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Last active April 19, 2018 20:37
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  • Save Srendi/bd3c4316df01ef5db2a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Srendi/bd3c4316df01ef5db2a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
install-windowsupdate -acceptEULA
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -Lock -Dock Bottom
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableBootToDesktop -EnableDesktopBackgroundOnStart -EnableShowStartOnActiveScreen -EnableShowAppsViewOnStartScreen -EnableSearchEverywhereInAppsView -EnableListDesktopAppsFirst
Set-CornerNavigationOptions -EnableUpperRightCornerShowCharms -EnableUpperLeftCornerSwitchApps -EnableUsePowerShellOnWinX
cinst -y toolsroot
cinst -y visualstudio2015community ankhsvn easy.install android-sdk adb androidstudio ruby rubygems
cinst -y git github fiddler4 poshgit posh-hg windirstat jdk8 sourcetree hg maven eclipse sqlyog
cinst -y mssqlservermanagementstudio2014express windbg autorest
cinst -y alanstevens.utils.vm
cinst -y windows-sdk-8.1 mssqlserver2014express instantwordpress
cinst -y DotNet4.5 python python2 pywin pip vcredist2008 vcredist2013 powershell -pre
cinst -y markdownpad2 tortoisesvn tortoisehg
cinst -y royalserver hmailserver nginx apacheds
#Deep SysAdmin
cinst -y wireshark virtualbox virtualbox.extensionpack vboxvmservice vboxguestadditions nmap ketarin chocolateygui baretail vagrant vagrant-manager autoit yumi unetbootin awscli bind-toolsonly
cinst -y winpcap nssm crystaldiskinfo zabbix-agent consul openvpn windowsrepair packer vmwareplayer vmware-tools windows-adk-winpe windows-adk.all royalts rmprepusb
cinst -y chefdk chef_development skylight cyberduck kb2842230 wim2vhd disk2vhd hxd rsat mbca emet rukerneltool xming docker docker-machine boot2docker lockhunter ext2explore
cinst -y apachedirectorystudio -pre spiceworks projectlibre nagstamon
cinst -y ccleaner ccenhancer sysinternals 7zip procexp winrar cdburnerxp speccy teamviewer malwarebytes curl wget notepadplusplus usbview unxutils mobaxterm
cinst -y defraggler cpu-z recuva winscp putty winmerge microsoftsecurityessentials truecrypt classic-shell intel.ssd.toolbox seatools teracopy -pre
cinst -y driverbooster autoruns revo.uninstaller synergy linkshellextension bleachbit visioviewer windowstelnet fciv speedfan hpusbdisk speedfan netscan64
cinst -y boxstarter.windowsupdate tcpoptimizer closethedoor setacl swissfileknife dnsdataview gsmartcontrol driverfusion awatch rhash prey sumo crashplan
cinst -y vlc calibre kindle adobereader flashplayerplugin adobeshockwaveplayer flashplayeractivex f.lux ffmpeg handbrake cccp musicbee
cinst -y youtube-dl gimp greenshot foxitreader quicktime audacity cutepdf spotify sumatrapdf mp3tag screamer
cinst -y aimp mediainfo ums fleex imageresizerapp tagscanner exiftool geosetter.install -pre
#Deep Torrents
cint -y couchpotato sickbeard filebot isoplex kodi
cinst -y transmission-qt transgui time4popcorn peerblock
cinst -y 0ad openra flightgear freeciv heroesofnewerth supertuxkart raidcall geforce-experience steam daemontoolslite mumble launchbox emulationstation gamedownloader dolphin -pre
cinst -y keepass keepas-keepasshttp keepass-plugin-1p2kp ditto gsyncit insync boxcryptor gpg4win growl btsync httrack autohotkey dexpot inssider windows-tweaker firefox adblockplusfirefox thunderbird
cinst -y tor-browser pomotime fileshredder duplicatecleaner
