '' );
//return a promise with user informations
module.exports.getGoogleUser = ( code ) => {
//verify the token using google client
return client.verifyIdToken( { idToken: code, audience: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID } )
.then( login => {
//if verification is ok, google returns a jwt
var payload = login.getPayload();
var userid = payload['sub'];
//check if the jwt is issued for our client
var audience = payload.aud;
if ( audience !== GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID ) {
throw new Error( "error while authenticating google user: audience mismatch: wanted [" + GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID + "] but was [" + audience + "]" )
//promise the creation of a user
return {
name: payload['name'], //profile name
pic: payload['picture'], //profile pic
id: payload['sub'], //google id
email_verified: payload['email_verified'],
email: payload['email']
} )
.then( user => { return user; } )
.catch( err => {
//throw an error if something gos wrong
throw new Error( "error while authenticating google user: " + JSON.stringify( err ) );
} )
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