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Mod 0 Session 3 Readings

Session 3 Readings and Responses

The readings and responses listed here should take you approximately 20 minutes total.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of this document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

Slack Shortcuts and Features (10 min)

Use Google to go find at least one online resource detailing keyboard shortcuts and/or features that are built into Slack.

  • What resource(s) did you find? Paste them below:
  • What are three Slack shortcuts and/or features that will contribute to your productivity?


  1. ⇧⌥DOWN (Shift Option Down) or ⇧⌥UP (Shift Option Up) to scroll through unread channel or direct messages
  2. ⌃/ (Command /) Opens quick list of shortcuts
  3. /REMIND↵ Set a Slackbot reminder!


  1. Searchable history makes it easy to find solutions or necessary data at a later date
  2. Slack allows connecting outside programs and services to your channels and conversations and connects to over 1500 apps
  3. Drag and drog files directly into conversations and channels
  4. Collaborate via voice, video, or screen sharing

The idea of the staging area is frequently one of the trickiest concepts to wrap your head around when you're first learning git. Read the question and answers (or do your own Googling on the git staging area). Then, create your own metaphor comparing the staging area to something in real life.

  • Type your metaphor below: The first thing that I thought of when reading this as a comparison is in a video game like Sonic the Hedgehog. When you're playing games they often have a save point. Reaching the save point is like making a commit. It creates a snap shot of how many lives you have left, your health status, how many gold rings you've collected up to that moment, etc. If you play past that save point you are essentially in the staging area up until you get to the next save point. If you die before the next commit/save point, you lose the changes and go back to the last commit/save point to start over again.


If you have any questions, comments, or confusions that you would an instructor to address, list them below:

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Great job, @StarPerfect!

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