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Created November 6, 2017 18:10
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PowerShell script to recurse thru azure-quickstart-templates, pulling out every azuredeploy.json file and listing the Resource.Types they use
# PowerShell script to recurse thru,
# pulling out every azuredeploy.json file and listing the Resource.Types they use
# Initialise an empty list of $types and an optional $limit for how many files to process
$types = @()
$limit = 100
# Set up your cloned repo directory here
$directory = 'C:\Projects\Ste\azure-quickstart-templates'
cd $directory
# Get all files recursively which are 'azuredeploy.json'
# Optionally limit the number of files taken (comment it in/out)
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter 'azuredeploy.json' | #select -first $limit |
ForEach {
# Get the JSON text content of this one file
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName | Out-String
# Get this one file as a PowerShell object
$obj = ConvertFrom-Json $content
# Get all the 'Resource.Type' paths from this file in a list
$lines = $obj | Select @{n='Type';e={$_.Resources.Type}}
# Now, each .Type can be an array. So we're going to Each over those
# and add each type and array-contained type to the master list
$lines.Type | ForEach {
$types += $_
# Output the distinct types, sorted alphabetically.
$types | Sort -Unique
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