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Created September 4, 2022 12:11
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  • Save StanHash/3ab1337ee0dc0e6bda0c8942c1d6454c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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fe8u name maps
Address clib-2019-03-16.sym idb-2020-07-14.sym fireemblem8.sym fe8-stan.sym feb-2022-09-03.sym
02000000 gAISFrontLeft gAISFrontLeft - - -
02000004 gAISBackLeft gAISBackLeft - - -
02000008 gAISFrontRight gAISFrontRight - - -
0200000C gAISBackRight gAISBackRight - - -
0200005C gpBattleAnimFrameStartLookup gpBattleAnimFrameStartLookup - - -
02000064 gpProcEkrBattle gpProcEkrBattle - - -
02000068 gpProcEkrGauge gpProcEkrGauge - - -
0200006C gpProcEkrDispUP gpProcEkrDispUP - - -
02000968 - gBonusClaimData - - -
02000D68 - gBonusClaimDataUpdated - - -
02001000 gpMapBuffer gMapBuffer gBmMapBuffer gBmMapBuffer -
02001168 gBonusClaimItemList gBonusClaimItemList - - -
02001568 - gBonusClaimItemCount - - -
0200278C gTradeMenuTextHandles gTradeMenuTextHandles gTradeMenuText gTradeMenuText -
020027DC - - sWeatherEffect sWeatherEffect -
02002ADC - - sGradientEffect sGradientEffect -
02002FDC gaBattleForecastTextStructs gaBattleForecastTextStructs gaBattleForecastTextStructs - -
02003BFC - gStatScreen gStatScreen gStatScreen -
02003C02 gStatScreenVOffset - - - -
02003C08 gpStatScreenUnit - - - -
02003C0C gpStatScreenMoveUnit - - - -
02003C10 gpCurrentHelpTextStruct - - - -
02003D2C gpStatScreenPageBg0Map gStatScreenPageBg0Map gBmFrameTmap0 gBmFrameTmap0 -
02003E36 - - - - MMBBarRAMBuffer
020041C8 gAISOAM_20041C8 - - - -
0200422C - - - - MMBTilemapRAMBuffer
0200472C gpStatScreenPageBg2Map gStatScreenPageBg2Map gBmFrameTmap1 gBmFrameTmap1 -
02004BE0 - - gMUGfxBuffer gMUGfxBuffer -
0200D6E0 gSortedUnitList gSortedUnitList - - -
0200F17C gStringBufferAlt gStringBufferAlt - - -
0200F1C8 gAISFrames_Left gAISFrames_Left - - -
020111A4 gPrepScreenMenuHelpTextArray gPrepScreenMenuHelpTextArray - - -
02011BC8 gAISFrames_Right gAISFrames_Right - - -
020121CC gPrepScreenUnitList gPrepScreenUnitList - - -
020122D4 gPrepScreenItemList gPrepScreenItemList - - -
02012F54 gPrepScreenItemListSize gPrepScreenItemListSize - - -
02017648 gSomeFontStruct gSomeFontStruct - - -
02017660 gSomeTextStruct gSomeTextStruct - - -
0201772C gBool_SpellFxActive gBool_SpellFxActive - - -
02017734 gBool_EfxDeathActive gBool_EfxDeathActive - - -
0201774C gSomeSubAnim6CCounter gSomeSubAnim6CCounter - - -
0201776C gpEfxStatusUnit gpEfxStatusUnit - - -
02017774 gpEfxWeaponIcon gpEfxWeaponIcon - - -
02017778 gpEfxSpellCast gpEfxSpellCast - - -
0201777C gpEfxHPBarColorChange gpEfxHPBarColorChange - - -
02017790 gSpellAnimBgGfxBuffer_Maybe gSpellAnimBgGfxBuffer_Maybe - - -
02019790 gSpellFxTsaBuffer gSpellFxTsaBuffer - - -
0201A790 gSpellAnimObjGfxBuffer_Maybe gSpellAnimObjGfxBuffer_Maybe - - -
0201AFF0 - gGmNodeLinkData - - -
0201C790 - gSpellCastPaletteBuf - - -
0201FAD0 gBattleAnimBoolEkrNamewinAppearActive gBattleAnimBoolEkrNamewinAppearActive - - -
0201FB04 gBattleAnimBoolEndedRounds gBattleAnimBoolEndedRounds - - -
0201FB18 gpEkrAnimeDrvProc gpEkrAnimeDrvProc - - -
0201FB1C gpBattleAnimSomeSheetData gpBattleAnimSomeSheetData - - -
0201FB24 gpEkrTogiColor gpEkrTogiColor - - -
02020048 gSomeBattleAISStruct_RightUnit gSomeBattleAISStruct_RightUnit - - -
02020054 gpSomeBattleAIS_RightUnit gpSomeBattleAIS_RightUnit - - -
02020058 gSomeBattleAISStruct_LeftUnit gSomeBattleAISStruct_LeftUnit - - -
02020064 gpSomeBattleAIS_LeftUnit gpSomeBattleAIS_LeftUnit - - -
020200A8 - gBattleAnimBgmPlays - - -
020200B0 gpEkrClasschg gpEkrClasschg - - -
020200B4 gpEkrLevelup gpEkrLevelup - - -
0202010C gpSomeUnitStruct2 gpSomeUnitStruct2 - - -
02020112 gLevelUpLevelBase gLevelUpLevelBase - - -
02020114 gLevelUpStatsBase gLevelUpStatsBase - - -
02020124 gLevelUpStatsAfter gLevelUpStatsAfter - - -
0202013C gBattleAnimTriangleAttackEnded gBattleAnimTriangleAttackEnded - - -
02020140 gpBattlePopupProc gpBattlePopupProc - - -
02020144 gBattlePopupEnded gBattlePopupEnded - - -
02020188 gGenericBuffer gBuf - gBuf -
020228A8 gPaletteBuffer gPal gPaletteBuffer gPal -
020228C8 gPalette1Buffer gPalette1Buffer - - -
020228E8 gPalette2Buffer gPalette2Buffer - - -
02022908 gPalette3Buffer gPalette3Buffer - - -
02022928 gPalette4Buffer gPalette4Buffer - - -
02022968 gPalette6Buffer gPalette6Buffer - - -
02022988 gPalette7Buffer gPalette7Buffer - - -
02022A68 gPaletteEBuffer gPaletteEBuffer - - -
02022A88 gPaletteFBuffer gPaletteFBuffer - - -
02022AA8 gPalette10Buffer gPalette10Buffer - - -
02022AE8 gPalette12Buffer gPalette12Buffer - - -
02022B08 gPalette13Buffer gPalette13Buffer - - -
02022B28 gPalette14Buffer gPalette14Buffer - - -
02022B48 gPalette15Buffer gPalette15Buffer - - -
02022B68 gPalette16Buffer gPalette16Buffer - - -
02022B88 gPalette17Buffer gPalette17Buffer - - -
02022BA8 gPalette18Buffer gPalette18Buffer - - -
02022BC8 gPalette19Buffer gPalette19Buffer - - -
02022BE8 gPalette1ABuffer gPalette1ABuffer - - -
02022C08 gPalette1BBuffer gPalette1BBuffer - - -
02022C28 gPalette1CBuffer gPalette1CBuffer - - -
02022C48 gPalette1DBuffer gPalette1DBuffer - - -
02022C68 gPalette1EBuffer gPalette1EBuffer - - -
02022C88 gPalette1FBuffer gPalette1FBuffer - - -
02022CA8 gBg0MapBuffer gBg0Tm gBG0TilemapBuffer gBg0Tm -
020234A8 gBg1MapBuffer gBg1Tm gBG1TilemapBuffer gBg1Tm -
02023CA8 gBg2MapBuffer gBg2Tm gBG2TilemapBuffer gBg2Tm -
020244A8 gBg3MapBuffer gBg3Tm gBG3TilemapBuffer gBg3Tm -
02024CA8 gBg0MapTarget gBgTmVramTable gBGVramTilemapPointers sBgMapVramTable an array of 4 pointers (one for each BG) that contain where in VRAM will BG Maps be written to
02024CAC gBg1MapTarget - - - -
02024CB0 gBg2MapTarget - - - -
02024CB4 gBg3MapTarget - - - -
02024CB8 gpMainCallback gMainFunc gMainCallback gMainCallback -
02024CBC - - - pad_02024CBC -
02024CC0 gKeyState gKeyStObj sKeyStatusBuffer sKeyStObj -
02024CD4 gTileRegistryNextIndex gMoveStats - gMoveStats -
02024CD8 gTileRegistryTotalSize - - - -
02024CDC gTileRegistry gMoveList - gMoveList -
02024E5C gSoundStatus gSoundSt sSoundStatus sSoundSt -
02024E68 gProcStatePool gProcArray sProcArray sProcArray -
02026968 gProcAllocLookup gProcAllocList sProcAllocList sProcAllocList -
02026A6C gProcAllocIterator gProcAllocListHead sProcAllocListHead sProcAllocListHead ProcAllocListHead
02026A70 gProcRoot gProcTreeRoots gProcTreeRootArray gProcTreeRootArray -
02026A90 gIconIndexToDataLookup gIconStTable DrawnIconLookupTable sIconStTable -
02026AD0 - - - - Using IconRework/CIconDisplay
02026E10 gIconDataToIndexLookup gIconDisplayList IconGFXIDLookupTable sIconDisplayList -
02026E30 gDebugTextData gDebugTextSt - sDebugTextSt Not Using debug printing
02028E44 gDebugNumberString gNumberStr - gNumberStr -
02028E50 gDebugFontObjTileRoot gDebugFontObjTileRoot - sDebugOam2Chr -
02028E54 gDebugFontObjPaletteMask gDebugFontObjPaletteMask - sDebugOam2Pal -
02028E58 gDefaultFontData gDefaultFont gDefaultFont gDefaultFont -
02028E70 gpCurrentFont gActiveFont gCurrentFont gActiveFont CurrentFont
02028E74 gLang gLang - sLang -
02028E78 gSpecialUiCharAllocationTable gSpecialCharList - sSpecialCharStList -
02028F78 gAISArray gBAnims sAnimPool sAnimPool -
02029D88 gpAISFirst gBAnimFirst sFirstAnim sFirstAnim -
02029D8C gHiObjPool gSprites sSpritePool sSpritePool -
0202A58C gHiObjNodes gSpriteLayers sSpriteLayers sSpriteLayers -
0202A68C gFaceGfxData gFaceConfig - gFaceConfig -
0202A6AC gCurrentTextString gCurrentTextString - gCurrentTextString TextBufferOffset
0202B6AC gCurrentTextIndex gCurrentTextIndex - gCurrentTextIndex -
0202B6B0 gPaletteFadeBuffer gPaletteFadeBuffer - gPaletteFadeBuffer -
0202BCB0 gGameState gGameState - gBmSt -
0202BCF0 gChapterData gChapterState gRAMChapterData gPlaySt -
0202BD02 - - - - Phase
0202BD04 - - - - Status of chapter
0202BD3C gPreviousCursorDisplayPosition gPreviousCursorDisplayPosition - gPreviousCursorDisplayPosition -
0202BD40 gCursorAnimationClockReference gCursorAnimationClockReference - gCursorAnimationClockReference -
0202BD44 gSomeCameraMovementTableMaybe gSomeCameraMovementTableMaybe - gSomeCameraMovementTableMaybe -
0202BE44 gActiveUnitId gActiveUnitId gActiveUnitId gActiveUnitId -
0202BE48 gActiveUnitMoveOrigin gActiveUnitMoveOrigin gActiveUnitMoveOrigin gActiveUnitMoveOrigin -
0202BE4C gUnitArrayBlue gUnitArrayBlue gUnitArrayBlue gUnitArrayBlue -
0202CFBC gUnitArrayRed gUnitArrayRed gUnitArrayRed gUnitArrayRed -
0202DDCC gUnitArrayGreen gUnitArrayGreen gUnitArrayGreen gUnitArrayGreen -
0202E36C gUnitArrayPurple gUnitArrayPurple gUnitArrayPurple gUnitArrayPurple -
0202E4D4 gMapSize gMapSize gBmMapSize gMapSize -
0202E4D8 gMapUnit gMapUnit gBmMapUnit gMapUnit BaseRowPointer
0202E4DC gMapTerrain gMapTerrain gBmMapTerrain gMapTerrain -
0202E4E0 gMapMovement gMapMovement gBmMapMovement gMapMovement -
0202E4E4 gMapRange gMapRange gBmMapRange gMapRange -
0202E4E8 gMapFog gMapFog gBmMapFog gMapFog -
0202E4EC gMapHidden gMapHidden gBmMapHidden gMapHidden maps to each tile a set of flags
0202E4F0 gMapMovement2 gMapMovement2 gBmMapOther gMapOther -
0202E4F4 gMapUnitPool gMapUnitPool sBmMapUnitPool sBmMapUnitPool -
0202ECAC gMapTerrainPool gMapTerrainPool sBmMapTerrainPool sBmMapTerrainPool -
0202F464 gMapFogPool gMapFogPool sBmMapFogPool sBmMapFogPool -
0202FC1C gMapHiddenPool gMapHiddenPool sBmMapHiddenPool sBmMapHiddenPool -
020303D4 gMapMovement2Pool gMapMovement2Pool sBmMapOtherPool sBmMapUnkPool -
02030B8C gTileConfigBuffer gTileConfigBuffer sTilesetConfig sTilesetConfig -
02032F8C gMapRawTilesPool gMapRawTilesPool sBmBaseTilesPool sBmBaseTilesPool -
02033EFC gUnitMoveBuffer gUnitMoveBuffer gWorkingMovementScript gUnitMoveBuffer -
02033F3C gUnitSubject gUnitSubject gSubjectUnit gUnitSubject -
02033F40 gSMSGfxIndexLookup gSMSGfxIndexLookup - gSMSGfxIndexLookup -
02034010 gSMSGfxBuffer_Frame1 gSMSGfxBuffer_Frame1 - gSMSGfxBuffer_Frame1 -
02036010 gSMSGfxBuffer_Frame2 gSMSGfxBuffer_Frame2 - gSMSGfxBuffer_Frame2 -
02038010 gSMSGfxBuffer_Frame3 gSMSGfxBuffer_Frame3 - gSMSGfxBuffer_Frame3 -
0203A010 gSMS16xGfxIndexCounter gSMS16xGfxIndexCounter - gSMS16xGfxIndexCounter -
0203A014 gSMS32xGfxIndexCounter gSMS32xGfxIndexCounter - gSMS32xGfxIndexCounter -
0203A018 gSMSHandleArray gSMSHandleArray - gMapSprites -
0203A4C8 gSMSHandleIt gSMSHandleIt - gNextFreeMapSprite -
0203A4CC gSMSSyncFlag gSMSSyncFlag - gSMSSyncFlag -
0203A4D0 gMapSpriteSwitchHoverTimer gMapSpriteSwitchHoverTimer - gMapSpriteHoverCounter -
0203A4D4 gBattleStats gBattleStats gBattleStats gBattleStats -
0203A4EC gBattleActor gBattleActor gBattleActor gBattleUnitA gBattleActor
0203A534 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A535 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A536 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A537 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A538 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A539 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A53A - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A53B - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A546 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A548 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A54A - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A54C - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A54E - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A550 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A552 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A554 - - - - Right side with battle animation
0203A56C gBattleTarget gBattleTarget gBattleTarget gBattleUnitB gBattleTarget
0203A5EC gBattleHitArray gBattleHitArray gBattleHitArray gBattleHitArray -
0203A608 gBattleHitIterator gBattleHitIterator gBattleHitIterator gBattleHitIterator -
0203A60C - - sUnknown_0203A60C sUnknown_0203A60C -
0203A610 gpTradeMenuProc gpTradeMenuProc sTradeMenuProc sTradeMenuProc -
0203A614 gTrapArray gTrapArray sTrapPool sTrapPool -
0203A814 gTrapArrayBack gTrapArrayBack sTrapLast sTrapLast -
0203A81C gConvoyItemArray gConvoyItemArray gConvoyItemArray gConvoyItemArray -
0203A8E4 gpSomeUnitPool gpSomeUnitPool - gpSomeUnitPool -
0203A8E8 gpSomeUnitIt gpSomeUnitIt - gpSomeUnitIt -
0203A8EC gSomeUnitCounter gSomeUnitCounter - gSomeUnitCounter -
0203A8F0 gArenaData gArenaData - gArenaSt -
0203A910 gArenaOpponent gArenaOpponent - gArenaOpponent -
0203A958 gActionData gActionData gActionData gAction -
0203A990 gMovementArrowData gMovementArrowData - - -
0203A9FC - gpUnitInfoWindowProcs - gpUnitInfoWindowProcs -
0203AA04 gAiData gAiData gAiState gAiSt -
0203AA94 - - gAiDecision gAiDecision -
0203AAA4 - - - - During link arena
0203ABB8 - - - - gaAISRelatedShorts
0203AE00 - - - - Hp bars with cached warning
0203B1F0 - - - - UnitSelectSFX patch
0203B200 - - - - Expansion transporter
0203DB64 gFont_203DB64 gFont_203DB64 - gFont_203DB64 -
0203DD1C gNameSelectNameBoxText gNameSelectNameBoxText - gNameSelectNameBoxText -
0203DDE0 gHandCursorPosition gPrevHandScreenPosition sPrevHandScreenPosition sPrevHandScreenPosition -
0203DDE4 gPreviousHandCursorUpdateTime gPrevHandClockFrame sPrevHandClockFrame sPrevHandClockFrame -
0203DDE8 gTargetPosition gTargetPosition sSelectTargetRoot gTargetPosition -
0203DDEC gTargetArray gTargetArray sSelectTargetList gTargetArray -
0203E0EC gTargetArraySize gTargetArraySize sSelectTargetCount gTargetArraySize -
0203E0F0 - gBoolBattleIsLinkArena_maybe - gBoolBattleIsLinkArena_maybe -
0203E0F4 gBoolBattleDeamonActive gBoolBattleDeamonActive - gBoolBattleDeamonActive -
0203E0F8 gpEkrBattleDeamon gpEkrBattleDeamon - gpEkrBattleDeamon -
0203E100 - gBattleAnimInitialHitSide - gBattleAnimInitialHitSide gBattleAttackPhaseBool
0203E104 - gBattleAnimUnitEnabledLookup - gBattleAnimUnitEnabledLookup -
0203E108 - gBattleAnimBoolIsActorOnTheRight - gBattleAnimBoolIsActorOnTheRight gBattleActorTargetOrder
0203E10C gStoredBattleAnimId21Ptr gStoredBattleAnimId21Ptr - gStoredBattleAnimId21Ptr -
0203E10E gStoredBattleAnimId22Ptr gStoredBattleAnimId22Ptr - - -
0203E116 gSomeAllegienceIdShort gSomeAllegienceIdShort - - -
0203E118 gBattleSpellAnimationId1 gBattleSpellAnimationId1 - gBattleSpellAnimationId1 -
0203E11A gBattleSpellAnimationId2 gBattleSpellAnimationId2 - gBattleSpellAnimationId2 -
0203E120 gSomethingRelatedToAnimAndDistance gBattleAnimSceneLayoutEnum - gBattleAnimSceneLayoutEnum -
0203E12A gBattleAnimRoundTypeArrayMaybe gBattleAnimRoundTypeArray - gBattleAnimRoundTypeArray gaAISRelatedShorts
0203E156 gRoundDamageValuesMaybe gBattleAnimHpValueArray - gBattleAnimHpValueArray -
0203E182 gBattleAnimAnimationIndex gBattleAnimAnimationIndex - gBattleAnimAnimationIndex -
0203E188 gpUnitLeft_BattleStruct gpUnitLeft_BattleStruct - gpUnitLeft_BattleStruct -
0203E18C gpUnitRight_BattleStruct gpUnitRight_BattleStruct - gpUnitRight_BattleStruct -
0203E190 gBattleCharacterIndices gBattleCharacterIndices - gBattleCharacterIndices -
0203E194 gpExtraUnit1 gpBattleAnimTAUnits - gpBattleAnimTAUnits -
0203E198 gpExtraUnit2 - - - -
0203E1A4 gBattleAnimBoolLockSheetGraphicsMaybe gBattleAnimBoolLockSheetGraphicsMaybe - gBattleAnimBoolLockSheetGraphicsMaybe -
0203E1AC gBattleHpDisplayedValue gBattleHpDisplayedValue - gBattleHpDisplayedValue -
0203E1E0 - gBoolBattleIsScripted_maybe - gBoolBattleIsScripted_maybe -
0203E1E4 gBoolBattleAnimIsArena gBoolBattleAnimIsArena - gBoolBattleAnimIsArena -
0203E1F0 gMapAnimData gMapAnimData gCurrentMapAnimState gMapAnimData -
0203E764 - - sStatScreenInfo sStatScreenInfo -
0203E765 gSomeUnitId gSomeUnitId - - -
0203E768 gSomeTextRelatedStuff gSomeTextRelatedStuff sMutableHbi sMutableHbi -
0203E784 - gActiveHelpBoxInfo sLastHbi sLastHbi -
0203E788 gHelpTextOriginTile gHelpTextOriginTile sHbOrigin sHbOrigin -
0203E794 - gFont_HelpBox - gFont_HelpBox -
0203E7AC - gText_HelpBox - gText_HelpBox -
0203E884 gBWLDataArray gBWLDataArray - gBWLDataArray -
0203E88E gBoolSramWorking gBoolSramWorking - gBoolSramWorking -
0203E890 gpBWLSaveTarget gpBWLSaveTarget - gpBWLSaveTarget -
0203E894 gBWLDataStorage gBWLDataStorage - gBWLDataStorage -
0203ECF4 gChapterWinDataArray gChapterWinDataArray - gChapterWinDataArray -
0203EDB4 gBonusContentFlags gBonusContentFlags - gBonusContentFlags -
0203EF44 gTrialMapData gTrialMapData - gTrialMapData -
0203EF64 gSaveMenuRTextData gSaveMenuRTextData - gSaveMenuRTextData -
0203EF68 - gShopItemTexts - gShopItemTexts -
0203EFB8 gEventUnitDataBuffer gEventUnitDataBuffer end end -
02040000 - - EWRAM_END EWRAM_END -
03000000 gRNState gRandSt IWRAM_START IWRAM_START -
03000008 gAestheticRandState gRandBSt gLCGRNValue sRandStB -
0300000C gSoftResetEnabled gSoftResetEnabled - sSoftResetEnabled -
0300000D gBgSyncBits gBgSyncBits sModifiedBGs sBgSyncBits BG Update Flag
0300000E gPaletteSyncFlag gPaletteSyncFlag sModifiedPalette sPalSyncFlag flag palette RAM needs to be updated
03000010 gKeyStatusIgnore gKeyIgnore - sKeyIgnore -
03000014 gGameClock gGameTime gGameClock sGameTime -
03000018 - - - sUnknown_03000018 -
03000019 - - - sUnknown_03000019 -
0300001A - - - sHealthSafetySkipEnabled -
03000020 gpOAMHiBuffer gOamHi - sOamHi -
03000024 gpOAMHiTarget - - - -
0300002A gpOAMHiSize - - - -
03000030 gpOAMLoBuffer gOamLo - sOamLo -
03000034 gpOAMLoTarget - - - -
0300003A gpOAMLoSize - - - -
0300003C - - - dummy -
03000040 gpMusicProcA gBgmFadeInProc sMusicProc1 sMusicProc1 -
03000044 gpMusicProcB gBgmVolumeChangeProc sMusicProc2 sMusicProc2 -
03000048 gDialogueState gTalkStObj sSceneStateCore sSceneStateCore -
030000D0 gDialogueText gTalkText - gTalkText -
030000E8 gDialogueTextChoiceResult gTalkResult - gTalkResult -
030000F0 gDialogueFont gTalkFont - gTalkFont -
03000108 gApPool gApPool sAPArray sAPArray -
03000428 gEvent1EData gEvent1EData - gEvent1EData -
03000434 gEventRangeDisplayUnit gEventRangeDisplayUnit - gEventRangeDisplayUnit -
03000438 gEventCallQueue gEventCallQueue gEventCallQueue gEventCallQueue -
030004B8 gEventSlot gEventSlot gEventSlots gEventSlots MemorySlot00 Always be 0
030004D4 - - - - MemorySlot07 It is often used as a temporary variable
030004E4 - - - - MemorySlot0B It is mainly used for reading coordinates
030004E8 - - - - MemorySlot0C results of processing are mainly returned
030004EC gEventSlotQP gEventSlotQP - - indicates how many words are stored
030004F0 gEventQueue gEventQueue gEventSlotQueue gEventSlotQueue Queue00 Stores word located at MemorySlot with SAVETOQUEUE
030004F4 - - - - Stores word located at MemorySlot01
030004F8 - - - - Stores word located at MemorySlot02
030004FC - - - - Stores word located at MemorySlot03
03000500 - - - - Stores word located at MemorySlot04
03000504 - - - - Stores word located at MemorySlot05
03000508 - - - - Stores word located at MemorySlot06
0300050C - - - - Stores word located at MemorySlot07
03000510 - - - - Stores word located at MemorySlot08
03000568 gEventCounter gEventCounter gEventSlotCounter gEventSlotCounter -
03000570 gEventCallStack gEventCallStack - gEventCallStack -
030005F0 gpPopupUnit gpPopupUnit - gpPopupUnit -
030005F4 gPopupItem gPopupItem - gPopupItem -
030005F8 gPopupNumber gPopupNumber - gPopupNumber -
03000600 gSomeUnitWordArray gSomeUnitWordArray - gSomeUnitWordArray -
03000800 gSomeUtilityTextHandle gSomeUtilityTextHandle - gSomeUtilityTextHandle -
03000808 gpCurrentInitMap gpCurrentInitMap sInitializingMap sInitializingMap -
03000810 gMapMovementPool gMapMovementPool sBmMapMovementPool sBmMapMovementPool -
03000FC8 gMapRangePool gMapRangePool sBmMapRangePool sBmMapRangePool -
030017A0 gDungeonState gDungeonState gDungeonState gDungeonState -
030017C4 - - - - gDungeonType
030017C8 gAiScriptEndedFlag gAiScriptEndedFlag - gAiScriptEndedFlag -
030017CC gBoolIsAi2 gBoolIsAi2 - gBoolIsAi2 -
030017D0 gpAiScriptCurrent gpAiScriptCurrent - gpAiScriptCurrent -
030017D4 gpCurrentAiFunctionCall gpCurrentAiFunctionCall - gpCurrentAiFunctionCall -
030017D8 gpAiBattleWeightFactorTable gpAiBattleWeightFactorTable - gpAiBattleWeightFactorTable -
030017E0 gSioBaudRate gSioBaudRate - gSioBaudRate -
03001850 gStr_3001850 gStr_3001850 - gStr_3001850 -
03001870 gOverriddenMenuCommandList gOverriddenMenuCommandList sMenuOverrides sMenuOverrides -
03001900 gMoveUnitExtraDataArray gMoveUnitExtraDataArray sMUConfigArray sMUConfigArray -
03001A30 gUsedBuffersBitfield gUsedBuffersBitfield - gUsedBuffersBitfield -
03001A34 gExtraLongEventMoveBuffer gExtraLongEventMoveBuffer - gExtraLongEventMoveBuffer -
03001C38 gSummonedUnitDefinitionBuffer gSummonedUnitDefinitionBuffer - gSummonedUnitDefinitionBuffer -
03001C80 gActiveEventRegistry gActiveEventRegistry - gActiveEventRegistry -
03001CE8 - - - - RAM area used for LOAD2 target in "Instruction to LOAD2 something set in RAM area"
03001DA0 - gGoldBoxText - gGoldBoxText -
03001E38 - - gMPlayTrack_BGM1 - -
030020B8 - - gMPlayTrack_BGM2 - -
03002338 - - gMPlayTrack_SE1_SYS1 - -
030023D8 - - gMPlayTrack_SE2_SYS2 - -
03002478 - - gMPlayTrack_SE3_BMP1 - -
030025B8 - - gMPlayTrack_SE4_BMP2 - -
030026F8 - - gMPlayTrack_SE5_BMP3 - -
03002888 - - gMPlayTrack_SE6_BMP4 - -
030029C8 - - gMPlayTrack_SE7_EVT - -
03002A68 - - verifySramFast_Work verifySramFast_Work -
03002B08 - - readSramFast_Work readSramFast_Work -
03002B8C - - monitor_stdin monitor_stdin -
03002B90 - - monitor_stdout monitor_stdout -
03002B94 - - monitor_stderr monitor_stderr -
03002B98 - - openfiles openfiles -
03002C60 - - SoundMainRAM_Buffer SoundMainRAM_Buffer -
03003070 gOAMLoIt gOAMLoIt - gOamLoPutIt pointer to next free entry in primary OAM buffer
03003080 gLCDIOBuffer gDispIo gLCDControlBuffer gDispIo -
030030E8 - - - - byte that contains a color value difference
030030F0 gIRQHandlers gIrqFuncs gIRQHandlers gIrqFuncs -
03003128 gpARM_FillMovementMapCore MoveFillRamFunc - MapFloodCoreRamFunc -
0300312C gCurrentRotScaleIndex gCurrentRotScaleIndex - gOamAffinePutId -
03003130 gpARM_PushToHiOAM PutOamHiRamFunc - PutOamHiRamFunc -
03003134 gpHBlankCallback gOnHBlankA sHBlankHandler1 gOnHBlankA -
03003140 gSharedOAMBuffer gSharedOAMBuffer - gOam -
03003740 gpARM_Draw1DTileTextGlyphCore DrawGlyphRamFunc - DrawGlyphRamFunc WRAMPointer
03003744 gOAMHiIt gOAMHiIt - gOamHiPutIt pointer to next free entry in secondary OAM buffer
03003748 gpHBlankCallback2 gOnHBlankB sHBlankHandler2 gOnHBlankB -
03003750 - RamFuncArea - RamFuncArea -
03003A8C - - - - TextImageWriter
03004150 gpARM_HuffmanTextDecomp DecodeStringRamFunc - DecodeStringRamFunc -
03004154 gpARM_PushToLoOAM PutOamLoRamFunc - PutOamLoRamFunc -
03004158 gSomeRotScaleOAMIt gSomeRotScaleOAMIt - gOamAffinePutIt pointer for writing Rotation/Scale data to OAM buffer
03004160 - - IntrMain_Buffer IntrMainRam -
03004960 gpARM_Func5 MoveFillStepRamFunc - MapFloodCoreStepRamFunc -
03004970 gOAMAllocIt gOAMAllocIt gSpriteAllocIt gSpriteAllocIt -
03004980 gpFaceProcs gFaces - gFaces -
030049A0 gpSubjectMap gMapWorking gWorkingBmMap gWorkingMap -
030049B0 - - - gMapFloodSquareBufA -
03004BB0 gCurrentMovCostTable gActiveTerrainMovTable gWorkingTerrainMoveCosts gWorkingMoveTable -
03004C00 - gStatBoostSimUnit gStatGainSimUnit gStatGainSimUnit -
03004C50 - - - gMapFloodSquareBufB -
03004E50 gActiveUnit gActiveUnit gActiveUnit gActiveUnit -
03004E60 gMovementFillConfig gMovementFillConfig gMovMapFillState gMapFloodSt -
03004F10 gpAiDecisionMaker gpAiDecisionMaker AiDecideMainFunc AiDecideMainFunc -
03004FAC gBattleAnimCurrentAISIndex gBattleAnimCurrentAISIndex - gBattleAnimCurrentAISIndex -
03005250 gGlobalEidData gPermanentFlagData - gPermanentFlagData -
03005270 gLocalEidData gTemporaryFlagData - gTemporaryFlagData -
03005280 gGMData gGmData - gGmData -
030052B0 - - - - Worldmap Node00
030052B4 - - - - Worldmap Node01
030052B8 - - - - Worldmap Node02
030052BC - - - - Worldmap Node03
030052C0 - - - - Worldmap Node04
030052C4 - - - - Worldmap Node05
030052C8 - - - - Worldmap Node06
030052CC - - - - Worldmap Node07
030052D0 - - - - Worldmap Node08
030052D4 - - - - Worldmap Node09
030052D8 - - - - Worldmap Node0A
030052DC - - - - Worldmap Node0B
030052E0 - - - - Worldmap Node0C
030052E4 - - - - Worldmap Node0D
030052E8 - - - - Worldmap Node0E
030052EC - - - - Worldmap Node0F
030052F0 - - - - Worldmap Node10
030052F4 - - - - Worldmap Node11
030052F8 - - - - Worldmap Node12
030052FC - - - - Worldmap Node13
03005300 - - - - Worldmap Node14
03005304 - - - - Worldmap Node15
03005308 - - - - Worldmap Node16
0300530C - - - - Worldmap Node17
03005310 - - - - Worldmap Node18
03005314 - - - - Worldmap Node19
03005318 - - - - Worldmap Node1A
0300531C - - - - Worldmap Node1B
03005320 - - - - Worldmap Node1C
0300534E gGMapMonsterRnState gGmMonsterRnState - gGmMonsterRnState -
03005410 - - gSoundInfo gSoundInfo -
030063C0 - - gMPlayInfo_SE4_BMP2 - -
03006400 - - gMPlayInfo_SE5_BMP3 - -
03006440 gMusicPlayerInfo_3006440 gMpi_FightBgm gMPlayInfo_BGM1 gMpi_FightBgm -
03006480 - - gMPlayJumpTable gMPlayJumpTable -
03006510 - - gCgbChans gCgbChans -
03006610 - - gMPlayInfo_SE6_BMP4 - -
03006650 gMusicPlayerInfo_3006650 gMpi_MapBgm gMPlayInfo_BGM2 gMpi_MapBgm -
03006690 - - gMPlayInfo_SE1_SYS1 - -
030066D0 - - gMPlayInfo_SE3_BMP1 - -
03006710 - - gMPlayMemAccArea gMPlayMemAccArea -
03006720 - - gMPlayInfo_SE7_EVT - -
03006760 - - gMPlayInfo_SE2_SYS2 - -
030067A0 ReadSramFast ReadSramFast ReadSramFast ReadSramFast -
030067A4 gpVerifySramFast VerifySramFast VerifySramFast VerifySramFast -
030067A8 - - errno errno -
03007F00 - UserStackBottom - - -
03007FF0 gpM4aMainThing gpM4aMainThing - - -
03007FF8 gIrqCheckFlags gIrqCheckFlags - - -
03007FFC gpGlobalIRQHandler gpGlobalIRQHandler INTR_VECTOR INTR_VECTOR -
03008000 - - IWRAM_END IWRAM_END -
04000002 Undocumented_GreenSwap Undocumented_GreenSwap - - -
04000006 VerticalCounter_LY_ VerticalCounter(LY) REG_VCOUNT REG_VCOUNT -
04000008 BG0Control BG0CNT REG_BG0CNT REG_BG0CNT -
0400000A BG1Control BG1CNT REG_BG1CNT REG_BG1CNT -
0400000C BG2Control BG2CNT REG_BG2CNT REG_BG2CNT -
0400000E BG3Control BG3CNT REG_BG3CNT REG_BG3CNT -
04000010 BG0X_Offset BG0X_Offset REG_BG0HOFS REG_BG0HOFS -
04000012 BG0Y_Offset BG0Y_Offset REG_BG0VOFS REG_BG0VOFS -
04000014 BG1X_Offset BG1X_Offset REG_BG1HOFS REG_BG1HOFS -
04000016 BG1Y_Offset BG1Y_Offset REG_BG1VOFS REG_BG1VOFS -
04000018 BG2X_Offset BG2X_Offset REG_BG2HOFS REG_BG2HOFS -
0400001A BG2Y_Offset BG2Y_Offset REG_BG2VOFS REG_BG2VOFS -
0400001C BG3X_Offset BG3X_Offset REG_BG3HOFS REG_BG3HOFS -
0400001E BG3Y_Offset BG3Y_Offset REG_BG3VOFS REG_BG3VOFS -
04000020 BG2Rotation_ScalingParameterA_dx_ BG2Rotation_ScalingParameterA(dx) REG_BG2PA REG_BG2PA -
04000022 BG2Rotation_ScalingParameterB_dmx_ BG2Rotation_ScalingParameterB(dmx) REG_BG2PB REG_BG2PB -
04000024 BG2Rotation_ScalingParameterC_dy_ BG2Rotation_ScalingParameterC(dy) REG_BG2PC REG_BG2PC -
04000026 BG2Rotation_ScalingParameterD_dmy_ BG2Rotation_ScalingParameterD(dmy) REG_BG2PD REG_BG2PD -
04000028 BG2ReferencePointX_Coordinate BG2ReferencePointX_Coordinate REG_BG2X_L REG_BG2X_L -
0400002A - - REG_BG2X_H REG_BG2X_H -
0400002C BG2ReferencePointY_Coordinate BG2ReferencePointY_Coordinate REG_BG2Y_L REG_BG2Y_L -
0400002E - - REG_BG2Y_H REG_BG2Y_H -
04000030 BG3Rotation_ScalingParameterA_dx_ BG3Rotation_ScalingParameterA(dx) REG_BG3PA REG_BG3PA -
04000032 BG3Rotation_ScalingParameterB_dmx_ BG3Rotation_ScalingParameterB(dmx) REG_BG3PB REG_BG3PB -
04000034 BG3Rotation_ScalingParameterC_dy_ BG3Rotation_ScalingParameterC(dy) REG_BG3PC REG_BG3PC -
04000036 BG3Rotation_ScalingParameterD_dmy_ BG3Rotation_ScalingParameterD(dmy) REG_BG3PD REG_BG3PD -
04000038 BG3ReferencePointX_Coordinate BG3ReferencePointX_Coordinate REG_BG3X_L REG_BG3X_L -
0400003A - - REG_BG3X_H REG_BG3X_H -
0400003C BG3ReferencePointY_Coordinate BG3ReferencePointY_Coordinate REG_BG3Y_L REG_BG3Y_L -
0400003E - - REG_BG3Y_H REG_BG3Y_H -
04000040 Window0HorizontalDimensions Window0HorizontalDimensions REG_WIN0H REG_WIN0H -
04000042 Window1HorizontalDimensions Window1HorizontalDimensions REG_WIN1H REG_WIN1H -
04000044 Window0VerticalDimensions Window0VerticalDimensions REG_WIN0V REG_WIN0V -
04000046 Window1VerticalDimensions Window1VerticalDimensions REG_WIN1V REG_WIN1V -
04000048 InsideofWindow0and1 InsideofWindow0and1 REG_WININ REG_WININ -
0400004A InsideofOBJWindow_OutsideofWindows InsideofOBJWindow&OutsideofWindows REG_WINOUT REG_WINOUT -
0400004C MosaicSize MosaicSize REG_MOSAIC REG_MOSAIC -
0400004E - Notused - - -
04000050 ColorSpecialEffectsSelection ColorSpecialEffectsSelection REG_BLDCNT REG_BLDCNT -
04000052 AlphaBlendingCoefficients AlphaBlendingCoefficients REG_BLDALPHA REG_BLDALPHA -
04000054 Brightness_Fade_In_Out_Coefficient Brightness(Fade_In_Out)Coefficient REG_BLDY REG_BLDY -
04000060 Channel1Sweepregister_NR10_ Channel1Sweepregister(NR10) REG_NR10 REG_NR10 -
04000062 Channel1Duty_Length_Envelope_NR11_NR12_ Channel1Duty_Length_Envelope(NR11_NR12) REG_NR11 REG_NR11 -
04000063 - - REG_NR12 REG_NR12 -
04000064 Channel1Frequency_Control_NR13_NR14_ Channel1Frequency_Control(NR13_NR14) REG_NR13 REG_NR13 -
04000065 - - REG_NR14 REG_NR14 -
04000068 Channel2Duty_Length_Envelope_NR21_NR22_ Channel2Duty_Length_Envelope(NR21_NR22) REG_NR21 REG_NR21 -
04000069 - - REG_NR22 REG_NR22 -
0400006C Channel2Frequency_Control_NR23_NR24_ Channel2Frequency_Control(NR23_NR24) REG_NR23 REG_NR23 -
0400006D - - REG_NR24 REG_NR24 -
04000070 Channel3Stop_WaveRAMselect_NR30_ Channel3Stop_WaveRAMselect(NR30) REG_NR30 REG_NR30 -
04000072 Channel3Length_Volume_NR31_NR32_ Channel3Length_Volume(NR31_NR32) REG_NR31 REG_NR31 -
04000073 - - REG_NR32 REG_NR32 -
04000074 Channel3Frequency_Control_NR33_NR34_ Channel3Frequency_Control(NR33_NR34) REG_NR33 REG_NR33 -
04000075 - - REG_NR34 REG_NR34 -
04000078 Channel4Length_Envelope_NR41_NR42_ Channel4Length_Envelope(NR41_NR42) REG_NR41 REG_NR41 -
04000079 - - REG_NR42 REG_NR42 -
0400007C Channel4Frequency_Control_NR43_NR44_ Channel4Frequency_Control(NR43_NR44) REG_NR43 REG_NR43 -
0400007D - - REG_NR44 REG_NR44 -
04000080 ControlStereo_Volume_Enable_NR50_NR51_ ControlStereo_Volume_Enable(NR50_NR51) REG_NR50 REG_NR50 -
04000081 - - REG_NR51 REG_NR51 -
04000082 ControlMixing_DMAControl ControlMixing_DMAControl REG_SOUNDCNT_H REG_SOUNDCNT_H -
04000084 ControlSoundon_off_NR52_ ControlSoundon_off(NR52) REG_NR52 REG_NR52 -
04000088 SoundPWMControl SoundPWMControl REG_SOUNDBIAS REG_SOUNDBIAS -
04000090 Channel3WavePatternRAM_2banks___ Channel3WavePatternRAM(2banks__) REG_WAVE_RAM0_L REG_WAVE_RAM0_L -
04000092 - - REG_WAVE_RAM0_H REG_WAVE_RAM0_H -
04000094 - - REG_WAVE_RAM1_L REG_WAVE_RAM1_L -
04000096 - - REG_WAVE_RAM1_H REG_WAVE_RAM1_H -
04000098 - - REG_WAVE_RAM2_L REG_WAVE_RAM2_L -
0400009A - - REG_WAVE_RAM2_H REG_WAVE_RAM2_H -
0400009C - - REG_WAVE_RAM3_L REG_WAVE_RAM3_L -
0400009E - - REG_WAVE_RAM3_H REG_WAVE_RAM3_H -
040000A0 ChannelAFIFO_Data0_3 ChannelAFIFO_Data0_3 REG_FIFO_A_L REG_FIFO_A_L -
040000A2 - - REG_FIFO_A_H REG_FIFO_A_H -
040000A4 ChannelBFIFO_Data0_3 ChannelBFIFO_Data0_3 REG_FIFO_B_L REG_FIFO_B_L -
040000A6 - - REG_FIFO_B_H REG_FIFO_B_H -
040000B0 DMA0SourceAddress DMA0SourceAddress REG_DMA0SAD_L REG_DMA0SAD_L -
040000B2 - - REG_DMA0SAD_H REG_DMA0SAD_H -
040000B4 DMA0DestinationAddress DMA0DestinationAddress REG_DMA0DAD_L REG_DMA0DAD_L -
040000B6 - - REG_DMA0DAD_H REG_DMA0DAD_H -
040000B8 DMA0WordCount DMA0WordCount REG_DMA0CNT_L REG_DMA0CNT_L -
040000BA DMA0Control DMA0Control REG_DMA0CNT_H REG_DMA0CNT_H -
040000BC DMA1SourceAddress DMA1SourceAddress REG_DMA1SAD_L REG_DMA1SAD_L -
040000C0 DMA1DestinationAddress DMA1DestinationAddress REG_DMA1DAD_L REG_DMA1DAD_L -
040000C2 - - REG_DMA1DAD_H REG_DMA1DAD_H -
040000C4 DMA1WordCount DMA1WordCount REG_DMA1CNT_L REG_DMA1CNT_L -
040000C6 DMA1Control DMA1Control REG_DMA1CNT_H REG_DMA1CNT_H -
040000C8 DMA2SourceAddress DMA2SourceAddress REG_DMA2SAD_L REG_DMA2SAD_L -
040000CC DMA2DestinationAddress DMA2DestinationAddress REG_DMA2DAD_L REG_DMA2DAD_L -
040000D0 DMA2WordCount DMA2WordCount REG_DMA2CNT_L REG_DMA2CNT_L -
040000D2 DMA2Control DMA2Control REG_DMA2CNT_H REG_DMA2CNT_H -
040000D4 DMA3SourceAddress DMA3SourceAddress REG_DMA3SAD_L REG_DMA3SAD_L -
040000D6 - - REG_DMA3SAD_H REG_DMA3SAD_H -
040000D8 DMA3DestinationAddress DMA3DestinationAddress REG_DMA3DAD_L REG_DMA3DAD_L -
040000DC DMA3WordCount DMA3WordCount REG_DMA3CNT_L REG_DMA3CNT_L -
040000DE DMA3Control DMA3Control REG_DMA3CNT_H REG_DMA3CNT_H -
04000100 Timer0Counter_Reload Timer0Counter_Reload REG_TM0CNT_L REG_TM0CNT_L -
04000102 Timer0Control Timer0Control REG_TM0CNT_H REG_TM0CNT_H -
04000104 Timer1Counter_Reload Timer1Counter_Reload REG_TM1CNT_L REG_TM1CNT_L -
04000106 Timer1Control Timer1Control REG_TM1CNT_H REG_TM1CNT_H -
04000108 Timer2Counter_Reload Timer2Counter_Reload REG_TM2CNT_L REG_TM2CNT_L -
0400010A Timer2Control Timer2Control REG_TM2CNT_H REG_TM2CNT_H -
0400010C Timer3Counter_Reload Timer3Counter_Reload REG_TM3CNT_L REG_TM3CNT_L -
0400010E Timer3Control Timer3Control REG_TM3CNT_H REG_TM3CNT_H -
04000120 SIOData0_Parent__Multi_PlayerMode_ SIOData0(Parent)(Multi_PlayerMode) REG_SIOMULTI0 REG_SIOMULTI0 -
04000122 SIOData1_1stChild__Multi_PlayerMode_ SIOData1(1stChild)(Multi_PlayerMode) REG_SIOMULTI1 REG_SIOMULTI1 -
04000124 SIOData2_2ndChild__Multi_PlayerMode_ SIOData2(2ndChild)(Multi_PlayerMode) REG_SIOMULTI2 REG_SIOMULTI2 -
04000126 SIOData3_3rdChild__Multi_PlayerMode_ SIOData3(3rdChild)(Multi_PlayerMode) REG_SIOMULTI3 REG_SIOMULTI3 -
04000128 SIOControlRegister SIOControlRegister REG_SIOCNT REG_SIOCNT -
0400012A SIOData_Normal_8bitandUARTMode_ SIOData(Normal_8bitandUARTMode) REG_SIOMLT_SEND REG_SIOMLT_SEND -
04000130 KeyStatus KeyStatus REG_KEYINPUT REG_KEYINPUT -
04000132 KeyInterruptControl KeyInterruptControl REG_KEYCNT REG_KEYCNT -
04000134 SIOModeSelect_GeneralPurposeData SIOModeSelect_GeneralPurposeData REG_RCNT REG_RCNT -
04000136 - IRAncient_InfraredRegister(Prototypesonly) - - -
04000150 SIOJOYBusReceiveData SIOJOYBusReceiveData REG_JOY_RECV_L REG_JOY_RECV_L -
04000152 - - REG_JOY_RECV_H REG_JOY_RECV_H -
04000154 SIOJOYBusTransmitData SIOJOYBusTransmitData REG_JOY_TRANS_L REG_JOY_TRANS_L -
04000158 SIOJOYBusReceiveStatus SIOJOYBusReceiveStatus REG_JOYSTAT REG_JOYSTAT -
04000200 InterruptEnableRegister InterruptEnableRegister REG_IE REG_IE -
04000202 InterruptRequestFlags_IRQAcknowledge InterruptRequestFlags_IRQAcknowledge REG_IF REG_IF -
04000204 GamePakWaitstateControl GamePakWaitstateControl REG_WAITCNT REG_WAITCNT -
04000208 InterruptMasterEnableRegister InterruptMasterEnableRegister REG_IME REG_IME -
04000300 Undocumented_PostBootFlag Undocumented_PostBootFlag - - -
04000301 Undocumented_PowerDownControl Undocumented_PowerDownControl - - -
05000000 - - BG_PLTT BG_PLTT -
05000200 - - OBJ_PLTT OBJ_PLTT -
06000000 - - BG_VRAM BG_VRAM -
06010000 - - OBJ_VRAM0 OBJ_VRAM0 -
06014000 - - OBJ_VRAM1 OBJ_VRAM1 -
07000000 - - OAM OAM -
08000000 - _entry Init ROM -
08000004 - - RomHeaderNintendoLogo RomHeaderNintendoLogo -
080000A0 - aFireemblem2ebe8e01c RomHeaderGameTitle RomHeaderGameTitle -
080000AC - - RomHeaderGameCode RomHeaderGameCode -
080000B0 - - RomHeaderMakerCode RomHeaderMakerCode -
080000B2 - - RomHeaderMainUnitCode RomHeaderMainUnitCode -
080000B4 - - RomHeaderReserved1 RomHeaderReserved1 -
080000BC - - RomHeaderChecksum RomHeaderChecksum -
080000BE - - RomHeaderReserved2 RomHeaderReserved2 -
080000C0 - start crt0 crt0 -
080000F4 - - unk_3007E00 unk_3007E00 -
080000F8 - - IRQStackBottom IRQStackBottom -
080000FC GlobalIRQHandler IrqMain GlobalIRQHandler IrqMain -
08000120 - - loop loop -
080001C8 - - loop1 loop1 -
080001CC - - foundInterrupt foundInterrupt -
08000228 - ArmCodeStart ARMCodeToCopy_Start ArmCodeStart -
08000234 - ARM_8000234 - - -
0800023C - lop - - -
08000304 ARM_ClearOAMBuffer ARM_ClearOam ARM_MoveOBJsOffscreen ClearOam -
08000310 - lop - - -
08000360 ARM_ComputeChecksum32 ARM_ComputeChecksum32 ARM_CalcSomeChecksum GetChecksum32 -
08000370 - loop - - -
080003A8 ARM_BgMapFillRect ARM_TmFillRect ARM_FillRect TmFillRect -
080003B4 - lop_y - - -
080003B8 - lop_x - - -
080003E0 ARM_BgMapCopyRect ARM_TmCopyRect ARM_CopyRect TmCopyRect -
08000408 - lop_y - - -
0800040C - lop_x - - -
08000434 - end - - -
0800043C ARM_BgMapApplyTsa ARM_TmApplyTsa ARM_FillTileRect TmApplyTsa -
08000458 - lop_y - - -
0800045C - lop_x - - -
08000494 ARM_PushToHiOAM ARM_PutOamHi IRAMARM_CopyToSecondaryOAM PutOamHi -
080004D0 - lop - - -
08000528 - end - - -
08000534 ARM_PushToLoOAM ARM_PutOamLo IRAMARM_CopyToPrimaryOAM PutOamLo -
08000540 - gSomeTextGlyphDrawingLookup bitTable bitTable -
08000560 - - lt_bitTable lt_bitTable -
08000564 ARM_Draw1DTileTextGlyphCore ARM_DrawGlyph IRAMARM_Func3_DrawGlyph DrawGlyph -
08000574 - lop - - -
08000620 - ARM_8000620 - - -
080006E4 ARM_HuffmanTextDecomp ARM_DecodeString IRAMARM_DecompText DecodeString -
080006F8 - StartParent - - -
080006FC - Start - - -
08000754 - ContinueParent - - -
08000768 - end - - -
08000784 ARM_Func5 ARM_MoveFillStep IRAMARM_Func5 MapFloodCoreStep -
08000810 - continue - - -
08000848 - end - - -
08000874 ARM_FillMovementMapCore ARM_MoveFill IRAMARM_FillMovementMap MapFloodCore -
08000880 - restart - - -
080008BC - loop - - -
080009F8 - continue - - -
08000A18 - end - - -
08000A20 AgbMain AgbMain AgbMain AgbMain -
08000ADC - lop - - -
08000B10 - - PrintDebugBuildDateAndTime PutBuildInfo Display build version and release year
08000B34 StoreIRQToIRAM IrqInit StoreIRQToIRAM IrqInit -
08000B42 - lop - - -
08000B74 IRQDummy IrqDummyFunc DummyIRQRoutine DummyFunc -
08000B78 SetIRQHandler SetIrqFunc SetIRQHandler SetIrqFunc -
08000B88 RandNext RandNextCore NextRN NextRn -
08000BC8 RandInit RandInit InitRN RandInit -
08000C34 SetRandState RandSetSt LoadRNState RandSetSt -
08000C4C GetRandState RandGetSt StoreRNState RandGetSt -
08000C64 NextRN_100 RandNext_100 NextRN_100 RandNext_100 -
08000C76 - _ - - -
08000C80 NextRN_N RandNext NextRN_N RandNext -
08000C92 - _ - - -
08000CA0 Roll1RN RandRoll Roll1RN RandRoll -
08000CB0 - end - - -
08000CB8 Roll2RN RandRoll2rn Roll2RN RandRoll2Rn -
08000CD6 - end - - -
08000CDC AestheticRandInit RandInitB SetLCGRNValue RandInitB -
08000CE8 AestheticRandNext RandNextB AdvanceGetLCGRNValue RandNextB -
08000D00 EnableSoftReset EnableSoftReset - EnableSoftReset -
08000D0C DisableSoftReset DisableSoftReset - DisableSoftReset -
08000D18 IsSoftResetEnabled IsSoftResetEnabled - IsSoftResetEnabled -
08000D28 GetGameClock GetGameTime GetGameClock GetGameTime -
08000D34 SetGameClock SetGameTime SetGameClock SetGameTime -
08000D40 IncrementGameClock IncGameTime IncrementGameClock IncGameTime -
08000D54 - NoLoop - - -
08000D64 - FormatTime ComputeDisplayTime FormatTime -
08000DB8 CopyToPaletteBuffer ApplyPaletteExt CopyToPaletteBuffer ApplyPaletteExt Write_Palette CopyToPaletteBuffer
08000DE4 - CanFastCopy - - -
08000DF4 - Continue - - -
08000DFE - End - - -
08000E9C SyncLCDControl SyncDispIo FlushLCDControl SyncDispIo -
08000F44 GetBgControlBuffer GetBgCt BG_GetControlBuffer GetBgCt -
08000F5C - Continue - - -
08000F66 - BG0 - - -
08000F70 - BG1 - - -
08000F78 - BG2 - - -
08000F80 - BG3 - - -
08000F82 - End - - -
08000F8C GetBgTileDataOffset GetBgChrOffset GetBackgroundTileDataOffset GetBgChrOffset -
08000FA4 GetBgLocalTileIndex GetBgChrId GetTileIndex GetBgChrId -
08000FB8 - Return - - -
08000FC4 - GetBgTilemapOffset BG_GetTileMapOffset GetBgTilemapOffset -
08000FDC SetBgTileDataOffset SetBgChrOffset SetBackgroundTileDataOffset SetBgChrOffset -
08001004 SetBgMapDataOffset SetBgTilemapOffset SetBackgroundMapDataOffset SetBgTilemapOffset -
0800103C - end - - -
0800104C SetBgScreenSize SetBgScreenSize SetBackgroundScreenSize SetBgScreenSize -
0800106C - SetBgBpp BG_SetColorBpp SetBgBpp -
08001094 SyncPalettes_AdditiveFilter SyncPal_AddFilter ApplyColorAddition_ClampMax SyncPalWithColorAddition -
080010F0 SyncPalettes_SubstractiveFilter SyncPal_SubFilter ApplyColorAddition_ClampMin SyncPalWithColorSubtraction -
0800114C SyncBgAndPals SyncBgsAndPal FlushBackgrounds SyncBgsAndPal -
08001168 - SkipBG0 - - -
08001180 - SkipBG1 - - -
08001198 - SkipBG2 - - -
080011B0 - SkipBG3 - - -
08001200 - DoNotUpdatePaletteTheRawWay - - -
08001210 - Negative - - -
0800121A - End - - -
08001220 FillBgMap TmFill BG_Fill TmFill FillBGMap
08001240 RegisterBlankTile SetBlankChr RegisterBlankTile SetBlankChr RegisterBlankTile
08001258 SetInterrupt_LCDVBlank SetOnVBlank SetInterrupt_LCDVBlank SetOnVBlank -
08001284 - clear - - -
08001298 - end - - -
080012AC SetInterrupt_LCDVCountMatch SetOnVMatch SetInterrupt_LCDVCountMatch SetOnVMatch -
080012DC - HandleClear - - -
080012F4 - End - - -
08001308 - SetNextVCount - SetNextVCount -
0800131C SetLCDVCountSetting SetVCount SetLCDVCountSetting SetVCount -
08001328 SetMainCallback SetMainFunc SetMainUpdateRoutine SetMainFunc -
08001334 ExecMainCycle RunMainFunc ExecMainUpdate RunMainFunc -
08001342 - end - - -
0800134C KeyStateUpdatePrivate RefreshKeyStFromKeys - RefreshKeyStFromKeys -
08001368 - NoNewPresses - - -
08001386 - NotABLR - - -
0800138C - Presses - - -
080013AC - DifferentPresses - - -
080013AE - ResetDowncounter - - -
080013B0 - NoTick - - -
080013C8 - NoButton - - -
080013D2 - Store0 - - -
080013D4 - End - - -
080013E0 KeyStateUpdate RefreshKeySt UpdateKeyStatus RefreshKeySt -
080013FC - ABStartSelect - - -
08001414 - ClearKeySt - ClearKeySt -
08001420 KeyStateInit InitKeySt ResetKeyStatus InitKeySt -
08001440 SetKeyStatusIgnore SetKeyIgnore SetKeyStatus_IgnoreMask SetKeyIgnore -
0800144C GetKeyStatusIgnore GetKeyIgnore GetKeyStatus_IgnoreMask GetKeyIgnore -
08001458 KeyStatusSetterProc_Set KeyForce_OnLoop KeyStatusSetter_Set KeySimulation_SetKeySt -
08001470 StartKeyStatusSetter StartKeyForce NewKeyStatusSetter StartKeySimulation -
0800148C SetBgPosition SetBgOffset BG_SetPosition SetBgOffset SetupBackgroundPosition
080014AA - _ContinueCheck - - -
080014B4 - CaseBG0 - - -
080014C0 - CaseBG1 - - -
080014CC - CaseBG2 - - -
080014D8 - CaseBG3 - - -
080014DE - End - - -
08001564 - Start - - -
08001574 - LoopLocal - - -
08001588 - Continue - - -
0800158E - BEGIN - - -
080018FE - lop_pals - - -
08001910 - lop_cols - - -
08001B58 LoadBgConfig InitBgs SetupBackgrounds SetupBackgrounds -
08001B6E - SkipLoadingDefaults - - -
08001B7E - lop - - -
08001C4C GetBgMapBuffer GetBgTilemap BG_GetMapBuffer GetBgTilemap GetBGMapBuffer Gets BG Map Buffer for given BG
08001C5C - - - SetHealthSafetySkipEnable -
08001C68 ShouldSkipHSScreen ShouldSkipHSScreen ShouldSkipHSScreen IsHealthSafetySkipEnabled -
08001C78 HandleResetSequence SoftResetIfKeyCombo SoftResetIfKeyComboPressed SoftResetIfKeyCombo -
08001CAA - End - - -
08001D00 - OnHBlankBoth ExecBothHBlankHandlers OnHBlankBoth -
08001D28 UpdateHBlankHandlerState RefreshOnHBlank UpdateHBlankHandlerState RefreshOnHBlank -
08001DC2 - STORE - - -
08001DC4 - End - - -
08001DD8 SetPrimaryHBlankCallback SetOnHBlankA SetPrimaryHBlankHandler SetOnHBlankA -
08001DEC SetSecondaryHBlankCallback SetOnHBlankB SetSecondaryHBlankHandler SetOnHBlankB -
08001E00 GetBgIdFromMapBuffer GetBgFromTm GetBackgroundFromBufferPointer GetBgFromTm -
08001E68 - End - - -
08001E6C SetBgDepth SetBgHLayer BG_SetPriority SetBgPriority -
08001E8C GetBgDepth GetBgHLayer BG_GetPriority GetBgPriority -
08001EA0 SetColorEffectsParameters SetBlendConfig SetSpecialColorEffectsParameters SetBlendConfig -
08001ED0 SetColorEffectsFirstTarget SetBlendTargetA - SetBlendTargetA -
08001F0C SetColorEffectsSecondTarget SetBlendTargetB - SetBlendTargetB -
08001F48 SetColorEffectBackdropFirstTarget SetBlendBackdropA - SetBlendBackdropA -
08001F64 SetColorEffectBackdropSecondTarget SetBlendBackdropB - SetBlendBackdropB -
08001F80 SetDefaultColorEffects SetBlendNone SetDefaultColorEffects SetBlendNone -
08001F94 EnablePaletteSync EnablePalSync EnablePaletteSync EnablePalSync -
08001FA0 DisablePaletteSync DisablePalSync DisablePaletteSync DisablePalSync -
08001FAC EnableBgSyncByMask EnableBgSync BG_EnableSyncByMask EnableBgSync EnableBackgroundByMask Sets BGs to be updated (Will not unset others)
08001FBC EnableBgSyncByIndex EnableBgSyncById BG_EnableSync EnableBgSyncById EnableBackgroundById Sets BG to be updated
08001FD0 - DisableBgSync - DisableBgSync -
08001FE0 ClearTileRegistry ClearMoveList ClearTileRigistry ClearMoveList -
08001FF2 - ContinueLoop - - -
08002014 RegisterTileGraphics RegisterDataMove RegisterTileGraphics RegisterDataMove RegisterTileGraphics Adds an entry to array
08002038 - Continue - - -
08002054 RegisterFillTile RegisterDataFill RegisterFillTile RegisterDataFill RegisterFillTile Adds an entry to array (fill mode); Used mostly to clear tiles
08002088 SyncRegisteredTiles ApplyDataMoves FlushTiles ApplyDataMoves FlushTiles
08002098 - Start - - -
080020A8 - _ - - -
080020AE - HandleCase0 - - -
080020BC - HandleCase1 - - -
080020CA - HandleCase2 - - -
080020E0 - Continue - - -
080020E4 - BeginLoop - - -
080020FC InitOAMSplice InitOam SetupOAMBufferSplice InitOam SetupOAMBufferSplice
08002138 SyncHiOAM SyncHiOam FlushSecondaryOAM SyncHiOam FlushSecondaryOAM
0800217C SyncLoOAM SyncLoOam FlushPrimaryOAM SyncLoOam FlushPrimaryOAM
080021A0 - end - - -
080021B0 WriteOAMRotScaleData SetObjAffine WriteOAMRotScaleData SetObjAffine WriteOAMRotScaleData
080021E4 - PutUnkSprite - PutUnkSprite -
0800224C GetLoOAMSize GetOamSplice GetPrimaryOAMSize GetOamSplice -
08002258 Sound_GetCurrentSong GetCurrentBgmSong Sound_GetCurrentSong GetCurrentBgmSong -
08002264 Sound_IsSongPlaying IsBgmPlaying - IsBgmPlaying -
08002274 Sound_SetVolume_8002274 SetVolume_8002274 Sound_SetBGMVolume Sound_SetVolume8002274 -
080022EC Sound_SetSongVolume SetBgmVolume Sound_SetSEVolume SetBgmVolume -
0800231C Sound_FadeSongOut FadeBgmOut Sound_FadeOutBGM FadeBgmOut -
08002326 - no_default - - -
08002336 - no_proc_a - - -
08002346 - no_proc_b - - -
0800237C Sound_FadeOut_800237C FadeBgmOut_0800237C Sound_FadeOutBGMAlt Sound_FadeOut800237C -
08002386 - no_default - - -
08002396 - no_proc_a - - -
080023A6 - no_proc_b - - -
080023E0 Sound_FadeOut_80023E0 FadeSoundOut_080023E0 Sound_FadeOutSE SoundStuff_80023E0 -
080023EA - no_default - - -
08002448 Sound_PlaySong StartBgmCore Sound_PlaySong8002448 StartBgmCore Switch BGM (Low layer)
08002478 Sound_PlaySongSmoothCommon StartOrChangeBgm PlaySong8002478 StartOrChangeBgm Switch BGM(Add current BGM)
08002492 - not_playing - - -
080024C4 - kickstart - - -
080024CC - end - - -
080024D4 Sound_PlaySongSmooth StartBgm Sound_PlaySong80024D4 StartBgm Switch BGM
080024E4 Sound_PlaySongSmoothExt StartBgmExt Sound_PlaySong80024E4 StartBgmExt Switch BGM (another command 1)
080024F0 Sound_SongVolumeTransitionAProc_Loop MusicFi_OnLoop - - -
08002556 - end - - -
08002574 - StartBgmFadeIn Sound_PlaySong8002574 StartBgmFadeIn -
080025F6 - end - - -
08002620 - OverrideBgm - OverrideBgm Switch BGM (another commandPart 5)
08002648 - no_fade - - -
0800265A - end - - -
08002670 - RestoreBgm - RestoreBgm -
080026A4 - end - - -
080026F4 - end - - -
0800270C - MakeBgmOverridePersist - MakeBgmOverridePersist -
08002724 - end - - -
08002730 StartSongVolumeTransitionB StartBgmVolumeChange ISuspectThisToBeMusicRelated_8002730 StartBgmVolumeChange -
0800274C - no_parent - - -
08002754 - _ - - -
08002770 - _max - - -
08002788 Sound_SongVolumeTransitionBProc_Loop MusicVc_OnLoop - - -
080027F4 - playing - - -
080027FA - delet - - -
08002806 - end - - -
0800281C Sound_PlaySoundDelayedProc_Loop DelaySong_OnLoop Some6CMusicRelatedWaitCallback DelaySong_OnLoop -
0800284E - end - - -
08002858 PlaySongDelayed PlaySongDelayed StartSongDelayed PlaySongDelayed -
08002880 - no_music - - -
08002890 Sound_PlaySongCore PlaySongCore PlaySong PlaySongCore -
080028A6 - big_number - - -
080028C0 - no_player - - -
080028C8 - End - - -
080028D0 SetSoundDefaultMaxChannels SetSoundDefaultMaxChannels Sound_SetDefaultMaxNumChannels Sound_SetDefaultMaxNumChannels -
080028E8 SetSoundMaxChannels SetSoundMaxChannels Sound_SetMaxNumChannels Sound_SetMaxNumChannels -
080028FC Sound_SetupMaxChannelsForSong SetupMaxChannelsForSong - - -
08002914 - _ - - -
0800291C - set_max_channels_8 - - -
08002934 - set_default_max_channels - - -
08002946 - end - - -
08002950 - - IsMusicProc2Running IsMusicProc2Running -
08002964 - return_true - - -
08002966 - end - - -
080029B4 - end - - -
080029BC - - - - Switch BGM (another commandPart 4)
080029DA - skip_sleep - - -
080029E2 - end - - -
080029E8 - - - - Switch BGM (another command 3)
08002A24 - no_parent - - -
08002A2C - _ - - -
08002A62 - end - - -
08002A80 - return_true - - -
08002A82 - end - - -
08002AB8 CancelPlaySongDelayed CancelPlaySongDelayed DeleteAll6CWaitMusicRelated CancelDelaySong -
08002AF8 RamFuncInit InitRamFuncs StoreRoutinesToIRAM InitRamFuncs -
08002B90 Draw1DTileTextGlyphCore DrawGlyph CallARM_Func3 DrawGlyphRam WRAMRoutineGetter
08002BA4 HuffmanTextDecomp DecodeString CallARM_DecompText DecodeStringRam -
08002BB8 PushToHiOAM PutOamHi CallARM_PushToSecondaryOAM PutOamHiRam PushToSecondaryOAM
08002BCC PushToLoOAM PutOamLo CallARM_PushToPrimaryOAM PutOamLoRam PushToPrimaryOAM
08002BE0 - MoveFillStep CallARM_Func5 MapFloodCoreStepRam -
08002BF4 FillMovementMapCore MoveFill CallARM_FillMovementMap MapFloodCoreRam -
08002C08 ProcInit InitProcs Proc_Init InitProcs -
08002C1A - ContinueLoop - - -
08002C5E - ContinueNullifyMains - - -
08002C7C ProcStart SpawnProc Proc_Start SpawnProc -
08002CBE - NotNumber - - -
08002CC6 - Continue - - -
08002CE0 ProcStartBlocking SpawnProcLocking Proc_StartBlocking SpawnProcLocking ProcStartBlocking
08002D08 - ReturnNull - - -
08002D0A - End - - -
08002D10 ProcEndPrivate ClearProc DeleteProcessRecursive DeleteProcessRecursive -
08002D1E - NoNextStruct - - -
08002D28 - No0x18Ptr - - -
08002D42 - NotCallable - - -
08002D66 - End - - -
08002D6C EndProc Proc_End Proc_End Proc_End -
08002D7E - End - - -
08002D84 ProcAlloc AllocProc AllocateProcess AllocateProcess -
08002D94 _FreeProcState FreeProc FreeProcess FreeProcess Free6C
08002DA4 ProcInsertRoot InsertRootProc InsertRootProcess InsertRootProcess -
08002DBA - End - - -
08002DC8 ProcInsert InsertProc InsertChildProcess InsertChildProcess -
08002DD8 - End - - -
08002DE0 ProcIsolate UnlinkProc UnlinkProcess UnlinkProcess -
08002DEE - NoPreviousStruct - - -
08002DF8 - NoNextStruct - - -
08002E0A - NoParentStruct - - -
08002E1A - End - - -
08002E28 ExecProc_Private RunProcCore RunProcessRecursive RunProcessRecursive -
08002E36 - NoNextStruct - - -
08002E62 - CallLoopRoutine - - -
08002E6A - NoLoop - - -
08002E74 - NoCall - - -
08002E7E - End - - -
08002E84 ExecProc Proc_Run Proc_Run Proc_Run Exec6C Routine Locations
08002E8E - end - - -
08002E94 BreakProcLoop Proc_Break Proc_Break Proc_Break -
08002E9C ProcFind Proc_Find Proc_Find FindProc -
08002EA4 - ContinueLoop - - -
08002EB4 - NotEqual - - -
08002EBE - Equal - - -
08002EC4 ProcFindNonBlocked Proc_FindActive Proc_FindNonBlocked Proc_FindNonBlocked -
08002ECC - lop - - -
08002EE4 - continue - - -
08002EEE - end - - -
08002EF4 ProcFindMarked Proc_FindMarked Proc_FindWithMark Proc_FindWithMark -
08002F24 ProcGoto Proc_Goto Proc_Goto Proc_Goto Goto6CLabel
08002F38 - Start - - -
08002F4A - Continue - - -
08002F56 - End - - -
08002F5C ProcGotoPtr Proc_GotoScript Proc_GotoScript Proc_GotoScript -
08002F64 ProcMark Proc_Mark Proc_SetMark Proc_SetMark -
08002F6C ProcSetEndFunc Proc_SetEndFunc Proc_SetEndCb Proc_SetEndCb -
08002F70 ForEveryProc Proc_ForAll Proc_ForAll ForEveryProc ForAll6C
08002F78 - Continue - - -
08002F84 - Skip - - -
08002F98 ForEachProc Proc_ForEach Proc_ForEach ForEachProc ForEach6C
08002FA2 - Start - - -
08002FAE - Continue - - -
08002FC0 ProcForEachMarked Proc_ForEachMarked Proc_ForEachMarked ForEachMarkedProc ForEach6CMarked
08002FEC ProcHaltEachMarked Proc_LockEachMarked Proc_BlockEachMarked LockEachMarkedProc -
08002FF8 - Start - - -
08003004 - Continue - - -
08003014 ProcResumeEachMarked Proc_ReleaseEachMarked Proc_UnblockEachMarked ReleaseEachMarkedProc -
08003020 - Start - - -
08003030 - Continue - - -
08003040 EndEachProcMarked Proc_EndEachMarked Proc_EndEachMarked EndEachMarkedProc -
08003048 - Start - - -
08003058 - Continue - - -
0800306C _EndProc - Delete Delete -
08003078 EndEachProc Proc_EndEach Proc_EndEach EndEachProc -
08003088 _BreakProcLoop - ClearNativeCallback ClearNativeCallback -
08003094 BreakEachProcLoop Proc_BreakEach Proc_BreakEach BreakEachProc -
080030A4 ForProcFamily WalkProcSubtree ForAllFollowingProcs ForAllFollowingProcs -
080030B4 - NoNext - - -
080030C6 - NoChildren - - -
080030CC - Proc_ForSubtree - - -
080030E8 ProcInst00_End ProcCmd_End ProcCmd_DELETE ProcCmd_DELETE -
080030F4 ProcInst01_SetName ProcCmd_Name ProcCmd_SET_NAME ProcCmd_SET_NAME -
08003104 ProcInst02_CallRoutine ProcCmd_Call ProcCmd_CALL_ROUTINE ProcCmd_CALL_ROUTINE -
08003118 ProcInst16_CallRoutine2 ProcCmd_CallRet ProcCmd_CALL_ROUTINE_2 ProcCmd_CALL_ROUTINE_2 -
08003130 ProcInst18_CallRoutineArg ProcCmd_CallArg ProcCmd_CALL_ROUTINE_ARG ProcCmd_CALL_ROUTINE_ARG -
08003150 ProcInst14_WhileRoutine ProcCmd_While ProcCmd_WHILE_ROUTINE ProcCmd_WHILE_ROUTINE -
0800316E - Rewind - - -
08003176 - End - - -
0800317C ProcInst03_SetOnCycle ProcCmd_Repeat ProcCmd_LOOP_ROUTINE ProcCmd_LOOP_ROUTINE -
0800318C ProcInst04_SetOnEnd ProcCmd_SetEndFunc ProcCmd_SET_DESTRUCTOR ProcCmd_SET_DESTRUCTOR -
080031A8 ProcInst05_AddChild ProcCmd_SpawnChild ProcCmd_NEW_CHILD ProcCmd_NEW_CHILD -
080031C4 ProcInst06_AddBlockingChild ProcCmd_SpawnLockChild ProcCmd_NEW_CHILD_BLOCKING ProcCmd_NEW_CHILD_BLOCKING -
080031E0 ProcInst07_BuggedAddGlobal ProcCmd_SpawnBugged ProcCmd_NEW_MAIN_BUGGED ProcCmd_NEW_MAIN_BUGGED -
08003200 ProcInst08_BlockUntilRunning ProcCmd_WhileExists ProcCmd_WHILE_EXISTS ProcCmd_WHILE_EXISTS -
0800321E - Return0 - - -
08003220 - End - - -
08003228 ProcInst09_EndAllOf ProcCmd_EndEach ProcCmd_END_ALL ProcCmd_END_ALL -
08003244 ProcInst0A_BreakLoopForAll ProcCmd_BreakEach ProcCmd_BREAK_ALL_LOOP ProcCmd_BREAK_ALL_LOOP -
08003260 ProcInst0B_Nop ProcCmd_Nop ProcCmd_NOP ProcCmd_NOP -
0800326C ProcInst0D_GotoPointer ProcCmd_GotoScript ProcCmd_JUMP ProcCmd_JUMP -
0800327C ProcInst0C_GotoLabel ProcCmd_Goto ProcCmd_GOTO ProcCmd_GOTO -
08003290 _ProcSleepCallback SleepRepeatFunc UpdateSleep UpdateSleep -
080032A6 - End - - -
080032AC ProcInst0E_Sleep ProcCmd_Sleep ProcCmd_SLEEP ProcCmd_SLEEP -
080032C2 - NoSleep - - -
080032D4 ProcInst0F_Mark ProcCmd_Mark ProcCmd_SET_MARK ProcCmd_SET_MARK -
080032E8 ProcInst13_Nop2 ProcCmd_Nop2 ProcCmd_NOP2 ProcCmd_NOP2 -
080032F4 ProcInst10_Halt ProcCmd_Block ProcCmd_BLOCK ProcCmd_BLOCK -
080032F8 ProcInst11_EnsureUniqueWeak ProcCmd_EndIfDup ProcCmd_END_IF_DUPLICATE ProcCmd_END_IF_DUPLICATE -
08003304 - Start - - -
0800330C - Continue - - -
08003328 - Delete - - -
08003330 - End - - -
08003338 ProcInst17_EnsureUniqueStrong ProcCmd_EndDups ProcCmd_END_DUPLICATES ProcCmd_END_DUPLICATES -
08003348 - Continue - - -
0800334C - Start - - -
08003362 - End - - -
08003370 ProcInst15_Nop3 ProcCmd_Nop3 ProcCmd_NOP3 ProcCmd_NOP3 -
0800337C ProcInst12_SetBit4 ProcCmd_SetFlag2 ProcCmd_SET_BIT4 ProcCmd_SET_BIT4 -
08003394 ProcInterpretScript StepProcScr RunProcessScript RunProcessScript Run6CCode Routine Locations
080033B8 - ContinueLoop - - -
080033BE - StartLoop - - -
080033D6 - End - - -
080033DC - PrintProcInfo PrintProcessName PrintProcessName -
080033E0 - WalkPrintProcInfo PrintProcessNameRecursive PrintProcessNameRecursive -
080033F0 - NoNextStruct - - -
08003410 - NoChildren - - -
08003418 - Proc_PrintSubtreeInfo PrintProcessTree PrintProcessTree -
08003450 SetProcOnCycle Proc_SetRepeatFunc Proc_SetRepeatCb Proc_SetRepeatFunc -
08003454 - Proc_Lock Proc_BlockSemaphore Proc_Lock -
08003460 - Proc_Release Proc_WakeSemaphore Proc_Release -
0800346C Proc_GetNextWithScript Proc_GetNext Proc_FindAfter Proc_FindAfter -
0800347C - Return - - -
08003480 - StartMiddle - - -
08003482 - StartBegin - - -
0800348A - Continue - - -
08003496 - ReturnNull - - -
08003498 - End - - -
080034A0 Proc_GetNextChild Proc_GetNextChild Proc_FindAfterWithParent Proc_FindAfterWithParent FindFirstChild6C
080034BE - lop - - -
080034CA - return_null - - -
080034CC - end - - -
080034D4 - CountFreeProcSlots - - -
080034FC - CountProcs - - -
08003530 - Proc_FindBegin Proc_FindBegin BeginFindProc -
08003540 - Proc_FindNext Proc_FindNext NextFindProc -
08003578 _ResetIconGraphics InitIcons ResetIconGraphics_ InitIcons -
08003584 ClearIcons ClearIcons ResetIconGraphics ClearIcons -
080035BC LoadIconPalettes ApplyIconPalettes LoadIconPalettes ApplyIconPalettes -
080035D4 LoadIconPalette ApplyIconPalette LoadIconPalette ApplyIconPalette -
080035EC - CountActiveIcons GetNextFreeIcon CountActiveIcons -
08003610 GetIconGfxTileIndex IconSlot2Chr GetIconGfxTileIndex IconSlot2Chr -
08003624 GetIconGfxIndex GetNewIconSlot GetIconGfxIndex GetNewIconSlot -
0800362C - BeginLoop - - -
08003640 - ContinueLoop - - -
0800364A - End - - -
08003650 GetIconTileIndex GetIconChr GetIconTileIndex GetIconChr -
08003670 - Register - - -
080036A4 - Get - - -
080036BC DrawIcon PutIcon DrawIcon PutIcon -
080036D8 - ValidIconIndex - - -
08003704 - End - - -
0800370C ClearIcon ClearIcon ClearIconGfx ClearIcon -
0800372C LoadIconObjectGraphics PutIconObjImg LoadIconObjectGraphics PutIconObjImg -
08003760 - ValidIcon - - -
08003780 - End - - -
0800378C DebugBgFontInit DebugInitBg SetupDebugFontForBG DebugInitBg Loads Debug Font (BG)
0800379A - no_default - - -
08003804 DebugBgPrint DebugPutStr PrintDebugStringToBG DebugPutStr Displays String to BG
0800384C - DebugPutFmt - DebugPutFmt -
08003870 DebugInit DebugScreenInit - DebugScreenInit -
080038B4 - DebugPrintFmt - DebugPrintFmt -
080038C8 DebugClearNumberString ClearNumberStr ClearSmallStringBuffer ClearNumberStr -
080038E0 DebugIntToString GenNumberStr StoreNumberStringToSmallBuffer GenNumberStr -
080038EC - Continue - - -
080038F2 - Start - - -
08003910 - End - - -
0800391C DebugIntToStringOrDashes GenNumberOrBlankStr StoreNumberStringOrDashesToSmallBuffer GenNumberOrBlankStr -
08003930 - HandleDashes - - -
08003940 - HandleNormal - - -
08003946 - End - - -
0800394C DebugPrintNumber DebugPrintNumber - DebugPrintNumber Prints Dec Number to DBG
08003968 DebugIntToStringHex GenNumberHexStr StoreNumberHexStringToSmallBuffer GenNumberHexStr -
0800398C - Continue - - -
080039A4 - End - - -
080039B4 DebugPrintNumberHex DebugPrintNumberHex - DebugPrintNumberHex Prints Hex Number to DBG
080039D0 DebugPrint DebugPrintStr PrintStringToDBG DebugPrintStr Prints String to DBG
08003A3C DebugDisplay DebugPutScreen FlushDBGToBG2 DebugPutScreen -
08003A52 - StartLineLoop - - -
08003A7A - StartColLoop - - -
08003A94 - EndCaseCheck - - -
08003AA8 - ContinueLineLoop - - -
08003ABC DebugMain DebugUpdateScreen - DebugUpdateScreen Displaus DBG text on BG2 and handles V-Scroll
08003B24 DebugObjFontInit DebugInitObj SetupDebugFontForOBJ DebugInitObj Loads Debug Font (OBJ)
08003B32 - NoDefault - - -
08003BB0 DebugObjPrint DebugPutObjStr PrintDebugStringAsOBJ DebugPutObjStr Prints String as OBJ
08003BBA - Start - - -
08003BC2 - Lowercase - - -
08003BC4 - EndCaseCheck - - -
08003BE2 - Begin - - -
08003BFC DebugObjPrintNumber DebugPutObjNumber - DebugPutObjNumber Prints Dec Number as OBJ
08003C20 DebugObjPrintNumberHex DebugPutObjNumberHex - DebugPutObjNumberHex Prints Hex Number as OBJ
08003C44 - DebugPutObjFmt - DebugPutObjFmt -
08003C7C GetLang GetLang GetSomeByte GetLang -
08003C88 SetLang SetLang SetSomeByte SetLang -
08003C94 Text_InitFont ResetText Font_InitForUIDefault ResetText Font_InitDefault
08003CB8 Text_InitFontExt InitTextFont Font_InitForUI InitTextFont Font_InitForUI
08003CC2 - NonDefault - - -
08003CF4 Text_SetFontStandardGlyphSet SetTextFontGlyphs SetFontGlyphSet SetTextFontGlyphs SetFontGlyphSet
08003D0C - Not0 - - -
08003D12 - End - - -
08003D20 Text_ResetTileAllocation ResetTextFont - ResetTextFont -
08003D38 Text_SetFont SetTextFont SetFont SetTextFont SetFont
08003D50 - not_default - - -
08003D54 - end - - -
08003D5C Text_InitClear InitText Text_Init InitText Text_Init
08003D84 Text_InitDB InitTextDb Text_Allocate InitTextDb Text_Allocate
08003DAC InitClearTextBatch InitTextList InitTextBatch InitTextList InitTextBatch
08003DB2 - lop - - -
08003DBC - begin - - -
08003DC8 Text_Clear ClearText Text_Clear ClearText TextVRAMClearer
08003E00 - ClearTextPart - ClearTextPart -
08003E40 - Text_GetChrOffset - Text_GetChrOffset -
08003E50 Text_GetXCursor Text_GetCursor Text_GetXCursor Text_GetCursor -
08003E54 Text_SetXCursor Text_SetCursor Text_SetXCursor Text_SetCursor -
08003E58 Text_Advance Text_Skip Text_Advance Text_Skip Text_Advance
08003E60 Text_SetColorId Text_SetColor Text_SetColorId Text_SetColor -
08003E64 Text_GetColorId Text_GetColor Text_GetColorId Text_GetColor -
08003E68 Text_SetParameters Text_SetParams Text_SetParameters Text_SetParams Text_SetParameters
08003E70 Text_Display PutText Text_Draw PutText Text_Draw
08003E8E - ContinueLoop - - -
08003EA2 - NoLoop - - -
08003EB2 - End - - -
08003EBC Text_DisplayBlank PutBlankText Text_DrawBlank PutBlankText Text_DrawBlank
08003EC8 - Continue - - -
08003ED8 - End - - -
08003EDC Text_GetStringTextWidth GetStringTextLen GetStringTextWidth GetStringTextLen GetStringTextWidth
08003EFC - StartLoop - - -
08003F1C - Next - - -
08003F1E - HandleGlyph - - -
08003F2C - Loop - - -
08003F34 - End - - -
08003F3C GetCharTextWidth GetCharTextLen GetCharTextWidth GetCharTextLen -
08003F5C - not_single_byte - - -
08003F78 - lop - - -
08003F7A - begin - - -
08003F88 - return - - -
08003F8A - end - - -
08003F90 Text_GetStringTextCenteredPos GetStringTextCenteredPos GetStringTextCenteredPos GetStringTextCenteredPos TexCenterer
08003FAC - GetStringTextBox - GetStringTextBox -
08003FC0 - lop - - -
08003FEC - end - - -
08003FF4 Text_GetStringNextLine GetStringLineEnd String_GetEnd GetStringLineEnd -
08003FF8 - continue - - -
08003FFA - begin - - -
08004004 Text_DrawString Text_DrawString Text_AppendString Text_DrawString Text_AppendString
08004020 - loop - - -
0800402E - StartLocal - - -
0800404C - ContinueLocal - - -
08004058 - Continue - - -
08004068 - start - - -
0800406E - end - - -
08004074 Text_DrawNumber Text_DrawNumber Text_AppendDecNumber Text_DrawNumber Text_AppendDecNumber
0800408C - loop - - -
080040B6 - end - - -
080040C0 - - - Text_DrawNumberLeftAlign -
08004144 Text_DrawNumberOr2Dashes Text_DrawNumberOrBlank Text_AppendNumberOr2Dashes Text_DrawNumberOrBlank Text_AppendNumberOr2Dashes
08004154 - draw_blank - - -
08004174 - draw_number - - -
0800417A - end - - -
08004180 Text_DrawChar Text_DrawCharacter Text_AppendChar Text_DrawCharacter -
080041A0 - NEVER - - -
080041A8 - retry - - -
080041BC - lop - - -
080041E2 - end - - -
080041E8 Text_GetDst1dText GetTextDrawDest GetVRAMPointerForTextMaybe GetTextDrawDest -
08004208 Get2bppTo4bppLookup GetColorLut GetGlyphColorLUT GetColorLut -
08004218 DrawGlyph1DTile DrawTextGlyph Font_StandardGlyphDrawer DrawTextGlyph DefaultTextDraw
08004268 DrawGlyph1DTileNoClear DrawTextGlyphNoClear Font_SpecializedGlyphDrawer DrawTextGlyphNoClear -
080042B0 - Continue - - -
080043A8 Font_LoadForUI InitSystemTextFont Font_LoadForUI InitSystemTextFont Font_LoadForUI
080043E8 Font_LoadForDialogue InitTalkTextFont Font_LoadForDialogue InitTalkTextFont Font_LoadForDialogue
08004428 Font_SetDraw1DTileNoClear SetTextDrawNoClear Font_SetSomeSpecialDrawingRoutine SetTextDrawNoClear -
0800443C DrawTextInline PutDrawText DrawTextInline PutDrawText DrawTextInline
08004456 - SkipInlineText - - -
08004480 Text_InsertString Text_InsertDrawString Text_InsertString Text_InsertDrawString Text_InsertString
080044A4 Text_InsertNumberOr2Dashes Text_InsertDrawNumberOrBlank Text_InsertNumberOr2Dashes Text_InsertDrawNumberOrBlank Text_InsertNumberOr2Dashes
080044C8 Text_AppendStringAscii Text_DrawStringAscii Text_AppendStringASCII Text_DrawStringAscii -
080044D0 - loop - - -
080044EA - continue - - -
080044F2 - start - - -
08004504 Text_AppendCharAscii Text_DrawCharacterAscii Text_AppendCharASCII Text_DrawCharacterAscii -
08004524 - NonNullGlyph - - -
08004538 GetCharTextWidthAscii GetCharTextLenAscii GetCharTextWidthASCII GetCharTextLenAscii -
08004568 GetStringTextWidthAscii GetStringTextLenAscii GetStringTextWidthASCII GetStringTextLenAscii -
0800457A - ContinueLoop - - -
0800458E - End - - -
0800459C Font_InitForObj InitSpriteTextFont InitSomeOtherGraphicsRelatedStruct InitSpriteTextFont -
080045D8 Text_Init2DLine InitSpriteText Text_Init3 InitSpriteText -
080045FC - SpriteText_DrawBackground - DrawSpriteTextBackground -
08004646 - end - - -
0800465C Text_Clear2DLine SpriteText_ClearBackground - DrawSpriteTextBackgroundColor0 -
080046A4 - end - - -
080046B4 Text_Fill2DLine SpriteText_DrawBackgroundExt Text_80046B4 DrawSpriteTextBackgroundExt -
080046E0 Text_Get2DVRAMTarget GetSpriteTextDrawDest - GetSpriteTextDrawDest -
08004700 DrawGlyph2DTile DrawSpriteTextGlyph - DrawSpriteTextGlyph -
080048B0 - TextPrint_OnLoop - TextPrint_OnLoop -
08004924 - StartTextPrint - StartTextPrint -
0800496C - IsTextPrinting - IsTextPrinting -
08004974 - EndTextPrinting - EndTextPrinting -
08004984 - GreenText_OnLoop - GreenText_OnLoop -
080049AC NewGreenTextColorManager StartGreenText NewGreenTextColorManager StartGreenText -
080049C0 - no_parent - - -
080049C8 - end - - -
080049D0 EndGreenTextColorManager EndGreenText EndGreenTextColorManager EndGreenText -
080049E0 - - - PutTextPart -
08004A34 Text_DrawGlyphManual DrawSpecialCharGlyph - DrawSpecialCharGlyph -
08004A56 - lop - - -
08004A90 Text_DrawSpecialUiChar AddSpecialChar - AddSpecialChar -
08004ACC DrawSpecialUiChar_ GetSpecialCharChr - GetSpecialCharChr -
08004AD4 - loop - - -
08004AEC - not_free - - -
08004B02 - continue - - -
08004B06 - end - - -
08004B0C DrawSpecialUiChar PutSpecialChar - PutSpecialChar -
08004B24 - not_ff - - -
08004B3C - end - - -
08004B48 DrawSpecialUiDecNumber PutNumberExt - PutNumberExt -
08004B5E - loop - - -
08004B82 - end - - -
08004B88 DrawUiNumber PutNumber - PutNumber -
08004B94 DrawUiNumberOrDoubleDashes PutNumberOrBlank DrawDecNumber PutNumberOrBlank -
08004B9E - negative - - -
08004BAA - not_ff - - -
08004BAE - end - - -
08004BB4 - PutNumberTwoChr - PutNumberTwoChr -
08004BE4 DrawUiSmallNumber PutNumberSmall - PutNumberSmall -
08004BF0 DrawStatScreenBonusNumber PutNumberBonus - PutNumberBonus -
08004C0C - not_2digit - - -
08004C14 - end - - -
08004C1C - SpecialCharTest - SpecialCharTest -
08004C68 - PutTime - PutTime -
08004D5C - PutTwoSpecialChar - PutTwoSpecialChar -
08004D7C - PutNumber2DigitExt - PutNumber2Digit -
08004DB8 - PutNumber2Digit - PutNumber2DigitSmall -
08004DF8 - PutNumber2DigitSmall - PutNumber2DigitExt -
08004E40 UpdateAISs BAnimUpdateAll AnimUpdateAll BsoUpdateAll -
08004E54 - continue - - -
08004E56 - loop - - -
08004E7A - no_delay - - -
08004E86 - no_resort - - -
08004E8E - delay - - -
08004E96 - no_frame_exec - - -
08004EA4 - no_display - - -
08004EB2 - end - - -
08004EB8 ClearAISs BAnimInit AnimClearAll BsoInit -
08004ECA - loop - - -
08004ED6 - end - - -
08004EE8 - BAnimCreate2 AnimCreate_unused BsoCreate2 -
08004F40 - return_zero - - -
08004F42 - end - - -
08004F48 CreateAIS BAnimCreate AnimCreate BsoCreate AIS_New
08004F64 - NotDrawn - - -
08004FA4 - ReturnNull - - -
08004FA6 - End - - -
08004FAC SortAISs BAnimSort AnimSort BsoSort -
08004FC2 - loop_clear - - -
08004FCC - continue_clear - - -
08004FD2 - _ - - -
08004FE4 - loop_link - - -
08004FF0 - continue_link - - -
08004FF6 - end - - -
08005004 DeleteAIS BAnimRemove AnimDelete BsoRemove AIS_Free
0800501C - NonNullPrevious - - -
08005026 - Finish - - -
08005034 DisplayAIS BAnimPutOam AnimDisplay BsoPutOam AIS_Display
08005040 AdvanceAIS BAnimRunScript AnimInterpret AnimInterpret -
08005052 - NoOAMSet - - -
0800506C - CallRoutine - - -
0800507C - JumpToFrameData - - -
0800508C - NoPointer - - -
08005098 - JUMP - - -
080050A8 - jpt_80050A0 - - -
080050C4 - Case0 - - -
080050E0 - Case1_Delet - - -
080050EC - Case2_Restrart - - -
080050F4 - Case4_Wait - - -
080050F8 - Case3_Move - - -
08005114 - Case5_Command - - -
08005158 - _ - - -
08005166 - __ - - -
0800516A - rewind - - -
08005172 - Case6 - - -
08005194 - StoreFieldC - - -
080051A0 - OAMSet - - -
080051B2 - StoreDelay - - -
080051B4 - end - - -
080051C0 InsertAIS BAnimInsert AnimInsert AnimInsert -
080051CE - insert_first - - -
080051D8 - insert_last - - -
080051E0 - not_first_ais - - -
080051E4 - continue - - -
080051EC - loop - - -
08005202 - end - - -
08005208 _DisplayAIS BPutAnim AnimDisplayPrivate AnimDisplayPrivate _AIS_Display
08005238 - ContinueRotScaleLoop - - -
08005268 - no_rot_scale - - -
0800528A - loop - - -
080052A6 - HideX - - -
080052AA - NotHideX - - -
080052B2 - HideY - - -
080052B6 - NotHideY - - -
080052D0 - NoRotScaleRef - - -
08005304 - end - - -
08005334 - - Anim_8005334 Anim_8005334 -
08005370 - PutSpriteAffine PutObjectAffine PutSpriteAffine -
080053A4 ObjClear ClearSprites ClearSprites ClearSprites ClearIntermediateOAMBuffer
080053BA - Continue - - -
080053E8 ObjInsertSafe PutSprite PutSprite PutSprite RegisterObjectSafe
08005428 ObjInsert PutSpriteExt PutSpriteExt PutSpriteExt RegisterObject
08005458 ObjDisplayAll PutSpriteLayerOam PushSpriteLayerObjects PutSpriteLayerOam FlushIntermediateOAMBuffer
08005464 - lop - - -
08005478 - continue - - -
0800547E - end - - -
08005488 _HiObjProc_Loop SpriteRefresher_OnIdle SpriteRefresher_OnIdle SpriteRefresher_OnIdle -
080054B0 StartHiObjProc StartSpriteRefresher StartSpriteRefresher StartSpriteRefresher -
080054F4 MoveHiObjProc MoveSpriteRefresher MoveSpriteRefresher MoveSpriteRefresher -
08005504 - given - - -
08005514 GetPortraitData GetFaceInfo GetPortraitStructPointer GetFaceInfo -
08005528 Face_Init InitFaces ResetFaces InitFaces -
0800552C - lop - - -
08005544 SetFaceGfxConfig SetFaceConfig SetupFaceGfxData SetFaceConfig -
0800554C - skip_defaults - - -
08005552 - loop - - -
08005570 FindFreeFaceSlot GetFreeFaceSlot - GetFreeFaceSlot -
08005576 - Begin - - -
