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Last active October 19, 2023 13:31
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Automated Windows to Windows SSH copy-id
# SSH copy-id is not existent in win32 openssh (
# So we need to do it ourselves.
# literally all I could find on Google was Windows to Unix:
# -
# - ('cat source | ssh user@host "cat >> /path/to/target"' --> the 'cat >> ' part does not work on Windows, the variable is not properly piped through
# I do not have enough experience on (Windows) piping to fix this in a proper way.
# Special shoutout to useless Stack answers:
# -
# -
# So here we go, it's disgusting, uses `Invoke-Expression` but it works:
function Copy-SSHKey {
[string] $RemoteName,
[string] $RemoteIp
$address = -join($RemoteName, "@", $RemoteIp)
$key = Get-Content $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\
$dir = -join('C:\Users\', $RemoteName, '\.ssh\authorized_keys')
$cmd1 = 'ssh.exe ' + $address
$cmd2 = [string]::Format("'echo $key >> {0}'", $dir)
$expr = -join($cmd1, " ", $cmd2)
Invoke-Expression $expr
# Results in following expression being executed:
# ssh.exe {RemoteName}@{RemoteIp} 'echo {key} >> C:\Users\{Remotename}\.ssh\authorized_keys'
# This solution also APPENDS to authorized_keys instead of overwriting, which I saw in some solutions
# Obvious code cleanup appreciated...
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