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Last active September 4, 2022 16:05
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Save Steelbirdy/65f495807d5d312d5627794190353b05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The Euclidean Algorithm implemented entirely in the Rust type system.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
macro_rules! num {
() => { Z };
(* $($rest:tt)*) => { S<num!($($rest)*)> };
macro_rules! print_gcd {
($M:ty, $N:ty) => {
println!("gcd({}, {}) = {}", <$M>::default(), <$N>::default(), <($M, $N) as Gcd>::Output::default())
// Compile-time assertion that gcd(M, N) == D
macro_rules! assert_gcd_eq {
(($M:ty, $N:ty) == $D:ty) => {
fn __inner() where <($M, $N) as Gcd>::Output: From<$D> {}
fn main() {
print_gcd!(num!(*******), num!(*****));
// assert_gcd_eq!((num!(*******), num!(*****)) == num!(*));
struct True;
struct False;
trait Bool {}
impl Bool for True {}
impl Bool for False {}
/// This type represents 0.
struct Z;
/// This type is required for some of the associated types to work properly.
/// It (kind of) represents -1.
struct ZPred;
/// This type represents the successor function, and allows us to construct
/// the natural numbers.
/// For example, S\<Z> represents the first successor of 0, or 1. \
/// S<S<S\<Z>>> represents the third successor of 0, or 3.
/// In general, \
/// S<S<...<S\<Z>>...> represents `N`. \
/// |_________| \
/// N
struct S<N: Nat>(PhantomData<N>);
/// The predecessor of N, i.e. N-1
type P<N> = <N as Nat>::Pred;
trait Nat: Default {
/// Computes `Self - 1`
type Pred: Nat;
/// [True] iff `Self > 0`.
type IsPositive: Bool;
/// [True] iff `Self < M`
type LessThan<M: Nat>: Bool;
/// Computes `Self + M`
type Add<M: Nat>: Nat;
/// Computes `|Self - M|`
type AbsDiff<M: Nat>: Nat;
/// Computes `Self * Self`
type Squared: Nat;
/// Computes `Floor(Self / 2)`
type Halved: Nat;
/// Computes `Self * M`
type Mul<M: Nat>: Nat;
/// Computes `(M+N)^2`
type SquaredSum<M, N> = <<M as Nat>::Add<N> as Nat>::Squared;
/// Computes `M^2 + N^2`
type SumSquared<M, N> = <<M as Nat>::Squared as Nat>::Add<<N as Nat>::Squared>;
impl Nat for Z {
type Pred = ZPred;
type IsPositive = False;
type LessThan<M: Nat> = M::IsPositive;
// 0 + M = M
type Add<M: Nat> = M;
// |0 - M| = M
type AbsDiff<M: Nat> = M;
type Squared = Z;
type Halved = Z;
// 0 * M = 0
type Mul<M: Nat> = Z;
impl Nat for ZPred {
type Pred = Z;
type IsPositive = False;
type LessThan<M: Nat> = True;
type Add<M: Nat> = P<M>;
type AbsDiff<M: Nat> = S<M>;
type Squared = S<Z>;
type Halved = Z;
type Mul<M: Nat> = Z;
impl<N: Nat> Nat for S<N> {
type Pred = N;
type IsPositive = True;
// M < N <=> (M-1) < (N-1)
type LessThan<M: Nat> = N::LessThan<P<M>>;
// M + N = 1 + (M + (N-1))
type Add<M: Nat> = S<N::Add<M>>;
// |M - N| = |(N-1) - (M-1)|
type AbsDiff<M: Nat> = <P<M> as Nat>::AbsDiff<N>;
// (N-1)^2 = N^2 - 2N + 1
// -> N^2 = (N-1)^2 + N + (N-1)
type Squared = <N::Squared as Nat>::Add<Self::Add<N>>;
// N/2 = (N-2+2)/2
// -> N/2 = 1 + (N-2)/2
type Halved = S<<P<N> as Nat>::Halved>;
// (M+N)^2 = M^2 + 2MN + N^2
// -> MN = ((M+N)^2 - M^2 - N^2) / 2
type Mul<M: Nat> = <<SumSquared<M, Self> as Nat>::AbsDiff<SquaredSum<M, Self>> as Nat>::Halved;
/// For natural numbers `M` and `N` with `N != 0`, computes `Floor(M / N)`
trait FloorDiv {
type Output: Nat;
impl<M: Nat> FloorDiv for (M, Z) {
type Output = ZPred;
impl<N: Nat> FloorDiv for (Z, S<N>) {
