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Last active April 15, 2023 01:31
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# Alternative implementation of pygame.Rect that uses floats rather than integers
# Use FRect from pygame-ce instead of this!
# Don't question the implementation strategy, this is perfect
# Repurposed from another project of mine
# Constants needed for my direct translation of SDL_IntersectRectAndLine
from import Collection
class Rect(Collection):
def __init__(self, *args):
if len(args) == 2:
if len(args[0]) == 2 and len(args[1]) == 2:
l = [*args[0], *args[1]]
raise TypeError("Argument must be rect style object")
elif len(args) == 4:
l = [*args]
elif len(args) == 1:
if len(args[0]) == 2:
l = [*args[0][0], *args[0][1]]
elif len(args[0]) == 4:
l = list(args[0])
raise TypeError(
f"sequence argument takes 2 or 4 items ({len(args[0])} given)"
raise TypeError("Argument must be rect style object")
self.__dict__["_rect"] = l
getattr_dict = {
"x": lambda x: x._rect[0],
"y": lambda x: x._rect[1],
"top": lambda x: x._rect[1],
"left": lambda x: x._rect[0],
"bottom": lambda x: x._rect[1] + x._rect[3],
"right": lambda x: x._rect[0] + x._rect[2],
"topleft": lambda x: (x._rect[0], x._rect[1]),
"bottomleft": lambda x: (x._rect[0], x._rect[1] + x._rect[3]),
"topright": lambda x: (x._rect[0] + x._rect[2], x._rect[1]),
"bottomright": lambda x: (x._rect[0] + x._rect[2], x._rect[1] + x._rect[3]),
"midtop": lambda x: (x._rect[0] + x._rect[2] / 2, x._rect[1]),
"midleft": lambda x: (x._rect[0], x._rect[1] + x._rect[3] / 2),
"midbottom": lambda x: (x._rect[0] + x._rect[2] / 2, x._rect[1] + x._rect[3]),
"midright": lambda x: (x._rect[0] + x._rect[2], x._rect[1] + x._rect[3] / 2),
"center": lambda x: (x._rect[0] + x._rect[2] / 2, x._rect[1] + x._rect[3] / 2),
"centerx": lambda x: x._rect[0] + x._rect[2] / 2,
"centery": lambda x: x._rect[1] + x._rect[3] / 2,
"size": lambda x: (x._rect[2], x._rect[3]),
"width": lambda x: x._rect[2],
"height": lambda x: x._rect[3],
"w": lambda x: x._rect[2],
"h": lambda x: x._rect[3],
def __getattr__(self, name):
return Rect.getattr_dict[name](self)
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(
f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute 'name'"
def _error_if_not_numeric(self, name, value):
if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
raise TypeError(f"{name} must be numeric")
def _error_if_not_numeric_pair(self, name, value):
if len(value) != 2:
raise TypeError(f"{name} must be two-pair of numbers")
if not isinstance(value[0], (int, float)):
raise TypeError(f"{name} must be two-pair of numbers")
if not isinstance(value[1], (int, float)):
raise TypeError(f"{name} must be two-pair of numbers")
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == "x":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[0] = value
if name == "y":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[1] = value
if name == "top":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[1] = value
if name == "left":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[0] = value
if name == "bottom":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[1] += value - self.bottom
if name == "right":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[0] += value - self.right
if name == "topleft":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self._rect[0], self._rect[1] = value
if name == "bottomleft":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self._rect[0], self.bottom = value
if name == "topright":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self.right, self._rect[1] = value
if name == "bottomright":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self.right, self.bottom = value
if name == "midtop":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self.centerx, self._rect[1] = value
if name == "midleft":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self._rect[0], self.centery = value
if name == "midbottom":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self.centerx, self.bottom = value
if name == "midright":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self.right, self.centery = value
if name == "center":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self.centerx, self.centery = value
if name == "centerx":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[0] += value - self.centerx
if name == "centery":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[1] += value - self.centery
if name == "size":
self._error_if_not_numeric_pair(name, value)
self._rect[2], self._rect[3] = value
if name == "width":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[2] = value
if name == "height":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[3] = value
