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Created January 20, 2015 00:51
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Install Mac version of UT2004 from PC discs and Mac demo
module Main where
Utility to automatically install and patch the Mac OS X version
of Unreal Tournament 2004 from the Mac demo and patcher
and PC installation disc images and CD key.
Can automatically download the demo and patcher.
System software dependencies:
Mac OS X 10.4
Haskell package dependencies:
HaXml, System.FilePath
External program dependencies:
hdiutil, defaults, plutil, xmllint, curl, bunzip2
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Network.URI hiding (path)
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Text.Regex
import Text.XML.HaXml
import Text.XML.HaXml.Parse
import Text.XML.HaXml.Pretty
installFolder = "/Applications"
launcherFolder = "Contents/MacOS"
utAppName = "Unreal Tournament 2004"
utAppID = "com.epicgames.ut2004"
bundleInfo = "Contents/Info.plist"
cdkeyFile = "System/cdkey"
cdkeyRegex :: Regex
cdkeyRegex = mkRegex
patchProgramName = "mojopatch"
patchFileName = "default.mojopatch"
pcSpecificExtensions = [".dll", ".exe"]
pcSpecificPathComponents = ["DirectX9"]
uccPath = "System/ucc-bin"
utArchiveExt = ".uz2"
= "Library/Application Support" </> (utAppName ++ " Demo")
= userDemoSettingsFolder </> "System"
utAppPath = installFolder </> (utAppName ++ ".app")
-- see:
demoURL :: URI
demoURL = fromJust . parseURI $
patchPageURL :: URI
patchPageURL = fromJust . parseURI $
= "UT2004 Install Helper\n"
++ "Install the Mac version of UT2004 using your PC discs and CD key.\n"
++ "Usage: ut2k4install [OPTION ...] [install-image ...]"
-- entry point
optionDescrs :: [OptDescr InstallerOption]
optionDescrs = [
Option ['h', '?'] ["help"] (NoArg (ShowHelp, ""))
"Print this usage message and exit.",
Option ['c'] ["cdkey"] (ReqArg ((,) CDKey) "CDKEY")
"The CD key to install, entered exactly as on the package.",
Option ['d'] ["demo-image"] (ReqArg ((,) DemoImage) "DMG")
"[optional] Path to local copy of the disc image of the demo.",
Option ['p'] ["patch-image"] (ReqArg ((,) PatchImage) "DMG")
"[optional] Path to local copy of the disc image of a patch.",
Option ['i'] ["install-image"] (ReqArg ((,) InstallImage) "ISO")
"Path to disc image of one of the install CDs or DVDs."
type InstallerOption = (InstallerOptionName, String)
data InstallerOptionName
= ShowHelp
| CDKey
| DemoImage
| PatchImage
| InstallImage
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- parse and validate command-line options
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stderr NoBuffering
args <- getArgs
= getOpt (ReturnInOrder ((,) InstallImage)) optionDescrs
(options, _, errors) = parseInstallOptions args
optionPresent opt = isJust $ lookup opt options
printUsage = length options == 0 || optionPresent ShowHelp
optParseError = length errors > 0
noCDKey = not $ optionPresent CDKey
cdkey = fromJust $ lookup CDKey options
badCDKey = not noCDKey && isNothing (matchRegex cdkeyRegex cdkey)
noInstallImages = not $ optionPresent InstallImage
errorExists = or [
if printUsage || optParseError
then putStrLn (usageInfo usageHeader optionDescrs)
else return ()
if optParseError
then mapM_ putStrLn errors
else return ()
if noCDKey
then putStrLn "Installation requires a CD key."
else return ()
if badCDKey
then putStrLn $
"The CD key must be in the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX."
else return ()
if noInstallImages
then putStrLn $
"Installation requires at least one game disc image."
++ " Installing from physical media or a PC UT2004 installation"
++ " is not yet supported."
