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Last active February 15, 2019 23:41
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Statistics and Raw Output on Coverage of Python Bindings
#!/user/bin/env python
import re
import inspect
from collections import defaultdict
import flux
from _flux import _core
from _flux._core import ffi
from flux import jsc
from flux import kvs
def matches_a_prefix(name, prefixes):
return any([name.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes])
def is_pimpld(function, name, wrapper):
fun_type = wrapper.ffi.typeof(function)
if len(fun_type.args) == 0:
return False
if not matches_a_prefix(name, wrapper.prefixes):
return False
return wrapper.check_handle("", fun_type)
except AttributeError:
return False
def is_wrapped(name, wrapper, module):
if not matches_a_prefix(name, wrapper.prefixes):
return False
mod_functions = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction)
for function_name, function_value in mod_functions:
for prefix in wrapper.prefixes:
if prefix + function_name == name:
return True
return False
def is_manual_method(name, wrapper_class, prefixes):
if not matches_a_prefix(name, prefixes):
return False
mod_functions = inspect.getmembers(wrapper_class, inspect.ismethod)
for function_name, function_value in mod_functions:
for prefix in prefixes:
if prefix + function_name == name:
return True
return False
def is_manual_getset(name, wrapper_class, prefixes):
if not matches_a_prefix(name, prefixes):
return False
def filter_func(o):
return isinstance(o, property)
mod_functions = inspect.getmembers(wrapper_class, filter_func)
for function_name, function_value in mod_functions:
for prefix in prefixes:
if "{}get_{}".format(prefix, function_name) == name or \
"{}set_{}".format(prefix, function_name) == name:
return True
return False
fh = flux.Flux()
kvsdir = kvs.KVSDir(flux_handle=fh)
def get_support_level(mod_label, function_name, function):
if isinstance(function, int):
return ("AUTO", "")
elif function_name in all_hardcoded_functions:
return ("MAN", all_hardcoded_functions[function_name])
elif mod_label == 'CORE':
pimpl_wrappers = [('message', flux.message.Message().pimpl),
('handle', fh),
wrapped_by = [wrap_label for (wrap_label, wrapper) in pimpl_wrappers if is_pimpld(function, function_name, wrapper)]
if is_manual_getset(function_name, flux.message.Message, ["flux_msg_"]):
return ("MAN", "message")
elif is_manual_method(function_name, flux.Flux, ["flux_"]):
return ("MAN", "handle")
elif len(wrapped_by) > 0:
return ("PIMPL", ",".join(wrapped_by))
elif is_wrapped(function_name, jsc.RAW, jsc):
return ("MAN", "jsc")
elif is_wrapped(function_name, kvs.RAW, kvs):
return ("MAN", "kvs")
elif is_manual_method(function_name, kvs.KVSDir, kvsdir.pimpl.prefixes):
return ("MAN", "kvsdir")
elif is_pimpld(function, function_name, kvsdir.pimpl):
return ("PIMPL", "kvsdir")
return ("AUTO", "")
def main():
global all_hardcoded_functions
watcher_func = {name : 'watcher' for name in ['flux_fd_watcher_create',
msg_handler_funcs = {name : 'message' for name in ['flux_msg_handler_{}'.format(method) for method in
['create', 'start', 'stop', 'destroy']]}
kvsitr_funcs = {name : 'kvsitr' for name in ['flux_kvsitr_{}'.format(method) for method in ['destroy', 'create', 'next']]}
kvsdir_funcs = {name : 'kvsdir' for name in ['flux_kvs_watch_once_dir']}
handle_funcs = {name : 'handle' for name in ['flux_handle_create']}
all_hardcoded_functions = dict(watcher_func.items() + msg_handler_funcs.items() + \
kvsitr_funcs.items() + kvsdir_funcs.items() + handle_funcs.items())
support_level_counts = defaultdict(lambda : 0)
for mod_label, module in [('CORE', _core),
# ('JSC', jsc),
# ('KVS', kvs),
for function_name, function in sorted(module.lib.__dict__.iteritems()):
if function_name in ['free', 'unpack_long']:
if isinstance(function, int): # skip enums, constants, etc for now
if isinstance(function, ffi.CData): # skip constants, etc for now
if isinstance(function, int):
type_signature = "int ({})".format(function)
type_signature = module.ffi.typeof(function)
type_signature = re.match(r"<ctype '(.*)'>", str(type_signature)).group(1)
support_level, support_module = get_support_level(mod_label, function_name, function)
support_level_counts[support_level] += 1
print "{: >4} - {: <5} {: <9} - {: <31} - {}".format(mod_label, support_level,
function_name, type_signature)
total_count = float(sum(support_level_counts.values()))
print {key : "{}%".format(int((count/total_count) * 100)) for (key, count) in support_level_counts.items()}
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_attr_get - char *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_attr_set - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_attr_set_cacheonly - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_aux_get - void *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_aux_set - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, void *, void(*)(void *))
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_barrier - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_bytes - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_create - struct flux_buffer *(*)(int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_destroy - void(*)(void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_drop - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_drop_line - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_is_readonly - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_lines - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_peek - void *(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_peek_line - void *(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_peek_to_fd - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_peek_trimmed_line - void *(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_read - void *(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_read_line - void *(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_read_to_fd - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_read_trimmed_line - void *(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_read_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, int, int, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), int, void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_read_watcher_get_buffer - struct flux_buffer *(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_readonly - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_size - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_space - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_write - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *, void *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_write_from_fd - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *, int, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_write_line - int(*)(struct flux_buffer *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_write_watcher_close - int(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_write_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, int, int, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), int, void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_write_watcher_get_buffer - struct flux_buffer *(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_buffer_write_watcher_is_closed - int(*)(struct flux_watcher *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_check_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_child_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, int, _Bool, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_child_watcher_get_rpid - int(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_child_watcher_get_rstatus - int(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_clone - struct flux_handle_struct *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_close - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_clr_msgcounters - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_conf_get - char *(*)(char *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_content_load - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_content_load_get - int(*)(struct flux_future *, void * *, int *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_content_store - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, void *, int, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_content_store_get - int(*)(struct flux_future *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_core_version - int(*)(int *, int *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_core_version_string - char *(*)()
