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Last active May 10, 2022 10:00
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December 2021 Discord Developer stage

Second summary by NovaFox161:

Full recording by spiral:

Permissions V2.01

  • Foreshadowed for a while
  • Super super super close.
  • Didn't want to merge a huge change close to holidays
  • Testing in Jan-2022 with private group of Devs + mods
  • Still unstable, so won't be rolled out widely
  • Frontend is close to done, Backend is done
  • New information in 2022

Attachment Option Type

  • On desktop: drag files into the window
  • On mobile: select from file picker/gallery
  • Interactions will be able to get the uploaded attachments.
  • Coming soon, demos are available - simultaneous release on all platforms.
  • Multiple upload: "I think so, but one upload per option. (Multiple options per command are fine)"
  • How are attachments received: Similar to attachments in messages.


  • Backend is implemented, can be submitted today
  • Frontend is coming along
  • Will applications receive user locale: Yes + Guild locale.


  • Timeout: launching in 3 days/Monday PST
  • Moderators don't have tools to de-escalate
  • Prevents user from interacting for a time period
  • New property on the Guild Member - "Communication Disabled Until" (timestamp)
  • Timed out users won't be allowed to send messagews or be in Voice
  • Bounds are 60 seconds and 1 week
  • Only moderators can see who is currently timed out
  • Duration may accept timestamp so bots can set custom duration with no limits.


  • The deadline for message content is 4 months away and we’re still waiting on key features such as: better perms system, multiline input, attachment option, etc. How is it fair that you expect us to be migrated by April when some features that we need to complete our migration aren’t even available?

    Mason: The things called out are almost done. Permissions is almost done but not going to be roled out before the holidays. Attachments is similar. Multiline options is also almost ready. Some outstanding issues, but great progress has been made. Things need to be made to work across many devices and don't need to be broken after deployment. Still very confident about 30-April-2022.

  • Is there plans for more ways of displaying information with message components? (For instance: progress bars, tables, etc) If not, is this something that may be considered in the future?

    Mason: Yes. Plans to do "quite a bit" more with Message Components. Prioritising "necessary" things e.g. buttons/"low hanging fruit". "Mesage components can be [...] building blocks for rich experiences in Discord".

  • Would there ever be a beta testing group for the new API features? (most likely apply through an application), instead of the current ways of doing it.

    Mason: There is such a group. Question is more asking if it can be more public, which is fair and has been thought of. Looking to do is hire more team members (DevRel role currently hiring). Team wants to do more but needs assistance to get people involved.

  • Have there been any updates re. bots getting access to the new-ish role members, member ids, and member counts endpoints? I think it's been asked before but it was a while ago and nothing happened, and people ask about getting role member lists in DDevs sometimes

    Mason: Member role endpoint is not performant enough to be made widely available. Bots team needs to fix them. In future, bots team wants to make these endpoints more available by default.

  • Will there be a way to test boost or beta features / a sandbox mode for guilds to test features or scenarios to add to bots or possibly to find bugs [Member limit or Only for Developer Team Members & all features are only cosmetically active / disabled outside e.g. vanity-url or discovery]

    Mason: Yeah. No more updates, understands the desire to ensure that bots don't break when new Premium features are available. Bots team do try to be proactive if new Premium features may break bots. No promises, but the request is well understood.

  • Will the member object be updated to support (banner) and will the user object support (banner, accent_color) for, member.user etc. (suggested on the github repo but no response)

    Mason: Will ask the team that implemented that feature. Was not added to API because it was still unstable.

  • Will bots be able to have a server-bio or server-avatar? Server-bio could be intresting if people are creating bots with different languages, like they do with slash-commands.

    Mason: More robust bot profiles is something the team wants to look into. Per Server bio is interesting. However rpesenting consistent info is a concern. No changes yet and no guarantees.

  • Will modals ever support at least Select components? Modals look great, and I can see why they don't support buttons, but being able to have Select components in forms seems like a no-brainer.