else return ()
if errorExists
then exitFailure
else do
installWith options
exitWith ExitSuccess
installWith :: [InstallerOption] -> IO ()
installWith options = do
case (lookup DemoImage options) of
(Just demoImagePath) -> do
demoImage <- makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory demoImagePath
task "Installing demo" (installDemo demoImage)
Nothing -> do
demoArchive <- task "Downloading demo" (fetchTemp demoURL)
task "Decompressing demo" (exec_ "bunzip2" [demoArchive])
let demoImage = dropExtension demoArchive
task "Installing demo" (installDemo demoImage)
task "Deleting demo installation files" (removeFile demoImage)
task "Altering app bundle" fixBundle
installImagePaths = map snd $ filter ((InstallImage ==) . fst) options
n = length installImagePaths
discTaskLabels = ["Copying files from data disc "
++ show i ++ " of " ++ show n | i <- [1..n]]
installImages <- mapM makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory installImagePaths
zipWithM_ task discTaskLabels (map copyDataDisc installImages)
let cdkey = fromJust $ lookup CDKey options
task "Writing CD key" $ writeFile (utAppPath </> cdkeyFile) cdkey
case (lookup PatchImage options) of
(Just patchImagePath) -> do
patchImage <- makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory patchImagePath
task "Installing patch" (runPatcher patchImage)
Nothing -> do
patchArchive <- task "Downloading latest patch" downloadPatch
task "Decompressing demo" (exec_ "bunzip2" [patchArchive])
let patchImage = dropExtension patchArchive
task "Installing patch" (runPatcher patchImage)
task "Deleting patch installation files" (removeFile patchImage)
task "Deleting remaining demo files" $ do
home <- getHomeDirectory
let settingsFolder = home </> userDemoSettingsFolder
removeDirectoryRecursive settingsFolder
putStrLn "Installation complete."
task message action = do
putStr (message ++ "... ")
a <- action
putStrLn "done."
return a
-- major installation actions
Copy the UT2004 Mac demo to the installation location,
making sure to preserve symlinks, such as the one from the
app bundle launcher to the actual UT2004 executable.
installDemo :: FilePath -> IO ()
installDemo demoImage = do
-- Install the demo and change its name to the retail version's.
demoVolume <- mount demoImage
demoApp <- liftM head $ listDir demoVolume
(demoVolume </> demoApp)
unmount demoVolume
Change the bundle identifier and other strings
so that the app bundle will be recognized by the patcher.
fixBundle :: IO ()
fixBundle = do
-- Rename the Mac OS launcher.
demoLauncher <- liftM head $ listDir
(installFolder </> (utAppName ++ ".app") </> launcherFolder)
(utAppPath </> launcherFolder </> demoLauncher)
(utAppPath </> launcherFolder </> utAppName)
-- Change some strings in bundle info plist to retail version values.
let infoPlist = utAppPath </> bundleInfo
plistSet infoPlist "CFBundleExecutable" utAppName
plistSet infoPlist "CFBundleName" utAppName
plistSet infoPlist "CFBundleIdentifier" utAppID
-- Munge info plist into a mojopatch-compatible format.
exec "plutil" ["-convert", "xml1", infoPlist]
reorderPlistForMojopatch infoPlist
exec_ "xmllint" ["--format", "--output", infoPlist, infoPlist]
Mojopatch is the patch program used by UT2004 on the Mac.
It's really stupid for a Mac OS X app.
First, it gets application versions from their Info.plist files,
but it uses its own plist routines, so it doesn't understand plists
in binary format. For XML plists, it uses an internal XML parser,
which is a complete joke that will break if it sees a dict or array
value before it finds the product version.
All I can say is, thanks, Mojopatch author, for making it open source.
I never would have figured out how to work around that mess otherwise.
Apple's plutil and defaults utilities will order keys alphabetically.
This function puts keys with simple values (strings, booleans, etc.)
at the beginning of the plist's root dictionary and other keys after that,
so mojopatch doesn't get confused and die.
reorderPlistForMojopatch :: FilePath -> IO ()
reorderPlistForMojopatch plistFile = do
plistText <- readFile plistFile
readMVar <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (evaluate (length plistText) >> putMVar readMVar ())
takeMVar readMVar
let doc = xmlParse plistFile plistText
writeFile plistFile
$ render . document
$ updateRoot doc . head
$ rewritePlist $ getRoot doc
updateRoot :: Document -> Content -> Document
updateRoot (Document prolog st _ misc) (CElem root)
= Document prolog st root misc
simpleVTags = ["string", "real", "integer",
"date", "true", "false", "data"]
otherVTags = ["dict", "array"]
entries :: [String] -> CFilter
entries vTags = sep . (tagged (elm `o` children `o` tag "dict"))
sep (("key", k):(vTag, v):es)
| vTag `elem` vTags = k:v:(sep es)
| otherwise = sep es
sep ((n, t):es) = error $
"Couldn't prepare app bundle for patching."
++ " Malformed plist file, not expecting tag " ++ show n
sep [] = []
simpleTagsInFront :: CFilter
= pip (union (entries simpleVTags) (entries otherVTags))
`o` tag "dict"
rewritePlist :: CFilter
rewritePlist = chip simpleTagsInFront `o` tag "plist"
Process In Place: sort of like HaXml's chip.
