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Last active October 7, 2016 09:34
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TalkScript transpiling #jsbench #jsperf ( #jsbench #jsperf
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<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>TalkScript transpiling #jsbench #jsperf</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./suite.js"></script>
<h1>Open the console to view the results</h1>
<h2><code>cmd + alt + j</code> or <code>ctrl + alt + j</code></h2>
"use strict";
(function (factory) {
if (typeof Benchmark !== "undefined") {
} else {
})(function (Benchmark) {
var suite = new Benchmark.Suite;
Benchmark.prototype.setup = function () {
function hereDoc(f) {
return f.toString().
replace(/^[^\/]+\/\*!?/, '').
replace(/\*\/[^\/]+$/, '');
var s = hereDoc(function() {/*!
function pageMarkup ( params) {
var keepSpyral = false
doc = params.doc || document
var doctype = [:
var publicId = [: ^ dt .publicId ? ' PUBLIC "' + dt .publicId + '"' : '' :]
var systemId = [: ^ dt .systemId ? ' "' + dt .systemId + '"' : '' :]
var dt = doc .doctype
^ [
"<!DOCTYPE ", dt .name, publicId (), systemId (), '>'
] .join ( '' )
var collectionToArray = [| collection |:
^ Array :: slice .call ( collection )
var stripSpyralTags = [| node |:
var myCopy = node .cloneNode ( true )
var nodes = collectionToArray (
myCopy .getElementsByClassName ( 'spyral' )
nodes .forEach :| element |:
element .remove ()
console .log ( node )
^ myCopy
var stripTags = [| node, list |:
var myCopy = node .cloneNode ( true )
for ( var i = list.length; i-- ;) {
var nodes = collectionToArray (
myCopy .getElementsByClassName ( list[i] )
nodes .forEach :| element |:
element .remove ()
console .log ( node )
^ myCopy
var htmlElement = [: ^ document .childNodes [1] :]
var markup = [| el |:
^ stripTags( keepSpyral ? el : stripSpyralTags ( el ), ['firebugResetStyles']) .outerHTML
^ [
doctype (),
markup ( htmlElement () ),
// should we strip off all Spyral scripts and styles?
// that is, all elements with class="spyral"
// maybe add a boolean flag
// keepSpyral: false
] .join ( '' )
function ajaxPageMarkup ( ) {
var newDoc = $ ( "html" ) .clone ()
// replace all tags with source attribute
// with php code
var ajaxNode = newDoc .find ( "[source]" )
// FIX: the PHP tags get jammed: "<?php" becomes "<!--?php"
ajaxNode .each :[
$ ( this ) .html([
'include("' + $ ( this ) .attr ( 'source' ) + '");',
] .join ( '\n' ))
^ "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" + newDoc[0] .outerHTML
function savePage ( doc ) {
doc = doc || document
var pathName
if ( doc. location .pathname .endsWith ( '/' ) ) {
pathName = doc. location .pathname + 'index.html'
} else {
pathName = doc. location .pathname
$ .ajax ({
type : 'POST',
url : '/.spyral/save.php',
data : {
'file' : pathName,
'content' : pageMarkup ({ document: doc })
success : [| response |: console .log ( response ) :]
^ false
function savePageToFile ( folder, fileName, doc ) {
doc = doc || document
^ $ .ajax ({
type : 'POST',
url : '/.spyral/makedir-save.php',
data : {
'file' : fileName,
'folder' : folder,
'content' : pageMarkup ({ document: doc })
function saveToFile ( fileName, content, doc ) {
doc = doc || document
$ .ajax ({
type : 'POST',
url : '/.spyral/save.php',
data : {
'file' : fileName,
'content' : content
success : [| response |: console .log ( response ) :]
^ false
function appendToFile ( fileName, content ) {
^ $ .ajax ({
type : 'POST',
url : '/.spyral/append.php',
data : {
'file' : fileName,
'content' : content
//return false
// Draggable handle
function showHalos ( object ) {
// Drag handle
$ ( '<div class="drag handle">H</div>' )
.appendTo ( object )
position : 'absolute' ,
top : 0 ,
left : '100%' ,
border : '1px solid black' ,
'background-color' : 'yellow' ,
padding : '0 0.5em' ,
'border-radius' : '1em' ,
cursor : 'move'
object .draggable ({
//handle: ".drag.handle",
stop : [| event, ui |:
//var fontSize = parseFloat ( $ ( this ) .css ( 'font-size' ) )
var fontSize = parseFloat ( $('html').css('font-size') )
object .css ({
top : ( ui .position .top / fontSize ) + 'rem' ,
left : ( ui .position .left / fontSize ) + 'rem'
// "Done" button
$ ( '<div class="done handle">Done</div>' )
.appendTo ( object )
.css ({