# Desktop/internet
cinst -y skype skype-utility-project pdfcreator avastfreeantivirus secunia.psi filezilla dropbox owncloud-client onedrive pushbullet logmein.client mirc
cinst -y googlechrome libreoffice googledrive googleearth pidgin adblockplusie adblockpluschrome
cinst -y clover javaruntime javaruntime-preventasktoolbar wincommandpaste spybot viber workrave nfopad ie11 boinc produkey ekiga jitsi
cinst -y zotero-standalone charmtimetracker
cinst -y gnucash electrum jstock
cinst -y gcstar datacrow
cinst -y fitbit.connect
cinst -y nscp ossec-agent opsview-agent-x64 suricata
Move-LibraryDirectory "Personal" "$env:UserProfile\skydrive\documents"
# Client SKUs need to enable firewall
# netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 80" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80
# utorrent headphones
# Start
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
install-windowsupdate -acceptEULA
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -Lock -Dock Bottom
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableBootToDesktop -EnableDesktopBackgroundOnStart -EnableShowStartOnActiveScreen -EnableShowAppsViewOnStartScreen -EnableSearchEverywhereInAppsView -EnableListDesktopAppsFirst
Set-CornerNavigationOptions -EnableUpperRightCornerShowCharms -EnableUpperLeftCornerSwitchApps -EnableUsePowerShellOnWinX
# All
cinst -y toolsroot
# Dev
cinst -y DotNet4.5 python2 pywin pip vcredist2008 vcredist2013 powershell -pre
cinst -y markdownpad2 tortoisesvn tortoisehg
# SysAdmin
cinst -y ccleaner ccenhancer sysinternals 7zip procexp winrar cdburnerxp speccy teamviewer malwarebytes curl wget notepadplusplus usbview unxutils mobaxterm
cinst -y defraggler cpu-z recuva winscp putty winmerge microsoftsecurityessentials truecrypt classic-shell intel.ssd.toolbox seatools teracopy -pre
cinst -y driverbooster autoruns revo.uninstaller synergy linkshellextension bleachbit visioviewer windowstelnet fciv speedfan hpusbdisk speedfan netscan64
cinst -y boxstarter.windowsupdate tcpoptimizer closethedoor setacl swissfileknife dnsdataview gsmartcontrol driverfusion awatch rhash prey sumo crashplan
# Media
cinst -y vlc calibre kindle adobereader flashplayerplugin adobeshockwaveplayer flashplayeractivex f.lux ffmpeg handbrake cccp musicbee
cinst -y youtube-dl gimp greenshot foxitreader quicktime audacity cutepdf spotify sumatrapdf mp3tag screamer
cinst -y aimp mediainfo ums fleex imageresizerapp tagscanner exiftool geosetter.install -pre
# Torrents
cinst -y transmission-qt transgui time4popcorn peerblock
# Games
cinst -y 0ad openra flightgear freeciv heroesofnewerth supertuxkart raidcall geforce-experience steam daemontoolslite mumble launchbox emulationstation gamedownloader dolphin -pre
# Desktop/internet
cinst -y skype skype-utility-project pdfcreator avastfreeantivirus secunia.psi filezilla dropbox owncloud-client onedrive pushbullet logmein.client mirc
cinst -y googlechrome libreoffice googledrive googleearth pidgin adblockplusie adblockpluschrome
cinst -y clover javaruntime javaruntime-preventasktoolbar wincommandpaste spybot viber workrave nfopad ie11 boinc produkey ekiga jitsi
# End
Move-LibraryDirectory "Personal" "$env:UserProfile\onedrive\documents"
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
install-windowsupdate -acceptEULA
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -Lock -Dock Bottom
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableBootToDesktop -EnableDesktopBackgroundOnStart -EnableShowStartOnActiveScreen -EnableShowAppsViewOnStartScreen -EnableSearchEverywhereInAppsView -EnableListDesktopAppsFirst