08005584 - Continue - - -
08005590 - End - - -
08005594 FACE_Load Face_OnInit Load6CFACEGraphics Face_UnpackImg -
080055BC FACE_Display Face_OnIdle - Face_OnIdle -
08005602 - end - - -
08005610 StartFaceAuto StartFaceAuto - StartFaceAuto -
08005632 - return_null - - -
08005634 - end - - -
0800563C StartFace StartFace NewFace StartFace -
08005720 - end - - -
08005738 EndFace EndFace DeleteE_FACEByPointer EndFace -
08005758 EndFaceById EndFaceById DeleteFaceByIndex EndFaceById -
08005770 SetFaceDisplayBits SetFaceDisp - SetFaceDisp -
08005782 - no_face - - -
08005784 - end - - -
0800578C SetFaceDisplayBitsById SetFaceDispById - SetFaceDispById -
080057A4 GetFaceDisplayBits GetFaceDisp - GetFaceDisp -
080057A8 GetFaceDisplayBitsById GetFaceDispById - GetFaceDispById -
080057C0 ApplyFaceDisplayBitChange FaceRefreshSprite - FaceRefreshSprite -
080057EC - _ - - -
080057FC - case_1 - - -
08005804 - case_2 - - -
0800580C - case_3 - - -
08005814 - ___ - - -
0800581C - case_5 - - -
08005824 - case_800 - - -
0800582C - case_801 - - -
0800582E - obj_data_set - - -
08005830 - no_change - - -
0800584C - __ - - -
08005856 - case_40 - - -
0800585A - case_80 - - -
08005860 - case_200 - - -
08005866 - default - - -
0800586A - ____ - - -
08005894 - PutFaceTm - PutFaceTm TilemapWriter
08005924 LoadMiniMugGraphics UnpackFaceChibiGraphics - UnpackFaceChibiGraphics -
08005960 - NotGeneric - - -
08005980 - End - - -
08005988 DrawMiniMug PutFaceChibi - PutFaceChibi CreateMinimug
080059CC - UnpackFaceChibiSprGraphics - UnpackFaceChibiSprGraphics -
08005AC4 - End - - -
08005AD4 - FaceChibiSpr_OnIdle - FaceChibiSpr_OnIdle -
08005B04 - StartFaceChibiStr - StartFaceChibiStr -
08005B68 - EndFaceChibiSpr - EndFaceChibiSpr -
08005B78 - PutFace80x72_Standard - PutFace80x72_Standard -
08005BCC - PutFace80x72_Raised - PutFace80x72_Raised -
08005C24 ShouldPortraitBeSmol ShouldFaceBeRaised ShouldPortraitBeSmol IsSmallFid -
08005C3C - jpt_8005C34 - - -
08005C98 - yes - - -
08005C9C - no - - -
08005C9E - end - - -
08005CA4 - PutFace80x72_Core - PutFace80x72_Core DisplayBgFaceCore
08005D0C - non_smol - - -
08005D54 - end - - -
08005D90 - end - - -
08005DD4 - jpt_8005DCA - - -
08005E38 - def_8005DCA - - -
08005E90 - end - - -
08005E98 - PutFace80x72 - PutFace80x72 -
08005ECC - EndFacePtr - EndFacePtr -
08005ED8 - EndFaceIn8Frames - EndFaceIn8Frames -
08005EF0 - StartFaceFadeIn - StartFaceFadeIn -
08005F38 StartFaceFadeOut StartFaceFadeOut - StartFaceFadeOut -
08005F6C GetGenericMiniMugGfx GetFactionFaceImg - GetFactionFaceImg -
08005F9C LoadGenericMiniMugPalette ApplyFactionFacePal - ApplyFactionFacePal -
08006130 - data - - -
080062D4 - jpt_80062CE - - -
08006310 - def_80062CE - - -
08006368 - End - - -
080063E0 - jpt_80063DA - - -
08006420 - def_80063DA - - -
08006438 SetFaceBlinkControl SetFaceBlinkControl - SetFaceBlinkControl -
08006458 SetFaceBlinkControlById SetFaceBlinkControlById - SetFaceBlinkControlById -
08006470 GetFaceBlinkProcUnk8006470 FaceBlinkProc_GenBlinkInterval - FaceBlinkProc_GenBlinkInterval -
08006498 - jpt_8006490 - - -
080064AC - case_3 - - -
080064B6 - case_1 - - -
080064BC - case_2 - - -
080064C2 - case_4 - - -
080064C6 - case_5 - - -
080064C8 - end - - -
080064F4 NewFace2 NewFace2 - NewFace2 -
080067E8 Dialogue_ClearFaceReferences ClearTalkFaceRefs - ClearTalkFaceRefs -
080067F0 - Continue - - -
0800680C Dialogue_InitGfx InitTalk - InitTalk -
0800684A - ContinueInitText - - -
08006862 - NoText - - -
08006884 - NoLoadGfx - - -
080068AC Dialogue_InitGfxObj InitSpriteTalk - InitSpriteTalk -
0800690C - continue - - -
08006934 - end - - -
08006978 Dialogue_InitFont SetInitTalkTextFont - SetInitTalkTextFont -
0800698C StartDialogue StartTalkExt - StartTalkExt -
08006A1C - blocking - - -
08006A24 - end - - -
08006A30 StartDialogueFromIndex StartTalkMsg - StartTalkMsg -
08006A50 - StartTalkMsgExt - StartTalkMsgExt -
08006A70 StartDialogueParentless StartTalk - StartTalk -
08006A7C EndDialogue EndTalk - EndTalk -
08006A8C - SetTalkLines - SetTalkLines -
08006A98 ClearDialogueFlags ClearTalkFlags - ClearTalkFlags -
08006AA8 SetDialogueFlag SetTalkFlag - SetTalkFlag -
08006AC8 UnsetDialogueFlag UnsetDialogueFlag - UnsetDialogueFlag -
08006ADC CheckDialogueFlag CheckDialogueFlag - CheckDialogueFlag -
08006AF0 Dialogue_SetCharacterDisplayDelay Dialogue_SetCharacterDisplayDelay - Dialogue_SetCharacterDisplayDelay -
08006B06 - end - - -
08006B10 Dialogue_SetDefaultTextColor Dialogue_SetDefaultTextColor - Dialogue_SetDefaultTextColor -
08006B26 - loop - - -
08006B3C - end - - -
08006B4C DialogueSkipInputListener_OnLoop DialogueSkipInputListener_OnLoop - DialogueSkipInputListener_OnLoop -
08006BC4 - no_skip - - -
08006BEE - end - - -
08006C00 DialogueMain_OnInit DialogueMain_OnInit - DialogueMain_OnInit -
08006C24 - no_reset_gfx - - -
08006C34 DialogueMain_OnLoop DialogueMain_OnLoop - DialogueMain_OnLoop -
08006C6E - do - - -
08006C72 - reloop - - -
08006C78 - loop - - -
08006C9C - _ - - -
08006CA6 - Case0_EndText - - -
08006CAE - Case2_ContinueSometimes - - -
08006CC2 - Case3_Uhh - - -
08006CD0 - case_01 - - -
08006D7E - continue - - -
08006D8A - not_instant - - -
08006D94 - end - - -
08006DA0 DialogueMain_UpdateDisplay DialogueMain_UpdateDisplay - DialogueMain_UpdateDisplay -
08006E7A - return_zero - - -
08006E7C - end - - -
08006EBE - return_zero - - -
08006EC0 - end - - -
08006EC4 LockDialogue LockDialogue - LockDialogue -
08006ED8 IsDialogueLocked IsDialogueLocked - IsDialogueLocked -
08006EE6 - End - - -
08006EF0 UnlockDialogue UnlockDialogue - UnlockDialogue -
08006FD0 - DialogueInterpret - DialogueInterpret ParseTextEscape
08007022 - validity - - -
08007030 - jpt_800702A - - -
080072A0 - def_80075A8 - - -
080072AE - MasterCase1 - - -
080072CC - MasterCase2 - - -
08007314 - MasterCase3_BluArro - - -
08007350 - MasterCasePause - - -
0800735A - AdvanceAndReturn2 - - -
08007360 - Return2 - - -
08007364 - HandlePause - - -
080073AC - case_load_face - - -
08007450 - MasterCaseOpenSpeechBubble - - -
080075B0 - jpt_80075A8 - - -
08007828 - def_800702A - - -
0800782A - end - - -
08007838 Dialogue_SetActiveFacePosition SetActiveTalkFace - SetActiveTalkFace -
08007854 - - - - ParseLoadFaceOnText
08007930 - End - - -
08007938 - StartDialogueFace - StartDialogueFace Loading facial graphics
080079B6 - lop - - -
080079DE - end - - -
08007A50 - Yes - - -
08007A52 - End - - -
08007C0C DialogueMain_OnEnd DialogueMain_OnEnd - DialogueMain_OnEnd -
08007C28 DialoguePauseTimer_OnLoop DialoguePauseTimer_OnLoop - DialoguePauseTimer_OnLoop -
08007C42 - Non0 - - -
08007C46 - End - - -
08007CC0 - end - - -
08007CD8 NewTextBluArrowAndButtonChecker NewTextBluArrowAndButtonChecker - NewTextBluArrowAndButtonChecker -
08007DE8 StartDialogueTextChoice StartDialogueTextChoice - StartDialogueTextChoice -
08007E9C DialogueTextChoice_OnLoop DialogueTextChoice_OnLoop - DialogueTextChoice_OnLoop -
08007F8C - end - - -
080080BC - End - - -
080080FC - end - - -
08008138 - not_special - - -
08008198 GetTextPauseDurationFromControlCode GetTextPauseDurationFromControlCode - GetTextPauseDurationFromControlCode -
080081A8 Dialogue_ClearTextBoxes Dialogue_ClearTextBoxes - Dialogue_ClearTextBoxes -
080081EC Dialogue_ClearText Dialogue_ClearText - Dialogue_ClearText -
0800821E - loop - - -
0800823E - end - - -
08008250 - Dialogue_ClearLines - Dialogue_ClearLines -
08008274 - continue - - -
08008294 - end - - -
080083E0 NewDialogueBoxAppearingAnimator StartDialogueBoxAppearingAnimator - StartDialogueBoxAppearingAnimator -
08008454 - end - - -
08008504 - jpt_80084FC - - -
08008656 - def_80084FC - - -
080087A4 nullsub_74 nullsub_74 - nullsub_74 -
0800892C - return_zero - - -
0800892E - end - - -
080089A6 - end - - -
080089D0 DialogueExists DialogueExists - DialogueExists -
080089DE - end - - -
080089E8 FaceExists FaceExists Face6CExists FaceExists -
080089F6 - End - - -
08008A00 GetLastDialoguePromptResult GetDialoguePromptResult - GetDialoguePromptResult -
08008A0C - SetDialoguePromptResult - SetDialoguePromptResult -
08008B44 GetStringTextWidthWithDialogueCodes GetStrTalkLen - GetStrTalkLen -
08008B66 - lop - - -
08008B80 - jpt_8008B76 - - -
08008D88 - case_end - - -
08008D92 - case_nl - - -
08008D9A - case_pause - - -
08008D9E - case_a - - -
08008DA2 - case_select_face - - -
08008DAA - case_load_face - - -
08008DC8 - case_clear_face - - -
08008DD6 - case_prompt - - -
08008DDA - case_extended_code - - -
08008DE4 - _ - - -
08008DF4 - jpt_8008DEC - - -
08008E8C - case_money - - -
08008EA8 - case_tact - - -
08008EB2 - case_substring - - -
08008ECC - case_move_face - - -
08008ED4 - case_mutibyte - - -
08008EE0 - case_displayed_char - - -
08008F06 - end - - -
08008F18 GetZero GetZero GetZero GetZero -
08008F20 DialogueEnableBgSyncByMask DialogueEnableBgSyncByMask - DialogueEnableBgSyncByMask -
08008F34 - end - - -
08008F4C - End - - -
08009038 nullsub_15 nullsub_15 nullsub_15 nullsub_15 -
08009154 - End - - -
08009260 AP_Init AP_Init AP_ClearAll InitSpriteAnims -
0800926C - continue - - -
0800927C AP_Create AP_Create AP_Create StartSpriteAnim TCS_New Creates a new TCS
0800929C - ReturnNull - - -
0800929E - End - - -
080092A4 AP_Delete AP_Delete AP_Delete EndSpriteAnim TCS_Free Frees/Deletes/Ends a TCS
080092B6 - End - - -
080092BC AP_Update AP_Update AP_Update DisplaySpriteAnim TCS_Update Updates TCS Logic and Graphics
080092CA - NullCheckFailed - - -
080092CE - NullCheckSuccess - - -
080092DE - End - - -
080092E4 _AP_RegisterGraphics _AP_RegisterGraphics AP_Display PutSpriteAnim -
0800930E - NoExtraData - - -
08009336 - End - - -
08009340 _AP_Exec _AP_Exec AP_ExecFrame StepSpriteAnim -
08009368 - ReturnOne - - -
0800936C - DecrementedToZero - - -
08009376 - CounterIsZero - - -
08009390 - Case_0000_xxxx - - -
080093AC - Case_0000_0001 - - -
080093B2 - ReturnZero - - -
080093B6 - ExecuteFrame - - -
080093DA - Hi - - -
08009420 - NoTopBitSet - - -
08009422 - SetUpdateGfx - - -
0800942A - End - - -
08009430 AP_RegisterAffine AP_RegisterAffine AP_QueueObjRotScale PutSpriteAnimAffine -
0800946A - Continue - - -
08009500 - End - - -
08009518 AP_SetAnimation AP_SetAnimation AP_SwitchAnimation SetSpriteAnimId TCS_SetAnim Sets Anim of TCS
08009544 - End - - -
08009548 AP_SetDefinition AP_SetDefinition AP_SetDefinition SetSpriteAnimInfo TCS_SetROMTCS Sets (Changes) ROMTCS of TCS
08009562 - End - - -
08009568 _AP_QueueTileGfx _AP_QueueTileGfx AP_QueueObjGraphics SyncSpriteAnimImg -
080095AE - Start - - -
08009646 - Continue - - -
0800965A - NoOAMData - - -
08009660 - End - - -
08009674 _AP_Load _AP_Load AP_LoadDefinition LoadSpriteAnimInfo -
08009698 _AP_ExecOneFrame _AP_ExecOneFrame AP_ExecDummyFrame StepSpriteAnimFirstFrame -
080096B8 AP_CreatePrivate AP_CreatePrivate AP_Init InitSpriteAnim -
080096F0 AP_Alloc AP_Alloc AP_Find FindSpriteAnim -
080096F8 - Start - - -
08009708 - Continue - - -
08009712 - End - - -
08009718 APProc_Create APProc_Create APProc_Create StartSpriteAnimProc -
08009760 _APProc_OnUpdate _APProc_OnUpdate APProc_OnUpdate APProc_OnUpdate -
08009780 - Delet - - -
08009786 - End - - -
0800978C _APProc_OnDelete _APProc_OnDelete APProc_OnEnd APProc_OnEnd -
08009798 APProc_SetParameters APProc_SetParameters APProc_SetParameters SetSpriteAnimProcParameters -
080097AC - End - - -
080097B4 APProc_Delete APProc_Delete APProc_Delete EndSpriteAnimProc -
080097C0 APProc_DeleteAll APProc_DeleteAll APProc_DeleteAll EndEachSpriteAnimProc -
080097D0 APProc_Exists APProc_Exists APProc_Exists SpriteAnimExists -
080097DE - End - - -
08009800 - jpt_80097F8 - - -
08009948 - def_80097F8 - - -
08009A00 GameControl_HandleSelectRightL GameControl_HandleSelectRightL Goto6CLabel12IfSomething GameControl_HandleSelectRightL -
08009A1A - End - - -
08009A58 GameControl_8009A58 GameControl_8009A58 - GameControl_8009A58 -
08009A60 GameControl_8009A60_Null GameControl_8009A60_Null Null6CCallback GameControl_8009A60_Null -
08009A6C EndProcIfNotMarkedB EndProcIfNotMarkedB Delete6CIfNotMarkedB EndProcIfNotMarkedB -
08009A7E - End - - -
08009B0C - GameAction2_MainMenu - - -
08009B16 - GameAction0 - - -
08009B26 - GameAction1 - - -
08009B3A - GotoClassReel - - -
08009B54 - GameAction3 - - -
08009B5C - End - - -
08009B76 - case_0 - - -
08009B7E - case_1 - - -
08009B84 - end - - -
08009B88 GameControl_MasterSwitch GameControl_MasterSwitch GAMECTRL_MasterSwitch GameControl_MasterSwitch -
08009BA4 - jpt_8009B9C - - -
08009BD8 - case0 - - -
08009BDC - GotoLabel7 - - -
08009BE6 - GotoLabel8 - - -
08009BF0 - GotoLabel19 - - -
08009BFA - GotoLabelC - - -
08009C04 - GotoLabelE - - -
08009C0E - GotoLabelF - - -
08009C16 - end - - -
08009CE0 GameControl_PostChapterSwitch GameControl_PostChapterSwitch - GameControl_PostChapterSwitch -
08009CFC - _ - - -
08009D02 - case_0 - - -
08009D0C - case_3 - - -
08009D14 - end - - -
08009D32 - goto_6 - - -
08009D3A - end - - -
08009D64 - end - - -
08009D8C - goto_9 - - -
08009D94 - end - - -
08009D98 GameControl_ChapterSwitch GameControl_ChapterSwitch - GameControl_ChapterSwitch -
08009D9E - lop_burn - - -
08009DC0 - not_won - - -
08009DE0 GameControl_CallPostChapterSaveMenu GameControl_CallPostChapterSaveMenu CallActualSaveMenu GameControl_CallPostChapterSaveMenu -
08009DF6 - end - - -
08009E1E - end - - -
08009E98 CallGameEndingEvent CallGameEndingEvent - CallGameEndingEvent -
08009EB4 - eirika_end - - -
08009EC4 - ephy_end - - -
08009ECC - set_end_eid - - -
08009EDC GameControl_RememberChapterId GameControl_RememberChapterId GetChapterIdTo6C GameControl_RememberChapterId -
08009EEC GameControl_RestoreChapterId GameControl_RestoreChapterId SetChapterIdFrom6C GameControl_RestoreChapterId -
08009EFC - - - - Set the game cleared flag
08009F08 StartGameControl StartGameControl NewGameControl StartGame -
08009F40 GetGameControl GetGameControl GetGameControl6C GetGameControl -
08009F50 SetNextGameActionId SetNextGameActionId SetNextGameActionId SetNextGameActionId -
08009F64 SetNextChapterId SetNextChapterId SetNextChapterId SetNextChapterId -
08009F8C RestartGameAndGoto8 RestartGameAndGoto8 RestartGameAndGoto8 RestartGameAndGoto8 -
08009FB0 RestartGameAndGoto12 RestartGameAndGoto12 RestartGameAndGoto12 RestartGameAndGoto12 -
08009FD4 nullsub_RestartGameAndGoto7 nullsub_RestartGameAndGoto7 - nullsub_RestartGameAndGoto7 -
08009FD8 nullsub_9 nullsub_9 nullsub_9 nullsub_9 -
08009FDC GameControl_EnableSoundEffects GameControl_EnableSoundEffects ForceEnableSoundEffects GameControl_EnableSoundEffects -
0800A048 String_GetGenericArticle String_GetGenericArticle - StrGetGenericArticle -
0800A068 - jpt_800A062 - - -
0800A14C - def_800A062 - - -
0800A160 PrependArticleToString PrependArticleToString PrependArticleToString PrependArticleToString -
0800A178 - known_article - - -
0800A1C8 String_StripSomeEndCharacters String_StripSomeEndCharacters SomethingRelatedToText StrStripSomeEndCharacters -
0800A1D6 - loop - - -
0800A20E - break - - -
0800A236 - end - - -
0800A240 GetStringFromIndex DecodeMsg GetStringFromIndex GetMsg -
0800A274 - AlreadyInBuffer - - -
0800A276 - End - - -
0800A280 String_GetFromIndexExt DecodeMsgExt GetStringFromIndexInBuffer GetMsgTo -
0800A2A4 Text_ExpandNamesInString StrExpandNames - StrExpandNames -
0800A2F0 - jpt_800A2E8 - - -
0800A344 - case_tact - - -
0800A34A - case_item_name - - -
0800A360 - def_800A2E8 - - -
0800A3B8 String_ExpandTactName StrExpandTact FilterSomeTextFromStandardBuffer StrExpandTact -
0800A3D8 - lop - - -
0800A3F0 - NotPrintable - - -
0800A3F8 - CaseChar20 - - -
0800A40C - LittleLoop - - -
0800A414 - ContinueLoop - - -
0800A416 - begin - - -
0800A4DE - end - - -
0800B7E0 - Spline_800B7E0 - Spline_800B7E0 -
0800B84C - Spline_800B84C - Spline_800B84C -
0800B866 - non_zero_arg2 - - -
0800B896 - arg0_over_half - - -
0800B8CA - common - - -
0800B8D4 - lop - - -
0800B8E6 - __ - - -
0800B906 - end - - -
0800BA5C SetSomeRealCamPos SetSomeRealCamPos SetSomeRealCamPos SetSomeRealCamPos -
0800BA88 - BooleanIsZero - - -
0800BA9A - End - - -
0800BAEE - End - - -
0800BAF8 TriggerMapChanges TriggerMapChanges TriggerMapChanges TriggerMapChanges -
0800BB1C - no_display - - -
0800BB40 - end - - -
0800BB48 UntriggerMapChange UntriggerMapChange - UntriggerMapChange -
0800BB6E - no_display - - -
0800BB92 - end - - -
0800BC1C HideAllUnits HideAllUnits HideAllUnits HideAllUnits -
0800BC20 - loop - - -
0800BC42 - continue - - -
0800BC50 GetUnitStructFromEventParameter GetUnitStructFromEventParameter GetUnitStructFromEventParameter GetUnitStructFromEventParameter -
0800BC64 - IsValid - - -
0800BC76 - ContinueCheck - - -
0800BC84 - CaseMinus3_FromSlot2 - - -
0800BC90 - CaseMinus2_FromSlotBPos - - -
0800BCB8 - NoUnit - - -
0800BCBC - CaseMinus1_Active - - -
0800BCC8 - Case0_Leader - - -
0800BCD0 - CaseDefined - - -
0800BCD8 - End - - -
0800BD00 - _ - - -
0800BD06 - case_2 - - -
0800BD10 - case_3 - - -
0800BD24 - case_4 - - -
0800BD30 - __ - - -
0800BDC0 - end - - -
0800BDCC Event80_ Event80_WmSkip_Unsure Event80_ Event80_WmSkip_Unsure -
0800BDE8 Event81_ Event81_WmFadeOut Event81_ Event81_WmFadeOut -
0800BE02 - skipping - - -
0800BE22 - end - - -
0800BE2C Event82_EndWM Event82_WmEnd Event82_EndWM Event82_WmEnd -
0800BE38 Event83_WM_SETCAM Event83_WmSetCamera Event83_WM_SETCAM Event83_WmSetCamera -
0800BE4C Event84_WM_SETCAMONLOC Event84_WmSetCameraOntoNode Event84_WM_SETCAMONLOC Event84_WmSetCameraOntoNode -
0800BE8C Event85_WM_SETCAMONSPRITE Event85_WmSetCameraOntoUnit Event85_WM_SETCAMONSPRITE Event85_WmSetCameraOntoUnit -
0800BED4 Event86_WM_MOVECAM Event86_WmScrollCamera Event86_WM_MOVECAM Event86_WmScrollCamera -
0800BF02 - skipping - - -
0800BF10 - non_instant - - -
0800BF30 - end - - -
0800BF38 Event87_ Event87_WmScrollCameraOntoNode Event87_ Event87_WmScrollCameraOntoNode -
0800BF8A - yes_instant - - -
0800BFA4 - not_instant - - -
0800BFC8 - End - - -
0800BFD8 Event88_ Event88_WmScrollCameraOntoUnit Event88_ Event88_WmScrollCameraOntoUnit -
0800C074 - end - - -
0800C084 Event89_ Event89_WmScrollWait Event89_ Event89_WmScrollWait -
0800C0A4 - not_skipping - - -
0800C0B2 - continue - - -
0800C0B4 - end - - -
0800C0B8 Event8A_ Event8A_WmShowCursor_Unsure Event8A_ Event8A_WmShowCursor_Unsure -
0800C0C8 Event8B_ Event8B_WmHideCursor_Unsure Event8B_ Event8B_WmHideCursor_Unsure -
0800C0D4 Event8C_ Event8C_WmSetCursor_Unsure Event8C_ Event8C_WmSetCursor_Unsure -
0800C0F0 Event8D_ Event8D_WmNop Event8D_ Event8D_WmNop -
0800C102 - continue - - -
0800C104 - end - - -
0800C108 Event8E_ Event8E_WmNop Event8E_ Event8E_WmNop -
0800C11A - continue - - -
0800C11C - end - - -
0800C120 Event8F_ Event8F_WmNop Event8F_ Event8F_WmNop -
0800C132 - continue - - -
0800C134 - end - - -
0800C138 Event90_WM_DRAWPATH Event90_WmAddPathDisplayed Event90_WM_DRAWPATH Event90_WmAddPathDisplayed -
0800C156 - skipping - - -
0800C160 - End - - -
0800C164 Event91_WM_DRAWPATH_Silent Event91_WmAddPath Event91_WM_DRAWPATH_Silent Event91_WmAddPath -
0800C198 Event92_REMOVEPATH Event92_WmRemovePath Event92_REMOVEPATH Event92_WmRemovePath -
0800C1CC Event93_ Event93_WmEnableNode Event93_ Event93_WmEnableNode -
0800C1E8 Event94_ Event94_WmDisableNode Event94_ Event94_WmDisableNode -
0800C204 Event95_ Event95_WmEnableNodeDisplayed Event95_ Event95_WmEnableNodeDisplayed -
0800C22C - not_skipping - - -
0800C248 - end - - -
0800C254 Event96_ Event96_WmEnablePathTargetDisplayed Event96_ Event96_WmEnablePathTargetDisplayed -
0800C284 - lop - - -
0800C2D2 - end - - -
0800C2DC Event97_ Event97_WmInitNextStoryNode Event97_ Event97_WmInitNextStoryNode -
0800C364 - end - - -
0800C36C Event98_ Event98_WmSetNextStoryNodePath Event98_ Event98_WmSetNextStoryNodePath -
0800C434 Event99_ Event99_GmNodeDisplayWait Event99_ Event99_GmNodeDisplayWait -
0800C454 - not_skipping - - -
0800C468 Event9A_ Event9A_WmSetStoryNodeSilent Event9A_ Event9A_WmSetStoryNodeSilent -
0800C4C8 Event9B_ Event9B_WmSetNextStoryNodeSilentNoFlag Event9B_ Event9B_WmSetNextStoryNodeSilentNoFlag -
0800C4E4 Event9C_ Event9C_ Event9C_ Event9C_ -
0800C528 Event9D_ Event9D_ Event9D_ Event9D_ -
0800C55C Event9E_PUTSPRITE Event9E_WmSetClassUnit Event9E_PUTSPRITE Event9E_WmSetClassUnit -
0800C574 Event9F_ Event9F_WmSetCharUnit Event9F_ Event9F_WmSetCharUnit -
0800C58C EventA0_REMSPRITE EventA0_WmRemoveUnit EventA0_REMSPRITE EventA0_WmRemoveUnit -
0800C59C EventA1_ EventA1_WmShowUnit EventA1_ EventA1_WmShowUnit -
0800C5AC EventA2_ EventA2_WmHideUnit EventA2_ EventA2_WmHideUnit -
0800C5BC EventA3_ EventA3_WmShowUnitFaded EventA3_ EventA3_WmShowUnitFaded -
0800C5E8 - skipping - - -
0800C5EE - end - - -
0800C5F8 EventA4_ EventA4_WmHideUnitFaded EventA4_ EventA4_WmHideUnitFaded -
0800C634 EventA5_ EventA5_WmUnitFadeWait EventA5_ EventA5_WmUnitFadeWait -
0800C65C EventA6_ EventA6_WmUnitSetOnNode EventA6_ EventA6_WmUnitSetOnNode -
0800C68C EventA7_ EventA7_WmUnitSetPosition EventA7_ EventA7_WmUnitSetPosition -
0800C6C0 EventA8_ EventA8_WmUnitMoveFree EventA8_ EventA8_WmUnitMoveFree -
0800C720 - not_skipping - - -
0800C744 - end - - -
0800C754 EventA9_ EventA9_WmUnitMovePaths EventA9_ EventA9_WmUnitMovePaths -
0800C7AA - end - - -
0800C7B4 EventAA_ EventAA_WmUnitPauseMove EventAA_ EventAA_WmUnitPauseMove -
0800C7D6 - end - - -
0800C7E4 EventAB_ EventAB_WmUnitResumeMove EventAB_ EventAB_WmUnitResumeMove -
0800C806 - end - - -
0800C814 EventAC_ EventAC_WmUnitMoveWait EventAC_ EventAC_WmUnitMoveWait -
0800C854 - end - - -
0800C85C EventAD_ EventAD_WmFadeToDarker EventAD_ EventAD_WmFadeToDarker -
0800C884 EventAE_ EventAE_WmFadeToDarkerWait EventAE_ EventAE_WmFadeToDarkerWait -
0800C8B0 EventAF_ EventAF_WmShowTextBox EventAF_ EventAF_WmShowTextBox -
0800C8D4 EventB0_ EventB0_WmHideTextBox_Bugged EventB0_ EventB0_WmHideTextBox_Bugged -
0800C8F8 EventB1_ EventB1_WmTextBoxWait EventB1_ EventB1_WmTextBoxWait -
0800C924 EventB2_ EventB2_WmFancyFade EventB2_ EventB2_WmFancyFade -
0800C938 EventB3_ EventB3_WmFancyFadeWait EventB3_ EventB3_WmFancyFadeWait -
0800C950 EventB4_ EventB4_WmDisplayBigMap EventB4_ EventB4_WmDisplayBigMap -
0800C976 - end - - -
0800C980 EventB5_ EventB5_WmHideBigMap EventB5_ EventB5_WmHideBigMap -
0800C9A0 EventB6_ EventB6_WmMoveBigMap EventB6_ EventB6_WmMoveBigMap -
0800C9F0 EventB7_ EventB7_WmBigMapWait EventB7_ EventB7_WmBigMapWait -
0800CA18 EventB8_ EventB8_WmShowBigMapHighlight EventB8_ EventB8_WmShowBigMapHighlight -
0800CA38 EventB9_ EventB9_ EventB9_ EventB9_ -
0800CA60 EventBA_ EventBA_ EventBA_ EventBA_ -
0800CA9C EventBB_ EventBB_ EventBB_ EventBB_ -
0800CADC EventBC_ EventBC_ EventBC_ EventBC_ -
0800CB48 EventBD_ EventBD_ EventBD_ EventBD_ -
0800CB70 EventBE_ EventBE_ EventBE_ EventBE_ -
0800CBAC EventBF_ EventBF_ EventBF_ EventBF_ -
0800CBD8 EventC0_ EventC0_ EventC0_ EventC0_ -
0800CBF0 EventC1_SKIPWM EventC1_SKIPWM EventC1_SKIPWM EventC1_SKIPWM -
0800CC04 EventC2_ EventC2_ EventC2_ EventC2_ -
0800CC18 EventC3_ EventC3_ EventC3_ EventC3_ -
0800CC5C EventCE_ EventCE_ EventCE_ EventCE_ -
0800CC74 EventCF_ EventCF_ EventCF_ EventCF_ -
0800CC8C EventC4_ EventC4_ EventC4_ EventC4_ -
0800CCE8 nullsub_31 nullsub_31 - - -
0800CCEC nullsub_32 nullsub_32 nullsub_32 nullsub_32 -
0800CCF0 EventC5_ EventC5_ EventC5_ EventC5_ -
0800CD38 nullsub_33 nullsub_33 - - -
0800CD3C nullsub_34 nullsub_34 nullsub_34 nullsub_34 -
0800CD50 EventC6_ EventC6_ EventC6_ EventC6_ -
0800CD64 - not_skipping - - -
0800CD82 - end - - -
0800CD88 EventC7_ EventC7_ EventC7_ EventC7_ -
0800CDA8 EventC8_ EventC8_ EventC8_ EventC8_ -
0800CDC8 EventC9_ EventC9_ EventC9_ EventC9_ -
0800CDF0 EventCA_ EventCA_ EventCA_ EventCA_ -
0800CDF4 EventCB_ EventCB_ EventCB_ EventCB_ -
0800CDF8 EventCC_ EventCC_ EventCC_ EventCC_ -
0800CE1E - End - - -
0800CE28 EventCD_ EventCD_ EventCD_ EventCD_ -
0800CE3A - End - - -
0800CE40 _MarkSomethingInMenu _MarkSomethingInMenu - _MarkSomethingInMenu -
0800CE4C EventEngine_Loop EventEngine_Loop EventEngine_OnUpdate EventEngine_OnUpdate -
0800CE5C - NotFading - - -
0800CE84 - NoEventDisplaySkip - - -
0800CEC0 - NoCurrentExecMaybe - - -
0800CEC8 - def_800CF04 - - -
0800CEE4 - LoadHiCodeRoutines - - -
0800CEE8 - RunEventCode - - -
0800CF10 - JumpTable - - -
0800CF2C - AdvanceBy - - -
0800CF3E - AdvanceByAndYield - - -
0800CF50 - EndEventEngine - - -
0800CF56 - End - - -
0800CF5C EventEngine_OnEnd EventEngine_OnEnd EventEngine_OnEnd EventEngine_OnEnd -
0800D000 - End - - -
0800D00C EqueueEventEngineCall EqueueEventEngineCall EnqueueEventCall EnqueueEventCall -
0800D01A - StartLoop - - -
0800D030 - ContinueLoop - - -
0800D03C - End - - -
0800D044 HandleNextEventEngineCall HandleNextEventEngineCall CallNextQueuedEvent CallNextQueuedEvent -
0800D058 - NonOne - - -
0800D05A - ShiftLoop - - -
0800D07C CallMapEventEngine CallMapEventEngine CallEvent CallEvent Call_Event_Engine
0800D0A0 - NoEventEngine - - -
0800D0A8 - End - - -
0800D0B0 StartMapEventEngine StartMapEventEngine EventEngine_Create EventEngine_Create -
0800D116 - Skip - - -
0800D12C - end - - -
0800D140 StartBattleEventEngine StartBattleEventEngine EventEngine_CreateBattle EventEngine_CreateBattle -
0800D198 MapEventEngineExists MapEventEngineExists EventEngineExists EventEngineExists -
0800D1A6 - End - - -
0800D1B0 BattleEventEngineExists BattleEventEngineExists BattleEventEngineExists BattleEventEngineExists -
0800D1BE - End - - -
0800D1C8 DeleteEventEngines DeleteEventEngines DeleteEventEngines DeleteEventEngines -
0800D1F8 SetEventSlotC SetEventSlotC SetEventSlotC SetEventSlotC -
0800D23C - jpt_800D22E - - -
0800D254 - Return1 - - -
0800D258 - def_800D22E - - -
0800D25A - End - - -
0800D260 - - CallBattleQuoteEvent CallBattleQuoteEvent CallEvent
0800D284 CallBattleQuoteTextEvents CallBattleQuoteTextEvents CallBattleQuoteEventInBattle CallBattleQuoteEventInBattle CallBattleQuoteTextEvents
0800D2A4 - - CallTileChangeEvent CallTileChangeEvent CallEvent
0800D2D0 CallSomeOtherEvents CallChestEvents CallChestOpeningEvent CallChestOpeningEvent -
0800D304 - StartSupportTalkScene CallMapSupportEvent CallMapSupportEvent CallEvent
0800D330 - StartSupportViewerTalkScene CallSupportViewerEvent CallSupportViewerEvent CallEvent
0800D354 - - CallRetreatPromptEvent CallRetreatPromptEvent CallEvent
0800D37C - - CallSuspendPromptEvent CallSuspendPromptEvent CallEvent
0800D390 StartGameOverEvent StartGameOverEvent CallGameOverEvent CallGameOverEvent -
0800D3A4 EventEngine_CanSkipMaybe EventEngine_CanSkipMaybe EventEngine_CanStartSkip EventEngine_CanStartSkip -
0800D3DC - ReturnFalse - - -
0800D3DE - End - - -
0800D3E4 SetDialogueSkipEvBit SetDialogueSkipEvBit - - -
0800D3FE - yes_proc - - -
0800D406 - end - - -
0800D414 EventEngine_EnableSkip EventEngine_EnableSkip EventEngine_StartSkip EventEngine_StartSkip -
0800D49C - - SetEventTriggerState SetEventTriggerState -
0800D4B8 CheckEventId_ CheckEventId_ GetEventTriggerState GetEventTriggerState -
0800D4CC - ReturnFalse - - -
0800D4CE - End - - -
0800D528 SlotQueuePush SlotQueuePush SlotQueuePush SlotQueuePush -
0800D544 SlotQueuePop SlotQueuePop SlotQueuePop SlotQueuePop -
0800D55A - loop - - -
0800D578 - queue_empty - - -
0800D588 SetEventCounter SetEventCounter SetEventSlotCounter SetEventCounter -
0800D594 GetEventCounter GetEventCounter GetEventSlotCounter GetEventCounter -
0800D5A0 Event00_Nop Event00_Nop Event00_NULL Event00_Nop -
0800D5A4 Event01_End Event01_End Event01_End Event01_End -
0800D5C8 - ContinueClear - - -
0800D5E2 - SkipNullingArray - - -
0800D5F4 - ContinueShift - - -
0800D630 - EmptyJumpStack - - -
0800D640 - wm_kill - - -
0800D646 - scene_kill - - -
0800D668 - kill_ee - - -
0800D66A - end - - -
0800D670 Event02_EvBitAndIdMod Event02_EvBitAndIdMod Event02_EvBitAndIdMod Event02_EvBitAndIdMod -
0800D690 - SkipLoadFromSlot2 - - -
0800D6A0 - Sub0 - - -
0800D6B4 - Sub1000 - - -
0800D6C4 - Sub1 - - -
0800D6D2 - Sub1001 - - -
0800D6DA - End - - -
0800D6E4 Event03_CheckEvBitOrId Event03_CheckEvBitOrId Event03_CheckEvBitOrId Event03_CheckEvBitOrId -
0800D6FE - SkipLoadSlot2 - - -
0800D70C - Sub0 - - -
0800D728 - Sub1 - - -
0800D744 - WierdCompoolerOptimizationHere - - -
0800D748 - End0 - - -
0800D754 Event04_CheckRandom Event04_CheckRandom Event04_CheckRandom Event04_CheckRandom -
0800D768 - Valid - - -
0800D772 - End0 - - -
0800D77C Event05_SetSlot Event05_SetSlot Event05_SetSlot Event05_SetSlot -
0800D794 Event06_SlotOperation Event06_SlotOperation Event06_SlotOperation Event06_SlotOperation -
0800D7B6 - Goto - - -
0800D7C4 - JumpTable - - -
0800D7EC - Sub0_Add - - -
0800D808 - Sub1_Sub - - -
0800D824 - Sub2_Mul - - -
0800D844 - Sub3_Div - - -
0800D860 - Sub4_ModMaybe - - -
0800D880 - Sub5_And - - -
0800D89C - Sub6_Or - - -
0800D8B8 - Sub7_XOr - - -
0800D8D4 - Sub8_LShift - - -
0800D8F0 - Sub9_RShift - - -
0800D904 - StoreResult_End0 - - -
0800D910 - def_800D7BE - - -
0800D912 - End - - -
0800D918 Event07_QueueOperation Event07_QueueOperation Event07_SlotQueueOperations Event07_QueueOperation -
0800D932 - _ContinueCheck - - -
0800D938 - Sub0 - - -
0800D950 - Sub1 - - -
0800D960 - Sub2 - - -
0800D970 - End0 - - -
0800D97C Event08_Label Event08_Label Event08_Label Event08_Label -
0800D980 Event09_Goto Event09_Goto Event09_Goto Event09_Goto -
0800D99C - ContinueLabelSearch - - -
0800D9AE - End0 - - -
0800D9B8 Event0A_Call Event0A_Call Event0A_Call Event0A_Call -
0800D9D4 - SkipLoadFromSlot2 - - -
0800D9E2 - ContinuePushStack - - -
0800DA2C Event0B_EnqueueCall Event0B_EnqueueCall Event0B_ Event0B_EnqueueCall -
0800DA44 - SkipLoadFromSlot2 - - -
0800DA58 - case_0 - - -
0800DA66 - case_1 - - -
0800DA70 - End - - -
0800DA78 Event0C_Branch Event0C_Branch Event0C_Branch Event0C_Branch -
0800DAAC - jpt_800DAA2 - - -
0800DAC4 - Sub0 - - -
0800DACA - Sub1 - - -
0800DAD0 - Sub2 - - -
0800DAD6 - Sub3 - - -
0800DADC - Sub4 - - -
0800DAE2 - Sub5 - - -
0800DAE6 - Branch - - -
0800DAF2 - BranchNot - - -
0800DAF6 - def_800DAA2 - - -
0800DAF8 - End - - -
0800DB00 Event0D_AsmCall Event0D_AsmCall Event0D_AsmCall Event0D_AsmCall -
0800DB28 - Call - - -
0800DB30 - End - - -
0800DB38 Event0E_STAL Event0E_STAL Event0E_STAL Event0E_STAL -
0800DB72 - IgnoreKeyStatus - - -
0800DB88 - AlreadyStarted - - -
0800DBC4 - EndStall - - -
0800DBD6 - Yield - - -
0800DBD8 - End - - -
0800DBE0 Event0F_CounterOperation Event0F_CounterOperation Event0F_ Event0F_CounterOperation -
0800DC10 - _ - - -
0800DC20 - case0 - - -
0800DC38 - case1 - - -
0800DC44 - case2 - - -
0800DC60 - case3 - - -
0800DC78 - common - - -
0800DC8A - end - - -
0800DC98 Event10_ModifyEvBit Event10_ModifyEvBit Event10_ModifyEvBit Event10_ModifyEvBit -
0800DCD4 - JumpTable - - -
0800DCE8 - UnsetEvbit4And5And6 - - -
0800DCFC - SetEvbit4And5And6 - - -
0800DD0C - UnsetEvbit4And5_SetEvbit6 - - -
0800DD24 - UnsetEvbit5And6_SetEvbit4 - - -
0800DD38 - SetEvbit4And5 - - -
0800DD42 - UnsetEvbit6 - - -
0800DD44 - StoreAndedEvbit - - -
0800DD46 - StoreEvbit - - -
0800DD50 - def_800DCCA - - -
0800DD52 - End - - -
0800DD58 Event11_SetIgnoredKeys Event11_SetIgnoredKeys Event11_SetIgnoredKeys Event11_SetIgnoredKeys -
0800DD6E - end - - -
0800DD74 Event12_SetBGM Event12_SetBGM Event12_ Event12_SetBGM -
0800DDA6 - End - - -
0800DDB0 Event13_SetBGM2 Event13_SetBGM2 Event13_ Event13_SetBGM2 -
0800DE0E - End - - -
0800DE14 Event14_OverwriteBGM Event14_OverwriteBGM Event14_ Event14_OverwriteBGM -
0800DE2C - case0 - - -
0800DE60 - case1 - - -
0800DE6A - yield - - -
0800DE6C - end - - -
0800DE74 Event15_QuietBGM Event15_QuietBGM Event15_ Event15_QuietBGM -
0800DE8A - case0 - - -
0800DEA8 - case1 - - -
0800DECC - default - - -
0800DECE - end - - -
0800DED4 Event16_PlaySound Event16_PlaySound Event16_ Event16_PlaySound -
0800DF20 Event17_Fade Event17_Fade Event17_ Event17_Fade -
0800DF34 - NotSkipping - - -
0800DF4C - _ - - -
0800DF56 - Sub0 - - -
0800DF5E - Sub1 - - -
0800DF66 - Sub2 - - -
0800DF6C - FadeOutCommon - - -
0800DF9C - Sub3 - - -
0800DFA2 - FadeInCommon - - -
0800DFB2 - ReturnLoop - - -
0800DFB4 - End - - -
0800DFBC Event18_ColorEffects Event18_ColorEffects Event18_ Event18_ColorEffects -
0800DFF4 - _ - - -
0800DFFA - case0 - - -
0800E002 - case1 - - -
0800E00A - case2 - - -
0800E05E - default - - -
0800E060 - end - - -
0800E070 Event19_ Event19_ Event19_ Event19_ -
0800E090 - jpt_800E08A - - -
0800E17C - def_800E08A - - -
0800E1C8 - Equal - - -
0800E1E0 - jpt_800E1DA - - -
0800E1F8 - ContinueEventExec - - -
0800E1FC - CallEvent23 - - -
0800E208 - def_800E1DA - - -
0800E20A - End - - -
0800E28A - End - - -
0800E3E6 - NonSlot2Arg - - -
0800E3EC - SkipArg - - -
0800E400 - _ - - -
0800E406 - case0 - - -
0800E438 - jpt_800E42C - - -
0800E450 - CaseText0 - - -
0800E45C - CaseText3 - - -
0800E462 - case1 - - -
0800E490 - jpt_800E48A - - -
0800E4B4 - CaseText2 - - -
0800E4C6 - CaseText4 - - -
0800E4D2 - CaseText5 - - -
0800E4DE - case2 - - -
0800E514 - def_800E48A - - -
0800E516 - End - - -
0800E558 - End - - -
0800E560 Event1D_TEXTEND Event1D_TEXTEND Event1D_TEXTEND Event1D_TEXTEND -
0800E5A0 - not_skipping - - -
0800E5F8 - HaltYield - - -
0800E62E - ContinueYeild - - -
0800E630 - End - - -
0800E668 - NotFadedIn - - -
0800E686 - end - - -
0800E698 FaceWitnessProc_Main FaceWitnessProc_Main - FaceWitnessProc_Main -
0800E6AC - FaceExists - - -
0800E6B4 Event1E_ Event1E_ Event1E_ Event1E_ -
0800E770 - adv_cont - - -
0800E772 - end - - -
0800E77C Event1F_ Event1F_ Event1F_ Event1F_ -
0800E7B6 - end - - -
0800E7C4 Event20_ Event20_ Event20_ Event20_ -
0800E7D0 - - - - Load images
0800E818 - jpt_800E810 - - -
0800E830 - ReturnError - - -
0800E834 - Case1 - - -
0800E8A0 - Case2 - - -
0800E8BE - def_800E810 - - -
0800E8C0 - End - - -
0800E8CC Event21_TextBGStuff Event21_TextBGStuff Event21_ Event21_TextBGStuff -
0800E8EE - SkipLoadFromSlot2 - - -
0800E90E - Sub0 - - -
0800E91C - Sub1 - - -
0800E938 - jpt_800E932 - - -
0800E950 - Sub1_Case0345 - - -
0800E964 - jpt_800E95C - - -
0800E97C - Sub1_Case0345_Case12 - - -
0800E990 - Sub1_Case12 - - -
0800E9A4 - jpt_800E99C - - -
0800E9BC - Sub1_Case12_Case0345 - - -
0800E9CE - Return - - -
0800E9EC - Sub1_Case12_Case12 - - -
0800E9FA - StartProc - - -
0800EA06 - def_800E99C - - -
0800EA20 - Sub2 - - -
0800EA44 - Sub1_Case0345_Case0345 - - -
0800EA56 - Sub3 - - -
0800EA66 - ReturnAdvanceContinue - - -
0800EA76 - ReturnAdvanceYield - - -
0800EA78 - End - - -
0800EAC8 - _ - - -
0800EACE - case0 - - -
0800EB22 - case1 - - -
0800EB40 - case2 - - -
0800EB94 - finish - - -
0800EC6C - jpt_800EC66 - - -
0800ED20 - def_800EC66 - - -
0800ED6C - jpt_800ED66 - - -
0800EE24 - def_800ED66 - - -
0800EE70 - jpt_800EE68 - - -
0800EEBE - def_800EE68 - - -
0800EF64 - _ - - -
0800EF6A - case_0 - - -
0800EF90 - case_1 - - -
0800EFBC - case_2 - - -
0800F0C8 Event22_CLEAN Event22_CLEAN Event22_ Event22_CLEAN -
0800F124 Event23_BlockGameGraphics Event23_BlockGameGraphics Event23_ Event23_BlockGameGraphics -
0800F150 Event24_UnblockGameGraphics Event24_UnblockGameGraphics Event24_ Event24_UnblockGameGraphics -
0800F168 - Skip - - -
0800F17C Event25_LOMA Event25_LOMA Event25_ Event25_LOMA -
0800F20C Event26_CameraControlMaybe Event26_CameraControlMaybe Event26_CameraControlMaybe Event26_CameraControlMaybe -
0800F22E - Sub0 - - -
0800F242 - LoadFromSlotB - - -
0800F250 - Sub1 - - -
0800F260 - UnitIsValid - - -
0800F264 - SubOther - - -
0800F27A - Bit2Set - - -
0800F29C - Bit8NotSet - - -
0800F2CA - End - - -
0800F2D4 Event27_MapChange Event27_MapChange Event27_MapChange Event27_MapChange -
0800F300 - _ - - -
0800F314 - CaseMinus2 - - -
0800F330 - CaseMinus3 - - -
0800F34A - CaseDefault - - -
0800F35C - quiet_loop - - -
0800F370 - quiet_case0 - - -
0800F37C - quiet_case1 - - -
0800F386 - quiet_continue - - -
0800F3A0 - Display - - -
0800F3DE - AdvanceYield - - -
0800F3E0 - End - - -
0800F3EC Event28_ChangeWeather Event28_ChangeWeather Event28_ChangeWeather Event28_ChangeWeather -
0800F3FC Event29_SetFogVision Event29_SetFogVision Event29_SetFogVision Event29_SetFogVision -
0800F42C Event2A_MoveToChapter Event2A_MoveToChapter Event2A_MoveToChapter Event2A_MoveToChapter -
0800F446 - SkipLoadFromSlot2 - - -
0800F45C - jpt_800F452 - - -
0800F470 - Case0 - - -
0800F474 - Case1 - - -
0800F498 - Case2 - - -
0800F4BC - Case3 - - -
0800F4C4 - Case4 - - -
0800F4D8 - SetNextGameAction - - -
0800F4E8 - def_800F452 - - -
0800F50C UNIT_GetListSize UNIT_GetListSize - UNIT_GetListSize -
0800F514 - Continue - - -
0800F51C - Start - - -
0800F528 UNIT_ShouldBeLoaded UNIT_ShouldBeLoaded ShouldUNITBeLoaded UNIT_ShouldBeLoaded -
0800F564 - yes_load - - -
0800F596 - SkipPositionCheck - - -
0800F5A2 - return_false - - -
0800F5B0 - ReturnTrue - - -
0800F5B2 - End - - -
0800F5B8 LoadUnitsIdle LoadUnitsIdle - LoadUnitsIdle -
0800F60C - PauseLoading - - -
0800F614 - NotSkipping - - -
0800F674 - UNITEnd - - -
0800F684 - End - - -
0800F698 UNITs_LoadInstant_800F698 UNITs_LoadInstant_800F698 - UNITs_LoadInstant_800F698 -
0800F6C2 - Start - - -
0800F6E6 - Continue - - -
0800F6F6 - End - - -
0800F704 UNIT_Load_800F704 UNIT_Load_800F704 LoadUnit_800F704 UNIT_Load_800F704 -
0800F76E - load_new_unit - - -
0800F790 - unit_exists - - -
0800F85E - HardMode - - -
0800F888 - finish - - -
0800F8C8 - norand - - -
0800F8E4 - yes_reda - - -
0800F90C - end - - -
0800F914 UNIT_Filter UNIT_Filter - UNIT_Filter -
0800F956 - loop1 - - -
0800F972 - loop1_continue - - -
0800F982 - loop1_end - - -
0800F994 - SkipStuff - - -
0800F9B2 - loop2_start - - -
0800F9D4 - tern1_false - - -
0800F9E0 - tern1_end - - -
0800F9F4 - tern2_false - - -
0800FA02 - tern2_end - - -
0800FA0C - loop2_end - - -
0800FA24 - loop3_start - - -
0800FA38 - tern3_false - - -
0800FA44 - tern3_end - - -
0800FA66 - loop3_continue - - -
0800FA70 - loop3_end - - -
0800FA80 - loop4_start - - -
0800FAC0 - loop4_continue - - -
0800FACA - loop4_end - - -
0800FAE6 - loop5 - - -
0800FAF6 - loop5_end - - -
0800FB06 - End - - -
0800FB18 Event2B_ Event2B_ Event2B_ Event2B_ -
0800FB34 - not_from_s2 - - -
0800FB48 - _ - - -
0800FB4E - sc0 - - -
0800FB56 - sc1 - - -
0800FB6E - sc2 - - -
0800FB78 - __ - - -
0800FB7A - end - - -
0800FB84 Event2C_LoadUnits Event2C_LoadUnits Event2C_LoadUnits Event2C_LoadUnits -
0800FBB4 - _ - - -
0800FBBE - Sub1_LOAD2 - - -
0800FBC2 - Sub0_2_LOAD1_3 - - -
0800FBD0 - Sub3_LOAD4 - - -
0800FC2E - Skipping - - -
0800FC4C - NotSkippingAnimate - - -
0800FC90 CanStartEventUnitMovement CanStartEventUnitMovement TryPrepareEventUnitMovement CanStartEventUnitMovement -
0800FCBE - no_camera - - -
0800FCD0 - return_false - - -
0800FCD2 - end - - -
0800FCD8 GetSomeEventEngineMoveRelatedBitfield GetSomeEventEngineMoveRelatedBitfield GetSomeEventEngineMoveRelatedBitfield GetSomeEventEngineMoveRelatedBitfield -
0800FD06 - End - - -
0800FD0C Event2D_ Event2D_ Event2D_ Event2D_ -
0800FD28 Event2E_CheckAt Event2E_CheckAt Event2E_CheckAt Event2E_CheckAt -
0800FD42 - case_0 - - -
0800FD60 - case_1 - - -
0800FD64 - default - - -
0800FD68 - no_unit - - -
0800FD78 - yes_unit - - -
0800FD80 - end - - -
0800FD8C Event2F_MoveUnit Event2F_MoveUnit Event2F_MoveUnit Event2F_MoveUnit -
0800FDBE - yes_unit - - -
0800FDE2 - yes_alive - - -
0800FDF0 - ___ - - -
0800FDFA - case_0_MOVE - - -
0800FE04 - case_1_MOVEONTO - - -
0800FE12 - this_disallows_special_char_rules - - -
0800FE22 - yes_target_unit - - -
0800FE28 - case_2_MOVE_1STEP - - -
0800FE3E - __ - - -
0800FE52 - MOVE_1STEP_down - - -
0800FE5E - MOVE_1STEP_left - - -
0800FE68 - MOVE_1STEP_right - - -
0800FE70 - ____ - - -
0800FE72 - noreda_common - - -
0800FE78 - case_3_MOVEFORCED - - -
0800FE7C - switch_end - - -
0800FEA6 - instant - - -
0800FEC0 - displayed - - -
0800FEDC - yes_move - - -
0800FEFA - no_reda_movement - - -
0800FF0C - adv_continue - - -
0800FF0E - end - - -
0800FF24 Event30_WaitForUnitMovement Event30_WaitForUnitMovement Event30_ENUN Event30_WaitForUnitMovement -
0800FF36 - not_skipping - - -
0800FF60 - halt - - -
0800FF62 - end - - -
0800FF68 Event31_DisplayEffectRange Event31_DisplayEffectRange Event31_DisplayEffectRange Event31_DisplayEffectRange eventCodeFunc_DF
0800FF8E - Sub0_Show - - -
0800FFA0 - Unit - - -
0800FFB2 - NoSound - - -
0800FFD4 - Sub1_Hide - - -
0800FFE6 - Finish - - -
0800FFE8 - End - - -
0800FFF8 Event32_SpawnSingleUnit Event32_SpawnSingleUnit Event32_SpawnSingleUnit Event32_SpawnSingleUnit -
08010020 - NotMinus3_NoLoadFromSlot2 - - -
0801002C - NegX_LoadFromSlotB - - -
08010032 - PosY_NotLoadFromSlotB - - -
08010110 Event33_CheckUnitVarious Event33_CheckUnitVarious Event33_CheckUnitVarious Event33_CheckUnitVarious -
0801013C - jpt_8010134 - - -
08010160 - case_0_exists - - -
08010170 - case_1_character_plus_30 - - -
08010188 - case_2_alive - - -
08010198 - unit - - -
080101AC - alive - - -
080101B8 - case_3_deployed - - -
080101E4 - case_4_active - - -
08010214 - case_5_faction - - -
08010240 - Store2 - - -
0801024C - case_6_position - - -
08010264 - case_7_class - - -
08010278 - case_8_luck - - -
0801027C - return_error - - -
08010280 - GetLuck - - -
08010288 - StoreToSlotC - - -
0801028A - def_8010134 - - -
0801028C - end - - -
08010298 Event34_MessWithUnitState Event34_MessWithUnitState Event34_MessWithUnitState Event34_MessWithUnitState -
080102EC - jpt_80102E6 - - -
0801032C - Case0_REMU - - -
08010338 - Case1_REVEAL - - -
08010344 - Case2_3_4_CHAL - - -
08010352 - Case5_SetHP - - -
08010364 - KillBy0HP - - -
08010370 - Case6_SetUnselectable - - -
08010376 - Case7_SetTurnEnded - - -
0801037C - Case8_SetDeployed - - -
08010398 - deploy - - -
080103A4 - undeploy - - -
080103A8 - SetUnitStateFlags - - -
080103CC - CaseA_CLEA - - -
080103D2 - BeginUnitLoop - - -
080103F4 - ContinueUnitLoop - - -
08010400 - CaseB_CLEN - - -
08010426 - CaseC_CLEE - - -
0801044C - CaseD - - -
0801047C - CaseE - - -
08010494 - CaseF - - -
0801049A - def_80102E6 - - -
080104A6 - return_zero - - -
080104A8 - end - - -
080104B0 Event35_UnitClassChanging Event35_UnitClassChanging Event35_UnitClassChanging Event35_UnitClassChanging -
080104D6 - sub0_reclass - - -
080104F0 - sub1 - - -
08010518 - set_class - - -
08010522 - finish - - -
0801052E - return - - -
0801053C Event36_CheckInArea Event36_CheckInArea Event36_CheckInArea Event36_CheckInArea -
08010598 - continue - - -
0801059A - end - - -
080105A4 Event37_GiveItem Event37_GiveItem Event37_GiveItem Event37_GiveItem -
080105C4 - yes_unit - - -
080105D2 - _ - - -
080105D8 - sub0_gib_item - - -
080105E8 - sub1_gib_money - - -
080105F8 - sub2_remove_money - - -
08010608 - skip_underflow - - -
0801060C - return_2 - - -
0801060E - end - - -
08010618 Event38_ChangeActiveUnit Event38_ChangeActiveUnit Event38_ChangeActiveUnit Event38_ChangeActiveUnit -
0801063C - error - - -
0801063E - end - - -
08010644 Event39_CHAI Event39_CHAI Event39_ Event39_CHAI -
08010670 - case_0 - - -
0801068C - case_1 - - -
080106DC - end - - -
080106E4 Event3A_ Event3A_ Event3A_ Event3A_ -
08010740 - AdvanceYield - - -
08010742 - end - - -
08010748 EventDisplayCursorProc_Loop EventDisplayCursorProc_Loop - EventDisplayCursorProc_Loop -
0801075E - case_0 - - -
0801077A - case_4 - - -
08010796 - end - - -
0801079C Event3B_DisplayCursor Event3B_DisplayCursor Event3B_ Event3B_DisplayCursor -
080107B8 - not_skipping - - -
080107D2 - _ - - -
080107D8 - case_0 - - -
080107F8 - case_1 - - -
08010808 - unit - - -
0801080E - case_2 - - -
0801081C - display_cursor - - -
08010844 - advance_continue - - -
08010846 - end - - -
08010850 Event3C_ Event3C_GetSetCursor Event3C_ Event3C_GetSetCursor -
08010864 - case_0 - - -
0801087C - case_1 - - -
080108A2 - end - - -
080108AC Event3D_DisableMenuCommands Event3D_DisableMenuCommands Event3D_ Event3D_DisableMenuCommands -
08010920 - gray - - -
08010950 - end - - -
08010968 Event3E_PrepScreenCall Event3E_PrepScreenCall Event3E_PrepScreenCall Event3E_PrepScreenCall -
0801098C DecodeEventScriptedBattle DecodeEventScriptedBattle - DecodeEventScriptedBattle -
08010A50 - End - - -
08010A58 Event3F_ Event3F_ Event3F_ Event3F_ -
08010AA0 - case_0_1 - - -
08010B2C - case_2 - - -
08010B36 - err - - -
08010B38 - end - - -
08010B70 - end - - -
08010B78 Event40_PROM Event40_PROM Event40_ Event40_PROM -
08010BEC Event41_WarpAnim Event41_WarpAnim Event41_ Event41_WarpAnim -
08010C02 - not_skipping - - -
08010C18 - case_0_1 - - -
08010C56 - case_F - - -
08010C66 - ay - - -
08010C68 - end - - -
08010C70 Event42_ Event42_ Event42_ Event42_ -
08010C8C - case_0 - - -
08010CB0 - jpt_8010CAA - - -
08010CD4 - def_8010CAA - - -
08010CE2 - case_F - - -
08010CE8 - end - - -
08010CF0 Event43_ Event43_ Event43_ Event43_ -
08010D1E - err - - -
08010D20 - end - - -
08010D28 Event44_ Event44_ Event44_ Event44_ -
08010D5C Event45_ Event45_ Event45_ Event45_ -
08010D84 - case_0 - - -
08010D9A - case_F - - -
08010DB6 - evt_continue - - -
08010DB8 - End - - -
08010E50 ClearDialogueAndFaces ClearDialogueAndFaces - ClearDialogueAndFaces -
08010E6C DisplayFlashingCursor DisplayFlashingCursor - DisplayFlashingCursor -
08010F38 PopupProc_GetInnerLength PopupProc_GetInnerLength GetSomeLongPopupLength PopupProc_GetInnerLength -
08010F44 - Continue - - -
08010F4E - JUMP - - -
08010F5C - jpt_8010F56 - - -
08010F8C - CaseC - - -
08010F96 - CaseB - - -
08010FA8 - Case9_ItemIcon - - -
08010FC8 - CaseA_JustIcon - - -
08010FDE - PrepareForIcons - - -
08010FEC - Case6_StringConstId - - -
08010FF8 - Case7_StringConst - - -
08011000 - Case5_StringId - - -
08011018 - Case2_ItemName - - -
0801102C - Case3_SomeStrUpper - - -
08011040 - Case4_SomeStrLower - - -
08011054 - Case1_Space - - -
08011056 - Add - - -
08011058 - def_8010F56 - - -
0801105A - Start - - -
08011062 - End - - -
0801106C GenSomeLongPopupText GenSomeLongPopupText GenSomeLongPopupText GenSomeLongPopupText -
08011078 - Continue - - -
08011090 - jpt_8011088 - - -
080110BC - CaseB_Number - - -
080110D4 - Case9_A_Icon - - -
080110DE - Case8_ChangeColor - - -
080110E8 - Case6_StringId - - -
080110F2 - Case7_StringPointer - - -
080110FC - Case5_UnitName - - -
08011110 - Case2_ItemName - - -
08011120 - Case3_SomeStrUpper - - -
08011130 - Case4_SomeStrLower - - -
0801114C - Case1_Space - - -
08011154 - def_8011088 - - -
08011156 - Start - - -
0801119C PopupProc_InitGfx PopupProc_InitGfx LongPopup_PrepareGfx PopupProc_InitGfx -
0801120C - End - - -
08011210 PopupProc_PlaySound PopupProc_PlaySound LongPopup_PlaySound PopupProc_PlaySound -
0801122E - end - - -
08011250 - End - - -
08011254 PopupIconUpdaterLoop PopupIconUpdaterLoop IconOAMUpdater_Loop PopupIconUpdaterLoop -
08011270 PopupProc_Display PopupProc_Display LongPopup_Draw PopupProc_Display -
08011296 - NoCeil - - -
080112BA - Field34NotMinusOne - - -
080112BE - EndX - - -
080112D6 - Y - - -
0801134C - NoFFFFIcon - - -
080113A4 - End - - -
080113C0 PopupProc_WaitForPress PopupProc_WaitForPress LongPopup_WaitForPress PopupProc_WaitForPress -
080113E0 - TimerActive - - -
080113F2 - End - - -
080113F8 LongPopup_Clear LongPopup_Clear LongPopup_Clear LongPopup_Clear -
08011450 SetPopupUnit SetPopupUnit SetPopupUnit SetPopupUnit -
0801145C SetPopupItem SetPopupItem SetPopupItem SetPopupItem -
08011468 SetPopupNumber SetPopupNumber SetPopupNumber SetPopupNumber -
08011474 Popup_Create Popup_Create NewPopupSimple Popup_Create -
08011490 Popup_CreateExt Popup_CreateExt NewPopup Popup_CreateExt -
080114AC - NoParent - - -
080114B4 - Yay - - -
080114DC NewGotItemPopup NewGotItemPopup NewGotItemPopup NewGotItemPopup -
0801150C - ew - - -
08011518 - End - - -
08011524 ItemGot_DisplayLePopup ItemGot_DisplayLePopup ItemGot_DisplayLePopup ItemGot_DisplayLePopup -
08011538 ItemGot_GotLeItem ItemGot_GotLeItem ItemGot_GotLeItem ItemGot_GotLeItem -
08011554 NewItemGot NewItemGot NewItemGot NewItemGot -
08011570 - HasParent - - -
08011578 - Common - - -
08011592 - End - - -
0801159C NewGeneralItemGot NewGeneralItemGot NewGeneralItemGot NewGeneralItemGot -
080115BA - MONEE - - -
080115CC - StandardItem - - -
080115D4 - End - - -
08011644 NewGoldGotPopup NewGoldGotPopup NewGoldGotPopup NewGoldGotPopup -
0801167C - EnemyGold - - -
08011688 - End - - -
08011694 CreateItemStealingPopup CreateItemStealingPopup - CreateItemStealingPopup -
080116C8 - was_stolen - - -
080116D4 - end - - -
080116E0 NewPopup_WeaponBroke NewPopup_WeaponBroke NewPopup_WeaponBroke NewPopup_WeaponBroke -
08011704 NewPopup_WRankIncrease NewPopup_WRankIncrease NewPopup_WRankIncrease NewPopup_WRankIncrease -
08011728 CreateNewUnitPopup CreateNewUnitPopup - CreateNewUnitPopup -
08011A18 nullsub_44 nullsub_44 nullsub_44 nullsub_44 -
08011CCC ChangeUnitAIThing ChangeUnitAi - ChangeUnitAi -
08011CF0 - no_change_ai1 - - -
08011D0A - end - - -
08011D10 - ChangeAiForCharacter - ChangeAiForCharacter -
08011D2A - lop - - -
08011D4E - continue - - -
08012344 GetChapterAllyUnitCount GetChapterAllyUnitCount GetChapterAllyUnitCount GetChapterAllyUnitCount -
08012350 - lop - - -
08012354 - continue - - -
08012360 InitPlayerUnitPositionsForPrepScreen InitPlayerUnitPositionsForPrepScreen InitPlayerUnitPositionsForPrepScreen InitPlayerUnitPositionsForPrepScreen -
08012378 - StartLoop - - -
080123E0 - NotSupply - - -
080123F8 - ContinueLoop - - -
0801240C PositionUnitsAccordingToDeployment PositionUnitsAccordingToDeployment - PositionUnitsAccordingToDeployment -
08012414 - lop - - -
0801246A - continue - - -
0801247C PositionUnitAccordingToDeployment PositionUnitAccordingToDeployment - PositionUnitAccordingToDeployment -
080124DE - lop - - -
080124E4 - lop_units - - -
0801252A - continue_units - - -
08012566 - end - - -
080125B8 - End - - -
080125F6 - no_leader - - -
08012600 - lop - - -
0801261E - begin - - -
08012630 - end - - -
0801263C StoreUnitWordStructs StoreUnitWordStructs StoreUnitWordStructs StoreUnitWordStructs -
08012642 - StartLoop - - -
08012662 - ContinueLoop - - -
08012678 LoadUnitWordStructs LoadUnitWordStructs LoadUnitWordStructs LoadUnitWordStructs -
08012684 - ContinueLoop - - -
080126A4 - HandleValidPos - - -
080126AC - StoreStatusFlags - - -
080126B0 - StartLoop - - -
08012DCC - Interpolate - Interpolate GetValueFromEasingFunction
08012DDA - jmp - - -
08012DEC - jpt_8012DE6 - - -
08012E8C - def_8012DE6 - - -
08012E8E - end - - -
08012E94 - nullsub_28 - nullsub_28 -
08012E98 - StringEquals - StringEquals -
08012E9E - loop - - -
08012EAA - _ - - -
08012EB8 - end - - -
08012EC0 String_CopyTo StringCopy CopyString StringCopy -
08012EC6 - loop - - -
08012ECC - start - - -
08012EDC CopyNoCompData PackRawCopy CopyDirect PackRawCopy OutputBitmapToVRAM
08012F04 - BigCopy - - -
08012F1A - End - - -
08012F50 Decompress Decompress CopyDataWithPossibleUncomp Decompress AutoCopyOrDecompressImageToVRAM
08012F66 - _ - - -
08012F90 GetNoCompDataSize GetPackSize FilterR0ForRawCopy GetPackSize -
08012FF4 RegisterObjectTileGraphics RegisterObjectTileGraphics RegisterObjectTileGraphics RegisterObjectTileGraphics changeTiles
08013002 - Continue - - -
0801301A - End - - -
08013020 CopyTileGfxForObj CopyTileGfxForObj CopyTileGfxForObj CopyTileGfxForObj -
0801302E - Continue - - -
08013036 - _ - - -
08013050 - End - - -
08013104 - - - - writePlainTSA
08013112 - Start - - -
0801311E - ContinueMore - - -
0801312A - Continue - - -
08013130 - End - - -
0801342C - - - - Unused function 1
0801344C GetPaletteFadeBuffer GetPaletteFadeBuffer GetPaletteBufferBuffer GetPaletteFadeBuffer -
08013470 SetSomethingInPaletteBB_2A SetSomethingInPaletteBB_2A SetSomethingInPaletteBB_2A SetSomethingInPaletteBB_2A -
08013480 SetSomethingInPaletteBB_5A SetSomethingInPaletteBB_5A SetSomethingInPaletteBB_5A SetSomethingInPaletteBB_5A -
08013494 SetSomethingInPaletteBB_8A SetSomethingInPaletteBB_8A SetSomethingInPaletteBB_8A SetSomethingInPaletteBB_8A -
080134A8 GetSomethingInPaletteBB_2A GetSomethingInPaletteBB_2A GetSomethingInPaletteBB_2A GetSomethingInPaletteBB_2A -
080134B4 GetSomethingInPaletteBB_5A GetSomethingInPaletteBB_5A GetSomethingInPaletteBB_5A GetSomethingInPaletteBB_5A -
080134C4 GetSomethingInPaletteBB_8A GetSomethingInPaletteBB_8A GetSomethingInPaletteBB_8A GetSomethingInPaletteBB_8A -
080134D4 ArchiveCurrentPalettes ArchiveCurrentPalettes ArchiveCurrentPalettes ArchiveCurrentPalettes -
080134DE - ContinueParentLoop - - -
080134E8 - ContinueChildLoop - - -
08013520 ArchivePalette ArchivePalette ArchivePalette ArchivePalette -
08013538 - Continue - - -
08013550 WriteFadedPaletteFromArchive WriteFadedPaletteFromArchive WriteFadedPaletteFromArchive WriteFadedPaletteFromArchive -
0801358A - ContinuePaletteLoop - - -
080135A4 - ContinueColorLoop - - -
080135C0 - NotThisOne - - -
080135D8 - ContinuePaletteLoop2 - - -
080135F2 - ContinueColorLoop2 - - -
0801360A - NotThisOne2 - - -
08013772 - Finish - - -
080137F8 - end - - -
08013844 MapBrightnessFadeExists MapBrightnessFadeExists - MapBrightnessFadeExists -
08013A74 - End - - -
08013B9C - End - - -
08013C54 - End - - -
08013C88 IsFadeActive IsFadeActive - IsFadeActive -
08013CC8 - return_true - - -
08013CCA - end - - -
08013CD0 StartFadeInBlack StartFadeInBlack - StartFadeInBlack -
08013CEC StartFadeOutBlack StartFadeOutBlack - StartFadeOutBlack -
08013D08 StartBlockingFadeInBlack StartBlockingFadeInBlack - StartBlockingFadeInBlack -
08013D20 StartBlockingFadeOutBlack StartBlockingFadeOutBlack - StartBlockingFadeOutBlack -
08013D38 StartBlockingFadeInWhite StartBlockingFadeInWhite - StartBlockingFadeInWhite -
08013D50 StartBlockingFadeOutWhite StartBlockingFadeOutWhite - StartBlockingFadeOutWhite -
08013D68 StartFadeInBlackMedium StartFadeInBlackMedium - StartFadeInBlackMedium -
08013D74 StartFadeInBlackSlow StartFadeInBlackSlow - StartFadeInBlackSlow -
08013D80 StartFadeInBlackFast StartFadeInBlackFast - StartFadeInBlackFast -
08013D8C StartFadeOutBlackMedium StartFadeOutBlackMedium - StartFadeOutBlackMedium -
08013DA4 StartFadeOutBlackFast StartFadeOutBlackFast - StartFadeOutBlackFast -
08013DC0 StartBlockingFadeInBlackSlow StartBlockingFadeInBlackSlow - StartBlockingFadeInBlackSlow -
08013F58 - StartSafeFadeInBlack - StartSafeFadeInBlack -
08013FC4 - StartSafeFadeOutBlack - StartSafeFadeOutBlack -
08014068 WaitForFade WaitForFade ContinueUntilSomeTransistion6CExists WaitForFade -
0801407C - exists - - -
08014098 - StartSafeFade - StartSafeFade -
0801411E - end - - -
08014160 - end - - -
080141B0 - BlackenScreen - BlackenScreen -
08014238 StartBlockingTimer StartBlockingTimer NewBlockingTimer StartBlockingTimer -
08014254 Timer_Countdown Timer_Countdown Timer6C_Countdown Timer_Countdown -
08014266 - Sub - - -
0801426A - End - - -
08014334 String_FromNumber String_FromNumber String_FromNumber String_FromNumber -
080143CE - End - - -
080143D8 SomeDrawTextCentered SomeDrawTextCentered - SomeDrawTextCentered -
0801443C SomeDrawTextInlineAutoWidth SomeDrawTextInlineAutoWidth - SomeDrawTextInlineAutoWidth -
08014480 DeleteAllPaletteAnimator DeleteAllPaletteAnimator DeleteAllPaletteAnimator DeleteAllPaletteAnimator -
08014490 StartPaletteAnimator StartPaletteAnimator NewPaletteAnimator StartPaletteAnimator -
080144E4 StartPaletteAnimator_ StartPaletteAnimator_ NewPaletteAnimator_ StartPaletteAnimator_ -
08014558 - End - - -
0801487C FutureCall2_Loop FutureCall2_Loop FutureCall2_Loop FutureCall2_Loop -
0801489A - End - - -
080148A0 FutureCall_Loop FutureCall_Loop FutureCall_Loop FutureCall_Loop -
080148C0 - End - - -
080148C8 SetupFutureCall2 SetupFutureCall2 SetupFutureCall2 SetupFutureCall2 -
080148E4 SetupFutureCall SetupFutureCall SetupFutureCall SetupFutureCall -
08014930 - - - - memset_short
080149FC - loop - - -
08014A0C - end - - -
08014B00 RerangeSomething RerangeSomething RerangeSomething RerangeSomething -
08014B0E - NotMin - - -
08014B22 - Max - - -
08014B24 - End - - -
08014B28 PlaySpacialSoundMaybe PlaySpacialSong PlaySpacialSoundMaybe PlaySpacialSong -
08014B42 - NoSound - - -
080152A4 OnVBlankMain OnVBlank GeneralVBlankHandler OnVBlank -
080152DE - no_graphics - - -
080152F4 OnGameLoopMain OnGameLoopMain SomeUpdateRoutine OnGameLoopMain -
0801531A - skip_tree2 - - -
08015360 LockGameLogic LockGameLogic AddSkipThread2 LockGameLogic -
08015370 UnlockGameLogic UnlockGameLogic SubSkipThread2 UnlockGameLogic -
08015380 GetGameLogicLock GetGameLogicLock GetThread2SkipStack GetGameLogicLock -
0801538C SwitchGameplayPhase SwitchGameplayPhase SwitchPhases SwitchGameplayPhase -
080153AA - CasePlayerPhase - - -
080153B0 - CaseEnemyPhase - - -
080153B6 - CaseOtherPhase - - -
080153C6 - CappedTurnCount - - -
080153CA - End - - -
080153D4 MapMain_CallBeginningEvent MapMain_CallBeginningEvent CallBeginningEvents MapMain_CallBeginningEvent -
080153FC - skirmish - - -
08015404 - end - - -
08015410 MapMain_SwitchPhases MapMain_SwitchPhases - MapMain_SwitchPhases -
0801542E - yield - - -
08015430 - end - - -
08015434 MapMain_ThisProbablyUsedToBeEventRelatedInEarlierGames MapMain_ThisProbablyUsedToBeEventRelatedInEarlierGames - MapMain_ThisProbablyUsedToBeEventRelatedInEarlierGames -
08015446 - yes - - -
0801544C - end - - -
08015450 MapMain_StartPhaseController MapMain_StartPhaseController MakePhaseController6C MapMain_StartPhaseController -
0801546C - _ - - -
08015472 - blue_phase - - -
0801547C - red_phase - - -
0801547E - __ - - -
0801548C - green_phase - - -
08015494 - end - - -
080154A4 MapMain_StartPlayerPhaseAndApplyAction MapMain_StartPlayerPhaseAndApplyAction NewPlayerPhase6C MapMain_StartPlayerPhaseAndApplyAction -
080154C8 MapMain_UpdateTraps MapMain_UpdateTraps - MapMain_UpdateTraps -
080154EC - continue - - -
080154EE - end - - -
080154F4 MapMain_Suspend MapMain_Suspend E_BMAPMAIN_SuspendGame MapMain_Suspend -
0801550C MapMain_StartIntroFx MapMain_StartIntroFx - MapMain_StartIntroFx -
0801552C - std - - -
08015534 - end - - -
08015544 MapMain_DeployEveryone MapMain_DeployEveryone UndeployEveryone MapMain_DeployEveryone -
0801555C - lop - - -
08015578 - continue - - -
0801557E - end - - -
08015588 GotoChapterWithoutSave GotoChapterWithoutSave GotoChapterWithoutSave GotoChapterWithoutSave -
080155C4 MapMain_ChapterSwitch MapMain_ChapterSwitch - MapMain_ChapterSwitch -
080155D8 - not_won - - -
080155FE - end - - -
08015608 SetupBackgroundForWeatherMaybe ResetHLayers SetupBackgroundForWeatherMaybe ResetHLayers -
0801564C - NoBackgroundClouds - - -
08015678 - End - - -
08015680 LoadObjUIGfx LoadObjUiGfx LoadObjUIGfx LoadObjUiGfx -
080156B4 - dst - - -
080156F4 LoadGameCoreGfx LoadGameCoreGfx LoadGameCoreGfx ApplySystemGraphics -
08015714 HandleCursorMovement HandleCursorMovement HandleCursorMovement HandleCursorMovement -
08015832 - end - - -
08015838 MoveCameraByStepMaybe MoveCameraByStepMaybe MoveCameraByStepMaybe MoveCameraByStepMaybe -
08015882 - End - - -
080159B8 GetSomeAdjustedCameraX GetSomeAdjustedCameraX GetSomeAdjustedCameraX GetSomeAdjustedCameraX -
080159D6 - Edge - - -
080159EE - End - - -
080159FC GetSomeAdjustedCameraY GetSomeAdjustedCameraY GetSomeAdjustedCameraY GetSomeAdjustedCameraY -
08015A98 DisplayCursor DisplayCursor DisplayCursor DisplayCursor -
08015ACC - jpt_8015AC4 - - -
08015AE0 - Case0_1_Animated - - -
08015AF0 - Case2 - - -
08015B10 - NotSmooth - - -
08015B38 - Case3 - - -
08015B48 - Case4_FixedFrame - - -
08015B4E - Load - - -
08015B52 - def_8015AC4 - - -
08015BBC SetCursorMapPosition SetCursorMapPosition SetCursorMapPosition SetCursorMapPosition -
08015C1C CameraMovement_OnInit CameraMovement_OnInit Init6C_GENS CameraMovement_OnInit -
08015C32 - AbsX - - -
08015C44 - AbsY - - -
08015C54 - SmolX - - -
08015C60 - Continue - - -
08015CB0 CameraMovement_OnLoop CameraMovement_OnLoop Loop6C_GENS CameraMovement_OnLoop -
08015CD0 - NonZero3C - - -
08015D20 - End - - -
08015D30 GetCenteredCameraPosition GetCenteredCameraPosition StoreAdjustedCameraPositions GetCenteredCameraPosition -
08015D46 - NonNegX - - -
08015D50 - NonNegY - - -
08015D64 - NonOverflowingX - - -
08015D78 - NonOverflowingY - - -
08015D84 CenterCameraOntoPosition CenterCameraOntoPosition - CenterCameraOntoPosition CenterCameraOntoPosition
08015E0C EnsureCameraOntoPosition EnsureCameraOntoPosition EnsureCameraOntoPosition EnsureCameraOntoPosition EnsureCameraOntoPosition
08015E5C - not_exists - - -
08015E6A - no_parent - - -
08015E72 - _ - - -
08015E8C - end - - -
08015E9C ShouldMoveCameraPosSomething ShouldMoveCameraPosSomething ShouldMoveCameraPosSomething ShouldMoveCameraPosSomething -
08015ED4 - ReturnTrue - - -
08015ED6 - End - - -
08015F34 - End - - -
08015FC8 GetCurrentMapMusicIndex GetCurrentMapMusicIndex GetCurrentMapMusicIndex GetCurrentMapMusicIndex -
08015FDA - _r7 - - -
08015FEC - _r6 - - -
08016000 - _r4 - - -
08016002 - _r4end - - -
08016018 - EnemyPhase - - -
0801602E - NPCPhase - - -
08016040 - PlayerPhase - - -
0801605E - NotSet - - -
0801607A - Skirmish - - -
080160A8 - skirmish - - -
080160C4 - End - - -
080160D0 UpdatePlayMapMusic UpdatePlayMapMusic - UpdatePlayMapMusic -
0801612E - end - - -
0801618C GetItemNameWithArticle GetItemNameWithArticle GetItemNameWithArticle GetItemNameWithArticle -
080161A0 - JUMP - - -
080161B0 - jpt_80161A8 - - -
080163A8 - NameOnly - - -
080163B0 - def_80161A8 - - -
080163D4 - NotSpecialCase - - -
080163EA - End - - -
080163F0 GetItemHpBonus GetItemHpBonus GetItemHpBonus GetItemHpBonus StatBonusGetter
0801640C - NoBonuses - - -
08016414 - LoadBonuses - - -
0801641A - End - - -
08016420 GetItemPowBonus GetItemPowBonus GetItemPowBonus GetItemPowBonus -
0801643C - NoBonuses - - -
08016444 - LoadBonuses - - -
0801644A - End - - -
08016450 GetItemSklBonus GetItemSklBonus GetItemSklBonus GetItemSklBonus -
0801646C - NoBonuses - - -
08016474 - LoadBonuses - - -
0801647A - End - - -
08016480 GetItemSpdBonus GetItemSpdBonus GetItemSpdBonus GetItemSpdBonus -
0801649C - NoBonuses - - -
080164A4 - LoadBonuses - - -
080164AA - End - - -
080164B0 GetItemDefBonus GetItemDefBonus GetItemDefBonus GetItemDefBonus -
080164CC - NoBonuses - - -
080164D4 - LoadBonuses - - -
080164DA - End - - -
080164E0 GetItemResBonus GetItemResBonus GetItemResBonus GetItemResBonus -
080164FC - NoBonuses - - -
08016504 - LoadBonuses - - -
0801650A - End - - -
08016510 GetItemLckBonus GetItemLckBonus GetItemLckBonus GetItemLckBonus -
0801652C - NoBonuses - - -
08016534 - LoadBonuses - - -
0801653A - End - - -
08016540 MakeNewItem MakeNewItem MakeNewItem CreateItem Acquire durability from item ID
08016560 - ItemUnbreakable - - -
08016566 - ItemBreakable - - -
08016574 CanUnitUseWeapon CanUnitUseWeapon CanUnitUseWeapon CanUnitUseWeapon -
08016580 - _ - - -
0801659C - is_weapon - - -
080165A6 - CheckLock1 - - -
080165C6 - CheckLock4 - - -
080165F4 - CheckLock5 - - -
08016620 - CheckLock6 - - -
0801664C - CheckLock7 - - -
08016672 - CheckLock2 - - -
0801669E - CheckLock3 - - -
080166D8 - check_unusable - - -
080166F0 - check_silenced - - -
08016716 - return_false - - -
08016720 - not_magic - - -
08016736 - StillInvalid - - -
08016746 - CannotEquip - - -
08016748 - end - - -
08016750 CanUnitUseWeaponNow CanUnitUseWeaponNow CanUnitUseWeaponNow CanUnitUseWeaponNow -
08016786 - NotWeapon - - -
08016790 - NotMagic - - -
0801679C - End - - -
080167A4 CanUnitUseStaff CanUnitUseStaff CanUnitUseStaff CanUnitUseStaff -
080167DA - SetResultFalse - - -
080167E4 - CheckStaffRank - - -
080167F8 - NoRequiredRank - - -
080167FA - End - - -
08016800 CanUnitUseStaffNow CanUnitUseStaffNow CanUnitUseStaffNow CanUnitUseStaffNow -
08016840 - NotStaff - - -
08016842 - End - - -
08016848 DrawItemMenuLine DrawItemMenuLine DrawItemMenuLine PutItemMenuLine DrawItemMenuCommand
08016862 - SkipGrayed - - -
080168B0 - SkipUnbreakable - - -
080168C8 - NonNullItem - - -
080168CA - GoGoDraw - - -
080168E0 DrawItemMenuLineLong DrawItemMenuLineLong DrawItemMenuLineLong PutItemMenuLineLong -
080169A8 DrawItemMenuLineNoColor DrawItemMenuLineNoColor DrawItemMenuLineNoColor PutItemMenuLineNoColor -
08016A2C DrawItemStatScreenLine DrawItemStatScreenLine DrawItemStatScreenLine PutItemStatScreenLine -
08016AEC GetItemAfterUse GetItemAfterUse GetItemAfterUse GetItemAfterUse -
08016B10 - HandleUnbreakable - - -
08016B20 - SetResultNull - - -
08016B22 - End - - -
08016B28 GetUnitEquippedWeapon GetUnitEquippedWeapon GetUnitEquippedWeapon GetUnitEquippedWeapon Get_Equipped_Weapon
08016B2E - StartLoop - - -
08016B4A - ContinueLoop - - -
08016B52 - End - - -
08016B58 GetUnitEquippedWeaponSlot GetUnitEquippedWeaponSlot GetUnitEquippedWeaponSlot GetUnitEquippedWeaponSlot -
08016B5E - StartLoop - - -
08016B7A - ContinueLoop - - -
08016B84 - End - - -
08016B8C IsItemCoveringRange IsItemCoveringRange IsItemCoveringRange CanItemReachDistance IsItemCoveringRange
08016BB8 - SetResultFalse - - -
08016BBA - End - - -
08016BC0 EquipUnitItemSlot EquipUnitItemSlot EquipUnitItemSlot UnitEquipItemSlot Shuffle_Used_Item
08016BD8 - Continue - - -
08016BE4 - NoLoop - - -
08016BEC IsItemEffectiveAgainst IsItemEffectiveAgainst IsItemEffectiveAgainst IsItemEffectiveAgainst -
08016C18 - class_loop - - -
08016C20 - start_class_loop - - -
08016C28 - in_list - - -
08016C42 - check_shield - - -
08016C4E - shield_loop - - -
08016C70 - return_true - - -
08016C80 - return_false - - -
08016C82 - end - - -
08016C88 IsUnitEffectiveAgainst IsUnitEffectiveAgainst IsUnitEffectiveAgainst IsUnitEffectiveAgainst -
08016C9E - NotBishop - - -
08016CA8 - ContinueSlayerLoop - - -
08016CB0 - StartSlayerLoop - - -
08016CB6 - SetResultFalse - - -
08016CBA - SetResultTrue - - -
08016CBC - End - - -
08016CC0 GetItemDisplayRangeString GetItemDisplayRangeString GetItemDisplayRangeString GetItemRangeString -
08016D08 - __ - - -
08016D12 - _ - - -
08016D20 - ___ - - -
08016D2A - case_10 - - -
08016D2E - case_11 - - -
08016D32 - case_12 - - -
08016D36 - case_13 - - -
08016D3A - case_22 - - -
08016D3E - case_23 - - -
08016D42 - case_3_10 - - -
08016D46 - case_3_15 - - -
08016D4A - case_total - - -
08016D4E - default - - -
08016D5C GetWeaponLevelFromExp GetWeaponLevelFromExp GetWeaponLevelFromExp GetWeaponLevelFromExp -
08016D66 - CheckERank - - -
08016D6E - CheckDRank - - -
08016D76 - CheckCRank - - -
08016D7E - CheckBRank - - -
08016D86 - CheckARank - - -
08016D8E - CheckSRank - - -
08016D90 - End - - -
08016D94 GetItemDisplayRankString GetItemDisplayRankString GetItemDisplayRankString GetItemWeaponLevelString -
08016DDC - LoadFromRankLevel - - -
08016DE4 - Finish - - -
08016DF8 GetDisplayRankSpecialCharFromExp GetDisplayRankSpecialCharFromExp GetDisplayRankStringFromExp GetWeaponLevelSpecialCharFromExp -
08016E20 GetWeaponTypeDisplayString GetWeaponTypeDisplayString GetWeaponTypeDisplayString GetItemKindString -
08016E50 GetWeaponExpProgressState GetWeaponExpProgressState GetWeaponExpProgressState GetWeaponExpProgression -
08016E70 - jpt_8016E68 - - -
08016E8C - ERank - - -
08016E94 - DRank - - -
08016E9E - CRank - - -
08016EA8 - BRank - - -
08016EB2 - ARank - - -
08016EBC - NoBar - - -
08016EC0 - Store - - -
08016EC2 - def_8016E68 - - -
08016EC8 IsItemDanceRing IsItemDanceRing IsItemDanceRing IsItemDanceRing -
08016EDC - NotDanceRing - - -
08016EDE - End - - -
08016EE4 IsItemDisplayUsable IsItemDisplayUsable IsItemDisplayUsable IsItemDisplayUsable -
08016F10 - not_weapon - - -
08016F20 - return - - -
08016F26 - not_staff - - -
08016F54 - thief - - -
08016F6E - return_false - - -
08016F72 - return_true - - -
08016F74 - end - - -
08016F7C CanUnitUse_unused CanUnitUse_unused CanUnitUse_unused CanUnitUse_unused -
08016FA8 - IsWeapon - - -
08016FB0 - End - - -
08016FB8 GetUnitItemHealAmount GetUnitItemHealAmount GetUnitItemHealAmount GetUnitItemHealAmount Heal_Amount_Getter
08016FDC - ContinueCheck - - -
08016FEA - ContinueCheck2 - - -
08016FEE - CaseHeal10 - - -
08016FF2 - CaseHeal20 - - -
08016FF6 - CaseFullHeal - - -
08016FF8 - CaseDefault - - -
0801701E - End - - -
0801702C GetUnitItemSlot GetUnitItemSlot GetUnitItemSlot FindUnitItemSlot Unit_Has_Item
08017036 - StartLoop - - -
08017042 - ContinueLoop - - -
0801704E - End - - -
08017054 IsItemStealable IsItemStealable IsItemStealable IsItemStealable -
08017060 - Continue - - -
08017070 - NoItem - - -
08017078 - End - - -
08017080 IsItemHammernable IsItemHammernable IsItemHammernable IsItemRepairable -
080170B6 - SkipUnbreakable - - -
080170BE - StillSkipUnbreakable - - -
080170CC - Return0 - - -
080170CE - End - - -
080170D4 GetItemReachBits GetItemReachBits GetItemReachBits GetItemReach -
08017100 - jpt_80170F4 - - -
080171BC - Case11 - - -
080171C0 - Case12 - - -
080171C4 - Case13 - - -
080171C8 - Case14 - - -
080171CC - Case22 - - -
080171D0 - Case23 - - -
080171D4 - Case33 - - -
080171D8 - Case3A - - -
080171DC - Case3F - - -
080171E0 - def_80170F4 - - -
080171E2 - End - - -
080171E8 GetUnitWeaponReachBits GetUnitWeaponReachBits GetUnitWeaponReachBits GetUnitWeaponReach -
08017200 - StartLoop - - -
08017208 - ContinueLoop - - -
0801721E - CannotUse - - -
08017232 - EndLoop - - -
08017234 - End - - -
0801723C GetUnitItemUseReachBits GetUnitItemUseReachBits GetUnitItemUseReachBits GetUnitItemUseReach -
08017280 - AllItems - - -
08017288 - StartLoop - - -
080172B0 - Non0Range - - -
080172B6 - ContinueLoop - - -
080172CA - switch - - -
080172DC - Return63 - - -
080172E2 - Return1 - - -
080172E6 - Return12 - - -
080172EA - ReturnMagOn2 - - -
080172EE - Return0 - - -
080172F0 - End - - -
080172F8 GetUnitStaffReachBits GetUnitStaffReachBits GetUnitStaffReachBits GetUnitStaffReach -
08017306 - StartLoop - - -
08017330 - HandleNightmare - - -
08017332 - ValidRange - - -
08017338 - SkipAdd - - -
0801734C - EndLoop - - -
08017366 - SetResult1 - - -
0801736A - SetResult3 - - -
0801736E - SetResult20 - - -
08017372 - SetResult0 - - -
08017374 - End - - -
0801737C GetConvoyItemCostSum GetConvoyItemCostSum GetConvoyItemCostSum GetTotalConvoyItemsValue -
08017390 - StartLoop - - -
080173B0 - ContinueNotUnbreakble - - -
080173B6 - Continue - - -
080173C6 - End - - -
080173D0 GetUnitItemCostSum GetUnitItemCostSum GetUnitItemCostSum GetTotalUnitItemsValue -
080173D6 - loop_units - - -
08017402 - loop_items - - -
08017424 - item_breakable - - -
0801742A - continue_items - - -
08017440 - continue_units - - -
08017450 GetPartyTotalGoldValue GetPartyTotalGoldValue GetPartyTotalGoldValue GetTotalTeamGoldValue -
0801746C - End - - -
08017478 SetItemUnsealedForCharacter SetItemUnsealedForCharacter SetItemUnsealedForCharacter DeclareItemUnsealedForPid -
