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Created August 4, 2015 13:13
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using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
// Declare delegate
public delegate int mathDelegate(int a, int ab);
class EventDelegateClass
// event of type mathDelegate
public event mathDelegate mathEvenHandler;
public int Sum(int x, int y)
var s = x + y;
if (s > 5)
// check for any event listeners subscribed.
if (mathEvenHandler != null)
// call the event listener.
mathEvenHandler.Invoke(4, 5);
return s;
public int Multiply(int a, int b)
var s = a * b;
return s;
class Test
static void Main(string[] args)
EventDelegateClass edOjb = new EventDelegateClass();
// subscribe to event
edOjb.mathEvenHandler += EventListener;
// Create delegate
mathDelegate delObj = null;
// point method to delegate (Multicast).
delObj += edOjb.Sum;
delObj += edOjb.Multiply;
// Invoke delegate
var result = delObj.Invoke(2, 4);
// the result is the value of last call
Console.WriteLine("Delegate call result: "+result);
static int EventListener(int p, int q)
var temp = p + q;
Console.WriteLine("Sum in event listener: " + temp);
return temp;
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