    Mason: Yes. They explicitly built Modals to be extensible + to make adding more components easy. Text components were the immediate issue, but select menus + other components is doable, Modals were built to make it possible. Buttons no (design issues) but Radio buttons/checkboxes/etc yes.

  • Will we be able to unregister a participant from a Discord event? With the API? 😄

    Mason: Unsure if it makes sense. User has indicated their interest and all that happens is they get notified. May be brought to the team that built Events but maybe not needed.

  • Are you considering adding more action rows to the form interaction (or add the ability to chain forms)? Five seems too low imo.

    Mason: Probably as more components get added. Don't want to add "infinite" forms but multi-step forms would be good to look at.

  • What's the status for "Editor Upgrades" that was shown months ago? (it was shown once and I've yet to see anything related to it since it was first talked about)

    Mason: Slate has been worked on to enable many new features - has been a massive undertaking on a central part of Discord. It is being tested and is being dogfooded, but must be taken very slowly as it is such a large change.

  • A popup modal is not the ideal solution when the application requires a small amount of follow up information. We know that a small text box-style component below the message is not planned so are there plans for a more elegant way to ask for a small amount of info that doesn't obscure the screen?

    Mason: Disagrees with the premise, the team thought about other options (e.g. text input on message) but having a text box in chat is bad UX. Also looked at replacing the message input which while interesting was a difficult UX challenge and "felt a littel too extreme". Agrees that a modal can seem excessive, but as more components are added they might make more sense.

  • Will there be a way to edit the open modal? For example, set an option when sending the modal that when clicking the submit button, instead of it closing the modal and send an interaction, it will still send an interaction but won't close the modal, letting the bot edit or close the modal later...

    Mason: Not editing the current form, but could be solved with multi step forms.

  • Are variadic arguments still being considered? Any updates or thoughts you can share? pog

    Mason: Still considering this, easier to do for some types than others (Users easy, strings harder). Low proiority, but on the to-do list.

    Ian: We didn't do this becuase the UX is challenging.

  • Can we add a button under Server Settings that is bot-specific and can be used to configure the bot? The bot developers would then be able to design their own page using components you provide. I hate giving this as an example but like a Jira addon.

    Mason: Assuming this is about Web Dashboards: Understands the value, but doesn't know if it can be done in a useful way. Not a hard no but not a yes either. People that need complex settings are likely better off with their own dashboard, others will be served by Permissions 2.0. Cases may include "server setup" but maybe not feasible in a useful way.

  • Does Discord plan to add rich support of markdown syntax? Like tables, anchors, headers, and such stuff?

    Mason: Slate upgrade may make these easier, though not the responsibility of the Bots team. (More the Messaging team) People have tried to add more MD support, but it is harder than expected. Definitely wanted, but no timeline. Mobile makes things hard.

  • Currently, HTTP-only bots (without bot scope) cannot be verified. Does it mean that they won't have a chance to show up in upcoming App Discovery? Also, will those bots get "Add to server" button in their profiles?

    Mason: Yes. No verification is an oversight and will be fixed. Add to server button - does work but is broken due to profile loading glitches.

  • Are we getting a date option type for slash commands?

    Mason: Yes, once the more important things are done + Slate upgrade.

  • Will bots able have the ability to play video (similar to how they can use voice in VC)?

    Mason: No answer right now, will chase.

  • Approximately how long until modals are to be released publicly?

    Mason: Needs to be completed on mobile?

    Ian: Android.

    Mason: They've gone through testing, they're done on iOS and Desktop but needs to be made on Android - but the Android app is being refactored right now. Early 2022, hopefully within January but dependent on Android.

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ghost commented Dec 18, 2021

Wow, nice, because i couldnt participate in event (it was late night)

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thanks!!! have a nice day

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BrammyS commented Jan 28, 2022


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nicholasyoannou commented Jan 29, 2022

Thanks! This is great.

Will bots able have the ability to play video (similar to how they can use voice in VC)?

This question is quite interesting, if so things will get exciting for college projects and stuff haha.

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