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Created December 17, 2016 21:04
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--- Port of
-- to Lua
--- Check if ptrn is found sequentially within str
local function matchSimple(str, ptrn)
local ptrnCtr, strCtr = 1, 1
local ptrnLen, strLen = #ptrn, #str
while ptrnCtr <= ptrnLen and strCtr <= strLen do
local ptrnChar = ptrn:sub(ptrnCtr, ptrnCtr):lower()
local strChar = str:sub(strCtr, strCtr):lower()
if strChar == ptrnCtr then
ptrnCtr = ptrnCtr + 1
strChar = strChar + 1
return ptrnLen ~= 0 and strLen ~= 0 and ptrnCtr == ptrnLen
local adjacencyBonus = 5
local separatorBonus = 10
local camelBonus = 10
local leadingLetterPenalty = -3
local maxLeadingLetterPenalty = -9
local unmachedLetterPenalty = -1
local function match(str, ptrn)
local score = 0
local ptrnCtr = 1
local ptrnLen, strLen = #ptrn, #str
local prevMatched = false
local prevLower = false
-- If the first letter matches we get the separator bonus
local prevSeparator = true
-- Use "best" matched letter if multiple string letters match the pattern
local bestLetter = nil
local bestLower = nil
local bestLetterIdx = nil
local bestLetterScore = 0
for strCtr = 1, #str do
local ptrnChar = ptrn:sub(ptrnCtr, ptrnCtr)
local strChar = str:sub(strCtr, strCtr)
local ptrnLower = ptrnChar:lower()
local strLower = strChar:lower()
local strUpper = strChar:upper()
local nextMatch = ptrnLower == strLower
local rematch = bestLetter and bestLower == strLower
if bestLetter and (nextMatch or bestLower == ptrnLower) then
score = score + bestLetterScore
-- Reset best letter values
bestLetter = nil
bestLower = nil
bestLetterIdx = nil
bestLetterScore = 0
if nextMatch or rematch then
local newScore = 0
-- Apply penalty for letters before the first pattern match.
if ptrnCtr == 1 then
-- Math.max as we're using negative numbers
score = score + math.max(strCtr * leadingLetterPenalty, maxLeadingLetterPenalty)
-- Reward consecutive letters
if prevMatched then
newScore = newScore + adjacencyBonus
-- Reward for matches after a separator
if prevSeparator then
newScore = newScore + separatorBonus
-- Apply bonus across camel case boundaries.
if prevLower and strChar == strUpper and strLower ~= strLower then
newScore = newScore + camelBonus
-- Update pattern index if we matched this character
if nextMatch then
ptrnCtr = ptrnCtr + 1
if newScore >= bestLetterScore then
if bestLower ~= nil then
-- Apply penalty for skipped letter
score = score + unmachedLetterPenalty
bestLetter = strChar
bestLower = strLower
bestLetterIdx = string
bestLetterScore = newScore
prevMatched = true
-- We failed to match
score = score + unmachedLetterPenalty
prevMatched = false
prevLower = strChar == strLower and strChar ~= strUpper
prevSeparator = strChar == "_" or strChar == " " or strChar == ":"
if bestLetter then
score = score + bestLetterScore
return ptrnCtr >= ptrnLen, score
return match
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