Set-CornerNavigationOptions -EnableUpperRightCornerShowCharms -EnableUpperLeftCornerSwitchApps -EnableUsePowerShellOnWinX
# All
cinst -y toolsroot
# DeepDev
cinst -y visualstudio2015community ankhsvn easy.install android-sdk adb androidstudio ruby rubygems
cinst -y git github fiddler4 poshgit posh-hg windirstat jdk8 sourcetree hg maven eclipse sqlyog
cinst -y mssqlservermanagementstudio2014express windbg autorest
# CustDev
cinst -y alanstevens.utils.vm
cinst -y windows-sdk-8.1 mssqlserver2014express instantwordpress
# Dev
cinst -y DotNet4.5 python python2 pywin pip vcredist2008 vcredist2013 powershell -pre
cinst -y markdownpad2 tortoisesvn tortoisehg
# Servers
cinst -y royalserver hmailserver nginx apacheds
# Deep SysAdmin
cinst -y wireshark virtualbox virtualbox.extensionpack vboxvmservice vboxguestadditions nmap ketarin chocolateygui baretail vagrant vagrant-manager autoit yumi unetbootin awscli bind-toolsonly
cinst -y winpcap nssm crystaldiskinfo zabbix-agent consul openvpn windowsrepair packer vmwareplayer vmware-tools windows-adk-winpe windows-adk.all royalts rmprepusb
cinst -y chefdk chef_development skylight cyberduck kb2842230 wim2vhd disk2vhd hxd rsat mbca emet rukerneltool xming docker docker-machine boot2docker lockhunter ext2explore
cinst -y apachedirectorystudio -pre spiceworks projectlibre nagstamon
# SysAdmin
cinst -y ccleaner ccenhancer sysinternals 7zip procexp winrar cdburnerxp speccy teamviewer malwarebytes curl wget notepadplusplus usbview unxutils mobaxterm
cinst -y defraggler cpu-z recuva winscp putty winmerge microsoftsecurityessentials truecrypt classic-shell intel.ssd.toolbox seatools teracopy -pre
cinst -y driverbooster autoruns revo.uninstaller synergy linkshellextension bleachbit visioviewer windowstelnet fciv speedfan hpusbdisk speedfan netscan64
cinst -y boxstarter.windowsupdate tcpoptimizer closethedoor setacl swissfileknife dnsdataview gsmartcontrol driverfusion awatch rhash prey sumo crashplan
# Media
# cinst -y vlc calibre kindle adobereader flashplayerplugin adobeshockwaveplayer flashplayeractivex f.lux ffmpeg handbrake cccp musicbee
# cinst -y youtube-dl gimp greenshot foxitreader quicktime audacity cutepdf spotify sumatrapdf mp3tag screamer
# cinst -y aimp mediainfo ums fleex imageresizerapp tagscanner exiftool geosetter.install -pre
# Deep Torrents
# cint -y couchpotato sickbeard filebot isoplex kodi
# Torrents
# cinst -y transmission-qt transgui time4popcorn peerblock
# Games
# cinst -y 0ad openra flightgear freeciv heroesofnewerth supertuxkart raidcall geforce-experience steam daemontoolslite mumble launchbox emulationstation gamedownloader dolphin -pre
# DeepDesktop/internet
cinst -y keepass keepas-keepasshttp keepass-plugin-1p2kp ditto gsyncit insync boxcryptor gpg4win growl btsync httrack autohotkey dexpot inssider windows-tweaker firefox adblockplusfirefox thunderbird
cinst -y tor-browser pomotime fileshredder duplicatecleaner
# Desktop/internet
cinst -y skype skype-utility-project pdfcreator avastfreeantivirus secunia.psi filezilla dropbox owncloud-client onedrive pushbullet logmein.client mirc
cinst -y googlechrome libreoffice googledrive googleearth pidgin adblockplusie adblockpluschrome cinst -y clover javaruntime javaruntime-preventasktoolbar wincommandpaste spybot viber workrave nfopad ie11 boinc produkey ekiga jitsi