080174AC IsItemUnsealedForUnit IsItemUnsealedForUnit IsItemUnsealedForUnit IsItemUnsealedForUnit UnusableItem
080174B8 - ValidItem - - -
080174DC - end - - -
080174EC GetItemIndex GetItemIndex GetItemIndex GetItemIid -
080174F4 GetItemName GetItemName GetItemName GetItemName Load item informationNAZO
08017518 GetItemDescId GetItemDescId GetItemDescId GetItemDescMsg -
08017530 GetItemUseDescId GetItemUseDescId GetItemUseDescId GetItemUseDescMsg -
08017548 GetItemType GetItemType GetItemType GetItemKind Get_Weapon_Type
08017564 - SetFFWType - - -
08017566 - End - - -
0801756C GetItemAttributes GetItemAttributes GetItemAttributes GetItemAttributes -
08017584 GetItemUses GetItemUses GetItemUses GetItemUses -
080175A8 - SetFFUses - - -
080175AA - End - - -
080175B0 GetItemMaxUses GetItemMaxUses GetItemMaxUses GetItemMaxUses -
080175D4 - SetFFUses - - -
080175D6 - End - - -
080175DC GetItemMight GetItemMight GetItemMight GetItemMight -
080175F4 GetItemHit GetItemHit GetItemHit GetItemHit -
0801760C GetItemWeight GetItemWeight GetItemWeight GetItemWeight -
08017624 GetItemCrit GetItemCrit GetItemCrit GetItemCrit -
0801763C GetItemCost GetItemCost GetItemCost GetItemCost -
08017660 - NotUnbreakable - - -
08017666 - End - - -
0801766C GetItemMinRange GetItemMinRange GetItemMinRange GetItemMinRange -
08017684 GetItemMaxRange GetItemMaxRange GetItemMaxRange GetItemMaxRange -
080176A0 GetItemEncodedRange GetItemEncodedRange GetItemEncodedRange GetItemEncodedRange -
080176B8 GetItemRequiredExp GetItemRequiredExp GetItemRequiredExp GetItemRequiredExp -
080176D0 GetItemEffectiveness GetItemEffectiveness GetItemEffectiveness GetItemEffectiveness -
080176E8 GetItemStatBonuses GetItemStatBonuses GetItemStatBonuses GetItemBonuses -
08017700 GetItemIconId GetItemIconId GetItemIconId GetItemIcon -
0801771C - NoItem - - -
08017720 - End - - -
08017724 GetItemWeaponEffect GetItemWeaponEffect GetItemWeaponEffect GetItemWeaponEffect -
0801773C GetItemUseEffect GetItemUseEffect GetItemUseEffect GetItemEffect -
08017754 GetItemCostPerUse GetItemCostPerUse GetItemCostPerUse GetItemCostPerUse -
0801776C GetItemMaxCost GetItemMaxCost GetItemMaxCost GetItemMaxValue -
0801778A - end - - -
08017798 GetItemAwardedExp GetItemAwardedExp GetItemAwardedExp GetItemExpCoefficient -
080177B0 GetItemData GetItemData GetItemData GetIidInfo Get_Item_Data
080177C4 ClearUnits ClearUnits ClearUnits InitUnits -
080177CC - lop - - -
080177E2 - continue - - -
080177F4 ClearUnit ClearUnit ClearUnit ClearUnit ClearUnitStruct
0801781C CopyUnit CopyUnit CopyUnit CopyUnit CopyUnitStruct
08017838 GetFreeUnit GetFreeUnit GetFreeUnit GetFreeUnit GetNextFreeUnitStructPtr
08017848 - StartLoop - - -
08017860 - ContinueLoop - - -
08017866 - SetResultNull - - -
08017868 - End - - -
08017870 GetFreeBlueUnit GetFreeBlueUnit GetFreeBlueUnit GetFreeBlueUnit GetNextFreePlayerUnitStruct
08017880 - StartLoop - - -
08017898 - ContinueLoop - - -
080178A0 - End - - -
080178A8 GetUnitFogViewRange GetUnitFogViewRange GetUnitFogViewRange GetUnitVision -
080178C4 - not_thief - - -
080178D8 SetUnitStatusExt SetUnitStatus SetUnitStatus SetUnitStatus Set_Character_Status
080178E4 - WriteWithDuration - - -
080178EE - End - - -
080178F4 SetUnitStatusExt SetUnitStatusExt SetUnitStatusExt SetUnitStatusExt -
08017904 GetUnitSMSId GetUnitSMSId GetUnitSMSId GetUnitSpriteId -
0801791A - InsideBallista - - -
08017930 - ContinueCheck - - -
08017936 - StandardBallista - - -
0801793A - IronBallista - - -
0801793E - KillerBallista - - -
08017942 - InvalidClass - - -
08017944 - End - - -
08017948 UnitAddItem UnitAddItem UnitAddItem UnitAddItem -
08017950 - StartLoop - - -
0801795C - ContinueLoop - - -
08017966 - End - - -
0801796C ClearUnitInventory ClearUnitInventory UnitClearInventory ClearUnitInventory -
08017974 - ContinueLoop - - -
08017984 UnitRemoveInvalidItems UnitRemoveInvalidItems UnitRemoveInvalidItems UnitRemoveInvalidItems -
08017994 - StartItemLoop - - -
080179A2 - SkipItem - - -
080179B6 - StartRestorationLoop - - -
080179D0 - End - - -
080179D8 GetUnitItemCount GetUnitItemCount GetUnitItemCount GetUnitItemCount Get_Open_Inventory_Space
080179E0 - StartItemLoop - - -
080179EA - ContinueItemLoop - - -
080179F4 - End - - -
080179F8 UnitHasItem UnitHasItem UnitHasItem UnitHasItem -
08017A10 - StartItemLoop - - -
08017A1E - ContinueItemLoop - - -
08017A2C - SetResultFalse - - -
08017A2E - End - - -
08017A34 LoadUnits LoadUnits LoadUnits BatchCreateUnits Create_Unit
08017A3C - Continue - - -
08017A46 - Start - - -
08017A88 - End - - -
08017A8C CanClassWieldWeaponType CanClassWieldWeaponType CanClassWieldWeaponType CanClassWieldWeaponType -
08017A9E - ValidClass - - -
08017AA8 - CheckWRank - - -
08017ABC - return_true - - -
08017ABE - end - - -
08017AC4 LoadUnit LoadUnit LoadUnit CreateUnit -
08017B36 - SetMonsterNoItemDrop - - -
08017B44 - SetMonsterItemDrop - - -
08017B4E - EndMonsterItemDrop - - -
08017B56 - HandleSpecialMonsterWeapon - - -
08017B6C - ContinueCheck - - -
08017B72 - HandleMogallWeapon - - -
08017B78 - HandleArchMogallWeapon - - -
08017B7E - HandleGorgonWeapon - - -
08017B82 - HandleOtherWeapon - - -
08017B84 - NoOtherWeapon - - -
08017BA8 - NoBowRank - - -
08017BAA - NoAutoMonster - - -
08017BBE - ContinueAllegienceCheck - - -
08017BC4 - StoreAllyAllegience - - -
08017BCC - StoreEnemyAllegience - - -
08017BD0 - StoreNeutralAllegience - - -
08017BD2 - GetUnitStructPtr - - -
08017BD6 - Store - - -
08017BD8 - StoreNoAllegience - - -
08017BE0 - Continue2 - - -
08017C08 - AnotherGorgonEggThing - - -
08017C10 - SkipOtherGorgonEggThing - - -
08017C36 - NotPlayerUnit - - -
08017C50 - HandleBoss - - -
08017C8A - HandleGeneric - - -
08017C90 - Continue - - -
08017CA0 - SkipNonPlayerAutolevel - - -
08017CAC - HandleGorgonEggMaxHP - - -
08017CB8 - SkipAutolevel - - -
08017CD8 - NotDropLastItem - - -
08017D00 - HandleGorgonEggHP - - -
08017D32 - Finish - - -
08017D34 - End - - -
08017D3C UnitInitFromDefinition UnitInitFromDefinition UnitInitFromDefinition UnitInitFromInfo Adding an enemy unit
08017D4C - ValidUnitId - - -
08017D54 - InvalidUnitId - - -
08017D68 - NullClassId - - -
08017D6E - NegativeClassId - - -
08017D72 - ValidClassId - - -
08017D7A - StoreClassPtr - - -
08017D9E - gorgon_items - - -
08017DAC - loop_gorgon_item - - -
08017DC0 - normal_items - - -
08017DCE - loop_item - - -
08017DEA - end - - -
08017DF8 UnitLoadItemsFromDefinition UnitLoadItemsFromDefinition UnitLoadItemsFromDefinition UnitInitItemsFromInfo -
08017E10 - ContinueItemLoop - - -
08017E2C - End - - -
08017E34 UnitLoadStatsFromChracter UnitLoadStatsFromChracter UnitLoadStatsFromChracter UnitInitStats -
08017E78 - ContinueLoop - - -
08017E92 - NoUnitWRank - - -
08017EB0 - MaxExp - - -
08017EB4 - End - - -
08017EBC FixROMUnitStructPtr FixROMUnitStructPtr FixROMUnitStructPtr - -
08017EE0 - valid - - -
08017EE8 - set - - -
08017EEA - end - - -
08017EF4 UnitLoadSupports UnitLoadSupports UnitLoadSupports UnitInitSupports -
08017F08 - lop - - -
08017F1A - end - - -
08017F20 UnitAutolevelWExp UnitAutolevelWExp UnitAutolevelWExp UnitAutolevelWeaponExp -
08017F32 - StartLoop - - -
08017FAC - NoWLevelCheck - - -
08017FAE - ContinueLoop - - -
08017FB8 - End - - -
08017FC4 UnitAutolevelCore UnitAutolevelCore UnitAutolevelCore UnitAutolevelCore -
0801805E - end - - -
08018064 UnitAutolevelPenalty UnitAutolevelPenalty UnitAutolevelPenalty UnitAutolevelPenalty -
080180C4 - end - - -
080180CC UnitApplyBonusLevels UnitApplyBonusLevels UnitApplyBonusLevels UnitApplyBonusLevels -
080180F0 - neg - - -
080180FE - continue - - -
0801811A - End - - -
08018120 UnitAutolevel UnitAutolevel UnitAutolevel UnitAutolevel -
08018148 - NotPromoted - - -
08018160 UnitAutolevelRealistic UnitAutolevelRealistic UnitAutolevelRealistic UnitAutolevelRealistic -
08018192 - lop - - -
080181BA - end - - -
080181C8 UnitCheckStatCaps UnitCheckStatCaps UnitCheckStatCaps UnitCheckStatOverflow -
080181E2 - NotEnemy - - -
080181E6 - CapHP - - -
080181F6 - StillNotEnemy - - -
080181F8 - SkipHPCap - - -
0801820C - SkipPowCap - - -
0801821C - SkipSklCap - - -
0801822C - SkipSpdCap - - -
0801823C - SkipDefCap - - -
0801824C - SkipResCap - - -
08018258 - SkipLckCap - - -
0801827E - SkipConCap - - -
08018296 - End - - -
0801829C GetUnitByCharId GetUnitByCharId GetUnitFromCharId GetUnitByPid Find_Character
080182A6 - loop - - -
080182C8 - continue - - -
080182D0 - end - - -
080182D8 GetUnitFromCharIdAndFaction GetUnitFromCharIdAndFaction GetUnitFromCharIdAndFaction GetUnitByPidAndFaction -
080182EA - StartLoop - - -
0801830C - continue - - -
08018312 - ReturnNull - - -
08018314 - end - - -
0801831C CanUnitRescue CanUnitRescue CanUnitRescue CanUnitCarry -
08018342 - End - - -
0801834C UnitRescue UnitRescue UnitRescue UnitRescue Write_Rescue_Data
08018370 UnitDrop UnitDrop UnitDrop UnitDropRescue -
080183AE - F - - -
080183C8 UnitGive UnitGive UnitGive UnitGiveRescue -
080183FC UnitKill UnitKill UnitKill KillUnit -
08018418 - NotPhantom - - -
08018428 - NotPlayerUnit - - -
0801842C - end - - -
08018430 UnitChangeFaction UnitChangeFaction UnitChangeFaction UnitChangeFaction -
08018448 - not_active_unit - - -
08018470 - SetMaxExp - - -
08018474 - SkipExperience - - -
0801848E - End - - -
0801849C UnitFinalizeMovement UnitFinalizeMovement UnitFinalizeMovement UnitSyncMovement -
080184BC - not_rescuing - - -
080184D6 - no_ballista - - -
080184E0 UnitGetDeathDropLocation UnitGetDeathDropLocation UnitGetDeathDropLocation UnitGetDropPositionOnDeath -
0801865C UnitBeginAction UnitBeginAction UnitBeginAction UnitBeginAction -
080186D4 UnitBeginCantoAction UnitBeginCantoAction UnitBeginCantoAction UnitBeginCantoAction -
08018740 MoveActiveUnit MoveActiveUnit MoveActiveUnit MoveActiveUnit -
08018796 - ValidHP - - -
080187AA - end - - -
080187C0 ClearActiveFactionGrayedStates ClearActiveFactionGrayedStates ClearActiveFactionGrayedStates ClearActiveFactionGrayedStates -
080187CE - StartPPPlayerUnitLoop - - -
08018804 - ContinuePPPlayerUnitLoop - - -
0801880A - NotPlayerPhase - - -
08018858 TickActiveFactionTurn TickActiveFactionTurn TickActiveFactionTurn TickActiveFactionTurn -
08018878 - loop - - -
080188BA - no_barrier - - -
080188E0 - no_torch - - -
0801891C - continue - - -
08018922 - loop_begin - - -
08018944 - end - - -
0801895C SetAllUnitNotBackSprite SetAllUnitNotBackSprite SetAllUnitNotBackSprite ClearUnitsSeenFlag -
08018966 - Start - - -
08018980 - Continue - - -
08018994 UnitUpdateUsedItem UnitUpdateUsedItem UnitUpdateUsedItem UnitUpdateUsedItem -
080189B0 - no_item - - -
080189B8 GetUnitAid GetUnitAid GetUnitAid GetUnitAid Aid_Getter
080189E2 - HandleMountedAid - - -
08018A00 - HandleFemaleAid - - -
08018A12 - FinishMountedAid - - -
08018A14 - End - - -
08018A1C GetUnitMagBy2Range GetUnitMagBy2Range GetUnitMagBy2Range GetUnitMagRange -
08018A30 - NotFormortiis - - -
08018A50 - End - - -
08018A58 UnitHasMagicRank UnitHasMagicRank UnitHasMagicRank UnitKnowsMagic -
08018A96 - End - - -
08018A9C GetUnitKeyItemSlotForTerrain GetUnitKeyItemSlotForTerrain GetUnitKeyItemSlotForTerrain GetUnitKeyItemSlotForTerrain -
08018AC2 - NotThief - - -
08018AE0 - CheckDoor - - -
08018AEA - End - - -
08018AF0 GetUnitAidIconId GetUnitAidIconId GetUnitAidIconId GetUnitAidIconId -
08018B28 GetUnitWeaponUsabilityBits GetUnitWeaponUsabilityBits GetUnitWeaponUsabilityBits GetUnitWeaponUsabilityBits -
08018B3E - loop - - -
08018B5E - unusable_weapon - - -
08018B7E - unusable_staff - - -
08018B92 - end - - -
08018BA0 GetCombinedEnemyWeaponUsabilityBits GetCombinedEnemyWeaponUsabilityBits GetCombinedEnemyWeaponUsabilityBits GetCombinedEnemyWeaponUsabilityBits -
08018BA8 - loop - - -
08018BC4 - continue - - -
08018BD8 CanUnitMove CanUnitMove CanUnitMove CanUnitMove -
08018C1A - StartLoop - - -
08018C7C - ContinueLoop - - -
08018C86 - End - - -
08018C98 IsPositionMagicSealed IsPositionMagicSealed IsPositionMagicSealed IsPositionMagicSealed -
08018CA2 - StartLoop - - -
08018CD4 - XPosPositive - - -
08018CEC - YPosNegative - - -
08018CF4 - SetResultTrue - - -
08018CF8 - ContinueLoop - - -
08018D00 - End - - -
08018D08 IsUnitMagicSealed IsUnitMagicSealed IsUnitMagicSealed IsUnitMagicSealed -
08018D2E - SetResultTrue - - -
08018D30 - End - - -
08018D34 GetUnitLastItem GetUnitLastItem GetUnitLastItem GetUnitLastItem -
08018D4C GetUnitMovementCost GetUnitMovementCost GetUnitMovementCost GetUnitMovementCost checks if character is riding a ballista and what weather is
08018D64 - not_in_ballista - - -
08018D80 - snow_cost - - -
08018D86 - normal_cost - - -
08018D8A - end - - -
08018D90 GetClassSMSId GetClassSMSId GetClassSMSId GetUnitSpriteByJid -
08018D9C - ValidClass - - -
08018DA4 - End - - -
08018DB0 UpdatePrevDeployStates UpdatePrevDeployStates UpdatePrevDeployStates UpdatePrevDeployStates -
08018DB8 - ContinueLoop - - -
08018DE8 - HandleNotDeployed - - -
08018DEC - HandleDeployed - - -
08018E08 - HandleDrawn - - -
08018E0C - HandleNotDrawn - - -
08018E0E - HandleNullPtr - - -
08018E22 - End - - -
08018E30 LoadUnitPrepScreenPositions LoadUnitPrepScreenPositions LoadUnitPrepScreenPositions LoadUnitPrepScreenPositions -
08018E3E - ContinueLoop - - -
08018E68 - IsDeployed - - -
08018E6E - AfterBeingDeployed - - -
08018E84 - UnitIsBeingDrawn - - -
08018E88 - StoreUnitStateFlags - - -
08018E92 - NullPtr - - -
08018EA8 - End - - -
08018EB8 ClearTemporaryUnits ClearTemporaryUnits ClearTemporaryUnits ClearTemporaryUnits -
08018EBE - lop_player - - -
08018EE8 - continue_player - - -
08018EF2 - lop_enemy - - -
08018F0C - continue_enemy - - -
08018F16 - lop_green - - -
08018F30 - continue_green - - -
08018F48 IsUnitSlotAvailable IsUnitSlotAvailable IsUnitSlotAvailable IsUnitSlotAvailable -
08018F58 - Continue - - -
08018F70 - NonZero - - -
08018F76 - ReturnFalse - - -
08018F78 - End - - -
08018FF0 CountAvailableBlueUnits CountAvailableBlueUnits CountAvailableBlueUnits CountAvailableBlueUnits -
08018FFC - loop - - -
0801901E - continue - - -
08019034 CountRedUnits CountRedUnits CountRedUnits CountRedUnits -
08019074 CountGreenUnits CountGreenUnits CountGreenUnits CountGreenUnits -
080190B4 ClearCutsceneUnits ClearCutsceneUnits ClearCutsceneUnits ClearCutsceneUnits -
080190BA - StartLoop - - -
080190F4 - NotDead - - -
080190FA - ContinueLoop - - -
0801910E - lop - - -
08019138 - continue - - -
08019150 GetUnitCurrentHp GetUnitCurrentHp GetUnitCurrentHp GetUnitCurrentHp Current_HP_Getter
08019184 - end - - -
08019190 GetUnitMaxHp GetUnitMaxHp GetUnitMaxHp GetUnitMaxHp AnotherHPBonus
080191B0 GetUnitPower GetUnitPower GetUnitPower GetUnitPower Str_Getter
080191D0 GetUnitSkill GetUnitSkill GetUnitSkill GetUnitSkill Skl_Getter
080191F4 - HandleRescue - - -
08019206 - End - - -
08019210 GetUnitSpeed GetUnitSpeed GetUnitSpeed GetUnitSpeed Spd_Getter
08019234 - rescues - - -
08019246 - end - - -
08019250 GetUnitDefense GetUnitDefense GetUnitDefense GetUnitDefense Def_Getter
08019270 GetUnitResistance GetUnitResistance GetUnitResistance GetUnitResistance Res_Getter
08019298 GetUnitLuck GetUnitLuck GetUnitLuck GetUnitLuck Luk_Getter
080192B8 GetUnitPortraitId GetUnitPortraitId GetUnitPortraitId GetUnitFid Get_Portrait
080192DC - no_evil_lyon - - -
080192E2 - no_character_portrait - - -
080192EE - class_portrait - - -
080192F0 - end - - -
080192F4 GetUnitMiniPortraitId GetUnitMiniPortraitId GetUnitMiniPortraitId GetUnitChibiFid MinimugGetter
08019308 - NoMiniPortrait - - -
08019328 - HandleNormal - - -
0801932E - NoPortrait - - -
0801933A - Finish - - -
0801933C - End - - -
08019340 GetUnitLeaderCharId GetUnitLeaderCharId GetUnitLeaderCharId GetUnitLeaderPid -
08019358 - player_unit - - -
0801935A - end - - -
08019360 SetUnitLeaderCharId SetUnitLeaderCharId SetUnitLeaderCharId SetUnitLeaderPid -
08019368 SetUnitHp SetUnitHp SetUnitHp SetUnitHp -
0801939E - End - - -
080193A4 AddUnitHp AddUnitHp AddUnitHp AddUnitHp -
080193D8 - NotOverflow - - -
080193DE - End - - -
080193E8 GetUnitRescueName GetUnitRescueName GetUnitRescueName GetUnitRescueName -
08019404 - NotRescuing - - -
08019408 - End - - -
08019414 GetUnitStatusName GetUnitStatusName GetUnitStatusName GetUnitStatusName -
08019430 GetUnit GetUnit GetUnit GetUnit GetUnitStruct
08019444 GetClassData GetClassData GetClassData GetJInfo GetROMClassStruct
0801945C - InvalidClass - - -
0801945E - End - - -
08019464 GetCharacterData GetCharacterData GetCharacterData GetPInfo GetROMCharStruct
0801947C - return_null - - -
0801947E - end - - -
08019484 UnitRemoveItem UnitRemoveItem UnitRemoveItem UnitRemoveItem -
0801949C CanUnitCrossTerrain CanUnitCrossTerrain CanUnitCrossTerrain CanUnitCrossTerrain -
080194B4 - No - - -
080194BC InitChapterMap InitChapterMap InitChapterMap InitChapterMap -
08019570 - end - - -
080195BC - - InitChapterPreviewMap InitChapterPreviewMap -
0801963E - _ - - -
08019642 - lop_y - - -
08019652 - __ - - -
0801965C - lop_x - - -
08019708 - ___ - - -
08019712 - case_1 - - -
08019720 - case_2 - - -
0801972E - case_3 - - -
0801973C - case_4 - - -
0801974C - continue_x - - -
0801975C - continue_y - - -
0801976A - end - - -
080197A4 BmMapInit BmMapInit BmMapInit MapInit -
080197C0 - Continue - - -
080197D0 - Skip - - -
080197E4 BmMapFill BmMapFill BmMapFill MapFill Fill_Map
08019808 - not_odd_size - - -
08019840 BmMapFillEdges BmMapFillEdges BmMapFillEdges MapSetEdges -
080198AC UnpackChapterMap UnpackChapterMap UnpackChapterMap UnpackChapterMap -
0801990C UnpackChapterMapGraphics UnpackChapterMapGraphics UnpackChapterMapGraphics ApplyChapterMapGraphics -
0801994A - NoObjectSet2 - - -
08019974 UnpackChapterMapPalette UnpackChapterMapPalette UnpackChapterMapPalette ApplyChapterMapPalettes -
080199A4 InitBaseTilesBmMap InitBaseTilesBmMap InitBaseTilesBmMap InitBaseTilesBmMap -
080199D4 - lop_y - - -
080199F4 - lop_x - - -
08019A64 RefreshTerrainBmMap RefreshTerrainBmMap RefreshTerrainBmMap RefreshTerrainMap FlushTerrainData
08019A82 - loop_y - - -
08019A9A - loop_x - - -
08019AD2 - Finish - - -
08019AF4 GetTrueTerrainAt GetTrueTerrainAt GetTrueTerrainAt GetBaseTerrainAt -
08019B18 DisplayBmTile DisplayBmTile DisplayBmTile PutMapMetatile -
08019B88 - - nullsub_8 nullsub_8 -
08019B8C DisplayMovementViewTile DisplayMovementViewTile DisplayMovementViewTile PutLimitViewSquare -
08019C28 - zero - - -
08019C36 - end - - -
08019C3C RenderBmMap RenderBmMap RenderBmMap RenderMap -
08019C56 - loop_y - - -
08019C5A - loop_x - - -
08019CBC RenderBmMapOnBg2 RenderBmMapOnBg2 RenderBmMapOnBg2 RenderMapForFade -
08019D28 UpdateBmMapDisplay UpdateBmMapDisplay UpdateBmMapDisplay UpdateRenderMap -
08019D6C - x_finish - - -
08019DB0 - y_finish - - -
08019DFC - end - - -
08019E08 RenderBmMapColumn RenderBmMapColumn RenderBmMapColumn RenderMapColumn -
08019ED4 RenderBmMapLine RenderBmMapLine RenderBmMapLine RenderMapLine -
08019FA0 RefreshUnitsOnBmMap RefreshUnitsOnBmMap RefreshUnitsOnBmMap RefreshUnitsOnMap -
08019FA4 - StartLoop_Allies - - -
08019FF8 - ContinueLoop_Allies - - -
0801A008 - StartLoop_Enemies - - -
0801A048 - NotMagicSeal - - -
0801A098 - NoFog - - -
0801A0BE - ContinueLoop_Enemies - - -
0801A0D0 - ThisIsEnemyPhase - - -
0801A0D2 - StartLoop_EnemyPhase - - -
0801A112 - NotMagicSeal_EP - - -
0801A148 - Unhide - - -
0801A14E - Hidden - - -
0801A150 - NoFog_EP - - -
0801A15E - ContinueLoop_EnemyPhase - - -
0801A164 - End - - -
0801A174 RefreshTorchlightsOnBmMap RefreshTorchlightsOnBmMap RefreshTorchlightsOnBmMap RefreshTorchlightsOnMap -
0801A180 - Begin - - -
0801A192 - Continue - - -
0801A194 - Start - - -
0801A1A0 RefreshMinesOnBmMap RefreshMinesOnBmMap RefreshMinesOnBmMap RefreshMinesOnMap -
0801A1B4 - Start - - -
0801A1DE - Continue - - -
0801A1E6 - End - - -
0801A1F4 RefreshEntityBmMaps RefreshEntityBmMaps RefreshEntityBmMaps RefreshEntityMaps -
0801A21A - Fog - - -
0801A240 GetTerrainName GetTerrainName GetTerrainName GetTerrainName -
0801A258 GetTerrainHealAmount GetTerrainHealAmount GetTerrainHealAmount GetTerrainHealAmount -
0801A268 GetTerrainUnk GetTerrainHealsStatus GetTerrainHealsStatus DoesTerrainHealStatus -
0801A2EC RevertMapChange RevertMapChange RevertMapChange RevertMapChange RevertMapChangesById
0801A372 - End - - -
0801A38C FillMovementMapForUnit FillMovementMapForUnit GenerateUnitMovementMap MapFloodUnit -
0801A3CC FillMovementMapForUnitAndMovement FillMovementMapForUnitAndMovement GenerateUnitMovementMapExt MapFloodUnitMovement -
0801A408 MapMovementFillMovementFromUnit MapMovementFillMovementFromUnit GenerateUnitExtendedMovementMap MapFloodUnitExtended -
0801A43C MapRangeFillMovementFromPosition MapRangeFillMovementFromPosition GenerateExtendedMovementMapOnRange MapFloodExtendedOnRangeMap -
0801A46C MapMovementFillMovementFromPosition MapMovementFillMovementFromPosition GenerateExtendedMovementMap MapFloodExtended -
0801A49C MapFillMovementFromUnitAt MapFillMovementFromUnitAt GenerateMovementMapOnWorkingMap MapFloodOnWorkingMap -
0801A4CC SetMovCostTable SetMovCostTable SetWorkingMoveCosts SetWorkingMoveTable Copies movement
0801A4D4 - loop - - -
0801A4EC MapFillMovement MapFillMovement GenerateMovementMap BeginMapFlood -
0801A518 - ValidUnitIndex - - -
0801A51E - Continue - - -
0801A570 - - - MapFloodCoreStep_unused -
0801A622 - end - - -
0801A640 GenerateMovementInstructionsToPoint GenerateMovementInstructionsToPoint GenerateBestMovementScript BuildBestMoveScript -
0801A67A - lop - - -
0801A766 - case_1_conn - - -
0801A7D6 - finish - - -
0801A7F4 - - RevertMovementScript RevertMovementScript -
0801A82C ProcessUnitMovement ProcessUnitMovement UnitApplyWorkingMovementScript ApplyWorkingMoveScriptToAction -
0801A84C - lop - - -
0801A84E - begin - - -
0801A862 - _ - - -
0801A86E - StepDown - - -
0801A872 - StepLeft - - -
0801A876 - StepRight - - -
0801A878 - EndStep - - -
0801A8B4 - swift - - -
0801A8D6 - continue - - -
0801A8DC - end - - -
0801A8E4 MapMovementMarkMovementEdges MapMovementMarkMovementEdges MarkMovementMapEdges MapMovementMarkFloodEdges -
0801A902 - loop_y - - -
0801A916 - loop_x - - -
0801A9A0 - continue_x - - -
0801A9A6 - continue_y - - -
0801A9AC - _ - - -
0801A9D0 MapMarkMovementEdges MapMarkMovementEdges MarkWorkingMapEdges MapMarkFloodEdges -
0801A9EE - loop_y - - -
0801AA02 - loop_x - - -
0801AA8C - continue_x - - -
0801AA92 - continue_y - - -
0801AA98 - finish - - -
0801AABC MapAddInRange MapAddInRange MapAddInRange MapAddInRange -
0801AAE4 - lop - - -
0801AB3C - lop_end - - -
0801ABC0 MapSetInRange MapSetInRange MapSetInRange MapSetInRange -
0801ACBC FillMapAttackRangeForUnit FillMapAttackRangeForUnit GenerateUnitCompleteAttackRange BuildUnitCompleteAttackRange -
0801ACDA - Switch - - -
0801ACE8 - jpt_801ACE2 - - -
0801AD24 - Case01 - - -
0801AD32 - ValidMapIGuess - - -
0801ADB4 - Case11 - - -
0801AE44 - Case111 - - -
0801AED4 - Case10 - - -
0801AF64 - Case110 - - -
0801AFF4 - Case100 - - -
0801B084 - Case1100 - - -
0801B114 - Case101 - - -
0801B1C0 - Case1101 - - -
0801B1CE - ContinueYLoop1011 - - -
0801B1E6 - ContinueXLoop1011 - - -
0801B24E - CannotMovTo1011 - - -
0801B26C - Case1111 - - -
0801B2DE - CannotMovTo1111 - - -
0801B2FC - Case1001 - - -
0801B36C - CannotMovTo1001 - - -
0801B378 - def_801ACE2 - - -
0801B434 - End - - -
0801B460 FillRangeMapByRangeMask FillRangeMapByRangeMask GenerateUnitStandingReachRange BuildUnitStandingRangeForReach -
0801B474 - JUMP_NAO - - -
0801B484 - jpt_801B47C - - -
0801B504 - Range1 - - -
0801B50C - Range12 - - -
0801B514 - Range13 - - -
0801B51C - Range2 - - -
0801B530 - Range23 - - -
0801B544 - Range3 - - -
0801B558 - Range310 - - -
0801B56C - Range1_3 - - -
0801B59A - Range1_310 - - -
0801B5C8 - Range10 - - -
0801B5D0 - Range14 - - -
0801B5D6 - AddInRange - - -
0801B5E2 - SubInRange - - -
0801B5EC - FillMagBy2Range - - -
0801B610 - def_801B47C - - -
0801B618 FillMapStaffRangeForUnit FillMapStaffRangeForUnit GenerateUnitCompleteStaffRange BuildUnitCompleteStaffRange -
0801B640 - _ - - -
0801B646 - __ - - -
0801B648 - case_1_1 - - -
0801B6D8 - case_1_2 - - -
0801B768 - case_mag2 - - -
0801B7F2 - end - - -
0801B810 FillRangeMapForDangerZone FillRangeMapForDangerZone GenerateDangerZoneRange BuildDangerZoneRange -
0801B930 - continue - - -
0801B950 MapSetInMagicSealedRange MapSetInMagicSealedRange GenerateMagicSealMap BuildMagicSealRange -
0801B956 - loop - - -
0801B98A - continue - - -
0801B998 SetSubjectMap SetSubjectMap SetWorkingBmMap SetWorkingMap -
0801B9A4 MapIncInBoundedRange MapIncInBoundedRange MapAddInBoundedRange MapIncInBoundedRange -
0801B9E4 GetCurrentMovCostTable GetCurrentMovCostTable GetWorkingMoveCosts GetWorkingMoveTable -
0801B9EC - - Return2or3BySecondParity Return2or3BySecondParity -
0801BA1C - - Return3or2BySecondParity Return3or2BySecondParity -
0801BA4C - - Get8 Get8 -
0801BA50 - - Get23 Get23 -
0801BA54 - - DummyFunction DummyFunction -
0801BA58 Loop6C_WaitForSelectPress Loop6C_WaitForSelectPress Loop6C_WaitForSelectPress Loop6C_WaitForSelectPress -
0801BA70 - NoSelectPress - - -
0801BA78 - - SetNewKeyStatusWith16 SetNewKeyStatusWith16 -
0801BA84 - - DummyFunction2 DummyFunction2 -
0801BA88 - - DebugPrintWithProc DebugPrintWithProc -
0801BAEC - - DebugPrint DebugPrint -
0801BB1C - - StartDebugMenu StartDebugMenu -
0801BB40 DebugMenu_MapIdle DebugMenu_MapIdle DebugMenu_MapIdle DebugMenu_MapIdle -
0801BB54 DebugMenu_MapEffect DebugMenu_MapEffect DebugMenu_MapEffect DebugMenu_MapEffect -
0801BCCC - - EndMenuAndClear EndMenuAndClear -
0801BCE4 DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoDraw DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoDraw DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoDraw DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoDraw -
0801BD58 DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoIdle DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoIdle DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoIdle DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoIdle -
0801BD90 - End - - -
0801BDA0 DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoEffect DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoEffect DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoEffect DebugMapMenu_DisplayInfoEffect -
0801BDA4 DebugMenu_WeatherDraw DebugMenu_WeatherDraw DebugMenu_WeatherDraw DebugMenu_WeatherDraw -
0801BE28 DebugMenu_WeatherIdle DebugMenu_WeatherIdle DebugMenu_WeatherIdle DebugMenu_WeatherIdle -
0801BEA0 - jpt_801BE92 - - -
0801BEBC - Case0 - - -
0801BEC4 - Case1 - - -
0801BECC - Case2 - - -
0801BED4 - Case3 - - -
0801BEDC - Case4 - - -
0801BEE4 - Case5 - - -
0801BEEC - Case6 - - -
0801BEF2 - def_801BE92 - - -
0801BEFC DebugMenu_WeatherEffect DebugMenu_WeatherEffect DebugMenu_WeatherEffect DebugMenu_WeatherEffect -
0801BF00 DebugMenu_ClearDraw DebugMenu_ClearDraw DebugMenu_ClearDraw DebugMenu_ClearDraw -
0801BF6C DebugMenu_ClearIdle DebugMenu_ClearIdle DebugMenu_ClearIdle DebugMenu_ClearIdle -
0801C014 DebugMenu_ClearEffect DebugMenu_ClearEffect DebugMenu_ClearEffect DebugMenu_ClearEffect -
0801C018 DebugMenu_ErasedEffect DebugMenu_ErasedEffect DebugMenu_ErasedEffect DebugMenu_ErasedEffect -
0801C030 - - DebugClearMenu_ClearFile DebugClearMenu_ClearFile -
0801C05C - - DebugMenuInit DebugMenuInit -
0801C090 DEBUGONLY_Startup DEBUGONLY_Startup DEBUGONLY_Startup DEBUGONLY_Startup Debug Startup routine
0801C0FC - - DebugContinueMenuInit DebugContinueMenuInit -
0801C148 - dispType - - -
0801C194 - reversed - - -
0801C198 - - DebugContinueMenuEnd DebugContinueMenuEnd -
0801C1DC UNUSED_StartupDebugMenu_WorldMapEffect UNUSED_StartupDebugMenu_WorldMapEffect - UNUSED_StartupDebugMenu_WorldMapEffect -
0801C224 UNUSED_StartupDebugMenu_ChapterSelectIdle UNUSED_StartupDebugMenu_ChapterSelectIdle - UNUSED_StartupDebugMenu_ChapterSelectIdle -
0801C248 UNUSED_StartupDebugMenu_ChapterSelectEffect UNUSED_StartupDebugMenu_ChapterSelectEffect - UNUSED_StartupDebugMenu_ChapterSelectEffect -
0801C308 - - DebugChuudanMenu_IsManualSaveAvailable DebugChuudanMenu_IsManualSaveAvailable -
0801C30C - - DebugChuudanMenu_ManualSave DebugChuudanMenu_ManualSave -
0801C328 - - DebugContinueMenu_IsManualContinueAvailable DebugContinueMenu_IsManualContinueAvailable -
0801C340 - - DebugContinueMenu_ManualContinue DebugContinueMenu_ManualContinue -
0801C368 - end - - -
0801C370 StartupDebugMenu_InitializeFileEffect StartupDebugMenu_InitializeFileEffect DebugContinueMenu_InitializeFile StartupDebugMenu_InitializeFileEffect -
0801C39C - - DebugContinueMenu_IsContinueChapterAvailable DebugContinueMenu_IsContinueChapterAvailable -
0801C3AE - End - - -
0801C3B4 - - DebugContinueMenu_ContinueChapter DebugContinueMenu_ContinueChapter -
0801C3CE - End - - -
0801C3D4 DebugMenu_FogDraw DebugMenu_FogDraw DebugMenu_FogDraw DebugMenu_FogDraw -
0801C448 DebugMenu_FogIdle DebugMenu_FogIdle DebugMenu_FogIdle DebugMenu_FogIdle -
0801C488 - not_skirmish - - -
0801C4A6 - End - - -
0801C4B0 DebugMenu_FogEffect DebugMenu_FogEffect DebugMenu_FogEffect DebugMenu_FogEffect -
0801C4B4 StartupDebugMenu_ReleaseEntryEffect StartupDebugMenu_ReleaseEntryEffect DebugContinueMenu_ReleaseEntry StartupDebugMenu_ReleaseEntryEffect -
0801C4C0 DebugMenu_GNightEffect DebugMenu_GNightEffect DebugMenu_GNightEffect DebugMenu_GNightEffect -
0801C4D0 DebugChargeMenu_Draw DebugChargeMenu_Draw DebugChargeMenu_Draw DebugChargeMenu_Draw -
0801C588 DebugChargeMenu_Idle DebugChargeMenu_Idle DebugChargeMenu_Idle DebugChargeMenu_Idle -
0801C62E - End - - -
0801C65C - - DebugMenuMapIdleCore DebugMenuMapIdleCore -
0801C6E4 - jpt_801C6DE - - -
0801C7F8 - def_801C6DE - - -
0801C894 PlayerPhase_Suspend PlayerPhase_Suspend PlayerPhase_Suspend PlayerPhase_Suspend -
0801C8AC HandlePlayerCursorMovement HandlePlayerCursorMovement HandlePlayerCursorMovement HandlePlayerCursorMovement -
0801C8E8 - HandleStandardCameraMovement - - -
0801C918 - End - - -
0801C928 CanShowUnitStatScreen CanShowUnitStatScreen CanShowUnitStatScreen CanShowUnitStatScreen -
0801C936 - return_false - - -
0801C93A - return_true - - -
0801C93C - end - - -
0801C940 PlayerPhase_MainIdle PlayerPhase_MainIdle PlayerPhase_MainIdle PlayerPhase_MainIdle -
0801C974 - PlaySound - - -
0801C988 - NoLPress - - -
0801CA0C - NoRPress - - -
0801CA58 - HandleNoUnit - - -
0801CA78 - NoUnit - - -
0801CA9C - HandleMovableUnit - - -
0801CAD4 - NoAPress - - -
0801CB18 - NoUnit2 - - -
0801CB20 - Goto9 - - -
0801CB38 - Finish - - -
0801CB64 - End - - -
0801CB70 DisplayUnitEffectRange DisplayUnitEffectRange DisplayUnitEffectRange DisplayUnitEffectRange -
0801CBB8 - NoMagicRank - - -
0801CBE8 - ContinueMaskCheck - - -
0801CBF8 - ShowStaffRange - - -
0801CC08 - ShowAttackRange - - -
0801CC10 - HandleCantoingOnly - - -
0801CC1C PlayerPhase_InitUnitMovementSelect PlayerPhase_InitUnitMovementSelect PlayerPhase_InitUnitMovementSelect PlayerPhase_InitUnitMovementSelect -
0801CC76 - End - - -
0801CC7C DisplayActiveUnitEffectRange DisplayActiveUnitEffectRange DisplayActiveUnitEffectRange DisplayActiveUnitEffectRange -
0801CC90 - NoSound - - -
0801CCB4 PlayerPhase_DisplayDangerZone PlayerPhase_DisplayDangerZone PlayerPhase_DisplayDangerZone PlayerPhase_DisplayDangerZone -
0801CD16 - End - - -
0801CD1C PlayerPhase_RangeDisplayIdle PlayerPhase_RangeDisplayIdle PlayerPhase_RangeDisplayIdle PlayerPhase_RangeDisplayIdle -
0801CD4C - has_active_unit - - -
0801CD5A - no_move_events - - -
0801CD76 - switch_range_display_common - - -
0801CD80 - handle_movable_player_unit - - -
0801CD98 - not_A_press - - -
0801CDC8 - not_B_press - - -
0801CDD6 - not_R_press - - -
0801CDE2 - effect_switch - - -
0801CDE8 - _ - - -
0801CDF8 - jpt_801CDF0 - - -
0801CE14 - case0_cantmove - - -
0801CE22 - snd - - -
0801CE30 - case1_canmove - - -
0801CE50 - case2_cancelmove - - -
0801CE90 - cancel_move_display - - -
0801CEB8 - nsnd - - -
0801CED4 - case3_info - - -
0801CF4C - case4_goback - - -
0801CF90 - case6_switch_range_display - - -
0801CFC0 - def_801CDF0 - - -
0801CFE0 - end - - -
0801CFF0 PlayerPhase_CancelAction PlayerPhase_CancelAction PlayerPhase_CancelAction PlayerPhase_CancelAction -
0801D008 PlayerPhase_BackToMove PlayerPhase_BackToMove PlayerPhase_BackToMove PlayerPhase_BackToMove -
0801D084 PlayerPhase_PreAction PlayerPhase_PreAction PlayerPhase_PrepareAction PlayerPhase_PreAction -
0801D0B8 - jmp - - -
0801D0CC - jpt_801D0C0 - - -
0801D158 - action_cancel - - -
0801D174 - no_partial_action_taken - - -
0801D17E - action_trade - - -
0801D18C - action_supply - - -
0801D19C - action_take_give - - -
0801D1AC - action_ride_exit_ballista - - -
0801D1B4 - _ - - -
0801D1B8 - action_trade_supply_nochange - - -
0801D1C8 - default - - -
0801D230 - ReturnR5 - - -
0801D234 - end - - -
0801D244 TryMakeCantoUnit TryMakeCantoUnit TryMakeCantoUnit TryMakeCantoUnit -
0801D278 - ActionOver3 - - -
0801D298 - NoCanto - - -
0801D2A8 - MakeCanto - - -
0801D2F0 - NoFog - - -
0801D2F8 - Return1 - - -
0801D2FA - End - - -
0801D300 MaybeRunPostActionEvents MaybeRunPostActionEvents RunPotentialWaitEvents MaybeRunPostActionEvents -
0801D310 - CanRunWaitEvents - - -
0801D316 - End - - -
0801D31C EnsureCameraOntoActiveUnitPosition EnsureCameraOntoActiveUnitPosition EnsureCameraOntoActiveUnitPosition EnsureCameraOntoActiveUnitPosition -
0801D33A - end - - -
0801D344 - - PlayerPhase_FinishAction - -
0801D37C - NoFog - - -
0801D38E - _ - - -
0801D3D0 - NoCanto - - -
0801D3F8 - no_end_event - - -
0801D3FC - End - - -
0801D456 - Wait2 - - -
0801D470 PlayerPhase_ApplyUnitMovement PlayerPhase_ApplyUnitMovement PlayerPhase_ApplyUnitMovement PlayerPhase_ApplyUnitMovement -
0801D4BA - NoPossibleUpdate - - -
0801D502 - ActionWait2 - - -
0801D508 - End - - -
0801D51C GetUnitSelectionValueThing GetUnitSelectionValueThing GetUnitSelectionValueThing GetUnitSelectionValueThing -
0801D550 - _ - - -
0801D552 - not_prepscreen - - -
0801D556 - no_unit - - -
0801D55A - yes_unit - - -
0801D584 - return_1_unselectable - - -
0801D588 - NotUnselectable - - -
0801D59E - return_3_uncontrollable - - -
0801D5A0 - end - - -
0801D5A8 CanMoveActiveUnitTo CanMoveActiveUnitTo CanMoveActiveUnitTo CanMoveActiveUnitTo -
0801D606 - return_false - - -
0801D61C - return_true - - -
0801D61E - end - - -
0801D624 PlayerPhase_DisplayUnitMovement PlayerPhase_DisplayUnitMovement PlayerPhase_DisplayUnitMovement PlayerPhase_DisplayUnitMovement -
0801D64C PlayerPhase_WaitForUnitMovement PlayerPhase_WaitForUnitMovement PlayerPhase_WaitForUnitMovement PlayerPhase_WaitForUnitMovement -
0801D660 - End - - -
0801D668 PlayerPhase_ResumeRangeDisplay PlayerPhase_ResumeRangeDisplay PlayerPhase_ResumeRangeDisplay PlayerPhase_ResumeRangeDisplay -
0801D688 - has_active_unit - - -
0801D6E4 - select - - -
0801D6EC - show_range - - -
0801D6F4 - end - - -
0801D6FC PlayerPhase_ReloadGameGfx PlayerPhase_ReloadGameGfx PlayerPhase_ReloadGameGfx PlayerPhase_ReloadGameGfx -
0801D70C MakeMoveunitForActiveUnit MakeMoveunitForActiveUnit MakeMoveunitForActiveUnit MakeMoveunitForActiveUnit -
0801D74A - exists - - -
0801D75C ClearActiveUnit ClearActiveUnit ClearActiveUnit ClearActiveUnit -
0801D788 - NoActiveUnit - - -
0801D7D2 - end - - -
0801D7E8 ASMC_801D7E8 ASMC_801D7E8 - ASMC_801D7E8 -
0801D806 - end - - -
0801D818 PlayerPhase_RangeDisplayIdle_ForceAPress PlayerPhase_RangeDisplayIdle_ForceAPress PlayerPhase_RangeDisplayIdle_ForceAPress PlayerPhase_RangeDisplayIdle_ForceAPress -
0801D89C MoveLimitViewChange_OnInit MoveLimitViewChange_OnInit MoveLimitViewChange_OnInit MoveLimitViewChange_OnInit -
0801D8D0 - abort_maybe - - -
0801D8E0 - end - - -
0801D8EC MoveLimitViewChange_OnLoop MoveLimitViewChange_OnLoop MoveLimitViewChange_OnLoop MoveLimitViewChange_OnLoop -
0801D91C - end - - -
0801D92C MoveLimitView_OnInit MoveLimitView_OnInit MoveLimitView_OnInit MoveLimitView_OnInit -
0801D9DC MoveLimitView_OnLoop MoveLimitView_OnLoop MoveLimitView_OnLoop MoveLimitView_OnLoop -
0801DA04 - NoBit1 - - -
0801DA1C - NoBit2 - - -
0801DA34 - NoBit4 - - -
0801DA4C - NoBit10 - - -
0801DA60 MoveLimitView_OnEnd MoveLimitView_OnEnd MoveLimitView_OnEnd MoveLimitView_OnEnd -
0801DA98 DisplayMoveRangeGraphics DisplayMoveRangeGraphics DisplayMoveRangeGraphics DisplayMoveRangeGraphics DisplayMoveRangeGraphics Creates relevant 6C and sets relevant stuff in game data
0801DAB8 - NullPtr - - -
0801DAC4 - End - - -
0801DACC HideMoveRangeGraphics HideMoveRangeGraphics HideMoveRangeGraphics HideMoveRangeGraphics -
0801DADC - - TrySetCursorOn - -
0801DB14 - Get6C - - -
0801DB3E - End - - -
0801DB4C - - TrySwitchViewedUnit - -
0801DB98 - End - - -
0801DBA4 PlayerPhase_HandleAutoEnd PlayerPhase_HandleAutoEnd PlayerPhase_HandleAutoEnd PlayerPhase_HandleAutoEnd -
0801DBC8 - end - - -
0801DBD4 GetSomeFacingDirection GetSomeFacingDirection GetSomeFacingDirection GetSomeFacingDirection -
0801DBE2 - Y1_GT_Y2 - - -
0801DBEA - X1_NE_X2 - - -
0801DBFC - End - - -
0801DC00 NewMoveUnitForUnitBeingRescued NewMoveUnitForUnitBeingRescued Make6CMOVEUNITForUnitBeingRescued NewMoveUnitForUnitBeingRescued -
0801DC1E - Mounted - - -
0801DC2E - NotMaleMounted - - -
0801DC32 - NotFemaleMounted - - -
0801DC38 - End - - -
0801DC3C Loop6C_KOIDO Loop6C_KOIDO Loop6C_KOIDO Loop6C_KOIDO -
0801DC5C - Equals2 - - -
0801DC76 - End - - -
0801DD9C - End - - -
0801DDA8 Destruct6CBMXFADE Destruct6CBMXFADE Destruct6CBMXFADE Destruct6CBMXFADE -
0801DDBE - End - - -
0801DDE4 - end - - -
0801DDF0 StartBlockingBMXFADE StartBlockingBMXFADE MakeNew6CBMXFADE2 StartBlockingBMXFADE -
0801DE0E - End - - -
0801DE26 - End - - -
0801DE30 GetPlayerStartCursorPosition GetPlayerStartCursorPosition GetPlayerStartCursorPosition GetPlayerStartCursorPosition -
0801DE50 - not_turn1 - - -
0801DE78 - no_autocursor - - -
0801DE7E - finish - - -
0801DE88 GetEnemyStartCursorPosition GetEnemyStartCursorPosition GetEnemyStartCursorPosition GetEnemyStartCursorPosition -
0801DE9C - Start - - -
0801DED6 - Continue - - -
0801DEDC - Begin - - -
0801DEE2 - End - - -
0801DF18 - yes_units - - -
0801DF28 - _ - - -
0801DF2E - player_phase - - -
0801DF38 - non_player_phase - - -
0801DF40 - no_phase - - -
0801DF5A - end - - -
0801DF64 ADJUSTFROMXI_MoveCameraOnSomeUnit ADJUSTFROMXI_MoveCameraOnSomeUnit ADJUSTFROMXI_MoveCameraOnSomeUnit ADJUSTFROMXI_MoveCameraOnSomeUnit -
0801DF8E - End - - -
0801DFC8 - no_convoy - - -
0801DFD0 - End - - -
0801DFF8 - NoItem - - -
0801E002 - End - - -
0801E08E - End - - -
0801E098 HandleNewItemGetFromDrop HandleNewItemGetFromDrop HandleNewItemGetFromDrop HandleNewItemGetFromDrop -
0801E10C - TMI - - -
0801E128 - End - - -
0801E138 SendToConvoyMenu_Draw SendToConvoyMenu_Draw SendToConvoyMenu_Draw SendToConvoyMenu_Draw -
0801E144 MenuCommand_DrawExtraItem MenuCommand_DrawExtraItem MenuCommand_DrawExtraItem MenuCommand_DrawExtraItem -
0801E188 SendToConvoyMenu_NormalEffect SendToConvoyMenu_NormalEffect SendToConvoyMenu_NormalEffect SendToConvoyMenu_NormalEffect -
0801E1DC - - MenuCommand_SendItemToConvoy MenuCommand_SendItemToConvoy -
0801E1FC - - SendToConvoyMenu_Selected SendToConvoyMenu_Selected -
0801E250 - - SendToConvoyMenu_Selected2 SendToConvoyMenu_Selected2 -
0801E294 - - SendToConvoyMenu_Idle SendToConvoyMenu_Idle -
0801E2F6 - SkipLoadDefault - - -
0801E34C FillWarpRangeMap FillWarpRangeMap FillWarpRangeMap FillWarpRangeMap -
0801E430 - HandleFog - - -
0801E4B4 - Finish - - -
0801E672 - End - - -
0801E684 ForceMenuItemPanel ForceMenuItemPanel - ForceMenuItemPanel -
0801E732 - End - - -
0801E748 UpdateMenuItemPanel UpdateMenuItemPanel - UpdateMenuItemPanel -
0801EA54 EndMenuItemPanel EndMenuItemPanel - EndMenuItemPanel -
0801EBE4 - objdata - - -
0801EC10 StartUnitSwapAnimation StartUnitSwapAnimation - StartUnitSwapAnimation -
0801EC48 UnitSwapAnimationExists UnitSwapAnimationExists - UnitSwapAnimationExists -
0801F216 - end - - -
0801F29C - end - - -
0801F2C2 - end - - -
0801F2CC LoadPhaseIntroGraphics LoadPhaseIntroGraphics - LoadPhaseIntroGraphics -
0801F324 - _ - - -
0801F32A - blue_phase - - -
0801F344 - red_phase - - -
0801F34E - copy_palettes - - -
0801F374 - green_phase - - -
0801F394 - end - - -
0801F4F4 - end - - -
0801F50C ChangeActiveUnitFacing ChangeActiveUnitFacing ChangeActiveUnitFacing ChangeActiveUnitFacing -
0801F540 GasTrapEffectGfx_Setup GasTrapEffectGfx_Setup - GasTrapEffectGfx_Setup -
0801F600 StartGasTrapEffectGfxMaybe StartGasTrapEffectGfxMaybe - StartGasTrapEffectGfxMaybe -
0801F630 MineFireEffectGfx_Setup MineFireEffectGfx_Setup - MineFireEffectGfx_Setup -
0801F68C NewFireTrapEffectGfx NewFireTrapEffectGfx - NewFireTrapEffectGfx -
0801F6BC NewMineTrapEffectGfx NewMineTrapEffectGfx - NewMineTrapEffectGfx -
0801F844 StartLightArrowTrapGfx StartLightArrowTrapGfx - StartLightArrowTrapGfx -
0801F9EE - Break - - -
0801F9F4 - End - - -
0801FD90 BgMoverProc_Update BgMoverProc_Update ChapterIntro_Bg3Scroll_Loop BgMoverProc_Update -
0801FDAC - - ChapterIntro_KeyListen_Init - -
0801FDBC - - ChapterIntro_KeyListen_Loop - -
0801FDE2 - no_press - - -
0801FE0A - end - - -
0801FE14 - - PutScreenFogEffect - -
0801FEE8 - - PutScreenFogEffectOverlayed - -
0801FFD0 - - ChapterIntro_801FFD0 - -
0801FFD8 - - ChapterIntro_801FFD8_Loop - -
08020010 - - ChapterIntro_8020010 - -
0802009C - - ChapterIntro_SetBG_802009C - -
080200F0 - - ChapterIntro_Init - Start chapter
080202BC - - ChapterIntro_Init_PlaySound316 - Start chapter
080202EC - end - - -
080202F8 - - ChapterIntro_DrawingLights - Start chapter
080204AC - - ChapterIntro_80204AC - -
08020578 - - ChapterIntro_UnknownFX8020578 - -
08020778 - - ChapterIntro_DrawChapterTitleMaybe - Start chapter
080207C8 - - ChapterIntro_80207C8 - Start chapter
080207F4 - - ChapterIntro_LightBurst_Init - -
08020808 - - ChapterIntro_LightBurst_Loop - -
080208F8 - - ChapterIntro_InitBLDCNT - -
08020944 - - ChapterIntro_8020944 - -
080209D8 - - ChapterIntro_80209D8 - -
08020A40 - - ChapterIntro_8020A40 - -
08020A8C - - ChapterIntro_8020A8C - -
08020AF8 - - ChapterIntro_8020AF8 - -
08020B20 - - ChapterIntro_8020B20 - -
08020B30 - - ChapterIntro_InitMapDisplay - -
08020C2C - - ChapterIntro_BeginFadeToMap - -
08020CA4 - - ChapterIntro_LoopFadeToMap - -
08020CE8 - skirmish - - -
08020DBC - - ChapterIntro_BeginCloseTextMaybe - -
08020DE8 - - ChapterIntro_LoopCloseTextMaybe - -
08020E48 - - ChapterIntro_BeginFadeOut - -
08020EAC - - ChapterIntro_LoopFadeOut - -
08020F00 - - ChapterIntro_BeginFastFadeToMap - -
08020FF8 - - ChapterIntro_LoopFastFadeToMap - -
08021080 - - ChapterIntro_SetSkipTarget - -
08021088 - - ChapterIntro_SetTimerMaybe - -
08021090 - - ChapterIntro_TickTimerMaybe - -
080210C8 - - ChapterIntro_80210C8 - -
08021188 - - ChapterIntro_8021188 - -
080211BC - end - - -
08021656 - End - - -
08021668 - - - - Redraw map at end of event effect
08021684 BeginLightRuneMapAnim BeginLightRuneMapAnim - BeginLightRuneMapAnim -
08021AEA - end - - -
08021B2A - end - - -
08021E06 - end - - -
08022300 BeginMineMapAnim BeginMineMapAnim - BeginMineMapAnim -
080224BE - end - - -
080225B0 - - MapMenu_IsSuspendCommandAvailable MapMenu_IsSuspendCommandAvailable -
080225C8 - gray - - -
080225CA - end - - -
080225D0 - - MapMenu_SuspendCommand MapMenu_SuspendCommand -
080225EE - end - - -
080225F8 MapMenuCommnd_EndEffect MapMenuCommnd_EndEffect CommandEffectEndPlayerPhase MapMenuCommnd_EndEffect -
0802260C MapMenuCommand_UnitEffect MapMenuCommand_UnitEffect MapMenu_UnitCommand MapMenuCommand_UnitEffect -
08022628 - - MapMenu_OptionsCommand MapMenu_OptionsCommand -
0802264A - no - - -
0802264C - end - - -
08022650 MapMenuCommnd_StatusEffect MapMenuCommnd_StatusEffect MapMenu_StatusCommand MapMenuCommnd_StatusEffect -
08022660 - - MapMenu_IsGuideCommandAvailable MapMenu_IsGuideCommandAvailable -
08022672 - End - - -
08022678 - - MapMenu_GuideCommandDraw MapMenu_GuideCommandDraw -
080226E4 MapMenuCommnd_GuideEffect MapMenuCommnd_GuideEffect Make6CE_Guide MapMenuCommnd_GuideEffect -
080226F8 MapMenuCommand_DangerZoneUnusedEffect MapMenuCommand_DangerZoneUnusedEffect - MapMenuCommand_DangerZoneUnusedEffect -
08022738 EffectWait EffectWait EffectWait EffectWait -
08022748 GenericSelection_BackToUM GenericSelection_BackToUM GenericSelection_BackToUM GenericSelection_BackToUM -
080227F6 - End - - -
0802282C GenericSelection_BackToUM_CamWait GenericSelection_BackToUM_CamWait GenericSelection_BackToUM_CamWait GenericSelection_BackToUM_CamWait -
08022860 - - ItemMenu_ButtonBPressed ItemMenu_ButtonBPressed -
080228A4 RescueUsability RescueUsability RescueUsability RescueUsability -
080228D4 - Return3 - - -
080228D6 - End - - -
080228DC RescueEffect RescueEffect RescueEffect RescueEffect -
080228FC RescueSelection_OnSelect RescueSelection_OnSelect RescueSelection_OnSelect RescueSelection_OnSelect -
08022910 DropUsability DropUsability DropUsability DropUsability -
08022948 DropEffect DropEffect DropEffect DropEffect -
08022968 DropSelection_OnSelect DropSelection_OnSelect DropSelection_OnSelect DropSelection_OnSelect -
0802298C TakeUsability TakeUsability TakeUsability TakeUsability -
080229CC - Return3 - - -
080229CE - End - - -
080229D4 TakeEffect TakeEffect TakeEffect TakeEffect -
080229F4 GiveUsability GiveUsability GiveUsability GiveUsability -
08022A3C GiveEffect GiveEffect GiveEffect GiveEffect -
08022A5C MakeUnitRescueTransferGraphics MakeUnitRescueTransferGraphics MakeUnitRescueTransferGraphics MakeUnitRescueTransferGraphics -
08022A90 TakeSelection_OnSelect TakeSelection_OnSelect TakeSelection_OnSelect TakeSelection_OnSelect -
08022AE0 GiveSelection_OnSelect GiveSelection_OnSelect GiveSelection_OnSelect GiveSelection_OnSelect -
08022B30 - AttackCommandEffect UnitActionMenu_Attack AttackCommandEffect -
08022B78 - InsideBallista - - -
08022B80 - Return - - -
08022B84 - End - - -
08022C30 DisplayUnitStandingAttackRange DisplayUnitStandingAttackRange DisplayUnitStandingAttackRange DisplayUnitStandingAttackRange -
08022C78 - NotInBallista - - -
08022C88 - Finish - - -
08022C98 HideMoveRangeGraphicsWrapper HideMoveRangeGraphicsWrapper HideMoveRangeGraphicsWrapper HideMoveRangeGraphicsWrapper -
08022CA4 - - UnknownMenu_IsAvailable UnknownMenu_IsAvailable -
08022CE8 - no_target - - -
08022CEA - end - - -
08022CF0 - - UnknownMenu_Selected UnknownMenu_Selected -
08022D34 - - UnknownMenu_Draw UnknownMenu_Draw -
08022D84 - AttackWeaponSelect_ItemOnSwitchIn UnknownMenu_SwitchIn AttackWeaponSelect_ItemOnSwitchIn -
08022DD8 - AttackWeaponSelect_ItemOnSwitchOut BallistaRangeMenu_SwitchOut AttackWeaponSelect_ItemOnSwitchOut -
08022F34 - - ItemSubMenu_IsTradeAvailable ItemSubMenu_IsTradeAvailable -
08022F80 - Return3 - - -
08022F82 - End - - -
08022F88 - - TradeCommandEffect TradeCommandEffect -
08022FDC - - UnitActionMenu_CanSeize UnitActionMenu_CanSeize -
08022FF8 - No - - -
08023018 - Return - - -
0802301A - End - - -
08023020 - - UnitActionMenu_Seize UnitActionMenu_Seize -
08023040 - - VisitCommandUsability VisitCommandUsability -
080230C0 - - VisitCommandEffect VisitCommandEffect -
08023158 - - PlayCommandUsability PlayCommandUsability -
08023194 DanceCommandUsability DanceCommandUsability DanceCommandUsability DanceCommandUsability -
080231C8 - UCannotUse - - -
080231CA - End - - -
080231D0 - - PlayCommandEffect PlayCommandEffect -
0802328C - End - - -
080232A4 - - - DanceSelectOnSelect -
080232B8 - - ItemCommandUsability ItemCommandUsability -
080232E8 ItemCommandEffect ItemCommandEffect ItemCommandEffect ItemCommandEffect -
08023344 - Return0 - - -
08023346 - End - - -
08023350 ItemSelectMenu_TextDraw ItemSelectMenu_TextDraw ItemSelectMenu_TextDraw ItemSelectMenu_TextDraw -
0802338C - NotWeapon - - -
080233CC - End - - -
080233D8 ItemSelectMenu_Usability ItemSelectMenu_Usability ItemSelectMenu_Usability ItemSelectMenu_Usability -
0802340E - not_weapon - - -
08023420 - Return - - -
08023422 - End - - -
08023428 ItemSelectMenu_Effect ItemSelectMenu_Effect ItemSelectMenu_Effect ItemSelectMenu_Effect -
08023498 - - Menu_SwitchIn Menu_SwitchIn -
080234A8 nullsub_25 nullsub_25 Menu_SwitchOut_DoNothing nullsub_25 -
080234F0 - - ItemSubMenuEnd ItemSubMenuEnd -
080234FC - - MenuCommand_SelectNo MenuCommand_SelectNo -
08023550 - - - - When I selected belongings menu
0802366A - end - - -
0802367C - - ItemSubMenu_IsUseAvailable ItemSubMenu_IsUseAvailable -
080236F4 - - ItemSubMenu_IsEquipAvailable ItemSubMenu_IsEquipAvailable -
0802373C - - ItemSubMenu_IsDiscardAvailable ItemSubMenu_IsDiscardAvailable -
08023770 - - ItemSubMenu_UseItem ItemSubMenu_UseItem -
080237E4 - End - - -
080237F8 - - ItemSubMenu_EquipItem ItemSubMenu_EquipItem -
08023838 - - ItemSubMenu_TradeItem ItemSubMenu_TradeItem -
0802386C - - ItemSubMenu_DiscardItem ItemSubMenu_DiscardItem -
080238E0 - - MenuCommand_SelectYes MenuCommand_SelectYes -
08023918 - - BallistaRangeMenu_BallistaUsability BallistaRangeMenu_BallistaUsability -
08023950 - - BallistaRangeMenu_Draw BallistaRangeMenu_Draw -
080239A0 - - BallistaRangeMenu_Select BallistaRangeMenu_Select -
080239CC FillBallistaRange FillBallistaRange FillBallistaRange FillBallistaRange -
08023A54 StaffCommandUsability StaffCommandUsability StaffCommandUsability StaffCommandUsability -
08023A6C - Return2 - - -
08023A70 - NotCantoing - - -
08023A78 - LoopItems - - -
08023AA8 - Continue - - -
08023ABE - Return3 - - -
08023AC0 - End - - -
08023ACC StaffCommandEffect StaffCommandEffect StaffCommandEffect StaffCommandEffect -
08023B24 - CannotUse - - -
08023B2E - End - - -
08023B3C - - StaffCommandRange StaffCommandRange -
08023B84 - - HideMoveRangeGraphicsWrapper2 HideMoveRangeGraphicsWrapper2 -
08023B90 StaffItemSelect_Usability StaffItemSelect_Usability StaffItemSelect_Usability StaffItemSelect_Usability -
08023BC0 - NotStaff - - -
08023BC2 - End - - -
08023BC8 StaffItemSelect_Effect StaffItemSelect_Effect StaffItemSelect_Effect StaffItemSelect_Effect -
08023C08 StaffItemSelect_TextDraw StaffItemSelect_TextDraw StaffItemSelect_TextDraw StaffItemSelect_TextDraw -
08023C14 StaffItemSelect_OnHover StaffItemSelect_OnHover StaffItemSelect_OnHover StaffItemSelect_OnHover -
08023C68 - - StaffItemSelect_SwitchOut StaffItemSelect_SwitchOut -
08023C7A - End - - -
08023C80 - - TalkCommandUsability TalkCommandUsability -
08023CC4 - - TalkCommandEffect TalkCommandEffect -
08023CF6 - End - - -
08023D14 - - SupportCommandUsability SupportCommandUsability -
08023D40 - NoSupport - - -
08023D5A - Silenced - - -
08023D5C - End - - -
08023D64 - - SupportCommandEffect SupportCommandEffect -
08023DB4 - - DoorCommandUsability DoorCommandUsability -
08023DF4 - - DoorCommandEffect DoorCommandEffect -
08023E1C - - ChestCommandUsability ChestCommandUsability -
08023E58 - - ChestCommandEffect ChestCommandEffect -
08023E7C PickCommandUsability PickCommandUsability PickCommandUsability PickCommandUsability -
08023E94 - no - - -
08023E9C - maybe - - -
08023EAE - return - - -
08023EB0 - end - - -
08023EB4 - - PickCommandEffect PickCommandEffect -
08023F0C - Start - - -
08023F50 - Continue - - -
08023F5A - End - - -
08023F64 SupplyUsability SupplyUsability SupplyUsability SupplyUsability -
08023FAC - not_usable - - -
08023FB0 - yes_usable - - -
08023FB2 - end - - -
08023FB8 - - SupplyCommandEffect SupplyCommandEffect -
08023FD8 - - ArmoryCommandUsability ArmoryCommandUsability -
0802400E - end - - -
08024014 - - ArmoryCommandEffect ArmoryCommandEffect -
08024034 - - VendorCommandUsability VendorCommandUsability -
08024070 - - VendorCommandEffect VendorCommandEffect -
08024090 - - SecretShopCommandUsability SecretShopCommandUsability -
080240CC - - SecretShopCommandEffect SecretShopCommandEffect -
080240EC ArenaCommandUsability ArenaCommandUsability ArenaCommandUsability ArenaCommandUsability -
0802411E - no_arena - - -
0802412C - arena - - -
0802413C - return - - -
0802413E - end - - -
08024144 ArenaCommandEffect ArenaCommandEffect ArenaCommandEffect ArenaCommandEffect -
08024186 - End - - -
0802418C StealCommandUsability StealCommandUsability StealCommandUsability StealCommandUsability -
080241DC StealCommandEffect StealCommandEffect StealCommandEffect StealCommandEffect -
08024208 - NoSteal - - -
08024212 - End - - -
0802421C StealTargetSelection_OnInit StealTargetSelection_OnInit StealTargetSelection_OnInit StealTargetSelection_OnInit -
08024304 StealItemMenuCommand_Usability StealItemMenuCommand_Usability StealItemMenuCommand_Usability StealItemMenuCommand_Usability -
0802433E - Return2 - - -
08024340 - End - - -
08024348 StealItemMenuCommand_Draw StealItemMenuCommand_Draw StealItemMenuCommand_Draw StealItemMenuCommand_Draw -
0802439C StealItemMenuCommand_Effect StealItemMenuCommand_Effect StealItemMenuCommand_Effect StealItemMenuCommand_Effect -
080243CE - End - - -
080243D8 - - SummonCommandUsability SummonCommandUsability -
08024430 - loop_summoners - - -
0802445A - no_summon - - -
080244AE - return_one - - -
080244B0 - End - - -
080244B8 - - SummonCommandEffect SummonCommandEffect -
080244FC - - YobimaCommandUsability YobimaCommandUsability -
08024548 - - YobimaCommandEffect YobimaCommandEffect -
08024588 - - ConvoyMenu_HelpBox ConvoyMenu_HelpBox -
080245D4 - end - - -
080245E0 - - ItemMenu_HelpBox ItemMenu_HelpBox -
08024618 - - BallistaRangeMenuHelpBox BallistaRangeMenuHelpBox -
0802464C - - - HealSelectOnInit -
08024658 - - - HealSelectOnChange -
0802467C RescueSelection_OnConstruction RescueSelection_OnConstruction RescueSelection_OnConstruction RescueSelection_OnConstruction -
0802469C RescueSelection_OnChange RescueSelection_OnChange RescueSelection_OnChange RescueSelection_OnChange -
080246C0 DropSelection_OnConstruction DropSelection_OnConstruction DropSelection_OnConstruction DropSelection_OnConstruction -
08024768 TradeTargetSelection_OnInit TradeTargetSelection_OnInit TradeTargetSelection_OnInit TradeTargetSelection_OnInit -
080247F4 - - - DanceSelectOnInit -
08024814 - - - DanceSelectOnChange -
08024884 nullsub_27 nullsub_27 nullsub_27 nullsub_27 -
080248C4 RideCommandUsability RideCommandUsability RideCommandUsability RideCommandUsability -
08024918 - return_nonusable - - -
0802491A - end - - -
08024920 RideCommandEffect RideCommandEffect RideCommandEffect RideCommandEffect -
0802494C - - ExitCommandUsability ExitCommandUsability -
08024980 - - ExitCommandEffect ExitCommandEffect -
080249AC AttackCommandUsability AttackCommandUsability AttackCommandUsability AttackCommandUsability -
080249CC - return_usable - - -
080249D0 - not_ballista - - -
080249D8 - loop_items - - -
08024A06 - continue_items - - -
08024A1C - return_nonusable - - -
08024A1E - end - - -
08024A28 AttackBallistaCommandUsability AttackBallistaCommandUsability AttackBallistaCommandUsability AttackBallistaCommandUsability -
08024A66 - NotInBallista - - -
08024A70 - CheckForUses - - -
08024A7E - ReturnGrayedOut - - -
08024A80 - End - - -
08024A88 - - ItemMenu_Is1stCommandAvailable ItemMenu_Is1stCommandAvailable -
08024AAC - - ItemMenu_Draw1stCommand ItemMenu_Draw1stCommand -
08024AF0 - - ItemMenu_Select1stCommand ItemMenu_Select1stCommand -
08024B1C - - ItemMenu_AreOtherCommandsAvailable ItemMenu_AreOtherCommandsAvailable -
08024B54 - - ItemMenu_DrawOtherCommands ItemMenu_DrawOtherCommands -
08024B9C - - ItemMenu_SelectOtherCommands ItemMenu_SelectOtherCommands -
08024BD0 - - ItemMenu_SwitchIn ItemMenu_SwitchIn -
08024BF4 nullsub_26 nullsub_26 ItemMenu_SwitchOut_DoNothing nullsub_26 -
08024BF8 - - ItemMenuHelpBox ItemMenuHelpBox -
08024C40 - - MapMenu_IsRecordsCommandAvailable MapMenu_IsRecordsCommandAvailable -
08024CAC - no - - -
08024CB4 - yes - - -
08024CB6 - end - - -
08024CBC - - MapMenu_RecordsCommand MapMenu_RecordsCommand -
08024CCC - - MapMenu_IsRetreatCommandAvailable MapMenu_IsRetreatCommandAvailable -
08024CDA - no - - -
08024CDC - end - - -
08024CE0 - - MapMenu_RetreatCommand MapMenu_RetreatCommand -
08024CEC GetPhaseAbleUnitCount GetPhaseAbleUnitCount GetPhaseAbleUnitCount GetPhaseAbleUnitCount -
08024CF6 - loop - - -
08024D38 - continue - - -
08024D3C - start - - -
08024D50 - - CountUnitsInState - Count_Faction_With_Criteria
08024D8C AreAllegiancesAllied AreAllegiancesAllied AreUnitsAllied AreAllegiancesAllied Compare_Allegiance_Func2
08024D9C - NotAllied - - -
08024DA4 AreAllegiancesEqual AreAllegiancesEqual IsSameAllegiance AreAllegiancesEqual Compare_Allegiance_Func1
08024DB4 - End - - -
08024DBC GetCurrentPhase GetCurrentPhase GetCurrentPhase GetCurrentPhase -
08024DD0 IsNotEnemyPhaseMaybe IsNotEnemyPhaseMaybe GetNonActiveFaction IsNotEnemyPhaseMaybe -
08024DE8 GetPartyGoldAmount GetPartyGoldAmount GetPartyGoldAmount GetGold -
08024DFC - NoGoldCuzLolEphraim - - -
08024DFE - End - - -
08024E04 SetPartyGoldAmount SetPartyGoldAmount SetPartyGoldAmount SetGold -
08024E12 - End - - -
08024E20 AddPartyGoldAmount AddPartyGoldAmount - AddGold Add_Gold_To_Cashpile
08024E40 - - ForEachUnitInMovement - -
08024EAC ForEachUnitInRange ForEachUnitInRange ForEachUnitInRange ForEachUnitInRange ForEachUnitInRange
08024EBC - StartYLoop - - -
08024ECC - StartXLoop - - -
08024EF8 - ContinueXLoop - - -
08024EFE - ContinueYLoop - - -
08024F04 - End - - -
08024F18 ForEachPosInRange ForEachPosInRange ForEachPosInRange ForEachPosInRange -
08024F70 ForEachAdjacentUnit ForEachAdjacentUnit ForEachAdjacentUnit ForEachAdjacentUnit ForEachAdjacentUnit
08024FA4 ForEachAdjacentPosition ForEachAdjacentPosition ForEachAdjacentPosition ForEachAdjacentPosition -
08025038 ForEachPosIn12Range ForEachPosIn12Range ForEachPosIn12Range ForEachPosIn12Range -
0802506C ForEachUnitInMagBy2Range ForEachUnitInMagBy2Range ForEachUnitInMagBy2Range ForEachUnitInMagBy2Range -
080250BC TryAddTrapsToTargetList TryAddTrapsToTargetList TryAddTrapsToTargetList TryAddTrapsToTargetList -
080250D0 - StartLoop - - -
08025166 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802516E - NoTrap - - -
0802517C AddUnitToTargetListIfNotAllied AddUnitToTargetListIfNotAllied AddUnitToTargetListIfNotAllied AddUnitToTargetListIfNotAllied -
080251AA - not_allied - - -
080251B4 MakeTargetListForWeapon MakeTargetListForWeapon MakeTargetListForWeapon MakeTargetListForWeapon -
0802521C TryAddUnitToTradeTargetList TryAddUnitToTradeTargetList TryAddUnitToTradeTargetList TryAddUnitToTradeTargetList -
08025264 - HasItem - - -
08025288 - DontAddToTargetList - - -
080252B6 - HasItemAgain - - -
080252C4 - End - - -
080252D0 MakeTradeTargetList MakeTradeTargetList MakeTradeTargetList MakeTradeTargetList -
08025332 - End - - -
08025344 TryAddUnitToRescueTargetList TryAddUnitToRescueTargetList TryAddUnitToRescueTargetList TryAddUnitToRescueTargetList -
080253AA - End - - -
080253B4 MakeRescueTargetList MakeRescueTargetList MakeRescueTargetList MakeRescueTargetList -
080253E8 TryAddToDropTargetList TryAddToDropTargetList TryAddToDropTargetList TryAddToDropTargetList -
0802542C - End - - -
08025440 MakeDropTargetList MakeDropTargetList MakeDropTargetList MakeDropTargetList -
08025474 TryAddRescuedUnitToTakeTargetList TryAddRescuedUnitToTakeTargetList TryAddRescuedUnitToTakeTargetList TryAddRescuedUnitToTakeTargetList -
080254D6 - End - - -
080254E0 MakeTakeTargetList MakeTakeTargetList MakeTakeTargetList MakeTakeTargetList -
08025514 - - TryAddUnitToGiveTargetList - -
08025588 - End - - -
08025594 - - MakeGiveTargetList - -
080255C8 - - TryAddUnitToTalkTargetList - -
08025606 - end - - -
08025610 - MakeTargetsForTalk MakeTalkTargetList MakeTargetsForTalk -
08025644 MakeTargetListForSupport MakeTargetListForSupport MakeTargetListForSupport MakeTargetListForSupport -
08025668 - StartLoop - - -
080256DC - ContinueLoop - - -
080256E2 - End - - -
080256F0 AddUnitToTargetListIfAllied AddUnitToTargetListIfAllied AddUnitToTargetListIfAllied AddUnitToTargetListIfAllied -
0802571E - End - - -
08025728 FillBallistaRangeMaybe FillBallistaRangeMaybe FillBallistaRangeMaybe FillBallistaRangeMaybe -
08025782 - End - - -
08025794 TryAddClosedDoorToTargetList TryAddClosedDoorToTargetList TryAddClosedDoorToTargetList TryAddClosedDoorToTargetList -
080257CA - end - - -
080257D4 TryAddBridgeToTargetList TryAddBridgeToTargetList TryAddBridgeToTargetList TryAddBridgeToTargetList -
0802580A - End - - -
08025814 MakeTargetListForDoorAndBridges MakeTargetListForDoorAndBridges MakeTargetListForDoorAndBridges MakeTargetListForDoorAndBridges -
08025850 - Bridge - - -
0802585A - End - - -
080258A4 MakeTargetListForPick MakeTargetListForPick MakeTargetListForPick MakeTargetListForPick -
08025904 MakeTerrainHealTargetList MakeTerrainHealTargetList MakeTerrainHealTargetList MakeTerrainHealTargetList -
08025918 - loop - - -
080259CE - continue - - -
080259EC MakePoisonDamageTargetList MakePoisonDamageTargetList MakePoisonDamageTargetList MakePoisonDamageTargetList -
08025A00 - loop - - -
08025A4A - continue - - -
08025A64 MakeGorgonEggHatchTargetList MakeGorgonEggHatchTargetList MakeGorgonEggHatchTargetList MakeGorgonEggHatchTargetList -
08025A84 - loop - - -
08025B02 - continue - - -
08025B0C - end - - -
08025B18 - - TryAddUnitToRefreshTargetList - -
08025B62 - End - - -
08025B6C - - MakeTargetListForRefresh - -
08025BA0 AddAsTarget_IfCanStealFrom AddAsTarget_IfCanStealFrom AddAsTarget_IfCanStealFrom AddAsTarget_IfCanStealFrom -
08025BC6 - StartItemCheck - - -
08025BF0 - ContinueItemCheck - - -
08025BF8 - End - - -
08025C00 MakeTargetListForSteal MakeTargetListForSteal MakeTargetListForSteal MakeTargetListForSteal -
08025C34 AddAsTarget_IfPositionCleanForSummon AddAsTarget_IfPositionCleanForSummon AddAsTarget_IfPositionCleanForSummon AddAsTarget_IfPositionCleanForSummon -
08025C64 - no_fog - - -
08025C8A - end - - -
08025CA4 ListSummonTargets ListSummonTargets MakeTargetListForSummon ListSummonTargets -
08025E28 TryAddUnitToHealTargetList TryAddUnitToHealTargetList TryAddUnitToHealTargetList TryAddUnitToHealTargetList -
08025E72 - End - - -
08025E7C MakeTargetListForAdjacentHeal MakeTargetListForAdjacentHeal MakeTargetListForAdjacentHeal MakeTargetListForAdjacentHeal -
08025EB0 MakeTargetListForRangedHeal MakeTargetListForRangedHeal MakeTargetListForRangedHeal MakeTargetListForRangedHeal -
08025EFC AddToTargetListIfNotAllied AddToTargetListIfNotAllied AddToTargetListIfNotAllied AddToTargetListIfNotAllied -
08025F3A - End - - -
08025F44 MakeTargetListForFuckingNightmare MakeTargetListForFuckingNightmare MakeTargetListForFuckingNightmare MakeTargetListForFuckingNightmare -
08025F98 TryAddUnitToRestoreTargetList TryAddUnitToRestoreTargetList TryAddUnitToRestoreTargetList TryAddUnitToRestoreTargetList -
08025FDE - End - - -
08025FE8 MakeTargetListForRestore MakeTargetListForRestore MakeTargetListForRestore MakeTargetListForRestore -
0802601C TryAddUnitToBarrierTargetList TryAddUnitToBarrierTargetList TryAddUnitToBarrierTargetList TryAddUnitToBarrierTargetList -
08026060 - End - - -
0802606C MakeTargetListForBarrier MakeTargetListForBarrier MakeTargetListForBarrier MakeTargetListForBarrier -
080260A0 TryAddUnitToRescueStaffTargetList TryAddUnitToRescueStaffTargetList TryAddUnitToRescueStaffTargetList TryAddUnitToRescueStaffTargetList -
080260CE - End - - -
080260D8 MakeTargetListForRescueStaff MakeTargetListForRescueStaff MakeTargetListForRescueStaff MakeTargetListForRescueStaff -
08026100 TryAddUnitToSilenceTargetList TryAddUnitToSilenceTargetList TryAddUnitToSilenceTargetList TryAddUnitToSilenceTargetList -
0802612E - Continue - - -
08026140 - End - - -
0802614C TryAddUnitToSleepTargetList TryAddUnitToSleepTargetList TryAddUnitToSleepTargetList TryAddUnitToSleepTargetList -
0802617A - Continue - - -
0802618C - End - - -
08026198 TryAddUnitToBerzerkTargetList TryAddUnitToBerzerkTargetList TryAddUnitToBerserkTargetList TryAddUnitToBerzerkTargetList -
080261C6 - Continue - - -
080261D8 - End - - -
080261E4 MakeTargetListForSilence MakeTargetListForSilence MakeTargetListForSilence MakeTargetListForSilence -
0802620C MakeTargetListForSleep MakeTargetListForSleep MakeTargetListForSleep MakeTargetListForSleep -
08026234 MakeTargetListForBerserk MakeTargetListForBerserk MakeTargetListForBerserk MakeTargetListForBerserk -
0802625C TryAddUnitToWarpTargetList TryAddUnitToWarpTargetList TryAddUnitToWarpTargetList TryAddUnitToWarpTargetList -
0802628A - End - - -
08026294 MakeTargetListForWarp MakeTargetListForWarp MakeTargetListForWarp MakeTargetListForWarp -
080262C8 MakeTargetListForUnlock MakeTargetListForUnlock MakeTargetListForUnlock MakeTargetListForUnlock -
080262FC TryAddUnitToHammerneTargetList TryAddUnitToHammerneTargetList TryAddUnitToHammerneTargetList TryAddUnitToHammerneTargetList -
08026320 - ContinueLoop - - -
08026322 - StartLoop - - -
0802634C - End - - -
08026354 MakeTargetListForHammerne MakeTargetListForHammerne MakeTargetListForHammerne MakeTargetListForHammerne -
08026388 MakeTargetListForLatona MakeTargetListForLatona MakeTargetListForLatona MakeTargetListForLatona -
080263AA - ContinueLoop - - -
080263E6 - Add - - -
080263FC - Skip - - -
08026400 - StartLoop - - -
08026460 - End - - -
0802646C - - TryAddToMineTargetList - -
080264F0 MakeTargetListForMine MakeTargetListForMine MakeTargetListForMine MakeTargetListForMine -
08026524 - - TryAddToLightRuneTargetList - -
08026580 MakeTargetListForLightRune MakeTargetListForLightRune MakeTargetListForLightRune MakeTargetListForLightRune -
080265B4 TryAddUnitToDanceRingTargetList TryAddUnitToDanceRingTargetList TryAddUnitToDanceRingTargetList TryAddUnitToDanceRingTargetList -
080265E0 - End - - -
080265E4 MakeTargetListForDanceRing MakeTargetListForDanceRing MakeTargetListForDanceRing MakeTargetListForDanceRing -
08026628 LoadMapSpritePalettes LoadMapSpritePalettes SetupMapSpritesPalettes ApplyUnitSpritePalettes -
08026668 - End - - -
08026688 SMS_Init SMS_Init SMS_ClearUsageTable ResetUnitSprites -
08026694 - Continue - - -
080266BC - - - ResetUnitSpritesB -
080266F0 SMS_80266F0 SMS_80266F0 SMS_80266F0 SMS_80266F0 -
0802677C SMS_SomethingGmapUnit SMS_SomethingGmapUnit SMS_SomethingGmapUnit SMS_SomethingGmapUnit -
080267B8 - _ - - -
080267BE - case_16x16 - - -
080267C8 - case_16x32 - - -
080267D2 - case_32x32 - - -
080267DA - continue - - -
080267E6 - dosunt_werk - - -
080267FC SMS_RegisterUsage SMS_RegisterUsage SMS_RegisterUsage UseUnitSprite -
08026840 - ContinueCheck - - -
08026846 - Handle16x16 - - -
08026864 - Handle16x32 - - -
08026880 - Handle32x32 - - -
080268A4 - StrR0ToR4 - - -
080268A6 - HandleError - - -
080268B0 - Exists - - -
080268C8 SomethingSMS_16x16_0 SomethingSMS_16x16_0 SomethingSMS_16x16_0 ApplyUnitSpriteImage16x16 -
0802695C SomethingSMS_16x16 SomethingSMS_16x16 SomethingSMS_16x16 SomethingSMS_16x16 -
080269A2 - Continue - - -
08026A38 SomethingSMS_16x32 SomethingSMS_16x32 SomethingSMS_16x32 ApplyUnitSpriteImage16x32 -
08026A7E - Continue - - -
08026B28 SomethingSMS_32x32 SomethingSMS_32x32 SomethingSMS_32x32 ApplyUnitSpriteImage32x32 -
08026B72 - Continue - - -
08026F2C SMS_SyncDirect SyncSMS SMS_FlushDirect SyncUnitSpriteSheet -
08026F4C - NotFrame1 - - -
08026F5C - NotFrame2 - - -
08026F6C - NotFrame3 - - -
08026F7C - End - - -
08026F94 SMS_SyncIndirect SyncSMSIndirect SMS_FlushIndirect ForceSyncUnitSpriteSheet -
08026FE8 - End - - -
08027038 - lop - - -
08027050 - end - - -
080270B6 - Continue - - -
080270CE - End - - -
08027100 - _ - - -
08027104 - hi - - -
0802710C - lo - - -
0802711A - Continue - - -
08027130 - End - - -
0802713C GetUnitBattleMapSpritePaletteIndex GetUnitBattleMapSpritePaletteIndex GetUnitSpritePaletteIndexWrapper GetUnitDisplayedSpritePalette ChapterMapSpritePal
08027162 - end - - -
08027168 GetUnitMapSpritePaletteIndex GetUnitMapSpritePaletteIndex GetUnitMapSpritePaletteIndex GetUnitSpritePalette CMSPAllegianceCheck
08027182 - Continue - - -
0802718C - Ally - - -
08027190 - Enemy - - -
08027194 - NPC - - -
08027198 - ArenaP4 - - -
0802719A - End - - -
080271A0 SMS_UpdateFromGameData RefreshSMS SMS_UpdateFromGameData RefreshUnitSprites MSUnk1Start
080271C0 - lop_units - - -
08027282 - continue_units - - -
080272A2 - lop_traps - - -
08027316 - not_ballista - - -
08027344 - not_light_rune - - -
0802734C - no_traps - - -
08027358 - end - - -
0802736C SMS_GetNewInfoStruct GetNewSMSHandle SMS_GetNewInfoStruct AddUnitSprite -
08027374 - continue - - -
08027390 - yes - - -
080273A4 SMS_DisplayAllFromInfoStructs DisplaySMS SMS_DisplayAllFromInfoStructs PutUnitSpritesOam -
080273B4 - lop - - -
080273DA - not_hoob - - -
080273E4 - not_voob - - -
080273F2 - not_hidden - - -
08027406 - no_shake - - -
08027412 - _ - - -
08027428 - jpt_802741A - - -
08027440 - Case0 - - -
08027464 - Case1 - - -
08027488 - Case2 - - -
080274B0 - Case3 - - -
080274D0 - Case4 - - -
080274EC - CopyToOAMBuffer - - -
080274F8 - Case5 - - -
0802751E - def_802741A - - -
08027526 - end - - -
08027530 DisplayChapterTileMarker DisplayChapterTileMarker DisplayChapterTileMarker PutChapterMarkedTileIconOam -
080275C6 - End - - -
080275E8 DisplayUnitAdditionalBlinkingIcons DisplaySmsOverlay DisplayUnitAdditionalBlinkingIcons PutUnitSpriteIconsOam -
08027620 - Skirmish - - -
08027622 - FinishProteccChar - - -
08027684 - StartLoop - - -
08027692 - ValidUnit - - -
0802769A - ValidChar - - -
080276A6 - NotSelected - - -
080276B4 - DrawAlreadyGDI - - -
080276C8 - _ - - -
080276D8 - jpt_80276D0 - - -
08027700 - Case1 - - -
08027754 - Case3 - - -
080277A8 - Case2 - - -
080277F8 - Case4 - - -
08027858 - Case5678 - - -
080278A6 - def_80276D0 - - -
080278AC - DrawOtherThing - - -
08027930 - NotRescuing - - -
080279B0 - NotBoss - - -
080279FC - continue - - -
08027A08 - end - - -
08027A40 ResetMapSpriteHoverTimer ResetMapSpriteHoverTimer - ResetUnitSpriteHover -
08027A4C HandleMapSpriteCursorHover HandleMapSpriteCursorHover - UnitSpriteHoverUpdate -
08027AFA - end - - -
08027B0C - - - IsUnitSpriteHoverEnabledAt -
08027B60 - DisplayUnitSMS - PutUnitSprite -
08027C36 - end - - -
08027C48 - DisplayClassSMS - PutUnitSpriteForJid -
08027E4C - DisplayOneSMSByUnit - PutUnitSpriteExt -
08027F16 - End - - -
08027F28 SMS_DisplayOne DisplayOneSMSByClass SMS_DisplayOne - -
08027F78 - _ - - -
08027F7E - Case16x16 - - -
08027FA8 - Case16x32 - - -
08027FD8 - Case32x32 - - -
08027FFE - end - - -
08028014 SMS_DisplayWindowBlended DisplayOneSMSWindowBlended - PutBlendWindowUnitSprite -