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_dispatch_requeue - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_dmesg - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int, void(*)(char *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_event_decode - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_event_decode_raw - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *, void * *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_event_encode - struct flux_msg *(*)(char *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_event_encode_raw - struct flux_msg *(*)(char *, void *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_event_publish - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, int, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_event_publish_get_seq - int(*)(struct flux_future *, int *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_event_publish_raw - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, int, void *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_event_subscribe - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_event_unsubscribe - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_fatal_error - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_fatal_set - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, void(*)(char *, void *), void *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_fatality - _Bool(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - MAN (watcher) - flux_fd_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, int, int, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_fd_watcher_get_fd - int(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_flags_get - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_flags_set - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_flags_unset - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_and_then - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_future *, void(*)(struct flux_future *, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_aux_get - void *(*)(struct flux_future *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_aux_set - int(*)(struct flux_future *, char *, void *, void(*)(void *))
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_continue - int(*)(struct flux_future *, struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_continue_error - void(*)(struct flux_future *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_create - struct flux_future *(*)(void(*)(struct flux_future *, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_error_string - char *(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_fatal_error - void(*)(struct flux_future *, int, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_first_child - char *(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_fulfill - void(*)(struct flux_future *, void *, void(*)(void *))
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_fulfill_error - void(*)(struct flux_future *, int, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_get - int(*)(struct flux_future *, void * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_get_child - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_future *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_get_flux - struct flux_handle_struct *(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_get_reactor - struct flux_reactor *(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_is_ready - _Bool(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_next_child - char *(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_or_then - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_future *, void(*)(struct flux_future *, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_push - int(*)(struct flux_future *, char *, struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_reset - void(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_set_flux - void(*)(struct flux_future *, struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_set_reactor - void(*)(struct flux_future *, struct flux_reactor *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_then - int(*)(struct flux_future *, double, void(*)(struct flux_future *, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_wait_all_create - struct flux_future *(*)()
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_wait_any_create - struct flux_future *(*)()
CORE - AUTO () - flux_future_wait_for - int(*)(struct flux_future *, double)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_get_msgcounters - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, flux_msgcounters_t *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_get_rank - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, uint32_t *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_get_reactor - struct flux_reactor *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_get_size - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, uint32_t *)
CORE - MAN (handle) - flux_handle_create - struct flux_handle_struct *(*)(void *, struct flux_handle_ops *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_handle_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_handle_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_handle_struct *, int, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_handle_watcher_get_flux - struct flux_handle_struct *(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_heartbeat_decode - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_heartbeat_encode - struct flux_msg *(*)(int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_idle_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_incref - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_job_list - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_job_purge - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, uint64_t, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_job_set_priority - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, uint64_t, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_job_submit - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, int, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_job_submit_get_id - int(*)(struct flux_future *, uint64_t *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_keepalive_decode - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, int *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_keepalive_encode - struct flux_msg *(*)(int, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_commit - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int, struct flux_kvs_txn *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_commit_anon - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_copy - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_dropcache - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_event_decode - int(*)(char *, double *, char *, int, char *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_event_encode - char *(*)(char *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_event_encode_timestamp - char *(*)(double, char *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_eventlog_append - int(*)(struct flux_kvs_eventlog *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_eventlog_create - struct flux_kvs_eventlog *(*)()
