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  • Save StalinMazaEpn/1321c97ba72ae535712de3cb2dc3c57b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// This function converts the byte to the corresponding amount, be it kilo, mega, GB, etc.
const convertWeightByte = (byte) => {
let sizekiloByte = (byte / 1024);
let sizeMega = (sizekiloByte / 1024);
let sizeGigabyte = (sizeMega / 1024);
let sizeTerabyte = (sizeGigabyte / 1024);
let sizePetabyte = (sizeTerabyte / 1024);
let sizeExabyte = (sizePetabyte / 1024);
if(sizekiloByte > 0 && sizekiloByte <= 1024){
return {size: sizekiloByte.format(2, false), abbreviation: "KB", name: "kilobyte"};
} else if(sizeMega > 0 && sizeMega <= 1024){
return {size: sizeMega.format(2, false), abbreviation: "MB", name: "megabyte"};
} else if(sizeGigabyte > 0 && sizeGigabyte <= 1024){
return {size: sizeGigabyte.format(2, false), abbreviation: "GB", name: "gigabyte"};
} else if(sizeTerabyte > 0 && sizeTerabyte <= 1024){
return {size: sizeTerabyte.format(2, false), abbreviation: "TB", name: "terabyte"};
} else if(sizePetabyte > 0 && sizePetabyte <= 1024){
return {size: sizePetabyte.format(2, false), abbreviation: "PB", name: "petabyte"};
} else if(sizeExabyte > 0){
return {size: sizeExabyte.format(2, false), abbreviation: "EB", name: "exabyte"};
return {size: byte.format(2, false), abbreviation: "B", name: "byte"};
module.exports = convertWeightByte;
let loaded; // global variable to know how much we have raised in byte
let interval; // global variable interval
let loadedLast; // last byte uploaded within one second
let file = input.files[0];
let form = new FormData();
form.append('file', file,;
// we start the constant interval that runs every second
interval = setInterval(()=> {
if(loadedLast){ // If there is any starting byte, we enter but we assign it to the first
// We subtract the bytes uploaded so far with the last bytes. That will give us the amount raised in this second
let byteUpload = loaded - loadedLast; // It returns something like this 5486835465 in bytes
let {size, abbreviation, name} = convertWeightByte(byteUpload); // With the function that converts from bytes to other types we pass the bytes
Something like that would return
size: 500
abbreviation: "MB"
name: "megabyte"
// Here each time we are assigning the new amount uploaded to the variable of last loaded
loadedLast = loaded;
}, 1000);
upload("url-upload-file", form, {
uploadprogress: (e) => {
if (e.lengthComputable) {
Here every millisecond enters and we assign the amount uploaded in this period of time.
Since the files are being uploaded in pieces, it will enter every millisecond
loaded = e.loaded;
onloadend: (e) => {
// here at the end of the climb we finish the interval
}).then(response => {
console.log("success", response);
}).catch(error => {
console.log("error uplaod", error);
//This function is an xhr used to upload your files to your server
route: it will be the path to which you will upload your file
data: is the file to upload
object: are some of the states that you can use when uploading a data or file with your xhr
function upload(route, data, { onprogress = null, onloadstart = null, callbackUtils = null, onloadend = null, onabort = false, onload, uploadprogress = false }) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', `${_API_}${route}`);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function (readyState) {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
let resp = xhr.responseText;
xhr.status == 200 ? resolve(resp != '' ? JSON.parse(resp) : true) : reject(resp != '' ? JSON.parse(resp) : true);
xhr.onerror = (error) => reject(JSON.parse(error));
if (onload) xhr.onload = onload;
if (onprogress) xhr.onprogress = onprogress;
if (onloadstart) xhr.onloadstart = onloadstart;
if (onloadend) xhr.onloadend = onloadend; // We will use this one that serves to realize when we finish our upload.
if (uploadprogress) xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", uploadprogress); // This state will be the one that constantly warns us how much data has been uploaded to our file
if (onabort) xhr.addEventListener("abort", onabort);
if (callbackUtils) callbackUtils({ xhr })
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