08028068 - _ - - -
0802806E - _16x16 - - -
08028098 - _16x32 - - -
080280C4 - _32x32 - - -
080280E8 - end - - -
0802810C HideUnitSMS HideUnitSMS HideUnitSMS HideUnitSprite -
08028118 - ValidUnit - - -
0802812A - NoStandingSpriteData - - -
08028130 ShowUnitSMS ShowUnitSMS ShowUnitSMS ShowUnitSprite -
08028140 - NoStandingSprite - - -
08028144 GetUnitStandingSpriteDataFlagThing GetUnitStandingSpriteDataFlagThing GetUnitStandingSpriteDataFlagThing GetUnitSpriteHideFlag -
0802815A - Return0x80 - - -
0802815C - End - - -
080281C8 GetROMUnitSupportCount GetUnitSupporterCount GetUnitSupporterCount GetUnitSupportCount -
080281D6 - unsupported - - -
080281D8 - end - - -
080281DC GetROMUnitSupportingId GetUnitSupporterCharacter GetUnitSupporterCharacter GetUnitSupportPid -
080281EC - ReturnNull - - -
080281EE - End - - -
080281F4 GetUnitSupportingUnit GetUnitSupporterUnit GetUnitSupporterUnit GetUnitSupportUnit -
08028212 - Begin - - -
0802822E - Continue - - -
08028234 - Return0 - - -
08028236 - End - - -
0802823C GetSupportLevelBySupportIndex GetUnitSupportLevel GetUnitSupportLevel GetUnitSupportLevel -
0802824C - NotA - - -
08028254 - NotB - - -
0802825C - ActuallyC - - -
0802825E - End - - -
08028264 GetUnitTotalSupportLevels GetUnitTotalSupportLevel GetUnitTotalSupportLevel GetUnitTotalSupportLevel -
08028286 - return - - -
08028290 AddSupportPoints UnitGainSupportExp UnitGainSupportExp UnitGainSupportExp -
080282C0 - NoCap - - -
080282CC - end - - -
080282DC - UnitGainSupportLevel UnitGainSupportLevel UnitGainSupportLevel -
08028310 CanUnitSupportCommandWith CanUnitSupportNow CanUnitSupportNow CanUnitSupportNow -
0802836E - return_false - - -
08028384 - _ - - -
08028386 - end - - -
0802838C GetUnitStartingSupportValue GetUnitSupporterInitialExp GetUnitSupporterInitialExp GetUnitInitialSupportExp -
0802839E - no_support - - -
080283A2 - end - - -
080283A8 GetSupportDataIdForOtherUnit GetUnitSupporterNum GetUnitSupporterNum GetUnitSupportNumByPid -
080283BC - Start - - -
080283D0 - Continue - - -
080283D6 - NoSupports - - -
080283DA - End - - -
080283E0 ClearUnitSupports UnitClearSupports ClearUnitSupports ClearUnitSupports -
080283F6 - lop - - -
08028422 - Continue - - -
08028428 - end - - -
08028434 ProcessSupportGains ProcessTurnSupportExp ProcessTurnSupportExp DoTurnSupportExp -
08028450 - StartUnitLoop - - -
08028488 - StartSupportLoop - - -
08028514 - ContinueSupportLoop - - -
0802851A - ContinueUnitLoop - - -
08028520 - End - - -
0802852C GetSupportBonusEntryPtr GetAffinityBonuses GetAffinityBonuses GetAffinityBonuses -
08028538 - Begin - - -
08028542 - Continue - - -
08028544 - Start - - -
0802854A - End - - -
08028550 StoreAddedAffinityBonusesForSupportLevel ApplyAffinitySupportBonuses ApplyAffinitySupportBonuses ApplyAffinitySupportBonuses -
080285A0 - InitSupportBonuses InitSupportBonuses InitSupportBonuses -
080285B0 GetUnitSupportBonuses GetUnitSupportBonuses GetUnitSupportBonuses GetUnitSupportBonuses -
0802867C - StoreResult - - -
080286BC - GetUnitAffinityIcon GetUnitAffinityIcon GetUnitAffinityIcon -
080286D4 - GetCharacterAffinityIcon GetCharacterAffinityIcon GetAffinityIconByPid -
080286EC - GetSupportLevelUiChar GetSupportLevelUiChar GetSupportLevelSpecialChar -
08028710 - GetAffinityName GetAffinityName GetAffinityName -
0802873C - SetSupportLevelGained SetSupportLevelGained SetSupportLevelGained -
0802878C CanUnitsStillSupportThisChapter HasUnitGainedSupportLevel HasUnitGainedSupportLevel HasUnitGainedSupportLevel -
080287A4 - HaveCharactersMaxSupport HaveCharactersMaxSupport ReachedMaxSupportByPids -
080287CC - return_true - - -
080287CE - end - - -
080287D4 SwapUnitStats SwapUnitStats SwapUnitStats SwapUnitStats -
0802886A - end - - -
08028870 CanUnitUseItem CanUnitUseItem CanUnitUseItem CanUnitUseItem -
08028894 - maybe - - -
080288A2 - jmp - - -
080288B0 - jpt_80288AA - - -
08028A8C - case_healstaff - - -
08028A9C - case_physic - - -
08028AAC - case_fortify - - -
08028ABC - case_restore - - -
08028ACC - case_rescue - - -
08028ADC - case_barrier - - -
08028AEC - case_silence - - -
08028AFC - case_sleep - - -
08028B0C - case_berserk - - -
08028B1C - case_warp - - -
08028B2C - case_hammerne - - -
08028B3C - case_unlock - - -
08028B4C - case_statbooster - - -
08028B56 - case_promotionitem - - -
08028B60 - case_healingitem - - -
08028B68 - case_purewater - - -
08028B70 - case_torch - - -
08028B78 - case_antidote - - -
08028B80 - case_chestkey - - -
08028B88 - case_doorkey - - -
08028B90 - case_lockpick - - -
08028B98 - case_latona - - -
08028BA8 - case_mine - - -
08028BB8 - case_lightrune - - -
08028BC8 - case_torchstaff - - -
08028BD8 - case_dancering - - -
08028BE8 - case_metistome - - -
08028BF8 - case_junafruit - - -
08028BFE - return - - -
08028C04 - no - - -
08028C06 - end - - -
08028C0C - - GetItemCantUseMsgid GetUnitItemCantUseMsg -
08028C2C - jpt_8028C26 - - -
08028E54 - def_8028C26 - - -
08028E60 ItemEffect_Call ItemEffect_Call DoItemUse DoUseUnitItem -
08028E7E - JUMP - - -
08028E8C - jpt_8028E86 - - -
08028F94 - CaseAdjacentHeal - - -
08028F9C - CaseRangedHeal - - -
08028F9E - CommonHeal - - -
08028FAC - CaseRescue - - -
08028FDE - OffensiveStaffCommon - - -
08029004 - CaseWarp - - -
0802901C - CaseMine - - -
0802902C - CaseLightRune - - -
08029040 - CaseTorch - - -
08029048 - CaseDanceRing - - -
0802905C - def_8028E86 - - -
08029062 - end - - -
08029068 IsGeneratedTargetListEmpty IsGeneratedTargetListEmpty HasSelectTarget HasSelectTarget -
08029078 - End - - -
0802907C CanUseHealingItem CanUseHealingItem CanUnitUseHealItem CanUnitUseHealItem -
08029094 - ReturnFalse - - -
08029096 - End - - -
0802909C - - - CanUnitUseBindingBladeToHeal -
080290A0 CanUsePureWater CanUsePureWater CanUnitUsePureWaterItem CanUnitUsePureWaterItem -
080290B2 - ReturnFalse - - -
080290B4 - End - - -
080290B8 CanUseTorch CanUseTorch CanUnitUseTorchItem CanUnitUseTorchItem -
080290DC - ReturnFalse - - -
080290DE - End - - -
080290E4 CanUseAntidote CanUseAntidote CanUnitUseAntitoxinItem CanUnitUseAntitoxinItem -
080290F6 - ReturnFalse - - -
080290F8 - End - - -
080290FC CanUseChestKey CanUseChestKey CanUnitUseChestKeyItem CanUnitUseChestKeyItem -
08029130 - ReturnFalse - - -
08029132 - ReturnTrue - - -
08029138 CanUseDoorKey CanUseDoorKey CanUnitUseDoorKeyItem CanUnitUseDoorKeyItem -
0802914C CanOpenBridge CanOpenBridge CanUnitOpenBridge CanUnitUseBridgeKeyItem -
08029160 CanUseLockpick CanUseLockpick CanUnitUseLockpickItem CanUnitUseLockpickItem -
0802919A - ReturnFalse - - -
0802919E - ReturnTrue - - -
080291A0 - End - - -
080291A8 CanUsePromotionItem CanUsePromotionItem CanUnitUsePromotionItem CanUnitUsePromotionItem -
080291BC - CheckLord - - -
080291E4 - StartLoop - - -
080291EA - ContinueLoop - - -
080291F2 - CheckNonLord - - -
080291FC - AdequatelyLeveled - - -
0802921C - jpt_8029212 - - -
08029394 - CaseHeroCrest - - -
0802939C - CaseKnightCrest - - -
080293A4 - CaseOrionsBolt - - -
080293AC - CaseElysianWhip - - -
080293B4 - CaseGuidingRing - - -
080293BC - CaseMasterSeal - - -
080293C4 - CaseMoonBracelet - - -
080293CC - CaseSunBracelet - - -
080293D4 - CaseHeavenSeal - - -
080293DC - Case193 - - -
080293E4 - ReturnTrue - - -
080293E8 - CaseOceanSeal - - -
080293EA - def_8029212 - - -
080293F4 - ContinueClassLoop - - -
08029400 - ReturnFalse - - -
08029402 - End - - -
0802940C CanUseStatBooster CanUseStatBooster CanUnitUseStatGainItem CanUnitUseStatGainItem -
08029504 CanUseJunaFruit CanUseJunaFruit CanUnitUseFruitItem CanUnitUseJunaFruitItem -
08029514 - End - - -
0802951C EndItemEffectSelectionThing EndItemEffectSelectionThing SetStaffUseAction SetStaffUseAction -
08029544 - - SetItemUseAction SetItemUseAction -
08029550 GenericStaffSelection_OnSelect GenericStaffSelection_OnSelect StaffSelectOnSelect StaffSelectOnSelect -
08029568 PrepareTargetSelectionForRescueStaff PrepareTargetSelectionForRescueStaff DoUseRescueStaff DoUseRescueStaff -
080295A8 SetupTargetSelectionForGenericStaff SetupTargetSelectionForGenericStaff DoUseSpecialDance DoUseSpecialDance -
080295E8 WarpTargetPosSelect_Init WarpTargetPosSelect_Init WarpSelect_OnInit WarpSelect_OnInit -
0802969C WarpTargetPosSelect_Loop WarpTargetPosSelect_Loop WarpSelect_OnIdle WarpSelect_OnIdle -
08029730 - URNotAllowed - - -
08029742 - NoAPress - - -
08029778 - NoBPress - - -
080297BA - End - - -
080297D0 WarpTargetPosSelect_Confirm WarpTargetPosSelect_Confirm WarpSelect_OnConfirm WarpSelect_OnConfirm -
0802980C WarpTargetPosSelect_Cancel WarpTargetPosSelect_Cancel WarpSelect_OnCancel WarpSelect_OnCancel -
08029840 WarpTargetPosSelect_Destruct WarpTargetPosSelect_Destruct WarpSelect_OnEnd WarpSelect_OnEnd -
08029854 WarpTargetSelection_OnSelect WarpTargetSelection_OnSelect WarpOnSelectTarget WarpSelectOnSelect -
0802987C SetupWarpTargetSelection SetupWarpTargetSelection DoUseWarpStaff DoUseWarpStaff -
080298B8 - End - - -
080298D4 - - OnSelectPutTrap OnSelectPutTrap -
080298F0 PrepareTargetSelectionForMineAndLightRune PrepareTargetSelectionForMineAndLightRune DoUsePutTrap DoUsePutTrap -
0802992E - End - - -
08029944 HammerneTargetSelection_OnSelect HammerneTargetSelection_OnSelect RepairSelectOnSelect RepairSelectOnSelect -
080299B8 SetupHammerneUseSelection SetupHammerneUseSelection DoUseRepairStaff DoUseRepairStaff -
080299F2 - End - - -
08029A08 HammerneTargetSelection_OnChange HammerneTargetSelection_OnChange RepairSelectOnChange RepairSelectOnChange -
08029A2C HammerneTargetSelection_OnInit HammerneTargetSelection_OnInit RepairSelectOnInit RepairSelectOnInit -
08029A38 - - RepairMenuItemOnChange RepairMenuItemOnChange -
08029A48 nullsub_24 nullsub_24 RepairMenuItemOnChangeOut nullsub_24 -
08029A4C - - RepairMenuItemIsAvailable RepairMenuItemIsAvailable -
08029A84 - - RepairMenuItemDraw RepairMenuItemDraw -
08029AE0 - - RepairMenuItemSelect RepairMenuItemSelect -
08029B8C PrepareTargetSelectionForHeal PrepareTargetSelectionForHeal DoUseHealStaff DoUseHealStaff -
08029BC8 PrepareTargetSelectionForRestoreStaff PrepareTargetSelectionForRestoreStaff DoUseRestoreStaff DoUseRestoreStaff -
08029C04 - - BarrierSelectOnInit RestoreSelectOnInit -
08029C10 - - BarrierSelectOnChange RestoreSelectOnChange -
08029C34 - - DoUseBarrierStaff DoUseBarrierStaff -
08029C70 - - AttackStaffSelectOnInit BarrierSelectOnInit -
08029C7C - - AttackStaffSelectOnChange BarrierSelectOnChange -
08029CA0 PrepareTargetSelectionForOffensiveStaff PrepareTargetSelectionForOffensiveStaff DoUseAttackStaff DoUseAttackStaff -
08029CDC - - - AttackStaffSelectOnInit -
08029CE8 - - - AttackStaffSelectOnChange -
08029D28 GenericSelection_DeleteBBAndBG GenericSelection_DeleteBBAndBG - GenericSelection_DeleteBBAndBG -
08029D98 TorchTargetPosSelect_Init TorchTargetPosSelect_Init TorchSelect_OnInit TorchSelect_OnInit -
08029DDC - End - - -
08029DF0 TorchTargetSelection_Loop TorchTargetSelection_Loop TorchSelect_OnIdle TorchSelect_OnIdle -
08029E68 - NotInRange - - -
08029E7A - NoAPress - - -
08029EB0 - NoBPress - - -
08029EC0 - End - - -
08029ED8 NewTorchStaffSelection NewTorchStaffSelection DoUseTorchStaff DoUseTorchStaff -
08029EF4 - End - - -
08029F00 CanUnitUseItemPrepScreen CanUnitUseItemPrepScreen CanUnitUseItemPrepScreen CanUnitUseItemPrepScreen -
08029F16 - NotStaff - - -
08029F24 - JUMP - - -
08029F34 - jpt_8029F2C - - -
0802A0D0 - CaseStatBooster - - -
0802A0DA - CasePromotionItem - - -
0802A0E4 - CaseMetisTome - - -
0802A0F4 - CaseJunaFruit - - -
0802A0FA - Return - - -
0802A100 - def_8029F2C - - -
0802A102 - End - - -
0802A108 - - - DoesUnitHoldItemCC -
0802A13C BattleGenerateSimulationInternal BattleGenerateSimulationInternal BattleGenerateSimulationInternal BattleGenerateSimulationInternal -
0802A176 - _ - - -
0802A194 - __ - - -
0802A198 - ___ - - -
0802A1B8 - not_ballista - - -
0802A1C0 - ____ - - -
0802A20C BattleGenerateRealInternal BattleGenerateRealInternal BattleGenerateRealInternal BattleGenerateRealInternal -
0802A23A - xDiff_AbsCheck - - -
0802A258 - yDiff_AbsCheck - - -
0802A25C - yDiff_AbsCheckEnd - - -
0802A27C - NotBallista - - -
0802A286 - EndBallista - - -
0802A2E4 - end - - -
0802A2F4 BattleApplyGameStateUpdates BattleApplyGameStateUpdates BattleApplyGameStateUpdates BattleApplyGameStateUpdates -
0802A318 BattleGenerateSimulation BattleGenerateSimulation BattleGenerateSimulation BattleGenerateSimulation -
0802A350 BattleGenerateReal BattleGenerateReal BattleGenerateReal BattleGenerateReal -
0802A364 BattleGenerateBallistaSimulation BattleGenerateBallistaSimulation BattleGenerateBallistaSimulation BattleGenerateBallistaSimulation -
0802A384 BattleGenerateBallistaReal BattleGenerateBallistaReal BattleGenerateBallistaReal BattleGenerateBallistaReal -
0802A398 BattleGenerate BattleGenerate BattleGenerate BattleGenerate -
0802A3C8 - NoSnag - - -
0802A3F4 - real - - -
0802A3F8 - end - - -
0802A400 BattleGenerateUiStats BattleGenerateUiStats BattleGenerateUiStats BattleGenerateUiStats -
0802A494 - SkipTerrainBonuses - - -
0802A4DC - not_runesword - - -
0802A4F2 - not_nonweapon - - -
0802A51A - end - - -
0802A52C BattleRoll1RN BattleRollSingle BattleRoll1RN BattleRandRoll -
0802A550 - NotStarted - - -
0802A552 - End - - -
0802A558 BattleRoll2RN BattleRollDouble BattleRoll2RN BattleRandRoll2Rn -
0802A57C - NotStarted - - -
0802A57E - End - - -
0802A584 InitBattleUnit InitBattleUnit InitBattleUnit InitBattleUnit -
0802A65A - end - - -
0802A668 InitBattleUnitWithoutBonuses InitBattleUnitWithoutBonuses InitBattleUnitWithoutBonuses InitBattleUnitWithoutBonuses -
0802A6A0 SetBattleUnitTerrainBonuses SetBattleUnitTerrainBonuses SetBattleUnitTerrainBonuses SetBattleUnitTerrainBonuses -
0802A6DC SetBattleUnitTerrainBonusesAuto SetBattleUnitTerrainBonusesAuto SetBattleUnitTerrainBonusesAuto SetBattleUnitTerrainBonusesAuto -
0802A730 SetBattleUnitWeapon SetBattleUnitWeapon SetBattleUnitWeapon SetBattleUnitWeapon -
0802A74C - NoAuto - - -
0802A75A - NoBallista - - -
0802A778 - jpt_802A770 - - -
0802A79C - CaseNormal - - -
0802A7B0 - CaseNoWeapon - - -
0802A7BC - CommonInventoryWeapon - - -
0802A7CC - Case6_ArenaPlayer - - -
0802A7EC - Case7_ArenaOpponent - - -
0802A80C - Case8_Ballista - - -
0802A830 - def_802A770 - - -
0802A846 - FinishNotBallista - - -
0802A848 - FinishBallista - - -
0802A84A - EndWeapon - - -
0802A894 - ContinueCheck - - -
0802A8A2 - HandleLightBrand - - -
0802A8AC - MeleeMagicSword - - -
0802A8B8 - HandleRuneSword - - -
0802A8BA - StoreMagicSwordWType - - -
0802A8BC - SkipMagicSword - - -
0802A8D4 - NotInRange - - -
0802A8DE - EndRangeCheck - - -
0802A8FC - ContinueStatusCheck - - -
0802A900 - HandleUnableStatus - - -
0802A90A - End - - -
0802A918 SetBattleUnitWeaponBallista SetBattleUnitWeaponBallista SetBattleUnitWeaponBallista SetBattleUnitWeaponBallista -
0802A95C ComputeBattleUnitStats ComputeBattleUnitStats ComputeBattleUnitStats ComputeBattleUnitStats -
0802A9A8 ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveStats ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveStats ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveStats ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveStats -
0802A9D0 ComputeBattleUnitSupportBonuses ComputeBattleUnitSupportBonuses ComputeBattleUnitSupportBonuses ComputeBattleUnitSupportBonuses -
0802A9EA - not_arena - - -
0802AA34 - NoWeather - - -
0802AA44 ComputeBattleUnitDefense ComputeBattleUnitDefense ComputeBattleUnitDefense ComputeBattleUnitDefense -
0802AA6A - HandleNonMagicWeapon - - -
0802AA88 - HandlePhysicalWeapon - - -
0802AA96 - End - - -
0802AAA4 ComputeBattleUnitBaseDefense ComputeBattleUnitBaseDefense ComputeBattleUnitBaseDefense ComputeBattleUnitBaseDefense -
0802AABC ComputeBattleUnitAttack ComputeBattleUnitAttack ComputeBattleUnitAttack ComputeBattleUnitAttack -
0802AB00 - HandleNotSlayer - - -
0802AB2A - ContinueLegendaryCheck - - -
0802AB3A - HandleLegendaryEffectiveness - - -
0802AB3E - HandleNormalEffectiveness - - -
0802AB48 - EndEffectiveness - - -
0802AB4A - SkipEffectiveness - - -
0802AB6A - NotStone - - -
0802AB74 ComputeBattleUnitSpeed ComputeBattleUnitSpeed ComputeBattleUnitSpeed ComputeBattleUnitSpeed -
0802AB8E - ValidAS - - -
0802ABA4 - End - - -
0802ABAC ComputeBattleUnitHitRate ComputeBattleUnitHitRate ComputeBattleUnitHitRate ComputeBattleUnitHitRate -
0802ABE4 ComputeBattleUnitAvoidRate ComputeBattleUnitAvoidRate ComputeBattleUnitAvoidRate ComputeBattleUnitAvoidRate -
0802AC12 - End - - -
0802AC18 ComputeBattleUnitCritRate ComputeBattleUnitCritRate ComputeBattleUnitCritRate ComputeBattleUnitCritRate -
0802AC4E - End - - -
0802AC54 ComputeBattleUnitDodgeRate ComputeBattleUnitDodgeRate ComputeBattleUnitDodgeRate ComputeBattleUnitDodgeRate -
0802AC60 ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveHitRate ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveHitRate ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveHitRate ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveHitRate -
0802AC80 - NotOver100 - - -
0802AC8C - NotUnder0 - - -
0802AC90 ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveCritRate ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveCritRate ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveCritRate ComputeBattleUnitEffectiveCritRate -
0802ACBC - NotStone - - -
0802ACC6 - ValidCrit - - -
0802ACCA - ItemLoopContinue - - -
0802ACCC - ItemLoopBegin - - -
0802ACF0 - End - - -
0802ACF8 ComputeBattleUnitSilencerRate ComputeBattleUnitSilencerRate ComputeBattleUnitSilencerRate ComputeBattleUnitSilencerRate -
0802AD1A - HandleLethality - - -
0802AD3A - SkipHalfChance - - -
0802AD4E - End - - -
0802AD54 ComputeBattleUnitWeaponRankBonuses ComputeBattleUnitWeaponRankBonuses ComputeBattleUnitWeaponRankBonuses ComputeBattleUnitWeaponRankBonuses -
0802AD8A - end - - -
0802AD90 ComputeBattleUnitStatusBonuses ComputeBattleUnitStatusBonuses ComputeBattleUnitStatusBonuses ComputeBattleUnitStatusBonuses -
0802ADAA - ContinueCheck - - -
0802ADB4 - Attack - - -
0802ADB8 - Defense - - -
0802ADBC - Crit - - -
0802ADC0 - Hit - - -
0802ADC2 - apply - - -
0802ADC8 - end - - -
0802ADCC ComputeBattleUnitSpecialWeaponStats ComputeBattleUnitSpecialWeaponStats ComputeBattleUnitSpecialWeaponStats ComputeBattleUnitSpecialWeaponStats -
0802ADF2 - HandleMagicSword - - -
0802AE14 - NotMagicDamage - - -
0802AE38 - AttackValid - - -
0802AE48 - HandleNotHPHalving - - -
0802AE5C - NotNegateDefense - - -
0802AE6E - StoreBuffStats - - -
0802AE8A - End - - -
0802AE90 ClearBattleHits ClearBattleHits ClearBattleHits ClearBattleHits -
0802AEA2 - Continue - - -
0802AED0 BattleUnwind BattleUnwind BattleUnwind BattleUnwind -
0802AF50 - Finish - - -
0802AF7C BattleGetBattleUnitOrder BattleGetBattleUnitOrder BattleGetBattleUnitOrder BattleGetBattleUnitOrder -
0802AF90 BattleGetFollowUpOrder BattleGetFollowUpOrder BattleGetFollowUpOrder BattleGetFollowUpOrder -
0802AFCC - _ - - -
0802AFD2 - ContinueCheck - - -
0802AFEC - TargetFirst - - -
0802AFF0 - SwapEnd - - -
0802B010 - ReturnFalse - - -
0802B012 - End - - -
0802B018 BattleGenerateRoundHits BattleGenerateRoundHits BattleGenerateRoundHits BattleGenerateRoundHits -
0802B02C - ReturnOne - - -
0802B030 - _ - - -
0802B044 - ContinueHits - - -
0802B06C - ReturnZero - - -
0802B06E - End - - -
0802B080 GetBattleUnitHitCount GetBattleUnitHitCount GetBattleUnitHitCount GetBattleUnitHitCount -
0802B094 BattleCheckBraveEffect BattleCheckBraveEffect BattleCheckBraveEffect BattleCheckBraveEffect -
0802B0C4 - ReturnZero - - -
0802B0C6 - End - - -
0802B0CC BattleCheckTriangleAttack BattleCheckTriangleAttack BattleCheckTriangleAttack BattleCheckTriangleAttack -
0802B11A - StartLoop - - -
0802B194 - Not1 - - -
0802B19C - ContinueLoop - - -
0802B1B2 - End - - -
0802B1C4 BattleUpdateBattleStats BattleUpdateBattleStats BattleUpdateBattleStats BattleUpdateBattleStats -
0802B1F4 BattleCheckSureShot BattleCheckSureShot BattleCheckSureShot BattleCheckSureShot -
0802B240 - Continue - - -
0802B268 - End - - -
0802B278 BattleCheckPierce BattleCheckPierce BattleCheckPierce BattleCheckPierce -
0802B2DA - End - - -
0802B2E8 BattleCheckGreatShield BattleCheckGreatShield BattleCheckGreatShield BattleCheckGreatShield -
0802B378 - End - - -
0802B38C BattleCheckSilencer BattleCheckSilencer BattleCheckSilencer BattleCheckSilencer -
0802B39A - ReturnFalse - - -
0802B39E - HandleNecromancer - - -
0802B3AE - Check - - -
0802B3C2 - End - - -
0802B3D0 BattleCheckPetrify BattleCheckPetrify BattleCheckPetrify BattleCheckPetrify -
0802B3E4 - End - - -
0802B3EC BattleGenerateHitAttributes BattleGenerateHitAttributes BattleGenerateHitAttributes BattleGenerateHitAttributes -
0802B44C - not_miss - - -
0802B47A - SkipPierce - - -
0802B48E - NotPierce - - -
0802B4AE - NoGreatShield - - -
0802B50C - NotLethality - - -
0802B52C - NoCrit - - -
0802B53A - SkipCap - - -
0802B546 - SkipNullify - - -
0802B55E - end - - -
0802B578 BattleGenerateHitTriangleAttack BattleGenerateHitTriangleAttack BattleGenerateHitTriangleAttack BattleGenerateHitTriangleAttack -
0802B5EC - End - - -
0802B600 BattleGenerateHitEffects BattleGenerateHitEffects BattleGenerateHitEffects BattleGenerateHitEffects -
0802B624 - non_miss - - -
0802B644 - HandlePoison - - -
0802B680 - HandleHPHalving - - -
0802B696 - SkipFirstWECheck - - -
0802B6F0 - HandleNotDevil - - -
0802B700 - NotDeid - - -
0802B712 - EndDevil - - -
0802B738 - NotKilled - - -
0802B73E - ContinueNosferatu - - -
0802B758 - notferatu - - -
0802B788 - nemy - - -
0802B78E - aly - - -
0802B7A2 - nemyNemy - - -
0802B7B6 - nnpeecee - - -
0802B7CA - not - - -
0802B7D0 - store - - -
0802B7D2 - uuuh - - -
0802B7EA - miss - - -
0802B80E - still_not_miss - - -
0802B828 - end - - -
0802B83C BattleGenerateHit BattleGenerateHit BattleGenerateHit BattleGenerateHit -
0802B862 - not_reversed_check - - -
0802B908 - ReturnTrue - - -
0802B918 - ReturnFalse - - -
0802B922 - End - - -
0802B92C BattleApplyExpGains BattleApplyExpGains BattleApplyExpGains BattleApplyExpGains -
0802B98E - End - - -
0802B9A0 GetStatIncrease GetStatIncrease GetStatIncrease GetStatIncrease -
0802B9A8 - loop - - -
0802B9B0 - not_over_100 - - -
0802B9BC - end - - -
0802B9C4 GetAutoleveledStatIncrease GetAutoleveledStatIncrease GetAutoleveledStatIncrease GetAutoleveledStatIncrease -
0802B9D2 - HandleNon0Level - - -
0802B9E2 - StillHandleNon0Level - - -
0802B9F4 CanBattleUnitGainLevels CanBattleUnitGainLevels CanBattleUnitGainLevels CanBattleUnitGainLevels -
0802BA16 - SetResultTrue - - -
0802BA20 - SetResultFalse - - -
0802BA22 - End - - -
0802BA28 CheckBattleUnitLevelUp CheckBattleUnitLevelUp CheckBattleUnitLevelUp CheckBattleUnitLevelUp -
0802BA42 - check_lvup - - -
0802BA4A - yes_lvup - - -
0802BA74 - check_lv20 - - -
0802BA7C - maxlv - - -
0802BA8A - not_maxlv - - -
0802BA9E - not_metis_tome - - -
0802BB5A - continue_extra_stat_up_check - - -
0802BBCA - blank_level - - -
0802BBE0 - non_blank_level - - -
0802BBEE - end - - -
0802BC00 ApplyUnitDefaultPromotion ApplyUnitDefaultPromotion ApplyUnitDefaultPromotion ApplyUnitDefaultPromotion -
0802BD50 ApplyUnitPromotion ApplyUnitPromotion ApplyUnitPromotion ApplyUnitPromotion -
0802BE20 - ContinueWRanks - - -
0802BE94 - End - - -
0802BEA0 GenerateBattleUnitStatGainsComparatively MakeBattleUnitPromoteGains GenerateBattleUnitStatGainsComparatively MakeBattleUnitPromoteGains -
0802BF24 CheckBattleUnitStatCaps CheckBattleUnitStatCaps CheckBattleUnitStatCaps CheckBattleUnitStatCaps -
0802BF4C - NotEnemy - - -
0802BF50 - CapReached - - -
0802BF64 - NotEnemy2 - - -
0802BF66 - SetCap - - -
0802BF6E - CapNotReached - - -
0802C028 BattleApplyUnitUpdates BattleApplyUnitUpdates BattleApplyUnitUpdates BattleApplyUnitUpdates -
0802C064 - Not0x52BoolInstigator - - -
0802C086 - Not0x52BoolTarget - - -
0802C0A4 - SnagWallTarget - - -
0802C0AA - End - - -
0802C0B4 GetBattleUnitUpdatedWeaponExp GetBattleUnitUpdatedWeaponExp GetBattleUnitUpdatedWeaponExp GetBattleUnitUpdatedWeaponExp -
0802C112 - no_wexp - - -
0802C124 - yes_wexp - - -
0802C14E - lop - - -
0802C170 - continue - - -
0802C176 - break - - -
0802C190 - non_promoted - - -
0802C1A2 - cap_at_a - - -
0802C1A8 - return - - -
0802C1AA - end - - -
0802C1B0 HasBattleUnitGainedWeaponLevel HasBattleUnitGainedWeaponLevel HasBattleUnitGainedWeaponLevel HasBattleUnitGainedWeaponLevel -
0802C1E4 - NoWExp - - -
0802C1E6 - End - - -
0802C1EC UpdateUnitFromBattle UpdateUnitFromBattle UpdateUnitFromBattle UpdateUnitFromBattle -
0802C220 - skip_status - - -
0802C2A2 - lop_items - - -
0802C2CA - end - - -
0802C2D4 UpdateUnitDuringBattle UpdateUnitDuringBattle UpdateUnitDuringBattle UpdateUnitDuringBattle -
0802C300 BattleApplyBallistaUpdates BattleApplyBallistaUpdates BattleApplyBallistaUpdates BattleApplyBallistaUpdates -
0802C324 - End - - -
0802C344 GetUnitExpLevel GetUnitExpLevel GetUnitExpLevel GetUnitExpLevel -
0802C360 - end - - -
0802C368 GetUnitRoundExp GetUnitRoundExp GetUnitRoundExp GetUnitRoundExp -
0802C398 GetUnitPowerLevel GetUnitPowerLevel GetUnitPowerLevel GetUnitPowerLevel -
0802C3D0 - return - - -
0802C3D8 GetUnitClassKillExpBonus GetUnitClassKillExpBonus GetUnitClassKillExpBonus GetUnitClassKillExpBonus -
0802C404 - return - - -
0802C40C GetUnitExpMultiplier GetUnitExpMultiplier GetUnitExpMultiplier GetUnitExpMultiplier -
0802C424 - return_two - - -
0802C428 - _ - - -
0802C430 - lop - - -
0802C444 - return_one - - -
0802C446 - end - - -
0802C450 GetUnitKillExpBonus GetUnitKillExpBonus GetUnitKillExpBonus GetUnitKillExpBonus -
0802C462 - yes_dead - - -
0802C494 - tutorial_mode - - -
0802C4E8 - return - - -
0802C4EA - end - - -
0802C4F0 ModifyUnitSpecialExp ModifyUnitSpecialExp ModifyUnitSpecialExp ModifyUnitSpecialExp -
0802C534 GetBattleUnitExpGain GetBattleUnitExpGain GetBattleUnitExpGain GetBattleUnitExpGain -
0802C562 - no_exp - - -
0802C566 - yes_exp - - -
0802C578 - yes_hit - - -
0802C5AE - end - - -
0802C5B8 BattleApplyItemExpGains BattleApplyItemExpGains BattleApplyItemExpGains BattleApplyItemExpGains -
0802C5E8 - not_player - - -
0802C60C - not_staff - - -
0802C632 - end - - -
0802C638 GetBattleUnitStaffExp GetBattleUnitStaffExp GetBattleUnitStaffExp GetBattleUnitStaffExp -
0802C64A - CanLevelUp - - -
0802C664 - NotStaffMiss - - -
0802C692 - NotHalfStaffExp - - -
0802C698 - NotCap - - -
0802C69A - End - - -
0802C6A0 BattleApplyMiscActionExpGains BattleApplyMiscActionExpGains BattleApplyMiscActionExpGains BattleApplyMiscActionExpGains -
0802C6DC - end - - -
0802C6EC BattleUnitTargetSetEquippedWeapon BattleUnitTargetSetEquippedWeapon BattleUnitTargetSetEquippedWeapon BattleUnitTargetSetEquippedWeapon -
0802C718 - lop - - -
0802C732 - continue - - -
0802C73A - end - - -
0802C740 BattleUnitTargetCheckCanCounter BattleUnitTargetCheckCanCounter BattleUnitTargetCheckCanCounter BattleUnitTargetCheckCanCounter -
0802C768 - NonZero - - -
0802C76C BattleApplyReaverEffect BattleApplyReaverEffect BattleApplyReaverEffect BattleApplyReaverEffect -
0802C7BA - End - - -
0802C7C0 BattleApplyWeaponTriangleEffect BattleApplyWeaponTriangleEffect BattleApplyWeaponTriangleEffect BattleApplyWeaponTriangleEffect -
0802C7D0 - Start - - -
0802C810 - Continue - - -
0802C812 - Begin - - -
0802C81A - Finish - - -
0802C82E - NoReverseTriange - - -
0802C83E - End - - -
0802C844 BattleInitTargetCanCounter BattleInitTargetCanCounter BattleInitTargetCanCounter BattleInitTargetCanCounter -
0802C856 - GorgonEgg - - -
0802C864 - NotGorgonEgg - - -
0802C886 - NoUncounterable - - -
0802C8B6 - End - - -
0802C8C4 InitObstacleBattleUnit InitObstacleBattleUnit InitObstacleBattleUnit InitObstacleBattleUnit -
0802C92C - wall_terrain - - -
0802C936 - snag_terrain - - -
0802C942 - end - - -
0802C948 ComputeBattleObstacleStats ComputeBattleObstacleStats ComputeBattleObstacleStats ComputeBattleObstacleStats -
0802C984 UpdateObstacleFromBattle UpdateObstacleFromBattle UpdateObstacleFromBattle UpdateObstacleFromBattle -
0802CA00 - end - - -
0802CA14 BeginBattleAnimations BeginBattleAnimations BeginBattleAnimations BeginBattleAnimations -
0802CA50 - anims_off - - -
0802CA66 - end - - -
0802CA70 GetUnitSoloBattleAnimType GetUnitSoloBattleAnimType GetUnitSoloBattleAnimType GetUnitSoloBattleAnimType -
0802CA92 - End - - -
0802CA98 GetBattleAnimType GetBattleAnimType GetBattleAnimType GetBattleAnimType -
0802CAD8 - not_ally - - -
0802CAF2 - end - - -
0802CAF8 BattlePrintDebugUnitInfo BattlePrintDebugUnitInfo BattlePrintDebugUnitInfo BattlePrintDebugUnitInfo -
0802CAFC BattlePrintDebugHitInfo BattlePrintDebugHitInfo BattlePrintDebugHitInfo BattlePrintDebugHitInfo -
0802CB10 - lop - - -
0802CB18 - begin - - -
0802CB24 BattleInitItemEffect BattleInitItemEffect BattleInitItemEffect BattleInitItemEffect -
0802CB38 - NoNoItem - - -
0802CBC8 BattleInitItemEffectTarget BattleInitItemEffectTarget BattleInitItemEffectTarget BattleInitItemEffectTarget -
0802CC1C UpdateActorFromBattle UpdateActorFromBattle UpdateActorFromBattle UpdateActorFromBattle -
0802CC38 BattleApplyMiscAction BattleApplyMiscAction BattleApplyMiscAction BattleApplyMiscAction FinishUp10ExpBattle
0802CC54 BattleApplyItemEffect BattleApplyItemEffect BattleApplyItemEffect BattleApplyItemEffect FinishUpItemBattle
0802CC9A - not_staff - - -
0802CCC0 - finish - - -
0802CCDC GetOffensiveStaffAccuracy GetOffensiveStaffAccuracy GetOffensiveStaffAccuracy GetOffensiveStaffAccuracy -
0802CD0C - OkayX - - -
0802CD1C - OkayY - - -
0802CD2E - NotDemonKing - - -
0802CD38 - SkipDemonKing - - -
0802CD4C - Return0 - - -
0802CD50 - ReturnNormal - - -
0802CD56 - NotUnderflow - - -
0802CD5C - NotOverflow - - -
0802CD5E - End - - -
0802CD64 BattleGenerateArena BattleGenerateArena BattleGenerateArena BattleGenerateArena -
0802CE88 BattleIsTriangleAttack BattleIsTriangleAttack BattleIsTriangleAttack BattleIsTriangleAttack -
0802CE9C DidBattleUnitBreakWeapon DidBattleUnitBreakWeapon DidBattleUnitBreakWeapon DidBattleUnitBreakWeapon -
0802CEB4 - ded - - -
0802CEB6 - end - - -
0802CEBC SetScriptedBattle SetScriptedBattle SetScriptedBattle SetScriptedBattle -
0802CEC8 BattleGenerateHitScriptedDamage BattleGenerateHitScriptedDamage BattleGenerateHitScriptedDamage BattleGenerateHitScriptedDamage -
0802CF14 - NonNullDMG - - -
0802CF18 - StoreDamage - - -
0802CF1A - NoCrit - - -
0802CF28 - SkipDamageHiCap - - -
0802CF34 - SkipDamageLoCap - - -
0802CF44 - end - - -
0802CF4C BattleUnwindScripted BattleUnwindScripted BattleUnwindScripted BattleUnwindScripted -
0802CF66 - ContinueLoadFromActionStruct - - -
0802CF76 - NoLoadFromActionStruct - - -
0802CF8C - NotEndBattle - - -
0802CF8E - lop - - -
0802CFB8 - Inverted - - -
0802CFE2 - deid - - -
0802D040 - not_deid - - -
0802D064 - petrified - - -
0802D096 - continue - - -
0802D0AC - end - - -
0802D0BC UnitLevelUp_unused UnitLevelUp_unused UnitLevelUp UnitLevelUp_unused -
0802D0EA - no_maxed - - -
0802D0FA - not_growth_bonus - - -
0802D2A4 - end - - -
0802D2B4 BattleHitAdvance BattleHitAdvance BattleHitAdvance BattleHitAdvance -
0802D2C4 BattleHitTerminate BattleHitTerminate BattleHitTerminate BattleHitTerminate -
0802D2E0 TradeMenu_802D2E0 TradeMenu_802D2E0 TradeMenu_InitUnitNameDisplay TradeMenu_InitUnitNameDisplay -
0802D3B8 - - TradeMenu_HighlightUpdater_OnInit TradeMenu_HighlightUpdater_OnInit -
0802D3C0 - - TradeMenu_HighlightUpdater_OnLoop TradeMenu_HighlightUpdater_OnLoop -
0802D42A - end - - -
0802D438 - - TradeMenu_GetAdjustedRow TradeMenu_GetAdjustedRow -
0802D474 TradeMenu_InitTextHandles TradeMenu_InitTextHandles TradeMenu_InitItemText TradeMenu_InitItemText -
0802D47A - loop - - -
0802D486 - loop_inner - - -
0802D4A8 TradeMenu_RefreshItemText TradeMenu_RefreshItemText TradeMenu_RefreshItemText TradeMenu_RefreshItemText -
0802D4E2 - loop - - -
0802D4F8 - loop_inner - - -
0802D54E - skip_item - - -
0802D58C - - TradeMenu_RefreshSelectableCells TradeMenu_RefreshSelectableCells -
0802D5E8 - - TradeMenu_UpdateSelection TradeMenu_UpdateSelection -
0802D72C - TradeMenu_SwapSelectedItems TradeMenu_ApplyItemSwap TradeMenu_ApplyItemSwap -
0802D794 TradeMenu_InitGraphics TradeMenu_InitGraphics TradeMenu_InitItemDisplay TradeMenu_InitItemDisplay -
0802D820 TradeMenu_802D820 TradeMenu_802D820 TradeMenu_OnInitUnselected TradeMenu_OnInitUnselected -
0802D834 TradeMenu_802D834 TradeMenu_802D834 TradeMenu_OnLoopUnselected TradeMenu_OnLoopUnselected -
0802D918 TradeMenu_802D918 TradeMenu_802D918 TradeMenu_OnInitSelected TradeMenu_OnInitSelected -
0802D980 TradeMenu_802D980 TradeMenu_802D980 TradeMenu_OnLoopSelected TradeMenu_OnLoopSelected -
0802DAAC TradeMenu_802DAAC TradeMenu_802DAAC TradeMenu_OnEndSelected TradeMenu_OnEndSelected -
0802DAFC TradeMenu_802DAFC TradeMenu_802DAFC TradeMenu_LoadForcedInitialHover TradeMenu_LoadForcedInitialHover -
0802DB48 TradeMenu_802DB48 TradeMenu_802DB48 TradeMenu_ClearDisplay TradeMenu_ClearDisplay -
0802DB5C - - TradeMenu_HelpBox_OnInit TradeMenu_HelpBox_OnInit -
0802DC04 - - TradeMenu_HelpBox_OnLoop TradeMenu_HelpBox_OnLoop -
0802DCD8 - - TradeMenu_HelpBox_OnEnd TradeMenu_HelpBox_OnEnd -
0802DD6C StartTradeMenu StartTradeMenu StartTradeMenu StartTradeMenu -
0802DDC0 - end - - -
0802DDD0 - - TradeMenu_TutorialHandCursor_Update TradeMenu_TutorialHandCursor_Update -
0802DE08 - - TradeMenu_DoubleTutorialHandCursor_Update TradeMenu_DoubleTutorialHandCursor_Update -
0802DE6C - - StartTradeMenuTutorialHandCursor StartTradeMenuTutorialHandCursor -
0802DE80 - - StartDoubleTradeMenuTutorialHandCursor StartDoubleTradeMenuTutorialHandCursor -
0802DE94 - - EndTradeMenuTutorialHandCursor EndTradeMenuTutorialHandCursor -
0802DEA4 - - EndDoubleTradeMenuTutorialHandCursor EndDoubleTradeMenuTutorialHandCursor -
0802DEB4 - - TradeMenu_TutorialWait_OnInit TradeMenu_TutorialWait_OnInit -
0802DEBC - - TradeMenu_TutorialWait_OnLoop TradeMenu_TutorialWait_OnLoop -
0802DF08 - - TradeMenu_UpdateTutorial TradeMenu_UpdateTutorial -
0802DF48 - jpt_802DF38 - - -
0802DF64 - case_2 - - -
0802DFA8 - case_3 - - -
0802E01C - case_5 - - -
0802E04A - case_4 - - -
0802E058 - case_8 - - -
0802E098 - def_802DF38 - - -
0802E09A - end - - -
0802E110 - - AreKeysHeld AreKeysHeld -
0802E126 - End - - -
0802E12C - - TradeMenu_StartTutorialEventLock TradeMenu_StartTutorialEventLock -
0802E140 TradeMenu_802E140 TradeMenu_802E140 TradeMenu_InitTradeTutorial TradeMenu_InitTradeTutorial -
0802E15E - end - - -
0802E1C8 ResetTraps ResetTraps ClearTraps InitTraps ResetTraps
0802E1D6 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E1F0 GetTrapAt GetTrapAt GetTrapAt GetTrapAt GetTrapAt
0802E1F8 - RestartLoop - - -
0802E200 - StartLoop - - -
0802E210 - NotPosition - - -
0802E23C - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E23E - CheckLoop - - -
0802E246 - End - - -
0802E24C GetSpecificTrapAt GetSpecificTrapAt GetTypedTrapAt GetSpecificTrapAt GetSpecificTrapAt
0802E25C - loop - - -
0802E272 - not_trivial - - -
0802E2A8 - continue - - -
0802E2AA - start - - -
0802E2B2 - end - - -
0802E2B8 AddTrap AddTrap AddTrap AddTrap AddTrap
0802E2C8 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E2CA - StartLoop - - -
0802E2E0 AddTrapExt AddTrapExt AddDamagingTrap AddDamagingTrap AddTrapExt
0802E2FC RemoveTrap RemoveTrap RemoveTrap RemoveTrap RemoveTrap
0802E302 - Overwrite - - -
0802E308 - CheckTrap - - -
0802E314 AddFireTrap AddFireTrap AddFireTile AddFireTrap AddFireTrap
0802E330 AddGasTrap AddGasTrap AddGasTrap AddGasTrap AddGasTrap
0802E350 AddArrowTrap AddArrowTrap AddArrowTrap AddArrowTrap AddArrowTrap
0802E36C - - - AddTrap6 -
0802E388 AddTrap8 AddTrap8 AddTrap8 AddTrap8 -
0802E398 AddTrap9 AddTrap9 AddTrap9 AddTrap9 -
0802E3A8 AddSnagsAndWalls AddSnagsAndWalls InitMapObstacles InitMapTraps AddSnagsAndWalls
0802E3B6 - BeginY - - -
0802E3C4 - BeginX - - -
0802E41C - ContinueX - - -
0802E422 - ContinueY - - -
0802E428 - End - - -
0802E430 ApplyTrapMapChanges ApplyTrapMapChanges ApplyEnabledMapChanges ApplyEnabledMapChanges ApplyTrapMapChanges
0802E43C - StartLoop - - -
0802E448 - CaseTrap3_IndexMapChange - - -
0802E450 - CaseTrap6_PosMapChange - - -
0802E45A - LoadFromX - - -
0802E45C - LoadFromY - - -
0802E460 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E462 - BeginLoop - - -
0802E470 UpdateAllLightRunes UpdateAllLightRunes RefreshAllLightRunes ApplyEnabledLightRunes UpdateAllLightRunes
0802E47E - StartLoop - - -
0802E494 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E49C - End - - -
0802E4AC GetTrapExt1At GetTrapExt1At GetObstacleHpAt GetObstacleHpAt -
0802E4E4 - TrapThere - - -
0802E4EC - NoTrap - - -
0802E4EE - End - - -
0802E4F4 GetMapChangesPointerById GetMapChangesPointerById GetMapChange GetMapChange -
0802E510 - Return - - -
0802E514 - StartLoop - - -
0802E51E - BeginLoop - - -
0802E526 - NoMapChanges - - -
0802E528 - End - - -
0802E530 GetMapChangesIdAt GetMapChangesIdAt GetMapChangeIdAt GetMapChangeIdAt -
0802E554 - StartLoop - - -
0802E578 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E57A - BeginLoop - - -
0802E582 - Return - - -
0802E58C ApplyMapChangesById ApplyMapChangesById ApplyMapChangesById ApplyMapChange ApplyMapChangesById
0802E5A8 - StartLoop - - -
0802E5DE - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E5E6 - End - - -
0802E5F8 AddMapChange AddMapChange EnableMapChange AddMapChangeTrap TriggerMapChange
0802E60C RemoveMapChange RemoveMapChange DisableMapChange RemoveMapChangeTrap UntriggerMapChange
0802E618 - StartLoop - - -
0802E628 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E62A - BeginLoop - - -
0802E638 AreMapChangeTriggered AreMapChangeTriggered IsMapChangeEnabled IsMapChangeEnabled -
0802E644 - StartLoop - - -
0802E652 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E654 - BeginLoop - - -
0802E65C - End - - -
0802E660 HideIfUnderRoof HideIfUnderRoof UnitHideIfUnderRoof UnitHideIfUnderRoof -
0802E686 - End - - -
0802E690 UpdateUnitsUnderRoof UpdateUnitsUnderRoof UpdateRoofedUnits UpdateRoofedUnits -
0802E694 - StartLoop - - -
0802E6D8 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E6F0 AddToTargetListFromPos AddToTargetListFromPos GenerateFireTileTrapTargets EnlistFireTrapTargets -
0802E710 AddArrowTrapTargetsToTargetList AddArrowTrapTargetsToTargetList GenerateArrowTrapTargets EnlistArrowTrapTargets -
0802E71A - StartLoop - - -
0802E738 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E73A - BeginLoop - - -
0802E754 - - GenerateGasTrapTargets EnlistGasTrapTargets -
0802E788 - case_2 - - -
0802E790 - case_0 - - -
0802E796 - case_1 - - -
0802E7D4 - - ShouldSkipGasTrapDisplay ShouldSkipGasTrapDisplay -
0802E83C MakeTargetListForTurnTrapDamage MakeTargetListForTurnTrapDamage GenerateTrapDamageTargets ListDamagingTrapTargets -
0802E850 - StartLoop - - -
0802E868 - _ - - -
0802E86E - CaseFireTrap - - -
0802E87C - CaseArrowTrap - - -
0802E88A - CaseGasTrap - - -
0802E898 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E89A - BeginLoop - - -
0802E8A8 - - GenerateDisplayedTrapDamageTargets ListDamagingTrapTargetsForDisplay -
0802E8BC - StartLoop - - -
0802E8D4 - _ - - -
0802E8DE - CaseFireTrap - - -
0802E914 - CaseGasTrap - - -
0802E934 - case_facing_0 - - -
0802E938 - case_facing_1 - - -
0802E964 - CaseArrowTrap - - -
0802E97E - CaseTrap6 - - -
0802E996 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E998 - BeginLoop - - -
0802E9A8 CountDownTraps CountDownTraps CountDownTraps AdvanceDamagingTrapTurnCounter -
0802E9B4 - StartLoop - - -
0802E9C4 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E9C6 - BeginLoop - - -
0802E9D0 ResetCounterForCountedDownTraps ResetCounterForCountedDownTraps ResetCountedDownTraps RewindDamagingTrapTurnCounter -
0802E9DC - StartLoop - - -
0802E9F2 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802E9F4 - BeginLoop - - -
0802EA52 - end - - -
0802EA58 AddLightRune AddLightRune AddLightRune AddLightRune AddLightRune
0802EA90 RemoveLightRune RemoveLightRune RemoveLightRune RemoveLightRune RemoveLightRune
0802EAC0 HandleTrapDecay HandleTrapDecay DecayTraps HandleTrapDecay HandleTrapDecay
0802EACC - StartLoop - - -
0802EAD8 - CaseTorchLight - - -
0802EAEC - CaseLightRune - - -
0802EAFE - Reloop - - -
0802EB00 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802EB02 - BeginLoop - - -
0802EB10 BattleSomethingTrapChangeTerrain BattleSomethingTrapChangeTerrain DisableAllLightRunes RevertEnabledLightRunes -
0802EB1C - StartLoop - - -
0802EB3C - ContinueLoop - - -
0802EB3E - End - - -
0802EB50 NullAllLightRunesTerrain NullAllLightRunesTerrain EnableAllLightRunes RestoreEnabledLightRunes -
0802EB5E - StartLoop - - -
0802EB74 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802EB7C - End - - -
0802EB8C GetTrap GetTrap GetTrap GetTrap GetTrap
0802EB98 ExecStandardHeal ExecStandardHeal ExecStandardHeal ExecStandardHeal -
0802EC20 ExecRestore ExecRestore ExecRestore ExecRestore -
0802EC8C - - ExecBarrierStaff - -
0802ECD0 GetRescueStaffeePosition GetRescueStaffeePosition GetRescueStaffeePosition GetRescueStaffeePosition -
0802ED1A - StartYLoop - - -
0802ED2C - StartXLoop - - -
0802EDC0 - ContinueXLoop - - -
0802EDC6 - ContinueYLoop - - -
0802EDCC - NoMap - - -
0802EEB6 - StoreStart - - -
0802EECA - End - - -
0802EEF8 ExecRescueStaff ExecRescueStaff ExecRescueStaff ExecRescueStaff -
0802EFAC ExecWarpStaff ExecWarpStaff ExecWarpStaff ExecWarpStaff -
0802F010 ExecStatusStaff ExecStatusStaff ExecStatusStaff ExecStatusStaff -
0802F154 ExecFortify ExecFortify ExecFortify ExecFortify -
0802F1C4 - Finish - - -
0802F1D8 - - ExecNightmare - -
0802F208 - - ApplyNightmareEffect - -
0802F222 - StartLoop - - -
0802F264 - ContinueLoop - - -
0802F26A - End - - -
0802F274 ExecUnlock ExecUnlock ExecUnlockStaff ExecUnlock -
0802F2B4 ExecHammerne ExecHammerne ExecHammerne ExecHammerne -
0802F30C ExecLatona ExecLatona ExecLatona ExecLatona -
0802F340 - Continue - - -
0802F36C - Finish - - -
0802F380 ExecSomeSelfHeal ExecSomeSelfHeal ExecVulneraryItem ExecSomeSelfHeal -
0802F3E4 - - ExecElixirItem - -
0802F450 - - ExecPureWaterItem - -
0802F48C - - ExecTorchItem - -
0802F4D0 - - ExecAntitoxinItem - -
0802F664 - UnitPromote - UnitPromote -
0802F808 ApplyStatBoosterAndGetMessageId ApplyStatBoosterAndGetMessageId ApplyStatBoostItem ApplyStatBoosterAndGetMessageId -
0802F83A - not_metis_tome - - -
0802F8B8 - jpt_802F8B2 - - -
0802F8FC - case_energyring - - -
0802F90C - return - - -
0802F90E - end - - -
0802F914 ExecStatBooster ExecStatBooster ExecStatBoostItem ExecStatBooster -
0802F94E - no_sound - - -
0802F9E0 - - ExecJunaFruitItem - -
0802FA4C ExecItemMine ExecItemMine ExecMine ExecItemMine -
0802FA90 - - ExecLightRune - -
0802FB88 ExecTorchStaff ExecTorchStaff ExecTorchStaff ExecTorchStaff -
0802FBBC - - ExecDanceRing - -
0802FC48 ActionStaffDoorChestUseItem ActionStaffDoorChestUseItem ActionStaffDoorChestUseItem ActionStaffDoorChestUseItem -
0802FC90 - jpt_802FC82 - - -
0802FE6C - CaseHealTarget - - -
0802FE74 - CaseStatusStaff - - -
0802FE7C - CaseNightmare - - -
0802FE84 - CaseFortify - - -
0802FE8C - CaseRestore - - -
0802FE94 - CaseRescue - - -
0802FE9C - CaseBarrier - - -
0802FEA4 - CaseWarp - - -
0802FEAC - CaseUnlock - - -
0802FEB4 - CaseHammerne - - -
0802FEBC - CaseTorchItem - - -
0802FEC4 - CaseVulnerary - - -
0802FECE - CaseElixir - - -
0802FED6 - CasePureWater - - -
0802FEDE - CaseAntidote - - -
0802FEE6 - CaseKey - - -
0802FEEC - CasePromotionItem - - -
0802FF40 - CaseStatBooster - - -
0802FF48 - CaseLatona - - -
0802FF50 - CaseMine - - -
0802FF58 - CaseLightRune - - -
0802FF60 - CaseTorchStaff - - -
0802FF68 - CaseDanceRing - - -
0802FF70 - CaseJunaFruit - - -
0802FF76 - def_802FC82 - - -
0802FF8C - NotSpecialNightmareCaseWhy - - -
0802FFA2 - End - - -
0802FFB4 ActionPick ActionPick ActionPick ActionPick -
0803001C - - AfterItemUse_SetTargetStatus - -
08030040 - End - - -
0803005C - - BMapVSync_UpdateMapImgAnimations BMapVSync_UpdateMapImgAnimations -
0803009A - end - - -
080300A4 - - BMapVSync_UpdateMapPalAnimations BMapVSync_UpdateMapPalAnimations Read Map Tile Animation 2 (Palette Animation)
080300E8 - End - - -
080300F4 SetupGameVBlankProc_TileAnimations SetupGameVBlankProc_TileAnimations BMapVSync_InitMapAnimations BMapVSync_InitMapAnimations -
08030138 GameVBlankProc_Destructor GameVBlankProc_Destructor BMapVSync_OnEnd BMapVSync_OnEnd -
08030144 GameVBlankProc_Loop GameVBlankProc_Loop BMapVSync_OnLoop BMapVSync_OnLoop -
08030150 StartGameVBlankProc StartGameVBlankProc BMapVSync_Start StartBmVSync -
08030174 EndGameVBlankProc EndGameVBlankProc BMapVSync_End EndBmVSync -
08030184 LockGameGraphicsLogic LockGameGraphicsLogic BMapDispSuspend LockBmDisplay -
080301AC - end - - -
080301B8 UnlockGameGraphicsLogic UnlockGameGraphicsLogic BMapDispResume UnlockBmDisplay -
080301E8 - end - - -
080301F4 AllocWeatherParticles AllocWeatherParticles AllocWeatherParticles AllocWeatherParticles -
0803020C - jpt_8030204 - - -
08030234 - def_8030204 - - -
0803023A - End - - -
08030240 - - WfxNone_Init WfxNone_Init -
08030258 - - WfxSnow_Init WfxSnow_Init -
080302D0 - - WfxSnow_VSync WfxSnow_VSync Set weather object
08030366 - - - - Sprite number of weather picture
08030390 - - WfxRain_Init WfxRain_Init -
080303F4 - - WfxRain_VSync WfxRain_VSync Set weather object
08030474 - - WfxSandStorm_Init WfxSandStorm_Init -
080304E4 - - WfxSandStorm_VSync WfxSandStorm_VSync Set weather object
0803053C - - - - Sprite number of weather picture
08030540 - - WfxSnowStorm_Init WfxSnowStorm_Init -
080305FC - - WfxSnowStorm_VSync WfxSnowStorm_VSync Set weather object
0803066C - - - - Sprite number of weather picture
08030674 - - WfxBlueHSync WfxBlueHSync -
080306C2 - end - - -
080306CC - - WfxBlue_Init WfxBlue_Init -
08030710 nullsub_12 nullsub_12 WfxBlue_VSync WfxBlue_VSync -
08030714 - - WfxFlamesHSync WfxFlamesHSync -
08030758 - - WfxFlamesInitGradientPublic ApplyFlamesWeatherGradient -
0803076E - loop - - -
0803077C - loop_inner - - -
080307A2 - loop_innerer - - -
080307D8 - - WfxFlamesInitGradient WfxFlamesInitGradient -
08030868 - - WfxFlamesInitParticles WfxFlamesInitParticles -
080308CC - - WfxFlames_Init WfxFlames_Init -
080308DC - - WfxFlamesUpdateGradient WfxFlamesUpdateGradient Set weather object
08030948 - - WfxFlamesUpdateParticles WfxFlamesUpdateParticles Set weather object
080309B2 - - - - Sprite number of weather picture
080309E0 - - WfxFlames_VSync WfxFlames_VSync Set weather object
080309F0 - - WfxCloudsOffsetGraphicsEffect WfxCloudsOffsetGraphicsEffect -
08030A58 - - WfxClouds_Init WfxClouds_Init -
08030A84 - - WfxClouds_VSync WfxClouds_VSync Set weather object
08030AA8 - jpt_8030A9E - - -
08030AF4 - def_8030A9E - - -
08030B00 - - WfxClouds_Update WfxClouds_Update Set weather object
08030B30 - - - - Sprite number of weather picture
08030B34 SetupWeatherGraphics_Maybe SetupWeatherGraphics_Maybe WfxInit WeatherInit -
08030B50 - jpt_8030B46 - - -
08030B9E - def_8030B46 - - -
08030BA4 UpdateWeatherGraphics UpdateWeatherGraphics WfxVSync WeatherVBlank -
08030BC4 - jpt_8030BB8 - - -
08030C08 - def_8030BB8 - - -
08030C0C - - WfxUpdate WeatherUpdate -
08030C1A - end - - -
08030C24 - - DisableMapPaletteAnimations DisableTilesetPaletteAnim -
08030C36 - end - - -
08030C40 - - ResetMapPaletteAnimations EnableTilesetPaletteAnim -
08030C7C SetupWeather SetupWeather SetWeather SetWeather -
08030C94 GetTextSpeed GetTextSpeed GetTextDisplaySpeed GetTextPrintDelay -
08030CC0 - - IsFirstPlaythrough IsFirstPlaythrough -
08030CEE - End - - -
08030CF4 InitClearChapterState InitClearChapterState InitPlaythroughState InitPlayConfig -
08030DD8 ResetGameState ResetGameState ClearBattleMapState ResetBmSt -
08030E04 StartChapter StartChapter StartBattleMap StartChapter -
08030E70 - not_skirmish - - -
08030E7C - EndVisionRangeSet - - -
08030EC6 - lop_unit - - -
08030EF8 - continue_unit - - -
08030F10 - no_proc - - -
08030F48 - - RestartBattleMap RestartBattleMap -
08030FE4 GameControl_StartResumedGame GameControl_StartResumedGame GameCtrl_StartResumedGame ResumeChapterFromSuspend -
08030FF8 - not_sram_chapter - - -
08031080 - jpt_8031064 - - -
080310A8 - case_inaction - - -
080310B0 - case_phaseidle - - -
080310B8 - case_berserkphase - - -
080310C0 - case_inarena - - -
080310C8 - case_phaseswitch - - -
080310CE - def_8031064 - - -
080310F8 - - RefreshBMapDisplay_FromBattle RefreshBMapDisplay_FromBattle -
08031154 - - BMapDispResume_FromBattleDelayed BMapDispResume_FromBattleDelayed -
08031178 LoadGameCoreGfx2 LoadGameCoreGfx2 InitMoreBMapGraphics InitMoreBMapGraphics -
080311A8 ReloadGameCoreGraphics ReloadGameCoreGraphics RefreshBMapGraphics InitBmDisplay -
080311BC StartMapMain StartMapMain StartBMapMain StartMapMain -
080311F0 EndMapMain EndMapMain EndBMapMain EndMapMain -
08031214 ChapterEndUnitCleanup ChapterEndUnitCleanup ChapterChangeUnitCleanup CleanupUnitsBeforeChapter -
08031218 - loop_clear_phantoms - - -
08031238 - continue_clear_phantoms - - -
08031240 - loop_clear_npcs - - -
08031258 - continue_clear_npcs - - -
08031262 - loop_heal_players - - -
080312A2 - deployed - - -
080312A6 - _ - - -
080312CC - not_supply - - -
080312DC - continue_heal_players - - -
08031300 MapMain_ResumeFromPhaseIdle MapMain_ResumeFromPhaseIdle MapMain_ResumeFromPhaseIdle MapMain_ResumeFromPhaseIdle -
0803133C MapMain_ResumeFromAction MapMain_ResumeFromAction MapMain_ResumeFromAction MapMain_ResumeFromAction -
080313BC MapMain_ResumeFromBerserkPhase MapMain_ResumeFromBerserkPhase MapMain_ResumeFromBskPhase MapMain_ResumeFromBerserkPhase -
080313F8 MapMain_ResumeFromArena MapMain_ResumeFromArena MapMain_ResumeFromArenaFight MapMain_ResumeFromArena -
08031474 MapMain_ResumeFromPhaseSwitch MapMain_ResumeFromPhaseSwitch MapMain_ResumeFromPhaseChange MapMain_ResumeFromPhaseSwitch -
080314B0 - - GameCtrl_DeclareCompletedChapter DeclareCompletedChapter -
080314D4 - - GameCtrl_DeclareCompletedPlaythrough DeclareCompletedPlaythrough -
080314E4 GetTacticianNameString GetTacticianNameString GetTacticianName GetTacticianName -
080314EC SetTacticianName SetTacticianName SetTacticianName SetTacticianName -
08031500 GetConvoyItemArray GetConvoyItemArray GetConvoyItemArray GetConvoyItemArray -
08031508 ClearConvoyItems ClearConvoyItems ClearConvoyItems ClearConvoyItems -
0803152C ShrinkConvoyItemList ShrinkConvoyItemList ShrinkConvoyItemList ShrinkConvoyItemList -
0803153A - lop - - -
08031544 - continue - - -
08031570 GetConvoyItemCount GetConvoyItemCount GetConvoyItemCount GetConvoyItemCount Count_Items_In_Convoy
08031578 - StartLoop - - -
08031580 - ContinueLoop - - -
08031594 AddItemToConvoy AddItemToConvoy AddItemToConvoy AddItemToConvoy -
080315A2 - StartLoop - - -
080315B8 - ContinueLoop - - -
080315C6 - End - - -
080315CC - - RemoveItemFromConvoy - -
080315E4 GetConvoyItemSlot GetConvoyItemSlot GetConvoyItemSlot GetConvoyItemSlot -
080315F4 - StartLoop - - -
08031608 - ContinueLoop - - -
08031614 - End - - -
0803161C HasConvoyAccess HasConvoyAccess HasConvoyAccess HasConvoyAccess -
0803163C - not_gm - - -
08031650 - return_false - - -
08031658 - return_true - - -
0803165A - end - - -
08031688 - - GetSupplyUnit - -
080316C4 InitUnitStack InitUnitStack InitUnitStack InitUnitStack -
080316E0 PushUnit PushUnit PushUnit PushUnit -
08031714 LoadPlayerUnitsFromUnitStack LoadPlayerUnitsFromUnitStack LoadPlayerUnitsFromUnitStack LoadPlayerUnitsFromUnitStack -
0803171A - lop - - -
08031754 LoadPlayerUnitsFromUnitStack2 LoadPlayerUnitsFromUnitStack2 LoadPlayerUnitsFromUnitStack2 LoadPlayerUnitsFromUnitStack2 -
0803175A - Clear - - -
08031794 PrepareArenaStruct PrepareArenaStruct PrepareArenaStruct PrepareArenaStruct -
08031804 - HigherThan4Bits - - -
0803180C - SkipGenLevel - - -
08031874 PrepareArena PrepareArena PrepareArena PrepareArena -
08031890 PrepareArena2 PrepareArena2 PrepareArena2 PrepareArena2 -
080318B4 GetUnitBestWRankType GetUnitBestWRankType GetUnitBestWRankType GetUnitBestWRankType -
080318C2 - StartLoop - - -
080318D2 - ContinueLoop - - -
080318E0 GetClassBestWRankType GetClassBestWRankType GetClassBestWRankType GetClassBestWRankType -
080318EE - StartLoop - - -
080318FE - ContinueLoop - - -
0803190C - - - - Arena
08031928 - jpt_8031922 - - -
08031948 - CaseMelee - - -
08031950 - CaseBow - - -
0803195C - CaseMagic - - -
0803195E - Store - - -
08031960 - def_8031922 - - -
0803197E - StartWLoop - - -
08031992 - ContinueWLoop - - -
0803199A - NoTable - - -
080319D8 IsWeaponMagic IsWeaponMagic IsWeaponMagic IsWeaponMagic -
080319E8 - Continue - - -
080319F2 - End - - -
080319F8 GetNearLevel GetNearLevel GetNearLevel GetNearLevel -
08031A0C - End - - -
08031A14 GetUnitArenaWeight GetUnitArenaWeight GetUnitArenaWeight GetUnitArenaWeight -
08031A58 - NotMagic - - -
08031A5E - SkipMagic - - -
08031A7C - NoCritBonus - - -
08031A84 LoadArenaOpponentStruct LoadArenaOpponentStruct LoadArenaOpponentStruct LoadArenaOpponentStruct -
08031B2A - ContinueRankLoop - - -
08031B34 - NoRank - - -
08031B70 LoadArenaWeapons LoadArenaWeapons LoadArenaWeapons LoadArenaWeapons -
08031BC0 GetArenaBetterItem GetArenaBetterItem GetArenaBetterItem GetArenaBetterItem -
08031BDC - ContinueLoop - - -
08031BFC - NoItem - - -
08031C00 - SkipItem - - -
08031C02 - StartLoop - - -
08031C08 - End - - -
08031C10 PrepareBalancedArenaFight PrepareBalancedArenaFight PrepareBalancedArenaFight PrepareBalancedArenaFight -
08031C40 - no_inst_res - - -
08031C46 - EndInstDef - - -
08031C78 - NoTargetRes - - -
08031C7E - EndTargetDef - - -
08031CD8 - ReduceDefense - - -
08031CEC - EndReduce - - -
08031CFE - DoingOkayDamage - - -
08031D44 - end - - -
08031D58 AdjustArenaOpponentPower AdjustArenaOpponentPower AdjustArenaOpponentPower AdjustArenaOpponentPower -
08031D80 - PlayerIsBetter - - -
08031E98 - Return1 - - -
08031E9A - End - - -
08031F1A - non_zero - - -
08031F50 CouldUnitUseAnyWeapon CouldUnitUseAnyWeapon - CouldUnitUseAnyWeapon -
08031F6E - no - - -
08031F70 - end - - -
08031FEC StoreRNStateToActionStruct StoreRNStateToActionStruct StoreRNStateToActionStruct StoreRNStateToActionStruct -
08031FFC LoadRNStateFromActionStruct LoadRNStateFromActionStruct LoadRNStateFromActionStruct LoadRNStateFromActionStruct -
0803200C ApplyUnitAction ApplyUnitAction ApplyUnitAction ApplyUnitAction -
0803203C - OfCourseItWouldBeANightmareHardcodedCheck - - -
08032048 - JUMP - - -
08032060 - jpt_8032050 - - -
080320D8 - ActionWait - - -
080320EC - ActionRescue - - -
080320F4 - ActionDrop - - -
080320FC - ActionVisitAndSieze - - -
08032104 - ActionCombat - - -
0803210C - ActionDance - - -
08032114 - ActionTalk - - -
0803211C - ActionSupport - - -
08032124 - ActionSteal - - -
0803212C - ActionSummon - - -
08032134 - ActionSummonDemonKing - - -
0803213C - ActionArena - - -
08032142 - Return - - -
08032148 - ActionStaffDoorChestUseItem - - -
08032152 - ActionPick - - -
0803215C - def_8032050 - - -
0803215E - End - - -
08032164 ActionRescue ActionRescue ActionRescue ActionRescue -
080321B8 - - AfterDrop_CheckTrapAfterDropMaybe - -
080321E0 ActionDrop ActionDrop ActionDrop ActionDrop -
08032254 - a_hidden_unit - - -
08032262 - end - - -
08032270 ActionVisitAndSieze ActionVisitAndSieze ActionVisitAndSeize ActionVisitAndSieze -
0803229C ActionCombat ActionCombat ActionCombat ActionCombat -
080322E0 - ContinueNightmareLoop - - -
080322FC - LolNightmare - - -
08032304 - NoSnag - - -
08032324 - NotBallista - - -
08032330 - Finish - - -
08032344 ActionArena ActionArena ActionArena ActionArena -
08032358 ActionDance ActionDance ActionDance ActionDance -
080323A8 ActionTalk ActionTalk ActionTalk ActionTalk -
080323D4 ActionSupport ActionSupport ActionSupport ActionSupport -
08032464 - end - - -
0803247C ActionSteal ActionSteal ActionSteal ActionSteal -
08032554 ActionSummon ActionSummon ActionSummon ActionSummon -
08032580 ActionSummonDK ActionSummonDK ActionSummonDK ActionSummonDK -
080325AC SpriteJumpAnimation_Loop SpriteJumpAnimation_Loop - SpriteJumpAnimation_Loop -
08032646 - End - - -
08032658 SpriteJumpAnimation_ExecAnyTrap SpriteJumpAnimation_ExecAnyTrap - SpriteJumpAnimation_ExecAnyTrap -
08032664 SpriteJumpAnimation_Cleanup SpriteJumpAnimation_Cleanup - SpriteJumpAnimation_Cleanup -
08032674 DropRescuedUnitIfDead DropRescuedUnitIfDead DropRescueOnDeath DropRescuedUnitIfDead -
08032716 - end - - -
08032728 KillUnitIfDefeatedBy KillUnitIfDefeatedBy KillUnitOnCombatDeath KillUnitIfDefeatedBy -
0803274A - no_ded - - -
08032750 KillUnitIfNoHealth KillUnitIfNoHealth KillUnitOnArenaDeathMaybe KillUnitIfNoHealth -
0803276E - End - - -
08032774 BATTLE_GOTO1_IfNobodyIsDead BATTLE_GOTO1_IfNobodyIsDead BATTLE_GOTO1_IfNobodyIsDead BATTLE_GOTO1_IfNobodyIsDead -
0803279C - no_ded - - -
080327A4 - end - - -
080327B4 DidUnitDie DidUnitDie DidUnitDie DidUnitDie -
080327C2 - ReturnFalse - - -
080327C4 - End - - -
080327C8 BATTLE_ProbablyMakesTheDeadUnitDissapear BATTLE_ProbablyMakesTheDeadUnitDissapear BATTLE_PostCombatDeathFades BATTLE_ProbablyMakesTheDeadUnitDissapear -
080327F2 - SubjectIsntDeid - - -
0803284A - End - - -
0803286C BATTLE_HandleUnitDeaths BATTLE_HandleUnitDeaths BATTLE_HandleCombatDeaths BATTLE_HandleUnitDeaths -
080328D0 BATTLE_HandleItemDrop BATTLE_HandleItemDrop BATTLE_HandleItemDrop BATTLE_HandleItemDrop -
0803290C - subject_is_deid - - -
08032928 - target_is_deid - - -
08032968 - return_continue - - -
0803296A - end - - -
08032994 - End - - -
080329A0 BATTLE_HandleActiveUnitDeath BATTLE_HandleActiveUnitDeath BATTLE_HandleArenaDeathsMaybe BATTLE_HandleActiveUnitDeath -
080329D8 MoveCursor_SetLastCursorPosition MoveCursor_SetLastCursorPosition SetLastCoords MoveCursor_SetLastCursorPosition -
080329EC MoveCursor_CutPath MoveCursor_CutPath CutOffPathLength MoveCursor_CutPath -
08032A2E - loop - - -
08032A84 - end - - -
08032A94 MoveCursor_AddMovePoint MoveCursor_AddMovePoint AddPointToPathArrowProc MoveCursor_AddMovePoint -
08032B18 MoveCursor_GetPointIndexForPosition MoveCursor_GetPointIndexForPosition GetPointAlongPath MoveCursor_GetPointIndexForPosition -
08032B44 - loop - - -
08032B70 - continue - - -
08032B7E - return_minus_one - - -
08032B82 - end - - -
08032B88 MoveCursor_AppendFromMoveBuffer MoveCursor_AppendFromMoveBuffer GetPathFromMovementScript MoveCursor_AppendFromMoveBuffer -
08032B8C - loop - - -
08032BBC - jpt_8032BB0 - - -
08032BE8 - go_left - - -
08032C04 - go_right - - -
08032C18 - _h - - -
08032C30 - go_down - - -
08032C54 - go_up - - -
08032C72 - _v - - -
08032C80 - end - - -
08032C88 - - GetMovementScriptFromPath - -
08032D30 MoveCursor_FillMovementMapForEndPoint MoveCursor_FillMovementMapForEndPoint GenerateMovementMapForActiveUnit MoveCursor_FillMovementMapForEndPoint -
08032D74 MoveCursor_RecomputePath MoveCursor_RecomputePath ResetPathArrow MoveCursor_RecomputePath -
08032D9C - output - - -
08032DA0 MoveCursor_8032DA0 MoveCursor_8032DA0 PathContainsNoCycle MoveCursor_8032DA0 -
08032DB0 - loop - - -
08032DD8 - loop2 - - -
08032E20 - end - - -
08032E28 - - PathArrowDisp_Init - -
08032E90 - end - - -
08032EB4 - - UpdatePathArrowWithCursor - -
08032EDE - needs_update - - -
08032F12 - valid_movement - - -
08032F48 - expand_arrow_path - - -
08032F9E - _absx - - -
08032FBC - _absy - - -
08032FC4 - add_single_point - - -
08032FDC - recompute_arrow_path - - -
08033044 - valid_target - - -
08033060 - end - - -
0803306C - - GetDirectionOfPathBeforeIndex - -
080330D4 - - GetDirectionOfPathAfterIndex - -
08033148 - - PointInCameraBounds - -
0803318C - - DrawPathArrow - -
08033248 - - DrawUpdatedPathArrow - -
08033258 GetPlayerLeaderUnitId GetPlayerLeaderUnitId GetPlayerLeaderUnitId GetPlayerLeaderPid -
08033270 - tutorial_eirika_mode - - -
08033274 - ephraim_mode - - -
08033276 - _ - - -
08033280 - return_unit - - -
08033284 - not_5x - - -
080332A0 - no_leader_char - - -
080332A2 - lop - - -
080332BC - continue - - -
080332C2 - return - - -
080332C4 - end - - -
0803334C ClosePrepScreenMapMenu ClosePrepScreenMapMenu - ClosePrepScreenMapMenu -
08033358 PrepScreenMapMenu_OnViewMap PrepScreenMapMenu_OnViewMap - PrepScreenMapMenu_OnViewMap -
0803336C PrepScreenMapMenu_OnFormation PrepScreenMapMenu_OnFormation - PrepScreenMapMenu_OnFormation -
080333A4 PrepScreenMapMenu_OnStartPress PrepScreenMapMenu_OnStartPress - PrepScreenMapMenu_OnStartPress -
080333C4 PrepScreenMapMenu_OnBPress PrepScreenMapMenu_OnBPress - PrepScreenMapMenu_OnBPress -
080333D4 - - SALLYCURSOR_DeploySupplyUnit - -
0803341C PrepScreenMapMenu_OnOptions PrepScreenMapMenu_OnOptions - PrepScreenMapMenu_OnOptions -
0803342C - - SALLYCURSOR_RemoveSupplyUnit - -
08033458 PrepScreenMapMenu_OnSave PrepScreenMapMenu_OnSave - PrepScreenMapMenu_OnSave -
08033468 PrepScreenMapMenu_OnDebug PrepScreenMapMenu_OnDebug - PrepScreenMapMenu_OnDebug -
080334BC PrepScreenProc_InitMapMenu PrepScreenProc_InitMapMenu - PrepScreenProc_InitMapMenu -
080334CC PrepScreenProc_DimMapImmediate PrepScreenProc_DimMapImmediate - PrepScreenProc_DimMapImmediate -
080334E8 PrepScreenProc_StartBrightenMap PrepScreenProc_StartBrightenMap - PrepScreenProc_StartBrightenMap -
08033514 PrepScreenProc_StartDimMap PrepScreenProc_StartDimMap - PrepScreenProc_StartDimMap -
08033634 PrepScreenMapMenu_OnEnd PrepScreenMapMenu_OnEnd - PrepScreenMapMenu_OnEnd -
08033648 PrepScreenProc_StartMapMenu PrepScreenProc_StartMapMenu - PrepScreenProc_StartMapMenu -
0803374C CanCharacterBePrepMoved CanCharacterBePrepMoved CanCharacterBePrepMoved CanCharacterBePrepMoved -
08033766 - return_false - - -
08033768 - end - - -
08033870 InitPrepScreenUnitsAndCamera InitPrepScreenUnitsAndCamera InitPrepScreenUnitsAndCamera InitPrepScreenUnitsAndCamera -
08033892 - PrepScreenAlreadyInitialized - - -
080338C0 InitPrepScreenCursorPosition InitPrepScreenCursorPosition - InitPrepScreenCursorPosition -
080338E8 - no_player_unit - - -
08033978 PrepScreenProc_MapIdle PrepScreenProc_MapIdle - PrepScreenProc_MapIdle -
0803398C - NoFade - - -
080339B8 - PlayLPressSound - - -
080339CC - NoLPress - - -
08033A3C - NoRPress - - -
08033A74 - NoBPress - - -
08033A7E - APress - - -
08033ABC - jpt_8033AAE - - -
08033AD0 - case_0_1_noselect - - -
08033B10 - no_shop_sound - - -
08033B28 - no_shop - - -
08033B48 - case_2_controllable - - -
08033B70 - case_4_cantmove - - -
08033B90 - case_3_uncontrollable - - -
08033BA4 - not_formation - - -
08033BB4 - def_8033AAE - - -
08033BDC - Finish - - -
08033BEC - end - - -
08033C10 PrepScreen_StartUnitSwap PrepScreen_StartUnitSwap SALLYCURSOR6C_StartUnitSwap PrepScreen_StartUnitSwap -
08033C74 - End - - -
08033C90 PrepScreen_UnitSwapIdle PrepScreen_UnitSwapIdle - PrepScreen_UnitSwapIdle -
08033D3C - NotOnRange - - -
08033D54 - NoAPress - - -
08033D88 - NoBPress - - -
08033DCA - End - - -
08033E08 PrepScreen_StartUnitSwapAnim PrepScreen_StartUnitSwapAnim - PrepScreen_StartUnitSwapAnim -
08033E8C InitMapChangeGraphicsIfFog InitMapChangeGraphicsIfFog - InitMapChangeGraphicsIfFog -
08033E9A - end - - -
08033EA4 DisplayMapChangeIfFog DisplayMapChangeIfFog - DisplayMapChangeIfFog -
08033EC0 PrepScreenProc_StartConfigMenu PrepScreenProc_StartConfigMenu - PrepScreenProc_StartConfigMenu -
08033ED4 PrepScreenProc_StartShopScreen PrepScreenProc_StartShopScreen CallCursorShop PrepScreenProc_StartShopScreen -
08033F14 - MakeArmory - - -
08033F20 - MakeVendor - - -
08033F2A - End - - -
08034058 - end - - -
08034078 PrepScreenProc_Cleanup PrepScreenProc_Cleanup - PrepScreenProc_Cleanup -
0803410C StartPrepScreenSaveMenu StartPrepScreenSaveMenu - StartPrepScreenSaveMenu -
080341C8 - end - - -
080341D0 PrepScreenProc_LockGame PrepScreenProc_LockGame - PrepScreenProc_LockGame -
08034200 PrepScreenProc_HideEverythingAndUnlockGame PrepScreenProc_HideEverythingAndUnlockGame - PrepScreenProc_HideEverythingAndUnlockGame -
08034214 ShrinkPlayerUnitList ShrinkPlayerUnitList ShrinkPlayerUnits ShrinkPlayerUnitList -
08034236 - lop - - -
08034258 - continue - - -
08034262 - end - - -
08034278 EndPrepScreen EndPrepScreen - EndPrepScreen -
0803427C - StartUnitLoop - - -
080342B4 - Deployed - - -
080342BA - ContinueUnitLoop - - -
08034314 CanUnitUseVisit CanUnitUseVisit CanUnitUseVisit CanUnitUseVisit -
0803432C - Yes - - -
08034330 - NotCantoing - - -
0803433C - StartYLoop - - -
0803434C - StartXLoop - - -
08034386 - ContinueXLoop - - -
0803438C - ContinueYLoop - - -
08034392 - No - - -
08034394 - End - - -
080343A8 CanUnitUseSeize CanUnitUseSeize CanUnitUseSeize CanUnitUseSeize -
080343CC - Yes - - -
080343D0 - CanSize - - -
080343DC - StartYLoop - - -
080343EA - StartXLoop - - -
0803440A - ContinueXLoop - - -
08034410 - ContinueYLoop - - -
08034416 - No - - -
08034418 - End - - -
08034428 CanUnitUseAttack CanUnitUseAttack CanUnitUseAttack CanUnitUseAttack -
0803445A - end - - -
08034470 CanActiveUnitUseRescue CanActiveUnitUseRescue CanActiveUnitUseRescue CanActiveUnitUseRescue -
08034484 - End - - -
0803448C CanActiveUnitUseTrade CanActiveUnitUseTrade CanActiveUnitUseTrade CanActiveUnitUseTrade -
080344A0 - End - - -
080344A8 GetUnitCommandUseFlags GetUnitCommandUseFlags GetUnitCommandUseFlags GetUnitCommandUseFlags -
08034618 GetChapterDefinition GetChapterInfo GetROMChapterStruct GetChapterInfo GetChapterDefinition
08034630 - Chapter7F - - -
08034636 - End - - -
08034640 GetChapterMapPointer GetChapterMapData GetChapterMapPointer GetChapterMapData Examine address of stage map
0803466C - NotChapter7F - - -
0803467A - End - - -
08034684 GetChapterMapChangesPointer GetChapterMapChanges GetChapterMapChangesPointer GetChapterMapChanges -
08034698 - NotChapter7F - - -
080346A6 - End - - -
080346B0 GetChapterEventDataPointer GetChapterEventInfo GetChapterEventDataPointer GetChapterEventInfo Get_Chapter_Events
080346C4 - NotChapter7F - - -
080346D4 - End - - -
08034704 IsDifficultMode GetRankingRefId IsDifficultMode GetRankingRefId -
0803479E - End - - -
080347A8 NewUnitInfoWindow NewUnitInfoWindow NewUnitInfoWindow NewUnitInfoWindow -
080347D4 UnitInfoWindow_PositionUnitName UnitInfoWindow_PositionUnitName UnitInfoWindow_PositionUnitName UnitInfoWindow_PositionUnitName -
080347FA - Big - - -
0803481A - NotDemonKing - - -
08034828 - Store - - -
0803482A - Finish - - -
0803483C UnitInfoWindow_DrawBase UnitInfoWindow_DrawBase UnitInfoWindow_DrawBase UnitInfoWindow_DrawBase -
08034862 - NonZeroArgument - - -
08034914 - ThisShouldNotBeTrueEver - - -
0803496C - SmolWin - - -
080349D4 GetUnitInfoWindowX GetUnitInfoWindowX GetUnitInfoWindowX GetUnitInfoWindowX -
080349F4 - ValidX - - -
080349F8 - End - - -
08034C18 NewUnitInfoWindow_WithAllLines NewUnitInfoWindow_WithAllLines NewUnitInfoWindow_WithAllLines NewUnitInfoWindow_WithAllLines -
08034C24 - Continue - - -
08034CD8 - StartLoop - - -
08034D34 - End - - -
08034D98 - Continue - - -
08034E46 - End - - -
08034E5C DrawHammerneUnitInfoWindow DrawHammerneUnitInfoWindow DrawHammerneUnitInfoWindow DrawHammerneUnitInfoWindow -
08034EAC - BeginLoop - - -
08034EC8 - IsHammerable - - -
08034F80 - Finish - - -
08035204 SetupUnitRescueWindow SetupUnitRescueWindow SetupUnitRescueWindow SetupUnitRescueWindow -
08035642 - End - - -
0803566E - End - - -
08035708 StartBottomHelpText StartBottomHelpText NewBottomHelpText StartBottomHelpText -
08035734 - end - - -
08035748 EndBottomHelpText EndBottomHelpText DeleteEach6CBB EndBottomHelpText -
08035758 IsBottomHelpTextActive IsBottomHelpTextActive - IsBottomHelpTextActive -
08035766 - End - - -
080357D4 - NotDead - - -
080357FA - end - - -
0803592C ExecSelfDamage ExecSelfDamage - ExecSelfDamage -
08035A9E - end - - -
08035C32 - end - - -
08035CB0 - end - - -
08035DDC StartStatusClearFx StartStatusClearFx - StartStatusClearFx BeginStatusClearFx__HealBadStatus
08035E10 - no_parent - - -
08035E18 - end - - -
08035E40 - yes_list - - -
08035E48 - end - - -
08035F5E - end - - -
08035FE0 - yes_list - - -
08035FE8 - end - - -
0803619C - yes_list - - -
080361A6 - end - - -
080361F4 - jpt_80361E8 - - -
08036228 - yes - - -
08036236 - def_80361E8 - - -
0803635E - End - - -
080364D8 - - GetBattleForecastPanelSide - -
080364FC - Right - - -
08036504 - Left - - -
08036508 - End - - -
0803650C - - InitBattleForecastIconPaletteBuffer - -
08036594 BattleForecase_SetupLabelText BattleForecase_SetupLabelText InitBattleForecastLabels BattleForecase_SetupLabelText -
08036598 - Continue - - -
080365E4 DrawUnitNameForBattleForecast DrawUnitNameForBattleForecast PutBattleForecastUnitName DrawUnitNameForBattleForecast -
08036628 - - PutBattleForecastItemName - -
0803666C AddWeaponStatsAfterRound AddWeaponStatsAfterRound BattleForecastHitCountUpdate AddWeaponStatsAfterRound -
0803669A - End - - -
080366A0 BKSEL_SetupHitAndSuchStats BKSEL_SetupHitAndSuchStats InitBattleForecastBattleStats BKSEL_SetupHitAndSuchStats -
080366F8 - StillSubjectWeaponAfter - - -
08036718 - NoDouble - - -
08036732 - NoSubjectSlayer - - -
0803674C - NoSubjectEffective - - -
0803676E - NoSubjectWeapon - - -
080367B8 - NoTargetDouble - - -
08036802 - End - - -
08036818 BKSEL_DrawStandard BKSEL_DrawStandard DrawBattleForecastContentsStandard BKSEL_DrawStandard -
08036A70 BKSEL_DrawDetailed BKSEL_DrawDetailed DrawBattleForecastContentsExtended BKSEL_DrawDetailed -
08036CD0 BKSEL_Draw BKSEL_Draw DrawBattleForecastContents BKSEL_Draw -
08036CEA - StandardDisplay - - -
08036CF8 - DetailedDisplay - - -
08036D04 - End - - -
08036D0C - - GetFactionBattleForecastFramePalette - BKSEL_LoadPalette_Low
08036D4C - - InitBattleForecastFramePalettes - -
08036D96 - End - - -
08036D9C BKSEL_InitGfx BKSEL_InitGfx BattleForecast_Init BKSEL_InitGfx -
08036E1C BKSEL_Destructor BKSEL_Destructor BattleForecast_OnEnd BKSEL_Destructor -
08036E2C BKSEL_Display BKSEL_Display PutBattleForecastTilemaps BKSEL_Display -
08036E3C - NotStandard - - -
08036E74 - DrawOnRight - - -
08036E8C - Finish - - -
08036EA8 - - PutBattleForecastWeaponTriangleArrows - -
08036F4C - - PutBattleForecastMultipliers - -
08036FE8 - - UpdateBattleForecastEffectivenessPalettes - -
0803705C - - BattleForecast_LoopDisplay - -
080370C0 - End - - -
080370C8 - - BattleForecast_OnNewBattle - -
0803710C - - BattleForecast_LoopSlideIn - -
080371DA - End - - -
080371F0 - - BattleForecast_LoopSlideOut - -