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_eventlog_decode - struct flux_kvs_eventlog *(*)(char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_eventlog_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_kvs_eventlog *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_eventlog_encode - char *(*)(struct flux_kvs_eventlog *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_eventlog_first - char *(*)(struct flux_kvs_eventlog *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_eventlog_next - char *(*)(struct flux_kvs_eventlog *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_eventlog_update - int(*)(struct flux_kvs_eventlog *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_fence - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int, char *, int, struct flux_kvs_txn *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_fence_anon - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, int, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_get - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char * *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_get_namespace - char *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_get_version - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_getroot - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_getroot_get_blobref - int(*)(struct flux_future *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_getroot_get_owner - int(*)(struct flux_future *, uint32_t *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_getroot_get_sequence - int(*)(struct flux_future *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_getroot_get_treeobj - int(*)(struct flux_future *, char * *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_lookup - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_lookup_cancel - int(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_lookup_get - int(*)(struct flux_future *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_lookup_get_dir - int(*)(struct flux_future *, struct flux_kvsdir * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_lookup_get_key - char *(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_lookup_get_raw - int(*)(struct flux_future *, void * *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_lookup_get_symlink - int(*)(struct flux_future *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_lookup_get_treeobj - int(*)(struct flux_future *, char * *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_lookupat - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int, char *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_mkdir - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_move - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_namespace_create - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, uint32_t, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_namespace_itr_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_kvs_namespace_itr *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_namespace_itr_next - char *(*)(struct flux_kvs_namespace_itr *, uint32_t *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_namespace_itr_rewind - void(*)(struct flux_kvs_namespace_itr *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_namespace_list - struct flux_kvs_namespace_itr *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_namespace_remove - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_put - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_set_namespace - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_symlink - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_txn_create - struct flux_kvs_txn *(*)()
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_txn_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_kvs_txn *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_txn_mkdir - int(*)(struct flux_kvs_txn *, int, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_txn_put - int(*)(struct flux_kvs_txn *, int, char *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_txn_put_raw - int(*)(struct flux_kvs_txn *, int, char *, void *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_txn_put_treeobj - int(*)(struct flux_kvs_txn *, int, char *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_txn_symlink - int(*)(struct flux_kvs_txn *, int, char *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvs_txn_unlink - int(*)(struct flux_kvs_txn *, int, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_unlink - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_unwatch - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_wait_version - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_watch - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, int(*)(char *, char *, void *, int), void *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvs_watch_once - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char * *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_copy - struct flux_kvsdir *(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_kvsdir_create - struct flux_kvsdir *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *)
CORE - MAN (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_exists - _Bool(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *, char *)
CORE - MAN (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_get - int(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *, char *, char * *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_get_size - int(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_handle - void *(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_incref - void(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_isdir - _Bool(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_issymlink - _Bool(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_key - char *(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *)
CORE - MAN (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_key_at - char *(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *, char *)
CORE - MAN (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_mkdir - int(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_put - int(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *, char *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_rootref - char *(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *)
CORE - PIMPL (kvsdir) - flux_kvsdir_unlink - int(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *, char *)
CORE - MAN (kvsitr) - flux_kvsitr_create - struct flux_kvsitr *(*)(struct flux_kvsdir *)
CORE - MAN (kvsitr) - flux_kvsitr_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_kvsitr *)