# Study/Business/Other
# cinst -y zotero-standalone charmtimetracker
# cinst -y gnucash electrum jstock
# cinst -y gcstar datacrow
# cinst -y fitbit.connect
# cinst -y nscp ossec-agent opsview-agent-x64 opsview-agent-x32 suricata
# Move-LibraryDirectory "Personal" "$env:UserProfile\skydrive\documents"
# Client SKUs need to enable firewall
# netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 80" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80
# utorrent headphones
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
install-windowsupdate -acceptEULA
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -Lock -Dock Bottom
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableBootToDesktop -EnableDesktopBackgroundOnStart -EnableShowStartOnActiveScreen -EnableShowAppsViewOnStartScreen -EnableSearchEverywhereInAppsView -EnableListDesktopAppsFirst
Set-CornerNavigationOptions -EnableUpperRightCornerShowCharms -EnableUpperLeftCornerSwitchApps -EnableUsePowerShellOnWinX
# All
cinst -y toolsroot
# DeepDev
#cinst -y visualstudio2015community ankhsvn easy.install android-sdk adb androidstudio
#cinst -y jdk8 sourcetree hg maven eclipse sqlyog
#cinst -y mssqlservermanagementstudio2014express autorest
cinst -y ruby rubygems git github fiddler4 poshgit posh-hg windirstat windbg
# CustDev
# cinst -y alanstevens.utils.vm
# cinst -y windows-sdk-8.1 mssqlserver2014express instantwordpress
# Dev
cinst -y DotNet4.5 python2 pywin pip vcredist2008 vcredist2013 powershell -pre
cinst -y markdownpad2 tortoisesvn tortoisehg
# Servers
cinst -y royalserver hmailserver nginx apacheds
# Deep SysAdmin
cinst -y wireshark virtualbox virtualbox.extensionpack vboxvmservice vboxguestadditions nmap ketarin chocolateygui baretail vagrant vagrant-manager autoit yumi unetbootin awscli bind-toolsonly
cinst -y winpcap nssm crystaldiskinfo zabbix-agent consul openvpn windowsrepair packer vmwareplayer vmware-tools windows-adk-winpe windows-adk.all royalts rmprepusb
cinst -y chefdk chef_development skylight cyberduck kb2842230 wim2vhd disk2vhd hxd rsat mbca emet rukerneltool xming docker docker-machine boot2docker lockhunter ext2explore
cinst -y apachedirectorystudio -pre spiceworks projectlibre nagstamon
# SysAdmin
cinst -y ccleaner ccenhancer sysinternals 7zip procexp winrar cdburnerxp speccy teamviewer malwarebytes curl wget notepadplusplus usbview unxutils mobaxterm
cinst -y defraggler cpu-z recuva winscp putty winmerge microsoftsecurityessentials truecrypt classic-shell intel.ssd.toolbox seatools teracopy -pre
cinst -y driverbooster autoruns revo.uninstaller synergy linkshellextension bleachbit visioviewer windowstelnet fciv speedfan hpusbdisk speedfan netscan64
cinst -y boxstarter.windowsupdate tcpoptimizer closethedoor setacl swissfileknife dnsdataview gsmartcontrol driverfusion awatch rhash prey sumo crashplan
# Media
cinst -y vlc calibre kindle adobereader flashplayerplugin adobeshockwaveplayer flashplayeractivex f.lux ffmpeg handbrake cccp musicbee
cinst -y youtube-dl gimp greenshot foxitreader quicktime audacity cutepdf spotify sumatrapdf mp3tag screamer
cinst -y aimp mediainfo ums fleex imageresizerapp tagscanner exiftool geosetter.install -pre
# Deep Torrents
cint -y couchpotato sickbeard filebot isoplex kodi
# Torrents
cinst -y transmission-qt transgui time4popcorn peerblock
# Games
cinst -y 0ad openra flightgear freeciv heroesofnewerth supertuxkart raidcall geforce-experience steam daemontoolslite mumble launchbox emulationstation gamedownloader dolphin -pre
