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Last active March 29, 2024 13:01
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SwiftUI keyboard events based on keyawareview and keyboardshortcuts
// KeyAwareView.swift
// Created by Stef Kors on 04/09/2023.
// source:
// source:
import SwiftUI
import Carbon.HIToolbox
struct KeyAwareViewModifier: ViewModifier {
let key: KeyboardKey
let callback: (KeyAwareView.Event) -> Void
init(_ key: KeyboardKey, callback: @escaping (KeyAwareView.Event) -> Void) {
self.key = key
self.callback = callback
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.background(KeyAwareView(key: key, onEvent: callback))
extension View {
func onKeyPress(_ key: KeyboardKey, callback: @escaping (KeyAwareView.Event) -> Void) -> some View {
modifier(KeyAwareViewModifier(key, callback: callback))
struct KeyAwareView: NSViewRepresentable {
let key: KeyboardKey
let onEvent: (Event) -> Void
func makeNSView(context: Context) -> NSView {
let view = KeyView()
view.key = key
view.onEvent = onEvent
DispatchQueue.main.async {
return view
func updateNSView(_ nsView: NSView, context: Context) {}
extension KeyAwareView {
enum Event {
case upArrow
case downArrow
case leftArrow
case rightArrow
case space
case delete
case cmdC
private class KeyView: NSView {
var key: KeyboardKey? = nil
var onEvent: (KeyAwareView.Event) -> Void = { _ in }
override var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool { true }
override func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) {
switch Int(event.keyCode) {
super.keyDown(with: event)
Represents a key on the keyboard.
public struct KeyboardKey: Hashable, RawRepresentable {
// MARK: Letters
public static let a = Self(kVK_ANSI_A)
public static let b = Self(kVK_ANSI_B)
public static let c = Self(kVK_ANSI_C)
public static let d = Self(kVK_ANSI_D)
public static let e = Self(kVK_ANSI_E)
public static let f = Self(kVK_ANSI_F)
public static let g = Self(kVK_ANSI_G)
public static let h = Self(kVK_ANSI_H)
public static let i = Self(kVK_ANSI_I)
public static let j = Self(kVK_ANSI_J)
public static let k = Self(kVK_ANSI_K)
public static let l = Self(kVK_ANSI_L)
public static let m = Self(kVK_ANSI_M)
public static let n = Self(kVK_ANSI_N)
public static let o = Self(kVK_ANSI_O)
public static let p = Self(kVK_ANSI_P)
public static let q = Self(kVK_ANSI_Q)
public static let r = Self(kVK_ANSI_R)
public static let s = Self(kVK_ANSI_S)
public static let t = Self(kVK_ANSI_T)
public static let u = Self(kVK_ANSI_U)
public static let v = Self(kVK_ANSI_V)
public static let w = Self(kVK_ANSI_W)
public static let x = Self(kVK_ANSI_X)
public static let y = Self(kVK_ANSI_Y)
public static let z = Self(kVK_ANSI_Z)
// swiftlint:enable identifier_name
// MARK: Numbers
public static let zero = Self(kVK_ANSI_0)
public static let one = Self(kVK_ANSI_1)
public static let two = Self(kVK_ANSI_2)
public static let three = Self(kVK_ANSI_3)
public static let four = Self(kVK_ANSI_4)
public static let five = Self(kVK_ANSI_5)
public static let six = Self(kVK_ANSI_6)
public static let seven = Self(kVK_ANSI_7)
public static let eight = Self(kVK_ANSI_8)
public static let nine = Self(kVK_ANSI_9)
// MARK: Modifiers
public static let capsLock = Self(kVK_CapsLock)
public static let shift = Self(kVK_Shift)
public static let function = Self(kVK_Function)
public static let control = Self(kVK_Control)
public static let option = Self(kVK_Option)
public static let command = Self(kVK_Command)
public static let rightCommand = Self(kVK_RightCommand)
public static let rightOption = Self(kVK_RightOption)
public static let rightControl = Self(kVK_RightControl)
public static let rightShift = Self(kVK_RightShift)
// MARK: Miscellaneous
public static let `return` = Self(kVK_Return)