CORE - MAN (kvsitr) - flux_kvsitr_next - char *(*)(struct flux_kvsitr *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_kvsitr_rewind - void(*)(struct flux_kvsitr *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_log_fprint - void(*)(char *, int, void *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_log_set_appname - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_log_set_procid - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_log_set_redirect - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, void(*)(char *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_matchtag_alloc - uint32_t(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_matchtag_avail - uint32_t(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_matchtag_free - void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, uint32_t)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_modfind - char *(*)(char *, char *, void(*)(char *, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_modname - char *(*)(char *, void(*)(char *, void *), void *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_mrpc - struct flux_mrpc_struct *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *, char *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_mrpc_aux_get - void *(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_mrpc_aux_set - int(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *, char *, void *, void(*)(void *))
CORE - AUTO () - flux_mrpc_check - _Bool(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_mrpc_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_mrpc_get - int(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_mrpc_get_nodeid - int(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *, uint32_t *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_mrpc_get_raw - int(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *, void * *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_mrpc_next - int(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_mrpc_then - int(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *, void(*)(struct flux_mrpc_struct *, void *), void *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_aux_get - void *(*)(struct flux_msg *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_aux_set - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char *, void *, void(*)(void *))
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_clear_route - int(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_cmp - _Bool(*)(struct flux_msg *, struct flux_match)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_cmp_matchtag - _Bool(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_copy - struct flux_msg *(*)(struct flux_msg *, _Bool)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_create - struct flux_msg *(*)(int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_decode - struct flux_msg *(*)(void *, size_t)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_enable_route - int(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_encode - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, void *, size_t)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_encode_size - size_t(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_fprint - void(*)(FILE *, struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_frames - int(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_errnum - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, int *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_flags - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint8_t *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_matchtag - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_nodeid - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t *, int *)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_get_payload - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, void * *, int *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_rolemask - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_route_count - int(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_route_first - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_route_last - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_route_string - char *(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_seq - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_status - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, int *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_string - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_get_topic - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_get_type - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, int *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_get_userid - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_msg_handler_addvec - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_msg_handler_spec *, void *, struct flux_msg_handler * * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_handler_allow_rolemask - void(*)(struct flux_msg_handler *, uint32_t)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_handler_create - struct flux_msg_handler *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_match, void(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_msg_handler *, struct flux_msg *, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_handler_delvec - void(*)(struct flux_msg_handler * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_handler_deny_rolemask - void(*)(struct flux_msg_handler *, uint32_t)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_handler_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_msg_handler *)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_handler_start - void(*)(struct flux_msg_handler *)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_handler_stop - void(*)(struct flux_msg_handler *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_has_payload - _Bool(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_iobuf_clean - void(*)(struct flux_msg_iobuf *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_iobuf_init - void(*)(struct flux_msg_iobuf *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_is_private - _Bool(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_pop_route - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_push_route - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_recvfd - struct flux_msg *(*)(int, struct flux_msg_iobuf *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_recvzsock - struct flux_msg *(*)(void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_sendfd - int(*)(int, struct flux_msg *, struct flux_msg_iobuf *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_sendzsock - int(*)(void *, struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_errnum - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_flags - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint8_t)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_matchtag - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_nodeid - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t, int)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_set_payload - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, void *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_private - int(*)(struct flux_msg *)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_rolemask - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_seq - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_status - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_string - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char *)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_set_topic - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char *)
