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Last active May 21, 2019 01:56
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Professional Development Pre-Work - Module 0 Capstone - Turing Back-End Engineering Program 1906

Module 0 Professional Development Pre-Work

What is the value of a checklist?

Checklists and To-Do lists are highly valuable to stay organized. They ensure you have a list of all your tasts and don't just rely on your possibly mistaken memory. They are also useful to help you prioritize your workload and remember specific details you want to ensure you don't forget. I write more To-Do lists than I have actual checklists but, after learning about some good apps during Moe 0, I am working on utilizing Checklists with the help of those apps.

What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?

Aside from significantly increasing my technical knowledge and coding skills, I have a few things I would like to improve upon during my time at Turing. During Mod 0, we learned that there are some specific things that will contribute to our success like our study habits. I am getting better at setting time goals. I am allocating at least a specific chunk of time to work on my homework so I can balance daily practice with work, meetings, and other responsibilities I currently have on my plate. In the past my tendancy is to attempt to complete my homework or projects all at once. Once I get focused and get in the zone, I like to use that focused state for as long as I can. I feel like it will be easier for me to do that once I am not trying to work and do homework. Once classes start, I'll be full dedicated to Turing. As I mentioned in the previous question, I am working on using more checklists instead of just mantually written down to-do lists. I have an hour commute every morning and every evening so I plan on using that time for my daily prep and daily review so the time is not wasted. Another big thing that Turing is already helping me to improve upon is budgeting. Prior to starting Mod 0, I already created an excel spreadsheet with every expense or income source that I currently know of and broke it down by week until May 2020. I plan on using this to keep me from overspending and to ensure financial longevity which will allow me to truly stay focused on my school work.

Strengths-Based Development

What is your greatest strength and how to do you know?

My greatest strength is efficiency because I don’t like wasting time. This leads me to be pretty blunt and to the point. I tend to keep meetings on topic. When given a task, I am often the first one to speak up, start dissecting the problem, and begin working towards a solution. When presented with established work processes, anytime I see a way to improve the process to save time or money, I always provide my suggestions to management.

How do you work best?

I prefer to work independently but with the ability to get input and advice from colleagues or teammates as needed. Although competitive, I know I don’t know everything and am always open to suggestions to improve. When in team environments, I like to know what tasks I’m responsible for and offer my help when it’s needed. As far as time of day, I like to attack my assignments as soon as possible so I know the important stuff is done first, then I can relax and have fun afterwards. I prefer to be in areas with minimal distractions and everything I need so I don't have to keep interrupting my work for a drink or a pen or whatever.

What is your greatest area of improvement?

My greatest area of improvement has been learning when to say no. I am a people pleaser and when I was younger I think I took that too far. As I’ve gained life experience, I have learned not only when to say no but that it’s ok to say no. I realized that not everyone has my best interests in mind so, when appropriate, saying no is a way to empower myself in my personal life. Professionally, I have learned that by avoiding over commitment, I am able to deliver stronger results.

The next area I think I could work on is my connections with others. I am an introvert and tend to be reserved. I need to work on putting down the defensive walls and, not just letting others in, but reaching out to build connections with others. I really like that Turing isn't competitive and really encourages cooperation and collaboration amongst each other. I am hoping Turing will become a safe space where I can be comfortable enough to create some solid, professional relationships.

How do you hope to maximize your strengths for your new career in software development?

I’m meticulous and love solving challenges. When I am given the end point, I love figuring out what it’s going to take to get there. I can see myself wanting to over deliver with projects and presentations. I have a strong drive to excel when given some creative free range. I am tenacious which is what got me to Turing and will benefit my new career. Since professional is my strongest category, I think my strengths will easily shine through while at Turing which will provide great preparation for my new career.

How might knowing about your strengths and working preferences benefit you as a software developer?

First off, you can’t change what you don’t know. Knowing my strengths and working preferences would allow me to find a company that I can truly thrive in. I don’t want just a job, I want a successful career. Knowing what I’m great at and the environments I work best in will also allow me to sell myself as best as possible. I can then find the situation that will best cultivate my skills and talents and lead to overall success and happiness.

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