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Created March 6, 2019 21:16
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REPO="$(mktemp -d)"
trap "$(printf 'rm -rf "%s"' "$REPO")" INT EXIT
ipfs init --profile=randomports >/dev/null
ipfs config Addresses.API "/ip4/" # random API port.
ipfs config Addresses.Gateway "" # no gateway
ipfs daemon --routing=dhtclient >&2 &
while ! ( [[ -e "$IPFS_PATH/api" ]] && ipfs id >/dev/null >&1 ); do sleep 1; done
echo "Bootstrapping..." >&2
ipfs --timeout=10s dht findprovs "$(ipfs id --format='<id>')" >/dev/null 2>&1
FILE="$(echo "Gateway Latency Test: $(date)" | ipfs add -q)"
echo "Added file: $FILE" >&2
echo "Providing..." >&2
ipfs --timeout=20s dht provide "$FILE" >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Retrieving..." >&2
# Test it.
RESP=$(curl --write-out '{"code": %{http_code}, "time": %{time_total}}' "${FILE}")
ipfs shutdown >/dev/null >&2
echo "$RESP"
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