if name == "w":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[2] = value
if name == "h":
self._error_if_not_numeric(name, value)
self._rect[3] = value
self.__dict__[name] = value
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._rect[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
if index == ...:
for i in range(4):
self._rect[i] = value[i]
self._rect[index] = value
def __delitem__(self, index):
raise TypeError("Deletion not supported")
def __len__(self):
return 4
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._rect)
def __contains__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, (int, float)):
return item in self._rect
return self.contains(Rect(item))
def __str__(self):
return f"FRect({self._rect[0]:f}, {self._rect[1]:f}, {self._rect[2]:f}, {self._rect[3]:f})"
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._rect == self.__class__(other)._rect
return False
def __bool__(self):
return self._rect[2] != 0 and self._rect[3] != 0
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self._rect)
def move(self, x, y):
c = self.copy()
c.move_ip(x, y)
return c
def move_ip(self, x, y):
self._rect[0] += x
self._rect[1] += y
def inflate(self, x, y):
c = self.copy()
c.inflate_ip(x, y)
return c
def inflate_ip(self, x, y):
self._rect[0] -= x / 2
self._rect[2] += x
self._rect[1] -= y / 2
self._rect[3] += y
def update(self, *args):
def clamp(self, argrect):
c = self.copy()
return c
def clamp_ip(self, argrect):
argrect = Rect(argrect)
raise TypeError("Argument must be rect style object")
if self._rect[2] >= argrect.w:
x = argrect.x + argrect.w / 2 - self._rect[2] / 2
elif self._rect[0] < argrect.x:
x = argrect.x
elif self._rect[0] + self._rect[2] > argrect.x + argrect.w:
x = argrect.x + argrect.w - self._rect[2]
x = self._rect[0]
if self._rect[3] >= argrect.h:
y = argrect.y + argrect.h / 2 - self._rect[3] / 2
elif self._rect[1] < argrect.y:
y = argrect.y
elif self._rect[1] + self._rect[3] > argrect.y + argrect.h:
y = argrect.y + argrect.h - self._rect[3]
y = self._rect[1]
self._rect[0] = x
self._rect[1] = y
def clip(self, argrect):
argrect = Rect(argrect)
raise TypeError("Argument must be rect style object")
# left
if self.x >= argrect.x and self.x < argrect.x + argrect.w:
x = self.x
elif argrect.x >= self.x and argrect.x < self.x + self.w:
x = argrect.x
return self.__class__(self.x, self.y, 0, 0)
# right
if self.x + self.w > argrect.x and self.x + self.w <= argrect.x + argrect.w:
w = self.x + self.w - x
elif (
argrect.x + argrect.w > self.x and argrect.x + argrect.w <= self.x + self.w
w = argrect.x + argrect.w - x
return self.__class__(self.x, self.y, 0, 0)
# top
if self.y >= argrect.y and self.y < argrect.y + argrect.h:
y = self.y
elif argrect.y >= self.y and argrect.y < self.y + self.h:
y = argrect.y
return self.__class__(self.x, self.y, 0, 0)
# bottom
if self.y + self.h > argrect.y and self.y + self.h <= argrect.y + argrect.h:
h = self.y + self.h - y
elif (
argrect.y + argrect.h > self.y and argrect.y + argrect.h <= self.y + self.h
h = argrect.y + argrect.h - y
return self.__class__(self.x, self.y, 0, 0)
return self.__class__(x, y, w, h)
def clipline(self, *args):
# arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = arg4 = None
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0
if len(args) == 1:
if len(args[0]) == 2:
x1, y1 = args[0][0]
x2, y2 = args[0][1]
elif len(args[0]) == 4:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = args[0]
raise TypeError(
f"sequence argument takes 2 or 4 items ({len(args[0])} given)"
elif len(args) == 2:
x1, y1 = args[0]
x2, y2 = args[1]
elif len(args) == 4:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = args
raise TypeError(
f"clipline() takes 1, 2, or 4 arguments ({len(args)}) given"
rect = self.__class__(self.__dict__["_rect"].copy())
# fun fact, I went into SDl's source code to write this
rectx1 = rect.x
recty1 = rect.y
rectx2 = rect.right - 1
recty2 = rect.bottom - 1
# Check to see if entire line is inside rect
if (
rectx1 <= x1 <= rectx2
and rectx1 <= x2 <= rectx2
and recty1 <= y1 <= recty2
and recty1 <= y2 <= recty2
return ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
# Check to see if entire line is to one side of rect
if (
(x1 < rectx1 and x2 < rectx1)
or (x1 > rectx2 and x2 > rectx2)
or (y1 < recty1 and y2 < recty1)
or (y1 > recty2 and y2 > recty2)
return ()
if y1 == y2:
# Horizontal line, easy to clip
if x1 < rectx1:
x1 = rectx1
elif x1 > rectx2:
x1 = rectx2
if x2 < rectx1:
x2 = rectx1
elif x2 > rectx2:
x2 = rectx2
return ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
if x1 == x2:
# Vertical line, easy to clip
if y1 < recty1:
y1 = recty1
elif y1 > recty2:
y1 = recty2
if y2 < recty1:
y2 = recty1
elif y2 > recty2:
