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Last active November 28, 2022 14:43
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Custom animation
import android.animation.Animator
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator
import android.annotation.TargetApi
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Build
import android.transition.Transition
import android.transition.TransitionValues
import android.util.AttributeSet
import android.util.Property
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.ViewOutlineProvider
* Transitions a view from [startRadius] to [endRadius] through a [ViewOutlineProvider].
* Note that if the view already has a radius (rounded corners), [startRadius] should match this value
* @author Stefan de Bruijn
class ChangeOutlineRadius : Transition {
private val startRadius: Int
private val endRadius: Int
private companion object {
* Unique key for our start and end values to be kept in [TransitionValues]
private const val RADIUS = "ChangeOutlineRadius:radius"
* The properties from [TransitionValues] we care about.
* If the [TransitionValues] from [captureStartValues] and [captureEndValues] do not differ on this property,
* this [Transition] will not run
private val PROPERTIES = arrayOf(RADIUS)
* Animator property which will set a rounded outline through a [ViewOutlineProvider]
private object OutlineRadiusProperty : Property<View, Int>(, "outlineRadius") {
override fun get(view: View): Int {
return 0
override fun set(view: View, value: Int) {
view.outlineProvider = object : ViewOutlineProvider() {
override fun getOutline(view: View, outline: Outline) {
// As we go through the values between startRadius and endRadius we gradually update the rounded rect's radius
outline.setRoundRect(0, 0, view.width, view.height, value.toFloat())
* Transitions a view from [startRadius] to [endRadius] through a [ViewOutlineProvider].
* Note that if the view already has a radius (rounded corners), [startRadius] should match this value
* @param target The [View] to transition
* @param startRadius The *pixel* value for the starting radius. If [target] already has a radius, [startRadius] should match this value
* @param endRadius The *pixel* value for the ending radius
constructor(target: View, startRadius: Int, endRadius: Int) : super() {
this.startRadius = startRadius
this.endRadius = endRadius
* Called from XML
* @see ChangeOutlineRadius
* @see R.styleable.ChangeOutlineRadius
constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : super(context, attrs) {
val attributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ChangeOutlineRadius)
this.startRadius = attributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ChangeOutlineRadius_startRadius, 0)
this.endRadius = attributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.ChangeOutlineRadius_endRadius, 0)
override fun getTransitionProperties(): Array<String> {
override fun captureStartValues(transitionValues: TransitionValues) {
// Here we get the radius our transition starts with.
// Note that this can be the starting value for both the original transition *and the reverse*
val view = transitionValues.view
transitionValues.values[RADIUS] = if (hasOutlineRadius(view)) startRadius else endRadius
override fun captureEndValues(transitionValues: TransitionValues) {
// Here we get the radius our transition ends with.
// Note that this can be the ending value for both the original transition *and the reverse*
val view = transitionValues.view
transitionValues.values[RADIUS] = if (hasOutlineRadius(view)) endRadius else startRadius
* Effectively tells us if this animation has already ran and the starting/ending
* values should be reverted within [captureStartValues] and [captureEndValues]
private fun hasOutlineRadius(view: View): Boolean {
val outline = Outline()
view.outlineProvider.getOutline(view, outline)
// Check the 'Mode' set on the Outline, which will be empty by default and MODE_ROUND_RECT once we've used setRoundRect
// outline.radius might be a more logical field to check once we're minSdk 24+
return outline.isEmpty
override fun createAnimator(sceneRoot: ViewGroup, startValues: TransitionValues, endValues: TransitionValues): Animator? {
// The view on the start and end values is the same, so it doesn't matter which we use
val view = endValues.view
// We want the view to clip to the round rect we're going to set
view.clipToOutline = true
// The startRadius/endRadius we are going to animate from/to.
// Using the start/end value instead of the constructor params allows us to support reversing this animation too
val sR = startValues.values[RADIUS] as Int
val eR = endValues.values[RADIUS] as Int
// Animator with Property allows us to adjust properties that aren't directly (available) on the View itself
return ObjectAnimator.ofInt(view, OutlineRadiusProperty, sR, eR)
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