080372D4 MapEventEngineExists_ MapEventEngineExists_ MapEventEngineExists_ MapEventEngineExists_ -
08037306 - End - - -
0803730C StartBattleForecast StartBattleForecast NewBattleForecast StartBattleForecast -
08037364 - StandardDisplay - - -
0803736C - DetailedDisplay - - -
08037372 - StoreByte - - -
08037380 - End - - -
0803738C - - UpdateBattleForecastContents - -
080373AC - end - - -
080373B4 - - CloseBattleForecast - -
080373F0 - - StartBattleForecastHelpBox - -
080374F4 MineFireTrap_DoSomeBWLStuffWhenKill MineFireTrap_DoSomeBWLStuffWhenKill - MineFireTrap_DoSomeBWLStuffWhenKill -
0803750A - End - - -
08037510 FireTrap_StartGfx FireTrap_StartGfx - FireTrap_StartGfx -
08037528 MineTrap_StartGfx MineTrap_StartGfx - MineTrap_StartGfx -
08037540 MineFireTrap_8037540 MineFireTrap_8037540 - MineFireTrap_8037540 -
08037558 - _ - - -
0803755E - Case0 - - -
08037564 - Case1 - - -
0803757C - Case2 - - -
08037586 - Finish - - -
080375A0 MineFireTrap_80375A0 MineFireTrap_80375A0 - MineFireTrap_80375A0 -
080375DE - End - - -
080375E8 GetTriggeredTrapType GetTriggeredTrapType GetPickTrapType GetTriggeredTrapType -
0803760C - _ - - -
08037612 - FireTrap - - -
08037628 - Mine - - -
0803764A - NoLethality - - -
08037652 - Return0 - - -
08037656 - ReturnR3 - - -
08037658 - End - - -
08037660 ExecTrap ExecTrap ExecTrap ExecTrap -
0803767C - _ - - -
08037686 - Type08 - - -
08037690 - Mine - - -
080376A4 - Exec - - -
080376B8 - DisarmFireTrap - - -
080376DA - NoSoundAllowed - - -
080376F4 - DisarmMine - - -
08037716 - NoSnd - - -
08037738 - End - - -
08037744 HandlePostActionTraps HandlePostActionTraps HandlePostActionTraps HandlePostActionTraps -
0803777E - NoCanto - - -
0803778A - ReturnContinue - - -
08037798 - TrapsHappen - - -
080377C0 - End - - -
080377CC ExecTrapForActionTarget ExecTrapForActionTarget - ExecTrapForActionTarget -
08037810 - NoPickableTrap - - -
08037828 - End - - -
08037830 ExecTrap_QuietMaybe ExecTrap_QuietMaybe - ExecTrap_QuietMaybe -
08037840 LoadTrapData LoadTrapData LoadTrapData LoadTrapData -
0803784C - lop - - -
08037864 - jpt_803785E - - -
08037894 - case_ballista - - -
080378A0 - case_fire_trap - - -
080378AE - case_gas_trap - - -
080378C0 - case_trap8 - - -
080378CA - case_trap9 - - -
080378D6 - case_mine - - -
080378E2 - case_arrow - - -
080378EC - case_egg - - -
08037900 - continue - - -
08037902 - start - - -
08037908 - end - - -
08037910 LoadChapterBallistae LoadChapterBallistae LoadChapterBallistae LoadChapterBallistae -
08037928 AddGorgonEggTrap AddGorgonEggTrap AddGorgonEggTrap AddGorgonEggTrap -
0803795C GetNonEmptyBallistaAt GetNonEmptyBallistaAt GetRiddenBallistaAt GetNonEmptyBallistaAt -
0803796E - no_trap - - -
08037972 - ballista - - -
08037974 - _ - - -
08037980 - return_null - - -
08037984 - return_ballista - - -
08037986 - end - - -
0803798C GetBallistaItemAt GetBallistaItemAt GetBallistaItemAt GetBallistaItemAt -
0803799E - NoTrap - - -
080379A2 - Ballista - - -
080379A4 - Continue - - -
080379BA - RedundantNullCheck - - -
080379BE - StillBallista - - -
080379C0 - Continue2 - - -
080379C4 - HandleNoBallista - - -
080379C8 - BallistaAgain - - -
080379CE - End - - -
080379D4 GetSomeBallistaItemAt GetSomeBallistaItemAt GetSomeBallistaItemAt GetSomeBallistaItemAt -
080379E6 - NoTrap - - -
080379EA - RightTrap - - -
080379EC - Continue - - -
080379F6 - Return0 - - -
080379FA - RightTrapType - - -
08037A00 - End - - -
08037A04 AddBallista AddBallista AddBallista AddBallista Add_Ballista_Data
08037A34 RideBallista RideBallista RideBallista RideBallista -
08037A6C TryRemoveUnitFromBallista TryRemoveUnitFromBallista TryRemoveUnitFromBallista TryRemoveUnitFromBallista -
08037A9C - End - - -
08037AA8 IsBallista IsBallista IsBallista IsBallista -
08037AB8 - Return0 - - -
08037ABA - End - - -
08037B10 GetBallistaItemUses GetBallistaItemUses GetBallistaItemUses GetBallistaItemUses -
08037B1E - NoTrap - - -
08037B22 - Ballista - - -
08037B24 - Continue - - -
08037B2E - Return0 - - -
08037B30 - End - - -
08037B34 - - ClearBallistaOccupied - -
08037B3C - - SetBallistaOccupied - -
08037B44 GetCurrentPromotedLevelBonus GetCurrentPromotedLevelBonus GetCurrentPromotedLevelBonus GetCurrentPromotedLevelBonus -
08037B5C - HardMode - - -
08037B5E - End - - -
08037B64 CanUnitSeize CanUnitSeize CanUnitSeize CanUnitSeize Hero determination function
08037B80 - ContinueModeCheck - - -
08037B86 - EirikaMode - - -
08037B8A - EphraimMode - - -
08037B8C - Continue - - -
08037B98 - NotChapter5x - - -
08037BA4 - No - - -
08037BAC - - DungeonRecordUi_InitText - -
08037C40 - - InitDungeon - -
08037CA0 - - UnlockPostgameAllyByEnemyCount - If you destroy 200 enemies in a tower or ruins, turn on the flag to join Riev and Hayden
08037CF8 - - UnlockPostgameAllyByClearCount - When clearing towers and ruins
08037D32 - not_valni - - -
08037D4A - end - - -
08037D68 PrepScreenProc_AddPostgameUnits PrepScreenProc_AddPostgameUnits PrepScreenProc_AddPostgameUnits PrepScreenProc_AddPostgameUnits -
08037D90 - return_true - - -
08037DD2 - return_false - - -
08037DD4 - end - - -
08037DDC PrepScreenProc_TryAddUnit PrepScreenProc_TryAddUnit TryAddPostgameUnit PrepScreenProc_TryAddUnit -
08037DF2 - non_of_that - - -
08037E02 - end - - -
08037E7C - - UpdateDungeonMapTime - -
08037E9E - return - - -
08037EB0 - - UpdateDungeonStats - -
08037FCC - - UpdateDungeonRecordStats - -
08038134 - - UpdateDungeonEnemiesDefeated - -
080381E0 - - StartDungeonRecordProcFromMenu - -
080381F4 - - - - When clearing towers and ruins
08038208 PushGlobalTimer PushGlobalTimer PushGlobalTimer PushGlobalTimer -
0803821C PopGlobalTimer PopGlobalTimer PopGlobalTimer PopGlobalTimer -
08038240 - - SetupDungeonRecordUi - -
08038448 - - DrawDungeonRecordUiLabels - -
080384BC - - DrawNumberText - -
08038588 - - DrawNumberText_WithReset - -
08038698 - - DrawTimeText - -
08038900 - - DrawTimeText_WithReset - -
08038BA4 - - DrawDungeonRecordUiText - -
08038E38 - - DungeonRecordUi_UpdateRunningTime - -
08038EA8 - - DungeonRecordUi_KeyListenerUpdatesTime - -
08038EC4 - End - - -
08038ED0 - - DungeonRecordUi_KeyListener - -
08038EF0 - - EndDungeonRecordUi - -
080391D0 - - DungeonRecordUi_SpawnUpdateValueProc - -
08039200 - - GetCurrentDungeonValueByUiLabel - -
08039248 - jpt_8039236 - - -
08039292 - def_8039236 - - -
0803929C - - GetRecordDungeonValueByUiLabel - -
080392B0 - jpt_80392AA - - -
08039358 - def_80392AA - - -
08039360 - - DungeonRecordUi_IsNewRecordForLabel - -
080393BC - jpt_80393A8 - - -
08039432 - def_80393A8 - - -
0803958C - - DungeonRecordUi_UpdateEnemiesDefeatedCount - -
08039690 - - DungeonRecordUi_GotoNextLabel - -
080396AC CpPhase_Init CpPhase_Init AiPhaseInit AiPhaseInit -
080396D2 - Continue - - -
08039718 BskPhase_Init BskPhase_Init AiPhaseBerserkInit AiPhaseBerserkInit -
0803973A - Continue - - -
08039778 CpPhase_Cleanup CpPhase_Cleanup AiPhaseCleanup AiPhaseCleanup -
08039788 CpOrder_Main CpOrder_Main CpOrderMain CpOrderMain -
080397B0 BskOrder_Init BskOrder_Init CpOrderBerserkInit CpOrderBerserkInit -
080397DC - loop - - -
0803980A - continue - - -
08039814 - _ - - -
08039830 - end - - -
08039858 CpOrder_BuildUnitList CpOrder_BuildUnitList CpOrderFunc_BeginDecide CpOrderFunc_BeginDecide -
08039882 - no_units - - -
08039898 GetUnitAiAttackPriority GetUnitAiAttackPriority GetUnitBattleAiPriority GetUnitBattleAiPriority -
080398AE - loop - - -
080398CA - can_wield - - -
080398F8 - not_ranged - - -
08039902 - continue - - -
08039916 - no_items - - -
0803991E - no_ranged - - -
08039928 - staff - - -
0803992C - melee - - -
0803992E - end - - -
08039938 GetUnitAiPriority GetUnitAiPriority GetUnitAiPriority GetUnitAiPriority -
0803996E - non_dancer - - -
0803998A - non_thief - - -
0803999A - non_self_leading - - -
080399A0 - non_lord - - -
080399A8 - return - - -
080399AA - end - - -
080399B0 MakeAiUnitQueue MakeAiUnitQueue BuildAiUnitList BuildAiUnitList -
080399E0 - loop - - -
08039A22 - continue - - -
08039A2C - return - - -
08039A50 SortAiUnitQueue SortAiUnitQueue SortAiUnitList SortAiUnitList -
08039A6E - loop - - -
08039A7C - inner_loop - - -
08039A96 - inner_continue - - -
08039A9E - _ - - -
08039AA6 - end - - -
08039ABC CpOrder_End CpOrder_End CpOrderFunc_End CpOrderFunc_End -
08039AC8 CpDecide_Suspend CpDecide_Suspend CpDecide_Suspend CpDecide_Suspend -
08039AEC - non_player - - -
08039AF0 - _ - - -
08039B00 CpDecide_Main CpDecide_Main CpDecide_Main CpDecide_Main -
08039B04 - loop - - -
08039B3E - continue - - -
08039B54 - do - - -
08039BBE - skip - - -
08039BD8 - perform - - -
08039BF4 - proc_end - - -
08039BFA - end - - -
08039C00 ClearAiDecision ClearAiDecision AiClearDecision ClearAiDecision -
08039C20 AiSetDecision AiSetDecision AiSetDecision AiSetDecision -
08039C64 AiUpdateDecision AiUpdateDecision AiUpdateDecision AiUpdateDecision -
08039CAC AiMasterDecisionMaker AiMasterDecisionMaker AiDecideMain AiMasterDecisionMaker -
08039CD2 - loop - - -
08039CFC - end - - -
08039D10 AiDecisionMaker_HealEscape AiDecisionMaker_HealEscape DecideHealOrEscape DecideHealOrEscape -
08039D64 - not_has_silence - - -
08039DA0 - not_heal_mode - - -
08039DBC - end - - -
08039DC4 AiDecisionMaker_SpecialItems AiDecisionMaker_SpecialItems DecideSpecialItems DecideSpecialItems -
08039DD8 - end - - -
08039DE0 AiDecisionMaker_AiScript1 AiDecisionMaker_AiScript1 DecideScriptA DecideScriptA -
08039E10 - loop - - -
08039E26 - end - - -
08039E2C AiDecisionMaker_AiScript2 AiDecisionMaker_AiScript2 DecideScriptB DecideScriptB -
08039E50 - not_in_ballista - - -
08039E6C - loop - - -
08039E82 - end - - -
08039E88 AiTargetCursor_Main AiTargetCursor_Main - AiTargetCursor_Main -
08039EB2 - key_pressed - - -
08039EBC - not_timeout - - -
08039ECC StartAiTargetCursor StartAiTargetCursor - StartAiTargetCursor -
08039EF4 CpPerform_UpdateMapMusic CpPerform_UpdateMapMusic - CpPerform_UpdateMapMusic -
08039F04 - end - - -
08039F0C CpPerform_MoveCameraOntoUnit CpPerform_MoveCameraOntoUnit - CpPerform_MoveCameraOntoUnit -
08039FA0 - end - - -
08039FAC CpPerform_BeginUnitMovement CpPerform_BeginUnitMovement - CpPerform_BeginUnitMovement -
0803A00A - end - - -
0803A024 AiRefreshMap AiRefreshMap - AiRefreshMap -
0803A07C CpPerform_PerformCombat CpPerform_PerformCombat ApplyAICombat2 CpPerform_PerformCombat -
0803A0BA - has_target - - -
0803A0E4 - FFItem - - -
0803A0E6 - Done - - -
0803A0F4 CpPerform_PerformEscape CpPerform_PerformEscape - CpPerform_PerformEscape -
0803A124 - end - - -
0803A134 CpPerform_PerformSteal CpPerform_PerformSteal - CpPerform_PerformSteal -
0803A17C CpPerform_LootWait CpPerform_LootWait - CpPerform_LootWait -
0803A204 CpPerform_StaffWait CpPerform_StaffWait - CpPerform_StaffWait -
0803A23C CpPerform_ChestWait CpPerform_ChestWait - CpPerform_ChestWait -
0803A270 CpPerform_DanceWait CpPerform_DanceWait - CpPerform_DanceWait -
0803A274 CpPerform_TalkWait CpPerform_TalkWait - CpPerform_TalkWait -
0803A2A6 - end - - -
0803A2B8 CpPerform_RideBallistaWait CpPerform_RideBallistaWait - CpPerform_RideBallistaWait -
0803A2E0 CpPerform_ExitBallistaWait CpPerform_ExitBallistaWait - CpPerform_ExitBallistaWait -
0803A308 CpPerform_PerformSomeOtherCombat CpPerform_PerformSomeOtherCombat ApplyAICombat CpPerform_PerformSomeOtherCombat -
0803A358 CpPerform_PerformDkSummon CpPerform_PerformDkSummon ApplyAIDKSummonAction CpPerform_PerformDkSummon -
0803A390 CpPerform_PickWait CpPerform_PickWait ApplyAIPickAction CpPerform_PickWait -
0803A3C8 CpPerform_MoveCameraOntoTarget CpPerform_MoveCameraOntoTarget - CpPerform_MoveCameraOntoTarget -
0803A400 - jpt_803A3F0 - - -
0803A438 - case_combat - - -
0803A44C - yes_target - - -
0803A45A - _ - - -
0803A4A4 - case_steal - - -
0803A4A8 - case_dance - - -
0803A4AC - case_talk - - -
0803A4B0 - case_staff - - -
0803A4C2 - def_803A3F0 - - -
0803A4D8 - end - - -
0803A4E4 CpPerform_PerformAction CpPerform_PerformAction PrepareAIAction CpPerform_PerformAction -
0803A50E - JUMP - - -
0803A520 - jpt_803A516 - - -
0803A558 - case_nothing - - -
0803A560 - case_combat - - -
0803A570 - case_escape - - -
0803A580 - case_steal - - -
0803A590 - case_loot - - -
0803A598 - case_staff - - -
0803A5A0 - case_chest - - -
0803A5A8 - case_dance - - -
0803A5B0 - case_talk - - -
0803A5B8 - case_ride_ballista - - -
0803A5C0 - case_exit_ballista - - -
0803A5C8 - case_dk_combat_maybe_nightmare - - -
0803A5D8 - case_dk_summon - - -
0803A5E8 - case_pick - - -
0803A5EA - set_wait - - -
0803A5EC - end - - -
0803A5F8 CpPerform_WaitAction CpPerform_WaitAction - CpPerform_WaitAction -
0803A61C - no_break - - -
0803A65C - no_unit - - -
0803A664 - end - - -
0803A674 CpPerform_DummyWait CpPerform_DummyWait - CpPerform_DummyWait -
0803A678 CpPerform_EscapeWait CpPerform_EscapeWait - CpPerform_EscapeWait -
0803A69C CpPerform_StealWait CpPerform_StealWait - CpPerform_StealWait -
0803A6AA - clear - - -
0803A6C2 - end - - -
0803A70E - end - - -
0803A71C AiScriptCompare AiScriptCompare - AiScriptCompare -
0803A738 - jpt_803A730 - - -
0803A750 - hi - - -
0803A756 - return_true - - -
0803A75A - hs - - -
0803A762 - eq - - -
0803A76A - ls - - -
0803A772 - lo - - -
0803A77A - ne - - -
0803A780 - return_false - - -
0803A782 - End - - -
0803A788 AiFindPositionOfCharacter AiFindPositionOfCharacter - AiFindPositionOfCharacter -
0803A7BA - loop - - -
0803A804 - not_rescued - - -
0803A810 - continue - - -
0803A854 - set_1 - - -
0803A860 - set_4 - - -
0803A866 - finish_false - - -
0803A86A - end - - -
0803A878 AiFindClosestPositionWithUnitOfClass AiFindClosestPositionWithUnitOfClass - AiFindClosestPositionWithUnitOfClass -
0803A8A4 - loop - - -
0803A8F4 - continue - - -
0803A918 - return_true - - -
0803A91A - end - - -
0803A924 AiGetClosestUnitPosition AiGetClosestUnitPosition - AiGetClosestUnitPosition -
0803A970 - loop_y - - -
0803A98C - loop_x - - -
0803AA30 - end - - -
0803AA8C - lop - - -
0803AB3C - return_result - - -
0803AB4C - end - - -
0803AB8C - lop_y - - -
0803ABA2 - lop_x - - -
0803ABF6 - begin - - -
0803AC1C - end - - -
0803AC3C CouldStationaryUnitBeInRangeHeuristic CouldStationaryUnitBeInRangeHeuristic - CouldStationaryUnitBeInRangeHeuristic -
0803AC56 - _ - - -
0803AC66 - __ - - -
0803AC86 - return_true - - -
0803AC88 - End - - -
0803AC90 CouldUnitBeInRangeHeuristic CouldUnitBeInRangeHeuristic - CouldUnitBeInRangeHeuristic -
0803ACAA - _ - - -
0803ACBC - __ - - -
0803ACC0 - ___ - - -
0803ACEE - return_true - - -
0803ACF0 - end - - -
0803AD00 - loop - - -
0803AD08 - continue - - -
0803AD0A - begin - - -
0803AD12 - end - - -
0803AD18 IsTerrainIdInList IsTerrainIdInList - IsTerrainIdInList -
0803AD20 - loop - - -
0803AD28 - continue - - -
0803AD2A - start - - -
0803AD32 - end - - -
0803AD38 AiFindClosestTileInRangeWithListedTerrain AiFindClosestTileInRangeWithListedTerrain - AiFindClosestTileInRangeWithListedTerrain -
0803AD5A - loop_y - - -
0803AD6C - loop_x - - -
0803ADC4 - no_unit - - -
0803ADDE - ingnore_safety - - -
0803ADFE - continue - - -
0803AE04 - __ - - -
0803AE0A - _ - - -
0803AE28 - return_true - - -
0803AE2A - end - - -
0803AE3C GetPositionRangeWeight GetPositionRangeWeight - GetPositionRangeWeight -
0803AE70 - no - - -
0803AE80 - yes - - -
0803AE8C - end - - -
0803AFDC AiSomethingCheckPick AiSomethingCheckPick - AiSomethingCheckPick -
0803B004 - start_x - - -
0803B00C - loop_x - - -
0803B01A - start_y - - -
0803B028 - loop_y - - -
0803B03A - yes_position - - -
0803B05C - yes_door - - -
0803B072 - not_config_4 - - -
0803B086 - yes_yes_door - - -
0803B08C - yes_chest - - -
0803B0A2 - not_config_3 - - -
0803B1CA - continue_y - - -
0803B1D2 - continue_x - - -
0803B1DA - loop_end - - -
0803B1E8 - oh - - -
0803B210 - return_true - - -
0803B212 - end - - -
0803B41C AiAreEnemiesWithin3Tiles AiAreEnemiesWithin3Tiles - AiAreEnemiesWithin3Tiles -
0803B44A - loop - - -
0803B48E - continue - - -
0803B496 - end - - -
0803B558 FillMovementAndRangeMapForItem FillMovementAndRangeMapForItem FillMovementAndRangeMapForItem FillMovementAndRangeMapForItem -
0803B582 - StartYLoop - - -
0803B596 - StartXLoop - - -
0803B5D0 - ContinueXLoop - - -
0803B5D6 - ContinueYLoop - - -
0803B5DC - End - - -
0803B718 GetLesserWeightedAdjacentPosition GetLesserWeightedAdjacentPosition - GetLesserWeightedAdjacentPosition -
0803B73C - loop - - -
0803B76E - continue - - -
0803B784 - return_true - - -
0803B786 - end - - -
0803B794 GetItemAiStealPriority GetItemAiStealPriority - GetItemAiStealPriority -
0803B7A6 - loop - - -
0803B7B4 - return_minus1 - - -
0803B7B8 - end - - -
0803B7C8 AiGetBestItemSlotIndexToSteal AiGetBestItemSlotIndexToSteal - AiGetBestItemSlotIndexToSteal -
0803B7D2 - loop - - -
0803B7F8 - continue - - -
0803B7FE - return - - -
0803B808 AiFindUnitSafestTileToMoveTo AiFindUnitSafestTileToMoveTo - AiFindUnitSafestTileToMoveTo -
0803B854 - can_move - - -
0803B85A - _ - - -
0803B866 - loop_y - - -
0803B882 - loop_x - - -
0803B8C2 - continue_x - - -
0803B8C8 - continue_y - - -
0803B8CE - finish - - -
0803B8EC - return_true - - -
0803B8EE - end - - -
0803B8FC AiGetLootingParameters AiGetLootingParameters - AiGetLootingParameters -
0803B93C - no_chests - - -
0803B98C - return_true - - -
0803B98E - end - - -
0803B994 AiGetActiveUniChestKeyItemSlot AiGetActiveUniChestKeyItemSlot - AiGetActiveUniChestKeyItemSlot -
0803B9B8 - return_true - - -
0803B9BC - not_full - - -
0803B9C0 - loop - - -
0803B9F8 - continue - - -
0803B9FE - return_false - - -
0803BA00 - end - - -
0803BA08 AiTryMoveTowards AiTryMoveTowards AiTryMoveTowards AiTryMoveTowards -
0803BA68 - needs_movement - - -
0803BA9C - _ - - -
0803BADC - loop_y - - -
0803BAF2 - loop_x - - -
0803BB1E - no_unit - - -
0803BB52 - maybe_safe - - -
0803BB88 - continue_x - - -
0803BB94 - continue_y - - -
0803BB98 - start_y - - -
0803BBC0 - end - - -
0803BDE0 FindUnitClosestValidPosition FindUnitClosestValidPosition - FindUnitClosestValidPosition -
0803BE40 - non_trivial - - -
0803BE70 - lop_y - - -
0803BE9A - lop_x - - -
0803BEF2 - continue - - -
0803BF00 - _ - - -
0803BF06 - start_y - - -
0803BF38 - return_true - - -
0803BF3A - end - - -
0803BF5C - loop - - -
0803BF60 - loop_inner - - -
0803BF66 - start_inner - - -
0803BF74 - start - - -
0803BF7A - return - - -
0803BF84 AiIsCharacterOnMap AiIsCharacterOnMap - AiIsCharacterOnMap -
0803BF8C - loop - - -
0803BFAE - return_true - - -
0803BFB2 - non_rescued - - -
0803BFC0 - continue - - -
0803BFC6 - return_false - - -
0803BFC8 - end - - -
0803BFD0 AiArePointsWithinDistance AiArePointsWithinDistance - AiArePointsWithinDistance -
0803BFF2 - _ - - -
0803BFFE - __ - - -
0803C00C - return_true - - -
0803C00E - end - - -
0803C014 AiIsPositionLootable AiIsPositionLootable - AiIsPositionLootable -
0803C040 - _ - - -
0803C04A - check_chest - - -
0803C058 - return_true - - -
0803C05C - return_false - - -
0803C05E - end - - -
0803C064 GenBlueUnitAiStats GenBlueUnitAiStats SetupUnitInventoryAIFlags GenBlueUnitAiStats -
0803C070 - loop - - -
0803C0A6 - SkipStoreMove - - -
0803C0AE - loop_item - - -
0803C0CA - can_use - - -
0803C0E0 - non_magic - - -
0803C0F0 - continue_item - - -
0803C104 - break_item - - -
0803C10A - continue - - -
0803C120 SetupUnitStatusStaffAIFlags SetupUnitStatusStaffAIFlags SetupUnitStatusStaffAIFlags SetupUnitStatusStaffAIFlags -
0803C14C - _ - - -
0803C152 - CaseSilence - - -
0803C156 - CaseSleep - - -
0803C15A - CaseBerserk - - -
0803C15C - Store - - -
0803C162 - End - - -
0803C168 SetupUnitHealStaffAIFlags SetupUnitHealStaffAIFlags SetupUnitHealStaffAIFlags SetupUnitHealStaffAIFlags -
0803C18C - NotWeapon - - -
0803C1A6 - Finish - - -
0803C1B4 UpdateNumberOfAlliedUnitsWithin8Tiles UpdateNumberOfAlliedUnitsWithin8Tiles SaveNumberOfAlliedUnitsIn0To8Range UpdateNumberOfAlliedUnitsWithin8Tiles -
0803C1E6 - loop_y - - -
0803C1F6 - loop_x - - -
0803C22E - continue_x - - -
0803C234 - continue_y - - -
0803C23A - End - - -
0803C258 SetUnitAiFromDefinition SetUnitAiFromDefinition CharStoreAI SetUnitAiFromDefinition -
0803C490 AiFillMovementMapForUnit AiFillMovementMapForUnit - AiFillMovementMapForUnit -
0803C4B0 - can_move - - -
0803C4B6 - end - - -
0803C4BC AiExecAi1 AiExecAi1 AiTryExecScriptA AiExecAi1 -
0803C510 AiExecFallbackAi1 AiExecFallbackAi1 AiExecFallbackScriptA AiExecFallbackAi1 -
0803C54C AiExecAi2 AiExecAi2 AiTryExecScriptB AiExecAi2 -
0803C5A0 AiExecFallbackAi2 AiExecFallbackAi2 AiExecFallbackScriptB AiExecFallbackAi2 -
0803C5DC AiScript_Exec AiScript_Exec - AiScript_Exec -
0803C614 - default_ai2 - - -
0803C616 - _ - - -
0803C618 - valid - - -
0803C648 AiScriptCmd_00_ConditionalGoto AiScriptCmd_00_ConditionalGoto - AiScriptCmd_00_ConditionalGoto -
0803C688 - ai2 - - -
0803C690 - _ - - -
0803C6B4 - loop - - -
0803C6C0 - begin - - -
0803C6D0 - null_target - - -
0803C6D4 - rong - - -
0803C6DA - finish - - -
0803C6DC - end - - -
0803C6EC AiScriptCmd_01_FunctionCall AiScriptCmd_01_FunctionCall - AiScriptCmd_01_FunctionCall -
0803C71C AiScriptCmd_02_ChangeAi AiScriptCmd_02_ChangeAi - AiScriptCmd_02_ChangeAi -
0803C740 - do_not_change_ai1 - - -
0803C754 - do_not_change_ai2 - - -
0803C760 - _ - - -
0803C768 - current_script_not_changed - - -
0803C76E - finish - - -
0803C78C AiScriptCmd_03_Goto AiScriptCmd_03_Goto - AiScriptCmd_03_Goto -
0803C7BC - ai2 - - -
0803C7C4 - _ - - -
0803C7E8 - loop - - -
0803C7F4 - start - - -
0803C804 - null_target - - -
0803C808 - end - - -
0803C818 IsUnitEnemyWithActiveUnit IsUnitEnemyWithActiveUnit - IsUnitEnemyWithActiveUnit AI_Compare_Allegiance_Func
0803C840 - return_false - - -
0803C842 - end - - -
0803C848 IsUnitNotActiveUnit IsUnitNotActiveUnit - IsUnitNotActiveUnit -
0803C85C - ReturnFalse - - -
0803C85E - End - - -
0803C864 IsUnitEnemyAndNotInTheAiInstList IsUnitEnemyAndNotInTheAiInstList - IsUnitEnemyAndNotInTheAiInstList -
0803C8A4 - return_false - - -
0803C8A6 - end - - -
0803C8AC IsUnitEnemyOrInTheAiInstList IsUnitEnemyOrInTheAiInstList - IsUnitEnemyOrInTheAiInstList -
0803C8DE - return_true - - -
0803C8EC - return_false - - -
0803C8EE - end - - -
0803C8F4 AiIsUnitScriptCharAndEnemyWithActiveUnit AiIsUnitScriptCharAndEnemyWithActiveUnit - AiIsUnitScriptCharAndEnemyWithActiveUnit -
0803C92C - return_false - - -
0803C92E - end - - -
0803C934 AiIsUnitScriptClassAndEnemyWithActiveUnit AiIsUnitScriptClassAndEnemyWithActiveUnit - AiIsUnitScriptClassAndEnemyWithActiveUnit -
0803C96C - return_false - - -
0803C96E - end - - -
0803C974 AiScriptCmd_04_ActionOnSelectedCharacter AiScriptCmd_04_ActionOnSelectedCharacter - AiScriptCmd_04_ActionOnSelectedCharacter -
0803C9D0 - non_rescued - - -
0803C9DC - dead - - -
0803C9E2 - do_not_end_scipt - - -
0803C9F4 - donut_do - - -
0803C9FC - finish - - -
0803CA0C AiScriptCmd_05_DoStandardAction AiScriptCmd_05_DoStandardAction - AiScriptCmd_05_DoStandardAction -
0803CA48 - yes_list - - -
0803CA64 - do_nothing - - -
0803CA6C - finish - - -
0803CA7C AiScriptCmd_06_DoNothing AiScriptCmd_06_DoNothing - AiScriptCmd_06_DoNothing -
0803CA84 AiScriptCmd_07_DoStandardActionNoMove AiScriptCmd_07_DoStandardActionNoMove - AiScriptCmd_07_DoStandardActionNoMove -
0803CAE4 AiScriptCmd_08_DoStandardActionAgainstClass AiScriptCmd_08_DoStandardActionAgainstClass - AiScriptCmd_08_DoStandardActionAgainstClass -
0803CB1C - no_dont_do_it - - -
0803CB24 - finish - - -
0803CB34 AiScriptCmd_09_DoStaffAction AiScriptCmd_09_DoStaffAction - AiScriptCmd_09_DoStaffAction -
0803CB50 AiScriptCmd_0A_DoStaffAction AiScriptCmd_0A_DoStaffAction - AiScriptCmd_0A_DoStaffAction -
0803CB6C AiScriptCmd_0B_DoStaffAction AiScriptCmd_0B_DoStaffAction - AiScriptCmd_0B_DoStaffAction -
0803CB88 AiScriptCmd_0C_MoveTowardsSetPoint AiScriptCmd_0C_MoveTowardsSetPoint - AiScriptCmd_0C_MoveTowardsSetPoint -
0803CBC4 - end - - -
0803CBD4 AiScriptCmd_0D_MoveTowardsCharacterUntilInRange AiScriptCmd_0D_MoveTowardsCharacterUntilAdjacent - AiScriptCmd_0D_MoveTowardsCharacterUntilAdjacent -
0803CC50 - not_rescued - - -
0803CC78 - continue_script - - -
0803CC7E - finish - - -
0803CC90 AiScriptCmd_0E_DoNothing AiScriptCmd_0E_DoNothing - AiScriptCmd_0E_DoNothing -
0803CC98 AiScriptCmd_0F_MoveTowardsUnitWithClass AiScriptCmd_0F_MoveTowardsUnitWithClass - AiScriptCmd_0F_MoveTowardsUnitWithClass -
0803CCCA - finish - - -
0803CCDC AiScriptCmd_10_DoLooting AiScriptCmd_10_DoLooting - AiScriptCmd_10_DoLooting -
0803CD2C - not_done_item - - -
0803CDBC - continue_script - - -
0803CDC6 - finish - - -
0803CDC8 - end - - -
0803CDD4 AiScriptCmd_11_MoveTowardsSafety AiScriptCmd_11_MoveTowardsSafety - AiScriptCmd_11_MoveTowardsSafety -
0803CE06 - finish - - -
0803CE18 AiScriptCmd_12_MoveTowardsEnemy AiScriptCmd_12_MoveTowardsEnemy - AiScriptCmd_12_MoveTowardsEnemy -
0803CE5C - yes_list - - -
0803CE84 - end - - -
0803CE98 AiScriptCmd_13 AiScriptCmd_13_MoveTowardsEnemyNoWalls - AiScriptCmd_13_MoveTowardsEnemyNoWalls -
0803CEDC - yes_list - - -
0803CF04 - finish - - -
0803CF18 AiScriptCmd_14_DoNothing AiScriptCmd_14_DoNothing - AiScriptCmd_14_DoNothing -
0803CF20 AiScriptCmd_15_DoNothing AiScriptCmd_15_DoNothing - AiScriptCmd_15_DoNothing -
0803CF28 AiScriptCmd_16_RandomMovement AiScriptCmd_16_RandomMovement - AiScriptCmd_16_RandomMovement -
0803CF3C AiScriptCmd_17_DoEscape AiScriptCmd_17_DoEscape - AiScriptCmd_17_DoEscape -
0803D228 AiScriptCmd_18_TryAttackSnagWall AiScriptCmd_18_TryAttackSnagWall - AiScriptCmd_18_TryAttackSnagWall -
0803D2D8 AiScriptCmd_19_MoveTowardsTerrain AiScriptCmd_19_MoveTowardsTerrain - AiScriptCmd_19_MoveTowardsTerrain -
0803D330 - not_in_range - - -
0803D33E - finish - - -
0803D354 AiScriptCmd_1A_MoveTowardsTerrain AiScriptCmd_1A_MoveTowardsTerrain - AiScriptCmd_1A_MoveTowardsTerrain -
0803D3BA - finish - - -
0803D3D0 AiScriptCmd_1B_NoOp AiScriptCmd_1B_NoOp - AiScriptCmd_1B_NoOp -
0803D3E4 AiDoBerserkAction AiDoBerserkAction AiDoBerserkAction AiDoBerserkAction -
0803D3F8 - end - - -
0803D404 AiDoBerserkMove AiDoBerserkMove AiDoBerserkMove AiDoBerserkMove -
0803D42E - end - - -
0803D450 AiTryDoOffensiveAction AiTryDoOffensiveAction - AiTryDoOffensiveAction -
0803D4B2 - no_good_ballista - - -
0803D4C4 - not_in_ballista - - -
0803D4FA - cant_steal - - -
0803D53C - can_move - - -
0803D544 - _ - - -
0803D55A - try_attack - - -
0803D572 - loop_items - - -
0803D596 - loop_units - - -
0803D608 - continue_units - - -
0803D60E - continue_items - - -
0803D628 - break_items - - -
0803D662 - not_ballista - - -
0803D670 - do_attack - - -
0803D69C - end - - -
0803D85E - end - - -
0803D880 AiFillUnitStandingRangeWithWeapon AiFillUnitStandingRangeWithWeapon - AiFillUnitStandingRangeWithWeapon -
0803D924 - loop_y - - -
0803D938 - loop_x - - -
0803D972 - continue_x - - -
0803D978 - continue_y - - -
0803D97E - end - - -
0803DAE2 - return_true - - -
0803DAF4 - return_false - - -
0803DAF6 - end - - -
0803DB08 GetEffectiveTileMovCost GetEffectiveTileMovCost - GetEffectiveTileMovCost -
0803DB3C - no - - -
0803DB4C - yes - - -
0803DB58 - end - - -
0803DB60 AiTryDoSteal AiTryDoSteal - AiTryDoSteal -
0803DB86 - loop_y - - -
0803DB9C - loop_x - - -
0803DC56 - continue_x - - -
0803DC5C - continue_y - - -
0803DC64 - _ - - -
0803DC88 - do_the_thing - - -
0803DCB0 - end - - -
0803DCC4 AiTrySimulateBattle AiTrySimulateBattle - AiTrySimulateBattle -
0803DCDC - loop_y - - -
0803DCEE - loop_x - - -
0803DD2A - free - - -
0803DD42 - continue_x - - -
0803DD48 - continue_y - - -
0803DD4E - break_y - - -
0803DD74 - return_false - - -
0803DD76 - end - - -
0803DE5C AiGetTileWeightForAttack AiGetTileWeightForAttack - AiGetTileWeightForAttack -
0803DEC4 ShouldAiNotBattle ShouldAiNotBattle - ShouldAiNotBattle -
0803DEC8 AiSimulateBattle AiSimulateBattle - AiSimulateBattle -
0803DEF8 - ballista - - -
0803DF0E - _ - - -
0803DF24 - lol - - -
0803DF2C - end - - -
0803DF34 AiBattleGetDamageDealtWeight AiBattleGetDamageDealtWeight - AiBattleGetDamageDealtWeight -
0803DF48 - not_dead - - -
0803DF6C - non_zero - - -
0803DF84 - return - - -
0803DF86 - end - - -
0803DF94 AiBattleGetTargetHpWeight AiBattleGetTargetHpWeight - AiBattleGetTargetHpWeight -
0803DFAE - return - - -
0803DFBC AiBattleGetAlliesAroundWeight AiBattleGetAlliesAroundWeight - AiBattleGetAlliesAroundWeight -
0803DFDA - loop - - -
0803E02C - continue - - -
0803E038 - _ - - -
0803E046 - return - - -
0803E068 AiBattleGetWeight_803E068 AiBattleGetWeight_803E068 - AiBattleGetWeight_803E068 -
0803E08E - return - - -
0803E09C AiBattleGetTurnNumberWeight AiBattleGetTurnNumberWeight - AiBattleGetTurnNumberWeight -
0803E0B4 AiBattleGetDamageTakenWeight AiBattleGetDamageTakenWeight - AiBattleGetDamageTakenWeight -
0803E0CC - has_weapon - - -
0803E106 - return - - -
0803E108 - end - - -
0803E114 AiBattleGetTileDangerWeight AiBattleGetTileDangerWeight - AiBattleGetTileDangerWeight -
0803E13E - return - - -
0803E150 AiBattleGetSubjectHpWeight AiBattleGetSubjectHpWeight - AiBattleGetSubjectHpWeight -
0803E16A - return - - -
0803E178 ComputeAiAttackWeight ComputeAiAttackWeight - ComputeAiAttackWeight -
0803E1E2 - finish - - -
0803E1EC AiGetUnitReachWeightWithEquippedWeapon AiGetUnitReachWeightWithEquippedWeapon - AiGetUnitReachWeightWithEquippedWeapon -
0803E1FA - _ - - -
0803E208 - __ - - -
0803E20C - ___ - - -
0803E22E - Return50 - - -
0803E232 - Return0 - - -
0803E234 - End - - -
0803E23C AiGetPositionTerrainSafetyWeight AiGetPositionTerrainSafetyWeight - AiGetPositionTerrainSafetyWeight -
0803E27C AiGetPositionUnitSafetyWeight AiGetPositionUnitSafetyWeight - AiGetPositionUnitSafetyWeight -
0803E296 - loop - - -
0803E2DC - sub - - -
0803E2DE - continue - - -
0803E2E8 - end - - -
0803E2F4 SetupAiDangerMap SetupAiDangerMap AiInitDangerMap SetupAiDangerMap -
0803E314 - end - - -
0803E320 FillAiDangerMap FillAiDangerMap - FillAiDangerMap -
0803E332 - loop - - -
0803E36C - loop_items - - -
0803E392 - continue_items - - -
0803E3A6 - no_items - - -
0803E3D2 - range_y_loop - - -
0803E3E2 - range_x_loop - - -
0803E410 - range_x_continue - - -
0803E416 - range_y_continue - - -
0803E41C - continue - - -
0803E448 IsAiTileSafe IsAiTileSafe - IsAiTileSafe -
0803E468 - return_false - - -
0803E46A - end - - -
0803E470 - - AiTryGetNearestHealPoint AiTryGetNearestHealPoint -
0803E49E - not_20_ai4 - - -
0803E4B0 - not_lord - - -
0803E4C6 - loop_y - - -
0803E4D8 - _ - - -
0803E4DA - loop_x - - -
0803E594 - __ - - -
0803E5D0 - continue_x - - -
0803E5D8 - continue_y - - -
0803E5E0 - break_y - - -
0803E61A - return_true - - -
0803E62C - return_false - - -
0803E62E - end - - -
0803E640 AiUpdateAllUnitHealAi AiUpdateAllUnitHealAi UpdateAllPhaseHealingAIStatus AiUpdateAllUnitHealAi -
0803E664 - Start - - -
0803E67C - Continue - - -
0803E686 - End - - -
0803E698 AiUnitUpdateGetHealMode AiUnitUpdateGetHealMode AiUpdateGetUnitIsHealing AiUnitUpdateGetHealMode -
0803E6E8 - not_heal_mode - - -
0803E708 - ENTER_HEAL_MODE - - -
0803E70E - return_true - - -
0803E710 - end - - -
0803E718 AiUnitTryHealSelf AiUnitTryHealSelf AiTryHealSelf AiUnitTryHealSelf -
0803E720 - loop - - -
0803E744 - use_item - - -
0803E79C - do_not_move - - -
0803E7B4 - set_ai_action - - -
0803E7C0 - continue - - -
0803E7C6 - return_false - - -
0803E7C8 - end - - -
0803E7D0 AiUnitTryMoveTowardsEscapePoint AiUnitTryMoveTowardsEscapePoint AiTryMoveTowardsEscape AiUnitTryMoveTowardsEscapePoint -
0803E84C - not_quite_in_range - - -
0803E86C - return_false - - -
0803E86E - end - - -
0803E878 AiUnitGetClosestEscapePointData AiUnitGetClosestEscapePointData GetEscapePointStructThingMaybe AiUnitGetClosestEscapePointData -
0803E89C - _ - - -
0803E8A2 - blue_phase - - -
0803E8A6 - red_phase - - -
0803E8B0 - green_phase - - -
0803E8B2 - __ - - -
0803E8B8 - ___ - - -
0803E8CA - loop - - -
0803E8E8 - continue - - -
0803E8F0 - there_is_no_escape - - -
0803E8F2 - end - - -
0803E936 - End - - -
0803EC98 GetUnitAttackAndWeapon GetUnitAttackAndWeapon StoreItemAndGetUnitAttack GetUnitAttackAndWeapon -
0803ECC4 - AiTryDanceOrStealInPlace AiTryDanceOrStealAfterMove AiTryDanceOrStealInPlace -
0803ECE6 - end - - -
0803ECF0 - - AiTryActionAfterMove AiTryActionAfterMove -
0803ED1C - end - - -
0803ED28 AiTryDoDanceAdjacent AiTryDoDanceAdjacent - AiTryDoDanceAdjacent -
0803ED78 - loop_y - - -
0803ED88 - loop_x - - -
0803EDF2 - continue_x - - -
0803EDF8 - break_x - - -
0803EDFE - break_y - - -
0803EE04 - return_false - - -
0803EE1C - move - - -
0803EE3A - end - - -
0803EE4C AiTryDoStealAdjacent AiTryDoStealAdjacent - AiTryDoStealAdjacent -
0803EE9C - return_false - - -
0803EEA8 - return_true - - -
0803EEAA - end - - -
0803EED8 - do - - -
0803EF08 - has_weapon - - -
0803EF50 - loop_y - - -
0803EF5E - loop_x - - -
0803EFB2 - continue_x - - -
0803EFB8 - continue_y - - -
0803EFBE - return_false - - -
0803EFC0 - end - - -
0803EFE0 AiIsUnitAtPositionDifferentAllegiance AiIsUnitAtPositionDifferentAllegiance - AiIsUnitAtPositionDifferentAllegiance -
0803F002 - return_false - - -
0803F010 - return_true - - -
0803F012 - end - - -
0803F0F0 - loop_y - - -
0803F0FE - loop_x - - -
0803F126 - continue_x - - -
0803F12C - continue_y - - -
0803F132 - return - - -
0803F4EC - AiFunc_DecideTalk - AiFunc_DecideTalk -
0803F560 - yes_leader - - -
0803F56E - lop_ai1 - - -
0803F5C6 - end - - -
0803F776 - end - - -
0803F7D4 - end - - -
0803F9D8 AiGetStaffAiIndex AiGetStaffAiIndex - AiGetStaffAiIndex -
0803F9F8 - return - - -
0803F9FC - can_use - - -
0803FA14 - loop - - -
0803FA20 - continue - - -
0803FA30 - return_none - - -
0803FA34 - end - - -
0803FA40 AiTryDoStaff AiTryDoStaff - AiTryDoStaff -
0803FA68 - loop - - -
0803FAB4 - continue - - -
0803FACA - finish - - -
0803FAE8 GetAiSafestAccessibleAdjacentPosition GetAiSafestAccessibleAdjacentPosition - GetAiSafestAccessibleAdjacentPosition -
0803FB04 - loop - - -
0803FB3A - no_unit - - -
0803FB72 - continue - - -
0803FBA4 - return_true - - -
0803FBA6 - end - - -
0803FBB8 - - - - AI's staff use judgment
0803FC06 - loop_y - - -
0803FC1A - loop_x - - -
0803FCCE - continue_x - - -
0803FCD4 - continue_y - - -
0803FCFE - end - - -
0803FD30 - - - - AI's staff use judgment
0803FF00 - - - - AI's staff use judgment
0804000C - - - - AI's staff use judgment
08040164 - - - - AI's staff use judgment
08040354 - - - - AI's staff use judgment
080404E0 - - - - AI's staff use judgment
08040642 - End - - -
08040664 nullsub_29 nullsub_29 nullsub_29 nullsub_29 -
080407F0 - - GetSpecialItemFuncIndex - -
0804080E - loop - - -
08040834 - return_minus1 - - -
08040838 - end - - -
08040844 AiTryDoSpecialItems AiTryDoSpecialItems AiTryDoSpecialItems AiTryDoSpecialItems -
0804085C - can_move - - -
08040874 - loop_items - - -
080408B0 - finish - - -
080408D4 - return_true - - -
080408D6 - end - - -
080408DC - - AiSpecialItemDoorKey - -
0804095C - end - - -
08040974 - - AiSpecialItemLockpick - -
08040A64 - end - - -
08040A78 - - AiSpecialItemAntitoxin - -
08040BB4 AiSomethingGetPick AiSomethingGetPick - AiSomethingGetPick -
08040BFA - return_true - - -
08040C4A - return_false - - -
08040C4C - end - - -
08040C5C AiTrySomethingPick AiTrySomethingPick - AiTrySomethingPick -
08040C78 - is_rogue - - -
08040D3C - not_ch14_eirika - - -
08040DC0 - return_false - - -
08040DC2 - end - - -
08040DCC AiSetMovCostTableWithPassableWalls AiSetMovCostTableWithPassableWalls AiSetMovCostTableWithPassableWalls AiSetMovCostTableWithPassableWalls -
08040DD6 - loop - - -
08040E04 AiSetMovCostTableWithTerrainSetAsPassable AiSetMovCostTableWithTerrainSetAsPassable - AiSetMovCostTableWithTerrainSetAsPassable -
08040E68 InitAiMoveMapForUnit InitAiMoveMapForUnit InitAiMoveMapForUnit InitAiMoveMapForUnit -
08040F28 AiMapRangeFillMovementWithPassableWalls AiMapRangeFillMovementWithPassableWalls - AiMapRangeFillMovementWithPassableWalls -
08040F88 InitAiRangeMoveMapForUnitWithDoorsPassable InitAiRangeMoveMapForUnitWithDoorsPassable - InitAiRangeMoveMapForUnitWithDoorsPassable -
08041090 - - AiUpdateNoMoveFlag AiUpdateNoMoveFlag -
080410B0 - non_guard_ai - - -
080410BA - end - - -
080410F8 - - AiDetermineNightmareEffectiveness - -
080411F8 - - AiTryUseNightmareStaff - -
080413CC - - AiDecideNightmareStaff - -
08041404 - - AiTryDKSummon - -
08041584 - - AiDecideDKSummon - -
080415CC - case_0 - - -
08041638 - case_1 - - -
080416C2 - return_minus1 - - -
080416C6 - end - - -
080419DC OnSerialCommunication OnSerialCommunication - OnSerialCommunication -
08041A46 - lop - - -
08041C1C SioVSync_8041C1C SioVSync_8041C1C - SioVSync_8041C1C -
08041D68 SioReady SioReady - SioReady -
08041DC4 SioMain_8041DC4 SioMain_8041DC4 - SioMain_8041DC4 -
08041F80 - jpt_8041F78 - - -
08042126 - def_8041F78 - - -
080421B4 - return_1 - - -
080421B6 - end - - -
08042E0C SioCon_8042E0C SioCon_8042E0C - SioCon_8042E0C -
08042E2C SioCon_8042E2C SioCon_8042E2C - SioCon_8042E2C -
08042E68 - end - - -
08042E78 SetGameLinkArenaBit SetGameLinkArenaBit - SetGameLinkArenaBit -
08042E88 ClearGameLinkArenaBit ClearGameLinkArenaBit - ClearGameLinkArenaBit -
08042E98 CheckGameLinkArenaBit CheckGameLinkArenaBit CheckSomethingSomewhere CheckGameLinkArenaBit -
08042FF8 - End - - -
0804320C SioPlaySomeIndexedSfx SioPlaySomeIndexedSfx - SioPlaySomeIndexedSfx -
08043232 - End - - -
08043D50 - End - - -
08043ED8 - jpt_8043ECC - - -
080440C6 - def_8043ECC - - -
08044700 NameSelect_DrawNameText NameSelect_DrawNameText - NameSelect_DrawNameText -
08044718 - loop - - -
08044732 - skip - - -
08044768 NameSelect_8044768 NameSelect_8044768 - NameSelect_8044768 -
080448FC - name_store_loop - - -
0804491C - name_store_continue - - -
08044922 - name_store_skip - - -
08044B2C - NameSelect_8044B2C - NameSelect_8044B2C -
08044B70 - end - - -
08044C54 NameSelect_8044C54 NameSelect_8044C54 - NameSelect_8044C54 -
08044CDC - jpt_8044CD2 - - -
08044DAA - def_8044CD2 - - -
08044ED8 NameSelect_8044ED8 NameSelect_8044ED8 - NameSelect_8044ED8 -
08044F84 OnNameSelectHBlank OnNameSelectHBlank - OnNameSelectHBlank -
08044FD0 - end - - -
08044FE4 NameSelect_8044FE4 NameSelect_8044FE4 - NameSelect_8044FE4 -
08044FFC NameSelect_8044FFC NameSelect_8044FFC - NameSelect_8044FFC -
0804502E - End - - -
0804503C NameSelect_804503C NameSelect_804503C - NameSelect_804503C -
08045068 NameSelect_8045068 NameSelect_8045068 - NameSelect_8045068 -
080450AC NameSelect_DrawSomeText NameSelect_DrawSomeText NameSelect_DrawName NameSelect_DrawSomeText -
08045108 NameSelect_8045108 NameSelect_8045108 - NameSelect_8045108 -
080451A0 - NoBPress - - -
080451E6 - End - - -
080451F0 NameSelect_80451F0 NameSelect_80451F0 - NameSelect_80451F0 -
08045204 - End - - -
0804537E - end - - -
08045C14 New6C_SIOMAIN2 StartSioMain2 New6C_SIOMAIN2 StartSioMain2 -
08045C5A - End - - -
08046470 - End - - -
08046790 - end - - -
08046E00 - end - - -
08047AB8 CheckSomethingSaveRelated CheckSomethingSaveRelated - CheckSomethingSaveRelated -
08047ABE - loop - - -
08047AE2 - continue - - -
08047AEA - end - - -
08047AF4 SioMenu_8047AF4 SioMenu_8047AF4 - SioMenu_8047AF4 -
08047B06 - loop - - -
08047B34 SioMenu_8047B34 SioMenu_8047B34 - SioMenu_8047B34 -
08047C60 SioMenu_8047C60 SioMenu_8047C60 - SioMenu_8047C60 -
08047CF0 SioMenu_8047CF0 SioMenu_8047CF0 - SioMenu_8047CF0 -
08047D88 SioMenu_8047D88 SioMenu_8047D88 - SioMenu_8047D88 -
08047FF8 SioMenu_8047FF8 SioMenu_8047FF8 - SioMenu_8047FF8 -
080480B4 SioMenu_80480B4 SioMenu_80480B4 - SioMenu_80480B4 -
08048168 SioMenu_8048168 SioMenu_8048168 - SioMenu_8048168 -
0804818A - loop_proc_end - - -
080481D8 - end - - -
08048260 StartNameSelect StartNameSelect - StartNameSelect -
08048A68 nullsub_43 nullsub_43 nullsub_43 nullsub_43 -
08049C80 - End - - -
08049E0C - src - - -
0804A430 - - - - Display item selection menu
0804AF50 - Return1 - - -
0804AF54 - Return2 - - -
0804AF56 - End - - -
0804B6CC - - - - Communication stadium
0804B800 BeginLinkArenaBattle BeginLinkArenaBattle - BeginLinkArenaBattle -
0804B846 - end - - -
0804B8B8 - end - - -
0804C3A0 nullsub_16 nullsub_16 - nullsub_16 -
0804C3A4 nullsub_14 nullsub_14 - nullsub_14 -
0804C3A8 nullsub_13 nullsub_13 nullsub_13 nullsub_13 -
0804C5DE - end - - -
0804D3DC - - StopBGM2 - -
0804D8C0 - Boop - - -
0804D8C2 - End - - -
0804DECC - jpt_804DEC4 - - -
0804DF08 - def_804DEC4 - - -
0804E078 LoadOldUIPal UnpackLegacyUiFramePalette UnpackLegacyUiFramePalette UnpackLegacyUiFramePalette -
0804E082 - Default - - -
0804E0A8 LoadNewUiFramePalette UnpackUiFramePalette UnpackUiFramePalette UnpackUiFramePalette -
0804E0D8 LoadOldUIImage UnpackLegacyUiFrameImage UnpackLegacyUiFrameImage UnpackLegacyUiFrameImage -
0804E0E4 - SkipDefaults - - -
0804E108 LoadNewUiFrameImage UnpackUiFrameImage UnpackUiFrameImage UnpackUiFrameImage -
0804E138 - UnpackUiBarPalette UnpackUiBarPalette UnpackUiBarPalette -
0804E168 - UnpackUiFrameBuffered UnpackUiFrameBuffered UnpackUiFrameBuffered -
0804E1BC WriteUIWindowTileMap DrawUiFrame DrawUiFrame DrawUiFrame -
0804E1F0 - lop_y - - -
0804E208 - lop_x - - -
0804E314 ClearTileMapRect ClearUiFrame ClearUiFrame ClearUiFrame -
0804E342 - Continue - - -
0804E368 MakeUIWindowTileMap_BG0BG1 DrawUiFrame2 DrawUiFrame2 DrawUiFrame2 -
0804E398 - style_isnt_3 - - -
0804E3B6 - lop_y - - -
0804E3CE - lop_x - - -
0804E5BC - style_is_3 - - -
0804E76A - finish - - -
0804E79C UpdateHandCursor DisplayUiHand DisplayUiHand DisplayUiHand -
0804E80C - DisplayUiHand_unused DisplayUiHand_unused DisplayUiHand_unused -
0804E848 - DisplayFrozenUiHand DisplayFrozenUiHand DisplayFrozenUiHand -
0804E86C - GetUiHandPrevDisplayX GetUiHandPrevDisplayX GetUiHandPrevDisplayX -
0804E878 - GetUiHandPrevDisplayY GetUiHandPrevDisplayY GetUiHandPrevDisplayY -
0804E884 ClearBG0BG1 ClearBg0Bg1 ClearBg0Bg1 ClearBg0Bg1 -
0804E8A8 - DrawUiItemHover DrawUiItemHover DrawUiItemHover -
0804E90C - ClearUiItemHover ClearUiItemHover ClearUiItemHover -
0804E98C DrawMenuItemHighlight DrawUiItemHoverExt DrawUiItemHoverExt DrawUiItemHoverExt Draws little highlight thing for menus
0804EA08 ClearMenuItemHighlight ClearUiItemHoverExt ClearUiItemHoverExt ClearUiItemHoverExt Removes little highlight thing for menus
0804EA8C - UnpackUnkUiFrame UnpackUnkUiFrame UnpackUnkUiFrame -
0804EAB8 - DisplayUiHandExt DisplayUiHandExt DisplayUiHandExt -
0804EB2C - DisplayFrozenUiHandExt DisplayFrozenUiHandExt DisplayFrozenUiHandExt -
0804EB54 LoadOldUIGfx LoadLegacyUiFrameGraphics LoadLegacyUiFrameGraphics LoadLegacyUiFrameGraphics -
0804EB68 LoadNewUiFrameGraphics LoadUiFrameGraphics LoadUiFrameGraphics LoadUiFrameGraphics -
0804EB7C - LoadUiFrameGraphicsTo LoadUiFrameGraphicsTo LoadUiFrameGraphicsTo -
0804EB98 StartMenuAdjusted StartMenuAdjusted StartOrphanMenuAdjusted StartMenuAdjusted -
0804EBA8 - LeftMenu - - -
0804EBAA - Continue - - -
0804EBC8 StartMenuChild StartMenuChild StartMenu StartMenuChild NewMenu_DefaultChild Same as NewMenu_Default, except E_Menu has a parent
0804EBD8 - - StartOrphanMenuAt StartOrphanMenuAt -
0804EBE4 StartMenu StartMenu StartOrphanMenu StartMenu NewMenu_Default Constructs Menu
0804EBF4 - - StartOrphanMenuAdjustedExt StartOrphanMenuAdjustedExt -
0804EC34 StartMenuExt2 StartMenuExt2 StartMenuExt StartMenuExt2 -
0804EC58 - - StartOrphanMenuAtExt StartOrphanMenuAtExt -
0804EC74 - - StartOrphanMenuExt StartOrphanMenuExt -
0804EC98 StartMenuAt StartMenuAt StartMenuAt StartMenuAt NewMenu_BG0BG1 Constructs Menu 6C, BG1 is background, BG0 is foreground
0804ECB0 StartMenuExt StartMenuExt StartMenuCore StartMenuExt NewMenu Constructs Menu
0804ED04 - NoSoundEffects - - -
0804ED24 - NonChild - - -
0804ED38 - Continue - - -
0804ED82 - lop_items - - -
0804EDA4 - no_call - - -
0804EE02 - continue_items - - -
0804EEA8 EndMenu EndMenu EndMenu EndMenu -
0804EED4 - NoFirstDestructor - - -
0804EEE2 - NoSecondDestructor - - -
0804EEF0 - NoSubSkip - - -
0804EF20 EndAllMenus EndAllMenus EndAllMenus EndAllMenus EndAllMenus Kills all E_Menus
0804EF38 Menu_CallDefinedConstructors Menu_CallDefinedConstructors Menu_OnInit Menu_CallDefinedConstructors -
0804EF4A - NoConstructor - - -
0804EF68 - End - - -
0804EF70 Menu_Draw Menu_Draw RedrawMenu Menu_Draw -
0804EF8C - Bit4NotSet - - -
0804F018 - StartDrawCommands - - -
0804F036 - GenericTextDraw - - -
0804F048 - NoColor - - -
0804F05A - NoGreyColor - - -
0804F06C - GetTextFromIndex - - -
0804F07A - EndDrawCommandText - - -
0804F09E - ContinueDrawCommands - - -
0804F0A8 - EndDrawCommands - - -
0804F0CE - End - - -
0804F0E0 Menu_DrawHoverThing Menu_DrawHoverThing DrawMenuItemHover Menu_DrawHoverThing -
0804F144 - Case0 - - -
0804F15C - End - - -
0804F164 Menu_Idle Menu_Idle Menu_OnIdle Menu_Idle -
0804F19A - no_immediate_end - - -
0804F1B6 - no_command_end - - -
0804F1D0 - no_beep - - -
0804F1EA - no_boop - - -
0804F22E - no_clear_screen - - -
0804F23E - no_end_face - - -
0804F252 - no_differed_deletion - - -
0804F286 - end - - -
0804F294 Menu_HandleDirectionInputs Menu_HandleDirectionInputs ProcessMenuDpadInput Menu_HandleDirectionInputs -
0804F350 - NoChangeCall - - -
0804F366 - End - - -
0804F374 Menu_HandleSelectInputs Menu_HandleSelectInputs ProcessMenuSelectInput Menu_HandleSelectInputs -
0804F39A - NoDefaultGetter - - -
0804F3C0 - NoAPress - - -
0804F3CC - CALL - - -
0804F3DE - NoBPress - - -
0804F3F6 - End - - -
0804F400 Menu_GetCursorGfxCurrentPosition Menu_GetCursorGfxCurrentPosition GetMenuCursorPosition Menu_GetCursorGfxCurrentPosition -
0804F440 - end - - -
0804F448 MenuCommandAlwaysUsable MenuCommandAlwaysUsable MenuAlwaysEnabled MenuCommandAlwaysUsable -
0804F44C MenuCommandAlwaysGrayed MenuCommandAlwaysGrayed MenuAlwaysDisabled MenuCommandAlwaysGrayed -
0804F450 MenuCommandNeverUsable MenuCommandNeverUsable MenuAlwaysNotShown MenuCommandNeverUsable -
0804F454 - - MenuCancelSelect MenuCancelSelect -
0804F458 - - MenuStdHelpBox MenuStdHelpBox -
0804F474 Menu_HelpBoxInit Menu_HelpBoxInit Menu_AutoHelpBox_OnInit Menu_AutoHelpBox_OnInit -
0804F4A0 Menu_HelpBoxIdle Menu_HelpBoxIdle Menu_AutoHelpBox_OnLoop Menu_AutoHelpBox_OnLoop -
0804F4F0 - NoQuit - - -
0804F516 - End - - -
0804F520 MenuCallHelp MenuCallHelp MenuAutoHelpBoxSelect MenuCallHelp -
0804F530 Menu_TextBoxIdle Menu_TextBoxIdle Menu_FrozenHelpBox_OnLoop Menu_FrozenHelpBox_OnLoop -
0804F56E - end - - -
0804F580 MenuCallHelpBox MenuCallHelpBox MenuFrozenHelpBox MenuCallHelpBox -
0804F5B4 Menu_804F5B4 Menu_804F5B4 Menu_Frozen_OnLoop Menu_Frozen_OnLoop -
0804F5EC - end - - -
0804F5FC - - MenuFrozen MenuFrozen -
0804F60C MarkSomethingInMenu MarkSomethingInMenu FreezeMenu MarkSomethingInMenu -
0804F624 - NoMenu - - -
0804F62C UnMarkSomethingInMenu UnMarkSomethingInMenu ResumeMenu UnMarkSomethingInMenu -
0804F644 - NoMenu - - -
0804F64C StartMenu_AndDoSomethingCommands StartMenu_AndDoSomethingCommands StartSemiCenteredOrphanMenu StartMenu_AndDoSomethingCommands -
0804F680 - Continue - - -
0804F696 - End - - -
0804F6A4 Menu_UpdateMovingCursorGfxPosition Menu_UpdateMovingCursorGfxPosition ApplyMenuCursorVScroll Menu_UpdateMovingCursorGfxPosition -
0804F6F0 - end - - -
0804F6F8 ClearMenuCommandOverride ClearMenuCommandOverride ResetMenuOverrides ClearMenuCommandOverride -
0804F702 - lop - - -
0804F714 GetOverriddenUnusableMenuCommands GetOverriddenUnusableMenuCommands GetForceDisabledMenuItems GetOverriddenUnusableMenuCommands -
0804F720 - lop - - -
0804F73C - zero - - -
0804F73E - continue - - -
0804F754 SetOverriddenUnusableMenuCommands SetOverriddenUnusableMenuCommands SetForceDisabledMenuItems SetOverriddenUnusableMenuCommands -
0804F75A - lop - - -
0804F76A - continue - - -
0804F77C SetMenuCommandOverride SetMenuCommandOverride AddMenuOverride SetMenuCommandOverride -
0804F788 - continue - - -
0804F78A - begin - - -
0804F79E - finish - - -
0804F7AC GetOverriddenMenuCommandUsability GetOverriddenMenuCommandUsability OverriddenMenuAvailability GetOverriddenMenuCommandUsability -
0804F7B8 - lop - - -
0804F7D4 - continue - - -
0804F7D6 - begin - - -
0804F7E2 - end - - -
0804F7E8 GetOverriddenMenuCommandEffect GetOverriddenMenuCommandEffect OverriddenMenuSelected GetOverriddenMenuCommandEffect -
0804F7F8 - lop - - -
0804F818 - continue - - -
0804F81A - begin - - -
0804F826 - end - - -
0804F82C - - SyncMenuBgs SyncMenuBgs -
0804F84C - - ClearMenuBgs ClearMenuBgs -
0804F890 - - HasMenuChangedItem HasMenuChangedItem -
0804F8A4 InitTargets InitTargets InitTargets InitTargets InitTargets
0804F8BC AddTarget AddTarget AddTarget AddTarget AddTarget
0804F910 LinkTargets LinkTargets LinkTargets LinkTargets -
0804F92A - Continue - - -
0804F93A - Finish - - -
0804F958 TargetSelection_GetRealCursorPosition TargetSelection_GetRealCursorPosition TargetSelection_GetRealCursorPosition TargetSelection_GetRealCursorPosition -
0804F96C TargetSelection_Loop TargetSelection_Loop TargetSelection_Loop TargetSelection_Loop -
0804F9B0 - no_end_proc - - -
0804F9CA - no_sound_6A - - -
0804F9E4 - no_sound_6B - - -
0804F9F0 - no_clear_bg - - -
0804F9FE - no_end_face - - -
0804FA30 - end - - -
0804FA3C StartTargetSelection StartTargetSelection NewTargetSelection StartTargetSelection NewTargetSelection
0804FA70 - NoCall1 - - -
0804FA7E - NoCall2 - - -
0804FA8E - NoCall3 - - -
0804FAA4 StartTargetSelectionExt StartTargetSelectionExt NewTargetSelection_Specialized StartTargetSelectionExt NewTargetSelection_Specialized
0804FAB8 EndTargetSelection EndTargetSelection EndTargetSelection EndTargetSelection -
0804FACA - no_call - - -
0804FADC - end - - -
0804FAEC TargetSelection_HandleMoveInput TargetSelection_HandleMoveInput TargetSelection_HandleMoveInput TargetSelection_HandleMoveInput -
0804FB08 - NoNext - - -
0804FB1E - NoPrevious - - -
0804FB34 - NoCall1 - - -
0804FB44 - NoCall2 - - -
0804FB56 - End - - -
0804FB64 TargetSelection_HandleSelectInput TargetSelection_HandleSelectInput TargetSelection_HandleSelectInput TargetSelection_HandleSelectInput -
0804FB88 - NoAPress - - -
0804FB96 - NoBPress - - -
0804FBA4 - CallR3 - - -
0804FBA8 - CallR3_Unsafe - - -
0804FBB4 - End - - -
0804FBFC GetFarthestTargetIndex GetFarthestTargetIndex GetFarthestTargetIndex GetFarthestTargetIndex -
0804FC14 - StartLoop - - -
0804FC20 - AbsXJump - - -
0804FC40 - AbsYJump - - -
0804FC52 - End - - -
0804FC5C LinkTargetsOrdered LinkTargetsOrdered LinkTargetsOrdered LinkTargetsOrdered -
0804FC7A - StartLoop - - -
0804FCA6 - BeginChildLoop - - -
0804FCC8 - ContinueChildLoop - - -
0804FCD4 - ContinueLoop - - -
0804FD00 GetLinkedTargetList GetLinkedTargetList GetLinkedTargetList GetLinkedTargetList -
0804FD10 GetFirstTargetPointer GetFirstTargetPointer GetFirstTargetPointer GetFirstTargetPointer -
0804FD20 - TooFarAAAAAA - - -
0804FD24 - End - - -
0804FD28 GetTargetListSize GetTargetListSize GetSelectTargetCount GetTargetListSize GetTargetListSize
0804FD34 GetTarget GetTarget GetTarget GetTarget GetTarget
0804FD48 - SetBattleAnimLinkArenaFlag - SetBattleAnimLinkArenaFlag Set a value for "unknown flag for battle 4 bytes"
0804FD54 - GetBattleAnimLinkArenaFlag - GetBattleAnimLinkArenaFlag Get "unknown flag for battle 4 bytes"
0804FD60 StartEkrBattleDeamon StartEkrBattleDeamon NewEkrBattleDeamon StartEkrBattleDeamon -
0804FD8C EndEkrBattleDeamon EndEkrBattleDeamon EndEkrBattleDeamon EndEkrBattleDeamon -
0804FDA0 IsBattleDeamonActive IsBattleDeamonActive IsBattleDeamonActive IsBattleDeamonActive -
0804FDB4 - ReturnTrue - - -
0804FDB6 - End - - -
0804FDBC EkrBattleDeamon_OnEnd EkrBattleDeamon_OnEnd ekrBattleDeamon_Destructor EkrBattleDeamon_OnEnd -
0804FDD0 nullsub_35 nullsub_35 nullsub_35 nullsub_35 -
0804FDD4 StartEkrBattle StartEkrBattle NewEkrBattle StartEkrBattle -
0804FE14 - end - - -
0804FE40 InBattleMainRoutine InBattleMainRoutine InBattleMainRoutine InBattleMainRoutine -
0804FEC4 - Finish - - -
0804FEE4 GameLoop_Battle GameLoop_Battle MainUpdate_804FEE4 GameLoop_Battle -
0804FF00 - SkipThread2 - - -
0804FF60 nullsub_36 nullsub_36 nullsub_36 nullsub_36 -
0804FF64 ekrBattle_Init ekrBattle_Init ekrBattle_Init ekrBattle_Init -
0804FFBC - NotArena - - -
0804FFE2 - finish - - -
08050000 ekrBattle_8050000 ekrBattle_8050000 ekrBattle_8050000 ekrBattle_8050000 -
08050026 - battle_quote - - -
08050040 - not_battle_quote - - -
08050042 - set - - -
08050048 - end - - -
08050054 EkrBattle_BattleQuoteInit EkrBattle_BattleQuoteInit ekrBattle_8050054 EkrBattle_BattleQuoteInit -
080500DE - End - - -
080500F0 EkrBattle_BattleQuoteWait EkrBattle_BattleQuoteWait ekrBattle_80500F0 EkrBattle_BattleQuoteWait -
08050128 - end - - -
08050134 ekrBattle_8050134 ekrBattle_8050134 ekrBattle_8050134 ekrBattle_8050134 -
0805014C - End - - -
08050158 ekrBattle_8050158 ekrBattle_8050158 ekrBattle_8050158 ekrBattle_8050158 -
08050174 ekrBattle_8050174 ekrBattle_8050174 ekrBattle_8050174 ekrBattle_8050174 -
0805021A - end - - -
08050224 ekrBattle_8050224 ekrBattle_8050224 ekrBattle_8050224 ekrBattle_8050224 -
0805023A - End - - -
08050244 ekrBattle_8050244 ekrBattle_8050244 ekrBattle_8050244 ekrBattle_8050244 -
08050282 - Finish - - -
08050290 ekrBattle_WaitForFrame8 ekrBattle_WaitForFrame8 ekrBattle_8050290 ekrBattle_WaitForFrame8 -
080502A6 - end - - -
080502B0 ekrBattle_StartUIPaletteAnimations ekrBattle_StartUIPaletteAnimations ekrBattle_80502B0 ekrBattle_StartUIPaletteAnimations -
08050304 ekrBattle_8050304 ekrBattle_8050304 ekrBattle_8050304 ekrBattle_8050304 -
08050328 - no_triange_attack - - -
0805032A - Finish - - -
08050338 ekrBattle_WaitForTriangleAttackAnim ekrBattle_WaitForTriangleAttackAnim ekrBattle_8050338 ekrBattle_WaitForTriangleAttackAnim -
08050354 - End - - -
08050360 ekrBattle_InitMainAnimations ekrBattle_InitMainAnimations ekrBattle_8050360 ekrBattle_InitMainAnimations -
080503A0 - no_left - - -
080503C8 - no_right - - -
080503D4 - end - - -
080503EC ekrBattle_80503EC ekrBattle_80503EC ekrBattle_80503EC ekrBattle_80503EC -
08050400 ekrBattle_StartMainAnimations ekrBattle_StartMainAnimations ekrBattle_8050400 ekrBattle_StartMainAnimations -
08050428 - no_class_change - - -
08050432 - finish - - -
08050440 ekrBattle_WaitForClassChange ekrBattle_WaitForClassChange ekrBattle_8050440 ekrBattle_WaitForClassChange -
0805045C - End - - -
0805046C ekrBattle_WaitForRoundAnimations ekrBattle_WaitForRoundAnimations ekrBattle_805046C ekrBattle_WaitForRoundAnimations -
0805048C - b_not_pressed - - -
080504AC - _ - - -
080504B2 - standard - - -
080504C0 - both_ended - - -
080504CA - arena_try_continue - - -
080505CC - set_did_stuff - - -
080505CE - check_did_stuff - - -
080505D8 - end - - -
080505EC ekrBattle_80505EC ekrBattle_80505EC ekrBattle_80505EC ekrBattle_80505EC -
08050600 ekrBattle_8050600 ekrBattle_8050600 ekrBattle_8050600 ekrBattle_8050600 -
08050666 - end - - -
08050684 ekrBattle_8050684 ekrBattle_8050684 ekrBattle_8050684 ekrBattle_8050684 -
080506BA - Finish - - -
080506BC - end - - -
080506C8 ekrBattle_80506C8 ekrBattle_80506C8 ekrBattle_80506C8 ekrBattle_80506C8 -
080508F0 ekrBattle_80508F0 ekrBattle_80508F0 ekrBattle_80508F0 ekrBattle_80508F0 -
08050936 - End - - -
08050940 ekrBattle_8050940 ekrBattle_8050940 ekrBattle_8050940 ekrBattle_8050940 -
08050998 - End - - -
080509A8 ekrBattle_80509A8 ekrBattle_80509A8 ekrBattle_80509A8 ekrBattle_80509A8 -
08050A60 - End - - -
08050A84 ekrBattle_8050A84 ekrBattle_8050A84 ekrBattle_8050A84 ekrBattle_8050A84 -
08050AAC - End - - -
08050AB8 ekrBattle_8050AB8 ekrBattle_8050AB8 ekrBattle_8050AB8 ekrBattle_8050AB8 -
08050AFE - End - - -
08050B08 ekrBattle_8050B08 ekrBattle_8050B08 ekrBattle_8050B08 ekrBattle_8050B08 -
08050C26 - SetBattleLoop - - -
08050C28 - End - - -
08050C34 ekrBattle_CheckForLevelup_8050C34 ekrBattle_CheckForLevelup_8050C34 ekrBattle_CheckForLevelup_8050C34 ekrBattle_CheckForLevelup_8050C34 -
08050C6C ekrBattle_WaitForLevelup_8050C6C ekrBattle_WaitForLevelup_8050C6C ekrBattle_WaitForLevelup_8050C6C ekrBattle_WaitForLevelup_8050C6C -
08050C84 - End - - -
08050C90 ekrBattle_MakePopups ekrBattle_MakePopups ekrBattle_MakePopups ekrBattle_MakePopups -
08050CA8 ekrBattle_WaitForPopup ekrBattle_WaitForPopup ekrBattle_WaitForPopup ekrBattle_WaitForPopup -
08050CC0 - End - - -
08050CCC ekrBattle_8050CCC ekrBattle_8050CCC ekrBattle_8050CCC ekrBattle_8050CCC -
08050CF8 ekrBattle_8050CF8 ekrBattle_8050CF8 ekrBattle_8050CF8 ekrBattle_8050CF8 -
08050D7C - End - - -
08050D88 ekrBattle_8050D88 ekrBattle_8050D88 ekrBattle_8050D88 ekrBattle_8050D88 -
08050D9E - End - - -
08050DA8 ekrBattle_8050DA8 ekrBattle_8050DA8 ekrBattle_8050DA8 ekrBattle_8050DA8 -
08050DCA - end - - -
08050DE0 nullsub_69 nullsub_69 nullsub_69 nullsub_69 -
08050DE4 NewEkrLvlupFan NewEkrLvlupFan NewEkrLvlupFan NewEkrLvlupFan -
08050E3A - end - - -
08050EF8 StartEkrGauge StartEkrGauge NewEkrGauge StartEkrGauge -
0805116C EndEkrGauge EndEkrGauge EndEkrGauge EndEkrGauge -
08051180 EkrGauge_8051180 EkrGauge_8051180 EkrGauge_8051180 EkrGauge_8051180 -
08051190 EkrGauge_8051190 EkrGauge_8051190 EkrGauge_8051190 EkrGauge_8051190 -
080511A0 EkrGauge_80511A0 EkrGauge_80511A0 EkrGauge_80511A0 EkrGauge_80511A0 -
080511B0 EkrGauge_80511B0 EkrGauge_80511B0 EkrGauge_80511B0 EkrGauge_80511B0 -
080511C0 EkrGauge_80511C0 EkrGauge_80511C0 EkrGauge_80511C0 EkrGauge_80511C0 -
080511D0 EkrGauge_80511D0 EkrGauge_80511D0 EkrGauge_80511D0 EkrGauge_80511D0 -
080511E4 EkrGauge_80511E4 EkrGauge_80511E4 EkrGauge_80511E4 EkrGauge_80511E4 -
080511F8 EkrGauge_80511F8 EkrGauge_80511F8 EkrGauge_80511F8 EkrGauge_80511F8 -
08051208 EkrGauge_8051208 EkrGauge_8051208 EkrGauge_8051208 EkrGauge_8051208 -
08051218 EkrGauge_8051218 EkrGauge_8051218 EkrGauge_8051218 EkrGauge_8051218 -
08051228 EkrGauge_8051228 EkrGauge_8051228 EkrGauge_8051228 EkrGauge_8051228 -
08051250 - case1 - - -
08051258 - __ - - -
08051260 - neg_arg1 - - -
08051270 - neg_arg1_case1 - - -
08051278 - ___ - - -
0805127A - store - - -
08051284 ekrGauge_Loop ekrGauge_Loop ekrGauge_Loop ekrGauge_Loop -
08051A7E - End - - -
08051AC4 StartEkrDispUP StartEkrDispUP NewEkrDispUP StartEkrDispUP -
08051B48 EkrDispUP_8051B48 EkrDispUP_8051B48 EkrDispUP_8051B48 EkrDispUP_8051B48 -
08051BB0 ekrDispUP_Loop ekrDispUP_Loop ekrDispUP_Loop ekrDispUP_Loop -
08051CA6 - end - - -
080521A4 - jpt_8052198 - - -
080521B8 - DistantCombat - - -
080521C4 - def_8052198 - - -
0805220C - CloseCombat - - -
0805220E - End - - -
080522EC - return_false - - -
080522EE - end - - -
08052304 StartEfxHpBar StartEfxHpBar - StartEfxHpBar -
080523E0 - end - - -
0805244E - no_adv - - -
080524A0 - check_death_quote - - -
080524B4 - _ - - -
080524C8 - no_death_quote - - -
080524E4 - end_proc_loop - - -
080524F0 - inc_counter - - -
080524FC - end - - -
0805255C - jpt_8052548 - - -
08052596 - break_proc_loop - - -
0805259C - end - - -
080525E0 - end - - -
080525E8 StartEfxHpBarResire StartEfxHpBarResire - StartEfxHpBarResire -
080526BA - end - - -
08052780 - end - - -
08052978 StartEfxAvoid StartEfxAvoid - StartEfxAvoid -
080529B4 - RightUnit - - -
080529E6 - End - - -
08052A08 - end - - -
08052A0C StartEfxHpBarLive StartEfxHpBarLive - StartEfxHpBarLive -
08052AD8 - end - - -
08052B98 StartEfxNoDamage StartEfxNoDamage - StartEfxNoDamage -
08052C12 - end - - -
08052C6A - break - - -
08052C70 - end - - -
08052D8C StartEfxStatusCHG StartEfxStatusCHG - StartEfxStatusCHG -
08052DA8 - end - - -
08052DD4 StartEfxDeadEVTENT StartEfxDeadEVTENT - StartEfxDeadEVTENT -
08052E5C - break_proc_loop - - -
08052E62 - end - - -
08052EA6 - end - - -
08052FAC StartEfxDead StartEfxDead - StartEfxDead -
08053070 - continue_proc - - -
0805307A - end - - -
08053112 - end - - -
08053120 StartEfxDeadPika StartEfxDeadPika - StartEfxDeadPika -
0805319E - end - - -
080531A4 - - - - StartEfxDeadAlpha
08053282 - end - - -
080533A4 - not_end - - -
080533C6 - end - - -
080533D0 MoveBattleCameraOnto MoveBattleCameraOnto - MoveBattleCameraOnto -
080533F4 - jpt_80533EA - - -
08053408 - far - - -
08053444 - minus1 - - -
0805349E - end - - -
08053576 - end - - -
08053606 - end - - -
08053668 - end - - -
0805372C nullsub_56 nullsub_56 nullsub_56 nullsub_56 -
08053730 StartEfxQuake StartEfxQuake - StartEfxQuake -
08053780 - jpt_805376E - - -
0805380C - def_805376E - - -
08053820 - end - - -
080539DC StartEfxHitQuake StartEfxHitQuake - StartEfxHitQuake -
08053B90 - end - - -
08053F10 StartEfxFlashBG StartEfxFlashBG StartSpellBG_FLASH StartEfxFlashBG -
08054440 StartEfxFlashHPBar StartEfxFlashHPBar - StartEfxFlashHPBar -
0805446E - end - - -
080545C0 StartEfxHPBarColorChange StartEfxHPBarColorChange - StartEfxHPBarColorChange -
080546B0 EndEfxHPBarColorChange EndEfxHPBarColorChange - EndEfxHPBarColorChange -
080547C8 - syncpal - - -
080547CC - end - - -
080547DC StartEfxFlashUnit StartEfxFlashUnit - StartEfxFlashUnit -
08054A1C StartEfxStatusUnit StartEfxStatusUnit NewEfxStatusUnit StartEfxStatusUnit -
08054A34 - left - - -
08054A36 - _ - - -
08054B08 - End - - -
08054B4A - End - - -
08054B54 DeleteEach6C_efxStatusUnit DeleteEach6C_efxStatusUnit DeleteEach6C_efxStatusUnit DeleteEach6C_efxStatusUnit -
08054BC8 - end - - -
08054C7A - End - - -
08054CF0 - jpt_8054CE8 - - -
08054D56 - def_8054CE8 - - -
08054D74 - jpt_8054D6C - - -
08054E3E - def_8054D6C - - -
08054E42 - End - - -
08054E8C StartEfxWeaponIcon StartEfxWeaponIcon - StartEfxWeaponIcon -
08054ED4 EndEfxWeaponIcon EndEfxWeaponIcon - EndEfxWeaponIcon -
08054EE6 - end - - -
08054EF0 PauseEfxWeaponIcon PauseEfxWeaponIcon - PauseEfxWeaponIcon -
08054F00 ResumeEfxWeaponIcon ResumeEfxWeaponIcon - ResumeEfxWeaponIcon -
08054F10 EfxWeaponIcon_OnLoop EfxWeaponIcon_OnLoop - EfxWeaponIcon_OnLoop -
08054F50 - no_icon1_flash - - -
08054F6A - no_icon2_flash - - -
08054F6E - end - - -
08054F74 - palBuffer - - -
08054F78 EfxWeaponIcon_OnEnd EfxWeaponIcon_OnEnd - EfxWeaponIcon_OnEnd -
08054F8E - no_icon1_flash - - -
08054F9C - no_icon2_flash - - -
08054FA8 StartEfxSpellCast StartEfxSpellCast NewEfxSpellCast StartEfxSpellCast loadSpellCast
08054FEC - delet - - -
08054FF0 - store - - -
08054FF4 - end - - -
08055000 StartEndEfxSpellCast StartEndEfxSpellCast - StartEndEfxSpellCast -
08055012 - end - - -
0805508C - end - - -
080550CE - end - - -
08055146 - end - - -
08055160 SpellFx_Begin SpellFx_Begin SetSomethingSpellFxToTrue SpellFx_Begin -
0805516C SpellFx_Finish SpellFx_Finish SetSomethingSpellFxToFalse SpellFx_Finish -
08055178 SpellFx_ClearBG1Position SpellFx_ResetBg1Offset ClearBG1Setup SpellFx_ResetBg1Offset -
08055188 SpellFx_ClearBG1 SpellFx_ClearBg1 ClearBG1 SpellFx_ClearBg1 -
080551B0 SpellFx_SetSomeColorEffect SpellFx_InitBg1Blend - SpellFx_InitBg1Blend -
0805526C SpellFx_ClearColorEffects SpellFx_EndBlend - SpellFx_EndBlend -
08055278 StartBattleAnimHitEffectsDefault StartBattleAnimHitEffectsDefault ThisMakesTheHPInSpellAnimGoAway StartBattleAnimHitEffectsDefault reduceHPBar
08055298 StartBattleAnimHitEffects StartBattleAnimHitEffects - StartBattleAnimHitEffects -
080552C4 - left - - -
080552DC - _ - - -
080552E4 - not_miss - - -
080553E0 - no_crit - - -
08055402 - no_damage - - -
0805540E - miss - - -
08055414 - end - - -
08055424 StartBattleAnimResireHitEffects StartBattleAnimResireHitEffects - StartBattleAnimResireHitEffects suckBloodAnimation
08055544 - status_change - - -
0805554A - avoid - - -
0805554E - end - - -
08055554 - - - - PrepAIS
08055670 SpellFx_WriteBgMap SpellFx_WriteBgMap - SpellFx_WriteBgMap -
0805569C - _ - - -
080557D8 SpellFx_RegisterObjGfx SpellFx_RegisterObjGfx SomeImageStoringRoutine_SpellAnim SpellFx_RegisterObjGfx -
08055800 SpellFx_RegisterObjPal SpellFx_RegisterObjPal SomePaletteStoringRoutine_SpellAnim SpellFx_RegisterObjPal -
0805581C SpellFx_RegisterBgGfx SpellFx_RegisterBgGfx SomeImageStoringRoutine_SpellAnim2 SpellFx_RegisterBgGfx -
08055844 SpellFx_RegisterBgPal SpellFx_RegisterBgPal SomePaletteStoringRoutine_SpellAnim2 SpellFx_RegisterBgPal -
080558F4 SpellFx_InterpretBgAnimScript SpellFx_InterpretBgAnimScript - SpellFx_InterpretBgAnimScript -
08055978 - end - - -
0805598C GetSpellAnimationStartFrame GetSpellAnimationStartFrame GetAnimationStartFrameMaybe GetSpellAnimationStartFrame -
080559A0 - not_far - - -
080559A8 - not_close - - -
080559AA - end - - -
08055BD4 BeginAnimsOnBattleAnimations BeginAnimsOnBattleAnimations BeginAnimsOnBattleAnimations BeginAnimsOnBattleAnimations -
08055BE4 - NotArena - - -
08055BF2 - NoHensei - - -
08055C24 - End - - -
08055C68 MainUpdate_8055C68 MainUpdate_8055C68 MainUpdate_8055C68 MainUpdate_8055C68 -
08055C8E - SkipThread3 - - -
08055CDC StartEkrBattleStarting StartEkrBattleStarting NewEkrBattleStarting StartEkrBattleStarting -
08055CF0 ekrBattleStarting_8055CF0 ekrBattleStarting_8055CF0 ekrBattleStarting_8055CF0 ekrBattleStarting_8055CF0 -
08055DF4 ekrBattleStarting_8055DF4 ekrBattleStarting_8055DF4 ekrBattleStarting_8055DF4 ekrBattleStarting_8055DF4 -
08055EEA - End - - -
08055F00 ekrBattleStarting_8055F00 ekrBattleStarting_8055F00 ekrBattleStarting_8055F00 ekrBattleStarting_8055F00 -
08055FA0 ekrBattleStarting_8055FA0 ekrBattleStarting_8055FA0 ekrBattleStarting_8055FA0 ekrBattleStarting_8055FA0 -
08055FE0 - End - - -
08055FE8 ekrBattleStarting_8055FE8 ekrBattleStarting_8055FE8 ekrBattleStarting_8055FE8 ekrBattleStarting_8055FE8 -
0805601C - End - - -
08056024 ekrBattleStarting_8056024 ekrBattleStarting_8056024 ekrBattleStarting_8056024 ekrBattleStarting_8056024 -
08056078 ekrBattleStarting_8056078 ekrBattleStarting_8056078 ekrBattleStarting_8056078 ekrBattleStarting_8056078 -
080560C6 - End - - -
080560F0 ekrBattleEnding_80560F0 ekrBattleEnding_80560F0 ekrBattleEnding_80560F0 ekrBattleEnding_80560F0 -
08056170 ekrBattleEnding_8056170 ekrBattleEnding_8056170 ekrBattleEnding_8056170 ekrBattleEnding_8056170 -
080561C8 ekrBattleEnding_80561C8 ekrBattleEnding_80561C8 ekrBattleEnding_80561C8 ekrBattleEnding_80561C8 -
08056228 ekrBattleEnding_8056228 ekrBattleEnding_8056228 ekrBattleEnding_8056228 ekrBattleEnding_8056228 -
08056288 ekrBattleEnding_8056288 ekrBattleEnding_8056288 ekrBattleEnding_8056288 ekrBattleEnding_8056288 -
08056310 ekrBattleEnding_8056310 ekrBattleEnding_8056310 ekrBattleEnding_8056310 ekrBattleEnding_8056310 -
08056390 ekrBattleEnding_8056390 ekrBattleEnding_8056390 ekrBattleEnding_8056390 ekrBattleEnding_8056390 -
08056484 ekrBattleEnding_8056484 ekrBattleEnding_8056484 ekrBattleEnding_8056484 ekrBattleEnding_8056484 -
0805649C - - - - StartEkrBaseKaiten
0805659C - jpt_8056582 - - -
08056856 - def_8056582 - - -
08056D24 StartEkrWindowAppear StartEkrWindowAppear NewEkrWindowAppear StartEkrWindowAppear -
08056D88 - return_true - - -
08056D8A - end - - -
08056D90 EkrWindowAppear_Loop EkrWindowAppear_Loop - EkrWindowAppear_Loop -
08056E04 - End - - -
08056E10 StartEkrNamewinAppear StartEkrNamewinAppear NewEkrNamewinAppear StartEkrNamewinAppear -
08056E60 HasEkrNamewinAppearEnded HasEkrNamewinAppearEnded - HasEkrNamewinAppearEnded -
08056E74 - true - - -
08056E76 - end - - -
08056E9A - ContinueWait - - -
08056E9E - End - - -
08056F16 - End - - -
08056FF0 - end - - -
08056FF8 PrepareBattleGraphicsMaybe PrepareBattleGraphics PrepareBattleGraphicsMaybe PrepareBattleGraphics -
08057024 - yes_arena - - -
0805702A - endif_arena - - -
080570C0 - non_promote - - -
08057104 - non_dance - - -
080571C6 - endif_promote - - -
08057C72 - return_anims_off - - -
08057C98 - return_anims_on - - -
08057C9A - end - - -
08057D30 - StartParentLoop - - -
08057D3C - StartLoop - - -
08057D6C - FinishLoop - - -
08057D7C - ContinueLoop - - -
08057D80 - BeginLoop - - -
08057D86 - EndLoop - - -
08057D90 - EndParentLoop - - -
08057D98 - End - - -
08057DC8 - jpt_8057DC0 - - -
08057EBC - def_8057DC0 - - -
08057EF0 - jpt_8057EE8 - - -
08057FE4 - def_8057EE8 - - -
08057FF8 GetSpellAnimId GetSpellAnimId GetSpellAnimId GetSpellAnimId -
0805801C - lop - - -
08058020 - SpellAssocLoopStart - - -
08058028 - SpellAssocLoopEnd - - -
08058034 - CheckJavelinSub - - -
0805803C - HandleJavelinSub - - -
0805804C - jpt_8058044 - - -
08058174 - SubJavelinCav - - -
08058178 - SubJavelinSol - - -
0805817C - SubJavelinPal - - -
08058180 - SubJavelinPalF - - -
08058184 - SubJavelinPeg - - -
08058188 - SubJavelinFlc - - -
0805818C - SubJavelinWyR - - -
08058190 - SubJavelinWyL - - -
08058194 - SubJavelinGen - - -
08058196 - def_8058044 - - -
080581EC - InitBattleAnimHitArrays - InitBattleAnimHitArrays -
08058208 - loop_fillbits - - -
08058220 - loop_fillbits_2 - - -
0805825C - not_promotion - - -
08058274 - not_dance - - -
0805829C - not_left_close_range_runesword - - -
080582B6 - not_right_close_range_runesword - - -
080582CE - not_left_hand_axe - - -
080582E2 - not_right_hand_axe - - -
080582F6 - no_left_tomahawk - - -
0805830A - no_right_tomahawk - - -
0805831E - no_left_hatchet - - -
08058332 - no_right_hatchet - - -
08058358 - lop - - -
080583D0 - no_triangle_attack - - -
08058400 - crit_magic - - -
08058408 - not_crit - - -
08058428 - lethality_magic - - -
08058430 - not_lethality - - -
08058454 - idk - - -
08058468 - _ - - -
0805846E - rand0 - - -
08058478 - rand1 - - -
08058480 - rand2 - - -
080584B4 - miss_magic - - -
080584DC - not_miss - - -
0805851A - not_miss_ - - -
080585B4 - not_devil - - -
080586A0 - not_hp_steal - - -
0805881C - lop_continue - - -
08058824 - lop_begin - - -
08058834 - end - - -
08058848 GetBattleAnimationId GetBattleAnimationId GetBattleAnimationId GetBattleAnimationId -
0805887C - Nope - - -
08058884 - HandleEquipped - - -
0805888E - LoadWeaponType - - -
08058898 - NoWeaponType - - -
080588A4 - Recheck - - -
080588AA - StartIteration - - -
080588B2 - NotFirstCheck - - -
080588BC - NotSecondCheck - - -
080588DA - LoadAnimation - - -
080588EC - ContinueLoop - - -
080588F0 - StartLoop - - -
080588F6 - EndLoop - - -
08058900 - Finish - - -
08058908 - End - - -
08058960 SomethingFilterBattleAnimId SomethingFilterBattleAnimId SomethingFilterBattleAnimId SomethingFilterBattleAnimId -
080589B4 GetAllegienceId GetAllegienceId GetAllegienceId GetAllegienceId -
08058A0C GetBattleAnimRoundType GetBattleAnimHitType GetSomeAISRelatedIndexMaybeByID GetBattleAnimHitType -
08058A2C - is_minus_one - - -
08058A2E - end - - -
08058A34 GetBattleAnimRoundTypeFlags GetBattleAnimHitFlags - GetBattleAnimHitFlags -
08058A58 - return_zero - - -
08058A5A - end - - -
08058A60 GetSomeBattleAnimHpValue GetBattleAnimHpValue - GetBattleAnimHpValue -
08058A8C IsItemDisplayedInBattle IsItemDisplayedInBattle IsItemDisplayedInBattle IsItemDisplayedInBattle -
08058AC0 - ReturnTrue - - -
08058AC2 - End - - -
08058B08 - IsHolyRenaisTwinWeapon - IsHolyRenaisTwinWeapon Is it item ID judgment 0x85 or 0x92?
