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Forked from bfraboni/blur_float.cpp
Created February 28, 2023 23:45
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C++ implementation of a fast Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir - Integer and Floating point version
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Floating point version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
//! \fn void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w, li = ti, ri = ti+r;
float fv = in[ti], lv = in[ti+w-1], val = (r+1)*fv;
for(int j=0; j<r; j++) val += in[ti+j];
for(int j=0 ; j<=r ; j++) { val += in[ri++] - fv ; out[ti++] = val*iarr; }
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++) { val += in[ri++] - in[li++]; out[ti++] = val*iarr; }
for(int j=w-r; j<w ; j++) { val += lv - in[li++]; out[ti++] = val*iarr; }
//! \fn void total_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i, li = ti, ri = ti+r*w;
float fv = in[ti], lv = in[ti+w*(h-1)], val = (r+1)*fv;
for(int j=0; j<r; j++) val += in[ti+j*w];
for(int j=0 ; j<=r ; j++) { val += in[ri] - fv ; out[ti] = val*iarr; ri+=w; ti+=w; }
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++) { val += in[ri] - in[li]; out[ti] = val*iarr; li+=w; ri+=w; ti+=w; }
for(int j=h-r; j<h ; j++) { val += lv - in[li]; out[ti] = val*iarr; li+=w; ti+=w; }
//! \fn void box_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur(float *& in, float *& out, int w, int h, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur(out, in, w, h, r);
total_blur(in, out, w, h, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void fast_gaussian_blur(float *& in, float *& out, int w, int h, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur(in, out, w, h, boxes[0]);
box_blur(out, in, w, h, boxes[1]);
box_blur(in, out, w, h, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// Image loading
int width, height, channels;
unsigned char * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height;
// output channels r,g,b
float * newb = new float[size];
float * newg = new float[size];
float * newr = new float[size];
// input channels r,g,b
float * oldb = new float[size];
float * oldg = new float[size];
float * oldr = new float[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
oldb[i] = image_data[channels * i + 0] / 255.f;
oldg[i] = image_data[channels * i + 1] / 255.f;
oldr[i] = image_data[channels * i + 2] / 255.f;
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur(oldb, newb, width, height, sigma);
fast_gaussian_blur(oldg, newg, width, height, sigma);
fast_gaussian_blur(oldr, newr, width, height, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[channels * i + 0] = (unsigned char) std::min(255.f, std::max(0.f, 255.f * newb[i]));
image_data[channels * i + 1] = (unsigned char) std::min(255.f, std::max(0.f, 255.f * newg[i]));
image_data[channels * i + 2] = (unsigned char) std::min(255.f, std::max(0.f, 255.f * newr[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] newr;
delete[] newb;
delete[] newg;
delete[] oldr;
delete[] oldb;
delete[] oldg;
image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Floating point single precision version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
//! \fn void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r;
float fv[3] = { in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
float lv[3] = { in[(ti+w-1)*c+0], in[(ti+w-1)*c+1], in[(ti+w-1)*c+2] };
float val[3] = { (r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
//! \fn void total_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
// radius range on either side of a pixel + the pixel itself
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r*w;
float fv[3] = {in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
float lv[3] = {in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+0], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+1], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+2] };
float val[3] = {(r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=h-r; j<h; j++, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
//! \fn void box_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur_rgb(float *& in, float *& out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, r);
total_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(float * in, float * out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(float *& in, float *& out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
box_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
unsigned char * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height * channels;
// output channels r,g,b
float * new_image = new float[size];
float * old_image = new float[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = image_data[i] / 255.f;
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (unsigned char) std::min(255.f, std::max(0.f, 255.f * new_image[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Integer version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
//! \fn void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur(int * in, int * out, int w,int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w, li = ti, ri = ti+r, fv = in[ti], lv = in[ti+w-1], val = (r+1)*fv;
for(int j=0; j<r; j++) { val += in[ti+j]; }
for(int j=0 ; j<=r ; j++) { val += in[ri++] - fv ; out[ti++] = std::round(val*iarr); }
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++) { val += in[ri++] - in[li++]; out[ti++] = std::round(val*iarr); }
for(int j=w-r; j<w ; j++) { val += lv - in[li++]; out[ti++] = std::round(val*iarr); }
//! \fn void total_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i, li = ti, ri = ti+r*w, fv = in[ti], lv = in[ti+w*(h-1)], val = (r+1)*fv;
for(int j=0; j<r; j++) { val += in[ti+j*w]; }
for(int j=0 ; j<=r ; j++) { val += in[ri] - fv ; out[ti] = std::round(val*iarr); ri+=w; ti+=w; }
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++) { val += in[ri] - in[li]; out[ti] = std::round(val*iarr); li+=w; ri+=w; ti+=w; }
for(int j=h-r; j<h ; j++) { val += lv - in[li]; out[ti] = std::round(val*iarr); li+=w; ti+=w; }