public static let backslash = Self(kVK_ANSI_Backslash)
public static let backtick = Self(kVK_ANSI_Grave)
public static let comma = Self(kVK_ANSI_Comma)
public static let equal = Self(kVK_ANSI_Equal)
public static let minus = Self(kVK_ANSI_Minus)
public static let period = Self(kVK_ANSI_Period)
public static let quote = Self(kVK_ANSI_Quote)
public static let semicolon = Self(kVK_ANSI_Semicolon)
public static let slash = Self(kVK_ANSI_Slash)
public static let space = Self(kVK_Space)
public static let tab = Self(kVK_Tab)
public static let leftBracket = Self(kVK_ANSI_LeftBracket)
public static let rightBracket = Self(kVK_ANSI_RightBracket)
public static let pageUp = Self(kVK_PageUp)
public static let pageDown = Self(kVK_PageDown)
public static let home = Self(kVK_Home)
public static let end = Self(kVK_End)
public static let upArrow = Self(kVK_UpArrow)
public static let rightArrow = Self(kVK_RightArrow)
public static let downArrow = Self(kVK_DownArrow)
public static let leftArrow = Self(kVK_LeftArrow)
public static let escape = Self(kVK_Escape)
public static let delete = Self(kVK_Delete)
public static let deleteForward = Self(kVK_ForwardDelete)
public static let help = Self(kVK_Help)
public static let mute = Self(kVK_Mute)
public static let volumeUp = Self(kVK_VolumeUp)
public static let volumeDown = Self(kVK_VolumeDown)
// MARK: Function
public static let f1 = Self(kVK_F1)
public static let f2 = Self(kVK_F2)
public static let f3 = Self(kVK_F3)
public static let f4 = Self(kVK_F4)
public static let f5 = Self(kVK_F5)
public static let f6 = Self(kVK_F6)
public static let f7 = Self(kVK_F7)
public static let f8 = Self(kVK_F8)
public static let f9 = Self(kVK_F9)
public static let f10 = Self(kVK_F10)
public static let f11 = Self(kVK_F11)
public static let f12 = Self(kVK_F12)
public static let f13 = Self(kVK_F13)
public static let f14 = Self(kVK_F14)
public static let f15 = Self(kVK_F15)
public static let f16 = Self(kVK_F16)
public static let f17 = Self(kVK_F17)
public static let f18 = Self(kVK_F18)
public static let f19 = Self(kVK_F19)
public static let f20 = Self(kVK_F20)
// MARK: Keypad
public static let keypad0 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad0)
public static let keypad1 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad1)
public static let keypad2 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad2)
public static let keypad3 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad3)
public static let keypad4 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad4)
public static let keypad5 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad5)
public static let keypad6 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad6)
public static let keypad7 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad7)
public static let keypad8 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad8)
public static let keypad9 = Self(kVK_ANSI_Keypad9)
public static let keypadClear = Self(kVK_ANSI_KeypadClear)
public static let keypadDecimal = Self(kVK_ANSI_KeypadDecimal)
public static let keypadDivide = Self(kVK_ANSI_KeypadDivide)
public static let keypadEnter = Self(kVK_ANSI_KeypadEnter)
public static let keypadEquals = Self(kVK_ANSI_KeypadEquals)
public static let keypadMinus = Self(kVK_ANSI_KeypadMinus)
public static let keypadMultiply = Self(kVK_ANSI_KeypadMultiply)
public static let keypadPlus = Self(kVK_ANSI_KeypadPlus)
// MARK: Properties
The raw key code.
public let rawValue: Int
// MARK: Initializers
Create a `Key` from a key code.
public init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
private init(_ value: Int) {
self.init(rawValue: value)
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StefKors commented Feb 8, 2024


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