08058B1A - return_true - - -
08058B1E - return_false - - -
08058B20 - end - - -
08058B24 - DoesBattleAnimSideTakeAction - DoesBattleAnimSideTakeAction -
08058B34 - lop - - -
08058B4C - return_true - - -
08058B54 - continue - - -
08058B5C - return_false - - -
08058B5E - end - - -
08058BC8 BattleAIS_ExecCommands BattleAIS_ExecCommands BattleAIS_ExecCommands BattleAIS_ExecCommands -
08058BD4 - loop_main - - -
08058BEC - ais_exists - - -
08058C02 - command - - -
08058C10 - loop_command - - -
08058C44 - jpt_8058C36 - - -
08058E34 - case1 - - -
08058E98 - case2_dodge_back - - -
08058EB0 - case3 - - -
08058F30 - case4 - - -
08058FB4 - case5_startspell - - -
08059018 - case6 - - -
08059048 - case7_start_attack - - -
0805908C - no_sureshot_activation - - -
08059158 - case_crit - - -
080591F2 - case13_dodge_end - - -
0805923C - jpt_8059230 - - -
080593A0 - case19 - - -
080593D0 - case20_bigquack - - -
080593E4 - case21_smolquack - - -
080593F8 - case24_dodge_front - - -
0805942C - case26 - - -
080594AC - case38 - - -
080594C2 - case39 - - -
080594D8 - case44 - - -
080594EC - case45 - - -
08059536 - case46 - - -
0805954C - case47 - - -
08059562 - case48 - - -
08059578 - case49 - - -
0805958E - case50 - - -
080595A4 - case57 - - -
080595CA - case61 - - -
080595FC - case71 - - -
08059604 - case78 - - -
0805960C - case81 - - -
08059630 - case82 - - -
08059698 - case_uhh - - -
080596A6 - case113 - - -
080596BA - case114 - - -
080596CC - def_8059230 - - -
080596D6 - end_command - - -
080596E0 - after_command - - -
0805973C - end_update_sheet_graphics - - -
08059746 - no_update_sheet_graphics - - -
08059874 - dont_do_next_round - - -
080598AE - continue_main - - -
080598B8 - end - - -
08059906 - end - - -
0805990C StartEkrChienCHR StartEkrChienCHR NewEkrChienCHR StartEkrChienCHR -
08059924 EkrChienCHR_OnLoop EkrChienCHR_OnLoop - EkrChienCHR_OnLoop -
0805993C RegisterAISSheetGraphics RegisterAISSheetGraphics RegisterAISSheetGraphics RegisterAISSheetGraphics -
08059988 - Continue - - -
08059992 - End - - -
08059D06 - End - - -
08059D48 - jpt_8059D3C - - -
08059D5C - CloseCombat - - -
08059D66 - RangedCombat - - -
08059D70 - VeryRangedCombat - - -
08059DA2 - end - - -
08059E04 - End - - -
0805A07C SwitchAISFrameDataFromBARoundType SwitchAISFrameDataFromBARoundType - SwitchAISFrameDataFromBARoundType -
0805A09C - backlayer - - -
0805A0AA - _ - - -
0805A0E0 - ___ - - -
0805A0F0 - no_frames - - -
0805A0FA - __ - - -
0805A154 GetAISLayerId GetAISLayerId - GetAISLayerId -
0805A166 - return_zero - - -
0805A168 - end - - -
0805A16C GetAISSubjectId GetAISSubjectId GetAISSubjectId GetAISSubjectId GetAISSubjectId
0805A17E - RightUnit - - -
0805A180 - End - - -
0805A184 IsBatteRoundTypeAMiss IsBatteRoundTypeAMiss GetSomeBoolean IsBatteRoundTypeAMiss -
0805A188 - - - - checkIfCritical
0805A19C - jpt_805A196 - - -
0805A1C4 - miss - - -
0805A1C8 - hit - - -
0805A1CA - End - - -
0805A1E8 - jpt_805A1E2 - - -
0805A210 - return_true - - -
0805A214 - return_false - - -
0805A216 - end - - -
0805A234 - jpt_805A22E - - -
0805A25C - return_true - - -
0805A260 - return_false - - -
0805A262 - end - - -
0805A280 - jpt_805A278 - - -
0805A2A8 - return_one - - -
0805A2AC - return_zero - - -
0805A2AE - end - - -
0805A2B4 GetOpponentFrontAIS GetOpponentFrontAIS GetCoreAIStruct GetOpponentFrontAIS getTargetAIS
0805A2F0 GetAISNextBattleAnimRoundType GetAISNextBattleAnimRoundType - GetAISNextBattleAnimRoundType -
0805A310 GetAISCurrentRoundType GetAISCurrentRoundType GetSomeAISRelatedIndexMaybe GetAISCurrentRoundType -
0805A3E8 - yes_ais - - -
0805A3F6 - FieldCSet - - -
0805A402 - command_loop - - -
0805A40A - has_commands - - -
0805A414 - jmp - - -
0805A424 - jpt_805A41C - - -
0805A4F0 - Case1_2 - - -
0805A4F8 - Case5 - - -
0805A508 - Case3_4 - - -
0805A526 - def_805A41C - - -
0805A52E - no_commands - - -
0805A538 - Bit1FieldCNotSet - - -
0805A576 - end - - -
0805A59E - end - - -
0805A988 - return_true - - -
0805A98A - end - - -
0805A9C0 StartEkrAnimeDrvProc StartEkrAnimeDrvProc NewEfxAnimeDrvProc StartEkrAnimeDrvProc -
0805A9E0 EndEkrAnimeDrvProc EndEkrAnimeDrvProc - EndEkrAnimeDrvProc -
0805A9F4 ExecAllAIS ExecAllAIS ExecAllAIS ExecAllAIS -
0805AA00 StartEkrUnitMainMini StartEkrUnitMainMini - StartEkrUnitMainMini -
0805AA4C EkrUnitMainMini_OnLoop EkrUnitMainMini_OnLoop - EkrUnitMainMini_OnLoop -
0805ABF4 - jpt_805ABEA - - -
0805AC50 - jpt_805AC48 - - -
0805AD16 - def_805AC48 - - -
0805AD3C - jpt_805AD32 - - -
0805AE02 - def_805AD32 - - -
0805AE38 - end - - -
0805AEA4 - jpt_805AE9A - - -
0805AEEC - def_805AE9A - - -
0805AFC0 - jpt_805AFB8 - - -
0805AFE8 - def_805AFB8 - - -
0805B01C SetBattleAnimArenaFlag SetBattleAnimArenaFlag SetBattleAnimArenaFlag SetBattleAnimArenaFlag -
0805B028 GetBattleAnimArenaFlag GetBattleAnimArenaFlag - GetBattleAnimArenaFlag -
0805B07C PlayBattleCroudSfxIfArena PlayBattleCroudSfxIfArena - PlayBattleCroudSfxIfArena -
0805B090 - end - - -
0805B0A8 BeginAnimsOnBattle_Arena BeginAnimsOnBattle_Arena BeginAnimsOnBattle_Arena BeginAnimsOnBattle_Arena -
0805B0F0 NewEkrTogiInitPROC NewEkrTogiInitPROC NewEkrTogiInitPROC NewEkrTogiInitPROC -
0805B254 - End - - -
0805B278 NewEkrTogiEndPROC NewEkrTogiEndPROC NewEkrTogiEndPROC NewEkrTogiEndPROC -
0805B34C NewEkrTogiColor NewEkrTogiColor NewEkrTogiColor NewEkrTogiColor -
0805B380 EndEkrTogiColor EndEkrTogiColor EndEkrTogiColor EndEkrTogiColor -
0805B3CC StartSpellAnimation StartSpellAnimation StartSpellAnimation StartSpellAnimation -
0805B400 - - - - loadResireRST5
0805B828 - - - - loadRestWINH
0805B93C - - - - loadRestWINH1
0805BC80 StartSpellThing_MagicQuake StartSpellThing_MagicQuake StartSpellThing_MagicQuake StartSpellThing_MagicQuake -
0805BCC4 Loop6C_efxMagicQUAKE Loop6C_efxMagicQUAKE Loop6C_efxMagicQUAKE Loop6C_efxMagicQUAKE -
0805BE90 StartSpellAnimDummy StartSpellAnimDummy StartSpellAnimDummy StartSpellAnimDummy -
0805BEB4 Loop6C_efxDummymagic Loop6C_efxDummymagic Loop6C_efxDummymagic Loop6C_efxDummymagic -
0805BF02 - End - - -
0805BF08 StartSpellAnimHandAxe StartSpellAnimHandAxe StartSpellAnimHandAxe StartSpellAnimHandAxe -
0805C264 StartSpellAnimArrow StartSpellAnimArrow StartSpellAnimArrow StartSpellAnimArrow -
0805C358 - - - - loadArrowOBJ
0805C3F0 StartSpellAnimJavelin StartSpellAnimJavelin StartSpellAnimJavelin StartSpellAnimJavelin -
0805C934 StartSpellAnimSong StartSpellAnimSong StartSpellAnimSong StartSpellAnimSong -
0805CBDC StartSpellAnimDance StartSpellAnimDance StartSpellAnimDance StartSpellAnimDance -
0805CEC4 nullsub_42 nullsub_42 nullsub_42 nullsub_42 -
0805D064 StartSpellAnimFireBreath StartSpellAnimFireBreath StartSpellAnimFireBreath StartSpellAnimFireBreath -
0805D388 StartSpellAnimIceBreath StartSpellAnimIceBreath StartSpellAnimIceBreath StartSpellAnimIceBreath -
0805D4D0 StartSpellAnimDarkBreath StartSpellAnimDarkBreath StartSpellAnimDarkBreath StartSpellAnimDarkBreath -
0805D508 Loop6C_efxDarkbreath Loop6C_efxDarkbreath Loop6C_efxDarkbreath Loop6C_efxDarkbreath -
0805D7D8 StartSpellAnimThunder StartSpellAnimThunder StartSpellAnimThunder StartSpellAnimThunder -
0805D814 EfxThunder_Main EfxThunder_Main Loop6C_efxThunder EfxThunder_Main -
0805D8AE - End - - -
0805D8B4 StartEfxThunderBG StartEfxThunderBG - StartEfxThunderBG loadResireBG2
0805D928 - set_right_position - - -
0805D932 - end - - -
0805D938 EfxThunderBG_Main EfxThunderBG_Main - EfxThunderBG_Main -
0805D990 - no_good - - -
0805D9AE - end - - -
0805D9BC StartEfxThunderBGCOL StartEfxThunderBGCOL - StartEfxThunderBGCOL -
0805D9F8 EfxThunderBGCOL_Main EfxThunderBGCOL_Main - EfxThunderBGCOL_Main -
0805DA1E - no_good - - -
0805DA38 - end - - -
0805DA44 StartEfxThunderOBJ StartEfxThunderOBJ - StartEfxThunderOBJ -
0805DAA4 EfxThunderOBJ_Main EfxThunderOBJ_Main - EfxThunderOBJ_Main -
0805DACA - end - - -
0805DAD4 StartSpellAnimFire StartSpellAnimFire StartSpellAnimFire StartSpellAnimFire -
0805DB18 StartSpellAnimElfire StartSpellAnimElfire StartSpellAnimElfire StartSpellAnimElfire -
0805DB5C EfxFire_Main EfxFire_Main Loop6C_efxFire EfxFire_Main -
0805DC18 - ElFire - - -
0805DC3A - EndSpecifics - - -
0805DC58 - end - - -
0805DCC4 Loop6C_efxFireBG Loop6C_efxFireBG Loop6C_efxFireBG Loop6C_efxFireBG -
0805DDF0 StartSubSpell_efxFireHITBG StartSubSpell_efxFireHITBG StartSubSpell_efxFireHITBG StartSubSpell_efxFireHITBG -
0805DE6E - End - - -
0805DECE - End - - -
0805DED8 StartSubSpell_efxElfireBG StartSubSpell_efxElfireBG StartSubSpell_efxElfireBG StartSubSpell_efxElfireBG -
0805DFA4 StartSubSpell_efxElfireBGCOL StartSubSpell_efxElfireBGCOL StartSubSpell_efxElfireBGCOL StartSubSpell_efxElfireBGCOL -
0805E030 StartSubSpell_efxElfireOBJ StartSubSpell_efxElfireOBJ StartSubSpell_efxElfireOBJ StartSubSpell_efxElfireOBJ -
0805E0E4 StartSpellAnimFimbulvetr StartSpellAnimFimbulvetr StartSpellAnimFimbulvetr StartSpellAnimFimbulvetr -
0805F354 StartSpellAnimNosferatu StartSpellAnimNosferatu StartSpellAnimNosferatu StartSpellAnimNosferatu -
0805F390 EfxResire_Main EfxResire_Main Loop6C_efxResire EfxResire_Main -
0805F4A8 - End - - -
0805F4B0 - - - - loadResireBG
0805F660 - - - - MagicAnime
0805F838 - - - - loadResireRST3
0805FAE0 StartSpellAnimPurge StartSpellAnimPurge StartSpellAnimPurge StartSpellAnimPurge -
0805FC90 - - - - loadHazymoonOBJ3
0805FE80 nullsub_41 nullsub_41 nullsub_41 nullsub_41 -
0805FE84 StartSpellAnimDivine StartSpellAnimDivine StartSpellAnimDivine StartSpellAnimDivine -
0805FEC0 DivineSfxLoop DivineSfxLoop DivineSfxLoop DivineSfxLoop -
08060284 nullsub_39 nullsub_39 - nullsub_39 -
08060288 nullsub_40 nullsub_40 nullsub_40 nullsub_40 -
08060440 - - - - loadHazymoonBG1
080604B0 - - - - loadHazymoonBG2
08060514 - - - - loadHazymoonBG3
080605E8 - - - - loadHazymoonOBJ2
080608A4 StartSpellAnimFenrir StartSpellAnimFenrir StartSpellAnimFenrir StartSpellAnimFenrir -
08061024 StartSpellAnimHeal StartSpellAnimHeal StartSpellAnimHeal StartSpellAnimHeal -
0806114A - end_proc - - -
08061150 - end - - -
08061158 StartSpellAnimMend StartSpellAnimMend StartSpellAnimMend StartSpellAnimMend -
080612BC StartSpellAnimRecover StartSpellAnimRecover StartSpellAnimRecover StartSpellAnimRecover -
08061890 - End - - -
080623E0 StartSpellAnimSilence StartSpellAnimSilence StartSpellAnimSilence StartSpellAnimSilence -
08062678 StartSpellAnimSleep StartSpellAnimSleep StartSpellAnimSleep StartSpellAnimSleep -
08062998 StartSpellAnimHammerne StartSpellAnimHammerne StartSpellAnimHammerne StartSpellAnimHammerne -
08062C14 StartSpellAnimBerserk StartSpellAnimBerserk StartSpellAnimBerserk StartSpellAnimBerserk -
08063480 StartSpellAnimShine StartSpellAnimShine StartSpellAnimShine StartSpellAnimShine -
08063974 StartSpellAnimLuna StartSpellAnimLuna StartSpellAnimLuna StartSpellAnimLuna -
08064CFC nullsub_51 nullsub_51 nullsub_51 nullsub_51 -
08064E74 StartSpellAnimAura StartSpellAnimAura StartSpellAnimAura StartSpellAnimAura -
08065490 nullsub_52 nullsub_52 - nullsub_52 -
08065494 nullsub_53 nullsub_53 nullsub_53 nullsub_53 -
080657D4 StartSpellAnimIvaldi StartSpellAnimIvaldi StartSpellAnimIvaldi StartSpellAnimIvaldi -
08065810 Loop6C_efxIvaldi Loop6C_efxIvaldi Loop6C_efxIvaldi Loop6C_efxIvaldi -
0806583E - NotFirstFrame - - -
0806584E - NotFirstAnimFrame - - -
08065860 - NotStartSideWash - - -
080659A4 - End - - -
080659AC StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG1 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG1 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG1 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG1 -
08065A10 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG1 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG1 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG1 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG1 -
08065A74 - End - - -
08065A80 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG2 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG2 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG2 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG2 -
08065AEC Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG2 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG2 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG2 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG2 -
08065B54 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG3 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG3 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG3 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG3 -
08065BB8 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG3 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG3 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG3 Loop6C_efxIvaldiBG3 -
08065C38 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG4 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG4 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG4 StartSpellBG_IvaldiBG4 -
08065D84 PrepareSomeIvaldiParticleGraphics PrepareSomeIvaldiParticleGraphics PrepareSomeIvaldiParticleGraphics PrepareSomeIvaldiParticleGraphics -
08065DA4 StartSpellOBJ_IvaldiFall StartSpellOBJ_IvaldiFall StartSpellOBJ_IvaldiFall StartSpellOBJ_IvaldiFall -
08065F10 StartSpellOBJ_IvaldiSideWash StartSpellOBJ_IvaldiSideWash StartSpellOBJ_IvaldiSideWash StartSpellOBJ_IvaldiSideWash -
08065F64 Loop6C_efxIvaldiOBJSideWash Loop6C_efxIvaldiOBJSideWash Loop6C_efxIvaldiOBJSideWash Loop6C_efxIvaldiOBJSideWash -
08065F90 - NotFirstFrame - - -
08066052 - End - - -
080662D8 - jpt_80662C6 - - -
08066318 - def_80662C6 - - -
080664FE - End - - -
080674D4 StartSpellAnimStone StartSpellAnimStone StartSpellAnimStone StartSpellAnimStone -
08067798 StartSpellAnimEvilEye StartSpellAnimEvilEye StartSpellAnimEvilEye StartSpellAnimEvilEye -
08067B7C StartSpellAnimNaglfar StartSpellAnimNaglfar StartSpellAnimNaglfar StartSpellAnimNaglfar -
08067BB8 Loop6C_efxNaglfar Loop6C_efxNaglfar Loop6C_efxNaglfar Loop6C_efxNaglfar -
08067DBC - End - - -
08067E1C Loop6C_efxNaglfarBG Loop6C_efxNaglfarBG Loop6C_efxNaglfarBG Loop6C_efxNaglfarBG -
08067EE8 Loop6C_efxNaglfarBG2 Loop6C_efxNaglfarBG2 Loop6C_efxNaglfarBG2 Loop6C_efxNaglfarBG2 -
08067F5A - End - - -
08069134 - jpt_806912C - - -
08069240 - def_806912C - - -
080695AC - jpt_80695A6 - - -
0806962C - def_80695A6 - - -
0806971C - jpt_8069714 - - -
08069764 - def_8069714 - - -
08069794 - jpt_806978C - - -
080697DC - def_806978C - - -
08069D1C - jpt_8069D14 - - -
08069DB0 - def_8069D14 - - -
08069DE8 - jpt_8069DE0 - - -
08069E62 - def_8069DE0 - - -
08069EC4 StartSpellAnimCrimsonEye StartSpellAnimCrimsonEye StartSpellAnimCrimsonEye StartSpellAnimCrimsonEye -
0806A214 - jpt_806A20E - - -
0806A3A4 - def_806A20E - - -
0806A7EC - jpt_806A7E4 - - -
0806A822 - def_806A7E4 - - -
0806A90C - jpt_806A904 - - -
0806A944 - def_806A904 - - -
0806A9F8 - jpt_806A9F2 - - -
0806AA2E - def_806A9F2 - - -
0806AAC4 - jpt_806AABE - - -
0806AAFC - def_806AABE - - -
0806B3B8 - jpt_806B3B0 - - -
0806B440 - def_806B3B0 - - -
0806B98C - jpt_806B97C - - -
0806BA1A - def_806B97C - - -
0806BAFC - jpt_806BAEC - - -
0806BB86 - def_806BAEC - - -
0806BC08 - jpt_806BC02 - - -
0806BC50 - def_806BC02 - - -
0806BD34 - jpt_806BD2C - - -
0806BD70 - def_806BD2C - - -
0806BDB4 - jpt_806BDAC - - -
0806BEC6 - def_806BDAC - - -
0806C1E8 - jpt_806C1D8 - - -
0806C276 - def_806C1D8 - - -
0806C320 - jpt_806C310 - - -
0806C3B2 - def_806C310 - - -
0806C4C4 - jpt_806C4B4 - - -
0806C556 - def_806C4B4 - - -
0806C61C StartEfxDamagaMojiEffect StartEfxDamagaMojiEffect - StartEfxDamagaMojiEffect -
0806C66E - not_init - - -
0806C678 - end - - -
0806C67C StartEfxDamageMojiEffectOBJ StartEfxDamageMojiEffectOBJ - StartEfxDamageMojiEffectOBJ -
0806C716 - end - - -
0806C71C StartEfxCriticalEffect StartEfxCriticalEffect - StartEfxCriticalEffect -
0806C74E - not_pierce - - -
0806C75E - end - - -
0806C9E8 StartEfxPierceCriticalEffect StartEfxPierceCriticalEffect - StartEfxPierceCriticalEffect criticalAttackEffect
0806D0D4 - jpt_806D0C2 - - -
0806D18A - def_806D0C2 - - -
0806D3EC - jpt_806D3C2 - - -
0806D524 - def_806D3C2 - - -
0806DD68 - jpt_806DD5E - - -
0806DF10 - def_806DD5E - - -
0806E014 StartEfxChillEffect StartEfxChillEffect - StartEfxChillEffect -
0806E1F0 StartEfxChillAnime StartEfxChillAnime - StartEfxChillAnime -
0806E2FC - End - - -
0806E30C nullsub_17 nullsub_17 nullsub_17 nullsub_17 -
0806EB78 nullsub_73 nullsub_73 nullsub_73 nullsub_73 -
0806FA3C - right_unit - - -
0806FA3E - end - - -
0806FACC - end - - -
0806FB9E - end - - -
0806FC2A - ReturnOne - - -
0806FC2C - End - - -
0806FEA4 - - - - Load dragon zombie fighting animation data
0807022C - return_true - - -
0807022E - end - - -
08070276 - End - - -
08070CEE - End - - -
08070D6A - End - - -
08070D7C FillBGRect FillBGRect FillBGRect FillBGRect -
08070D9A - ContinueY - - -
08070DA4 - ContinueX - - -
08070DAE - _ - - -
08070DB4 - End - - -
08070F90 - end - - -
080712B0 - ApplyColorDarken_Unsure - ApplyColorDarken_Unsure FadeInPalette
080712D4 - lop_bank - - -
080712DE - lop_color - - -
08071320 - end - - -
0807132C ApplyFlashingPaletteAnimation ApplyFlashingPaletteAnimation - ApplyFlashingPaletteAnimation -
080716B0 GetOtherRN_N AestheticRandNext_N1 - AestheticRandNext_N1 -
080716C8 StartEkrsubAnimeEmulator StartEkrsubAnimeEmulator - StartEkrsubAnimeEmulator -
080717C6 - end - - -
08071990 SomeBattlePlaySound_8071990 SomeBattlePlaySound_8071990 SomePlaySound_8071990 SomeBattlePlaySound_8071990 -
080719E6 - end - - -
080719F0 Loop6C_efxSoundSE Loop6C_efxSoundSE Loop6C_efxSoundSE Loop6C_efxSoundSE -
08071A54 - PlayBattleMusic - PlayBattleMusic Switch BGM (another command 2)
08071A72 - end - - -
08071A7C - StopBattleMusic StopBGM1 StopBattleMusic -
08071A8C Unset20200AC Unset20200AC - Unset20200AC -
08071A98 Set20200AC Set20200AC - Set20200AC -
08071AA4 Get20200AC Get20200AC - Get20200AC -
08071B58 - end - - -
08071C2C - jpt_8071C1C - - -
08072220 - def_8071C1C - - -
08072246 - end - - -
08072280 - jpt_8072278 - - -
0807239C - def_8072278 - - -
08072444 - return_1 - - -
08072448 - return_2 - - -
0807244A - end - - -
080724FA - End - - -
08072594 - jpt_807258C - - -
080726A4 - def_807258C - - -
080726AC - InitBattleAnimMusic - InitBattleAnimMusic -
08072708 - not_arena - - -
08072710 - arena_song - - -
0807271C - not_link_arena - - -
08072738 - not_promotion - - -
0807274E - not_holy_renais_twin_weapon - - -
0807275C - taking_action - - -
08072768 - yes_left - - -
08072772 - thats_lyon - - -
08072778 - thats_also_lyon - - -
0807277E - thats_donkeykong - - -
08072794 - not_super_duper_holy_twin_song - - -
080727B0 - donkeykongs_first_time - - -
080727B4 - not_donkeykong - - -
080727D6 - a_nemy - - -
080727E4 - ayyxists - - -
080727FC - no_special_song - - -
08072822 - not_dance - - -
08072838 - not_dance_song - - -
0807288C - no_song - - -
08072892 - end - - -
080728CC - end - - -
080728D0 - GetUnitSpecialBattleSong - GetUnitSpecialBattleSong -
080729A4 - - - - Routine 2 to sound sound effect
080729E0 EkrClasschgFinished EkrClasschgFinished EkrClasschgFinished EkrClasschgFinished -
080729F8 - ReturnTrue - - -
080729FA - End - - -
08072A00 EndEkrClasschg EndEkrClasschg EndEkrClasschg EndEkrClasschg -
08072A14 NewEkrClassChg NewEkrClassChg NewEkrClassChg NewEkrClassChg -
08072DC8 EndEfxStatusUnit EndEfxStatusUnit EndEfxStatusUnit EndEfxStatusUnit -
080734F8 DoesEkrLevelUpSomething DoesEkrLevelUpSomething DoesEkrLevelUpSomething DoesEkrLevelUpSomething -
08073510 - ReturnOne - - -
08073512 - End - - -
08073518 EndEkrLevelUp EndEkrLevelUp EndEkrLevelUp EndEkrLevelUp -
08073988 NewEkrLevelup NewEkrLevelup NewEkrLevelup NewEkrLevelup -
08073A46 - End - - -
08073CE8 - - - - Display level up screen
0807460C nullsub_62 nullsub_62 nullsub_62 nullsub_62 -
08074F3C HasBattleAnimTriangeAttackEnded HasBattleAnimTriangeAttackEnded - HasBattleAnimTriangeAttackEnded -
08074F50 - return_true - - -
08074F52 - End - - -
08074F58 nullsub_18 nullsub_18 nullsub_18 nullsub_18 -
08074F5C StartEkrTriangle StartEkrTriangle NewEkrTriangle StartEkrTriangle -
08074F80 EkrTriangle_OnLoop EkrTriangle_OnLoop - EkrTriangle_OnLoop -
08075184 StartEkrPegasusKnight StartEkrPegasusKnight - StartEkrPegasusKnight -
08075272 - end - - -
0807527C StartEkrPegasusKnightBG StartEkrPegasusKnightBG - StartEkrPegasusKnightBG -
08075B20 DoesBattlePopupExist DoesBattlePopupExist DoesBattlePopupExist DoesBattlePopupExist -
08075B34 - True - - -
08075B36 - End - - -
08075B3C DeleteAnimsOnPopup DeleteAnimsOnPopup DeleteAnimsOnPopup DeleteAnimsOnPopup -
08075B4E - End - - -
08075B78 MakeBattlePopupTileMapFromTSA MakeBattlePopupTileMapFromTSA MakeBattlePopupTileMapFromTSA MakeBattlePopupTileMapFromTSA -
08075CA8 DrawBattlePopup DrawBattlePopup DrawBattlePopup DrawBattlePopup -
08075D7A - EndSizeComputations - - -
08075EC0 - EndIconLoading - - -
08075F18 StartAnimsOnPopups StartAnimsOnPopups Battle_MakePopups StartAnimsOnPopups -
08075F44 - StartWRankUp - - -
08075F86 - ContinueWRankUp - - -
08075F9E - Popup1 - - -
08075FDE - NoWRankUp - - -
08075FF4 - NoWeaponBreak - - -
08076016 - NoWRankUp2 - - -
0807602C - NotAlliedUnit - - -
08076066 - End - - -
0807606C BattlePopup_Wait16Frames BattlePopup_Wait16Frames BattlePopup_Wait16Frames BattlePopup_Wait16Frames -
08076084 - End - - -
08076088 ekrPopup_DrawWRankUp ekrPopup_DrawWRankUp ekrPopup_DrawWRankUp ekrPopup_DrawWRankUp -
080760A4 - Finish - - -
080760B0 ekrPopup_WaitWRankUp ekrPopup_WaitWRankUp ekrPopup_WaitWRankUp ekrPopup_WaitWRankUp -
080760C2 - Popup - - -
080760E4 - End - - -
080760EC ekrPopup_DrawWRankUp2 ekrPopup_DrawWRankUp2 ekrPopup_DrawWRankUp2 ekrPopup_DrawWRankUp2 -
08076108 - NoPopup - - -
08076114 ekrPopup_WaitWRankUp2 ekrPopup_WaitWRankUp2 ekrPopup_WaitWRankUp2 ekrPopup_WaitWRankUp2 -
08076148 - End - - -
08076150 ekrPopup_DrawWpnBroke ekrPopup_DrawWpnBroke ekrPopup_DrawWpnBroke ekrPopup_DrawWpnBroke -
08076178 ekrPopup_WaitWpnBroke ekrPopup_WaitWpnBroke ekrPopup_WaitWpnBroke ekrPopup_WaitWpnBroke -
080761B4 ekrPopup_DrawWpnBroke2 ekrPopup_DrawWpnBroke2 ekrPopup_DrawWpnBroke2 ekrPopup_DrawWpnBroke2 -
080761DC ekrPopup_WaitWpnBroke2 ekrPopup_WaitWpnBroke2 ekrPopup_WaitWpnBroke2 ekrPopup_WaitWpnBroke2 -
0807621C ekrPopup_MarkEnd ekrPopup_MarkEnd ekrPopup_MarkEnd ekrPopup_MarkEnd -
08076242 - End - - -
0807624C nullsub_68 nullsub_68 nullsub_68 nullsub_68 -
08076288 - End - - -
08076310 - IsBattleAnimPromotion - IsBattleAnimPromotion -
08076328 - return_true - - -
0807632A - end - - -
08076330 BeginAnimsOnBattle_Hensei BeginAnimsOnBattle_Hensei BeginAnimsOnBattle_Hensei BeginAnimsOnBattle_Hensei -
0807636C NewEkrHenseiInitPROC NewEkrHenseiInitPROC NewEkrHenseiInitPROC NewEkrHenseiInitPROC -
08076A68 - End - - -
080770A8 - jpt_80770A2 - - -
080770F0 - def_80770A2 - - -
0807722C - jpt_8077220 - - -
080772B0 - def_8077220 - - -
08077398 - - - - Reproduce the click sound click
08078214 GetSpellAssocStructPtr GetSpellAssocData GetSpellAssocStructPtr GetSpellAssocData -
0807822C - lop - - -
08078238 - end - - -
08078248 GetSpellAssocCharCount GetSpellAssocCharCount GetSpellAssocCharCount GetSpellAssocCharCount -
08078268 GetSpellAssocMapAnimProcScript GetSpellAssocMapAnimProcScript GetSpellAssocAlt6CPointer GetSpellAssocMapAnimProcScript -
08078278 GetSpellAssocReturnBool GetSpellAssocReturnBool GetSpellAssocReturnBool GetSpellAssocReturnBool -
08078288 GetSpellAssocFacing GetSpellAssocFacing GetSpellAssocFacing GetSpellAssocFacing -
08078298 GetSpellAssocFlashColor GetSpellAssocFlashColor GetSpellAssocFlashColor GetSpellAssocFlashColor -
080782A8 - - SelectFromWeightedArray - -
080782EC GenerateMonsterLevel GenerateMonsterLevel GenerateMonsterLevel GenerateMonsterLevel -
08078324 GenerateMonsterClass GenerateMonsterClass GenerateMonsterClass GenerateMonsterClass -
08078350 GenerateMonsterItems GenerateMonsterItems GenerateMonsterItems GenerateMonsterItems -
0807840C MU_Init MU_Init MU_Init MU_Init -
08078416 - lop - - -
08078428 MU_CreateExt MU_CreateExt MU_CreateExt MU_CreateExt -
08078464 MU_Create MU_Create MU_Create MU_Create -
08078490 - _ - - -
08078496 - blst1 - - -
0807849A - blst2 - - -
0807849E - blst3 - - -
080784A0 - no_ballista - - -
080784D8 MU_ManualUpdate MU_ManualUpdate MU_ManualUpdate MU_ManualUpdate -
080784E4 MU_EnableAttractCamera MU_EnableAttractCamera MU_EnableAttractCamera MU_EnableAttractCamera -
080784EC MU_DisableAttractCamera MU_DisableAttractCamera MU_DisableAttractCamera MU_DisableAttractCamera -
080784F4 MU_CreateForUI MU_CreateForUI MU_CreateForUI MU_CreateForUI -
0807851C - NoMOVEUNIT - - -
0807851E - End - - -
08078524 - - MU_8078524 MU_8078524 -
08078540 MU_CreateInternal MU_CreateInternal MU_CreateInternal MU_CreateInternal -
08078580 - NonNullArg3 - - -
0807859E - No6C - - -
08078680 - ReturnNull - - -
08078682 - End - - -
08078694 MU_SetFacing MU_SetFacing MU_SetFacing MU_SetFacing -
080786AE - Not0xF - - -
080786B8 - End - - -
080786BC MU_SetDefaultFacing MU_SetDefaultFacing MU_SetDefaultFacing MU_SetDefaultFacing -
080786DA - not_mounted - - -
080786E2 - end - - -
080786E8 MU_SetDefaultFacing_Auto MU_SetDefaultFacing_Auto MU_SetDefaultFacing_Auto MU_SetDefaultFacing_Auto -
080786F8 - end - - -
08078700 MU_StartMoveScript_Auto MU_StartMoveScript_Auto MU_StartMoveScript_Auto MU_StartMoveScript_Auto -
08078714 - NoMOVEUNIT - - -
08078720 MU_Exists MU_Exists MU_Exists MU_Exists -
0807872E - End - - -
08078738 MU_IsAnyActive MU_IsAnyActive MU_IsAnyActive MU_IsAnyActive -
08078744 - StartLoop - - -
08078754 - ContinueLoop - - -
08078768 - ReturnTrue - - -
0807876A - End - - -
08078770 MU_IsActive MU_IsActive MU_IsActive MU_IsActive -
0807878A - ReturnZero - - -
0807878C - End - - -
08078790 MU_StartMoveScript MU_StartMoveScript MU_StartMoveScript MU_StartMoveScript -
08078798 - Continue - - -
080787C4 MU_CreateScripted MU_CreateScripted MU_CreateScripted MU_CreateScripted -
080787F0 - ReturnZero - - -
080787F2 - End - - -
080787FC MU_StepSound_OnInit MU_StepSound_OnInit MU_StepSound_OnInit MU_StepSound_OnInit -
08078810 MU_StepSound_OnFirstSound MU_StepSound_OnFirstSound MU_StepSound_OnFirstSound MU_StepSound_OnFirstSound -
08078824 MU_StepSound_OnSecondSound MU_StepSound_OnSecondSound MU_StepSound_OnSecondSound MU_StepSound_OnSecondSound -
08078838 - End - - -
0807883C MU_StartStepSfx MU_StartStepSfx MU_StartStepSfx MU_StartStepSfx -
0807885C - Exists - - -
08078870 - NonZero - - -
0807887E - Store - - -
08078880 - End - - -
08078888 MU_PlayStepSfx MU_PlayStepSfx MU_PlayStepSfx MU_PlayStepSfx -
08078894 MU_8078894 MU_8078894 MU_8078894 MU_8078894 -
08078898 MU_InterpretCommandScript MU_InterpretCommandScript MU_InterpretCommandScript MU_InterpretCommandScript -
0807889C - def_80788CA - - -
080788D0 - jpt_80788CA - - -
08078910 - Case9 - - -
08078934 - Case10_ActualFogThing - - -
08078970 - Case4_FogThingMaybe - - -
08078978 - CaseFF - - -
08078986 - Case0To3 - - -
080789B2 - Case5To8 - - -
080789C8 - NonError - - -
080789E0 - Case12 - - -
080789FE - Case13_EnableCameraFollow - - -
08078A06 - Case14_DisableCameraFollow - - -
08078A0E - end - - -
08078A14 MU_StartFogBumpFx MU_StartFogBumpFx MU_StartFogBumpFx MU_StartFogBumpFx -
08078A64 MU_FogBumpFx_FirstFrame MU_FogBumpFx_FirstFrame MU_FogBumpFx_FirstFrame MU_FogBumpFx_FirstFrame -
08078B08 MU_FogBumpFx_TransitionInLoop MU_FogBumpFx_TransitionInLoop MU_FogBumpFx_TransitionInLoop MU_FogBumpFx_TransitionInLoop -
08078BCC MU_FogBumpFx_DisplayLoop MU_FogBumpFx_DisplayLoop MU_FogBumpFx_DisplayLoop MU_FogBumpFx_DisplayLoop -
08078BFC MU_IsFogBumpFxActive MU_IsFogBumpFxActive MU_IsFogBumpFxActive MU_IsFogBumpFxActive -
08078C0A - End - - -
08078C14 MU_State_WaitForFogBump MU_State_WaitForFogBump MU_State_WaitForFogBump MU_State_WaitForFogBump -
08078C2A - End - - -
08078C30 MU_State_StartMovement MU_State_StartMovement MU_State_StartMovement MU_State_StartMovement -
08078C38 MU_State_WaitForTimer MU_State_WaitForTimer MU_State_WaitForTimer MU_State_WaitForTimer -
08078C4E - NonZERO - - -
08078C52 - End - - -
08078C58 MU_State_None MU_State_None MU_State_None MU_State_None -
08078C5C MU_State_NoOp MU_State_NoOp MU_State_NoOp MU_State_NoOp -
08078C60 MU_State_DuringMovement MU_State_DuringMovement MU_State_DuringMovement MU_State_DuringMovement -
08078D0E - ZERO - - -
08078D3C - NoCameraFollow - - -
08078D50 - End - - -
08078D6C MU_AdvanceStepSfx MU_AdvanceStepSfx MU_AdvanceStepSfx MU_AdvanceStepSfx -
08078D96 - HandleLoClass - - -
08078D9C - HandleWyvern - - -
08078DA4 - HandleHiClass - - -
08078DB0 - HandleMogall - - -
08078DB8 - HandlePegasi - - -
08078DC0 - NotMountedAid - - -
08078DD8 - jpt_8078DD2 - - -
08078FA4 - HandleZombies - - -
08078FAC - HandleSkeletons - - -
08078FB4 - HandleSpidders - - -
08078FBC - HandleDoggos - - -
08078FC4 - HandleMounted - - -
08078FCC - HandleGorgon - - -
08078FD4 - HandleKnightManakete - - -
08078FDC - HandleFleet - - -
08078FE4 - HandleManaketeF - - -
08078FEC - def_8078DD2 - - -
08078FEE - _ - - -
08079022 - end - - -
08079030 MU_OnLoop MU_OnLoop MU_OnLoop MU_OnLoop -
08079054 - NoExec - - -
08079068 - Field3F_Is0 - - -
08079084 - Non0xFDirection - - -
0807908A - End - - -
08079090 MU_OnEnd MU_OnEnd MU_OnEnd MU_OnEnd -
080790A4 MU_EndAll MU_EndAll MU_EndAll MU_EndAll -
080790B4 MU_End MU_End MU_End MU_End -
080790C0 MU_EndInternal MU_EndInternal MU_EndInternal MU_EndInternal -
080790CC MU_80790CC MU_80790CC MU_80790CC MU_80790CC -
080790E0 MU_AllDisable MU_AllDisable MU_AllDisable MU_AllDisable -
080790EC MU_AllEnable MU_AllEnable MU_AllEnable MU_AllEnable -
080790F8 MU_GetComputedEndPosition MU_GetComputedEndPosition MU_GetComputedEndPosition MU_GetComputedEndPosition -
080790FE - def_807910E - - -
08079114 - jpt_807910E - - -
0807916C MU_CanStart MU_CanStart MU_CanStart MU_CanStart -
08079174 - Start - - -
08079184 - Continue - - -
0807918C - End - - -
08079190 MU_AllRestartAnimations MU_AllRestartAnimations MU_AllRestartAnimations MU_AllRestartAnimations -
080791A4 - Start - - -
080791B8 - Continue - - -
080791CC MU_GenerateConfigDefault MU_GenerateConfigDefault MU_GenerateConfigDefault MU_GenerateConfigDefault -
080791DA - Start - - -
080791F8 - Continue - - -
08079206 - End - - -
0807920C MU_GenerateConfigOther MU_GenerateConfigOther MU_GenerateConfigOther MU_GenerateConfigOther -
0807921A - Start - - -
08079238 - Continue - - -
08079246 - End - - -
0807924C MU_ComputeDisplayPosition MU_ComputeDisplayPosition MU_ComputeDisplayPosition MU_ComputeDisplayPosition -
08079288 - Not6 - - -
080792E6 - ReturnFalse - - -
080792F0 - ReturnTrue - - -
080792F2 - End - - -
080792F8 MU_DisplayAsSMS MU_DisplayAsSMS MU_DisplayAsSMS MU_DisplayAsSMS -
08079392 - End - - -
080793A4 MU_DisplayAsMMS MU_DisplayAsMMS MU_DisplayAsMMS MU_DisplayAsMMS -
08079466 - End - - -
0807947C MU_GetMovementSpeed MU_GetMovementSpeed MU_GetMovementSpeed MU_GetMovementSpeed -
08079490 - _4AAND80IS0 - - -
080794A0 - _44IS0 - - -
080794B8 - MULTIPLY - - -
080794D2 - FastWalkOption - - -
080794D4 - Finish - - -
080794DA - NotCapReached - - -
080794E8 - ComputeStandardWalkSpeed - - -
08079508 - NonFastWalkAPress - - -
0807951C - NonFastWalkOption - - -
08079530 - end - - -
0807953C MU_SetMoveConfig MU_SetMoveConfig MU_SetMoveConfig MU_SetMoveConfig -
08079554 - End - - -
08079558 MU_GetGfxBufferById MU_GetGfxBufferById MU_GetGfxBufferById MU_GetGfxBufferById -
08079574 MU_GetSheetGfx MU_GetSheetGfx MU_GetSheetGfx MU_GetSheetGfx -
08079588 MU_GetAnimationByClassId MU_GetAnimationByClassId MU_GetAnimationByClassId MU_GetAnimationByClassId -
0807959C MU_StartDeathFade MU_StartDeathFade MU_StartDeathFade MU_StartDeathFade -
08079608 - End - - -
08079618 MU_DeathFade_OnLoop MU_DeathFade_OnLoop MU_DeathFade_OnLoop MU_DeathFade_OnLoop -
0807964C - End - - -
08079654 MU_BlinkEffect_OnLoop MU_BlinkEffect_OnLoop MU_BlinkEffect_OnLoop MU_BlinkEffect_OnLoop -
0807968C MU_StartBlinkEffect MU_StartBlinkEffect MU_StartBlinkEffect MU_StartBlinkEffect -
080796D4 MU_SetupPixelEffect MU_SetupPixelEffect MU_SetupPixelEffect MU_SetupPixelEffect -
08079730 MU_PixelEffect_OnLoop MU_PixelEffect_OnLoop MU_PixelEffect_OnLoop MU_PixelEffect_OnLoop -
08079788 MU_StartPixelEffect MU_StartPixelEffect MU_StartPixelEffect MU_StartPixelEffect -
080797D4 MU_Hide MU_Hide MU_Hide MU_Hide -
080797DC MU_Show MU_Show MU_Show MU_Show -
080797E4 MU_SetDisplayPosition MU_SetDisplayPosition MU_SetDisplayPosition MU_SetDisplayPosition -
080797F4 MU_SetDisplayOffset MU_SetDisplayOffset MU_SetDisplayOffset MU_SetDisplayOffset -
08079804 MU_StartFlashFade MU_StartFlashFade MU_StartFlashFade MU_StartFlashFade -
08079858 MU_8079858 MU_8079858 MU_8079858 MU_8079858 -
0807988C MU_807988C MU_807988C MU_807988C MU_807988C -
080798B0 MU_StartActionAnim MU_StartActionAnim MU_StartActionAnim MU_StartActionAnim -
080798E0 MU_EndSelectionApAnim MU_EndSelectionApAnim MU_EndSelectionApAnim MU_EndSelectionApAnim -
080798E8 MU_StartDelayedFaceTarget MU_StartDelayedFaceTarget MU_StartDelayedFaceTarget MU_StartDelayedFaceTarget -
0807990C MU_EndRefaceApAnim MU_EndRefaceApAnim MU_EndRefaceApAnim MU_EndRefaceApAnim -
08079944 MU_StartFastMoveAnim MU_StartFastMoveAnim MU_StartFastMoveAnim MU_StartFastMoveAnim -
08079968 MU_EndFasterApAnim MU_EndFasterApAnim MU_EndFasterApAnim MU_EndFasterApAnim -
08079970 MU_StartCritFlash MU_StartCritFlash MU_StartCritFlash MU_StartCritFlash -
080799A0 MU_CritFlash_Init MU_CritFlash_Init MU_CritFlash_Init MU_CritFlash_Init -
080799A8 MU_CritFlash_SetFadedPalette MU_CritFlash_SetFadedPalette MU_CritFlash_SetFadedPalette MU_CritFlash_SetFadedPalette -
080799C8 MU_CritFlash_SetRegularPalette MU_CritFlash_SetRegularPalette MU_CritFlash_SetRegularPalette MU_CritFlash_SetRegularPalette -
080799EC MU_CritFlash_StartFadeBack_maybe MU_CritFlash_StartFadeBack_maybe MU_CritFlash_StartFadeBack_maybe MU_CritFlash_StartFadeBack_maybe -
08079A10 MU_CritFlash_SpriteShakeLoop MU_CritFlash_SpriteShakeLoop MU_CritFlash_SpriteShakeLoop MU_CritFlash_SpriteShakeLoop -
08079A4A - End - - -
08079A50 MU_CritFlash_RestorePalette MU_CritFlash_RestorePalette MU_CritFlash_RestorePalette MU_CritFlash_RestorePalette -
08079A74 MU_StartHitFlash MU_StartHitFlash MU_StartHitFlash MU_StartHitFlash -
08079AD4 MU_HitFlash_RestorePalette MU_HitFlash_RestorePalette MU_HitFlash_RestorePalette MU_HitFlash_RestorePalette -
08079AF8 MU_AllForceSetMaxMoveSpeed MU_AllForceSetMaxMoveSpeed MU_AllForceSetMaxMoveSpeed MU_AllForceSetMaxMoveSpeed -
08079B10 MU_ForceSetMaxMoveSpeed MU_ForceSetMaxMoveSpeed MU_ForceSetMaxMoveSpeed MU_ForceSetMaxMoveSpeed -
08079B18 MU_SetSpecialSprite MU_SetSpecialSprite MU_SetSpecialSprite MU_SetSpecialSprite -
08079B6C MU_SetPaletteId MU_SetPaletteId MU_SetPaletteId MU_SetPaletteId -
08079B90 MU_GetByIndex MU_GetByIndex MU_GetByIndex MU_GetByIndex -
08079BB0 - ZERO - - -
08079BB2 - End - - -
08079BB8 MU_GetByUnit MU_GetByUnit MU_GetByUnit MU_GetByUnit -
08079BBE - StartLoop - - -
08079BD0 - ContinueLoop - - -
08079BD8 - End - - -
08079BE0 MU_SortObjLayers MU_SortObjLayers MU_SortObjLayers MU_SortObjLayers -
08079CD8 CopyEventMoveToBuffer CopyEventMoveToBuffer CopyEventMoveToBuffer CopyEventMoveToBuffer -
08079CF0 - Restart - - -
08079D08 - ContinueCopy - - -
08079D16 - NoCopy - - -
08079D2C - ContinueCheck - - -
08079D36 - End - - -
08079D40 ClearEventMoveBuffer ClearEventMoveBuffer ClearEventMoveBuffer ClearEventMoveBuffer -
08079D4C - Restart - - -
08079D64 - Continue - - -
08079D6E - End - - -
08079D74 MuCtr_StartDefinedMove MuCtr_StartDefinedMove - MuCtr_StartDefinedMove -
08079DDC MuCtr_StartMoveTowards MuCtr_StartMoveTowards - MuCtr_StartMoveTowards -
08079E78 MuCtr_InitDefinedMove MuCtr_InitDefinedMove MuCtr_SetupWithEventMoveBuffer MuCtr_InitDefinedMove -
08079F84 MuCtr_Exists MuCtr_Exists MuCtrExists MuCtr_Exists -
08079F92 - end - - -
08079F9C MU_AllForceSetMaxMoveSpeed_ MU_AllForceSetMaxMoveSpeed_ SetAllMOVEUNITField44To1_ MU_AllForceSetMaxMoveSpeed_ -
0807A00C - end - - -
0807A014 MoveUnit_ MoveUnit_ MoveUnit_ MoveUnit_ -
0807A054 GenUnitDefinitionFinalPosition GenUnitDefinitionFinalPosition GetPreferredPositionForUNIT GenUnitDefinitionFinalPosition -
0807A0CC - no_reda - - -
0807A0DA - end - - -
0807A188 - End - - -
0807A1F4 - End - - -
0807A1FC MuCtr_OnEnd MuCtr_OnEnd - MuCtr_OnEnd -
0807A358 MuCtr_ExecREDA_807A358 MuCtr_ExecREDA_807A358 - MuCtr_ExecREDA_807A358 -
0807A4D4 - End - - -
0807A4E8 AdjustNewUnitPosition AdjustNewUnitPosition GetAdjustedPositionForNewUnit AdjustNewUnitPosition -
0807A52E - lop_y - - -
0807A542 - lop_x - - -
0807A5B6 - bad_position - - -
0807A62E - end - - -
0807A6F4 - End - - -
0807A708 MapAnimProc_DisplayItemStealingPopup MapAnimProc_DisplayItemStealingPopup - MapAnimProc_DisplayItemStealingPopup -
0807A722 - end - - -
0807A72C MapAnimProc_DisplayWpnBrokePopup MapAnimProc_DisplayWpnBrokePopup DisplayWpnBrokePopup MapAnimProc_DisplayWpnBrokePopup -
0807A762 - NoDisplay - - -
0807A770 BattleUnit_ShouldDisplayWpnBroke BattleUnit_ShouldDisplayWpnBroke BattleUnit_ShouldDisplayWpnBroke BattleUnit_ShouldDisplayWpnBroke -
0807A794 MapAnimProc_DisplayWRankUpPopup MapAnimProc_DisplayWRankUpPopup DisplayWRankUpPopup MapAnimProc_DisplayWRankUpPopup -
0807A7AA - NoInstigatorWRankUp - - -
0807A7BA - NoTargetWRankUp - - -
0807A7CA - End - - -
0807A7D8 BattleUnit_ShouldDisplayWRankUp BattleUnit_ShouldDisplayWRankUp BattleUnit_ShouldDisplayWRankUp BattleUnit_ShouldDisplayWRankUp -
0807A7F8 - no - - -
0807A7FA - end - - -
0807A800 _InitFontForUIDefault _InitFontForUIDefault - _InitFontForUIDefault -
0807A80C MapAnim_Cleanup MapAnim_Cleanup MapAnim_Cleanup MapAnim_Cleanup -
0807A834 - end - - -
0807A838 MapAnim_AdvanceBattleRound MapAnim_AdvanceBattleRound MapAnim_AdvanceBattleRound MapAnim_AdvanceBattleRound -
0807A884 - finish - - -
0807A894 MapAnimProc_PrepareNextRound MapAnimProc_PrepareNextRound MapAnim_PrepareNextBattleRound MapAnimProc_PrepareNextRound -
0807A8C4 - not_end - - -
0807A8EA - end - - -
0807A8F0 MapAnimProc_StartRoundAnimProc MapAnimProc_StartRoundAnimProc MapAnim_DisplayRoundAnim MapAnimProc_StartRoundAnimProc -
0807A904 MapAnimProc_DisplayRoundSpecialAnims MapAnimProc_DisplayRoundSpecialAnims MapAnim_ShowPoisonEffectIfAny MapAnimProc_DisplayRoundSpecialAnims -
0807A934 - end - - -
0807A940 MapAnimProc_MoveCameraOntoSubject MapAnimProc_MoveCameraOntoSubject MapAnim_MoveCameraOntoSubject MapAnimProc_MoveCameraOntoSubject -
0807A95C MapAnimProc_MoveCameraOntoTarget MapAnimProc_MoveCameraOntoTarget MapAnim_MoveCameraOntoTarget MapAnimProc_MoveCameraOntoTarget -
0807A97C - end - - -
0807A984 MapAnimProc_DisplayDeathQuote MapAnimProc_DisplayDeathQuote - MapAnimProc_DisplayDeathQuote -
0807A9A6 - actor1_not_dead - - -
0807A9AE - actor0_not_dead - - -
0807A9CC - oh_lord_will_unset_the_gameover_id_so_that_their_dq_will_be_displayed_anyway - - -
0807A9DE - not_lord - - -
0807A9F4 - end - - -
0807AA00 MapAnimProc_DisplayDeathFade MapAnimProc_DisplayDeathFade - MapAnimProc_DisplayDeathFade -
0807AA42 - end - - -
0807AA4C MapAnimProc_DisplayExpBar MapAnimProc_DisplayExpBar - MapAnimProc_DisplayExpBar -
0807AA76 - actor1_nolvup - - -
0807AA86 - actor0_nolvup - - -
0807AACE - end - - -
0807ABAE - end - - -
0807ABB8 MapAnim_CallBattleQuoteEvents MapAnim_CallBattleQuoteEvents MapAnim_CallBattleQuoteEvents MapAnim_CallBattleQuoteEvents -
0807ABD6 - End - - -
0807ACA2 - end - - -
0807ACC2 - Case1 - - -
0807ACC8 - End - - -
0807ACD0 PlaySoundIdA0 PlaySoundIdA0 PlaySoundIdA0 PlaySoundIdA0 -
0807ACE4 - End - - -
0807AD08 New6C_SummonGfx_FromActionPos New6C_SummonGfx_FromActionPos New6C_SummonGfx_FromActionPos New6C_SummonGfx_FromActionPos -
0807AD98 - lop - - -
0807AEF8 - iron_axe - - -
0807AEFA - set_item - - -
0807B334 CreateMapBattleMU CreateMapBattleMU MakeBattleMOVEUNIT CreateMapBattleMU -
0807B37E - wall_snag - - -
0807B384 - not_wall_snag - - -
0807B3AA - end - - -
0807B3BC SetBattleAnimActorFacing SetBattleAnimActorFacing SetBattleAnimFacing SetBattleAnimActorFacing -
0807B3D0 - _ContinueCheck - - -
0807B3D6 - FacingTarget - - -
0807B418 - facing_default - - -
0807B430 - facing_right - - -
0807B45A - end - - -
0807B464 SetupMapBattleMUs SetupMapBattleMUs SetupBattleMOVEUNITs SetupMapBattleMUs -
0807B4B6 - OnlyOneUnit - - -
0807B4C0 - End - - -
0807B502 - NoTRIAGELNATATKC - - -
0807B510 - init_lop - - -
0807B5A6 - lop - - -
0807B5C4 - end - - -
0807B68C StartSomeMapAnim_807B68C StartSomeMapAnim_807B68C - StartSomeMapAnim_807B68C -
0807B6E4 BeginMapAnimForSteal BeginMapAnimForSteal BeginMapAnimForSteal BeginMapAnimForSteal -
0807B740 BeginMapAnimForSummon BeginMapAnimForSummon BeginMapAnimForSummon BeginMapAnimForSummon -
0807B798 BeginMapAnimForSummonDK BeginMapAnimForSummonDK BeginMapAnimForSummonDK BeginMapAnimForSummonDK -
0807B854 BeginBattleMapAnims BeginBattleMapAnims BeginBattleMapAnims BeginBattleMapAnims -
0807B870 - not_dance - - -
0807B8C0 - MapEventEngineExists - - -
0807B8C8 - End - - -
0807B8D4 SetupMapAnimSpellData SetupMapAnimSpellData SetupMapAnimSpellData SetupMapAnimSpellData -
0807B900 SetupMapBattleAnim SetupMapBattleAnim SetupMapBattleAnim SetupMapBattleAnim -
0807B930 - no_second_actor - - -
0807B964 - NoTRIAGELNATATKC - - -
0807B976 - loop - - -
0807B998 - end - - -
0807B9B8 GetFacingDirection GetFacingDirection GetFacingDirection GetFacingDirection -
0807B9C6 - AbsXJump - - -
0807B9D4 - AbsYJump - - -
0807B9F0 - End - - -
0807BA28 - - - - Draw numbers on map animation bar graph
0807BA4C - lop - - -
0807BA86 - continue - - -
0807BA8E - break - - -
0807BB50 - lop - - -
0807BB58 - lop_begin - - -
0807BB90 - lop2 - - -
0807BBB8 MapAnim_EndBattleInfoBox MapAnim_EndBattleInfoBox DeleteBattleAnimInfoThing MapAnim_EndBattleInfoBox -
0807BBC8 MapAnim_StartBattleInfoBox MapAnim_StartBattleInfoBox NewMapBattleInfoThing MapAnim_StartBattleInfoBox -
0807BBF0 MapAnimUi_Clear MapAnimUi_Clear - MapAnimUi_Clear -
0807BCA8 - - - - A routine for managing frames of map animation
0807BCC8 - lop - - -
0807BD3C - end - - -
0807BE1C - - - - Draw a map animation graph dialog
0807C02C MapAnimExpBar_LoadGfx MapAnimExpBar_LoadGfx - MapAnimExpBar_LoadGfx -
0807C0DC MapAnimExpBar_FillInit MapAnimExpBar_FillInit - MapAnimExpBar_FillInit -
0807C0F0 - end - - -
0807C0F8 MapAnimExpBar_FillLoop MapAnimExpBar_FillLoop - MapAnimExpBar_FillLoop -
0807C144 - end - - -
0807C14C MapAnimExpBar_TransitionInInit MapAnimExpBar_TransitionInInit - MapAnimExpBar_TransitionInInit -
0807C1AC MapAnimExpBar_TransitionInLoop MapAnimExpBar_TransitionInLoop - MapAnimExpBar_TransitionInLoop -
0807C206 - end - - -
0807C210 MapAnimExpBar_StartLevelUp MapAnimExpBar_StartLevelUp - MapAnimExpBar_StartLevelUp -
0807C22A - end - - -
0807C2A8 - jpt_807C29E - - -
0807C2D0 - case_0 - - -
0807C318 - case_1 - - -
0807C360 - case_2 - - -
0807C3A8 - case_3 - - -
0807C3F0 - case_4 - - -
0807C442 - sync - - -
0807C454 - case_other - - -
0807C4D4 - def_807C29E - - -
0807C9C4 - jpt_807C9B8 - - -
0807CA1C - def_807C9B8 - - -
0807CA34 - jpt_807CA2A - - -
0807CA78 - def_807CA2A - - -
0807CAFE - End - - -
0807CB24 MapAnim_BeginMISSAnim MapAnim_BeginMISSAnim MapAnim_BeginMISSAnim MapAnim_BeginMISSAnim -
0807CB80 MapAnim_BeginNODAMAGEAnim MapAnim_BeginNODAMAGEAnim MapAnim_BeginNODAMAGEAnim MapAnim_BeginNODAMAGEAnim -
0807CBDC MapAnim_BeginWallBreakAnim MapAnim_BeginWallBreakAnim MapAnim_BeginWallBreakAnim MapAnim_BeginWallBreakAnim -
0807CC28 WallBreakAnim_Init WallBreakAnim_Init WallBreakAnim_Init WallBreakAnim_Init -
0807CC78 StartMapAnimPoisonEffect StartMapAnimPoisonEffect NewMapPoisonEffect StartMapAnimPoisonEffect -
0807CCC0 MapAnim_BeginPoisonAnim MapAnim_BeginPoisonAnim MapAnim_BeginPoisonAnim MapAnim_BeginPoisonAnim -
0807D654 - end - - -
0807D82C NewMapAnimEffectAnimator NewMapAnimEffectAnimator NewMapAnimEffectAnimator NewMapAnimEffectAnimator -
0807DAA8 StartUnitWarpRing StartUnitWarpRing New6C_SomethingFlashy StartUnitWarpRing -
0807EA98 MapAnimLevelUp_InitLevelUpBox MapAnimLevelUp_InitLevelUpBox - MapAnimLevelUp_InitLevelUpBox -
0807EB24 - loop - - -
0807EB6C - finish - - -
0807EBA4 MapAnimLevelUp_DrawActorStat MapAnimLevelUp_DrawActorStat - MapAnimLevelUp_DrawActorStat -
0807EC08 MapAnimLevelUp_GetActorStatUp MapAnimLevelUp_GetActorStatUp GetSomeStatUp MapAnimLevelUp_GetActorStatUp -
0807EC12 - JUMP - - -
0807EC20 - jpt_807EC1A - - -
0807ED28 - def_807EC1A - - -
0807ED2A - End - - -
0807ED30 MapAnimLevelUp_GetActorStatBase MapAnimLevelUp_GetActorStatBase GetSomeStatBase MapAnimLevelUp_GetActorStatBase -
0807ED64 - jpt_807ED5A - - -
0807EDE2 - def_807ED5A - - -
0807EDE4 - End - - -
0807EFD0 - end - - -
0807EFF0 - - - - DrawStatusUP_Value_Number
0807F10C MapAnim_StartLevelUp MapAnim_StartLevelUp - MapAnim_StartLevelUp -
0807F1AC MapAnimLevelUpProc_InitLevelUpBox MapAnimLevelUpProc_InitLevelUpBox - MapAnimLevelUpProc_InitLevelUpBox -
0807F1CE - lop - - -
0807F3BE - lop - - -
0807F3C0 - start_lop - - -
0807F3CC - continue - - -
0807F468 - end - - -
0807F478 MapAnimLevelUpProc_StartMusicThingy MapAnimLevelUpProc_StartMusicThingy - MapAnimLevelUpProc_StartMusicThingy -
0807F48C MapAnimLevelUpProc_DisplayLevelUpSmallText MapAnimLevelUpProc_DisplayLevelUpSmallText - MapAnimLevelUpProc_DisplayLevelUpSmallText -
0807F518 - end - - -
0807F53C MapAnimLevelUpProc_ClearLevelUpSmallText MapAnimLevelUpProc_ClearLevelUpSmallText - MapAnimLevelUpProc_ClearLevelUpSmallText -
0807F5F4 - Continue - - -
0807F614 NewBG0Shaker NewBG0Shaker NewBG0Shaker NewBG0Shaker -
0807F628 BG0Shaker_Init BG0Shaker_Init BG0Shaker_Init BG0Shaker_Init -
0807F630 BG0Shaker_Loop BG0Shaker_Loop BG0Shaker_Loop BG0Shaker_Loop -
0807F6B8 - End - - -
0807F6C0 LoadSparkGfx LoadSparkGfx LoadSparkGfx LoadSparkGfx -
0807F714 - End - - -
0807F766 - Continue - - -
0807F7AE - Continue - - -
0807F7EC - End - - -
0807F7F8 StartStarRotationEffect StartStarRotationEffect StartStarRotationEffect StartStarRotationEffect -
0807F838 StartStarExplosionEffect StartStarExplosionEffect StartStarExplosionEffect StartStarExplosionEffect -
0807F858 StartStarImplosionEffect StartStarImplosionEffect StartStarImplosionEffect StartStarImplosionEffect -
0807FBAE - finish - - -
08080014 - - - - Effect when using stone 2
08080D2C New6C_SummonGfx New6C_SummonGfx New6C_SummonGfx New6C_SummonGfx -
08080DB8 - - - - Import Palette
08080E9C - - - - StartDrawSummonMagicCircleByUnitCoord
08081254 - End - - -
0808125C nullsub_58 nullsub_58 nullsub_58 nullsub_58 -
08081260 MapAnim_GetRoundProcScript MapAnim_GetRoundProcScript GetItemAnim6CCode MapAnim_GetRoundProcScript -
0808126C - non_default - - -
08081278 MapAnim_AnimateSubjectIdle MapAnim_AnimateSubjectIdle MapAnim_AnimateSubjectIdle MapAnim_AnimateSubjectIdle -
0808129C MapAnim_SubjectResetAnim MapAnim_SubjectResetAnim MapAnim_SubjectResetAnim MapAnim_SubjectResetAnim -
080812C0 - - - - Register sound effects to play when dancing / playing on map
080812F0 - NotADancer - - -
080812F8 - Common - - -
08081348 - - - - Play sound effect (0x2d6) when dancing on map
080813F8 MapAnim_BeginSubjectFastAnim MapAnim_BeginSubjectFastAnim MapAnim_BeginSubjectFastAnim MapAnim_BeginSubjectFastAnim -
0808146E - End - - -
080814D4 MapAnim_MoveSubjectsTowardsTarget MapAnim_MoveSubjectsTowardsTarget MapAnim_MoveSubjectsTowardsTarget MapAnim_MoveSubjectsTowardsTarget -
08081528 - End - - -
08081534 MapAnim_MoveSubjectsAwayFromTarget MapAnim_MoveSubjectsAwayFromTarget MapAnim_MoveSubjectsAwayFromTarget MapAnim_MoveSubjectsAwayFromTarget -
08081588 - End - - -
08081594 MapAnim_MoveCameraOnSubject MapAnim_MoveCameraOnSubject MapAnim_MoveCameraOnSubject MapAnim_MoveCameraOnSubject -
080815C0 MapAnim_MoveCameraOnTarget MapAnim_MoveCameraOnTarget MapAnim_MoveCameraOnTarget MapAnim_MoveCameraOnTarget -
080815EC MapAnim_MoveCameraOnWarpTarget MapAnim_MoveCameraOnWarpTarget - MapAnim_MoveCameraOnWarpTarget -
0808161C MapAnim_BeginRoundSpecificAnims MapAnim_BeginRoundSpecificAnims MapAnim_BeginRoundSpecificAnims MapAnim_BeginRoundSpecificAnims -
0808164C - no_devil - - -
08081682 - MISS - - -
08081880 - NoCrit - - -
080818C4 - End - - -
08081914 MapAnim_WaitForHPToEndChangingMaybe MapAnim_WaitForHPToEndChangingMaybe MapAnim_WaitForHPToEndChangingMaybe MapAnim_WaitForHPToEndChangingMaybe -
08081928 - End - - -
08081930 MapAnimProc_PoisonEffectOnDefender MapAnimProc_PoisonEffectOnDefender MapAnim_PoisonEffectOnTarget MapAnimProc_PoisonEffectOnDefender -
0808199E - End - - -
08081B70 MapAnim_TargetUnitWarpRing MapAnim_TargetUnitWarpRing - MapAnim_TargetUnitWarpRing -
08081B84 - NoSound - - -
08081BCC MapAnim_WarpTargetWarpRing MapAnim_WarpTargetWarpRing - MapAnim_WarpTargetWarpRing -
08081CD4 MapAnim_TargetUnitFlashOut MapAnim_TargetUnitFlashOut - MapAnim_TargetUnitFlashOut -
08081CF8 MapAnim_TargetUnitFlashIn MapAnim_TargetUnitFlashIn - MapAnim_TargetUnitFlashIn -
08081D1C MapAnim_TargetHide MapAnim_TargetHide - MapAnim_TargetHide -
08081D40 MapAnim_TargetStarExplosion MapAnim_TargetStarExplosion - MapAnim_TargetStarExplosion -
08081D84 MapAnim_TargetStarImplosion MapAnim_TargetStarImplosion - MapAnim_TargetStarImplosion -
08081D98 - NoSound - - -
08081DE0 MapAnim_TargetShow MapAnim_TargetShow - MapAnim_TargetShow -
08081E04 MapAnim_MoveTargetForWarp MapAnim_MoveTargetForWarp - MapAnim_MoveTargetForWarp -
08082E80 CallEventDefinition CallEventDefinition CallEventsFromBuffer CallEventDefinition CallEventsFromBuffer Will call events corresponding output of CheckForEvents
08082EBE - end - - -
08082EC4 CheckEventDefinition CheckEventDefinition CheckForEvents CheckEventDefinition CheckForEvents Event Check Buffer Pointer for first callable event (0 if none)
08082ED8 - loop - - -
08082EFA - not_yet - - -
08082F10 - yes - - -
08082F1A - return - - -
08082F1C - end - - -
08082F28 CheckNextEventDefinition CheckNextEventDefinition CheckForNextEvents CheckNextEventDefinition -
08082F34 - NonZeroBuffer - - -
08082F4E - End - - -
080831AC IsThereClosedChestAt IsThereClosedChestAt IsThereClosedChestAt IsThereClosedChestAt -
080831C2 - ReturnTrue - - -
080831C4 - End - - -
080831F0 IsThereClosedDoorAt IsThereClosedDoorAt IsThereClosedDoorAt IsThereClosedDoorAt -
08083206 - ReturnTrue - - -
08083208 - End - - -
08083250 ShouldCallEndEvent ShouldCallEndEvent - ShouldCallEndEvent -
08083264 - skirmish - - -
08083266 - End - - -
0808326C MaybeCallEndEvent_ MaybeCallEndEvent_ - MaybeCallEndEvent_ -
0808327A - end - - -
08083280 CallEndEvent CallEndEvent - CallEndEvent -
080832A8 - skirmish - - -
080832B0 - finish - - -
080832D8 CheckWin CheckWin CheckEventId3 CheckWin -
080832E8 MaybeCallEndEvent MaybeCallEndEvent - MaybeCallEndEvent -
08083304 - End - - -
08083308 GetCurrentChapterBallistaePtr GetCurrentChapterBallistaePtr GetCurrentChapterBallistaePtr GetCurrentChapterBallistaePtr GetTrapPointer
08083320 GetCurrentChapterBallistae2Ptr GetCurrentChapterBallistae2Ptr GetCurrentChapterBallistae2Ptr GetCurrentChapterBallistae2Ptr GetTrapAdditionalHardModePointer
08083342 - End - - -
08083348 GetChapterAllyUnitDefinitions GetChapterAllyUnitDefinitions GetChapterAllyUnitDataPointer GetChapterAllyUnitDefinitions -
08083374 - NotHardMode - - -
08083378 - skirmish - - -
08083398 - _ - - -
0808339E - skirmish1 - - -
080833A2 - skirmish2 - - -
080833A6 - skirmish3 - - -
080833A8 - end - - -
080833B0 GetChapterEnemyUnitDefinitions GetChapterEnemyUnitDefinitions - GetChapterEnemyUnitDefinitions -
080833E8 - _ - - -
080833EE - skirmish1 - - -
080833F2 - skirmish2 - - -
080833F6 - skirmish3 - - -
080833F8 - return - - -
08083400 GetChapterSkirmishLeaderClasses GetChapterSkirmishLeaderClasses - GetChapterSkirmishLeaderClasses -
080834B0 ShouldCallBattleQuote ShouldCallBattleQuote ShouldCallBattleQuote ShouldCallBattleQuote -
080834F2 - No - - -
080834FC - Yes - - -
080834FE - End - - -
08083504 CallBattleQuoteEventsIfAny CallBattleQuoteEventsIfAny CallBattleQuoteEventsIfAny CallBattleQuoteEventsIfAny -
08083548 - YesIDo - - -
08083558 - NoText - - -
08083562 - NoEvents - - -
08083568 - End - - -
0808359E - end - - -
080835A8 ShouldDisplayDeathQuoteForChar ShouldDisplayDeathQuoteForChar - ShouldDisplayDeathQuoteForChar -
080835D0 - return_true - - -
080835D4 - return_false - - -
080835D6 - end - - -
080835DC DisplayDeathQuoteForChar DisplayDeathQuoteForChar - DisplayDeathQuoteForChar -
0808364E - end - - -
0808371C - StartSupportTalk - StartSupportTalk -
0808375E - end - - -
08083764 - StartSupportViewerTalk - StartSupportViewerTalk -
08083824 - return - - -
08083830 EvCheck00_Always EvCheck00_Always - EvCheck00_Always -
08083834 EvCheck01_AFEV EvCheck01_AFEV CheckAFEV EvCheck01_AFEV -
08083850 - AluwaisuTurue - - -
0808385C - No - - -
0808385E - End - - -
08083864 EvCheck02_TURN EvCheck02_TURN CheckTURN EvCheck02_TURN -
080838A4 - no - - -
080838A6 - end - - -
080838AC EvCheck03_CHAR EvCheck03_CHAR CheckCHAR EvCheck03_CHAR -
080838F2 - return_false - - -
080838F4 - end - - -
080838FC EvCheck04_CHARASM EvCheck04_CHARASM CheckCHARASM EvCheck04_CHARASM -
08083930 - End - - -
08083938 EvCheck05_LOCA EvCheck05_LOCA CheckLOCA EvCheck05_LOCA -
0808396A - yes - - -
0808396E - no - - -
08083970 - end - - -
08083978 EvCheck06_VILL EvCheck06_VILL CheckVILL EvCheck06_VILL -
0808398C EvCheck07_CHES EvCheck07_CHES CheckCHES EvCheck07_CHES -
080839C8 EvCheck08_DOOR EvCheck08_DOOR CheckDOOR EvCheck08_DOOR -
08083A10 EvCheck09_ EvCheck09_ - EvCheck09_ -
08083A4E - return_no - - -
08083A50 - end - - -
08083A58 EvCheck0A_SHOP EvCheck0A_SHOP CheckSHOP EvCheck0A_SHOP -
08083A9C - return_no - - -
08083A9E - end - - -
08083AA4 EvCheck0B_AREA EvCheck0B_AREA CheckAREA EvCheck0B_AREA -
08083B08 - FillBuffer - - -
08083B1C - ReturnFalse - - -
08083B1E - End - - -
08083B24 EvCheck0C_Never EvCheck0C_Never - EvCheck0C_Never -
08083B28 EvCheck0D_Never EvCheck0D_Never - EvCheck0D_Never -
08083B2C EvCheck0E_ EvCheck0E_FuncCondition - EvCheck0E_FuncCondition -
08083B44 - yes - - -
08083B50 - end - - -
08083B58 EvCheck0F_ EvCheck0F_ - EvCheck0F_ -
08083B90 - no - - -
08083B92 - end - - -
08083B98 EvCheck10_ EvCheck10_ - EvCheck10_ -
08083BD0 - no - - -
08083BD2 - end - - -
08083BD8 SetLocalEventId SetTemporaryFlag SetLocalEventId SetTemporaryFlag -
08083C0C UnsetLocalEventId ClearTemporaryFlag UnsetLocalEventId ClearTemporaryFlag -
08083C3A - end - - -
08083C48 ClearLocalEvents ClearTemporaryFlags ClearLocalEvents ClearTemporaryFlags -
08083C60 CheckLocalEventId CheckTemporaryFlag CheckLocalEventId CheckTemporaryFlag -
08083C8A - no - - -
08083C98 - yes - - -
08083C9A - end - - -
08083CA0 SetGlobalEventId SetPermanentFlag SetGlobalEventId SetPermanentFlag -
08083CB8 - _ - - -
08083CCC - end - - -
08083CD8 UnsetGlobalEventId ClearPermanentFlag UnsetGlobalEventId ClearPermanentFlag -
08083D18 ClearGlobalTriggerState ClearGlobalTriggerState - ClearGlobalTriggerState -
08083D22 - loop - - -
08083D34 CheckGlobalEventIdFrom CheckGlobalEventIdFrom - CheckGlobalEventIdFrom -
08083D5C - return_false - - -
08083D64 - return_true - - -
08083D66 - end - - -
08083D6C CheckGlobalEventId CheckPermanentFlag CheckGlobalEventId CheckPermanentFlag -
08083D80 SetEventId SetFlag SetEventId SetFlag SetFlag
08083D8C - GlobalEvent - - -
08083D90 - End - - -
08083D94 UnsetEventId ClearFlag UnsetEventId ClearFlag Unset flag
08083DA0 - GlobalEvent - - -
08083DA4 - End - - -
08083DA8 CheckEventId CheckFlag CheckEventId CheckFlag CheckFlag
08083DB4 - CheckTempEvId - - -
08083DB8 - End - - -
08083DC0 GetGlobalEventIdStorage GetPermanentFlagData GetGlobalEventIdStorage GetPermanentFlagData -
08083DC8 GetGlobalEventIdStorageSize GetPermanentFlagDataSize GetGlobalEventIdStorageSize GetPermanentFlagDataSize -
08083DCC GetLocalEventIdStorage GetTemporaryFlagData GetLocalEventIdStorage GetTemporaryFlagData -
08083DD4 GetLocalEventIdStorageSize GetTemporaryFlagDataSize GetLocalEventIdStorageSize GetTemporaryFlagDataSize -
08083DFE - lop - - -
08083E1C - continue - - -
08083E2C - end - - -
08083E34 CheckTutorialEvent CheckTutorialEvent - CheckTutorialEvent -
08083E5C - no - - -
08083E5E - end - - -
08083E64 RunTutorialEvent RunTutorialEvent TryCallSelectEvents_u1C RunTutorialEvent -
08083EB0 - return_false - - -
08083EB2 - end - - -
08083EB8 RunPhaseSwitchEvents RunPhaseSwitchEvents - RunPhaseSwitchEvents -
08083EC8 - not_skirmish - - -
08083F40 - loop - - -
08083F5C - return - - -
08083F60 - end - - -
08083F68 CheckForCharacterEvents CheckForCharacterEvents - CheckForCharacterEvents -
08083F9A - no - - -
08083FA4 - yes - - -
08083FA6 - end - - -
08083FB0 RunCharacterEvents RunCharacterEvents - RunCharacterEvents -
08083FEE - end - - -
0808401A - return_white_gem - - -
0808406C - return - - -
0808406E - end - - -
08084078 GetLocationEventCommandAt GetLocationEventCommandAt GetAvailableLocaCommandAt GetLocationEventCommandAt -
080840B8 - no - - -
080840BA - end - - -
080840C4 RunLocationEvents RunLocationEvents - RunLocationEvents -
0808410C - jpt_8084100 - - -
08084238 - case_chest - - -
080842AE - chest_gold - - -
08084326 - def_8084100 - - -
08084330 CheckForPostActionEvents CheckForPostActionEvents CheckForWaitEvents CheckForPostActionEvents -
0808434C - alive_enemies - - -
08084352 - not_skirmish - - -
08084374 - not_skirmish_again - - -
080843B4 - yes - - -
080843B6 - end - - -
080843C0 RunPostActionEvents RunPostActionEvents RunWaitEvents RunPostActionEvents -
080843E0 - alive_enemies - - -
080843E6 - not_skirmish - - -
0808443C - continue - - -
0808444E - end - - -
0808445C RunSelectEvents RunSelectEvents TryCallSelectEvents RunSelectEvents -
0808446C - not_skirmish - - -
08084490 - loop - - -
0808449A - begin - - -
080844A8 - end - - -
080844B0 RunMoveEventsMaybe RunMoveEventsMaybe - RunMoveEventsMaybe -
080844C0 - NotSkirmish - - -
080844F0 - event - - -
080844FE - end - - -
08084508 RunPostMoveEvents RunPostMoveEvents - RunPostMoveEvents -
08084548 - events - - -
08084556 - End - - -
08084560 CheckBattleForecastTutorialEvent CheckBattleForecastTutorialEvent - CheckBattleForecastTutorialEvent -
08084576 - ReturnFalse - - -
08084578 - End - - -
0808457C RunBattleForecastTutorialEvent RunBattleForecastTutorialEvent - RunBattleForecastTutorialEvent -
0808458C - End - - -
08084590 RunPlayerPhaseStartTutorialEvent RunPlayerPhaseStartTutorialEvent - RunPlayerPhaseStartTutorialEvent -
080845A0 - end - - -
080845A4 ClearActiveEventRegistry ClearActiveEventRegistry - ClearActiveEventRegistry -
080845B8 RegisterEventActivation RegisterEventActivation - RegisterEventActivation -
080845E4 GetEventTriggerId GetEventTriggerId - GetEventTriggerId -
080845FA - start - - -
08084614 - continue - - -
08084620 - zero - - -
08084622 - end - - -
08084628 SetEid82 SetFlag82 - SetFlag82 Turn on flag 0x82
08084634 CheckEid82 CheckFlag82 - CheckFlag82 Status acquisition of flag 0x82
08084646 - true - - -
08084648 - end - - -
0808464C GetBattleQuoteEntry GetBattleQuoteEntry GetBattleQuoteEntry GetBattleQuoteEntry -
08084662 - BeginCheck - - -
08084686 - ValidChapter - - -
080846A8 - Return - - -
080846B8 - SkipSubjectCheck - - -
080846C4 - SkipTargetCheck - - -
080846CC - _ - - -
080846D4 - ContinueCheck - - -
080846DC - ReturnNull - - -
080846DE - End - - -
080846E4 GetCharDeathQuoteEntry GetCharDeathQuoteEntry - GetCharDeathQuoteEntry -
080846F8 - lop - - -
08084738 - continue - - -
08084740 - return_zero - - -
08084742 - end - - -
08084748 - GetSupportTalkInfoForCharacters - GetSupportTalkInfoForCharacters -
0808477A - return_zero - - -
0808477C - end - - -
0808478C - GetSupportTalkSong - GetSupportTalkSong Designation of BGM for supporting conversation
080847B2 - _ - - -
080847B8 - level_C - - -
080847BE - level_B - - -
080847C4 - level_A - - -
080847D8 - __ - - -
080847E2 - song_27 - - -
080847E6 - song_4C - - -
080847EA - song_6A - - -
080847EE - return_zero - - -
080847F0 - end - - -
080847F8 - GetSupportTalkInfoList - GetSupportTalkInfoList -
08084800 IsCharacterForceDeployed_ IsCharacterForceDeployed_ IsCharacterForceDeployed_ IsCharacterForceDeployed_ -
08084814 - lop - - -
08084820 - all_modes - - -
08084830 - all_chapters - - -
08084848 - continue - - -
08084850 - return_false - - -
08084852 - end - - -
08084858 IsSethLArachelMyrrhInnes IsSethLArachelMyrrhInnes IsSethLArachelMyrrhInnes IsSethLArachelMyrrhInnes -
08084868 - Start - - -
08084872 - Continue - - -
08084874 - Begin - - -
0808487C - End - - -
08084EE8 IsAnyEnemyUnitAlive IsAnyEnemyUnitAlive AreAnyEnemyUnitDead IsAnyEnemyUnitAlive -
08084EEC - Continue - - -
08084F0C - continue - - -
08084F14 - end - - -
08084F1C GetDeadEnemyAmount GetDeadEnemyAmount GetDeadEnemyAmount GetDeadEnemyAmount -
08084F22 - Continue - - -
08084F44 - NotDeid - - -
08084F6C IsCharDeadAsNonPlayerUnit IsCharDeadAsNonPlayerUnit IsCharDeadAsNonPlayerUnit IsCharDeadAsNonPlayerUnit -
08084F74 - Continue - - -
08084F98 - NotDeid - - -
08084FA0 - End - - -
08085374 StartGameOver StartGameOver - StartGameOver -
080853A8 - end - - -
08085484 ResetAllPlayerUnitState ResetAllPlayerUnitState ResetAllPlayerUnitState ResetAllPlayerUnitState -
0808548A - StartLoop - - -
080854CA - ContinueLoop - - -
08085970 TriggerDisableMapIcons TriggerDisableMapIcons SetEventId_0x84 TriggerDisableMapIcons -
0808597C UnTriggerDisableMapIcons UnTriggerDisableMapIcons UnsetEventId_0x84 UnTriggerDisableMapIcons -
080859E8 nullsub_20 nullsub_20 nullsub_20 nullsub_20 -
08085C7C - - - - When clearing towers and ruins
08085F84 nullsub_30 nullsub_30 nullsub_30 nullsub_30 -
08086414 HandleCh5xUnits_Start HandleCh5xUnits_Start HandleCh5xUnits_Start HandleCh5xUnits_Start -
08086418 - StartLoop - - -
08086438 - NotEphyFordeKyle - - -
08086454 - ContinueLoop - - -
08086464 HandleCh5xUnits_End HandleCh5xUnits_End HandleCh5xUnits_End HandleCh5xUnits_End -
08086468 - StartLoop - - -
0808648A - EphyFordeKyle - - -
080864A0 - Orsoon - - -
080864A8 - NotEphyFordeKyle - - -
080864BA - ContinueLoop - - -
080864CC CallRouteSplitMenu CallRouteSplitMenu CallRouteSplitMenu CallRouteSplitMenu Scenario Branch Selector Display
08086514 MenuCommand_DrawRouteSplit MenuCommand_DrawRouteSplit MenuCommand_DrawRouteSplit MenuCommand_DrawRouteSplit -
08086564 Command_EirikaMode Command_EirikaMode Command_EirikaMode Command_EirikaMode -
08086580 Command_EphraimMode Command_EphraimMode Command_EphraimMode Command_EphraimMode -
0808659C - - - - Level adjustment for units leaving the party
080865B8 - eirika_mode - - -
080865BC - ephraim_mode - - -
08086616 - skip_autolevel - - -
08086682 - end - - -
0808679C - - - - Instruction to LOAD2 something set in the RAM area
08086BB8 StartScreenMenuScrollingBg StartScreenMenuScrollingBg - StartScreenMenuScrollingBg -
08086DBC EndBG3Slider EndBG3Slider EndBG3Slider EndBG3Slider -
08086DCC GetSomeUnitId GetSomeUnitId GetLastStatScreenUid GetLastStatScreenUid -
08086DD8 - - SetLastStatScreenUid SetLastStatScreenUid -
08086DE4 - - SetStatScreenConfig SetStatScreenConfig -
08086DF0 - InitStatScreenText InitTexts InitTexts -
08086E00 DrawLotsaText DrawLotsaText DisplayTexts DisplayTexts -
08086E08 - Start - - -
08086E2A - NoStringId - - -
08086E32 - Continue - - -
08086E34 - Begin - - -
08086E44 - - DisplayLeftPanel DisplayLeftPanel DrawsTextAndNumbersOnLeftSideOfStatusScreen