//! \fn void box_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur(int *& in, int *& out, int w, int h, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur(out, in, w, h, r);
total_blur(in, out, w, h, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur(int *& in, int *& out, int w, int h, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur(in, out, w, h, boxes[0]);
box_blur(out, in, w, h, boxes[1]);
box_blur(in, out, w, h, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
unsigned char * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height;
// output channels r,g,b
int * newb = new int[size];
int * newg = new int[size];
int * newr = new int[size];
// input channels r,g,b
int * oldb = new int[size];
int * oldg = new int[size];
int * oldr = new int[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
oldb[i] = image_data[channels * i + 0];
oldg[i] = image_data[channels * i + 1];
oldr[i] = image_data[channels * i + 2];
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur(oldb, newb, width, height, sigma);
fast_gaussian_blur(oldg, newg, width, height, sigma);
fast_gaussian_blur(oldr, newr, width, height, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[channels * i + 0] = (unsigned char) std::min(255, std::max(0, newb[i]));
image_data[channels * i + 1] = (unsigned char) std::min(255, std::max(0, newg[i]));
image_data[channels * i + 2] = (unsigned char) std::min(255, std::max(0, newr[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] newr;
delete[] newb;
delete[] newg;
delete[] oldr;
delete[] oldb;
delete[] oldg;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Integer version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>
//! \fn void std_to_box(float boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r;
int fv[3] = { in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = { in[(ti+w-1)*c+0], in[(ti+w-1)*c+1], in[(ti+w-1)*c+2] };
int val[3] = { (r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
//! \fn void total_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
// radius range on either side of a pixel + the pixel itself
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r*w;
int fv[3] = {in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = {in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+0], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+1], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+2] };
int val[3] = {(r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=h-r; j<h; j++, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
//! \fn void box_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur_rgb(int *& in, int *& out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, r);
total_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(int * in, int * out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(int *& in, int *& out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
box_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
unsigned char * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height * channels;
// output channels r,g,b
int * new_image = new int[size];
int * old_image = new int[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = image_data[i];
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (unsigned char) std::min(255, std::max(0, new_image[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Unsigned char version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <chrono>
typedef unsigned char uchar;
//! \fn void std_to_box(float boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r;
int fv[3] = { in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = { in[(ti+w-1)*c+0], in[(ti+w-1)*c+1], in[(ti+w-1)*c+2] };
int val[3] = { (r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
//! \fn void total_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
// radius range on either side of a pixel + the pixel itself
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r*w;
int fv[3] = {in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = {in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+0], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+1], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+2] };
int val[3] = {(r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
for(int j=h-r; j<h; j++, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = std::round(val[0]*iarr);
out[ti*c+1] = std::round(val[1]*iarr);
out[ti*c+2] = std::round(val[2]*iarr);
//! \fn void box_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur_rgb(uchar *& in, uchar *& out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, r);
total_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(uchar *& in, uchar *& out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
box_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
uchar * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height * channels;
// output channels r,g,b
uchar * new_image = new uchar[size];
uchar * old_image = new uchar[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = image_data[i];
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (uchar) std::min((uchar)255, std::max((uchar)0, new_image[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
//! \file blur.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2017
//! \brief The software is a C++ implementation of a fast
//! Gaussian blur algorithm by Ivan Kutskir. For further details
//! please refer to :
//! Unsigned char version
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <chrono>
typedef unsigned char uchar;
//! \fn void std_to_box(float boxes[], float sigma, int n)
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into dimensions of boxes for box blur. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes boxes dimensions
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of boxes
void std_to_box(int boxes[], float sigma, int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = std::floor(wi);
