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Created April 1, 2022 08:00
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######## Miminal working example
# Bin nicht sicher, ob Du alle packages hier brauchst.
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, nlme, ggplot2, ggthemes)
therapie <- read_csv("") %>%
mutate(id = as.factor(id),
bedingung = as.factor(bedingung))
therapie_gr1 <- therapie %>%
filter(bedingung == "Therapiegruppe")
therapie05_gr1 <- therapie_gr1 %>%
filter(woche <= 5) %>%
mutate(woche_f = as.factor(woche))
opt <- lmeControl(opt = "optim")
# takes a bit to fit
random.coefficients.05.c <- lme(wohlbefinden ~ woche_f,
random = ~woche_f | id,
data = therapie05_gr1,
method = "ML", control = opt)
# if random.coefficients.05.c would be a MerMod object (from lme4), I would simply do this:
#therapie05_gr1$woche.wohlbefinden <- predict(random.coefficients.05.c, = TRUE, newdata = {therapie05_gr1 %>% mutate(id = "new")})
# as we used nlme, we have to do this by hand:
cfs <- fixef(random.coefficients.05.c)
cfs[2:length(cfs)] <- cfs[2:length(cfs)]+cfs[1]
therapie05_gr1$woche.wohlbefinden <- cfs[therapie05_gr1$woche_f]
ggplot(aes(x = woche, y = wohlbefinden, group = id),
data = therapie05_gr1 %>% filter(woche <= 5)) +
geom_line(aes(color = id), size = .2) +
geom_jitter(aes(y = wohlbefinden, color = id),
alpha = .4, width = 0.1, height = 0.1) +
geom_line(aes(y = woche.wohlbefinden, group = 1), color = "black") +
ggtitle("Kategoriales Random-Coefficients-Modell (nur Therapiegruppe)") +
guides(color = FALSE) + #Legends removed
xlab("Woche") +
xlab("Woche") +
ylab("Wohlbefinden") +
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