# DeepDesktop/internet
cinst -y keepass keepas-keepasshttp keepass-plugin-1p2kp ditto gsyncit insync boxcryptor gpg4win growl btsync httrack autohotkey dexpot inssider windows-tweaker firefox adblockplusfirefox thunderbird
cinst -y tor-browser pomotime fileshredder duplicatecleaner
# Desktop/internet
cinst -y skype skype-utility-project pdfcreator avastfreeantivirus secunia.psi filezilla dropbox owncloud-client onedrive pushbullet logmein.client mirc
cinst -y googlechrome libreoffice googledrive googleearth pidgin adblockplusie adblockpluschrome
cinst -y clover javaruntime javaruntime-preventasktoolbar wincommandpaste spybot viber workrave nfopad ie11 boinc produkey ekiga jitsi
# Study/Business/Other
cinst -y zotero-standalone charmtimetracker
cinst -y gnucash electrum jstock
cinst -y gcstar datacrow
#cinst -y fitbit.connect
cinst -y nscp ossec-agent opsview-agent-x64 suricata
Move-LibraryDirectory "Personal" "$env:UserProfile\skydrive\documents"
# Client SKUs need to enable firewall
#netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 80" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80
# utorrent headphones
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -DisableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -DisableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
install-windowsupdate -acceptEULA
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -Lock -Dock Bottom
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableBootToDesktop -EnableDesktopBackgroundOnStart -EnableShowStartOnActiveScreen -EnableShowAppsViewOnStartScreen -EnableSearchEverywhereInAppsView -EnableListDesktopAppsFirst
Set-CornerNavigationOptions -EnableUpperRightCornerShowCharms -EnableUpperLeftCornerSwitchApps -EnableUsePowerShellOnWinX
cinst -y toolsroot
cinst -y DotNet4.5 python2 pywin pip vcredist2008 vcredist2013 powershell -pre
cinst -y markdownpad2 tortoisesvn tortoisehg
cinst -y ccleaner ccenhancer sysinternals 7zip procexp winrar cdburnerxp speccy teamviewer malwarebytes curl wget notepadplusplus usbview unxutils mobaxterm
cinst -y defraggler cpu-z recuva winscp putty winmerge microsoftsecurityessentials truecrypt classic-shell intel.ssd.toolbox seatools teracopy -pre
cinst -y driverbooster autoruns revo.uninstaller synergy linkshellextension bleachbit visioviewer windowstelnet fciv speedfan hpusbdisk speedfan netscan64
cinst -y boxstarter.windowsupdate tcpoptimizer closethedoor setacl swissfileknife dnsdataview gsmartcontrol driverfusion awatch rhash prey sumo crashplan
cinst -y vlc calibre kindle adobereader flashplayerplugin adobeshockwaveplayer flashplayeractivex f.lux ffmpeg handbrake cccp musicbee
cinst -y youtube-dl gimp greenshot foxitreader quicktime audacity cutepdf spotify sumatrapdf mp3tag screamer
cinst -y aimp mediainfo ums fleex imageresizerapp tagscanner exiftool geosetter.install -pre
cinst -y peerblock time4popcorn
cinst -y 0ad openra flightgear freeciv heroesofnewerth supertuxkart raidcall geforce-experience steam daemontoolslite mumble launchbox emulationstation gamedownloader dolphin -pre
# Desktop/internet
cinst -y skype skype-utility-project pdfcreator secunia.psi filezilla dropbox onedrive pushbullet logmein.client
cinst -y googlechrome libreoffice googledrive googleearth pidgin adblockplusie adblockpluschrome
cinst -y clover javaruntime-preventasktoolbar wincommandpaste spybot viber workrave nfopad ie11 boinc produkey ekiga jitsi
cinst -y gnucash
Move-LibraryDirectory "Personal" "$env:UserProfile\skydrive\documents"