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = std::round(mi);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \fn void horizontal_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the horizontal blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void horizontal_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r;
int fv[3] = { in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = { in[(ti+w-1)*c+0], in[(ti+w-1)*c+1], in[(ti+w-1)*c+2] };
int val[3] = { (r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
//! \fn void total_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs the total blur pass for box blur.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void total_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
// radius range on either side of a pixel + the pixel itself
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
int ti = i;
int li = ti;
int ri = ti+r*w;
int fv[3] = {in[ti*c+0], in[ti*c+1], in[ti*c+2] };
int lv[3] = {in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+0], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+1], in[(ti+w*(h-1))*c+2] };
int val[3] = {(r+1)*fv[0], (r+1)*fv[1], (r+1)*fv[2] };
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
val[0] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+0];
val[1] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+1];
val[2] += in[(ti+j*w)*c+2];
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - fv[0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - fv[1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - fv[2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=r+1; j<h-r; j++, ri+=w, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += in[ri*c+0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += in[ri*c+1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += in[ri*c+2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
for(int j=h-r; j<h; j++, ti+=w, li+=w)
val[0] += lv[0] - in[li*c+0];
val[1] += lv[1] - in[li*c+1];
val[2] += lv[2] - in[li*c+2];
out[ti*c+0] = val[0]*iarr;
out[ti*c+1] = val[1]*iarr;
out[ti*c+2] = val[2]*iarr;
//! \fn void box_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
//! \brief this function performs a box blur pass.
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
void box_blur_rgb(uchar *& in, uchar *& out, int w, int h, int c, int r)
std::swap(in, out);
horizontal_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, r);
total_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, r);
// Note to myself :
// here we could go anisotropic with different radiis rx,ry in HBlur and TBlur
//! \fn void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(uchar * in, uchar * out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
//! \brief this function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. For further details please refer to :
//! \param[in,out] in source channel
//! \param[in,out] out target channel
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma gaussian std dev
void fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(uchar *& in, uchar *& out, int w, int h, int c, float sigma)
// sigma conversion to box dimensions
int boxes[3];
std_to_box(boxes, sigma, 3);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
box_blur_rgb(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
box_blur_rgb(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
//! \code{.cpp}
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if( argc < 2 ) exit(1);
const char * image_file = argv[1];
const float sigma = argc > 2 ? std::atof(argv[2]) : 3.;
const char * output_file = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "blur.png";
// image loading
int width, height, channels;
uchar * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
if(channels < 3)
std::cout<< "Input images must be RGB images."<<std::endl;
// copy data
int size = width * height * channels;
// output channels r,g,b
uchar * new_image = new uchar[size];
uchar * old_image = new uchar[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = image_data[i];
// per channel filter
auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
fast_gaussian_blur_rgb(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// stats
float elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end-start).count();
std::cout << "time " << elapsed << "ms" << std::endl;
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (uchar) std::min((uchar)255, std::max((uchar)0, new_image[i]));
// save
std::string file(output_file);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(output_file, width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
//! \endcode
// Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Basile Fraboni
// Copyright (C) 2014 Ivan Kutskir (for the original fast blur implmentation)
// All Rights Reserved
// You may use, distribute and modify this code under the
// terms of the MIT license. For further details please refer
// to :
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <chrono>
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
//! \file fast_gaussian_blur_template.cpp
//! \author Basile Fraboni
//! \date 2021
//! \brief This contains a C++ implementation of a fast Gaussian blur algorithm in linear time.
//! The image buffer is supposed to be of size w * h * c, with w its width, h its height, and c its number of channels.
//! The default implementation only supports up to 4 channels images, but one can easily add support for any number of channels
//! using either specific template cases or a generic function that takes the number of channels as an explicit parameter.
//! This implementation is focused on learning and readability more than on performance.
//! The fast blur algorithm is performed with several box blur passes over an image.
//! The filter converges towards a true Gaussian blur after several passes. In practice,
//! three passes are sufficient for good quality results.
//! For further details please refer to:
//! \brief This function performs a single separable horizontal pass for box blur.
//! To complete a box blur pass we need to do this operation two times, one horizontally
//! and one vertically. Templated by buffer data type T, buffer number of channels C, and border policy P.