Applies a filter to an element and replaces its children
with the results of that filter.
pip :: CFilter -> CFilter
pip f c@(CElem (Elem n as _)) = [ CElem (Elem n as (f c)) ]
pip f c = [c]
-- HaXml utility functions
getRoot :: Document -> Content
getRoot (Document _ _ root _) = CElem root
getChildText :: Content -> String
getChildText = concatMap getText . (txt `o` children)
getText :: Content -> String
getText (CString _ string) = string
getText _ = error $
"Error parsing XML. Can't get text from non-text content."
getAttr :: String -> Content -> String
getAttr name (CElem (Elem _ attrs _)) =
getValue . fromJust . lookup name $ attrs
getValue (AttValue pieces) = concatMap valuePiece pieces
valuePiece (Left str) = str
valuePiece (Right (RefChar c)) = [chr c]
-- Why doesn't HaXml resolve entities automatically?
-- Standard XML 1.0 named entities:
valuePiece (Right (RefEntity "amp")) = "&"
valuePiece (Right (RefEntity "lt")) = "<"
valuePiece (Right (RefEntity "gt")) = ">"
valuePiece (Right (RefEntity "apos")) = "'"
valuePiece (Right (RefEntity "quot")) = "\""
valuePiece (Right (RefEntity name)) = error $
"Error parsing XML. Unknown named entity: " ++ show name
Mount an install disc image from the PC version,
copy data files into the Mac OS X application bundle,
uncompressing any compressed files,and unmount the image
when done. Ignores files in the root folder of the disc
because they're all PC-specific.
copyDataDisc :: FilePath -> IO ()
copyDataDisc image = do
volume <- mount image
dataFolders <- filterM doesDirectoryExist
=<< (liftM (map (volume </>)) $ listDir volume)
zipWithM_ (copyChecked isNotPCSpecific)
(map ((utAppPath </>) . takeFileName) dataFolders)
unmount volume
Download the latest UT2004 Mac patch from Apple.
downloadPatch :: IO FilePath
downloadPatch = do
-- Query the Apple game info page for UT to find the latest patch.
patchPageFile <- fetchTemp patchPageURL
-- HaXml can't parse real HTML even with its correcting parser.
text <- exec "xmllint" ["--html", "--xmlout", patchPageFile]
removeFile patchPageFile
doc <- case (xmlParse' patchPageFile text) of
(Left errorMsg) -> fail $
"Error downloading latest patch."
++ " Could not parse patch info page: "
++ errorMsg
(Right doc) -> return doc
root = getRoot doc
patchURL = fromJust . parseURI . selectPatchLink $ root
patchImage <- fetchTemp patchURL
return patchImage
selectPatchLink = getAttr "href" . head . (deep $ path
[tag "a", attrval (mkAttr "class" "download")])
mkAttr :: Name -> String -> Attribute
mkAttr name value = (name, AttValue [(Left value)])
Run the UT patch application.
This function assumes the patch app is mojopatch.
Patch 3369-2 is required for Intel Mac support.
runPatcher :: FilePath -> IO ()
runPatcher patchImage = do
patchVolume <- mount patchImage
patchApp <- liftM head $ listDir patchVolume
patchAppPath = patchVolume </> patchApp
patchProgram = patchAppPath </> launcherFolder </> patchProgramName
patchFile = patchAppPath </> patchFileName
exec patchProgram ["--ui", "stdio", "--quietonsuccess", patchFile]
unmount patchVolume
-- support functions
-- Run an external program and return its output.
exec :: String -> [String] -> IO String
exec programName args = do
programPath <- findExecutable programName
(_, out, _, pid) <- runInteractiveProcess programName args Nothing Nothing
output <- hGetContents out
outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (evaluate (length output) >> putMVar outMVar ())
takeMVar outMVar
exitCode <- waitForProcess pid
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return output
ExitFailure failCode -> fail $
"Error executing external program." ++
" Program " ++ (show programName) ++
" with args " ++ (show args) ++
" failed with exit code " ++ (show failCode)
-- Run an external program, ignoring its output.
exec_ :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
exec_ programName args = do
programPath <- findExecutable programName
(_, _, _, pid) <- runInteractiveProcess programName args Nothing Nothing
exitCode <- waitForProcess pid
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure failCode -> fail $
"Error executing external program." ++
" Program " ++ (show programName) ++
" with args " ++ (show args) ++
" failed with exit code " ++ (show failCode)
-- Mount a disk image. Returns the path of the mounted volume.
