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Last active June 18, 2018 23:08
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r/ProgrammerHumor submission for Login Design. Live demo:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Shitty Login</title>
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<div class="login">
<i><h1>Sign in to $WebPageName</h1></i>
<i>Made by <a href="">Sr_GMC</a> for <a href="">r/ProgrammerHumor</a></i></br>
<i>Choose the first letter of your username and then your username</i></br></br>
<input type="range" name="letter" id="letter" oninput="changeletter(this.value)" onchange="changeletter(this.value)" min="0" step="1" >
<p id="lettert">a</p>
<input type="range" name="username" id="username" oninput="changeusername(this.value)" onchange="changeusername(this.value)" min="0" step="1" >
<p id="usernamet"></p>
<i>Choose your password</i></br></br>
<input type="range" name="password" id="password" oninput="changepassword(this.value)" onchange="changepassword(this.value)" min="0" step="1" >
<p id="passwordt"></p>
<a href="javascript:checklogin()" class="btn">Sign in</a></br></br></br>
<a href="javascript:forgot()">Forgot your password?</a></br></br></br>
<script type="text/javascript">
var letters = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "undefined"];
var username = {
"a": ["awesomeman", "alexa"],
"b": ["bedsoft", "bayinspire"],
"c": ["chase", "Crysis"],
"d": ["DROP TABLE username;--", "dadishere"],
"e": ["earthware", "user2", "user3", "user4", "user5"],
"f": ["function checklogin()"],
"g": ["GravityPrincess", "GitHub", "GitLab"],
"h": ["HelpPls", "HawaiiMissileAlert"],
"i": ["ImRunningOutOfIdeas"],
"j": ["Jk"],
"k": ["KISrslyNeedHelp"],
"l": ["lolwat"],
"m": ["MyHeadHurts", "milkettela", "milkbrewer2000", "mssucks"],
"n": ["nanna", "nanny"],
"o": ["OhHiMark"],
"p": ["pokemaniac2000", "PrincessGravy", "PrincessGravity", "ProgrammerHumor"],
"q": ["Oqay", "QarmaOrKarma"],
"r": ["RateMyPC", "RateMyLinux", "Runescape"],
"s": ["Shabbyfeet", "StirUntilDone"],
"t": ["TraumaSir", "trashword"],
"u": ["UMommaFat", "UWotM8"],
"v": ["Vynil", "VolumeSliderIsBack"],
"w": ["WotM8"],
"x": ["XxX_UltraSniper_XxX","xyz", "XKCD"],
"y": ["yzx"],
"z": ["zi", "zyx"],
"undefined": ["null"]
var password = {
"a": ["pHgjZs9t", "buymesomecofe"],
"b": ["PNR6PuS2", "NymLbB6i"],
"c": ["bSJwyp2A", "canitrunit?"],
"d": ["DROP TABLE password;--", "password"],
"e": ["earthware", "user2", "user3", "user4", "user5"],
"f": ["function checkpassword()"],
"g": ["password", "Microsoft", "500Server Error"],
"h": ["2utT7Lb", "FailedTestAlert"],
"i": ["OrImNotRunningOutOfIdeas?"],
"j": ["fc2QPVFSbfhNzt3YXCCT"],
"k": ["KISrslyNeedHelp"],
"l": ["hahayes"],
"m": ["doctor", "CTNqgpXcxxmCcAwFkZze", "iluvmilk", "noitdoesnt"],
"n": ["nanny", "nanna"],
"o": ["ididnothither"],
"p": ["0123457689", "imaprincess", "owowatsdis", "hunter2"],
"q": ["password", "INeedSome"],
"r": ["password", "10/10", "10/10"],
"s": ["ewNNeDc65NSyuypLzPPD", "CookUntilDone"],
"t": ["M7dCZmsR2Gq3VAh28V3P", "password"],
"u": ["XAHkV99GTfHJfrKTDnt8", "LtsJmSNMRaZ4vmyfB7hJ"],
"v": ["uYYcyVSXpVJ7n7Vx6ZGk", "Pay200$toIncreaseVolume"],
"w": ["ultrasecurepassword"],
"x": ["XxX_UltraPassword_XxX","1234567890", "correct horse battery staple"],
"y": ["1234567890"],
"z": ["0987654321", "pHgjZs9t"],
"undefined": ["null"]
var current = "a";
document.getElementById("letter").max = letters.length-1;
document.getElementById("username").max = username[current].length-1;
document.getElementById("password").max = password[current].length-1;
document.getElementById("letter").value = 0;
function changeletter(value){
document.getElementById("lettert").innerHTML = letters[value];
document.getElementById("letter").value = value
current = letters[value];
function changeusername(value){
document.getElementById("username").value = value;
document.getElementById("username").max = username[current].length-1;
document.getElementById("usernamet").innerHTML = username[current][value];
function changepassword(value){
document.getElementById("password").value = value;
document.getElementById("password").max = password[current].length-1;
document.getElementById("passwordt").innerHTML = password[current][value];
function checklogin(){
if(document.getElementById("username").value === document.getElementById("password").value){
alert("Error: Success! \nLogin in");
} else {
alert("Login information is incorrect. Have you tried matching the two sliders?");
//Prevent random attackers
changeletter(random(0, letters.length-1));
function forgot(){
alert("Oh... Ok, enter your password next time you want to login " + username[current][document.getElementById("username").value]);
alert("Logged in.\nYou can change your password in the following page");
document.location = "";
// TODO: Increment ForgotPasswordCount object by 1
function random(min, max){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
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