//! For a detailed description of border policies please refer to:
//! \param[in] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] r box dimension
enum Policy {EXTEND, KERNEL_CROP};
template<typename T, int C, Policy P = KERNEL_CROP>
void horizontal_blur(const T * in, T * out, const int w, const int h, const int r)
float iarr = 1.f / (r+r+1);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
int ti = i*w, li = ti, ri = ti+r;
float fv[C], lv[C], val[C];
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
fv[ch] = P == EXTEND ? in[ti*C+ch] : 0; // unused with kcrop policy
lv[ch] = P == EXTEND ? in[(ti+w-1)*C+ch] : 0; // unused with kcrop policy
val[ch] = P == EXTEND ? (r+1)*fv[ch] : 0;
// initial acucmulation
for(int j=0; j<r; j++)
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
val[ch] += in[(ti+j)*C+ch];
// left border - filter kernel is incomplete
for(int j=0; j<=r; j++, ri++, ti++)
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
val[ch] += P == EXTEND ? in[ri*C+ch] - fv[ch] : in[ri*C+ch];
out[ti*C+ch] = P == EXTEND ? val[ch]*iarr : val[ch]/(r+j+1);
// center of the image - filter kernel is complete
for(int j=r+1; j<w-r; j++, ri++, ti++, li++)
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
val[ch] += in[ri*C+ch] - in[li*C+ch];
out[ti*C+ch] = val[ch]*iarr;
// right border - filter kernel is incomplete
for(int j=w-r; j<w; j++, ti++, li++)
for(int ch = 0; ch < C; ++ch)
val[ch] += P == EXTEND ? lv[ch] - in[li*C+ch] : -in[li*C+ch];
out[ti*C+ch] = P == EXTEND ? val[ch]*iarr : val[ch]/(r+w-j);
//! \brief Utility template dispatcher function for horizontal_blur. Templated by buffer data type T.
//! \param[in] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] r box dimension
template<typename T>
void horizontal_blur(const T * in, T * out, const int w, const int h, const int c, const int r)
case 1: horizontal_blur<T,1>(in, out, w, h, r); break;
case 2: horizontal_blur<T,2>(in, out, w, h, r); break;
case 3: horizontal_blur<T,3>(in, out, w, h, r); break;
case 4: horizontal_blur<T,4>(in, out, w, h, r); break;
default: printf("%d channels is not supported yet. Add a specific case if possible or fall back to the generic version.", c); break;
// default: horizontal_blur<T>(in, out, w, h, c, r); break;
//! \brief This function performs a 2D tranposition of an image. The transposition is done per
//! block to reduce the number of cache misses and improve cache coherency for large image buffers.
//! Templated by buffer data type T and buffer number of channels C.
//! \param[in] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
template<typename T, int C>
void flip_block(const T * in, T * out, const int w, const int h)
constexpr int block = 256/C;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for(int x= 0; x < w; x+= block)
for(int y= 0; y < h; y+= block)
const T * p = in + y*w*C + x*C;
T * q = out + y*C + x*h*C;
const int blockx= std::min(w, x+block) - x;
const int blocky= std::min(h, y+block) - y;
for(int xx= 0; xx < blockx; xx++)
for(int yy= 0; yy < blocky; yy++)
for(int k= 0; k < C; k++)
q[k]= p[k];
p+= w*C;
q+= C;
p+= -blocky*w*C + C;
q+= -blocky*C + h*C;
//! \brief Utility template dispatcher function for flip_block. Templated by buffer data type T.
//! \param[in] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
template<typename T>
void flip_block(const T * in, T * out, const int w, const int h, const int c)
case 1: flip_block<T,1>(in, out, w, h); break;
case 2: flip_block<T,2>(in, out, w, h); break;
case 3: flip_block<T,3>(in, out, w, h); break;
case 4: flip_block<T,4>(in, out, w, h); break;
default: printf("%d channels is not supported yet. Add a specific case if possible or fall back to the generic version.", c); break;
// default: flip_block<T>(in, out, w, h, c); break;
//! \brief this function converts the standard deviation of
//! Gaussian blur into a box radius for each box blur pass. For
//! further details please refer to :
//! \param[out] boxes box radiis for kernel sizes of 2*boxes[i]+1
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
//! \param[in] n number of box blur pass
void sigma_to_box_radius(int boxes[], const float sigma, const int n)
// ideal filter width
float wi = std::sqrt((12*sigma*sigma/n)+1);
int wl = wi; // no need std::floor
if(wl%2==0) wl--;
int wu = wl+2;
float mi = (12*sigma*sigma - n*wl*wl - 4*n*wl - 3*n)/(-4*wl - 4);
int m = mi+0.5f; // avoid std::round by adding 0.5f and cast to integer type
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
boxes[i] = ((i < m ? wl : wu) - 1) / 2;
//! \brief This function performs a fast Gaussian blur. Applying several
//! times box blur tends towards a true Gaussian blur. Three passes are sufficient
//! for good results. Templated by buffer data type T. The input buffer is also used
//! as temporary and modified during the process hence it can not be constant.
