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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Smalltalkify Groovy: ifTrue/ ifFalse, on Exception do
class Smalltalk {
static Boolean ifTrue (Boolean self, Closure c) {
if(self) c()
static Boolean ifFalse (Boolean self, Closure c) {
if(!self) c()
static Boolean 'do' (Boolean self, Closure c) {
if(self) c()
class SmalltalkException {
Object onExceptionDo (Closure c) {
try {
} catch(all) {
Object on(Object e) {
try {
} catch(all) {
if (all in e) {
return all
} else {
throw all
return false
Object 'do' (Object e) {
e(this as Exception)
// mixin
Boolean.mixin Smalltalk
Closure.metaClass.mixin SmalltalkException
Exception.mixin SmalltalkException
// testing ifTrue/ ifFalse
false.ifTrue { assert false }.ifFalse { assert true };
true.ifTrue { assert true }.ifFalse { assert false };
// on Exception, do nothing
def result = {-> throw new NullPointerException() }.on(Exception);
assert result in Exception
assert result in NullPointerException
assert !(result in ArithmeticException)
// on Exception do
{-> throw new NullPointerException("Buh!") }.on(Exception).do { e ->
assert e in Exception
assert e in NullPointerException
assert !(e in ArithmeticException)
assert e.getMessage() == "Buh!"
// on NullPointerException do
{-> throw new NullPointerException("Buh!") }.on(NullPointerException).do { e ->
assert e in Exception
assert e in NullPointerException
assert !(e in ArithmeticException)
assert e.getMessage() == "Buh!"
// catching exception that isn't thrown
try {
{-> throw new NullPointerException("Buh!") }.on(ArithmeticException).do { e -> assert false }
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
assert e in NullPointerException
// more generic: onExceptionDo
{-> throw new NullPointerException("Buh!") }.onExceptionDo { e ->
assert e in Exception
assert e in NullPointerException
assert !(e in ArithmeticException)
assert e.getMessage() == "Buh!"
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