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Last active April 22, 2016 10:33
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  • Save StefanBelo/6f2d9ae3abe56eb65e6bc3c0ad1c0fcc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#r @"D:\Projects\Bfexplorer\Development\Libraries\XPlot\bin\XPlot.Plotly.dll"
#r @"D:\Projects\Bfexplorer\Development\Applications\BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.BotApplication\bin\Debug\BeloSoft.Data.dll"
#r @"D:\Projects\Bfexplorer\Development\Applications\BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.BotApplication\bin\Debug\BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Domain.dll"
#r @"D:\Projects\Bfexplorer\Development\Applications\BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.BotApplication\bin\Debug\BeloSoft.DataAnalysis.dll"
open System
open XPlot.Plotly
open BeloSoft.Data
open BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Domain
open BeloSoft.DataAnalysis.Models
let toTimes (startTime : DateTime) (data : TimePriceVolume seq) =
data |> (fun d -> (d.Time - startTime).TotalSeconds) |> Seq.toArray
let toPrices (data : TimePriceVolume seq) =
data |> (fun d -> d.Price) |> Seq.toArray
let toVolumes (data : TimePriceVolume seq) =
data |> (fun d -> d.Volume) |> Seq.toArray
let selectionPriceVolumeChart(title : string, startTime : DateTime, data : TimePriceVolume seq) =
let timesData = data |> toTimes startTime
let pricesData = data |> toPrices
let volumesData = data |> toVolumes
let volumes = Bar(x = timesData, y = volumesData, name = "Traded Volume") :> Trace
let prices = Scatter(x = timesData, y = pricesData, name = "Price", yaxis = "y2") :> Trace
[ volumes; prices ]
|> Plotly.Plot
|> Plotly.WithLayout (Layout(title = title, height = 800., width = 1200.,
xaxis = Xaxis(title = "Time"),
yaxis = Yaxis(title = "Traded Volume", zeroline = true),
yaxis2 = Yaxis(title = "Price", overlaying = "y", side = "right")))
|> Plotly.Show
let getSelectionsTimeSeries(selections : Selection seq) =
let selectionsData =
|> Seq.choose (fun selection ->
match SelectionTimeSeries.Get(selection) with
| Some timeSeries -> Some (selection, timeSeries)
| None -> None
|> Seq.toList
|> List.sortBy (fun (selection, _) -> selection.LastPriceTraded)
selectionsData |> List.take (min 4 selectionsData.Length)
let selectionsPriceChart(title : string, startTime : DateTime, selections : Selection seq) =
let selectionsTimeSeries = getSelectionsTimeSeries(selections)
let timesData = (snd (List.head selectionsTimeSeries)).PreEvent |> toTimes startTime
|> (fun (selection, selectionTimeSeries) -> Scatter(x = timesData, y = (selectionTimeSeries.PreEvent |> toPrices), name = selection.Name))
|> Plotly.Plot
|> Plotly.WithLayout (Layout(title = title, height = 800., width = 1200., xaxis = Xaxis(title = "Time"), yaxis = Yaxis(title = "Price")))
|> Plotly.Show
let selectionsInPlayPriceChart(title : string, startTime : DateTime, selections : Selection seq) =
let selectionsTimeSeries = getSelectionsTimeSeries(selections)
let timesData = (snd (List.head selectionsTimeSeries)).InPlay |> toTimes startTime
|> (fun (selection, selectionTimeSeries) -> Scatter(x = timesData, y = (selectionTimeSeries.InPlay |> toPrices), name = selection.Name))
|> Plotly.Plot
|> Plotly.WithLayout (Layout(title = title, height = 800., width = 1200., xaxis = Xaxis(title = "Time"), yaxis = Yaxis(title = "Price")))
|> Plotly.Show
let showChart(market : Market, selection : Selection) =
match SelectionTimeSeries.Get(selection) with
| Some timeSeries ->
//selectionPriceVolumeChart(sprintf "%s - %s" market.MarketFullName selection.Name, market.MarketInfo.StartTime, timeSeries.PreEvent)
//selectionPriceVolumeChart(sprintf "%s - %s" market.MarketFullName selection.Name, market.MarketInfo.StartTime, timeSeries.InPlay)
selectionsPriceChart(market.MarketFullName, market.MarketInfo.StartTime, market.Selections)
//selectionsInPlayPriceChart(sprintf "%s - In-Play" market.MarketFullName, market.MarketInfo.StartTime, market.Selections)
| None -> printfn "No time series available!"
let bfexplorer : IBfexplorerConsole = nil
showChart(bfexplorer.ActiveMarket, bfexplorer.ActiveSelection)
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