//! Normally the process should alternate between horizontal and vertical passes
//! as much times as we want box blur passes. However thanks to box blur properties
//! the separable passes can be performed in any order without changing the result.
//! Hence for performance purposes the algorithm is:
//! - apply N times horizontal blur (-> horizontal passes)
//! - flip the image buffer (transposition)
//! - apply N times horizontal blur (-> vertical passes)
//! - flip the image buffer (transposition)
//! We provide two version of the function:
//! - 3 passes only
//! - N passes (in which more std:swaps are used)
//! \param[in,out] in source buffer
//! \param[in,out] out target buffer
//! \param[in] w image width
//! \param[in] h image height
//! \param[in] c image channels
//! \param[in] sigma Gaussian standard deviation
template<typename T>
void fast_gaussian_blur_3(T *& in, T *& out, const int w, const int h, const int c, const float sigma)
// compute box kernel sizes
int n = 3;
int boxes[3];
sigma_to_box_radius(boxes, sigma, n);
// perform 3 horizontal blur passes
horizontal_blur(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[0]);
horizontal_blur(out, in, w, h, c, boxes[1]);
horizontal_blur(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[2]);
// flip buffer
flip_block(out, in, w, h, c);
// perform 3 horizontal blur passes
horizontal_blur(in, out, h, w, c, boxes[0]);
horizontal_blur(out, in, h, w, c, boxes[1]);
horizontal_blur(in, out, h, w, c, boxes[2]);
// flip buffer
flip_block(out, in, h, w, c);
// swap pointers to get result in the ouput buffer
std::swap(in, out);
template<typename T>
void fast_gaussian_blur_N(T *& in, T *& out, const int w, const int h, const int c, const float sigma, const int n)
// compute box kernel sizes
std::vector<int> boxes(n);
sigma_to_box_radius(, sigma, n);
// perform N horizontal blur passes
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
horizontal_blur(in, out, w, h, c, boxes[i]);
std::swap(in, out);
// flip buffer
flip_block(in, out, w, h, c);
std::swap(in, out);
// perform N horizontal blur passes
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
horizontal_blur(in, out, h, w, c, boxes[i]);
std::swap(in, out);
// flip buffer
flip_block(in, out, h, w, c);
typedef unsigned char uchar;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// helper
if( argc < 4 )
printf("%s [input] [output] [sigma] [passes - optional]\n", argv[0]);
// load image
int width, height, channels;
uchar * image_data = stbi_load(argv[1], &width, &height, &channels, 0);
std::cout << "Source image: " << width<<"x" << height << " ("<<channels<<")" << std::endl;
// temporary data
std::size_t size = width * height * channels;
float * new_image = new float[size];
float * old_image = new float[size];
// channels copy r,g,b
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
old_image[i] = (float)image_data[i] / 255.f;
// perform gaussian blur
float sigma = std::atof(argv[3]);
if( argc > 4 )
fast_gaussian_blur_N(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma, std::atoi(argv[4]));
fast_gaussian_blur_3(old_image, new_image, width, height, channels, sigma);
for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
image_data[i] = (uchar)(new_image[i] * 255.f);
// save image
std::string file(argv[2]);
std::string ext = file.substr(file.size()-3);
if( ext == "bmp" )
stbi_write_bmp(argv[2], width, height, channels, image_data);
else if( ext == "jpg" )
stbi_write_jpg(argv[2], width, height, channels, image_data, 90);
if( ext != "png" )
std::cout << "format '" << ext << "' not supported writing default .png" << std::endl;
file = file.substr(0, file.size()-4) + std::string(".png");
stbi_write_png(file.c_str(), width, height, channels, image_data, channels*width);
// clean memory
delete[] new_image;
delete[] old_image;
return 0;
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