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Last active October 27, 2015 19:27
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#include <iostream> // includes and statements section
using std::cin; // user input
using std::cout; // machine output
using std::endl; // for line breaks
int main () {
int magicNumber; // number player 1 enters
int guess; // number that player 2 guesses
bool correct = false; // for when the user has correctly guessed the number
int tries = 3; // you get 3 tries
cout << "Let's play a number guessing game!" << endl;
cout << "Ready Player 1:" << endl;
cout << "Player 1: please pick a number for Player 2 to guess." << endl;
cout << "This number needs to be between 0 and 50." << endl;
cout << "Pick your secret number now: " << endl;
cin >> magicNumber;
int number = 50;
while (number >= 0) // makes blank lines for player 2
cout << endl;
cout << "Ready Player 2!" << endl;
cout << "You're going to now try to guess Player 1's secret number." << endl;
cout << "This number will be between 0 and 50" << endl;
cout << "You have 3 tries!" << endl;
do {
cout << "What is your guess?" << endl;
cin >> guess;
if (guess < magicNumber);
cout << "You guessed too low!" << endl;
else if (guess > magicNumber)
cout << "You guessed too high!" << endl;
else if (guess == magicNumber)
cout << "Your guess is correct! Huzzah!" << endl;
} while ((guess != magicNumber) && (tries >= 3));
/* for(int x = 0; x < 3 && (guess != magicNumber); x++, tries--)
} */
if(tries == 0)
cout << "Sorry, you lose. :(" << endl;
cout << "The correct number was " << magicNumber << endl;
return 0;
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