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Alexander Williams SquidLord

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SquidLord / Two Flowers
Created July 11, 2015 20:11
White Belladonna
# Story Seed
This story seed is intended to be used with [**Kingdom**]( as a means of quickly assembling a game session setup for 3 - 5 players.
## The Two Flowers Coiled Nigh
For tens of thousands of years, the kingdom of [_úða berjum_]( was ruled by a succession of bold leaders, some Kings, some Queens, some Princess and Princesses of the most noble, all worshiping the gods of order and light, the [_ákveðinn_]( Now, the end of the gods comes slowly, creeping in the night, and the source of that threat remains unrevealed. Uoa Berjum is assaulted within and without, and none in the halls of power know who can be trusted.
Now stands arrayed outwards to the weapons of the Enemy: the Knights, Paladin, and Staves, swordsmen, warriors, and soldiers roused only partially from their internecine struggles. And inward sl
Getting into character:
Take your vacuum cleaner outside. If you don't have a vacuum, another small
appliance like a humidifier or a printer will do. Take it for a walk around
town. Notice how those wheels, that you never thought about indoors, are so
fragile and frail on the hard gritty sidewalks. Drag it around a little more,
over some uneven sidewalk slabs. Maybe drag it through a park.
Now imagine that you aren't around to take care of it. That it's on its own,
and there are other things out there. Would your little vacuum be able to fend
off a hungry recycling robot? Would it be able to outrun it? What would it be
like after cowering from the rain for years and years, scavenging for a place
Intersection sign: While there are
many working signs in the City,
this one is special, for it is
the only remaining interface of a
traffic-control AI that once held
dominion over the roads here. When
an accident hobbled it, the Green
City’s AI seized the opportunity
to keep it out of the way and
deleted all plans to restore its
efore the three of us approached Thor, the so-called god of thunder and Mythic Norden’s
mightiest warrior. He rode in his chariot down from atop the crackling clouds, his eyes
fixed on us as he grew ever closer. Between him and us was a host of einherjar, warriors long
dead and favored by the gods to live forever as the their foot soldiers.
I would pity them, if they weren’t abominations.
Thousands of feet rushing at us rivaled sounds of thunder. My young comrade Beatrice
sprinted ahead to meet them, her horse whining and neighing. As she leapt in the air, Beatrice
grabbed the horse’s neck and flipped herself over, arcing the beast over her body like a war
SquidLord / clear.lua
Last active December 13, 2015 17:38
function overPlateP()
return turtle.compareDown()
function processMining()
return turtle.digDown()
function maneuverNext(Turns)
if (Turns == 4) then
SquidLord / linePlace.lua
Last active February 6, 2016 18:16
linePlace: ComputerCraft turtle program to place items in inventory down or forward until you can proceed no further, then return to start
-- linePlace: ComputerCraft turtle program to place items in inventory down or forward
-- until you can proceed no further, then return to start.
-- Arguments are "f" for place forward, or "d" for place down
-- by Alexander "SquidLord" Williams (SaladinVrai)
-- Gist:
-- The MIT License (MIT)
SquidLord / drill.lua
Last active December 12, 2015 10:09
drill: ComputerCraft turtle program to drill down or forward through materials until you hit open area, then return to start
--drill: ComputerCraft turtle program to drill down or forward
-- through materials until you hit open area, then return to start.
-- Arguments are "f" for drill forward, or "d" for drill down.
-- by Alexander "SquidLord" Williams (SaladinVrai)
-- Gist:
-- Requires squidlib and egps
SquidLord / t.lua
Last active December 12, 2015 10:09
t: ComputerCraft turtle command line nav tool. Takes a single string and parses it as directions.
-- t: ComputerCraft turtle command line nav tool. Takes a single string and parses it as directions
-- by Alexander "SquidLord" Williams (SaladinVrai)
-- Gist:
-- Load libraries
ARGS = {...}
SquidLord / turtleLib.lua
Last active February 6, 2016 18:16
turtleLib: A core set of tool libraries for ComputerCraft turtles
-- turtleLib: A core set of tool libraries for ComputerCraft turtles
-- by Alexander "SquidLord" Williams (SaladinVrai)
-- Gist:
-- Put in turtle startup file with:
-- os.loadAPI("squid/turtleLib")
-- The MIT License (MIT)