'position' : 'absolute' ,
'top' : '2em' ,
'left' : '100%' ,
'border' : '1px solid black' ,
'background-color' : 'yellow' ,
'padding' : '0 0.5em' ,
'border-radius' : '1em' ,
'cursor' : 'default'
.click :[ object .children ( '.handle' ) .remove () ]:
var editor
function openEditor () {
if ( editor ) {
editor .style .visibility = "visible"
console .log ( "Editor visible" )
editor = document .createElement ( "div" )
editor .className = "spyral editor"
editor .id = "editor"
$ ( editor ) .load ( "/.spyral/editor/contents.html" )
document .body .appendChild ( editor )
console .log ( "Editor window created" )
function TS_replace (s) {
//#Private property
s = s.replace("__", "this ._", "g")
//#Call to anonymous function with named parameters
s = s.replace(":{{", "(function (_args_) { var _sig_ = {", "g")
//#Anonymous function with named parameters
s = s.replace("{{", "function (_args_) { var _sig_ = {", "g")
//#Anonymous function body
//# using DSL declaration
sub = "}; (function () { var e = arity.process(_args_, _sig_); if (e instanceof TypeError) { console.log(e); throw new TypeError(e.message); } else { _args_ = e .args; _sig_ = e .sig; } })(); for (var _argName_ in _sig_) { if ( _sig_.hasOwnProperty (_argName_) ) { eval ('var ' + _argName_ + ' = _args_.' + _argName_) ; } } "
s = s.replace("}:", sub, "g")
s = s.replace("):", sub, "g")
//# End of anonymous function with named parameters
s = s.replace(":}", "; return this ? this : null }", "g")
//#End of call to anonymous function with named parameters
s = s.replace("}:", "; return this ? this : null })", "g")
//#Named function with named parameters
s = s.replace("{(", " (_args_) { var _sig_ = {", "g")
//#Identifier as name, value
s = s.replace(/<<(\w+)>>/, '"$1", $1', "g")
//#Identifier as object
s = s.replace(/<\{(\w+)\}>/, '{ name: "$1", value: $1 }', "g")
//# Anonymous function
s = s.replace("[:", "function () {", "g")
//# End of anonymous function
s = s.replace(":]", "; return this ? this : null }", "g")
//# Anonymous function with parameters
s = s.replace("[|", "function (", "g")
//# End of parameters, Body
s = s.replace("|:", ") {", "g")
//# Prototype
s = s.replace("::", ".prototype.", "g")
//# Return
s = s.replace("^ ", "return ", "g")
//# Call anonymous function
s = s.replace(":[", "(function () {", "g")
//# End of call to anonymous function
s = s.replace("]:", "; return this ? this : null })", "g")
//# Call anonymous function with parameters
s = s.replace(":|", "(function (", "g")
return s
function TS_replace_chaining (s) {
var sub = "}; (function () { var e = arity.process(_args_, _sig_); if (e instanceof TypeError) { console.log(e); throw new TypeError(e.message); } else { _args_ = e .args; _sig_ = e .sig; } })(); for (var _argName_ in _sig_) { if ( _sig_.hasOwnProperty (_argName_) ) { eval ('var ' + _argName_ + ' = _args_.' + _argName_) ; } } ";
return s
//#Private property
.replace("__", "this ._", "g")
//#Call to anonymous function with named parameters
.replace(":{{", "(function (_args_) { var _sig_ = {", "g")
//#Anonymous function with named parameters
.replace("{{", "function (_args_) { var _sig_ = {", "g")
//#Anonymous function body
//# using DSL declaration
.replace("}:", sub, "g")
.replace("):", sub, "g")
//# End of anonymous function with named parameters
.replace(":}", "; return this ? this : null }", "g")
//#End of call to anonymous function with named parameters
.replace("}:", "; return this ? this : null })", "g")
//#Named function with named parameters
.replace("{(", " (_args_) { var _sig_ = {", "g")
//#Identifier as name, value
.replace(/<<(\w+)>>/, '"$1", $1', "g")
//#Identifier as object
.replace(/<\{(\w+)\}>/, '{ name: "$1", value: $1 }', "g")
//# Anonymous function
.replace("[:", "function () {", "g")
//# End of anonymous function
.replace(":]", "; return this ? this : null }", "g")
//# Anonymous function with parameters
.replace("[|", "function (", "g")
//# End of parameters, Body
.replace("|:", ") {", "g")
//# Prototype
.replace("::", ".prototype.", "g")
//# Return
.replace("^ ", "return ", "g")
//# Call anonymous function
.replace(":[", "(function () {", "g")
//# End of call to anonymous function
.replace("]:", "; return this ? this : null })", "g")
//# Call anonymous function with parameters
.replace(":|", "(function (", "g")
