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Last active December 11, 2022 22:33
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Heat Equation and Random walk on Networks. Some easy and general function to simulate and visualize heat equation/random walks on network.
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as colormap
heat_equation = True
random_walk_diffusion = False
def get_neighbors(sparse_adj : any) -> dict :
Get the neighbors of each node (in a directed way) and return it in a dictionary form, with the
link weights too. In this case, we obtain these infos from the adjacency matrix written with sparse formalism.
links = np.vstack((sparse_adj.nonzero()[0], sparse_adj.nonzero()[1])).T
neighbors = dict()
for node_id in range(len(links[:,0])):
connected_nodes_pos = links[:,0] == node_id
if np.any(connected_nodes_pos):
neighbors[node_id] = [links[connected_nodes_pos][:,1],[connected_nodes_pos]] # [neighbors, link_weight]
return neighbors
def give_nodes_values(G : any, sparse_adj : any) -> dict :
Return a dictionary containing the node ID associated with its value. To use if we want to change
only the values of CONNECTED NODES, if we have the sparse adjacency matrix.
nodes_values = { key:0. for key in range(len(G.nodes)) }
nodes_ids = np.unique([sparse_adj.nonzero()[0], sparse_adj.nonzero()[1]]) # get all (connected) nodes in the network. Isolated are excluded
values = np.random.rand(len(nodes_ids))*10 # Give random value to each node
nodes_values.update(dict(zip(nodes_ids, values)))
return nodes_values
def random_walk(net : dict, walk_length = 10, n0 = 0):
Just perform a simple random walk. It uses the neighbors to understand where it can go, then it returns the whole sequence in a list.
if n0 == 'rand':
current_node = np.random.choice([i for i in net.keys()], 1)[0] # Get random initial node
current_node = n0 # Set initial node
walk_sequence = [current_node] # Initial node in the sequence
for _ in range(walk_length):
current_node = np.random.choice(net[current_node][0], 1)[0] # Select randomly the next node
return walk_sequence
def update_values(nodes_values : dict, neighbors : dict) -> dict:
nodes_values_new = nodes_values
n_nodes = len(nodes_values)
for i in range(n_nodes):
# Not on boundary
if i > 0 and i < n_nodes-1:
out_nodes = neighbors[i][0]
nodes_values_new[i] = nodes_values[i] + 0.1*((nodes_values[out_nodes[1]]+nodes_values[out_nodes[0]])/2 - nodes_values[i])
# On boundary
out_nodes = neighbors[i][0][0] # Only one value
nodes_values_new[i] = nodes_values[out_nodes] # Gradient zero on the boundary
return nodes_values_new
def show_walk(G : nx.Graph, walk_sequence : list, delay = 0.2) :
Plot the sequence of nodes that are visided during the walk. The red one is the current node.
t = 0 # Time evolution (steps)
pos = nx.spring_layout(G) # Fix layout # Generate canvas
for current_node in walk_sequence:
color_map = ['red' if node == current_node else 'blue' for node in G]
plt.title(f'Walk Visualization, time t={t} (a.u.)', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold')
t += 1
nx.draw(G, pos=pos, node_color=color_map)
plt.pause(delay) # Set delay
plt.clf() # Clear image
if random_walk_diffusion:
################# RANDOM WALK DIFFUSION #####################
G = nx.gnp_random_graph(30, 0.06, 1) # Generate random network
A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_array(G) # Use sparse formalism (if few links)
neigh = get_neighbors(A) # Get the Out-going links of all nodes in a dict form
del A # Clear memory
walk = random_walk(neigh, walk_length=10, n0='rand') # Generate the random walk sequence
show_walk(G, walk, delay=0.5) # Show the random walk sequence in newtorkx
if heat_equation:
############## TEST HEAT EQUATION ON NETWORK ################
n_nodes = 30 # Number of nodes
t = 100 # Time evolution (total steps)
max_temp = 100. # Max temperature
min_temp = 0. # Min temperature
network = False # Visualize network heat evolution OR the heat plot
G = nx.path_graph(n_nodes) # Define a rod network
A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_array(G) # Get sparse adjacency matrix
pos = nx.spring_layout(G) # Fix network layout in visualization
neigh = get_neighbors(A) # Get the out-going of each node
del A # Clear memory
nodes_values = updated_values = {key:np.random.rand(1)[0]*max_temp for key in range(n_nodes)} # Give random values to each node.
# nodes_values = give_nodes_values(G, A) # Assign to each node a random value of the CONNECTED NODES. In this case, every node is connected
nodes_values[0] = updated_values[0] = min_temp # Set boundary condition (left end)
nodes_values[n_nodes-1] = updated_values[n_nodes-1] = max_temp # Set boundary condition (right end)
plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) # Image dimension
for i in range(t): # Time evolution
if network: # NETWORKX PLOT
color_map = [updated_values[i] for i in range(n_nodes)] # Color networkx nodes. Every time it updates with the new temperatures
plt.title(f'Heat Equation on Network, time t={i} (a.u.)', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold')
nx.draw(G, pos=pos, node_color = color_map, vmin=min_temp, vmax=max_temp, cmap ='Reds'), node_size=500, width=2.)
else: ####### PyPlot Graph (rod)
# Plot a thin red line across the points (cosmetic only)
plt.plot([i for i in range(len(nodes_values))], [j for j in updated_values.values()], color='red', linewidth=2, alpha=0.5)
# Plot vertical dotted lines from each point (cosmetic only)
for k in range(n_nodes):
plt.plot([k, k], [0, updated_values[k]], 'r', linestyle=":", alpha=0.5)
# Plot the actual points. For semplicity I always used the key index as integer, thus as coordinate, which is also faster.
sp = plt.scatter([i for i in range(n_nodes)], [j for j in updated_values.values()], vmin=min_temp, vmax=max_temp,
c=[j for j in updated_values.values()], s=[100]*n_nodes, marker='o', cmap=colormap.get_cmap('Reds'))
plt.colorbar(sp) # Draw color bar on the right
plt.ylim([min_temp-1, max_temp+1]) # Y axis limit, to keep the initial scale, otherwise it resizes everytime
plt.title(f'Heat Equation, time t={i} (a.u.)', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold')
plt.xlabel('position (node id)', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Temperature (a.u.)', fontsize=12)
updated_values = update_values(nodes_values, neigh) # Update the values according to the heat equation
plt.pause(0.1) # Visualization time delay
plt.clf() # Clear image
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