y2 = recty2
return ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
# More complicated Cohen-Sutherland algorithm
outcode1 = self._compute_outcode(rect, x1, y1)
outcode2 = self._compute_outcode(rect, x2, y2)
while outcode1 or outcode2:
if outcode1 & outcode2:
return ()
if outcode1:
if outcode1 & CODE_TOP:
y = recty1
x = x1 + ((x2 - x1) * (y - y1)) / (y2 - y1)
elif outcode1 & CODE_BOTTOM:
y = recty2
x = x1 + ((x2 - x1) * (y - y1)) / (y2 - y1)
elif outcode1 & CODE_LEFT:
x = rectx1
y = y1 + ((y2 - y1) * (x - x1)) / (x2 - x1)
elif outcode1 & CODE_RIGHT:
x = rectx2
y = y1 + ((y2 - y1) * (x - x1)) / (x2 - x1)
x1 = x
y1 = y
outcode1 = self._compute_outcode(rect, x, y)
if outcode2 & CODE_TOP:
y = recty1
x = x1 + ((x2 - x1) * (y - y1)) / (y2 - y1)
elif outcode2 & CODE_BOTTOM:
y = recty2
x = x1 + ((x2 - x1) * (y - y1)) / (y2 - y1)
elif outcode2 & CODE_LEFT:
assert x2 != x1 # if equal: division by zero.
x = rectx1
y = y1 + ((y2 - y1) * (x - x1)) / (x2 - x1)
elif outcode2 & CODE_RIGHT:
assert x2 != x1 # if equal: division by zero.
x = rectx2
y = y1 + ((y2 - y1) * (x - x1)) / (x2 - x1)
x2 = x
y2 = y
outcode2 = self._compute_outcode(rect, x, y)
return ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
def _compute_outcode(self, rect, x, y):
code = 0
if y < rect.y:
code |= CODE_TOP
elif y >= rect.y + rect.h:
if x < rect.x:
code |= CODE_LEFT
elif x >= rect.x + rect.w:
code |= CODE_RIGHT
return code
def union(self, argrect):
c = self.copy()
return c
def union_ip(self, argrect):
argrect = Rect(argrect)
raise TypeError("Argument must be rect style object")
x = min(self.x, argrect.x)
y = min(self.y, argrect.y)
w = max(self.x + self.w, argrect.x + argrect.w) - x
h = max(self.y + self.h, argrect.y + argrect.h) - y
self._rect = [x, y, w, h]
def unionall(self, argrects):
c = self.copy()
return c
def unionall_ip(self, argrects):
for i, argrect in enumerate(argrects):
argrects[i] = Rect(argrect)
raise TypeError("Argument must be rect style object")
x = min([self.x] + [r.x for r in argrects])
y = min([self.y] + [r.y for r in argrects])
w = max([self.right] + [r.right for r in argrects]) - x
h = max([self.bottom] + [r.bottom for r in argrects]) - y
self._rect = [x, y, w, h]
def fit(self, argrect):
argrect = Rect(argrect)
raise TypeError("Argument must be rect style object")
xratio = (self.w / argrect.w) if argrect.w != 0 else float('inf')
yratio = (self.h / argrect.h) if argrect.h != 0 else float('inf')
maxratio = max(xratio, yratio)
w = self.w / maxratio
h = self.h / maxratio
x = argrect.x + (argrect.w - w) / 2
y = argrect.y + (argrect.h - h) / 2
return Rect(x, y, w, h)
def normalize(self):
if self._rect[2] < 0:
self._rect[0] += self._rect[2]
self._rect[2] = -self._rect[2]
if self._rect[3] < 0:
self._rect[1] += self._rect[3]
self._rect[3] = -self._rect[3]
def contains(self, argrect):
argrect = Rect(argrect)
raise TypeError("Argument must be rect style object")
if self._rect[0] <= argrect[0] and argrect[0] + argrect[2] <= self.right:
if self._rect[1] <= argrect[1] and argrect[1] + argrect[3] <= self.bottom:
return True
return False
def collidepoint(self, *args):
if len(args) == 1:
point = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
point = tuple(args)
raise TypeError("argument must contain two numbers")
# conforms with no collision on right / bottom edge behavior of pygame Rects
if self._rect[0] <= point[0] < self.right:
if self._rect[1] <= point[1] < self.bottom:
return True
return False
def colliderect(self, argrect):
argrect = Rect(argrect)
raise TypeError("Argument must be rect style object")
if any(0 == d for d in [self.w, self.h, argrect.w, argrect.h]):
return False
return (
min(self.x, self.x + self.w) < max(argrect.x, argrect.x + argrect.w)
and min(self.y, self.y + self.h) < max(argrect.y, argrect.y + argrect.h)
and max(self.x, self.x + self.w) > min(argrect.x, argrect.x + argrect.w)
and max(self.y, self.y + self.h) > min(argrect.y, argrect.y + argrect.h)
def collidelist(self, argrects):
for i, argrect in enumerate(argrects):
if self.colliderect(argrect):
return i
return -1
def collidelistall(self, argrects):
out = []
for i, argrect in enumerate(argrects):
if self.colliderect(argrect):
return out
def collidedict(self, rects_dict, use_values=0):
for key in rects_dict:
if use_values == 0:
argrect = key
argrect = rects_dict[key]
if self.colliderect(argrect):
return (key, rects_dict[key])
return None # explicit rather than implicit
def collidedictall(self, rects_dict, use_values=0):
out = []
for key in rects_dict:
if use_values == 0:
argrect = key
argrect = rects_dict[key]
if self.colliderect(argrect):
out.append((key, rects_dict[key]))
return out
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YariKartoshe4ka commented Oct 27, 2021