type Output = Z;
impl<M: Nat, N: Nat> FloorDiv for (S<M>, S<N>)
(S<M>, S<N>): __FloorDiv<M::LessThan<N>>,
type Output = <(S<M>, S<N>) as __FloorDiv<M::LessThan<N>>>::Output;
trait __FloorDiv<B: Bool> {
type Output: Nat;
impl<M: Nat, N: Nat> __FloorDiv<True> for (M, S<N>) {
type Output = Z;
/// For positive natural numbers `M` and `N` with `M >= N`, `(M, N)` --> `(M-N, N)`
type PairAfterSub<M, N> = (<M as Nat>::AbsDiff<N>, S<N>);
/// For positive natural numbers `M` and `N`, [True] iff `M-N < N`
type LessAfterSub<M, N> = <<M as Nat>::AbsDiff<N> as Nat>::LessThan<S<N>>;
impl<M: Nat, N: Nat> __FloorDiv<False> for (S<M>, S<N>)
PairAfterSub<M, N>: __FloorDiv<LessAfterSub<M, N>>,
// Recurse: Floor(M / N) = 1 + Floor((M-N) / N)
type Output = S<<PairAfterSub<M, N> as __FloorDiv<LessAfterSub<M, N>>>::Output>;
type Quotient<M, N> = <(M, N) as FloorDiv>::Output;
/// For positive natural numbers `M` and `N` with `N != 0`, computes `M - N * Floor(M / N)`,
/// i.e. the remainder when `M` is divided by `N`.
type Remainder<M, N> = <M as Nat>::AbsDiff<<N as Nat>::Mul<Quotient<M, N>>>;
/// For natural number `M` and `N`, computes `gcd(M, N)`.
trait Gcd {
type Output: Nat;
impl<N: Nat> Gcd for (Z, S<N>) {
type Output = Z;
impl<M: Nat> Gcd for (M, Z) {
type Output = M;
/// For positive natural numbers `M` and `N` with `N != 0`, `(M, N) --> (N, Remainder(M / N))
type NextPair<M, N> = (S<N>, Remainder<S<M>, S<N>>);
impl<M: Nat, N: Nat> Gcd for (S<M>, S<N>)
(S<M>, S<N>): FloorDiv,
NextPair<M, N>: Gcd,
// Recurse: gcd(M, N) = gcd(N, M % N)
type Output = <NextPair<M, N> as Gcd>::Output;
mod pretty_print {
use super::*;
use std::fmt;
pub trait IntValue {
fn int_value() -> u64;
impl IntValue for Z {
fn int_value() -> u64 {
impl<N: Nat + IntValue> IntValue for S<N> {
fn int_value() -> u64 {
1 + N::int_value()
impl fmt::Display for Z {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", Self::int_value())
impl<N: Nat + IntValue> fmt::Display for S<N> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", Self::int_value())
mod tests {
use super::*;
macro_rules! assert_types_eq {
($($T:ty, $U:ty $(,)?);+ $(;)?) => {
fn __inner() where $($T: From<$U>),+ {}
fn test_abs_diff() {
<num!(****) as Nat>::AbsDiff<num!(**)>, num!(**);
<num!(**) as Nat>::AbsDiff<num!(****)>, num!(**);
<num!() as Nat>::AbsDiff<num!()>, num!();
<num!(*****) as Nat>::AbsDiff<num!(*****)>, num!();
fn test_floor_div() {
<(num!(*******), num!(**)) as FloorDiv>::Output, num!(***);
<(num!(*****), num!(**)) as FloorDiv>::Output, num!(**);
<(num!(********), num!(***)) as FloorDiv>::Output, num!(**);
<(num!(**), num!(*****)) as FloorDiv>::Output, num!();
fn test_add() {
<num!(***) as Nat>::Add<num!(**)>, num!(*****);
fn test_mul() {
<num!(***) as Nat>::Mul<num!(****)>, num!(************);
<num!(*****) as Nat>::Mul<num!()>, num!();
<num!(*) as Nat>::Mul<num!(****)>, num!(****);
fn test_squared() {
<num!() as Nat>::Squared, num!();
<num!(*) as Nat>::Squared, num!(*);
<num!(**) as Nat>::Squared, num!(****);
<num!(****) as Nat>::Squared, num!(****************);
fn test_halved() {
<num!(******) as Nat>::Halved, num!(***);
<num!(*) as Nat>::Halved, num!(*);
<num!(*********) as Nat>::Halved, num!(*****);
fn test_gcd() {
<(num!(************), num!(********)) as Gcd>::Output, num!(****);
<(num!(*******), num!(*****)) as Gcd>::Output, num!(*);
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