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Last active November 26, 2024 09:49
// Bfexplorer cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages incurred during the use of this betfair bot.
// It is up to you to determine the level of risk you wish to trade under.
// Do not gamble with money you cannot afford to lose.
module BfexplorerBot
//#I @"E:\Projects\Bfexplorer\Development\Applications\BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.App\bin\Debug\net9.0-windows"
#I @"C:\Program Files\BeloSoft\Bfexplorer\"
#r "BeloSoft.Data.dll"
#r "BeloSoft.Betfair.API.dll"
#r "BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Domain.dll"
#r "BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Trading.dll"
#r "BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Service.Core.dll"
open BeloSoft.Data
open BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Domain
open BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Trading
/// <summary>
/// ShowHorseData
/// </summary>
type ShowHorseData (market : Market, _selection : Selection, _botName : string, _botTriggerParameters : BotTriggerParameters, myBfexplorer : IMyBfexplorer) =
let outputMessage message =
myBfexplorer.BfexplorerService.OutputMessage (message, market.Id)
let isHorseRacingMarket () =
market.MarketInfo.BetEventType.Id = 7 && market.MarketDescription.MarketType = "WIN"
let getOddsDifference (selection1 : Selection, selection2 : Selection) =
selection1.OddsContext.GetOddsDifference (selection1.LastPriceTraded, selection2.LastPriceTraded)
let getBookValue (selections : Selection list) =
|> (fun mySelection -> toPriceProbability mySelection.LastPriceTraded)
|> List.sum
let reportHorsesData () =
let selectionDataToString (mySelection : Selection) = maybe {
let! metaData = mySelection.MetaData
return sprintf "%s: %.2f | %d | %s" mySelection.Name mySelection.LastPriceTraded metaData.OfficialRating metaData.Form
let selections =
|> Seq.filter isNotRemovedSelection
|> Seq.sortBy (fun mySelection -> mySelection.LastPriceTraded)
|> Seq.toList
|> List.choose selectionDataToString
|> String.concat "\n"
|> outputMessage
let firstFavourite, secondFavourite = selections.[0], selections.[1]
outputMessage <|
sprintf "Number of runners: %d\nFavourite: %s\nSecond favourite: %s\nOdds difference: %d\nFavourite and second favourite book value: %.2f"
firstFavourite.Name secondFavourite.Name
(getOddsDifference (firstFavourite, secondFavourite))
(getBookValue [ firstFavourite; secondFavourite ])
interface IBotTrigger with
/// <summary>
/// Execute
/// </summary>
member __.Execute () =
if isHorseRacingMarket ()
reportHorsesData ()
TriggerResult.EndExecutionWithMessage "You can execute this bot only on a horse racing market!"
/// <summary>
/// EndExecution
/// </summary>
member __.EndExecution () =
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