08086F9A - End - - -
08086FAC - DrawStatScreenBwl DisplayBwl DisplayBwl -
080870BC DrawStatScreenBar DrawStatScreenBar DrawStatWithBar DrawStatWithBar -
08087184 DrawUnitStatScreen DrawUnitStatScreen DisplayPage0 DisplayPage0 -
08087484 DrawUnitItemScreen DrawUnitItemScreen DisplayPage1 DisplayPage1 -
080874C4 - lop - - -
080874F8 - continue - - -
0808750A - lop_end - - -
08087698 DrawUnitScreenSupportList DrawUnitScreenSupportList DisplaySupportList DisplaySupportList -
080876D8 - lop - - -
08087788 DrawUnitWeaponRank DrawUnitWeaponRank DisplayWeaponExp DisplayWeaponExp -
0808784C DrawUnitWeaponScreen DrawUnitWeaponScreen DisplayPage2 DisplayPage2 -
08087894 - DrawNonMagic - - -
080878C4 - End - - -
080878CC DrawStatScreenPage DrawStatScreenPage DisplayPage DisplayPage -
08087920 - GetNextStatScreenUnit FindNextUnit FindNextUnit -
08087930 - lop - - -
080879DC - - PageSlide_OnLoop PageSlide_OnLoop -
08087AB2 - end - - -
08087ACC - - PageSlide_OnEnd PageSlide_OnEnd -
08087AD8 - StartStatScreenPageChange StartPageSlide StartPageSlide -
08087B06 - no_snd - - -
08087B28 - end - - -
08087B40 - - GlowBlendCtrl_OnInit GlowBlendCtrl_OnInit -
08087BA0 - - GlowBlendCtrl_OnLoop GlowBlendCtrl_OnLoop -
08087BF0 - - StartGlowBlendCtrl StartGlowBlendCtrl -
08087C04 - - EndGlowBlendCtrl EndGlowBlendCtrl -
08087C34 - - UnitSlide_InitFadeOut UnitSlide_InitFadeOut -
08087CC0 - - UnitSlide_FadeOutLoop UnitSlide_FadeOutLoop -
08087D16 - end - - -
08087D24 - - UnitSlide_InitFadeIn UnitSlide_InitFadeIn -
08087D98 - - UnitSlide_FadeInLoop UnitSlide_FadeInLoop -
08087DF8 - - UnitSlide_SetNewUnit UnitSlide_SetNewUnit -
08087E28 - - ClearSlide ClearSlide -
08087E7C - - StartUnitSlide StartUnitSlide -
08087EA8 - end - - -
08087EB8 - - DisplayPageNameSprite DisplayPageNameSprite -
08087F48 - - PageNameCtrl_OnInit PageNameCtrl_OnInit -
08087FE0 - - PageNameCtrl_OnIdle PageNameCtrl_OnIdle -
0808800C - end - - -
08088014 - - PageNameCtrl_AnimOut PageNameCtrl_AnimOut -
080880C6 - end - - -
080880DC - - PageNameCtrl_AnimIn PageNameCtrl_AnimIn -
080881AC - - PageNumCtrl_OnInit PageNumCtrl_OnInit -
080881C4 - - PageNumCtrl_CheckSlide PageNumCtrl_CheckSlide -
080881FC - - PageNumCtrl_UpdateArrows PageNumCtrl_UpdateArrows -
080882E4 - - PageNumCtrl_UpdatePageNum PageNumCtrl_UpdatePageNum -
08088354 - - PageNumCtrl_DisplayMuPlatform PageNumCtrl_DisplayMuPlatform -
08088384 - - PageNumCtrl_DisplayBlinkIcons PageNumCtrl_DisplayBlinkIcons -
0808844C - - StatScreen_BlackenScreen StatScreen_BlackenScreen -
080884B0 - - StatScreen_InitDisplay StatScreen_InitDisplay -
08088670 DrawStatScreen DrawStatScreen StatScreen_Display StatScreen_Display -
08088690 - no_increase_portrait_id - - -
0808873C - - StatScreen_OnIdle StatScreen_OnIdle -
080887AC - PlaySoundBeforeDyingSadICryEveryTime - - -
080887C4 - BNotPressed - - -
080887E8 - LeftNotPressed - - -
08088806 - StartStatScreenPageTransition - - -
08088814 - RightNotPressed - - -
08088834 - DownNotPressed - - -
08088850 - UpNotPressed - - -
0808887A - StartStatScreenUnitTransition - - -
08088888 - ANotPressed - - -
080888A8 - End - - -
080888B4 - - StatScreen_OnClose StatScreen_OnClose -
0808890C - - StatScreen_ResumeFromHelp StatScreen_ResumeFromHelp -
08088920 StatScreenBGVPosManager_Loop StatScreenBGVPosManager_Loop BgOffCtrl_OnLoop BgOffCtrl_OnLoop -
0808894C StartStatScreen StartStatScreen StartStatScreen StartStatScreen -
08088984 - Finish - - -
080889A0 StartStatScreenHelpTextBubble StartStatScreenHelpTextBubble StartStatScreenHelp StartStatScreenHelp -
080889CC - ContinueCaseCheck - - -
080889D2 - case_0 - - -
080889DC - case_1 - - -
080889E4 - case_2 - - -
080889E6 - continue - - -
080889E8 - finish - - -
08088A00 - - HbPopulate_SSItem HbPopulate_SSItem -
08088A2C - - HbPopulate_SSStatus HbPopulate_SSStatus -
08088A54 - jpt_8088A48 - - -
08088A8C - case_none - - -
08088AFE - _ - - -
08088B00 - end - - -
08088B08 - - HbPopulate_SSPower HbPopulate_SSPower -
08088B40 - - HbRedirect_SSItem HbRedirect_SSItem -
08088B94 - - HbPopulate_SSWExp HbPopulate_SSWExp -
08088BD4 - - HbPopulate_SSCharacter HbPopulate_SSCharacter -
08088C00 - - HbPopulate_SSClass HbPopulate_SSClass -
08088C14 - - HbRedirect_SSSupports HbRedirect_SSSupports -
08088C48 - - UpdateHelpBoxDisplay UpdateHelpBoxDisplay -
08088CFC - - HelpBox_OnOpen HelpBox_OnOpen -
08088D12 - no_proc - - -
08088D2E - end - - -
08088D3C - - HelpBox_OnLoop HelpBox_OnLoop -
08088D5E - end - - -
08088D64 - - HelpBox_OnClose HelpBox_OnClose -
08088DA8 - end - - -
08088DB8 - - HelpBox_WaitClose HelpBox_WaitClose -
08088DD8 - End - - -
08088DE0 - ShowTextHelpBox StartHelpBox ShowTextHelpBox -
08088E14 - ShowSilentTextHelpBox StartHelpBox_Unk ShowSilentTextHelpBox -
08088E60 - ShowItemHelpBox StartItemHelpBox ShowItemHelpBox -
08088E9C - StartHelpBoxFromInfo StartHelpBoxExt StartHelpBoxFromInfo -
08088ED8 - exists - - -
08088EF0 - _ - - -
08088F1E - no_text - - -
08088F68 - StartHelpBox StartHelpBoxExt_Unk StartHelpBox -
08089018 - MoveableHelpBox_OnEnd CloseHelpBox MoveableHelpBox_OnEnd -
08089032 - end - - -
0808903C - - EndHelpBox EndHelpBox -
08089060 - MoveableHelpBox_OnInit HbMoveCtrl_OnInitBox HbMoveCtrl_OnInitBox -
08089078 - finish - - -
08089088 - MoveableHelpBox_OnLoop HbMoveCtrl_OnIdle HbMoveCtrl_OnIdle -
08089146 - end - - -
08089150 - - HbMoveCtrl_OnEnd HbMoveCtrl_OnEnd -
08089164 StartHelpTextBubble StartMoveableHelpBox StartMovingHelpBox StartMoveableHelpBox -
08089188 - StartMoveableHelpBoxExt StartMovingHelpBoxExt StartMoveableHelpBoxExt -
080891AC - ApplyHelpBoxTextDimensions ApplyHelpBoxContentSize ApplyHelpBoxContentSize -
080891D2 - _ - - -
080891D8 - case_weapon - - -
080891F4 - case_staff - - -
080891FC - case_nonitem - - -
08089200 - finish - - -
08089210 - ApplyHelpBoxPosition ApplyHelpBoxPosition ApplyHelpBoxPosition -
0808929C - - SetHelpBoxInitPosition SetHelpBoxInitPosition -
080892C0 - - ResetHelpBoxInitSize ResetHelpBoxInitSize -
080892D0 - GetItemHelpBoxKind GetHelpBoxItemInfoKind GetItemHelpBoxKind -
080892E4 - yes_item - - -
08089306 - non_weapon - - -
08089314 - monstuous - - -
08089318 - staff - - -
0808931A - end - - -
08089320 - MakeHelpBoxTextTheItem HbPopulate_AutoItem HbPopulate_AutoItem -
08089354 - - TryRelocateHbUp TryRelocateHbUp -
08089384 - - TryRelocateHbDown TryRelocateHbDown -
080893B4 - - TryRelocateHbLeft TryRelocateHbLeft -
080893E4 - - TryRelocateHbRight TryRelocateHbRight -
08089430 - - HbLock_OnIdle HbLock_OnIdle -
08089454 - - StartLockingHelpBox_Unused StartLockingHelpBox_Unused -
0808948C Loop6C_8A00B20_UpdateOAMData RIsInfo_OnLoop HelpPrompt_OnIdle HelpPrompt_OnIdle -
080894AC - - StartHelpPromptSprite_Unused StartHelpPromptSprite_Unused -
080894E0 - ShowRIsInfo StartHelpPromptSprite ShowRIsInfo -
08089516 - proc_exists - - -
0808953C - - StartHelpPromptSprite_Unused2 StartHelpPromptSprite_Unused2 -
08089570 - HideRIsInfo EndHelpPromptSprite HideRIsInfo -
08089580 - End - - -
08089588 - - MoveHelpPromptSprite MoveHelpPromptSprite -
080895A8 - - GetLastHelpBoxInfo GetLastHelpBoxInfo -
08089624 LoadChapterTitleGfx LoadChapterTitleGfx - LoadChapterTitleGfx -
08089678 - - - - background of save menu item
08089720 - - - - To obtain chapter name of save slot, obtain chapter title ID to be read
08089768 - - - - Get chapter ID to be displayed in Save Slot
0808979C - - - - To obtain chapter names, obtain chapter title IDs to be read
080897A8 - return_r1_plus_0x46 - - -
080897F2 - end - - -
08089804 LoadDialogueBoxGfx LoadHelpBoxGfx LoadDialogueBoxGfx LoadHelpBoxGfx -
08089810 - NonDefault - - -
08089816 - NonDefault2 - - -
08089980 - DisplayHelpBoxObj - DisplayHelpBoxObj -
08089C16 - end - - -
08089C40 - DrawHelpBoxWeaponStatLabels - DrawHelpBoxWeaponStatLabels -
08089CD4 - DrawHelpBoxWeaponStats - DrawHelpBoxWeaponStats -
08089D50 - DrawHelpBoxStaffStatLabels - DrawHelpBoxStaffStatLabels -
08089DB0 - DrawHelpBoxSavemenuLabels - DrawHelpBoxSavemenuLabels -
08089DE8 - DrawHelpBoxSavemenuStuff - DrawHelpBoxSavemenuStuff -
08089E58 - HelpBoxTextScroll_OnLoop - HelpBoxTextScroll_OnLoop -
08089E8E - lop - - -
08089EA2 - _ - - -
08089EA8 - case_end - - -
08089EB0 - case_1 - - -
08089EBC - case_4 - - -
08089EC0 - regular_char - - -
08089EE0 - finish - - -
08089EE6 - end - - -
08089EF8 - lop - - -
08089F84 - _ - - -
08089F8E - case_item - - -
08089F96 - case_weapon - - -
08089FA4 - case_staff - - -
08089FAC - case_nonitem - - -
08089FB8 - finish - - -
08089FEC - case_weapon - - -
08089FF4 - case_savemenu - - -
0808A0C0 - _ - - -
0808A0CA - case_textspeed0 - - -
0808A0D2 - case_textspeed1 - - -
0808A0DA - case_textspeed2 - - -
0808A0E4 - case_textspeed3 - - -
0808A0EE - end - - -
0808A0FC - StartHelpBoxTextInit - StartHelpBoxTextInit -
0808A118 - ClearHelpBoxText - ClearHelpBoxText -
0808A518 SetDialogueBoxConfig SetDialogueBoxConfig - SetDialogueBoxConfig -
0808A524 GetDialogueBoxConfig GetDialogueBoxConfig - GetDialogueBoxConfig -
0808A73C - lop - - -
0808A748 - begin - - -
0808A794 - end - - -
0808A8A2 - end - - -
0808AA34 - yes_parent - - -
0808AA3C - _ - - -
0808ACD6 - nautocenter - - -
0808B178 BoxDialogueInterpreter_Main BoxDialogueInterpreter_Main - BoxDialogueInterpreter_Main -
0808B22C - lop - - -
0808B238 - _ - - -
0808B248 - jpt_808B240 - - -
0808B4FE - case_18_19_20 - - -
0808B56C - case_0 - - -
0808B572 - case_1 - - -
0808B59A - case_4 - - -
0808B5AE - case_5 - - -
0808B5C2 - case_6 - - -
0808B5D6 - case_7 - - -
0808B5EA - case_2 - - -
0808B664 - case_3 - - -
0808B6A8 - default - - -
0808B772 - reset_font - - -
0808B778 - end - - -
0808BB04 - lop - - -
0808BB12 - begin - - -
0808BB1E - finish - - -
0808BBAC - - - - WindowType
0808BBBA - Return1 - - -
0808BBBE - Continue - - -
0808BBC6 - Return2 - - -
0808BBC8 - End - - -
0808BBCC GetCameraMovementSpeedMaybe GetCameraMovementSpeedMaybe GetCameraMovementSpeedMaybe GetCameraMovementSpeedMaybe WindowPosCheck
0808BBFC - HandleHighX - - -
0808BC04 - HandleMediumXHighY - - -
0808BC08 - HandleHighXHighY - - -
0808BC0A - End - - -
0808BCF8 Loop6CUI1_DisplayTransition Loop6CUI1_DisplayTransition Loop6CUI1_DisplayTransition Loop6CUI1_DisplayTransition -
0808BE70 Loop6CUI1_HideTransition Loop6CUI1_HideTransition Loop6CUI1_HideTransition Loop6CUI1_HideTransition -
0808C21C - end - - -
0808C2CC - - - - MMBPalSelect
0808C358 - return_minus_one - - -
0808C35C - end - - -
0808C388 MMB_DrawStatusText MMB_DrawStatusText - MMB_DrawStatusText -
0808C3B4 - jpt_808C3A8 - - -
0808C41C - def_808C3A8 - - -
0808C448 - end - - -
0808C45C DrawMinimugBoxMaybe DrawMinimugBoxMaybe DrawMinimugBoxMaybe DrawMinimugBoxMaybe DrawHPNumbers
0808C5BA - end - - -
0808C5D0 InitMinimugBoxMaybe InitMinimugBoxMaybe InitMinimugBoxMaybe InitMinimugBoxMaybe MMBBuilder
0808C956 - End - - -
0808CCC8 Loop6CUI1_Hidden Loop6CUI1_Hidden Loop6CUI1_Hidden Loop6CUI1_Hidden MMBSetup
0808CD5C - End - - -
0808CD74 Loop6CUI1_Displayed Loop6CUI1_Displayed Loop6CUI1_Displayed Loop6CUI1_Displayed -
0808CE4A - end - - -
0808CE9C Init6CUI2 Init6CUI2 Init6CUI2 Init6CUI2 -
0808CEC8 Loop6CUI2 Loop6CUI2 Loop6CUI2 Loop6CUI2 -
0808CFBC - End - - -
0808CFC4 InitPlayerPhaseInterfaceMaybe InitPlayerPhaseInterfaceMaybe InitPlayerPhaseInterfaceMaybe InitPlayerPhaseInterfaceMaybe -
0808D092 - NoTerrainWindow - - -
0808D13C StartPlayerPhaseSideWindows StartPlayerPhaseSideWindows New6CPPInterfaceConstructor StartPlayerPhaseSideWindows -
0808D150 EndPlayerPhaseSideWindows EndPlayerPhaseSideWindows DeletePlayerPhaseInterface6Cs EndPlayerPhaseSideWindows -
0808D288 Init6CPI Init6CPI Init6CPI Init6CPI -
0808D2E8 - skirmish - - -
0808D2EC - _ - - -
0808D340 - jpt_808D338 - - -
0808D476 - def_808D338 - - -
0808D47C Loop16CPI Loop16CPI Loop16CPI Loop16CPI -
0808D6D4 Loop26CPI Loop26CPI Loop26CPI Loop26CPI -
0808D71C Loop46CPI Loop46CPI Loop46CPI Loop46CPI -
0808D77C - - - __malloc_unlock_0 -
0808D784 Loop36CPI Loop36CPI Loop36CPI Loop36CPI -
0808D82C - NoUI1 - - -
0808D842 - NoTI - - -
0808D858 - ReturnTrue - - -
0808D868 - ReturnFalse - - -
0808D86A - End - - -
0808DAE4 MinimalVBlankHandler MinimalVBlankHandler MinimalVBlankHandler MinimalVBlankHandler -
0808DC74 - SioLinkError - SioLinkError -
0808DD1C - jpt_808DD12 - - -
0808DD84 - def_808DD12 - - -
0808DDF8 CountUnitsByFaction CountUnitsByFaction - CountUnitsByFaction -
0808E764 NewChapterStatusScreen StartChapterStatusScreen NewChapterStatusScreen StartChapterStatusScreen -
0808E784 - NoParent - - -
0808E790 - End - - -
0808E79C - - - - Show status screen
0808F128 - - - - Display speech of text
0808F458 - jpt_808F452 - - -
0808F4D0 - def_808F452 - - -
0808F4E4 - jpt_808F4DC - - -
0808F55C - def_808F4DC - - -
0808F83C - jpt_808F834 - - -
0808F8AC - def_808F834 - - -
0808F9B4 - jpt_808F9AE - - -
0808FDEA - def_808F9AE - - -
08090B44 nullsub_63 nullsub_63 nullsub_63 nullsub_63 -
080920C4 StartUnitListMenu StartUnitListMenu - StartUnitListMenu -
08092424 - jpt_8092412 - - -
08092A48 - def_8092412 - - -
08092BE4 SortUnitList_GetUnitSoloAnimation SortUnitList_GetUnitSoloAnimation - SortUnitList_GetUnitSoloAnimation -
08092BF0 SortUnitList SortUnitList - SortUnitList -
08092C12 - jmp - - -
08092C20 - jpt_8092C1A - - -
08092CA0 - Case1_ - - -
080935EA - Start - - -
0809361A - Continue - - -
08094FCE - Finish - - -
08094FE0 - return_zero - - -
08094FE2 - End - - -
08094FF4 CanPrepScreenSave CanPrepScreenSave - CanPrepScreenSave -
0809501C - return_true - - -
0809501E - end - - -
08095024 GetActivePrepScreenMenuItemHelpTextId GetActivePrepScreenMenuItemHelpTextId - GetActivePrepScreenMenuItemHelpTextId -
08095048 - not_link_arena - - -
08095064 - not_support - - -
0809507C - default - - -
08095086 - _ - - -
0809508A - end - - -
080950E8 - - - - Drawing frame of menu
080951B8 PrepScreenMenu_OnPickUnits PrepScreenMenu_OnPickUnits - PrepScreenMenu_OnPickUnits -
080951CC PrepScreenMenu_OnItems PrepScreenMenu_OnItems - PrepScreenMenu_OnItems -
080951E0 PrepScreenMenu_OnSupport PrepScreenMenu_OnSupport - PrepScreenMenu_OnSupport -
08095210 PrepScreenMenu_OnSave PrepScreenMenu_OnSave - PrepScreenMenu_OnSave -
08095240 PrepScreenMenu_OnStartPress PrepScreenMenu_OnStartPress - PrepScreenMenu_OnStartPress -
0809525C - return_false - - -
0809525E - end - - -
0809527C - return_false - - -
0809527E - end - - -
08095284 PrepScreenMenu_OnCancel PrepScreenMenu_OnCancel - PrepScreenMenu_OnCancel -
08095290 PrepScreenMenu_OnBPress PrepScreenMenu_OnBPress - PrepScreenMenu_OnBPress -
080952B8 - return_false - - -
080952BA - end - - -
080952C0 PrepScreenMenu_OnCheckMap PrepScreenMenu_OnCheckMap - PrepScreenMenu_OnCheckMap -
080952D0 - - - __malloc_unlock_1 -
080952DC - lop - - -
08095354 GetPrepScreenUnitListEntry GetPrepScreenUnitListEntry - GetPrepScreenUnitListEntry -
08095364 SetPrepScreenUnitListEntry SetPrepScreenUnitListEntry - SetPrepScreenUnitListEntry -
08095374 GetPrepScreenUnitListSize GetPrepScreenUnitListSize - GetPrepScreenUnitListSize -
08095384 SetPrepScreenUnitListSize SetPrepScreenUnitListSize - SetPrepScreenUnitListSize -
080953DC - no_wmap - - -
080953E6 - end - - -
080953F0 IsCharacterForceDeployed IsCharacterForceDeployed IsCharacterForceDeployed IsCharacterForceDeployed -
08095414 - return_false - - -
08095416 - end - - -
0809541C CountForceDeployedUnits CountForceDeployedUnits - CountForceDeployedUnits -
08095422 - lop - - -
0809544A - continue - - -
0809545C SomeLeftoverFunctionThatReturns0 SomeLeftoverFunctionThatReturns0 SomeLeftoverFunctionThatReturns0 SomeLeftoverFunctionThatReturns0 -
08095460 IsUnitInCurrentRoster IsUnitInCurrentRoster IsUnitInCurrentRoster IsUnitInCurrentRoster -
0809548C - supply - - -
08095490 - is_dead_or_away - - -
08095492 - end - - -
08095498 AtMenu_AddPrepScreenSupportMenuItem AtMenu_AddPrepScreenSupportMenuItem - AtMenu_AddPrepScreenSupportMenuItem -
080954DE - yes - - -
080954EE - end - - -
08095504 CanPrepScreenCheckMap CanPrepScreenCheckMap - CanPrepScreenCheckMap -
0809551C - return_false - - -
0809551E - end - - -
08095524 AtMenu_InitPrepScreenMenu AtMenu_InitPrepScreenMenu - AtMenu_InitPrepScreenMenu -
08095590 - cant_check_map - - -
080955A0 - _ - - -
080955CC - yes_link_arena - - -
080955F8 - __ - - -
08095658 - not_link_arena - - -
08095660 - ___ - - -
080956D8 ReorderPlayerUnitsBasedOnDeployment ReorderPlayerUnitsBasedOnDeployment - ReorderPlayerUnitsBasedOnDeployment -
080956E2 - lop_deployed - - -
08095704 - continue_deployed - - -
0809570C - lop_nondeployed - - -
0809572E - continue_nondeployed - - -
08095748 SortPlayerUnitsForPrepScreen SortPlayerUnitsForPrepScreen SortPlayerUnitsForPrepScreen SortPlayerUnitsForPrepScreen -
0809575A - StartUnitLoop - - -
08095794 - ContinueUnitLoop - - -
0809579C - StartUnitLoop2 - - -
080957C8 - PushUnitLoop2 - - -
080957CE - ContinueUnitLoop2 - - -
080957DA - StartLoop - - -
08095818 - AlwaysTrue - - -
0809582A - SetNotDeployed - - -
0809582E - StoreState - - -
08095832 - ContinueLoop - - -
08095848 - lop - - -
08095878 - lop_items - - -
08095890 - _ - - -
08095894 - bad_item - - -
0809589A - continue_items - - -
080958A2 - break_items - - -
080958AC - continue - - -
080958BC InitPrepScreenUnitList InitPrepScreenUnitList - InitPrepScreenUnitList -
080958C2 - lop - - -
080958EA - continue - - -
0809597E - lop - - -
080959A0 - begin - - -
080959B4 AtMenu_AutoCapDeployPrepScreenUnits AtMenu_AutoCapDeployPrepScreenUnits - AtMenu_AutoCapDeployPrepScreenUnits -
080959CA - lop - - -
080959F0 - deploy - - -
080959F4 - continue - - -
080959FC - begin - - -
08095A16 - end - - -
08095A1C RestartScreenMenuScrollingBg RestartScreenMenuScrollingBg - RestartScreenMenuScrollingBg -
08095A38 EndScreenMenuScrollingBg EndScreenMenuScrollingBg EndBG3Slider_ EndScreenMenuScrollingBg -
08095AD8 AtMenu_8095AD8 AtMenu_8095AD8 - AtMenu_8095AD8 -
08095AFA - not_link_arena - - -
08095B30 ClearPrepScreenMenuHelpText ClearPrepScreenMenuHelpText - ClearPrepScreenMenuHelpText -
08095B36 - lop - - -
08095B64 DrawPrepScreenMenuHelpText DrawPrepScreenMenuHelpText - DrawPrepScreenMenuHelpText -
08095B6C - lop - - -
08095B6E - continue - - -
08095B84 - not_nl - - -
08095B8C - end - - -
08095B94 DisplayPrepScreenMenuHelpText DisplayPrepScreenMenuHelpText - DisplayPrepScreenMenuHelpText -
08095BAA - lop - - -
08095BD8 UpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp_Clear UpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp_Clear - UpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp_Clear -
08095BE8 UpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp_Draw UpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp_Draw - UpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp_Draw -
08095BF4 UpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp_Display UpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp_Display - UpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp_Display -
08095C00 StartUpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp StartUpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp - StartUpdatePrepScreenMenuHelp -
08095C16 - _ - - -
08095C84 AtMenu_Reinitialize AtMenu_Reinitialize - AtMenu_Reinitialize -
08095CF2 - lop - - -
08095EBC AtMenu_EndIfNoUnits AtMenu_EndIfNoUnits - AtMenu_EndIfNoUnits -
08095EE2 - lop - - -
08095F06 - not_unit - - -
08095F20 - end - - -
08095F2C AtMenu_MaintainPrepScreenMenuHelp AtMenu_MaintainPrepScreenMenuHelp - AtMenu_MaintainPrepScreenMenuHelp -
08095F4C - end - - -
08096262 - lop - - -
0809627C - continue - - -
080962F6 - not_end - - -
0809631C AtMenu_StartSubmenu AtMenu_StartSubmenu - AtMenu_StartSubmenu -
08096340 - jpt_8096338 - - -
08096354 - case_5 - - -
0809635C - case_2_items - - -
08096364 - case_1_pickunits - - -
08096374 - case_4_support - - -
0809637E - case_3_save - - -
08096384 - def_8096338 - - -
08096390 AtMenu_OnSubmenuEnd AtMenu_OnSubmenuEnd - AtMenu_OnSubmenuEnd -
080963C4 - jpt_80963BC - - -
080963F4 - def_80963BC - - -
08096424 AtMenu_LockGame AtMenu_LockGame - AtMenu_LockGame -
08096438 - end - - -
08096450 - end - - -
08096454 StartAtMenu StartAtMenu - StartAtMenu -
08096468 StartAtMenu_LinkArena StartAtMenu_LinkArena - StartAtMenu_LinkArena -
08096684 NewPrepScreenTraineePromotionManager NewPrepScreenTraineePromotionManager NewPrepScreenTraineePromotionManager NewPrepScreenTraineePromotionManager -
08096698 PrepScreenTraineePromotionManagerExists PrepScreenTraineePromotionManagerExists PrepScreenTraineePromotionManagerExists PrepScreenTraineePromotionManagerExists -
080966A6 - End - - -
080966B0 AtMenuExists AtMenuExists - AtMenuExists -
080966BE - end - - -
0809698C - jpt_8096986 - - -
080969A0 - - - - Register and display image of current chapter ID on advancement preparation screen as Obj
080969B4 - - - - Register and display image of current chapter ID on advancement preparation screen as Obj
080969C8 - - - - Register and display image of current chapter ID on advancement preparation screen as Obj
080969DC - - - - Register and display image of current chapter ID on advancement preparation screen as Obj
080969E8 - def_8096986 - - -
08096CCC PrepScreenMenu_OnInit PrepScreenMenu_OnInit - PrepScreenMenu_OnInit -
08096CD6 - lop - - -
08096D10 PrepScreenMenu_OnActiveLoop PrepScreenMenu_OnActiveLoop - PrepScreenMenu_OnActiveLoop -
08096D9E - yes_rtext - - -
08096DB0 - no_rpress - - -
08096DF8 - no_apress - - -
08096E38 - no_bpress - - -
08096E74 - on_failure - - -
08096E8C - no_startpress - - -
08096EB8 - no_u - - -
08096EE6 - no_down - - -
08096F34 - end - - -
08096F44 PrepScreenMenu_OnLoop_2 PrepScreenMenu_OnLoop_2 - PrepScreenMenu_OnLoop_2 -
08096F6C PrepScreenMenu_OnLoop_0 PrepScreenMenu_OnLoop_0 - PrepScreenMenu_OnLoop_0 -
08096F98 PrepScreenMenu_OnEnd PrepScreenMenu_OnEnd - PrepScreenMenu_OnEnd -
08096FA6 - end - - -
08096FAC StartPrepScreenMenu StartPrepScreenMenu - StartPrepScreenMenu -
08096FD0 SetPrepScreenMenuOnBPress SetPrepScreenMenuOnBPress - SetPrepScreenMenuOnBPress -
08096FE0 - end - - -
08096FEC SetPrepScreenMenuOnStartPress SetPrepScreenMenuOnStartPress - SetPrepScreenMenuOnStartPress -
08097008 SetPrepScreenMenuOnEnd SetPrepScreenMenuOnEnd - SetPrepScreenMenuOnEnd -
08097018 - end - - -
08097024 SetPrepScreenMenuItem SetPrepScreenMenuItem - SetPrepScreenMenuItem AddPrepMenuEntry
0809704C - lop - - -
08097078 - continue - - -
080970B8 - end - - -
080970CC SetPrepScreenMenuSelectedItem SetPrepScreenMenuSelectedItem - SetPrepScreenMenuSelectedItem -
080970E6 - lop - - -
080970FE - continue - - -
08097106 - end - - -
0809710C GetActivePrepScreenMenuItemId GetActivePrepScreenMenuItemId - GetActivePrepScreenMenuItemId -
08097126 - lop - - -
08097142 - continue - - -
0809714A - return_0 - - -
0809714C - end - - -
08097154 DrawPrepScreenMenuFrameAt DrawPrepScreenMenuFrameAt - DrawPrepScreenMenuFrameAt -
080971A4 - lop - - -
080971EA - end - - -
08097200 SetPrepScreenMenuPosition SetPrepScreenMenuPosition - SetPrepScreenMenuPosition -
08097238 - lop - - -
08097278 - _ - - -
0809727E - end - - -
080972B0 EndPrepScreenMenu EndPrepScreenMenu - EndPrepScreenMenu -
080972D4 ClearPrepScreenMenu ClearPrepScreenMenu - ClearPrepScreenMenu -
0809732C - end - - -
08097340 PrepScreenMenuExists PrepScreenMenuExists - PrepScreenMenuExists -
08097354 - return_true - - -
08097356 - end - - -
0809735C DisablePrepScreenMenu DisablePrepScreenMenu - DisablePrepScreenMenu -
0809736E - end - - -
08097394 EnablePrepScreenMenu EnablePrepScreenMenu - EnablePrepScreenMenu -
080973A6 - end - - -
0809765E - NoMenuScroll - - -
08097684 Delete6CMenuScroll Delete6CMenuScroll Delete6CMenuScroll Delete6CMenuScroll -
08097698 Make6CMenuScroll Make6CMenuScroll Make6CMenuScroll Make6CMenuScroll -
080976C2 - NoMenuScroll - - -
080976F6 - no_menu_scroll - - -
08097700 - - - - drawing
08097D64 - End - - -
08097E6A - no - - -
08097E6C - end - - -
080980B4 - Uhhh - - -
080981E4 SomethingPrepListRelated SomethingPrepListRelated SomethingPrepListRelated SomethingPrepListRelated -
08098206 - StartUnitLoop - - -
0809823C - StartUnitItemLoop - - -
08098258 - ContinueUnitLoop - - -
0809825E - NoUnits - - -
0809827A - StartConvoyLoop - - -
08098298 - NoConvoy - - -
0809839C CanUnitPrepScreenUse CanUnitPrepScreenUse CanUnitPrepScreenUse CanUnitPrepScreenUse -
080983AC - Start - - -
080983C4 - Continue - - -
080983CA - ReturnFalse - - -
080983CC - End - - -
08099314 - End - - -
08099774 - jpt_809976E - - -
080998D4 - def_809976E - - -
08099F68 StartPrepScreenItemsMenu StartPrepScreenItemsMenu - StartPrepScreenItemsMenu -
0809A254 - NotMemberCard - - -
0809A538 - - - - On advancement preparation screen, all deposits
0809A66C - PrepScreenUnitSelectDisplaySprites - PrepScreenUnitSelectDisplaySprites -
0809A67A - lop_units - - -
0809AC32 - return_false - - -
0809AC34 - end - - -
0809B36C nullsub_21 nullsub_21 nullsub_21 nullsub_21 -
0809BE3C - StartPrepScreenTrade - StartPrepScreenTrade -
0809BE60 - - - - Item exchanges between units called from attack advancement screen
0809BF10 DrawPrepScreenItemUseStatLabels DrawPrepScreenItemUseStatLabels - DrawPrepScreenItemUseStatLabels -
0809C0B4 DrawPrepScreenItemUseStatBars DrawPrepScreenItemUseStatBars - DrawPrepScreenItemUseStatBars -
0809C1BE - lop - - -
0809C254 DrawPrepScreenItemUseStatValues DrawPrepScreenItemUseStatValues - DrawPrepScreenItemUseStatValues -
0809C3EC DrawPrepScreenItemUseItemUseDesc DrawPrepScreenItemUseItemUseDesc - DrawPrepScreenItemUseItemUseDesc -
0809C478 - unusable - - -
0809C4A2 - end - - -
0809C4B4 PrepScreenItemUseScreen_OnUpdateSMS PrepScreenItemUseScreen_OnUpdateSMS - PrepScreenItemUseScreen_OnUpdateSMS -
0809C4D8 PrepScreenItemUseScreen_OnInit PrepScreenItemUseScreen_OnInit - PrepScreenItemUseScreen_OnInit -
0809C4E4 PrepScreenItemUseScreen_InitDisplay PrepScreenItemUseScreen_InitDisplay - PrepScreenItemUseScreen_InitDisplay -
0809C5B6 - lop_texinit - - -
0809C5CA - lop_texinit2 - - -
0809C820 PrepScreenItemUseScreen_OnIdle PrepScreenItemUseScreen_OnIdle - PrepScreenItemUseScreen_OnIdle -
0809C8C8 - no_a_press - - -
0809C91C - r_press - - -
0809C93A - end - - -
0809C958 DisplayAreYouSureYNBoxText DisplayAreYouSureYNBoxText - DisplayAreYouSureYNBoxText -
0809C9F4 PrepScreenItemUseScreen_AreUSureBoxInit PrepScreenItemUseScreen_AreUSureBoxInit - PrepScreenItemUseScreen_AreUSureBoxInit -
0809CA14 PrepScreenItemUseScreen_AreUSureBoxLoop PrepScreenItemUseScreen_AreUSureBoxLoop - PrepScreenItemUseScreen_AreUSureBoxLoop -
0809CB62 - _ - - -
0809CB74 - __ - - -
0809CB78 - case_promote - - -
0809CB98 - case_juna_fruit - - -
0809CBA0 - end - - -
0809CCFC StartPrepScreenItemUseScreen StartPrepScreenItemUseScreen - StartPrepScreenItemUseScreen -
0809D24E - Continue - - -
0809D270 - oam2base - - -
0809D2C4 StoreConvoyWeaponIconGraphics UnpackConvoyWeaponIconGraphics StoreConvoyWeaponIconGraphics UnpackConvoyWeaponIconGraphics -
0809D3FE - End - - -
0809FE48 - End - - -
080A0758 nullsub_19 nullsub_19 - nullsub_19 -
080A075C - - - __malloc_unlock_2 -
080A093E - end - - -
080A0944 StartPrepScreenSupportMenu StartPrepScreenSupportMenu - StartPrepScreenSupportMenu Evaluation of attack strategy preparation
080A095C CanPrepScreenSupport CanPrepScreenSupport - CanPrepScreenSupport -
080A096C - _ - - -
080A0972 - case_0 - - -
080A0976 - case_1 - - -
080A097C - case_2 - - -
080A0980 - return - - -
080A0986 - return_false - - -
080A0988 - end - - -
080A0AD4 - - - - Support screen
080A0C40 - - - - Support screen
080A0C80 - loop_units - - -
080A0CB0 - continue_units - - -
080A0DF4 - loop_characters - - -
080A0EA8 - continue_characters - - -
080A0EC0 - - - - browsing support conversation
080A0FE8 - - - - browsing support conversation
080A1270 - - - - browsing support conversation
080A15B0 - - - - browsing support conversation
080A1918 - - - - Select unit on support screen
080A196C - - - - Support screen for attack advance preparation
080A1984 - - - - Support screen for attack advance preparation
080A199C - - - - browsing support conversation
080A1B88 - return_zero - - -
080A1B8A - end - - -
080A207C - - - - Support screen
080A21D0 - - - - Support screen
080A2C3C SramInit SramInit - SramInit -
080A2C88 - end - - -
080A2CB0 IsSramWorking IsSramWorking - IsSramWorking -
080A2CD8 - loop - - -
080A2CFC ComputeChecksum16 ComputeChecksum16 - ComputeChecksum16 -
080A2D0E - loop - - -
080A2D1C - finish - - -
080A2D28 LoadGeneralGameMetadata LoadGeneralGameMetadata LoadSomeUnitStatThingUnlockIdk LoadGeneralGameMetadata -
080A2D3E - non_zero - - -
080A2D9C - return_false - - -
080A2D9E - end - - -
080A2DA8 SaveGeneralGameMetadata SaveGeneralGameMetadata SaveSomeUnitStatThingUnlockIdk SaveGeneralGameMetadata -
080A2DD0 SaveGeneralGameMetadataNoChecksum SaveGeneralGameMetadataNoChecksum - SaveGeneralGameMetadataNoChecksum -
080A2DE4 InitSaveGeneralGameMetadata InitSaveGeneralGameMetadata - InitSaveGeneralGameMetadata -
080A2ED4 GetSaveDataOffsetPointer GetSaveDataOffsetPointer GetSaveDataOffsetPointer GetSaveDataOffsetPointer -
080A2EF8 SaveMetadata_Load SaveMetadata_Load - SaveMetadata_Load -
080A2F44 - jpt_80A2F30 - - -
080A2F60 - case_save_or_suspend - - -
080A2F68 - case_linkarena - - -
080A2F70 - case_idk - - -
080A2F72 - common - - -
080A2F88 - return_false - - -
080A2F8A - end - - -
080A2F94 SaveMetadata_Save SaveMetadata_Save - SaveMetadata_Save -
080A2FC8 - _ - - -
080A2FD2 - case0 - - -
080A2FDC - case1 - - -
080A2FE8 - case2 - - -
080A2FF4 - case3 - - -
080A2FFC - caseFF - - -
080A3002 - common - - -
080A301A - end - - -
080A3064 GetSaveTargetAddress GetSaveTargetAddress GetSaveDataLocation GetSaveTargetAddress -
080A3078 - jpt_80A3072 - - -
080A3094 - case0_Save1 - - -
080A30A8 - case1_Save2 - - -
080A30BC - case2_Save3 - - -
080A30D0 - case3_Suspend1 - - -
080A30DC - case4_Suspend2 - - -
080A30F0 - case5_IWantToSayLinkArena - - -
080A3104 - case6 - - -
080A310C - def_80A3072 - - -
080A310E - End - - -
080A3114 GetSaveSourceAddress GetSaveSourceAddress - GetSaveSourceAddress -
080A3130 SaveLocalEventIndexes SaveLocalEventIndexes SaveLocalEventIndexes SaveLocalEventIndexes -
080A3150 SaveGlobalEventIndexes SaveGlobalEventIndexes SaveGlobalEventIndexes SaveGlobalEventIndexes -
080A3170 LoadLocalEventIds LoadLocalEventIds LoadLocalEventIds LoadLocalEventIds -
080A3198 LoadPermanentEids LoadPermanentEids LoadGlobalEventIds LoadPermanentEids -
080A31C0 LoadPermanentEidsIn LoadPermanentEidsIn - LoadPermanentEidsIn -
080A31E4 SaveConvoyItems SaveConvoyItems SaveConvoyItems SaveConvoyItems -
080A31FC - StartLoop - - -
080A3242 - ContinueLoop - - -
080A326C LoadConvoyItems LoadConvoyItems LoadConvoyItems LoadConvoyItems -
080A3320 - End - - -
080A34CC - - - - browsing support conversation
080A3500 - - - - browsing support conversation
080A3544 - - - - browsing support conversation
080A35EC - - - - Support screen
080A3724 - SGM_SetSupportLevelKnown - SGM_SetSupportLevelKnown -
080A374A - lop - - -
080A374E - begin - - -
080A3760 - continue - - -
080A376A - yes - - -
080A379C - return_false - - -
080A379E - end - - -
080A37A8 SGM_SetCharacterKnown SGM_SetCharacterKnown SetSomeUnitStatThingUnlockMaybeIdk SGM_SetCharacterKnown -
080A37C8 - NonZero - - -
080A37E8 - End - - -
080A37F0 GGM_IsCharacterKnown GGM_IsCharacterKnown - GGM_IsCharacterKnown -
080A380C - non_loaded - - -
080A3824 - no - - -
080A3828 - yes - - -
080A382A - end - - -
080A3834 GGM_IsAnyCharacterKnown GGM_IsAnyCharacterKnown - GGM_IsAnyCharacterKnown -
080A3846 - non_loaded - - -
080A384C - loop - - -
080A3858 - continue - - -
080A3860 - end - - -
080A386C - - - __malloc_unlock_3 -
080A3890 - return_false - - -
080A3892 - end - - -
080A3898 VerifySavedRankingChecksum VerifySavedRankingChecksum - VerifySavedRankingChecksum -
080A38EC - return_false - - -
080A38EE - end - - -
080A38F4 LoadBonusContentData LoadBonusContentData - LoadBonusContentData -
080A3908 - nd - - -
080A3948 - return_false - - -
080A394A - end - - -
080A3950 SaveBonusContentData SaveBonusContentData - SaveBonusContentData -
080A3984 SaveRankings SaveRankings - SaveRankings -
080A3A7E - end - - -
080A3B36 - return_true - - -
080A3B40 - return_false - - -
080A3B42 - end - - -
080A3DD8 SaveEndgameRankingsMaybe SaveEndgameRankingsMaybe SaveChapterRankings SaveEndgameRankingsMaybe -
080A3E1A - end - - -
080A3ED0 - - - - CheckSoundRoomEnableList
080A3F08 - - - - SaveSoundRoomEnableList
080A4104 SaveClearedBWLAndChapterWinData SaveClearedBWLAndChapterWinData - SaveClearedBWLAndChapterWinData -
080A4136 - loop - - -
080A415E - loop2 - - -
080A421C LoadBWLEntries LoadBWLEntries LoadBWLEntries LoadBWLEntries -
080A4248 LoadChapterDataWinArray LoadChapterDataWinArray LoadSomeTable LoadChapterDataWinArray -
080A4264 SaveBWLEntries SaveBWLEntries SaveBWLEntries SaveBWLEntries -
080A4288 SaveChapterWinData SaveChapterWinData SaveChapterWinData SaveChapterWinData -
080A429C GetChapterWinDataEntry GetChapterWinDataEntry GetChapterWinDataEntry GetChapterWinDataEntry -
080A42BC GetNextChapterWinDataEntryIndex GetNextChapterWinDataEntryIndex GetNextChapterWinDataEntryIndex GetNextChapterWinDataEntryIndex -
080A42D4 - lop - - -
080A42DA - start - - -
080A42EC GetWonChapterCount GetWonChapterCount GetWonChapterCount GetWonChapterCount -
080A4306 - Timed - - -
080A4318 - NoChap - - -
080A4322 - End - - -
080A4350 RegisterChapterTimeAndTurnCount RegisterChapterTimeAndTurnCount RegisterChapterTimeAndTurnCount RegisterChapterTimeAndTurnCount RegisterChapterTimeAndTurnCount
080A4376 - NonTimeOverflow - - -
080A4382 - NonOverflow - - -
080A43D8 GetGameTotalTurnCount GetGameTotalTurnCount GetGameTotalTurnCount GetGameTotalTurnCount -
080A43E8 - lop - - -
080A43FC - end - - -
080A4404 DoesThisChapterCount DoesThisChapterCount DoesThisChapterCount DoesThisChapterCount -
080A4420 - _ - - -
080A4426 - TutuMode - - -
080A442E - ErikMode - - -
080A4434 - EphyMode - - -
080A4440 - ZeroMode - - -
080A4442 - End - - -
080A4448 GetGameTotalTime GetGameTotalTime GetGameTotalTime GetGameTotalTime -
080A4458 - Continue - - -
080A4478 - Skip - - -
080A447E - End - - -
080A4488 GetGameTotalTurnCount2 GetGameTotalTurnCount2 GetGameTotalTurnCount2 GetGameTotalTurnCount2 -
080A4498 - Continue - - -
080A44B8 - Skip - - -
080A44BE - Return - - -
080A44C8 - BWL_AddBattle - BWL_AddBattle -
080A4514 - _ - - -
080A451E - end - - -
080A4534 - BWL_AddWin - BWL_AddWin -
080A457C - _ - - -
080A4584 - end - - -
080A4594 - BWL_AddLoss - BWL_AddLoss -
080A4662 - end - - -
080A4684 BWL_AddWinOrLossIdk BWL_SetDeathStats BWL_AddWinOrLossIdk BWL_SetDeathStats -
080A46E8 - non_skirmish - - -
080A4706 - _ - - -
080A4734 - end - - -
080A474C BWL_IncrementMoveValue BWL_IncrementMoveValue BWL_IncrementMoveValue BWL_IncrementMoveValue -
080A4780 - End - - -
080A478C BWL_IncrementStatScreenViews BWL_IncrementStatScreenViews BWL_IncrementStatScreenViews BWL_IncrementStatScreenViews -
080A47C0 - End - - -
080A47CC BWL_IncrementDeployCountMaybe BWL_IncrementDeployCount BWL_IncrementDeployCountMaybe BWL_IncrementDeployCount -
080A4810 - end - - -
080A481C BWL_AddTilesMoved BWL_AddTilesMoved BWL_AddTilesMoved BWL_AddTilesMoved BWL_AddTilesMoved
080A4856 - _ - - -
080A4870 - end - - -
080A487C BWL_AddExpGained BWL_AddExpGained BWL_AddExpGained BWL_AddExpGained -
080A48C8 - end - - -
080A48DC StoreSomeUnitSetFlags StoreSomeUnitSetFlags StoreSomeUnitSetFlags StoreSomeUnitSetFlags -
080A4904 BWL_GetTotalBattles BWL_GetTotalBattles - BWL_GetTotalBattles -
080A490C - lop - - -
080A4928 BWL_GetTotalWins BWL_GetTotalWins - BWL_GetTotalWins -
080A4936 - lop - - -
080A4958 - BWL_GetTotalLosses - BWL_GetTotalLosses -
080A4978 - BWL_GetTotalLevelsGained - BWL_GetTotalLevelsGained -
080A49A4 BWL_GetTotalExpGained BWL_GetTotalExpGained - BWL_GetTotalExpGained -
080A49AC - loop - - -
080A49C8 - BWL_GetExpGained - BWL_GetExpGained -
080A49F6 - end - - -
080A49FC - BWL_GetFavoritismValue - BWL_GetFavoritismValue -
080A4A1C - No - - -
080A4A28 - Yes - - -
080A4A2E - end - - -
080A4A34 BWL_AddFavoritismValue BWL_AddFavoritismValue BWL_AddFavoritismValue BWL_AddFavoritismValue BWL_AddFavoritismValue
080A4A78 - NotOver4000 - - -
080A4A88 - NotNegative - - -
080A4A92 - Store - - -
080A4A96 - End - - -
080A4B08 - end - - -
080A4B1C IsPlaythroughIdUnique IsPlaythroughIdUnique - IsPlaythroughIdUnique -
080A4B2C - loop_completions - - -
080A4B3E - loop_saves - - -
080A4B58 - return_false - - -
080A4B5C - continue_saves - - -
080A4B64 - end - - -
080A4B6C GetNewPlaythroughId GetNewPlaythroughId - GetNewPlaythroughId -
080A4B70 - loop - - -
080A4B82 - continue - - -
080A4B88 - end - - -
080A4B90 GGM_GetCompletionCount GGM_GetCompletionCount - GGM_GetCompletionCount -
080A4B9A - loop - - -
080A4BA4 - continue - - -
080A4BB0 GetGlobalCompletionCount GetGlobalCompletionCount - GetGlobalCompletionCount -
080A4BC8 - return_zero - - -
080A4BCA - End - - -
080A4BD0 GGM_RegisterCompletedPlaythrough GGM_RegisterCompletedPlaythrough - GGM_RegisterCompletedPlaythrough -
080A4BDA - loop_check - - -
080A4BEA - loop_set - - -
080A4BF8 - continue_set - - -
080A4BFE - return_false - - -
080A4C00 - end - - -
080A4C08 GetCurerentGameMode GetCurerentGameMode - GetCurerentGameMode -
080A4C14 RegisterCompletedPlaythrough RegisterCompletedPlaythrough DeclareCompletedPlaythrough RegisterCompletedPlaythrough -
080A4C70 - mode2_eirika - - -
080A4C7A - not_easy_m2 - - -
080A4C84 - not_hard_m2 - - -
080A4C8A - mode3_ephraim - - -
080A4C94 - not_easy_m3 - - -
080A4C9E - not_hard_m3 - - -
080A4CA2 - set - - -
080A4CA6 - finish - - -
080A4CD8 - - - - Set the game cleared flag
080A4CFC BWL_GetEntry BWL_GetEntry BWL_GetEntry BWL_GetEntry -
080A4D20 - return_null - - -
080A4D22 - end - - -
080A4D28 GetBonusContentClaimFlags GetBonusContentClaimFlags - GetBonusContentClaimFlags -
080A4D34 SetBonusContentClaimFlags SetBonusContentClaimFlags Set0203EDB4 SetBonusContentClaimFlags -
080A4D40 SaveBonusContentClaimFlags SaveBonusContentClaimFlags Save0203EDB4 SaveBonusContentClaimFlags -
080A4D5C LoadBonusContentClaimFlags LoadBonusContentClaimFlags Load0203EDB4 LoadBonusContentClaimFlags -
080A4D80 UpdateLastUsedGameSaveSlot UpdateLastUsedGameSaveSlot - UpdateLastUsedGameSaveSlot -
080A4DA0 GetLastUsedGameSaveSlot GetLastUsedGameSaveSlot - GetLastUsedGameSaveSlot -
080A4DBE - Return0 - - -
080A4DC0 - end - - -
080A4E08 CopyGameSave CopyGameSave - CopyGameSave -
080A4E70 SaveNewGame SaveNewGame - SaveNewGame -
080A5010 SaveGame SaveGame SaveGame SaveGame -
080A5056 - loop_unit_save - - -
080A5076 - loop_character_unlock - - -
080A5128 LoadGame LoadGame LoadGame LoadGame -
080A5176 - lop - - -
080A5218 SaveMetadata_CheckId IsSaveBlockValid - IsSaveBlockValid -
080A522C LoadSavedChapterState LoadSavedChapterState - LoadSavedChapterState -
080A524C LoadSavedBonusClaimFlags LoadSavedBonusClaimFlags - LoadSavedBonusClaimFlags -
080A5274 LoadSavedWMStuff LoadSavedWMStuff - LoadSavedWMStuff -
080A5290 LoadSavedEid8A LoadSavedEid8A - LoadSavedEid8A -
080A52D6 - return_true - - -
080A52D8 - end - - -
080A5332 - return_zero - - -
080A5334 - end - - -
080A533C SaveUnit SaveUnit SaveUnit SaveUnit SaveUnit
080A5388 - NonZeroChar - - -
080A5552 - NotDead - - -
080A5592 - Deployed - - -
080A55D2 - SoloAnim1 - - -
080A5612 - SoloAnim2 - - -
080A5652 - NoMetisTome - - -
080A5692 - NotSomethingAboutNotBeingDrawn - - -
080A56D2 - NotNoIdeaButCheckedAt34298 - - -
080A5712 - NotNotDeployedInPreviousChapter - - -
080A5724 - ContinueWRanks - - -
080A5738 - ContinueSupports - - -
080A5778 - _ - - -
080A5794 LoadSavedUnit LoadSavedUnit LoadSavedUnit LoadSavedUnit LoadSavedUnit
080A59E0 SaveGMMonsterRnState SaveGMMonsterRnState SaveRNGState_Maybe SaveGMMonsterRnState -
080A5A00 LoadGMMonsterRnState LoadGMMonsterRnState - LoadGMMonsterRnState -
080A5A20 ClearSaveBlock ClearSaveBlock - ClearSaveBlock -
080A5A40 - end - - -
080A5A48 SaveSuspendedGame SaveSuspendedGame SaveSuspendedGame SaveSuspendedGame -
080A5A64 - yes_save - - -
080A5A70 - yes_sram - - -
080A5AB2 - ContinuePlayerUnitLoop - - -
080A5AD8 - ContinueEnemyUnitLoop - - -
080A5AEE - ContinueOtherUnitLoop - - -
080A5BB0 - end - - -
080A5C14 LoadSuspendedGame LoadSuspendedGame LoadSuspendedGame LoadSuspendedGame -
080A5C5C - ContinuePlayerLoad - - -
080A5C78 - ContinueEnemyLoad - - -
080A5C96 - ContinueOtherLoad - - -
080A5DEC - return_false - - -
080A5DF4 - return_true - - -
080A5DF6 - end - - -
080A5DFC LoadSuspendedChapterState LoadSuspendedChapterState - LoadSuspendedChapterState -
080A5E10 PackUnitStructForSuspend PackUnitStructForSuspend PackUnitStructForSuspend PackUnitStructForSuspend -
080A5E2A - UnitExists - - -
080A6072 - ContinueWRanks - - -
080A6084 - ContinueSupportLevels - - -
080A60B2 - NoHighStatusBit - - -
080A60E6 - End - - -
080A6118 UnpackUnitStructFromSuspend UnpackUnitStructFromSuspend UnpackUnitStructFromSuspend UnpackUnitStructFromSuspend -
080A6370 SaveTrapStructs SaveTrapStructs SaveTrapStructs SaveTrapStructs -
080A63B0 GetLastSuspendSaveId GetLastSuspendSaveId - GetLastSuspendSaveId -
080A63C8 - return_true - - -
080A63CA - end - - -
080A63D0 GetNextSuspendSaveId GetNextSuspendSaveId - GetNextSuspendSaveId -
080A63E0 UpdateNextSuspendSaveId UpdateNextSuspendSaveId - UpdateNextSuspendSaveId -
080A6408 ComputeSaveChecksum ComputeSaveChecksum - ComputeSaveChecksum -
080A6430 SaveMetadata_VerifyChecksum SaveMetadata_VerifyChecksum - SaveMetadata_VerifyChecksum -
080A644C - return_false - - -
080A644E - end - - -
080A6454 SaveMetadata_ComputeChecksum SaveMetadata_ComputeChecksum - SaveMetadata_ComputeChecksum -
080A6AE8 - end - - -
080A6B68 - return_zero - - -
080A6B6A - end - - -
080A6B70 GetTrialMapSavedMapAddress GetTrialMapSavedMapAddress - GetTrialMapSavedMapAddress -
080A6B88 - return_null - - -
080A6B8A - end - - -
080A6B90 GetTrialMapSavedMapSize GetTrialMapSavedMapSize - GetTrialMapSavedMapSize -
080A6BAC - return_zero - - -
080A6BAE - end - - -
080A6BB4 GetTrialMapSavedChapterAddress GetTrialMapSavedChapterAddress - GetTrialMapSavedChapterAddress -
080A6BCC - return_null - - -
080A6BCE - end - - -
080A6BD4 GetTrialMapSavedChapterSize GetTrialMapSavedChapterSize - GetTrialMapSavedChapterSize -
080A6BF0 - return_zero - - -
080A6BF2 - end - - -
080A6DB0 - lop_zero - - -
080A6DC0 - lop - - -
080A6DCE - lop_inner - - -
080A6DD8 - part_0 - - -
080A6DE0 - part_1 - - -
080A6EDE - lop - - -
080A70B0 SaveWMStuff SaveWMStuff - SaveWMStuff -
080A7138 LoadWMStuff LoadWMStuff - LoadWMStuff -
080A7578 - - Minimap_GetRoadTileIndex - -
080A75CC - - NormalizeSeaMinimapTerrain - -
080A767C - - NormalizeWaterMinimapTerrain - -
080A769C - - Minimap_GetWaterTileIndex - -
080A7730 - - Minimap_GetRiverTileIndex - -
080A77D4 - - Minimap_GetCliffBoneTileIndex - -
080A78FC - - Minimap_GetStairsTileIndex - -
080A7940 - - Minimap_GetDoorTileIndex - -
080A7970 - - Minimap_GetBridgeTileIndex - -
080A7A0C - - Minimap_GetTileForTerrainAt - -
080A7A38 - jpt_80A7A2E - - -
080A7BF2 - def_80A7A2E - - -
080A7E84 - - Minimap_HandleOpen - -
080A8020 - - Minimap_LoopRotateIn - -
080A81B8 - - Minimap_HandleClose - -
080A8234 - - Minimap_LoopRotateOut - -
080A83D0 - - ApplyMinimapGraphics - -
080A85E4 - - Minimap_HandleDPadInput - -
080A86CC - - Minimap_AdjustCursorOnClose - -
080A8708 - - Minimap_Idle_InputHandler - -
080A87C8 - - StartMinimapPlayerPhase - Display MiniMap
080A87DC - - StartMinimapPrepPhase - Display MiniMap
080A89D4 - no_unit - - -
080A89DA - end - - -
080A8DCA - lop - - -
080A9024 Loop6C_savemenu Loop6C_savemenu Loop6C_savemenu Loop6C_savemenu -
080A9058 - MinOption - - -
080A906C - NoTickUp - - -
080A908A - HandleUp - - -
080A90C2 - NoPressUp - - -
080A90D2 - apress - - -
080A9128 - jpt_80A9118 - - -
080A91B4 - case_2_4_8 - - -
080A91D4 - case_10 - - -
080A91FC - case_20 - - -
080A921A - not_apress - - -
080A9246 - end - - -
080AA0FA - end - - -
080AA144 StartTrialMap_Maybe StartTrialMap_Maybe - StartTrialMap_Maybe -
080AA18E - _ - - -
080AA19E - case_20 - - -
080AA1A6 - case_02 - - -
080AA1AE - case_04 - - -
080AA1B4 - end - - -
080AA476 - End - - -
080AA496 - End - - -
080AA4C0 Make6C_savemenu Make6C_savemenu Make6C_savemenu Make6C_savemenu -
080AA510 - end - - -
080AA518 Start_savemenu2 Start_savemenu2 Make6C_savemenu2 Start_savemenu2 loadIceCrystal
080AA52C savemenu_SetDifficultyChoice savemenu_SetDifficultyChoice savemenu_SetDifficultyChoice savemenu_SetDifficultyChoice -
080AA588 - lop - - -
080AA5B2 - not_3 - - -
080AA5D2 - continue - - -
080AA5E6 - goto_end - - -
080AA600 - end - - -
080AA690 - goto_1 - - -
080AA698 - end - - -
080AB300 StartSaveDraw StartSaveDraw New6C_savedraw StartSaveDraw -
080ABBA8 - end - - -
080AC2B8 - NoUpPress - - -
080AC2D4 - NoDownPress - - -
080AC2D8 - NoDirPress - - -
080AC374 - _ - - -
080AC37A - Easy - - -
080AC37E - Normal - - -
080AC388 - Hard - - -
080AC3CC - End - - -
080AC3DC nullsub_64 nullsub_64 nullsub_64 nullsub_64 -
080AC3E0 StartNewGameDifficultySelect StartNewGameDifficultySelect NewNewGameDifficultySelect StartNewGameDifficultySelect -
080ACA9A - End - - -
080ACE44 - lop - - -
080AD2E8 ParallelWorker_OnLoop ParallelWorker_OnLoop - ParallelWorker_OnLoop -
080AD2F8 StartParallelWorker StartParallelWorker Get6CDifferedLoop6C StartParallelWorker -
080AD310 - end - - -
080AD31C EndAllParallelWorkers EndAllParallelWorkers DeleteEach6CDifferedLoop EndAllParallelWorkers -
080AD320 - lop - - -
080AD324 - begin - - -
080AD338 GetParallelWorker GetParallelWorker Find6CDifferedLoop GetParallelWorker -
080AD340 - lop - - -
080AD34A - begin - - -
080AD358 - end - - -
080AD3C4 - lop - - -
080AD474 - end - - -
080AD47C ResetPrepScreenHandCursor ResetPrepScreenHandCursor - ResetPrepScreenHandCursor -
080AD4D0 - end - - -
080AD554 - proc_goto_1 - - -
080AD55C - end - - -
080AD564 HidePrepScreenHandCursor HidePrepScreenHandCursor - HidePrepScreenHandCursor -
080AD580 EndPrepScreenHandCursor EndPrepScreenHandCursor - EndPrepScreenHandCursor -
080AD5D8 EnableAllGfx EnableAllGfx EnableAllGfx EnableAllGfx -
080ADA72 - loop - - -
080ADB6C - end - - -
080ADB7C StartSmallBrownNameBoxes StartSmallBrownNameBoxes - StartSmallBrownNameBoxes -
080ADC90 EndSmallBrownNameBoxes EndSmallBrownNameBoxes - EndSmallBrownNameBoxes -
080ADD10 - Finish - - -
080ADDD4 EndAllProcChildren EndAllProcChildren - EndAllProcChildren ClearChild6C
080ADDDC - lop - - -
080ADDE2 - begin - - -
080ADF00 - not_bg2 - - -
080AE18C FadeInOut_Init FadeInOut_Init FadeInOut_Init FadeInOut_Init -
080AE1A0 FadeIn_Loop FadeIn_Loop FadeIn_Loop FadeIn_Loop -
080AE1C4 - FromBlack - - -
080AE1C6 - Continue - - -
080AE1F6 - End - - -
080AE200 FadeOut_Loop FadeOut_Loop FadeOut_Loop FadeOut_Loop -
080AE224 - ToBlack - - -
080AE22C - Continue - - -
080AE242 - End - - -
080AE248 FadeInOut_DisableGfx FadeInOut_DisableGfx FadeInOut_DisableGfx FadeInOut_DisableGfx -
080AE294 - End - - -
080AE2A0 FadeInExists FadeInExists FadeInExists FadeInExists -
080AE2AE - End - - -
080AE2B8 FadeOutExists FadeOutExists FadeOutExists FadeOutExists -
080AE2C6 - End - - -
080AE2D0 NewFadeIn NewFadeIn NewFadeIn NewFadeIn -
080AE2F4 NewFadeOut NewFadeOut NewFadeOut NewFadeOut -
080AEC94 - - - - SoundRoom
080AECB4 - - - - SoundRoom
080AED10 - - - - SoundRoom
080AF228 nullsub_65 nullsub_65 nullsub_65 nullsub_65 -
080AF3C8 - - - - SoundRoom
080AF4D0 - - - - Sound Room
080AF7F4 - - - - SoundRoom
080AFDF4 - - - - SoundRoom
080AFF1C - - - - Show sound room screen
080AFF30 - - - - SoundRoom
080B0018 - - - - SoundRoom
080B0088 - - - - Sound Room
080B017C - - - - Sound Room
080B0204 - - - - Sound Room
080B0240 - - - - Sound Room
080B0324 - - - - SoundRoom
080B05C0 nullsub_66 nullsub_66 nullsub_66 nullsub_66 -
080B0760 InitBonusContentClaimList InitBonusContentClaimList - InitBonusContentClaimList -
080B07AE - lop - - -
080B07E4 - __ - - -
080B07EA - item - - -
080B07F6 - item2 - - -
080B0828 - not_claimed - - -
080B082E - _ - - -
080B0834 - no_item - - -
080B0852 - continue - - -
080B086E - no_content - - -
080B0884 - return_false - - -
080B0886 - end - - -
080B0894 DrawBonusItemMenuEntry DrawBonusItemMenuEntry - DrawBonusItemMenuEntry -
080B0948 - item - - -
080B099C - money - - -
080B09CA - bad - - -
080B0A08 - end - - -
080B0A24 SetBonusContentClaimed SetBonusContentClaimed - SetBonusContentClaimed -
080B0ADC ClaimBonusItemMenu_Init ClaimBonusItemMenu_Init - ClaimBonusItemMenu_Init -
080B0BDE - lop - - -
080B0D38 ClaimBonusItemMenu_MainLoop ClaimBonusItemMenu_MainLoop - ClaimBonusItemMenu_MainLoop -
080B0DA0 - claim - - -
080B0DF0 - money - - -
080B0E48 - no_a_press - - -
080B0F82 - end - - -
080B15DC - bg - - -
080B1688 StartClaimBonusItemMenu StartClaimBonusItemMenu - StartClaimBonusItemMenu -
080B1DE8 - - - - GetGameOption
080B1E04 - jpt_80B1DFE - - -
080B1F5A - def_80B1DFE - - -
080B1F64 - - - - SetGameOption
080B1F84 - jpt_80B1F7C - - -
080B2180 - def_80B1F7C - - -
080B222C - jpt_80B2224 - - -
080B244C - def_80B2224 - - -
080B2518 nullsub_67 nullsub_67 nullsub_67 nullsub_67 -
080B27B4 - _ - - -
080B27BA - case_0 - - -
080B27C2 - case_1 - - -
080B27CE - case_2 - - -
080B297E - End - - -
080B29F8 Make6C_opinfo Make6C_opinfo Make6C_opinfo Make6C_opinfo -
080B36D0 - End - - -
080B3DA0 - jpt_80B3D98 - - -
080B3E0A - def_80B3D98 - - -
080B3E34 - jpt_80B3E2E - - -
080B3E90 - def_80B3E2E - - -
080B3EDC - - - - Start_opinfoDrawBattleAnime
080B414A - end - - -
080B4154 Shop6C_GetPortraitIndex ShopProc_GetPortraitIndex Shop6C_GetPortraitIndex ShopProc_GetPortraitIndex -
080B4168 - StartShopDialogue - StartShopDialogue Shop
080B41E0 StartArmoryScreen StartArmoryScreen MakeShopArmory StartArmoryScreen -
080B4200 StartVendorScreen StartVendorScreen MakeShopVendor StartVendorScreen -
080B4240 StartShopScreen StartShopScreen MakeShop StartShopScreen -
080B4268 - NoParent - - -
080B4284 - SkipLoadingSpecific - - -
080B428A - Continue - - -
080B432C - - - - Shop
080B4340 - a_unit - - -
080B4346 - end - - -
080B4350 - - - - Shop
080B43A8 - - - - Shop
080B4494 - - - - Shop
080B44A8 - - - - Shop
080B464C - - - - Shop
080B46CC - - - - Shop
080B471C - - - - Shop
080B474C - - - - Shop
080B4760 - - - - Shop
080B4774 - - - - Shop
080B491E - SkipSound - - -
080B4926 - End - - -
080B49B8 - - - - Shop
080B49CC - - - - Shop
080B49F8 - - - - Shop
080B4A10 - Unit - - -
080B4A16 - End - - -
080B4B50 - NoRPress - - -
080B4B72 - End - - -
080B4B7C - ShopFadeIn - ShopFadeIn -
080B4BA0 - end - - -
080B4BB0 - ShopFadeOut - ShopFadeOut -
080B4BEC - ShopProc_Init - ShopProc_Init -
080B4C0C - not_vendor - - -
080B4C14 - continue - - -
080B4CC6 - lop - - -
080B4E24 - StartUiGoldBox - StartUiGoldBox -
080B4E88 - InitGoldBoxText - InitGoldBoxText -
080B4ECE - end - - -
080B4ED4 - DisplayGoldBoxText - DisplayGoldBoxText -
080B4F90 - ShopProc_DisplayItems - ShopProc_DisplayItems -
080B4FAA - lop - - -
080B5220 - - - - Acquisition of selling price of shop
080B525E - End - - -
080B5268 - - - - Function for obtaining selling price
080B52A4 - GoldBox_OnLoop - GoldBox_OnLoop -
080B52CC - InitShopScreenGfx - InitShopScreenGfx -
080B53B6 - end - - -
080B53BC - UnpackUiVArrowGfx - UnpackUiVArrowGfx -
080B53F8 - DisplayUiVArrow - DisplayUiVArrow -
080B5998 - - - - Arena
080B59CC - - - - Arena
080B59EC - - - - Arena
080B5A38 - - - - Arena
080B5A78 - - - - Arena
080B5A8C - - - - Arena
080B5AA0 - - - - Arena
080B5AB4 - - - - Arena
080B5B18 - - - - Arena
080B5C04 - - - - Arena
080B5D5C SuspendCommand SuspendCommand - SuspendCommand -
080B5D74 - - - - Acquire of "tactics evaluation" of tactics evaluation
080B5E6C - - - - Acquire "survival evaluation" of tactics evaluation
080B5EA4 - - - - Acquire of "experience evaluation" of tactics evaluation
080B5F9C - - - - Acquire of "Battle Evaluation" of Capture Evaluation
080B5FD0 - - - - Acquire "asset valuation" of tactics evaluation
080B6070 GetOverallRank GetOverallRank - GetOverallRank Acquire "comprehensive evaluation" of tactics evaluation
080B60AC - loop - - -
080B60BA - end - - -
080B6144 GetChapterTacticsRank GetChapterTacticsRank - GetChapterTacticsRank -
080B61A4 - loop - - -
080B61B2 - end - - -
080B61C4 GetChapterSurvivalRank GetChapterSurvivalRank - GetChapterSurvivalRank -
080B61DC - loop - - -
080B61F0 - return - - -
080B622C - - - - Subroutine of "evaluation of survival evaluation" of tactics evaluation
080B6284 GetChapterDeathCount GetChapterDeathCount - GetChapterDeathCount -
080B628A - loop - - -
080B62BE - continue - - -
080B62DC GetChapterFundsRank GetChapterFundsRank - GetChapterFundsRank -
080B634E - return_1 - - -
080B6350 - end - - -
080B6358 GetChapterWinPerc GetChapterWinPerc - GetChapterWinPerc -
080B6374 - noverflow_battles - - -
080B637A - noverflow_wins - - -
080B63DC - end - - -
080B63F0 GetChapterCombatRank GetChapterCombatRank - GetChapterCombatRank -
080B6406 - loop - - -
080B6416 - return - - -
080B6424 GetChapterExpRank GetChapterExpRank - GetChapterExpRank -
080B642C - loop_init - - -
080B6442 - nmax - - -
080B64DC - loop - - -
080B64EA - return - - -
080B6504 ComputeChapterRankings ComputeChapterRankings ComputeChapterRankings ComputeChapterRankings -
080B6586 - bad_mode - - -
080B65CE - end - - -
080B661A - lop - - -
080B6674 - - - - ending
080B6768 - - - - ending
080B6A4C - - - - GetCharacterSupportA
080B73A4 - jpt_80B739C - - -
080B7416 - def_80B739C - - -
080B74CC - - - - Switch BGM (another command No
080B7648 - - - - Preparing to draw background of screen with total number of turns
080B770C - - - - Draw total number of turns
080B7800 - - - - Clear turn list drawing
080B78F8 - jpt_80B78F0 - - -
080B7A40 - def_80B78F0 - - -
080B8014 - - - - Set background of screen with total number of turns
080B8188 nullsub_6 nullsub_6 - nullsub_6 -
080B818C nullsub_7 nullsub_7 nullsub_7 nullsub_7 -
080B81FC nullsub_5 nullsub_5 nullsub_5 nullsub_5 -
080B821A - continue - - -
080B866E - End - - -
080B867C nullsub_57 nullsub_57 nullsub_57 nullsub_57 -
080B8A18 GM_OnEnd GM_OnEnd WorldMap_Destruct GM_OnEnd -
080B8D5C InitGraphicsForWorldMap InitGraphicsForWorldMap SetupGraphicSystemsForWorldMap InitGraphicsForWorldMap -
080B8E14 LoadGMObjGraphics LoadGMObjGraphics - LoadGMObjGraphics -
080B8E60 GMProc_80B8E60 GMProc_80B8E60 - GMProc_80B8E60 -
080B8FA4 GMProc_DeployAllBlueUnits GMProc_DeployAllBlueUnits DeployEveryUnit GMProc_DeployAllBlueUnits -
080B8FA8 - loop - - -
080B8FC4 - continue - - -
080B8FD0 nullsub_22 nullsub_22 nullsub_22 nullsub_22 -
080B8FD4 GM_80B8FD4 GM_80B8FD4 - GM_80B8FD4 -
080B9022 - End - - -
080B9044 - lop - - -
080B90B6 - continue - - -
080B90E2 - lop - - -
080B9124 - lop - - -
080B914C - End - - -
080B9154 GMProc_80B9154 GMProc_80B9154 - GMProc_80B9154 -
080B91FE - Finish - - -
080B9A10 WorldMap_HideEverything WorldMap_HideEverything WorldMap_HideEverything WorldMap_HideEverything -
080B9B38 WorldMap_InitChapterTransition WorldMap_InitChapterTransition WorldMap_InitChapterTransition WorldMap_InitChapterTransition -
080B9B7C - dungeon - - -
080B9CA4 - End - - -
080B9CB0 WorldMap_WaitForChapterIntroEvents WorldMap_WaitForChapterIntroEvents WorldMap_WaitForChapterIntroEvents WorldMap_WaitForChapterIntroEvents -
080B9F08 DoNothing DoNothing DoNothing DoNothing -
080BA024 GM_End GM_End EndWM GM_End -
080BA2E4 GM_Start GM_Start NewWorldMap GM_Start -
080BA330 - end - - -
080BA334 GM_SetupChapterStuff GM_SetupChapterStuff WorldMap_SetupChapterStuff GM_SetupChapterStuff -
080BA3BC - no_next_location - - -
080BA3C8 - end - - -
080BA3D4 GM_CallChapterWMIntroEvent GM_CallChapterWMIntroEvent CallChapterWMIntroEvents GM_CallChapterWMIntroEvent -
080BA416 - no_wm_events - - -
080BA61C GMapScreenVSync_OnInit GMapScreenVSync_OnInit - GMapScreenVSync_OnInit -
080BA628 GMapScreenVSync_OnUpdate GMapScreenVSync_OnUpdate - GMapScreenVSync_OnUpdate -
080BA642 - lop - - -
080BA6C8 - end - - -
080BA718 StartGMapScreenVSync StartGMapScreenVSync NewMapScreenVSynce StartGMapScreenVSync -
080BA750 - null - - -
080BA752 - end - - -
080BA758 GMapScreen_OnEnd GMapScreen_OnEnd MapScreen_OnDelete GMapScreen_OnEnd -
080BA764 GMapScreen_Init GMapScreen_Init MapScreen_Init GMapScreen_Init -
080BABE6 - End - - -
080BABF0 StartGMapScreen StartGmScreen NewMapScreen StartGmScreen -
080BAC1C MMS_GetGfx GetGmMovingUnitSpriteImg MMS_GetGfx GetGmMovingUnitSpriteImg -
080BAC30 MMS_GetROMTCS2 GetGmMovingUnitSpriteApData MMS_GetROMTCS2 GetGmMovingUnitSpriteApData -
080BAC44 GetMapUnitMMSGfxBuffer GetGmMovingUnitSpriteImgBuffer GetMapUnitMMSGfxBuffer GetGmMovingUnitSpriteImgBuffer -
080BAC58 GmapUnit_Destruct GmUnit_OnEnd GmapUnit_Destruct GmUnit_OnEnd -
080BAC64 GmapUnit_Init GmUnit_OnInit GmapUnit_Init GmUnit_OnInit -
080BAC78 GmapUnit_Loop GmUnit_OnLoop GmapUnit_Loop GmUnit_OnLoop -
080BAC90 - yes_please_do - - -
080BACB0 - LoadPosFromParent - - -
080BACC0 - EndLoadPosition - - -
080BADC2 - end - - -
080BADD4 GetPaletteIdForAllegience GetGmFactionPaletteId GetPaletteIdForAllegience GetGmFactionPaletteId -
080BADE2 - Ally - - -
080BADE6 - NPC - - -
080BADEA - Enemy - - -
080BADEC - End - - -
080BADF0 NewMapUnit StartGmUnit NewMapUnit StartGmUnit -
080BAE10 - ContinueSpaceFind - - -
080BAE1E - FoundSpace - - -
080BAE28 - NotPostSpace - - -
080BAE44 - yes_proc - - -
080BAEF0 - bad_alloc - - -
080BAEFA - end - - -
080BAF0C MapUnitC_DeleteGmapUnit MapUnitC_DeleteGmapUnit MapUnitC_DeleteGmapUnit MapUnitC_DeleteGmapUnit -
080BAF2C - End - - -
080BAF34 MapUnitC_SetPosition GmUnitCnt_SetPosition MapUnitC_SetPosition GmUnitCnt_SetPosition -
080BAF84 MapUnitC_SetAnim MapUnitC_SetAnim MapUnitC_SetTCSAnim MapUnitC_SetAnim -
080BAFA4 - GmUnitCnt_SetDisplayed - GmUnitCnt_SetDisplayed -
080BB018 MapUnitC_SetTCSOAMIndex MapUnitC_SetTCSOAMIndex MapUnitC_SetTCSOAMIndex MapUnitC_SetTCSOAMIndex -
080BB038 MapUnitC_SetAllegienceColorIndex MapUnitC_SetAllegienceColorIndex MapUnitC_SetAllegienceColorIndex MapUnitC_SetAllegienceColorIndex -
080BB04E - SkipUpdate - - -
080BB0A4 MapUnitC_MarkSomething MapUnitC_MarkSomething MapUnitC_MarkSomething MapUnitC_MarkSomething -
080BB0BC - DoAll - - -
080BB0C4 - Start - - -
080BB0D0 - Continue - - -
080BB0D8 - End - - -
080BB17C - end - - -
080BB1A0 GmapUnitContainer_OnEnd GmUnitContainer_OnEnd GmapUnitContainer_Destruct GmUnitContainer_OnEnd -
080BB1AC - lop - - -
080BB1B8 - continue - - -
080BB1C8 GmapUnitContainer_OnInit GmUnitContainer_OnInit GmapUnitContainer_Init GmUnitContainer_OnInit -
080BB1E8 StartGmapUnitContainer StartGmUnitContainer NewGmapUnitContainer StartGmUnitContainer -
080BB20C GmapUnitFade_Destruct GmUnitFade_OnEnd GmapUnitFade_Destruct GmUnitFade_OnEnd -
080BB264 GmapUnitFade_Init GmUnitFade_OnInit GmapUnitFade_Init GmUnitFade_OnInit -
080BB348 GmapUnitFade_Loop GmUnitFade_OnLoop GmapUnitFade_Loop GmUnitFade_OnLoop -
080BB3E8 - StartGmUnitFade - StartGmUnitFade -
080BB47C - EndGmUnitFade - EndGmUnitFade -
080BB48C - FindGmUnitFade - FindGmUnitFade -
080BB5B0 WMLocation_GetChapterId WMLocation_GetChapterId WMLoc_GetChapterId WMLocation_GetChapterId -
080BB5C0 - eirika_mode - - -
080BB5D4 - ephraim_mode - - -
080BB5DC - end - - -
080BB5E4 WMLoc_GetNextLocId GetWmNodeNext WMLoc_GetNextLocId GetWmNodeNext -
080BB60C - EirikaMode - - -
080BB61C - EphraimMode - - -
080BB620 - End - - -
080BB718 GmapScreen2_Destruct GmNodeIconDisplay_OnEnd GmapScreen2_Destruct GmNodeIconDisplay_OnEnd -
080BB724 GmapScreen2_Init GmNodeIconDisplay_OnInit GmapScreen2_Init GmNodeIconDisplay_OnInit -
080BB72E - lop - - -
080BB744 - GetGmIconScreenCoords - GetGmIconScreenCoords -
080BB78C - return_false - - -
080BB78E - end - - -
080BB798 GmapScreen2_Loop GmNodeIconDisplay_OnLoop GmapScreen2_Loop GmNodeIconDisplay_OnLoop -
080BB7B6 - yes_please_do - - -
080BB7C6 - lop - - -
080BB894 - continue - - -
080BB988 - end - - -
080BB9A4 - StartGmNodeIconDisplay - StartGmNodeIconDisplay -
080BBA80 nullsub_59 nullsub_59 nullsub_59 nullsub_59 -
080BBA84 GmapCursor_OnInit GmCursor_OnInit GmapCursor_Init GmCursor_OnInit -
080BBAD4 GmapCursor_OnUpdate GmCursor_OnUpdate GmapCursor_Destruct GmCursor_OnUpdate -
080BBBAA - end - - -
080BBBC4 StartGmapCursor StartGmapCursor NewGmapCursor StartGmapCursor -
080BBEB4 nullsub_38 nullsub_38 nullsub_38 nullsub_38 -
080BC0BC GMapRoute_StartTransition GMapRoute_StartTransition MapRoute_StartTransition GMapRoute_StartTransition -
080BC0E8 - NoSound - - -
080BC184 GMapRoute_EnableBGSyncs GMapRoute_EnableBGSyncs MapRoute_EnableBGSyncs GMapRoute_EnableBGSyncs -
080BC1B8 GMapRoute_TransitionLoop GMapRoute_TransitionLoop MapRoute_TransitionLoop GMapRoute_TransitionLoop -
080BC220 - End - - -
080BC228 GMapRoute_TransitionEnd GMapRoute_TransitionEnd MapRoute_TransitionEnd GMapRoute_TransitionEnd -
080BC29C MapRoute_BeginRouteTransition MapRoute_BeginRouteTransition MapRoute_BeginRouteTransition MapRoute_BeginRouteTransition -
080BC2BC - NotInstant - - -
080BC2D6 - End - - -
080BC2DC GMapRoute_80BC2DC GMapRoute_80BC2DC MapRoute_80BC2DC GMapRoute_80BC2DC -
080BC38A - End - - -
080BC3A4 StartGMapRoute StartGMapRoute NewMapRoute StartGMapRoute -
080BC81C - GmDataInit - GmDataInit -
080BC898 - GmPathsInit - GmPathsInit -
080BC8BC SetupNewWMRoute AddGmPath SetupNewWMRoute AddGmPath -
080BC8CE - there_is_room - - -
080BC8E4 - end - - -
080BC8EC WM_RemovePath RemoveGmPath WM_RemovePath RemoveGmPath -
080BC970 - RefreshGmNodeLinksExt - RefreshGmNodeLinksExt -
080BC9A4 - lop - - -
080BC9F4 - end - - -
080BCA0C - RefreshGmNodeLinks - RefreshGmNodeLinks -
080BCA28 - lop - - -
080BCFB4 GM_ClearAllStoryLocations ResetGmStoryNode - ResetGmStoryNode -
080BCFC0 - lop - - -
080BD064 - end - - -
080BD068 GetBattleMapType GetBattleMapKind GetChapterThing GetBattleMapKind -
080BD076 - switch - - -
080BD088 - jpt_80BD07E - - -
080BD1A8 - check - - -
080BD1B4 - not_valni - - -
080BD1BE - nor_lagdou - - -
080BD1C2 - loop - - -
080BD1E4 - return_story_chapter - - -
080BD1F6 - return_dungeon - - -
080BD1FA - continue - - -
080BD202 - return_skirmish - - -
080BD204 - end - - -
080BD216 - Valid - - -
080BD2A8 nullsub_37 nullsub_37 nullsub_37 nullsub_37 -
080BD2AC GetCharacterClassId GetCharacterClassId GetCharacterClassId GetCharacterClassId -
080BD2B2 - Start - - -
080BD2D0 - Continue - - -
080BD2E2 - End - - -
080BD2EC MapMUPrim_MakeUnitForChar MapMUPrim_MakeUnitForChar MapMUPrim_MakeUnitForChar MapMUPrim_MakeUnitForChar -
080BD374 MapMUPrim_MakeUnitForClass MapMUPrim_MakeUnitForClass MapMUPrim_MakeUnitForClass MapMUPrim_MakeUnitForClass -
080BD398 - NoRemove - - -
080BD3E8 MapMUPrim_RemoveLinkedMapUnit MapMUPrim_RemoveLinkedMapUnit MapMUPrim_RemoveLinkedMapUnit MapMUPrim_RemoveLinkedMapUnit -
080BD408 - End - - -
080BD418 nullsub_70 nullsub_70 nullsub_70 nullsub_70 -
080BD9C4 - End - - -
080BDBF4 - End - - -
080BDC00 nullsub_49 nullsub_49 nullsub_49 nullsub_49 -
080BDC04 MapMU_FillPrim GmMu_OnInit MapMU_FillPrim GmMu_OnInit -
080BDC0E - lop - - -
080BDC28 NewMapMU StartGmMu NewMapMU StartGmMu -
080BDC3C MapMU_SetUnit GmMu_SetUnit MapMU_SetUnit GmMu_SetUnit -
080BDC70 - NoRemove - - -
080BDC98 - Arg2IsZero - - -
080BDCAE - EndMake - - -
080BDCCA - DoNotLoadDefaults - - -
080BDD2C MapMU_RemoveUnit GmMu_RemoveUnit MapMU_RemoveUnit GmMu_RemoveUnit -