CORE - MAN (message) - flux_msg_set_type - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (message) - flux_msg_set_userid - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, uint32_t)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_msg_typestr - char *(*)(int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_open - struct flux_handle_struct *(*)(char *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_opt_get - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, void *, size_t)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_opt_set - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, void *, size_t)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_panic - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, uint32_t, int, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_periodic_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, double, double, double(*)(struct flux_watcher *, double, void *), void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_periodic_watcher_reset - void(*)(struct flux_watcher *, double, double, double(*)(struct flux_watcher *, double, void *))
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_pollevents - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_pollfd - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_prepare_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_reactor_create - struct flux_reactor *(*)(int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_reactor_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_reactor *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_reactor_now - double(*)(struct flux_reactor *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_reactor_now_update - void(*)(struct flux_reactor *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_reactor_run - int(*)(struct flux_reactor *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_reactor_stop - void(*)(struct flux_reactor *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_reactor_stop_error - void(*)(struct flux_reactor *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_reactor_time - double(*)()
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_recv - struct flux_msg *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_match, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_request_decode - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_request_decode_raw - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *, void * *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_request_encode - struct flux_msg *(*)(char *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_request_encode_raw - struct flux_msg *(*)(char *, void *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_requeue - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_msg *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_requeue_nocopy - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_msg *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_respond - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_msg *, int, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_respond_raw - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_msg *, void *, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_response_decode - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_response_decode_error - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_response_decode_raw - int(*)(struct flux_msg *, char * *, void * *, int *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_response_encode - struct flux_msg *(*)(char *, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_response_encode_error - struct flux_msg *(*)(char *, int, char *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_response_encode_raw - struct flux_msg *(*)(char *, void *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_rpc - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, char *, uint32_t, int)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_rpc_get - int(*)(struct flux_future *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_rpc_get_matchtag - uint32_t(*)(struct flux_future *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_rpc_get_raw - int(*)(struct flux_future *, void * *, int *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_rpc_message - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_msg *, uint32_t, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_rpc_raw - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *, void *, int, uint32_t, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_send - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_msg *, int)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_service_register - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_service_unregister - struct flux_future *(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, char *)
CORE - PIMPL (handle) - flux_set_reactor - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, struct flux_reactor *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_signal_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, int, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_signal_watcher_get_signum - int(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_stat_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, char *, double, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_stat_watcher_get_rstat - void(*)(struct flux_watcher *, struct stat *, struct stat *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_strerror - char *(*)(int)
CORE - MAN (watcher) - flux_timer_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, double, double, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_timer_watcher_reset - void(*)(struct flux_watcher *, double, double)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, size_t, struct flux_watcher_ops *, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - MAN (watcher) - flux_watcher_destroy - void(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_watcher_get_data - void *(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_watcher_get_ops - struct flux_watcher_ops *(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_watcher_next_wakeup - double(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - MAN (watcher) - flux_watcher_start - void(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - MAN (watcher) - flux_watcher_stop - void(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_zmq_watcher_create - struct flux_watcher *(*)(struct flux_reactor *, void *, int, void(*)(struct flux_reactor *, struct flux_watcher *, int, void *), void *)
CORE - AUTO () - flux_zmq_watcher_get_zsock - void *(*)(struct flux_watcher *)
CORE - MAN (jsc) - jsc_job_num2state - char *(*)(job_state_t)
CORE - MAN (jsc) - jsc_job_state2num - int(*)(char *)
CORE - MAN (jsc) - jsc_notify_status - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int(*)(char *, void *, int), void *)
CORE - MAN (jsc) - jsc_query_jcb - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int64_t, char *, char * *)
CORE - AUTO () - jsc_query_rdesc_efficiently - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int64_t, int64_t *, int64_t *, int64_t *, int64_t *, int64_t *)
CORE - MAN (jsc) - jsc_update_jcb - int(*)(struct flux_handle_struct *, int64_t, char *, char *)
{'AUTO': '51%', 'PIMPL': '39%', 'MAN': '8%'}
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