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Last active August 22, 2019 15:06
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  • Save StaffanBetner/3adeb49fd60174222788509b904f0d01 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save StaffanBetner/3adeb49fd60174222788509b904f0d01 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
splines_and_derivative <- function(gam_object, n_eval = 200, n_sim = 100, eps = 0.0000001) {
number_of_smooths <- gam_object$smooth %>% length()
data <- model.frame(gam_object)
Vc <- vcov(gam_object,
unconditional = TRUE
tibble(id = 1:number_of_smooths) %>%
smooth_obj = map(id, ~ gam_object$smooth[[.x]]),
dims = map_dbl(smooth_obj, ~ .$dim)
) %>%
filter(dims == 1) %>%
label = map_chr(smooth_obj, ~ .x$label),
term = map_chr(smooth_obj, ~ .x$term),
by = map_chr(smooth_obj, ~ .x$by),
data = map(term, ~ tibble(x = data[[.x]])),
grid = ifelse(by != "NA", map(data, ~ tibble(x = seq(min(.x[[1]]), max(.x[[1]]), length.out = n_eval)) %>% mutate(by = 1)),
map(data, ~ tibble(x = seq(min(.x[[1]]), max(.x[[1]]), length.out = n_eval)))
grid = pmap(
list(grid, term, by),
function(grid, term, by) {
if (ncol(grid) == 1) {
names(grid) <- term
} else {
names(grid) <- c(term, by)
grid2 = ifelse(by != "NA", map(data, ~ tibble(x = seq(min(.x[[1]]), max(.x[[1]]), length.out = n_eval)) %>% mutate(x = x + eps, by = 1)),
map(data, ~ tibble(x = seq(min(.x[[1]]), max(.x[[1]]), length.out = n_eval)) %>% mutate(x = x + eps))
grid2 = pmap(
list(grid2, term, by),
function(grid, term, by) {
if (ncol(grid) == 1) {
names(grid) <- term
} else {
names(grid) <- c(term, by)
first = map_dbl(smooth_obj, ~ .x$first.para),
last = map_dbl(smooth_obj, ~ .x$last.para),
coefs = map2(first, last, ~ coef(gam_object)[.x:.y]),
Vc = map2(first, last, ~ Vc[.x:.y, .x:.y]),
Bu = map(Vc, ~ MASS::mvrnorm(
n = n_sim,
mu = rep(
Sigma = .x
knotvalues = map2(smooth_obj, grid, ~ PredictMat(.x, .y)),
knotvalues_deriv = map2(smooth_obj, grid2, ~ PredictMat(.x, .y)),
knotvalues_deriv = map2(knotvalues, knotvalues_deriv, ~ (.y - .x) / eps),
Se = map2(knotvalues, Vc, ~ sqrt(rowSums(.x * (.x %*% .y)))),
Se_deriv = map2(knotvalues_deriv, Vc, ~ sqrt(rowSums(.x * (.x %*% .y)))),
crit = pmap_dbl(list(knotvalues, Bu, Se), function(Xp, Bu, Se) {
quantile(apply(abs((Xp %*% t(Bu)) / Se), 2, max),
type = 8,
prob = 0.95
crit_deriv = pmap_dbl(list(knotvalues_deriv, Bu, Se_deriv), function(Xp, Bu, Se) {
quantile(apply(abs((Xp %*% t(Bu)) / Se), 2, max),
type = 8,
prob = 0.95
est = map2(knotvalues, coefs, ~ .x %*% .y),
est_deriv = map2(knotvalues_deriv, coefs, ~ .x %*% .y),
error_margin = map2(crit, Se, ~ .x * .y),
error_margin_deriv = map2(crit_deriv, Se_deriv, ~ .x * .y),
pval = map2(est, error_margin, ~ (1 - pnorm(abs(.x / (.y * 0.5102137))))),
pval_deriv = map2(est_deriv, error_margin_deriv, ~ (1 - pnorm(abs(.x / (.y * 0.5102137))))),
grid = map2(.x = grid, .y = term, ~rename_at(.x, .y, ~"x"))
) %>%
unnest(grid, Se, Se_deriv, est, est_deriv, error_margin, error_margin_deriv, pval, pval_deriv) %>%
error_margin_point = 1.96 * Se,
error_margin_point_deriv = 1.96 * Se_deriv,
pval_point = 1 - pnorm(abs(est / (Se))),
pval_point_deriv = 1 - pnorm(abs(est_deriv / (Se_deriv)))
) ->
class(output) <- c("splines", class(output))
plot.splines <- function(splines_obj) {
deriv_vars <- c(
spline_vars <- c(
splines_obj %>%
select(-one_of(spline_vars)) %>%
crit = crit_deriv,
Se = Se_deriv,
est = est_deriv,
error_margin = error_margin_deriv,
pval = pval_deriv,
error_margin_point = error_margin_point_deriv,
pval_point = pval_point_deriv
) %>%
mutate(type = "deriv") ->
splines_obj %>%
select(-one_of(deriv_vars)) %>%
mutate(type = "spline") ->
spline_data %>%
full_join(deriv_data) %>%
mutate(type = type %>% factor(levels = c("spline", "deriv"))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = est)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(type ~ label, scales = "free", nrow = 2) +
geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.4, mapping = aes(ymin = est - error_margin, ymax = est + error_margin)) +
geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.3, mapping = aes(ymin = est - error_margin_point, ymax = est + error_margin_point))
#splines_and_derivative(gam_object, n_eval = 500) %>%
# plot
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