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Last active October 7, 2021 12:04
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#library(betareg) # for example data
#### Code declaring ordered beta family for brms ####
# code from Robert Kubinec
# custom family
ord_beta_reg <- custom_family("ord_beta_reg",
# stan code for density of the model
stan_funs <- "real ord_beta_reg_lpdf(real y, real mu, real phi, real cutzero, real cutone) {
//auxiliary variables
real mu_logit = logit(mu);
vector[2] thresh;
thresh[1] = cutzero;
thresh[2] = cutzero + exp(cutone);
if(y==0) {
return log1m_inv_logit(mu_logit - thresh[1]);
} else if(y==1) {
return log_inv_logit(mu_logit - thresh[2]);
} else {
return log(inv_logit(mu_logit - thresh[1]) - inv_logit(mu_logit - thresh[2])) +
stanvars <- stanvar(scode=stan_funs,block="functions")
# For pulling posterior predictions
posterior_predict_ord_beta_reg <- function(i, draws, ...) {
mu <- draws$dpars$mu[, i]
if(NCOL(draws$dpars$phi)==1){phi <- draws$dpars$phi}else
{phi <- draws$dpars$phi[, i]}
cutzero <- draws$dpars$cutzero
cutone <- draws$dpars$cutone
N <- length(phi)
thresh1 <- cutzero
thresh2 <- cutzero + exp(cutone)
pr_y0 <- 1 - plogis(qlogis(mu) - thresh1)
pr_y1 <- plogis(qlogis(mu) - thresh2)
pr_cont <- plogis(qlogis(mu)-thresh1) - plogis(qlogis(mu) - thresh2)
out_beta <- rbeta(n=N,mu*phi,(1-mu)*phi)
# now determine which one we get for each observation
outcomes <- sapply(1:N, function(i) {
final_out <- sapply(1:length(outcomes),function(i) {
if(outcomes[i]==1) {
} else if(outcomes[i]==2) {
} else {
# for calculating marginal effects/conditional expectations
posterior_epred_ord_beta_reg <- function(draws) {
cutzero <- draws$dpars$cutzero
cutone <- draws$dpars$cutone
mu <- draws$dpars$mu
thresh1 <- cutzero
thresh2 <- cutzero + exp(cutone)
low <- 1 - plogis(qlogis(mu) - thresh1)
middle <- plogis(qlogis(mu)-thresh1) - plogis(qlogis(mu) - thresh2)
high <- plogis(qlogis(mu) - thresh2)
low*0 + middle*mu + high
# for calcuating LOO and Bayes Factors
log_lik_ord_beta_reg <- function(i, draws) {
mu <- draws$dpars$mu[,i]
if(NCOL(draws$dpars$phi)==1){phi <- draws$dpars$phi}else
{phi <- draws$dpars$phi[, i]}
y <- draws$data$Y[i]
cutzero <- draws$dpars$cutzero
cutone <- draws$dpars$cutone
thresh1 <- cutzero
thresh2 <- cutzero + exp(cutone)
if(y==0) {
out <- log(1 - plogis(qlogis(mu) - thresh1))
} else if(y==1) {
out <- log(plogis(qlogis(mu) - thresh2))
} else {
out <- log(plogis(qlogis(mu)-thresh1) - plogis(qlogis(mu) - thresh2)) + dbeta(y,mu*phi,(1-mu)*phi,log=T)
###### Code declaring induced dirichlet prior ####
# code from Michael Betancourt
# discussion here:
dirichlet_prior <- "
real induced_dirichlet_lpdf(vector c, vector alpha, real phi) {
int K = num_elements(c) + 1;
vector[K - 1] sigma = inv_logit(phi - c);
vector[K] p;
matrix[K, K] J = rep_matrix(0, K, K);
// Induced ordinal probabilities
p[1] = 1 - sigma[1];
for (k in 2:(K - 1))
p[k] = sigma[k - 1] - sigma[k];
p[K] = sigma[K - 1];
// Baseline column of Jacobian
for (k in 1:K) J[k, 1] = 1;
// Diagonal entries of Jacobian
for (k in 2:K) {
real rho = sigma[k - 1] * (1 - sigma[k - 1]);
J[k, k] = - rho;
J[k - 1, k] = rho;
return dirichlet_lpdf(p | alpha)
+ log_determinant(J);
dirichlet_prior_stanvar <- stanvar(scode = dirichlet_prior, block = "functions")
stanvar(scode = "ordered[2] thresh;
thresh[1] = cutzero;
thresh[2] = cutzero+exp(cutone);",
block = "tparameters") -> # there might be a better way to specify this
dirichlet_prior_ordbeta <- set_prior("target += induced_dirichlet_lpdf(thresh | rep_vector(1, 3), 0)", check=FALSE)
# # example data
# data("MockJurors", package = "betareg")
# MockJurors %<>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(confidence = (round((((confidence*104)+0.5)/103)*100)-1)/100)
# # reverse the transformed beta transformation
# brm(formula = bf(confidence ~ 0 + Intercept + conflict*verdict), data=MockJurors,
# family=ord_beta_reg,
# stanvars=stanvars) ->
# brms_fit
# brm(formula = bf(confidence ~ 0 + Intercept + conflict*verdict),
# data=MockJurors,
# family=ord_beta_reg,
# prior = dirichlet_prior_ordbeta,
# stanvars=stanvars+dirichlet_prior_stanvar+dirichlet_prior_ordbeta_stanvar) ->
# brms_fit_dirichlet
# brm(formula = bf(confidence ~ 0 + Intercept + conflict*verdict),
# data=MockJurors %>% filter(confidence!=0, confidence!=1),
# family=ord_beta_reg ,
# prior = dirichlet_prior_ordbeta,
# stanvars=stanvars+dirichlet_prior_stanvar+dirichlet_prior_ordbeta_stanvar,
# control=list(adapt_delta=.99)) ->
# brms_fit_dirichlet_no_boundary_data
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