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Created May 15, 2012 14:46
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comparing here strings and pipes
for i in {1..1000}; do
sed 's/lo//' <<< "hello world\n"
➜ ~ time ./ &>/dev/null
./ &> /dev/null 0.46s user 5.36s system 121% cpu 4.806 total
➜ ~ time ./ &>/dev/null
./ &> /dev/null 0.39s user 3.54s system 99% cpu 3.960 total
➜ ~ time ./ &>/dev/null
./ &> /dev/null 0.43s user 5.31s system 121% cpu 4.724 total
➜ ~ time ./ &>/dev/null
./ &> /dev/null 0.38s user 3.60s system 99% cpu 4.001 total
for i in {1..1000}; do
echo "hello world" | sed 's/lo//'
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