080BDD74 - bit2set - - -
080BDD7A - endbit2 - - -
080BDD8A - End - - -
080BDDC4 - GmMu_ShowUnit - GmMu_ShowUnit -
080BDDFE - lop - - -
080BDE28 - continue - - -
080BDE30 - end - - -
080BDE3C - GmMu_HideUnit - GmMu_HideUnit -
080BE054 - GmMu_PauseMovement - GmMu_PauseMovement -
080BE068 - GmMu_ResumeMovement - GmMu_ResumeMovement -
080BE0E8 MapMU_SetUnitTCSOAMIndex MapMU_SetUnitTCSOAMIndex MapMU_SetUnitTCSOAMIndex MapMU_SetUnitTCSOAMIndex -
080BE108 MapMU_80BE108 MapMU_80BE108 MapMU_80BE108 MapMU_80BE108 -
080BE35C - GmMu_SetPosition - GmMu_SetPosition -
080BE3C8 - GmMu_SetNode - GmMu_SetNode -
080BE40C - GmMu_StartFadeIn - GmMu_StartFadeIn -
080BE42C - GmMu_StartFadeOut - GmMu_StartFadeOut -
080BE44C - GmUnitFadeExists - GmUnitFadeExists -
080BE534 MapMU_SetUnitClass GmMu_SetUnitClass MapMU_SetUnitClass GmMu_SetUnitClass -
080BE550 MapMU_SetUnitChar GmMu_SetUnitChar MapMU_SetUnitChar GmMu_SetUnitChar -
080BF2AC - GmScrollManage_OnEnd - GmScrollManage_OnEnd -
080BF2D0 - GmScrollManage_OnInit - GmScrollManage_OnInit -
080BF2D8 - GmScrollManage_OnLoop - GmScrollManage_OnLoop -
080BF2F0 - yes_do_please - - -
080BF364 - end_proc - - -
080BF36A - end - - -
080BF370 - StartGmScrollManage - StartGmScrollManage -
080BF38E - auto_from - - -
080BF39A - _ - - -
080BF3F4 - FindGmScrollManage - FindGmScrollManage -
080BF404 - StartGmScroll - StartGmScroll -
080BF4A8 - EndGmScroll - EndGmScroll -
080BF4D0 GM_PutClassUnit SetGmClassUnit WM_PutClassSprite SetGmClassUnit -
080BF504 GM_PutCharUnit SetGmCharUnit WM_PutCharSprite SetGmCharUnit -
080BF538 GM_RemoveUnit RemoveGmUnit WM_RemoveUnit RemoveGmUnit -
080BF554 - ShowGmUnit - ShowGmUnit -
080BF570 - HideGmUnit - HideGmUnit -
080BF58C WM_DrawPath AddAndDrawGmPath WM_DrawPath AddAndDrawGmPath -
080BF5B2 - end - - -
080BF5C0 nullsub_50 nullsub_50 nullsub_50 nullsub_50 -
080BF6C0 - StartGmPalFade - StartGmPalFade -
080BF6E0 - NoParent - - -
080BF726 - End - - -
080BF730 - GmPalFadeActive - GmPalFadeActive -
080BF748 - EndGmPalFade - EndGmPalFade -
080BF788 - StartGmPalFade_ - StartGmPalFade_ -
080BFAEC - StartGmBaseEntry - StartGmBaseEntry -
080BFB24 - EndGmBaseEntry - EndGmBaseEntry -
080BFB34 - GmBaseEntryExists - GmBaseEntryExists -
080BFD7C nullsub_48 nullsub_48 nullsub_48 nullsub_48 -
080C01DC StartGMapMuEntry StartGMapMuEntry NewMapMuEntry StartGMapMuEntry -
080C01F0 - NoParent - - -
080C01F8 - End - - -
080C0240 - GmMuEntryStartShow - GmMuEntryStartShow -
080C02A4 - GmMuEntryStartHide - GmMuEntryStartHide -
080C0548 nullsub_47 nullsub_47 nullsub_47 nullsub_47 -
080C0858 GetWMCenteredCameraPosition GetGmCameraCenteredPosition GetWMCenteredCameraPosition GetGmCameraCenteredPosition -
080C0878 - StoreX - - -
080C0894 - StoreY - - -
080C0896 - End - - -
080C18C2 - end - - -
080C18E8 nullsub_72 nullsub_72 nullsub_72 nullsub_72 -
080C1ABA - lop - - -
080C1C36 - lop - - -
080C1D1C - lop - - -
080C1F18 - StartGmRmUpdate2 - StartGmRmUpdate2 -
080C229C - lop - - -
080C22B4 - continue - - -
080C2420 Make6C_Gmap_RM StartGmRm Make6C_Gmap_RM StartGmRm -
080C24AC GetWMDisplayPosition GetWMDisplayPosition GetWMDisplayPosition GetWMDisplayPosition -
080C24C8 - get - - -
080C24D2 - end - - -
080C3124 - GmAutoMu_OnEnd - GmAutoMu_OnEnd -
080C31BE - end - - -
080C3378 - StartGmMuAuto_Paths - StartGmMuAuto_Paths -
080C33D4 - StartGmAutoMu_Free - StartGmAutoMu_Free -
080C343C - EndGmAutoMuFor - EndGmAutoMuFor -
080C3484 - GmAutoMuActiveFor - GmAutoMuActiveFor -
080C34C4 - return_true - - -
080C34C6 - end - - -
080C3EC4 nullsub_71 nullsub_71 nullsub_71 nullsub_71 -
080C4048 GM_GetBaseMenuProc GM_GetBaseMenuProc - GM_GetBaseMenuProc -
080C40AA - end - - -
080C4938 - End - - -
080C541C - - - - OP subtitle is displayed
080C5710 - jpt_80C5708 - - -
080C583C - def_80C5708 - - -
080C5862 - MakeSaveDrawCursor - - -
080C5868 - End - - -
080C58E8 - jpt_80C58E0 - - -
080C5A14 - def_80C58E0 - - -
080C6100 nullsub_23 nullsub_23 nullsub_23 nullsub_23 -
080C63A8 - HandleClassReel - - -
080C63BA - End - - -
080C6424 - - - - Display game title OP
080C6444 - - - - Display game title OP 2
080C645C - - - - Show OP after displaying ring of light
080C6498 - jpt_80C6492 - - -
080C6550 - jpt_80C654A - - -
080C65C4 - jpt_80C65BE - - -
080C6638 - jpt_80C6630 - - -
080C66DE - def_80C6630 - - -
080C6704 - - - - Logo at ROM start
080C672A - End - - -
080C6738 AddSomeChild6C AddSomeChild6C AddSomeChild6C AddSomeChild6C -
080C674C DeleteSome6C DeleteSome6C DeleteSome6C DeleteSome6C -
080C6760 StorePaletteToBufferMaybe StorePaletteToBufferMaybe StorePaletteToBufferMaybe StorePaletteToBufferMaybe -
080C6A54 Initialize6CIntroSequence Initialize6CIntroSequence Initialize6CIntroSequence Initialize6CIntroSequence -
080C6E90 Until6C2AIs8Callback Until6C2AIs8Callback Until6C2AIs8Callback Until6C2AIs8Callback -
080C6EA6 - NotEnd - - -
080C6EAA - End - - -
080C6EF0 - End - - -
080C73CC - jpt_80C73C4 - - -
080C7604 - def_80C73C4 - - -
080C7708 - jpt_80C7702 - - -
080C7770 - def_80C7702 - - -
080C7D14 - jpt_80C7D0E - - -
080C7F80 - def_80C7D0E - - -
080C7FD0 - jpt_80C7FCA - - -
080C8038 - def_80C7FCA - - -
080C85EE - Continue - - -
080C85F2 - End - - -
080C86D8 - jpt_80C86D0 - - -
080C8802 - def_80C86D0 - - -
080C8DD0 - jpt_80C8DC2 - - -
080C8EA0 - def_80C8DC2 - - -
080CA4F8 - jpt_80CA4F0 - - -
080CA53E - def_80CA4F0 - - -
080CBDD8 - - - - Logo at ROM start
080CBE00 - end - - -
080CC1F8 PrepareHealthAndSafetyScreen PrepareHealthAndSafetyScreen PrepareHealthAndSafetyScreen PrepareHealthAndSafetyScreen -
080CC2BA - End - - -
080CC468 NewPromotionMain NewPromotionMain MakePromotionScreen NewPromotionMain -
080CC498 NewPromotionMain_raw NewPromotionMain_raw Make6C_PromotionMain NewPromotionMain_raw -
080CC502 - NotStarted - - -
080CC5AA - End - - -
080CC5CE - _ - - -
080CC5D4 - Case0 - - -
080CC5DE - Case1 - - -
080CC5F6 - Case2 - - -
080CC622 - End - - -
080CC664 - end - - -
080CC694 - end - - -
080CC6F6 - EirikaMode - - -
080CC704 - EphraimMode - - -
080CC708 - EndModeCheck - - -
080CC724 - StartTraineeLoop - - -
080CC73C - Exists - - -
080CC748 - NotDeidAndStuff - - -
080CC754 - NotTooLowLeveled - - -
080CC760 - RightClass - - -
080CC778 - HasPromotions - - -
080CC7D4 - ActuallyThisIsTheLord - - -
080CC7E0 - INVALID - - -
080CC7EE - not_trainee_promotion - - -
080CC864 - not_prep_screen_promotion - - -
080CC8E2 - MakePromotionScreen - - -
080CC8E6 - return_1 - - -
080CC8F0 - return_2 - - -
080CC8F2 - end - - -
080CC904 PromotionInit_SetNullState PromotionInit_SetNullState PromotionInit_SetNullState PromotionInit_SetNullState -
080CC910 PromotionInit_Loop PromotionInit_Loop PromotionInit_Loop PromotionInit_Loop -
080CC926 - _ - - -
080CC92C - Case0 - - -
080CC934 - Case2 - - -
080CC938 - End - - -
080CC940 StartTraineePromotion StartTraineePromotion - StartTraineePromotion -
080CC990 StartPrepScreenPromotion StartPrepScreenPromotion - StartPrepScreenPromotion -
080CCA14 StartMapPromotion StartMapPromotion - StartMapPromotion -
080CCA64 ChangePromotionClassDescText ChangePromotionClassDescText ChangeClassDescription ChangePromotionClassDescText -
080CCAAC PromotionDisplay_InitClassName PromotionDisplay_InitClassName LoadClassReelFontPalette PromotionDisplay_InitClassName LoadClassReelFontPalette
080CCAE6 - loop - - -
080CCB02 - _ - - -
080CCB16 - break - - -
080CCB40 PromotionDisplay_DrawClassName PromotionDisplay_DrawClassName LoadClassNameInClassReelFont PromotionDisplay_DrawClassName LoadClassNameInClassReelFont
080CCBCA - end - - -
080CCBF4 - - LoadUIForPromoScreen - -
080CCCA4 IsThirdTraineePromotionAllowed IsThirdTraineePromotionAllowed - IsThirdTraineePromotionAllowed SomethingToDoWithUnlockingThirdOption
080CCCD6 - return_false - - -
080CCCD8 - end - - -
080CCCFA - loop - - -
080CCD28 - end - - -
080CCD34 Make6C_PromotionSub Make6C_PromotionSub Make6C_PromotionSub Make6C_PromotionSub -
080CCD48 PromotionDisplay_Init PromotionDisplay_Init SetupPromotionScreen PromotionDisplay_Init SetupPromotionScreen
080CCDC0 - loop_unit - - -
080CCDCE - a_unit - - -
080CCDD6 - a_character - - -
080CCDE4 - same_character - - -
080CCE1E - loop_class - - -
080CCE90 - _ - - -
080CCE98 - journeyman - - -
080CCEB2 - pupil - - -
080CCECC - recruit - - -
080CCEE4 - trainee_common - - -
080CCEEE - continue_unit - - -
080CCF02 - break - - -
080CCF4E - end - - -
080CCF60 PromotionDisplay_InitClassDesc PromotionDisplay_InitClassDesc - PromotionDisplay_InitClassDesc SomeFuncThatDoesBGImageStuff
080CD014 PromotionDisplay_MainLoop PromotionDisplay_MainLoop LoadBattleSpritesForBranchScreen PromotionDisplay_MainLoop LoadBattleSpritesForBranchScreen
080CD1BE - finish - - -
080CD1D4 - - - - DeleteSome6Cs
080CD208 - end - - -
080CD27C - end - - -
080CD294 - - - - MoveToLabelInParent6C_Unknown1
080CD2C6 - end - - -
080CD2CC - - - - MoveToLabelInParent6C_Unknown2
080CD2F4 - End - - -
080CD310 - _ - - -
080CD314 - Case0 - - -
080CD324 - ReturnFalse - - -
080CD328 - ReturnTrue - - -
080CD32A - End - - -
080CD346 - Return1 - - -
080CD348 - End - - -
080CD570 GetClassAnimationIdForWeapon GetClassAnimationIdForWeapon LoadClassBattleSprite GetClassAnimationIdForWeapon LoadClassBattleSprite
080CD60C - return_false - - -
080CD610 - return_true - - -
080CD612 - end - - -
080CD618 StartCCRamifyEnd StartCCRamifyEnd - StartCCRamifyEnd Make6C_ccramify_end
080CDA46 - no - - -
080CDA48 - end - - -
080CDB0A - End - - -
080CDB1C - - - - SomePromoMenuStartRoutine
080CDB34 PromotionCommand_OnSelect PromotionCommand_OnSelect PromotionCommand_OnSelect PromotionCommand_OnSelect Promotion_Actual
080CDBFA - End - - -
080CDC2E - Sub0 - - -
080CDC32 - SubOther - - -
080CDC42 - End - - -
080CDCC4 PromotionCommand_OnTextDraw PromotionCommand_OnTextDraw PromotionCommand_OnTextDraw PromotionCommand_OnTextDraw PopulateClassNamesFrom6CStorage
080CDD00 PromotionCommand_OnChange PromotionCommand_OnChange PromotionCommand_OnChange PromotionCommand_OnChange -
080CDD38 Usability_ThirdPromotionOption Usability_ThirdPromotionOption Usability_ThirdPromotionOption Usability_ThirdPromotionOption HardCodedCheckForThirdOptionUsability
080CDD68 - ReturnUsable - - -
080CDD70 - ReturnUnusable - - -
080CDD72 - End - - -
080CDD78 PromotionMenuSelect_OnInit PromotionMenuSelect_OnInit BuildPromotionMenu PromotionMenuSelect_OnInit -
080CDDD4 nullsub_60 nullsub_60 - nullsub_60 -
080CDDD8 nullsub_61 nullsub_61 nullsub_61 nullsub_61 -
080CDDDC StartPromotionMenuSelect StartPromotionMenuSelect Make6C_PromotionMenuSelect StartPromotionMenuSelect Make6C_PromotionMenuSelect
080CDE6A - End - - -
080CDE90 - end - - -
080CDF38 - end - - -
080CDF4C - IsGuideLocked - IsGuideLocked -
080CDF50 - lop - - -
080CDF70 - return_false - - -
080CDF72 - end - - -
080CE2FC guMenu2ReWriteUp_80CE2FC guMenu2ReWriteUp_80CE2FC - guMenu2ReWriteUp_80CE2FC -
080CE342 - yes_read - - -
080CE388 guMenu2ReWriteDown_80CE388 guMenu2ReWriteDown_80CE388 - guMenu2ReWriteDown_80CE388 -
080CE588 guMenu2ReWriteFirst_80CE588 guMenu2ReWriteFirst_80CE588 - guMenu2ReWriteFirst_80CE588 -
080CE95C guMess3ReWrite_80CE95C guMess3ReWrite_80CE95C - guMess3ReWrite_80CE95C -
080CE9E8 guMess3ReWrite_80CE9E8 guMess3ReWrite_80CE9E8 - guMess3ReWrite_80CE9E8 -
080CECB0 Guide_80CECB0 Guide_80CECB0 - Guide_80CECB0 -
080CEF10 Guide_80CEF10 Guide_80CEF10 - Guide_80CEF10 -
080CEFD4 Guide_80CEFD4 Guide_80CEFD4 - Guide_80CEFD4 -
080CEFF4 - jpt_80CEFEE - - -
080CF43A - def_80CEFEE - - -
080CF448 Guide_80CF448 Guide_80CF448 - Guide_80CF448 -
080CF480 - - - - Dictionary
080CF4B8 m4a_1 m4a_1 umul3232H32 umul3232H32 -
080CF4BC - - - __umul3232H32 -
080CF4C8 SoundMain SoundMain SoundMain SoundMain -
080CF4D6 - SoundMain_1 SoundMain_1 SoundMain_1 -
080CF4F8 - - SoundMain_2 SoundMain_2 -
080CF4FA - - SoundMain_3 SoundMain_3 -
080CF50A - - SoundMain_4 SoundMain_4 -
080CF52A - - SoundMain_5 SoundMain_5 -
080CF538 - - lt_ID_NUMBER lt_ID_NUMBER -
080CF53C - - lt_SoundMainRAM_Buffer lt_SoundMainRAM_Buffer -
080CF540 - - lt_REG_VCOUNT lt_REG_VCOUNT -
080CF544 - - lt_o_SoundInfo_pcmBuffer lt_o_SoundInfo_pcmBuffer -
080CF54C SoundMainRAM SoundMainRAM SoundMainRAM SoundMainRAM -
080CF558 - - SoundMainRAM_Reverb SoundMainRAM_Reverb -
080CF5AC - - SoundMainRAM_NoReverb SoundMainRAM_NoReverb -
080CF5BA - - SoundMainRAM_NoReverb_Ok SoundMainRAM_NoReverb_Ok -
080CF5C6 - - SoundMainRAM_NoReverb_Loop SoundMainRAM_NoReverb_Loop -
080CF5E4 - - SoundMainRAM_ChanLoop SoundMainRAM_ChanLoop -
080CF8F0 SoundMainBTM SoundMainBTM SoundMainBTM SoundMainBTM -
080CF908 RealClearChain RealClearChain RealClearChain RealClearChain -
080CF928 ply_fine ply_fine ply_fine ply_fine -
080CF932 - - ply_fine_loop ply_fine_loop -
080CF940 - - ply_fine_ok ply_fine_ok -
080CF94C - - ply_fine_done ply_fine_done -
080CF958 MPlayJumpTableCopy MPlayJumpTableCopy MPlayJumpTableCopy MPlayJumpTableCopy -
080CF95E - - MPlayJumpTableCopy_Loop MPlayJumpTableCopy_Loop -
080CF970 - - ldrb_r3_r2 ldrb_r3_r2 -
080CF972 - - chk_adr_r2 chk_adr_r2 -
080CF982 - - chk_adr_r2_reject chk_adr_r2_reject -
080CF984 - - chk_adr_r2_done chk_adr_r2_done -
080CF988 - - lt_MPlayJumpTableTemplate lt_MPlayJumpTableTemplate -
080CF98C ld_r3_tp_adr_i ld_r3_tp_adr_i ld_r3_tp_adr_i ld_r3_tp_adr_i -
080CF998 ply_goto ply_goto ply_goto ply_goto -
080CF99A - - ply_goto_1 ply_goto_1 -
080CF9B8 ply_patt ply_patt ply_patt ply_patt -
080CF9D0 - - ply_patt_done ply_patt_done -
080CF9D4 ply_pend ply_pend ply_pend ply_pend -
080CF9E6 - - ply_pend_done ply_pend_done -
080CF9E8 ply_rept ply_rept ply_rept ply_rept -
080CF9F8 - - ply_rept_1 ply_rept_1 -
080CFA0A - - ply_rept_2 ply_rept_2 -
080CFA18 ply_prio ply_prio ply_prio ply_prio -
080CFA24 ply_tempo ply_tempo ply_tempo ply_tempo -
080CFA38 ply_keysh ply_keysh ply_keysh ply_keysh -
080CFA4C ply_voice ply_voice ply_voice ply_voice -
080CFA7C ply_vol ply_vol ply_vol ply_vol -
080CFA90 ply_pan ply_pan ply_pan ply_pan -
080CFAA4 ply_bend ply_bend ply_bend ply_bend -
080CFAB8 ply_bendr ply_bendr ply_bendr ply_bendr -
080CFACC ply_lfodl ply_lfodl ply_lfodl ply_lfodl -
080CFAD8 ply_modt ply_modt ply_modt ply_modt -
080CFAF0 ply_tune ply_tune ply_tune ply_tune -
080CFB04 ply_port ply_port ply_port ply_port -
080CFB1C m4aSoundVSync m4aSoundVSync m4aSoundVSync m4aSoundVSync -
080CFB42 - - m4aSoundVSync_SkipDMA1 m4aSoundVSync_SkipDMA1 -
080CFB4C - - m4aSoundVSync_SkipDMA2 m4aSoundVSync_SkipDMA2 -
080CFB5C - End m4aSoundVSync_Done m4aSoundVSync_Done -
080CFB68 MPlayMain MPlayMain MPlayMain MPlayMain -
080CFDC0 - - call_r3 call_r3 -
080CFDC4 - - lt_gClockTable lt_gClockTable -
080CFDCC - - lt2_ID_NUMBER lt2_ID_NUMBER -
080CFDD0 TrackStop TrackStop TrackStop TrackStop -
080CFDE4 - - TrackStop_Loop TrackStop_Loop -
080CFDFC - - TrackStop_1 TrackStop_1 -
080CFDFE - - TrackStop_2 TrackStop_2 -
080CFE06 - - TrackStop_3 TrackStop_3 -
080CFE08 - - TrackStop_Done TrackStop_Done -
080CFE14 - - ChnVolSetAsm ChnVolSetAsm -
080CFE44 - - ply_note ply_note -
080D0044 - - ply_endtie ply_endtie -
080D0084 - - clear_modM clear_modM -
080D00A0 - - ld_r3_tp_adr_i_unchecked ld_r3_tp_adr_i_unchecked -
080D00AC - - ply_lfos ply_lfos -
080D00C0 - - ply_mod ply_mod -
080D00D4 - - MidiKeyToFreq MidiKeyToFreq -
080D0138 - - UnusedDummyFunc UnusedDummyFunc -
080D013C - - MPlayContinue MPlayContinue -
080D0158 SoundStuff_80D0158 SoundStuff_80D0158 MPlayFadeOut MPlayFadeOut -
080D0170 - End - - -
080D0178 m4aSoundInit m4aSoundInit m4aSoundInit m4aSoundInit -
080D01F0 m4aSoundMain m4aSoundMain m4aSoundMain m4aSoundMain -
080D01FC m4aSongNumStart m4aSongNumStart m4aSongNumStart m4aSongNumStart m4aSongNumStart
080D0228 - - m4aSongNumStartOrChange m4aSongNumStartOrChange -
080D0274 - - m4aSongNumStartOrContinue m4aSongNumStartOrContinue -
080D02C8 m4aSongNumStop m4aSongNumStop m4aSongNumStop m4aSongNumStop -
080D02FC - - m4aSongNumContinue m4aSongNumContinue -
080D0330 - - m4aMPlayAllStop m4aMPlayAllStop -
080D035C - - m4aMPlayContinue m4aMPlayContinue -
080D0368 - - m4aMPlayAllContinue m4aMPlayAllContinue -
080D0394 m4aMPlayFadeOut m4aMPlayFadeOut m4aMPlayFadeOut m4aMPlayFadeOut -
080D03A4 m4aMPlayFadeOutTemporarily m4aMPlayFadeOutTemporarily m4aMPlayFadeOutTemporarily m4aMPlayFadeOutTemporarily -
080D03C4 m4aMPlayFadeIn m4aMPlayFadeIn m4aMPlayFadeIn m4aMPlayFadeIn -
080D03EC m4aMPlayImmInit m4aMPlayImmInit m4aMPlayImmInit m4aMPlayImmInit -
080D03F8 - StartLoop - - -
080D0426 - ContinueLoop - - -
080D042E - End - - -
080D0434 MPlayExtender MPlayExtender MPlayExtender MPlayExtender -
080D054C MusicPlayerJumpTableCopy MusicPlayerJumpTableCopy MusicPlayerJumpTableCopy MusicPlayerJumpTableCopy -
080D0550 ClearChain ClearChain ClearChain ClearChain -
080D0564 Clear64byte Clear64byte Clear64byte Clear64byte -
080D0578 SoundInit SoundInit SoundInit SoundInit -
080D0670 SampleFreqSet SampleFreqSet SampleFreqSet SampleFreqSet -
080D0714 m4aSoundMode m4aSoundMode m4aSoundMode m4aSoundMode -
080D07AC SoundClear SoundClear SoundClear SoundClear -
080D0800 m4aSoundVSyncOff m4aSoundVSyncOff m4aSoundVSyncOff m4aSoundVSyncOff -
080D087C m4aSoundVSyncOn m4aSoundVSyncOn m4aSoundVSyncOn m4aSoundVSyncOn -
080D08B8 MPlayOpen MPlayOpen MPlayOpen MPlayOpen -
080D0930 MPlayStart MPlayStart MPlayStart MPlayStart -
080D0A14 m4aMPlayStop m4aMPlayStop m4aMPlayStop m4aMPlayStop -
080D0A4A - End - - -
080D0A54 FadeOutBody FadeOutBody FadeOutBody FadeOutBody -
080D0B1C TrkVolPitSet TrkVolPitSet TrkVolPitSet TrkVolPitSet -
080D0BD0 MidiKeyToCgbFreq MidiKeyToCgbFreq MidiKeyToCgbFreq MidiKeyToCgbFreq -
080D0C78 CgbOscOff CgbOscOff CgbOscOff CgbOscOff -
080D0CC8 CgbModVol CgbModVol CgbModVol CgbModVol -
080D0D30 - - CgbSound CgbSound -
080D117C - - m4aMPlayTempoControl m4aMPlayTempoControl -
080D11A4 m4aMPlayVolumeControl m4aMPlayVolumeControl m4aMPlayVolumeControl m4aMPlayVolumeControl -
080D120C - - m4aMPlayPitchControl m4aMPlayPitchControl -
080D1280 - - m4aMPlayPanpotControl m4aMPlayPanpotControl -
080D12D8 - End - - -
080D12E8 - - ClearModM ClearModM -
080D1308 - - m4aMPlayModDepthSet m4aMPlayModDepthSet -
080D137C - - m4aMPlayLFOSpeedSet m4aMPlayLFOSpeedSet -
080D13F0 - ply_memacc ply_memacc ply_memacc -
080D1424 - jpt_80D141C - - -
080D1542 - def_80D141C - - -
080D1548 - ply_xcmd ply_xcmd ply_xcmd -
080D1568 ply_memacc ply_xxx ply_xxx ply_xxx -
080D157C - ply_xwave ply_xwave ply_xwave -
080D15C4 - - ply_xtype ply_xtype -
080D15D8 - - ply_xatta ply_xatta -
080D15EC - - ply_xdeca ply_xdeca -
080D1600 - - ply_xsust ply_xsust -
080D1614 - - ply_xrele ply_xrele -
080D1628 - - ply_xiecv ply_xiecv -
080D1634 ply_xswee ply_xswee ply_xiecl ply_xiecl -
080D1640 ply_xcmd_0C ply_xcmd_0C ply_xleng ply_xleng -
080D1654 ply_xcmd_0D ply_xcmd_0D ply_xswee ply_xswee -
080D1668 DummyFunc DummyFunc DummyFunc DummyFunc -
080D166C ArcTan2 ArcTan2 ArcTan2 ArcTan2 -
080D1670 BgAffineSet BgAffineSet BgAffineSet BgAffineSet -
080D1674 CpuFastSet CpuFastSet CpuFastSet CpuFastSet -
080D1678 CpuSet CpuSet CpuSet CpuSet -
080D167C Div Div Div Div -
080D1680 DivArm DivArm DivArm DivArm -
080D1684 Mod DivRem DivRem DivRem -
080D168C HuffUnComp HuffUnComp HuffUnComp HuffUnComp -
080D1690 LZ77UnCompVram LZ77UnCompVram LZ77UnCompVram LZ77UnCompVram -
080D1694 LZ77UnCompWram LZ77UnCompWram LZ77UnCompWram LZ77UnCompWram -
080D1698 SVC_Multiboot MultiBoot MultiBoot MultiBoot -
080D16A0 ObjAffineSet ObjAffineSet ObjAffineSet ObjAffineSet -
080D16A4 RLUnCompVram RLUnCompVram RLUnCompVram RLUnCompVram -
080D16A8 RLUnCompWram RLUnCompWram RLUnCompWram RLUnCompWram -
080D16AC RegisterRamReset RegisterRamReset RegisterRamReset RegisterRamReset -
080D16B0 - SoftReset SoftReset SoftReset -
080D16C8 - SoundBiasReset SoundBiasReset SoundBiasReset -
080D16D0 - SoundBiasSet SoundBiasSet SoundBiasSet -
080D16D8 SVC_Sqrt Sqrt Sqrt Sqrt -
080D16DC VBlankIntrWait VBlankIntrWait VBlankIntrWait VBlankIntrWait -
080D16E4 ReadSramFast_Core ReadSramFast_Core ReadSramFast_Core ReadSramFast_Core -
080D1714 - End - - -
080D1724 WriteSramFast WriteSramFast WriteSramFast WriteSramFast -
080D1746 - Continue - - -
080D1754 - End - - -
080D1764 VerifySramFast_Core VerifySramFast_Core VerifySramFast_Core VerifySramFast_Core -
080D1786 - Start - - -
080D17A0 - Continue - - -
080D17A6 - ReturnZero - - -
080D17A8 - End - - -
080D17B0 SramFastFuncInit SetSramFastFunc SetSramFastFunc SetSramFastFunc -
080D17D0 - ContinueSaveLoop - - -
080D17DC - StartSaveLoop - - -
080D1810 - ContinueCheckLoop - - -
080D181C - StartCheckLoop - - -
080D184C WriteAndVerifySramFast WriteAndVerifySramFast WriteAndVerifySramFast WriteAndVerifySramFast -
080D1858 - continue - - -
080D185E - Start - - -
080D1880 - end - - -
080D188C __aeabi_llsl __ashldi3 - __ashldi3 -
080D18BC - end - - -
080D18C0 - BXR0 - _call_via_r0 -
080D18C4 BXR1 BXR1 - _call_via_r1 -
080D18C8 BXR2 BXR2 - _call_via_r2 -
080D18CC BXR3 BXR3 - _call_via_r3 -
080D18D0 BXR4 BXR4 - _call_via_r4 -
080D18D4 BXR5 BXR5 - _call_via_r5 -
080D18D8 BXR6 BXR6 - _call_via_r6 -
080D18DC BXR7 BXR7 - _call_via_r7 -
080D18E0 BXR8 BXR8 - _call_via_r8 -
080D18E4 BXR9 BXR9 - _call_via_r9 -
080D18E8 BXR10 BXR10 - _call_via_sl -
080D18EC BXR11 BXR11 - _call_via_fp -
080D18F0 BXR12 BXR12 - _call_via_ip -
080D18F4 BXSP BXSP - _call_via_sp -
080D18F8 BXLR BXLR - _call_via_lr -
080D18FC __divsi3 __divsi3 - __divsi3 -
080D1912 - - Over1 Over1 -
080D1918 - - Over2 Over2 -
080D1920 - - Loop1 Loop1 -
080D192E - - Lbignum Lbignum -
080D1930 - - Loop2 Loop2 -
080D193E - - Loop3 Loop3 -
080D1946 - - Over3 Over3 -
080D1952 - - Over4 Over4 -
080D195E - - Over5 Over5 -
080D196A - - Over6 Over6 -
080D1976 - - Lgot_result Lgot_result -
080D1980 - - Over7 Over7 -
080D1984 - End Ldiv0 Ldiv0 -
080D1990 nullsub_1 __div0 - __div0 -
080D1994 __modsi3 __modsi3 - __modsi3 -
080D199E - - Over1 Over1 -
080D19A8 - - Over2 Over2 -
080D19B0 - - Loop1 Loop1 -
080D19BE - - Lbignum Lbignum -
080D19C0 - - Loop2 Loop2 -
080D19CE - - Loop3 Loop3 -
080D19D6 - - Over3 Over3 -
080D19E8 - - Over4 Over4 -
080D19FA - - Over5 Over5 -
080D1A0C - - Over6 Over6 -
080D1A1A - - Over7 Over7 -
080D1A30 - - Over8 Over8 -
080D1A3E - - Over9 Over9 -
080D1A4C - - Lgot_result Lgot_result -
080D1A54 - - Over10 Over10 -
080D1A58 - - Ldiv0 Ldiv0 -
080D1A64 - __muldi3 - __muldi3 -
080D1AD4 __udivsi3 __udivsi3 - __udivsi3 -
080D1AE6 - - Loop1 Loop1 -
080D1AF4 - - Lbignum Lbignum -
080D1AF6 - - Loop2 Loop2 -
080D1B04 - - Loop3 Loop3 -
080D1B0C - - Over1 Over1 -
080D1B18 - - Over2 Over2 -
080D1B24 - - Over3 Over3 -
080D1B30 - - Over4 Over4 -
080D1B3C - - Lgot_result Lgot_result -
080D1B42 - - Ldiv0 Ldiv0 -
080D1B4C __umodsi3 __umodsi3 - __umodsi3 -
080D1B58 - Continue1 Over1 Over1 -
080D1B5E - Loop1 Loop1 Loop1 -
080D1B6C - Continue2 Lbignum Lbignum -
080D1B6E - Loop2 Loop2 Loop2 -
080D1B7C - Continue3 Loop3 Loop3 -
080D1B84 - - Over2 Over2 -
080D1B96 - - Over3 Over3 -
080D1BA8 - - Over4 Over4 -
080D1BBA - - Over5 Over5 -
080D1BC8 - - Over6 Over6 -
080D1BD4 - - Over7 Over7 -
080D1BE2 - - Over8 Over8 -
080D1BF0 - - Over9 Over9 -
080D1BFE - End2 Over10 Over10 -
080D1C02 - End1 Ldiv0 Ldiv0 -
080D1C0C memcpy memcpy memcpy memcpy -
080D1C26 - Start4WordLoop - - -
080D1C40 - StartWordLoop - - -
080D1C4A - FixOffset - - -
080D1C4C - NoWordLoop - - -
080D1C58 - StartByteLoop - - -
080D1C66 - End - - -
080D1C6C memset memset memset memset -
080D1CAE - Continue - - -
080D1CB2 - Start - - -
080D1CC0 .gcc2_compiled._11 _sprintf_r - _sprintf_r -
080D1CFC sprintf sprintf sprintf sprintf -
080D1D3C strcpy strcpy strcpy strcpy -
080D1D88 strlen strlen strlen strlen -
080D1DCC strstr strstr strstr strstr -
080D1DDE - ReturnR3 - - -
080D1E0A - ReturnNull - - -
080D1E0C - End - - -
080D1E10 .gcc2_compiled._15 - - __sprint -
080D1E30 __sbprintf - - __sbprintf -
080D1EA4 vfprintf vfprintf vfprintf vfprintf -
080D1EB8 _vfprintf_r _vfprintf_r - _vfprintf_r -
080D2030 - jpt_80D201C - - -
080D26C6 - def_80D201C - - -
080D2E18 cvt cvt cvt cvt -
080D2F0C exponent exponent exponent exponent -
080D2F7C - vsprintf vsprintf vsprintf -
080D2FB0 .gcc2_compiled._17 __swsetup - __swsetup -
080D305C - - quorem quorem -
080D31B8 _dtoa_r _dtoa_r - _dtoa_r -
080D3490 - jpt_80D348A - - -
080D34F2 - def_80D348A - - -
080D3EB0 .gcc2_compiled._19 fflush fflush fflush -
080D3F42 - End - - -
080D3F44 - - std std -
080D3F7C __sfmoreglue __sfmoreglue - __sfmoreglue -
080D3FAC __sfp __sfp - __sfp -
080D4020 _cleanup_r _cleanup_r - _cleanup_r -
080D4030 _cleanup _cleanup - _cleanup -
080D4040 __sinit __sinit - __sinit -
080D40A0 .gcc2_compiled._21 _free_r - _free_r -
080D4260 _malloc_trim_r _malloc_trim_r - _malloc_trim_r -
080D4320 .gcc2_compiled._22 __sfvwrite - __sfvwrite -
080D454C .gcc2_compiled._23 _fwalk - _fwalk -
080D4584 - End - - -
080D458C .gcc2_compiled._24 _setlocale_r - _setlocale_r -
080D45C8 _localeconv_r _localeconv_r - _localeconv_r -
080D45D0 setlocale setlocale setlocale setlocale -
080D45E8 localeconv localeconv localeconv localeconv -
080D45F8 .gcc2_compiled._25 __smakebuf - __smakebuf -
080D46D4 .gcc2_compiled._26 - malloc_extend_top malloc_extend_top -
080D4830 _malloc_r _malloc_r - _malloc_r -
080D4BF0 .gcc2_compiled._27 _mbtowc_r - _mbtowc_r -
080D4C1C .gcc2_compiled._28 memchr memchr memchr -
080D4C9C .gcc2_compiled._29 memmove memmove memmove -
080D4D24 nullsub_3 __malloc_lock - __malloc_lock -
080D4D28 nullsub_4 __malloc_unlock - __malloc_unlock -
080D4D2C .gcc2_compiled._30 _Balloc - _Balloc -
080D4D84 _Bfree _Bfree - _Bfree -
080D4D9C _multadd _multadd - _multadd -
080D4E34 _s2b _s2b - _s2b -
080D4EB8 _hi0bits _hi0bits - _hi0bits -
080D4F10 _lo0bits _lo0bits - _lo0bits -
080D4F94 _i2b _i2b - _i2b -
080D4FA8 _multiply _multiply - _multiply -
080D5114 _pow5mult _pow5mult - _pow5mult -
080D51AC _lshift _lshift - _lshift -
080D524C __mcmp __mcmp - __mcmp -
080D528C __mdiff __mdiff - __mdiff -
080D537C _ulp _ulp - _ulp -
080D53C8 _b2d _b2d - _b2d -
080D5484 _d2b _d2b - _d2b -
080D556C _ratio _ratio - _ratio -
080D55BC _mprec_log10 _mprec_log10 - _mprec_log10 -
080D55FC .gcc2_compiled._31 isinf isinf isinf -
080D5620 .gcc2_compiled._32 isnan isnan isnan -
080D5640 .gcc2_compiled._44 _sbrk_r - _sbrk_r -
080D566C .gcc2_compiled._33 __sread - __sread -
080D56A0 __swrite __swrite - __swrite -
080D56E0 __sseek __sseek - __sseek -
080D5720 __sclose __sclose - __sclose -
080D5730 - strcmp strcmp strcmp -
080D578C .gcc2_compiled._35 - findslot findslot -
080D57AC remap_handle - remap_handle remap_handle -
080D57F8 initialise_monitor_handles initialise_monitor_handles initialise_monitor_handles initialise_monitor_handles -
080D5868 get_errno - get_errno get_errno -
080D587C error - error error -
080D5890 wrap - wrap wrap -
080D58A8 _swiread _swiread - _swiread -
080D58CC _read _read - _read -
080D5914 _swilseek _swilseek - _swilseek -
080D5998 _lseek _lseek - _lseek -
080D59A4 _swiwrite _swiwrite - _swiwrite -
080D59C8 _write _write - _write -
080D5A0E - End - - -
080D5A14 _swiopen _swiopen - _swiopen -
080D5AB4 _open _open - _open -
080D5AC8 _swiclose _swiclose - _swiclose -
080D5AFC _close _close - _close -
080D5B08 _exit _exit - _exit -
080D5B28 _kill _kill - _kill -
080D5B48 _getpid _getpid - _getpid -
080D5B4C _sbrk _sbrk - _sbrk -
080D5B88 _fstat _fstat - _fstat -
080D5B94 _unlink _unlink - _unlink -
080D5B9C _raise _raise - _raise -
080D5BA0 _gettimeofday _gettimeofday - _gettimeofday -
080D5BCC _times _times - _times -
080D5BF0 .gcc2_compiled._36 _write_r - _write_r -
080D5C20 .gcc2_compiled._37 _calloc_r - _calloc_r -
080D5C78 - _close_r - _close_r -
080D5CA4 .gcc2_compiled._39 __errno - __errno -
080D5CB0 .gcc2_compiled._40 _fstat_r - _fstat_r -
080D5CDC .gcc2_compiled._41 abort abort abort -
080D5CFC isatty isatty isatty isatty -
080D5D00 alarm alarm alarm alarm -
080D5D04 .gcc2_compiled._42 _lseek_r - _lseek_r -
080D5D34 .gcc2_compiled._43 _read_r - _read_r -
080D5D64 .gcc2_compiled._47 __pack_d - __pack_d -
080D5EAC __unpack_d __unpack_d - __unpack_d -
080D5F84 _fpadd_parts _fpadd_parts - _fpadd_parts -
080D61F0 __adddf3 __adddf3 - __adddf3 -
080D6220 __subdf3 __subdf3 - __subdf3 -
080D6258 __muldf3 __muldf3 - __muldf3 -
080D6500 __divdf3 __divdf3 - __divdf3 -
080D6688 __fpcmp_parts_d __fpcmp_parts_d - __fpcmp_parts_d -
080D6788 __cmpdf2 __cmpdf2 - __cmpdf2 -
080D67B4 __eqdf2 __eqdf2 - __eqdf2 -
080D6800 __nedf2 __nedf2 - __nedf2 -
080D684C __gtdf2 __gtdf2 - __gtdf2 -
080D6898 __gedf2 __gedf2 - __gedf2 -
080D68E4 __ltdf2 __ltdf2 - __ltdf2 -
080D6930 __ledf2 __ledf2 - __ledf2 -
080D697C __floatsidf __floatsidf - __floatsidf -
080D69F8 __fixdfsi __fixdfsi - __fixdfsi -
080D6A6C __negdf2 __negdf2 - __negdf2 -
080D6A94 __make_dp __make_dp - __make_dp -
080D6ABC __truncdfsf2 __truncdfsf2 - __truncdfsf2 -
080D6B00 .gcc2_compiled._48 __pack_f - __pack_f -
080D6BB8 __unpack_f __unpack_f - __unpack_f -
080D6C34 _fpadd_parts_0 - - _fpadd_parts -
080D6DB0 __addsf3 __addsf3 - __addsf3 -
080D6DDC __subsf3 __subsf3 - __subsf3 -
080D6E10 __mulsf3 __mulsf3 - __mulsf3 -
080D6F74 __divsf3 __divsf3 - __divsf3 -
080D7060 __fpcmp_parts_f __fpcmp_parts_f - __fpcmp_parts_f -
080D7144 __cmpsf2 __cmpsf2 - __cmpsf2 -
080D716C __eqsf2 __eqsf2 - __eqsf2 -
080D71B4 __nesf2 __nesf2 - __nesf2 -
080D71FC __gtsf2 __gtsf2 - __gtsf2 -
080D7244 __gesf2 __gesf2 - __gesf2 -
080D728C __ltsf2 __ltsf2 - __ltsf2 -
080D72D4 __lesf2 __lesf2 - __lesf2 -
080D731C __floatsisf __floatsisf - __floatsisf -
080D737C __fixsfsi __fixsfsi - __fixsfsi -
080D73E4 __negsf2 __negsf2 - __negsf2 -
080D7408 __make_fp __make_fp - __make_fp -
080D7420 __extendsfdf2 __extendsfdf2 - __extendsfdf2 -
080D744C .gcc2_compiled._49 __lshrdi3 - __lshrdi3 -
080D7480 .gcc2_compiled._50 __negdi2 - __negdi2 -
080D7498 ClearOAMBuffer ClearOamBuffer ClearOAMBuffer ClearOam_thm Uncompressed TSA reading
080D74A0 BgMap_ApplyTsa TmApplyTsa_t CallARM_FillTileRect TmApplyTsa_thm -
080D74A8 BgMapFillRect BgMapFillRect TileMap_FillRect TmFillRect_thm -
080D74B8 BgMapCopyRect BgMapCopyRect TileMap_CopyRect TmCopyRect_thm -
080D74C0 ComputeChecksum32 ComputeChecksum32 CalcSomeChecksum GetChecksum32_thm -
080D74C8 - - gUninitializedMemory _ -
080D74D0 - a20050204Fri165540 gBuildDateTime - -
080D74EC - a_2003 gYearProjectCreated - -
080D7504 - gDefaultBgConfig - - -
080D751C gSinLookup gSinLookup gSinLookup gSinLut -
080D759C gCosLookup gCosLookup gCosLookup - -
080D779C gHexNumbers gHexNumbers - - -
080D77B0 psZero - - - -
080D77B4 - strE_FACE - - -
080D77BC gpGenericMiniMugGraphics gpGenericMiniMugGraphics - - -
080D77DC gpGenericMiniMugPalettes gpGenericMiniMugPalettes - - -
080D78EC gpDialogueTextBoxGfx gpDialogueTextBoxGfx - - -
080D7910 - strGAMECTRL - - -
080D791C - strAn - - -
080D7920 - stran - - -
080D7924 - strA - - -
080D7928 - stra - - -
080D793F gMenuCommandEventDisableList gMenuCommandEventDisableList - - -
080D794E gMenuCommandEventGrayList gMenuCommandEventGrayList - - -
080D7954 - strLWFOVDBK - - Data referenced from unused function 1
080D7964 - gSafeFadeConfigLookup - gLut_080D7964 -
080D79C4 - strE_BMAPMAIN - - -
080D79D0 - strGENS - - -
080D79D8 - strSome - - -
080D79E0 - strsome - - -
080D79E8 gRangeTextIdArray gRangeTextIdArray - - -
080D7A10 gWRankTextIdArray gWRankTextIdArray - - -
080D7A30 gWRankSpecialCharLookup gWRankSpecialCharLookup - - -
080D7A38 gWTypeTextIdArray gWTypeTextIdArray - - -
080D7A7C - strmoudamepo - - -
080D7A9C - strTuto - - -
080D7AA4 - strEirik - - -
080D7AAC - strEphraim - - -
080D7ADC - strE_PLAYERPHASE - - -
080D7AEC - strMLVCHC - - -
080D7AF4 - strE_MOVELIMITVIEW - - -
080D7B04 - strKOIDO - - -
080D7B0C - strKOIDOAMM - - -
080D7B18 - strBMXFADE - - -
080D7B20 - strADJUSTFROMXI - - -
080D7C0C - - - - DATA UnitAdditionalBlinkingIcons
080D7C40 gTradeMenuText_xLookup gTradeMenuText_xLookup - - -
080D7C42 gTradeMenuText_yLookup gTradeMenuText_yLookup - - -
080D7C4C - - gTextRyoukai gTextRyoukai -
080D7C64 - - gTextIgopureidekimasen gTextIgopureidekimasen -
080D7C7C - - gTextKuriazumifairudeha gTextKuriazumifairudeha -
080D7C94 - - gTextShimasuka gTextShimasuka -
080D7CA0 - - gTextFairuwokuriazumini gTextFairuwokuriazumini -
080D7CB8 gNullString gNullString gTextNull gTextNull -
080D7CBC - - gTextFairushokika gTextFairushokika -
080D7CD0 - - gTextTesaikai gTextTesaikai -
080D7CDC - - gTextDokodemosaikai gTextDokodemosaikai -
080D7CEC - - gTextRiriisuentori gTextRiriisuentori -
080D7D00 - - gTextTechuudan gTextTechuudan -
080D7D0C - - gTextOyasuminasai gTextOyasuminasai -
080D7D20 - - gTextKuriazumi gTextKuriazumi -
080D7D30 - - gTextShuukaisuu gTextShuukaisuu -
080D7D3C - - gTextSakuteki gTextSakuteki -
080D7D44 - - gTextTenki gTextTenki -
080D7D4C - - gTextDebujouhou gTextDebujouhou -
080D7D58 - - gTextMappu gTextMappu -
080D7D64 - - gTextIie gTextIie -
080D7D6C - - gTextHai gTextHai -
080D7D74 - - gTextSuteru gTextSuteru -
080D7D7C - - gTextKoukan gTextKoukan -
080D7D84 - - gTextSoubi gTextSoubi -
080D7D8C - - gTextTsukau gTextTsukau -
080D7D94 - - gTextTaiki gTextTaiki -
080D7D9C - - gTextYuusoutai gTextYuusoutai -
080D7DA8 - - gTextKoukan2 gTextKoukan2 -
080D7DB0 - - gTextMochimono gTextMochimono -
080D7DBC - - gTextHikiwatashi gTextHikiwatashi -
080D7DC8 - - gTextHikiuke gTextHikiuke -
080D7DD4 - - gTextOrosu gTextOrosu -
080D7DE0 - - gTextKyuushutsu gTextKyuushutsu -
080D7DE8 - - gTextTougijou gTextTougijou -
080D7DF4 - - gTextHimitsuten gTextHimitsuten -
080D7E00 - - gTextDouguya gTextDouguya -
080D7E0C - - gTextBukiya gTextBukiya -
080D7E18 - - gTextTobira gTextTobira -
080D7E20 - - gTextTakarabako gTextTakarabako -
080D7E28 - - gTextHoumon gTextHoumon -
080D7E30 - - gTextShien gTextShien -
080D7E38 - - gTextHanasu gTextHanasu -
080D7E40 - - gTextKagihiraku gTextKagihiraku -
080D7E4C - - gTextYobima gTextYobima -
080D7E54 - - gTextShoukan gTextShoukan -
080D7E5C - - gTextNusumu gTextNusumu -
080D7E64 - - gTextOdoru gTextOdoru -
080D7E6C - - gTextKanaderu gTextKanaderu -
080D7E78 - - gTextOriru gTextOriru -
080D7E84 - - gTextNoru gTextNoru -
080D7E8C - - gTextTsue gTextTsue -
080D7E94 - - gTextKougeki gTextKougeki -
080D7E9C - - gTextSeiatsu gTextSeiatsu -
080D7EA4 - - gTextShuuryou gTextShuuryou -
080D7EAC - - gTextChuudan gTextChuudan -
080D7EB4 - - gTextTaikyaku gTextTaikyaku -
080D7EBC - - gTextSettei gTextSettei -
080D7EC4 - - gTextSenki gTextSenki -
080D7ECC - - gTextJisho gTextJisho -
080D7ED4 - - gTextJoukyou gTextJoukyou -
080D7EDC - - gTextButai gTextButai -
080D7EE4 - strMAPTASK - - -
080D7EEC - - sInitialParticleConfigTemplates sInitialParticleConfigTemplates -
080D7F58 gTextSpeedLookup gTextSpeedLookup - - -
080D7F5C gArenaWeaponByWType gArenaWeaponByWType - - -
080D7F64 gArenaWeaponUpgradeTable gArenaWeaponUpgradeTable - - -
080D7F80 - strSALLYCURSOR - - -
080D7F92 - - - - Menu TSA when exchanging items
080D7FAC - strBB - - -
080D7FB0 gBattleForecastLabelStringIndexes gBattleForecastLabelStringIndexes - - -
080D7FC8 - strBKSEL - - -
080D8018 gPrepScreenUnitJoinList gPrepScreenUnitJoinList - - -
080D8094 - strE_CPPHASE - - -
080D80A0 - strE_BSKPHASE - - -
080D80AC - strE_CPORDER - - -
080D80B8 - strE_BSKODRDER - - -
080D80C4 gPhaseUnitMaxLookup gPhaseUnitMaxLookup - - -
080D80D0 - strE_CPDECIDE - - -
080D80DC - strE_CPPERFORM - - -
080D80E8 gAiEscapeMoveScriptTable gAiEscapeMoveScriptTable - - -
080D80F4 gAdjacentTileOffsetLookup gAdjacentTileOffsetLookup - - -
080D80FC gAiCommandCallTable gAiCommandCallTable - - -
080D8178 - gAiBattleWeightFactorTables - - -
080D8538 gAiSpecialItemsConfigPerChapter gAiSpecialItemsConfigPerChapter - - -
080D8680 gPhaseUnitCountTable gPhaseUnitCountTable - - -
080D868C gStaffAiPerformTable gStaffAiPerformTable - - -
080D8690 gStaffAiPerformTable_2 gStaffAiPerformTable_2 - - -
080D86F4 gSpecialItemAiPerformTable gSpecialItemAiPerformTable sAiSpecialItemFuncLut - -
080D8724 - strSIOCON - - -
080D872C - strSIOVSYNC - - -
080D8738 - strSIOMAIN - - -
080D8740 - - - - Mystery data
080D9D48 - str_HOLD - - -
080D9D6E gObj_80D9D6E gObj_80D9D6E - - -
080D9D76 gObj_80D9D76 gObj_80D9D76 - - -
080D9D7E gObj_80D9D7E gObj_80D9D7E - - -
080D9D86 gObj_80D9D86 gObj_80D9D86 - - -
080D9D8E gObj_80D9D8E gObj_80D9D8E - - -
080D9DA2 gObj_80D9DA2 gObj_80D9DA2 - - -
080D9DC2 gObj_80D9DC2 gObj_80D9DC2 - - -
080D9DD6 gObj_80D9DD6 gObj_80D9DD6 - - -
080D9E48 - aSiopra - - -
080D9E8C - aSiobat - - -
080D9E94 - aSioterm - - -
080D9EB4 - aSioresult - - -
080D9EFC gSioMenuProcLookup gSioMenuProcLookup - - -
080D9F10 - strSIOMENU - - -
080D9FBC - aSiomain - - -
080D9FC4 - strSIOWARP - - -
080D9FCC - strSIOWARPFX - - -
080D9FE4 gBgConfig_80D9FE4 gBgConfig_80D9FE4 - - -
080DA2B0 gObj_80DA2B0 gObj_80DA2B0 - - -
080DA39C - strE_Menu - - -
080DA3A4 - str_ekrBattleDeamon - - -
080DA3B4 - str_ekrBattle - - -
080DA3C0 - str_ekrLvupFan - - -
080DA3CC - str_ekrGauge - - -
080DA3D8 - str_ekrDispUP - - -
080DA3E4 - str_efxHPBar - - -
080DA3F0 - str_efxHPBarResire - - -
080DA400 - str_efxAvoid - - -
080DA40C - str_efxHPBarLive - - -
080DA41C - str_efxNoDamage - - -
080DA428 - str_efxNoDamageYure - - -
080DA454 - aEfxstatuschg - - -
080DA464 - str_efxDeadEVTENT - - -
080DA474 - str_efxDead - - -
080DA47C - str_efxDeadPika - - -
080DA488 - str_efxDeadAlpha - - -
080DA498 - str_efxDeadDragonAlpha - - -
080DA4AC - str_efxFarAttack - - -
080DA4BA - - - - QuakePure
080DA4DC - - - - QuakePure
080DA526 - - - - QuakePure
080DA570 - - - - QuakePure
080DA5BA - - - - QuakePure
080DA720 - - - - QuakePure
080DA732 - - - - QuakePure
080DA754 - - - - QuakePure
080DA766 - - - - QuakePure
080DA778 - - - - QuakePure
080DA78A - - - - QuakePure
080DA840 - - - - QuakePure
080DA852 - - - - QuakePure
080DA864 - - - - QuakePure
080DA876 - - - - QuakePure
080DA9F8 - - - - HitQuake
080DAA8E - - - - HitQuake
080DABC0 - aEfxquakepure - - -
080DABD0 - str_efxHitQuakePure - - -
080DABE0 - str_efxQuake - - -
080DABEC - str_efxHitQuake - - -
080DABF8 - str_efxFlashBG - - -
080DAC04 - aEfxwhiteout - - -
080DAC10 - aEfxwhitein - - -
080DAC1C - aEfxblackout - - -
080DAC28 - aEfxblackin - - -
080DAC34 - aEfxflashhpbar - - -
080DAC44 - aEfxhpbarcolorc - - -
080DACA4 - aEfxflashunit - - -
080DACB4 - aEfxflashunitef - - -
080DACCC - aEfxstatusunit - - -
080DACFC - aEfxweaponicon - - -
080DAD38 - str_efxSpellCast - - -
080DAD48 - aEfxspdquake - - -
080DAD54 - str_ekrBattleStarting - - -
080DAD68 - aEkrbattleendin - - -
080DAD78 - aEkrbasekaiten - - -
080DAD86 - aA - - -
080DAD8A - aR - - -
080DADE8 - aLxdp - - -
080DAE48 - aEkrunitkakudai - - -
080DAE58 - str_ekrWindowAppear - - -
080DAE68 - str_ekrNamewinAppear - - -
080DAE7C - aEkrbaseappear - - -
080DAE96 gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_2Miss gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_2Miss - - -
080DAEA0 gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_2Crit gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_2Crit - - -
080DAEAA gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_Miss gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_Miss - - -
080DAEB4 gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_NotMiss gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_NotMiss - - -
080DAEBE gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_2MissMagic gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_2MissMagic - - -
080DAEC8 gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_2CritMagic gBattleAnimRoundTypeLookup_2CritMagic - - -
080DAEF0 gBattleAnimModeLookupMaybe gBattleAnimModeLookupMaybe - - -
080DAF34 - aEkrchienchr - - -
080DAF40 - aEkranimedrvpro - - -
080DAF50 - str_ekrUnitMainMini - - -
080DAF60 - - - - KEEPEMPTY
080DAFF8 - aEkrtogiinitpro - - -
080DB008 - aEkrtogiendproc - - -
080DB018 - aEkrtogicolor - - -
080DC860 - aEfxrestrst - - -
080DC86C - aEfxtwobairst - - -
080DC87C - aEfxdummyrst - - -
080DC888 - aEfxrestwin - - -
080DC894 - aEfxrestwinh - - -
080DC8A0 - aEfxalpha - - -
080DC8AC - aEfxcirclewin - - -
080DC8BC - aEfxmagicquake - - -
080DC8CC - aEfxdummymagic - - -
080DC8DC - aEfxteono - - -
080DC8E8 - aEfxteonoobj - - -
080DC8F4 - aEfxteonoobj2 - - -
080DC904 - aEfxteonose - - -
080DC910 - aEfxarrow - - -
080DC91C - aEfxarrowobj - - -
080DC928 - aEfxteyari - - -
080DC934 - aEfxteyariobj - - -
080DC944 - aEfxsong - - -
080DC94C - aEfxsongbg - - -
080DC9C4 - aEfxsongobj_0 - - -
080DC9D0 - aEfxdance - - -
080DC9DC - aEfxshooter - - -
080DC9E8 - aEfxshooterobj - - -
080DC9F8 - aEfxhurtmut - - -
080DCA04 - aEfxhurtmutobj - - -
080DCA14 - aEfxfirebreath - - -
080DCA24 - aEfxfirebreatho - - -
080DCA38 - aEfxfirebreathb - - -
080DCA48 - aEfxfirebreat_0 - - -
080DCB38 - aEfxicebreath - - -
080DCB48 - aEfxicebreathob - - -
080DCB58 - aEfxdarkbreath - - -
080DCB68 - aEfxdarkbreathb - - -
080DCBC0 - aEfxdarkbreat_0 - - -
080DCC78 - aEfxdarkbreathobj - - -
080DCC8C - aEfxthunder - - -
080DCC98 - aEfxthunderbg - - -
080DCCA6 gThunderAnimBgTsaScript gThunderAnimBgTsaScript - - -
080DCCB0 - aEfxthunderbgcol - - -
080DCCC0 gThunderAnimBgPalScript gThunderAnimBgPalScript - - -
080DCD04 - aEfxthunderobj - - -
080DCD14 - str_efxFire - - -
080DCD1C - aEfxfirebg - - -
080DCD58 - aEfxfireobj - - -
080DCD64 - aEfxfirehitbg - - -
080DCDC8 - aEfxelfirebg - - -
080DCDD4 - aEfxelfirebgcol - - -
080DCE3C - aEfxelfireobj - - -
080DCE4C - aEfxfimbulvetr - - -
080DCE5C - aEfxfimbulvetrb - - -
080DCEDC - aEfxfimbulvetrbg - - -
080DCF1C - aEfxfimbulvetrobj - - -
080DCF30 - aEfxfimbulvetro - - -
080DCF44 - aEfxfimbulvet_0 - - -
080DCF5C - aEfxthunderstor - - -
080DCF6C - aEfxthunderst_0 - - -
080DCFC4 - aEfxthunderstormobj - - -
080DCFD8 - aEfxthunderstormcolor - - -
080DCFF0 - aEfxthunderst_1 - - -
080DD004 - aEfxalacalibur - - -
080DD014 - aEfxalacaliburb - - -
080DD030 - aEfxalacalibu_0 - - -
080DD060 - aEfxalacaliburobj - - -
080DD074 - aEfxmistyrain - - -
080DD084 - aEfxmistyrainbg - - -
080DD13C - aEfxmistyrainobj - - -
080DD14C - aEfxmistyrainobj2 - - -
080DD160 - aEfxresire - - -
080DD16C - aEfxresirebg - - -
080DD178 - aEfxresirebg2 - - -
080DD258 - aEfxresirerst - - -
080DD268 - aEfxlightning - - -
080DD278 - aEfxlightningbg - - -
080DD310 - aEfxpurge - - -
080DD31C - aEfxpurgebg - - -
080DD4A0 - aEfxpurgeobjrnd - - -
080DD4B0 - aEfxpurgeobj - - -
080DD4BC - aEfxdevine - - -
080DD4C8 - aEfxdevinebg - - -
080DD5A8 - aEfxdevineobj - - -
080DD5B8 - aEfxhazymoon - - -
080DD5C4 - aEfxhazymoonbg - - -
080DD6B0 - aEfxhazymoonobj2 - - -
080DD6C0 - aEfxhazymoonobj3 - - -
080DD6D0 - aEfxhazymoonobj - - -
080DD6E4 - aEfxfenrir - - -
080DD6F0 - aEfxfenrirbg - - -
080DD6FC - aEfxfenrirbgcol - - -
080DD74C - aEfxfenrirobj - - -
080DD75C - aEfxfenrirbg2 - - -
080DD86C - aEfxfenrirobj2 - - -
080DD87C - aEfxfenrirobj2c - - -
080DD890 - aEfxlive - - -
080DD898 - aEfxrelive - - -
080DD8A4 - aEfxrecover - - -
080DD8B0 - aEfxreblow - - -
080DD8BC - aEfxlivebg - - -
080DD8E0 - aEfxlivebgcol - - -
080DD9E8 - aEfxlivealpha - - -
080DD9F8 - aEfxliveobj - - -
080DDA04 - aEfxreserveobj - - -
080DDA14 - aEfxreblowobj - - -
080DDA24 - aEfxreserve - - -
080DDA30 - aEfxreservebg - - -
080DDA60 - aEfxreservebgcol - - -
080DDB74 - aEfxreservebg2 - - -
080DDB88 - aEfxreservebgcol2 - - -
080DDC78 - aEfxrest - - -
080DDC80 - aEfxrestbg - - -
080DDCC0 - aEfxrestobj - - -
080DDCCC - aEfxsilence - - -
080DDCD8 - aEfxsilencebg - - -
080DDD30 - aEfxsilenceobj - - -
080DDD40 - aEfxsleep - - -
080DDD4C - aEfxsleepbg - - -
080DDE78 - aEfxsleepse - - -
080DDE84 - aEfxhammarne - - -
080DDE90 - aEfxhammarnebg - - -
080DDEE4 - aEfxberserk - - -
080DDEF0 - aEfxberserkbg - - -
080DDF00 - aEfxberserkclon - - -
080DDF10 - aEfxberserkobj - - -
080DDF20 - aEfxmshield - - -
080DDF2C - aEfxmshieldbg - - -
080DE024 - aEfxshine - - -
080DE030 - aEfxshinebg - - -
080DE0BC - aEfxluna - - -
080DE0C4 - aEfxlunabg - - -
080DE0EC - aEfxlunabg2 - - -
080DE0F8 - aEfxlunabgcol - - -
080DE144 - aEfxlunabg3 - - -
080DE184 - aEfxlunaobj - - -
080DE190 - aEfxlunarst - - -
080DE19C - aEfxexcalibur - - -
080DE1AC - aEfxexcaliburbg - - -
080DE1BC - aEfxexcalibur_0 - - -
080DE214 - strefxExcaliburSCR2 - - -
080DE228 - aEfxexcalibur_1 - - -
080DE238 - aEfxexcalibur_2 - - -
080DE270 - aEfxexcalibur_3 - - -
080DE2D0 - aEfxgespenstbgc - - -
080DE334 - aEfxoura - - -
080DE33C - aEfxourabg - - -
080DE3C0 - aEfxourabg2 - - -
080DE3CC - aEfxourabgcol - - -
080DE3EC - aEfxourabg3 - - -
080DE4A8 - strefxSuperdruidOBJ2 - - -
080DE4BC - aEfxdancepara - - -
080DE4CC - aEfxivaldi - - -
080DE4D8 - aEfxivaldibg1 - - -
080DE518 - aEfxivaldibg2 - - -
080DE544 - aEfxivaldibg3 - - -
080DE580 - aEfxivaldibg4 - - -
080DE594 - aEfxivaldiobjfall - - -
080DE5A8 - aEfxivaldiobjsi - - -
080DE5C0 - aEfxivaldiobjup - - -
080DE5D4 - aEfxivaldiobj1 - - -
080DE614 - aEfxivaldiobj2 - - -
080DE62C - aEfxivaldiwout - - -
080DE63C - aEfxmaohflash - - -
080DE64C - aEfxmaohflashbg - - -
080DE6E0 - aEfxmaohflashbg2 - - -
080DE780 - aEfxmaohflash_0 - - -
080DE888 - aEfxmaohflashey - - -
080DE8A8 - aEfxmaohflash_1 - - -
080DE8C8 - aEfxmaohflash_2 - - -
080DE8E4 - aEfxmaohflash_3 - - -
080DE908 - aEfxmaohflash_4 - - -
080DE92C - aEfxmaohflashth - - -
080DE944 - aEfxmaohflash_5 - - -
080DE95C - aEfxstone - - -
080DE968 - aEfxstonebg - - -
080DE9D0 - aEfxevileye - - -
080DE9DC - aEfxevileyebg - - -
080DEA3C - aEfxevileyebg2 - - -
080DEA64 - aEfxevileyeobj - - -
080DEA7C - aEfxnaglfar - - -
080DEA88 - aEfxnaglfarbg - - -
080DEA9C - aEfxnaglfarbg2 - - -
080DEAEC - aEfxnaglfarbg3 - - -
080DEB5C - aEfxnaglfarbg4 - - -
080DEBB8 - aEfxnaglfarobj - - -
080DEC20 - aEfxnaglfarobj2 - - -
080DEC40 - aEfxnaglfarobjr - - -
080DEC58 - aEfxnaglfarblac - - -
080DEC68 - aEfxdrzdrakbrea - - -
080DEC7C - aEfxdrzdrakbr_0 - - -
080DEC90 - aEfxdrzdrakbr_1 - - -
080DECA4 - aEfxdrzdrakbr_2 - - -
080DED94 - aEfxdarkgrado - - -
080DEDA4 - aEfxdarkgradoma - - -
080DEDE8 - strefxDarkGradoBG01 - - -
080DEE48 - strefxDarkGradoBG02 - - -
080DEE5C - aEfxdarkgradoob - - -
080DEE74 - aEfxdarkgrado_0 - - -
080DEE88 - aEfxdarkgrado_1 - - -
080DEEA0 - aEfxdarkgrado_2 - - -
080DEEB4 - aEfxcrimsoneye - - -
080DEED4 - aEfxcrimsoneyeb - - -
080DEEEC - aEfxcrimsoneyeo - - -
080DEF08 - aEfxcrimsoney_0 - - -
080DEF44 - strefxCrimsonEyeBG - - -
080DEF54 - strefxCrimsonEyeOBJ - - -
080DEF68 - aEfxdarklongmon - - -
080DEFBC - aEfxdarklongm_0 - - -
080DF010 - aEfxdarklongm_1 - - -
080DF024 - aEfxdarklongm_2 - - -
080DF038 - aEfxgorgon - - -
080DF070 - strefxGorgonBGDirt - - -
080DF0CC - aEfxgorgonobjtw - - -
080DF108 - aEfxgorgonbgfin - - -
080DF11C - aEfxdamagemojie - - -
080DF130 - aEfxdamagemoj_0 - - -
080DF148 - aEfxcriticaleff - - -
080DF15C - aEfxcriticale_0 - - -
080DF170 - aEfxcriticale_1 - - -
080DF1CC - aEfxnormaleffect - - -
080DF1DC - aEfxnormaleffectbg - - -
080DF218 - aEfxpiercecriticaleffect - - -
080DF230 - aEfxpiercecriticaleffectbg - - -
080DF24C - aEfxpiercecriticaleffectbgcol - - -
080DF2AC - aEfxpiercenorma - - -
080DF2C4 - aEfxpiercenor_0 - - -
080DF308 - aEfxyushaspinsh - - -
080DF31C - aEfxyushaspin_0 - - -
080DF334 - aEfxhurtmuteff0 - - -
080DF344 - aEfxhurtmutef_0 - - -
080DF358 - aEfxhurtmutef_1 - - -
080DF36C - aEfxmagfcast - - -
080DF378 - aEfxmagfcastbg - - -
080DF40C - aEfxlokmsuna - - -
080DF418 - aEfxlokmsunaobj - - -
080DF428 - aEfxkingpika - - -
080DF434 - aEfxflashfx - - -
080DF440 - aEfxsongobj - - -
080DF44C - aEfxdanceobj - - -
080DF458 - aEfxspecaleffec - - -
080DF468 - aEfxsrankweapon - - -
080DF480 - aEfxsrankweap_0 - - -
080DF498 - aEfxsrankweap_1 - - -
080DF4B0 - aEfxsrankweap_2 - - -
080DF4CC - aEfxmagdhiseffe - - -
080DF4E0 - aEfxmagdhisef_0 - - -
080DF514 - aEfxmantbatabata - - -
080DF524 - aEfxchilleffect_0 - - -
080DF534 - aEfxchilleffectbg - - -
080DF554 - aEfxchilleffect - - -
080DF5B4 - aEfxchillanime - - -
080DF5C4 - aEfxskilltype01bg - - -
080DF618 - aEfxskillcommonbg - - -
080DF62C - aEfxopfire - - -
080DF638 - aEfxopfirebg - - -
080DF678 - aEfxopfireobj - - -
080DF688 - aEfxopthunder - - -
080DF698 - aEfxopthunderbg - - -
080DF6B4 - aEfxopthunder_0 - - -
080DF708 - aEfxopthunderobj - - -
080DF718 - strefxopLive - - -
080DF724 - aEfxoplivebg - - -
080DF7AC - aEfxoplightning - - -
080DF7BC - aEfxoplightni_0 - - -
080DF854 - aEfxopmistyrainbg - - -
080DF910 - aEfxopmistyrain - - -
080DF924 - aEfxopmistyra_0 - - -
080DF938 - aEfxopmistyra_1 - - -
080DF948 - aEfxopmyrrh - - -
080E13C0 - aEkrsubanimeemu - - -
080E1414 - aEfxsoundse - - -
080E1420 - strekrClasschg - - -
080E142C - strefxClasschgBG - - -
080E1508 - aEfxclasschgbgse00 - - -
080E151C - aEfxclasschgbgse01 - - -
080E1530 - aEfxclasschgobjgain - - -
080E1544 - aEfxclasschgobjdrop - - -
080E1558 - aEfxclasschgobjdiffusion - - -
080E1570 - aEfxclasschgfin - - -
080E1580 - aEfxclasschgclone - - -
080E1594 - aEfxblackinoutu - - -
080E15A8 - aEfxwhiteinoutu - - -
080E15BC - aEfxclasschgrst - - -
080E15CC gAnimsOnLevelUpStatDisplayPositionLookup gAnimsOnLevelUpStatDisplayPositionLookup - - -
080E15DC - str_ekrLevelup - - -
080E15E8 - str_efxPartsofScroll - - -
080E15FC - str_efxPartsofScroll2 - - -
080E1610 - aEfxleveluphb - - -
080E1620 - aEfxlvupbg - - -
080E168C - aEfxlvupbgcol - - -
080E16F0 - aEobjlvup - - -
080E16FC - aEkrtriangle - - -
080E1708 - aEkrtripegasusk - - -
080E171C - aEfxtripegasusk - - -
080E1750 - aEkrtripegasusknightobj - - -
080E1768 - aEkrtriarmorknight - - -
080E177C - aEkrtriarmorknightobj - - -
080E1794 - aEkrtriarmorkni - - -
080E17AC - aEfxtrianglequa - - -
080E829C - str_ekrPopup - - -
080E82A8 - str_ekrPopup2 - - -
080E82B4 - str_ekrHenseiInitPROC - - -
080E82C8 - str_ekrHenseiEndPROC - - -
080E82DC - aEkrdragonbaseh - - -
080E82F0 - aEkrdragonbasea - - -
080E8304 - aEkrdragonbodya - - -
080E8400 - aEfxselfthunderbg - - -
080E8414 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0000 gCompressedText_080E8414 -
080E8415 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0001 gCompressedText_080E8415 -
080E8418 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0002 gCompressedText_080E8418 -
080E8426 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0003 gCompressedText_080E8426 -
080E842B - - gCompressedText_MSG_0004 gCompressedText_080E842B -
080E8430 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0005 gCompressedText_080E8430 -
080E8434 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0006 gCompressedText_080E8434 -
080E8438 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0007 gCompressedText_080E8438 -
080E8442 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0008 gCompressedText_080E8442 -
080E8446 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0009 gCompressedText_080E8446 -
080E844E - - gCompressedText_MSG_000A gCompressedText_080E844E -
080E8453 - - gCompressedText_MSG_000B gCompressedText_080E8453 -
080E845A - - gCompressedText_MSG_000C gCompressedText_080E845A -
080E8468 - - gCompressedText_MSG_000D gCompressedText_080E8468 -
080E8471 - - gCompressedText_MSG_000E gCompressedText_080E8471 -
080E847A - - gCompressedText_MSG_000F gCompressedText_080E847A -
080E8480 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0010 gCompressedText_080E8480 -
080E8485 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0011 gCompressedText_080E8485 -
080E8487 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0012 gCompressedText_080E8487 -
080E8495 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0013 gCompressedText_080E8495 -
080E84A0 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0014 gCompressedText_080E84A0 -
080E84AB - - gCompressedText_MSG_0015 gCompressedText_080E84AB -
080E84B6 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0016 gCompressedText_080E84B6 -
080E84C0 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0017 gCompressedText_080E84C0 -
080E84CA - - gCompressedText_MSG_0018 gCompressedText_080E84CA -
080E84D5 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0019 gCompressedText_080E84D5 -
080E84E1 - - gCompressedText_MSG_001A gCompressedText_080E84E1 -
080E84EC - - gCompressedText_MSG_001B gCompressedText_080E84EC -
080E84FA - - gCompressedText_MSG_001C gCompressedText_080E84FA -
080E8506 - - gCompressedText_MSG_001D gCompressedText_080E8506 -
080E8512 - - gCompressedText_MSG_001E gCompressedText_080E8512 -
080E8519 - - gCompressedText_MSG_001F gCompressedText_080E8519 -
080E8520 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0020 gCompressedText_080E8520 -
080E852A - - gCompressedText_MSG_0021 gCompressedText_080E852A -
080E8533 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0022 gCompressedText_080E8533 -
080E8535 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0023 gCompressedText_080E8535 -
080E853A - - gCompressedText_MSG_0024 gCompressedText_080E853A -
080E853F - - gCompressedText_MSG_0025 gCompressedText_080E853F -
080E8545 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0026 gCompressedText_080E8545 -
080E854E - - gCompressedText_MSG_0027 gCompressedText_080E854E -
080E8558 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0028 gCompressedText_080E8558 -
080E8561 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0029 gCompressedText_080E8561 -
080E856C - - gCompressedText_MSG_002A gCompressedText_080E856C -
080E8573 - - gCompressedText_MSG_002B gCompressedText_080E8573 -
080E857B - - gCompressedText_MSG_002C gCompressedText_080E857B -
080E8583 - - gCompressedText_MSG_002D gCompressedText_080E8583 -
080E858B - - gCompressedText_MSG_002E gCompressedText_080E858B -
080E8598 - - gCompressedText_MSG_002F gCompressedText_080E8598 -
080E85A4 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0030 gCompressedText_080E85A4 -
080E85AF - - gCompressedText_MSG_0031 gCompressedText_080E85AF -
080E85BD - - gCompressedText_MSG_0032 gCompressedText_080E85BD -
080E85CB - - gCompressedText_MSG_0033 gCompressedText_080E85CB -
080E85DA - - gCompressedText_MSG_0034 gCompressedText_080E85DA -
080E85E9 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0035 gCompressedText_080E85E9 -
080E85EF - - gCompressedText_MSG_0036 gCompressedText_080E85EF -
080E85F2 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0037 gCompressedText_080E85F2 -
080E85F7 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0038 gCompressedText_080E85F7 -
080E85FB - - gCompressedText_MSG_0039 gCompressedText_080E85FB -
080E8600 - - gCompressedText_MSG_003A gCompressedText_080E8600 -
080E8609 - - gCompressedText_MSG_003B gCompressedText_080E8609 -
080E8612 - - gCompressedText_MSG_003C gCompressedText_080E8612 -
080E861B - - gCompressedText_MSG_003D gCompressedText_080E861B -
080E8624 - - gCompressedText_MSG_003E gCompressedText_080E8624 -
080E862C - - gCompressedText_MSG_003F gCompressedText_080E862C -
080E8634 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0040 gCompressedText_080E8634 -
080E8637 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0041 gCompressedText_080E8637 -
080E8640 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0042 gCompressedText_080E8640 -
080E8646 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0043 gCompressedText_080E8646 -
080E8653 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0044 gCompressedText_080E8653 -
080E8657 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0045 gCompressedText_080E8657 -
080E865B - - gCompressedText_MSG_0046 gCompressedText_080E865B -
080E8663 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0047 gCompressedText_080E8663 -
080E8667 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0048 gCompressedText_080E8667 -
080E866B - - gCompressedText_MSG_0049 gCompressedText_080E866B -
080E8674 - - gCompressedText_MSG_004A gCompressedText_080E8674 -
080E8679 - - gCompressedText_MSG_004B gCompressedText_080E8679 -
080E8680 - - gCompressedText_MSG_004C gCompressedText_080E8680 -
080E8687 - - gCompressedText_MSG_004D gCompressedText_080E8687 -
080E868F - - gCompressedText_MSG_004E gCompressedText_080E868F -
080E8696 - - gCompressedText_MSG_004F gCompressedText_080E8696 -
080E8699 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0050 gCompressedText_080E8699 -
080E86A1 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0051 gCompressedText_080E86A1 -
080E86A7 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0052 gCompressedText_080E86A7 -
080E86AA - - gCompressedText_MSG_0053 gCompressedText_080E86AA -
080E86AE - - gCompressedText_MSG_0054 gCompressedText_080E86AE -
080E86B6 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0055 gCompressedText_080E86B6 -
080E86B9 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0056 gCompressedText_080E86B9 -
080E86C1 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0057 gCompressedText_080E86C1 -
080E86C8 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0058 gCompressedText_080E86C8 -
080E86CD - - gCompressedText_MSG_0059 gCompressedText_080E86CD -
080E86D4 - - gCompressedText_MSG_005A gCompressedText_080E86D4 -
080E86DB - - gCompressedText_MSG_005B gCompressedText_080E86DB -
080E86E1 - - gCompressedText_MSG_005C gCompressedText_080E86E1 -
080E86E6 - - gCompressedText_MSG_005D gCompressedText_080E86E6 -
080E86ED - - gCompressedText_MSG_005E gCompressedText_080E86ED -
080E86F5 - - gCompressedText_MSG_005F gCompressedText_080E86F5 -
080E86F8 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0060 gCompressedText_080E86F8 -
080E8700 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0061 gCompressedText_080E8700 -
080E8708 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0062 gCompressedText_080E8708 -
080E870B - - gCompressedText_MSG_0063 gCompressedText_080E870B -
080E8710 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0064 gCompressedText_080E8710 -
080E8714 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0065 gCompressedText_080E8714 -
080E871B - - gCompressedText_MSG_0066 gCompressedText_080E871B -
080E8723 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0067 gCompressedText_080E8723 -
080E8727 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0068 gCompressedText_080E8727 -
080E872B - - gCompressedText_MSG_0069 gCompressedText_080E872B -
080E8731 - - gCompressedText_MSG_006A gCompressedText_080E8731 -
080E8736 - - gCompressedText_MSG_006B gCompressedText_080E8736 -
080E873B - - gCompressedText_MSG_006C gCompressedText_080E873B -
080E8744 - - gCompressedText_MSG_006D gCompressedText_080E8744 -
080E874E - - gCompressedText_MSG_006E gCompressedText_080E874E -
080E8757 - - gCompressedText_MSG_006F gCompressedText_080E8757 -
080E8760 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0070 gCompressedText_080E8760 -
080E8764 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0071 gCompressedText_080E8764 -
080E8769 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0072 gCompressedText_080E8769 -
080E876D - - gCompressedText_MSG_0073 gCompressedText_080E876D -
080E8772 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0074 gCompressedText_080E8772 -
080E877E - - gCompressedText_MSG_0075 gCompressedText_080E877E -
080E8784 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0076 gCompressedText_080E8784 -
080E878A - - gCompressedText_MSG_0077 gCompressedText_080E878A -
080E8790 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0078 gCompressedText_080E8790 -
080E8796 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0079 gCompressedText_080E8796 -
080E879A - - gCompressedText_MSG_007A gCompressedText_080E879A -
080E87A1 - - gCompressedText_MSG_007B gCompressedText_080E87A1 -
080E87A8 - - gCompressedText_MSG_007C gCompressedText_080E87A8 -
080E87B1 - - gCompressedText_MSG_007D gCompressedText_080E87B1 -
080E87B8 - - gCompressedText_MSG_007E gCompressedText_080E87B8 -
080E87BE - - gCompressedText_MSG_007F gCompressedText_080E87BE -
080E87C6 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0080 gCompressedText_080E87C6 -
080E87CC - - gCompressedText_MSG_0081 gCompressedText_080E87CC -
080E87D3 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0082 gCompressedText_080E87D3 -
080E87DD - - gCompressedText_MSG_0083 gCompressedText_080E87DD -
080E87E2 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0084 gCompressedText_080E87E2 -
080E87E7 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0085 gCompressedText_080E87E7 -
080E87EC - - gCompressedText_MSG_0086 gCompressedText_080E87EC -
080E87F2 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0087 gCompressedText_080E87F2 -
080E87F7 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0088 gCompressedText_080E87F7 -
080E87FA - - gCompressedText_MSG_0089 gCompressedText_080E87FA -
080E87FF - - gCompressedText_MSG_008A gCompressedText_080E87FF -
080E8805 - - gCompressedText_MSG_008B gCompressedText_080E8805 -
080E881B - - gCompressedText_MSG_008C gCompressedText_080E881B -
080E8823 - - gCompressedText_MSG_008D gCompressedText_080E8823 -
080E8829 - - gCompressedText_MSG_008E gCompressedText_080E8829 -
080E882F - - gCompressedText_MSG_008F gCompressedText_080E882F -
080E8835 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0090 gCompressedText_080E8835 -
080E883C - - gCompressedText_MSG_0091 gCompressedText_080E883C -
080E8842 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0092 gCompressedText_080E8842 -
080E8846 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0093 gCompressedText_080E8846 -
080E884B - - gCompressedText_MSG_0094 gCompressedText_080E884B -
080E8856 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0095 gCompressedText_080E8856 -
080E885E - - gCompressedText_MSG_0096 gCompressedText_080E885E -
080E8866 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0097 gCompressedText_080E8866 -
080E886D - - gCompressedText_MSG_0098 gCompressedText_080E886D -
080E8873 - - gCompressedText_MSG_0099 gCompressedText_080E8873 -
080E887D - - gCompressedText_MSG_009A gCompressedText_080E887D -
080E8886 - - gCompressedText_MSG_009B gCompressedText_080E8886 -
080E888F - - gCompressedText_MSG_009C gCompressedText_080E888F -
080E8899 - - gCompressedText_MSG_009D gCompressedText_080E8899 -
080E88A1 - - gCompressedText_MSG_009E gCompressedText_080E88A1 -
080E88AC - - gCompressedText_MSG_009F gCompressedText_080E88AC -
080E88B3 - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A0 gCompressedText_080E88B3 -
080E88BC - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A1 gCompressedText_080E88BC -
080E88D1 - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A2 gCompressedText_080E88D1 -
080E88E4 - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A3 gCompressedText_080E88E4 -
080E88F4 - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A4 gCompressedText_080E88F4 -
080E8909 - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A5 gCompressedText_080E8909 -
080E8917 - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A6 gCompressedText_080E8917 -
080E892A - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A7 gCompressedText_080E892A -
080E893B - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A8 gCompressedText_080E893B -
080E8946 - - gCompressedText_MSG_00A9 gCompressedText_080E8946 -
080E8956 - - gCompressedText_MSG_00AA gCompressedText_080E8956 -
080E896A - - gCompressedText_MSG_00AB gCompressedText_080E896A -
080E897C - - gCompressedText_MSG_00AC gCompressedText_080E897C -
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