# Start
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
Update-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
install-windowsupdate -acceptEULA
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -Lock -Dock Bottom
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Set-StartScreenOptions -EnableBootToDesktop -EnableDesktopBackgroundOnStart -EnableShowStartOnActiveScreen -EnableShowAppsViewOnStartScreen -EnableSearchEverywhereInAppsView -EnableListDesktopAppsFirst
Set-CornerNavigationOptions -EnableUpperRightCornerShowCharms -EnableUpperLeftCornerSwitchApps -EnableUsePowerShellOnWinX
# All
cinst -y toolsroot
cinst -y ankhsvn ruby rubygems
cinst -y git github fiddler4 poshgit posh-hg windirstat sourcetree hg maven eclipse sqlyog
cinst -y windbg autorest
# Dev
cinst -y DotNet4.5 python python2 pywin pip vcredist2008 vcredist2013 powershell -pre
cinst -y markdownpad2 tortoisesvn tortoisehg
#Deep SysAdmin
cinst -y wireshark virtualbox virtualbox.extensionpack vboxvmservice vboxguestadditions nmap ketarin chocolateygui baretail vagrant vagrant-manager autoit yumi unetbootin awscli bind-toolsonly
cinst -y winpcap nssm crystaldiskinfo zabbix-agent consul openvpn windowsrepair packer vmwareplayer vmware-tools windows-adk-winpe windows-adk.all royalts rmprepusb
cinst -y chefdk chef_development skylight cyberduck kb2842230 wim2vhd disk2vhd hxd rsat mbca emet rukerneltool xming docker docker-machine boot2docker lockhunter ext2explore
cinst -y apachedirectorystudio -pre spiceworks projectlibre nagstamon
# SysAdmin
cinst -y ccleaner ccenhancer sysinternals 7zip procexp winrar cdburnerxp speccy teamviewer malwarebytes curl wget notepadplusplus usbview unxutils mobaxterm
cinst -y defraggler cpu-z recuva winscp putty winmerge microsoftsecurityessentials truecrypt classic-shell intel.ssd.toolbox seatools teracopy -pre
cinst -y driverbooster autoruns revo.uninstaller synergy linkshellextension bleachbit visioviewer windowstelnet fciv speedfan hpusbdisk speedfan netscan64
cinst -y boxstarter.windowsupdate tcpoptimizer closethedoor setacl swissfileknife dnsdataview gsmartcontrol driverfusion awatch rhash prey sumo crashplan
# Media
cinst -y vlc calibre kindle adobereader flashplayerplugin adobeshockwaveplayer flashplayeractivex f.lux ffmpeg handbrake cccp musicbee
cinst -y youtube-dl gimp greenshot foxitreader quicktime audacity cutepdf spotify sumatrapdf mp3tag screamer
cinst -y aimp mediainfo ums fleex imageresizerapp tagscanner exiftool geosetter.install -pre
#Deep Torrents
cint -y couchpotato sickbeard filebot isoplex kodi
# Torrents
cinst -y transmission-qt transgui time4popcorn peerblock
cinst -y keepass keepas-keepasshttp keepass-plugin-1p2kp ditto gsyncit insync boxcryptor gpg4win growl btsync httrack autohotkey dexpot inssider windows-tweaker firefox adblockplusfirefoxthunderbird
cinst -y tor-browser pomotime fileshredder duplicatecleaner
# Desktop/internet
cinst -y skype skype-utility-project pdfcreator avastfreeantivirus secunia.psi filezilla dropbox owncloud-client onedrive pushbullet logmein.client mirc
cinst -y googlechrome libreoffice googledrive googleearth pidgin adblockplusie adblockpluschrome
cinst -y clover javaruntime javaruntime-preventasktoolbar wincommandpaste spybot viber workrave nfopad ie11 boinc produkey ekiga jitsi
# End
Move-LibraryDirectory "Personal" "$env:UserProfile\skydrive\documents"
Copy link

Srendi commented Oct 14, 2015

Box Starter Desktop Base install

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