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Created October 2, 2018 09:26
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Quick and dirty import of putty / kitty sessions into RDP-Manager 4.9.72 x64
Quick and dirty import of putty / kitty sessions into RDP-Manager 4.9.72 x64
MAKE a BACKUP before you they this!!!111!1 you have been warned :D 2018-10-02
!!Read the comments, there are some preconditiones, manual tasks, things you have to change in the script.
import uuid
import sqlite3
import itertools
import _winreg
from _winreg import CloseKey
import traceback
# have a look at the connection table to get the UUIDs
# I guess they are unique so get yours and update the 'data' dictionary
# Especially there is the UUID of the SSH folder I manually created in RDP-Manager
# you have to the replace %USERNAME% with your username I guess
dbfile = r'C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Cinspiration\RDP-Manager\C__Program Files_Cinspiration_RDP-Manager\SqLiteDatabase.db3'
db = sqlite3.connect(dbfile)
cursor = db.cursor()
# columnnames got it with SQLiteStudio
keys = ['Id',
cursor.execute('SELECT %s FROM connections' %(', '.join(keys)))
#not sure but it wrks for me ;)
user1 = cursor.fetchone() #retrieve the first row
print(user1[0]) #Print the first column retrieved(user's name)
all_rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in all_rows:
# print some nice dictionarys
print dict(zip(keys, row))
if False:
# Path in regisrty to Kitty Sessions
# you have to look up the putty path
path = 'Software\\\\Kitty\\Sessions'
sessionName = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path)
except WindowsError:
raise EnvironmentError
for i in itertools.count():
val = _winreg.EnumKey(sessionName, i)
# blanks are %20 sessionnames
print str(val).replace('%20', ' ')
for b in itertools.count():
newKey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path + '\\' + val)
values = _winreg.EnumValue(newKey, b)
# only care for hostname...
if 'HostName' in values:
print str(values[1])
data = {'ConTime': '28',
'Credential': '3338AF54-19FB-4875-B752-8B6F035764D6',
'Sorting': '0',
'Additional': '',
'Target': str(values[1]),
# this is the UUID of the SSH folder I created in RDP-Manager manually
'Parent': 'DD1CB055-F02A-4F2E-82A2-72C1883248A1',
'Color': '-16777216',
'LastConTime': '28',
'DefaultAdditional': '',
'Description': '',
'Deleted': '0',
'Setting': 'E338AF54-19FB-4875-B752-8B6F035764D6',
'JumpList': '0',
'LastConnection': '2018-10-02 09:24:19.30129',
'LastUser': '',
'Name': str(val.replace('%20', ' ')),
'Type': '4CB65FA2-506E-4E3F-93E5-AB7A16F79397',
'Id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
'Icon': 'a4a11c6e-1027-4b63-8f77-2428f161c957'}
# writ the stuff in the the DM
cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO connections({})
VALUES({})'''.format(', '.join(data.keys()),
"'"+"', '".join(data.values())+"'"
except EnvironmentError:
except EnvironmentError:
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