Hi! Nice realization of pygame.Rect on Python. Has tested it and got another out of method fit: if the arg rect is zero in height or width, an exception (ZeroDivisionError) is thrown. There is no such problem on C, since when divided by 0, inf is obtained, so i suggest change this

xratio = self.w / argrect.w
yratio = self.h / argrect.h


xratio = (self.w / argrect.w) if argrect.w != 0 else float('inf')
yratio = (self.h / argrect.h) if argrect.h != 0 else float('inf')

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Did you actually experience it crash with that? It's strange to fit into a rect with a 0 dimension, but it can be called.

I'll put in your patch. I didn't know you could use infinity like that in Python!

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I just wrote tests to verify the correctness of the methods of this implementation (or my future changes) by comparing them with the original pygame.Rect and during testing I came across discrepancy of fit methods. Yes, it's strange, but corresponds to the expected behaviour. Perhaps the original needs to handle the case of zero length or width 🤔

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I actually did test this against the actual test suite for pygame.Rect, but so much of it assumes they are int based that I didn't get very conclusive results.

You should check out the original pygame.Rect implementation and test suite and see if there's something that needs to be added, over on the pygame Github.

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Nice work! Were you able to test it against the new FRect from pygame-ce? I tested it in a project here an noticed a bit of weird behavior, the character seems to levitate above the ground for a second before falling fully, but still way better than using the regular Rect.

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@FinFetChannel I've now ran it against the test suite for FRect, and I fixed a couple minor compliance issues. There are still lots of compliance issues, mainly about type errors and uncommon functionality. I'm not interested in spending a lot of time getting it fully passing the rect test suite, since FRect exists now officially.

I'm not sure why it would do the behavior you've described.

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