mount :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath)
mount image = do
mountList <- exec "hdiutil" ["mount", "-plist", image]
doc = xmlParse image mountList
kvList = foldKeyValuePairs
$ multi (keysAndValues `o` tag "dict" `o` children)
$ getRoot doc
volumes = multilookup "mount-point" kvList
case (length volumes) of
1 -> return (head volumes)
0 -> fail $
"Error mounting disk image. No volumes found: " ++ image
_ -> fail $
"Error mounting disk image. Multiple volumes found, " ++
"but we don't know which one is the right one: " ++ image
keysAndValues :: CFilter
keysAndValues dict = mkPairs $ elm `o` children $ dict
mkPairs (k:v:xs)
| null (tag "key" k) = (mkPairs xs)
| otherwise = k:v:(mkPairs xs)
mkPairs _ = []
foldKeyValuePairs (k:v:xs)
= (getChildText k, getChildText v):(foldKeyValuePairs xs)
foldKeyValuePairs _ = []
multilookup key = map snd . filter ((key ==) . fst)
-- Unmount a mounted volume and all associated partitions.
unmount :: FilePath -> IO ()
unmount volume = exec_ "hdiutil" ["detach", volume]
Set a value in a plist file using Apple's defaults utility.
According to the defaults man page, this functionality may be
moved out of defaults in the next release of Mac OS X.
A side effect of this use of defaults is that it converts
the plist it's operating on to the binary plist format.
plistSet :: FilePath -> String -> String -> IO ()
plistSet plist key value
= exec_ "defaults" ["write", dropExtensions plist, key, value]
Get the filenames in a directory, ignoring hidden files
and the navigation entries "." and "..".
listDir :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
listDir path = do
childFilenames <- getDirectoryContents path
return (filter isVisible $ childFilenames)
where isVisible file = head file /= '.'
-- Copy recursively, preserving symlinks and resource forks.
systemCopy :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
systemCopy src dst = exec_ "cp" ["-R", src, dst]
Recursive copy routine for merging folder structures.
Checks paths to see if they should be copied.
It will not overwrite directories (which would remove all files
in the destination directory); instead, only files are actually copied,
and directories are created as needed.
copyChecked :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyChecked test src dst = do
isValid = test src
isCompressed = isUTArchive src
isFile <- doesFileExist src
isFolder <- doesDirectoryExist src
case (isValid, isCompressed, isFile, isFolder) of
-- regular file
(True, False, True, False) -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory dst)
copyFile src dst
-- regular folder
(True, False, False, True) -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True dst
children <- listDir src
zipWithM_ (copyChecked test)
(map (src </>) children)
(map (dst </>) children)
-- compressed file
(True, True, True, False) -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory dst)
decompress src (dropExtension dst)
-- something we should ignore
(False, _, _, _) -> return ()
_ -> fail $
(show src) ++ " does not exist, or is not a file or folder"
-- Pass only files that aren't specific to the PC version of UT 2004.
isNotPCSpecific :: FilePath -> Bool
isNotPCSpecific path = not $
(map toLower (takeExtension path)) `elem` pcSpecificExtensions
|| or (map (`elem` (splitDirectories path)) pcSpecificPathComponents)
isUTArchive :: FilePath -> Bool
isUTArchive path = utArchiveExt == map toLower (takeExtension path)
Expand an Unreal archive using the "UnrealOS execution environment".
For some incomprehensible reason, instead of being expanded to the
working folder or the Unreal install folder, archives are expanded
using the System folder in the per-user Unreal settings folder
as the prefix for the input filename with the compressed suffixed removed.
Since the files that tell it to be the full version haven't been copied
yet, this function actually decompresses to the demo's settings folder.
Must be run between installing demo and overwriting demo files
or removing demo per-user settings folder.
This is dumb so here's an example:
/Volumes/UTDisc1/Maps/ExampleMap.ut2.uz2 ->
~/Library/Application Support/Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo/System
</> /Volumes/UTDisc1/Maps/ExampleMap.ut2
decompress :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
decompress src dst = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
decompressionFolder = home </> userDemoDecompressionFolder
ucc = utAppPath </> uccPath
= decompressionFolder </> (makeRelative "/" (dropExtension src))
exec ucc ["decompress", src]
renameFile decompressedFilePath dst
return ()
-- Retrieve a file from a URL and put it in the system temporary file folder.
fetchTemp :: URI -> IO FilePath
fetchTemp uri = do
file <- getTempFileFor (filenameFromURI uri)
fetch uri file
return file
-- Return the name of the file referenced by a URL.
filenameFromURI :: URI -> String
= reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse . uriPath
-- Retrieve a file from a URL and write it to the specified path.
fetch :: URI -> FilePath -> IO ()
fetch uri file = exec_ "curl" ["--silent", "--location",
"--output", file, uriToString id uri ""]
-- Return an unused file name in the system temporary file folder.
getTempFileFor :: String -> IO FilePath
getTempFileFor filename = do
tempFolder <- getTemporaryDirectory
(file, handle) <- openTempFile tempFolder filename
hClose handle
removeFile file
return file
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