function TS_split_join (s) {
var sub = "}; (function () { var e = arity.process(_args_, _sig_); if (e instanceof TypeError) { console.log(e); throw new TypeError(e.message); } else { _args_ = e .args; _sig_ = e .sig; } })(); for (var _argName_ in _sig_) { if ( _sig_.hasOwnProperty (_argName_) ) { eval ('var ' + _argName_ + ' = _args_.' + _argName_) ; } } ";
//#Private property
s = s.split("__").join("this ._")
//#Call to anonymous function with named parameters
s = s.split(":{{").join("(function (_args_) { var _sig_ = {")
//#Anonymous function with named parameters
s = s.split("{{").join ("function (_args_) { var _sig_ = {")
//#Anonymous function body
//# using DSL declaration
s = s.split("}:").join(sub)
s = s.split("):").join(sub)
//# End of anonymous function with named parameters
s = s.split(":}").join("; return this ? this : null }")
//#End of call to anonymous function with named parameters
s = s.split("}:").join("; return this ? this : null })")
//#Named function with named parameters
s = s.split("{(").join(" (_args_) { var _sig_ = {")
//#Identifier as name, value
s = s.replace(/<<(\w+)>>/g, '"$1", $1')
//#Identifier as object
s = s.replace(/<\{(\w+)\}>/g, '{ name: "$1", value: $1 }')
//# Anonymous function
s = s.split("[:").join("function () {")
//# End of anonymous function
s = s.split(":]").join("; return this ? this : null }")
//# Anonymous function with parameters
s = s.split("[|").join("function (")
//# End of parameters, Body
s = s.split("|:").join(") {")
//# Prototype
s = s.split("::").join(".prototype.")
//# Return
s = s.split("^ ").join("return ")
//# Call anonymous function
s = s.split(":[").join("(function () {")
//# End of call to anonymous function
s = s.split("]:").join("; return this ? this : null })")
//# Call anonymous function with parameters
s = s.split(":|").join("(function (")
return s
function TS_split_join_chaining (s) {
var sub = "}; (function () { var e = arity.process(_args_, _sig_); if (e instanceof TypeError) { console.log(e); throw new TypeError(e.message); } else { _args_ = e .args; _sig_ = e .sig; } })(); for (var _argName_ in _sig_) { if ( _sig_.hasOwnProperty (_argName_) ) { eval ('var ' + _argName_ + ' = _args_.' + _argName_) ; } } ";
return s
//#Private property
.split("__").join("this ._")
//#Call to anonymous function with named parameters
.split(":{{").join("(function (_args_) { var _sig_ = {")
//#Anonymous function with named parameters
.split("{{").join ("function (_args_) { var _sig_ = {")
//#Anonymous function body
//# using DSL declaration
//# End of anonymous function with named parameters
.split(":}").join("; return this ? this : null }")
//#End of call to anonymous function with named parameters
.split("}:").join("; return this ? this : null })")
//#Named function with named parameters
.split("{(").join(" (_args_) { var _sig_ = {")
//#Identifier as name, value
.replace(/<<(\w+)>>/g, '"$1", $1')
//#Identifier as object
.replace(/<\{(\w+)\}>/g, '{ name: "$1", value: $1 }')
//# Anonymous function
.split("[:").join("function () {")
//# End of anonymous function
.split(":]").join("; return this ? this : null }")
//# Anonymous function with parameters
.split("[|").join("function (")
//# End of parameters, Body
.split("|:").join(") {")
//# Prototype
//# Return
.split("^ ").join("return ")
//# Call anonymous function
.split(":[").join("(function () {")
//# End of call to anonymous function
.split("]:").join("; return this ? this : null })")
//# Call anonymous function with parameters
.split(":|").join("(function (")
suite.add("TS_replace (s)", function () {
TS_replace (s)
suite.add("TS_split_join (s)", function () {
TS_split_join (s)
suite.add("TS_replace_chaining (s)", function () {
TS_replace_chaining (s)
suite.add("TS_split_join_chaining (s)", function () {
TS_split_join_chaining (s)
suite.on("cycle", function (evt) {
console.log(" - " +;
suite.on("complete", function (evt) {
console.log(new Array(30).join("-"));
var results = evt.currentTarget.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.hz - a.hz;
results.forEach(function (item) {
console.log((idx + 1) + ". " + item);
console.log("TalkScript transpiling #jsbench #jsperf");
console.log(new Array(30).join("-"));;
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