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Last active January 19, 2017 06:58
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  • Save Steinweber/d4dd1351bbfc8e9159334bcae4da1f2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const router = require('restify-router').Router;
const routes = new router();
const AuthController = require('../controller/auth');'/login',AuthController.login);
//return the restify-router instance
module.exports = routes;
const router = require('restify-router').Router;
const routes = new router();
const CartController = require('../controller/cart');
//return the restify-router instance
module.exports = routes;
//The index.js should not have much logic. Only build the version of the API and assign controller.
const router = require('restify-router').Router;
//returns restify-router instance
const product = require('./product');
const cart = require('./cart');
const auth = require('./auth');
module.exports = (app) => {
//setup a router for v1 & v2 and
//add all controllers that are the same in both versions
const basicRouter = new router();
//auth and product are the same in v1 & v2
basicRouter.add('/auth', auth);
basicRouter.add('/product', product);
//setup the v1
const apiV1 = new router();
//copy/merge basic router to v1
//Add additional controllers to v1
//These controllers are only available in v1
apiV1.get('/foo', foo);
//bind apiV1 to app/server and set prefix
apiV1.applyRoutes(app, '/api/v1');
// GET /api/v1/product/:id
// GET /api/v1/cart/ -> notFound / it´s a v2 restricted endpoint
//setup apiV2
const apiV2 = new router();
//merge/copy basic router as in v1
//Add additional controllers to v2
//These controllers are only available in v2 (not in v1)
apiV2.get('/foo', bar);
//bind v2 to app/server and set prefix
apiV2.applyRoutes(app, '/api/v2');
// GET /api/v2/cart/
// POST /api/v2/auth/login -> same as POST /api/v1/auth/login
//setup v3
const apiV3 = new router();
//v3 is v1 + v2
//last set overwrite existing method
//v1 & v2 have POST /auth/login
//merge apiV1 will set first POST /auth/login and be overwritten by apiV2 with the same controller
//v1 & v2 have GET /foo but different controller (v1/foo | v2/bar)
//By merging v2 after v1, GET /foo will return the v2/bar controller, because this has overwritten the v1/foo controller
//bind v3 to app/server and set prefix
apiV3.applyRoutes(app, '/api/v3');
// GET /api/v3/cart/ the v2 restricted endpoint in v3
// POST /api/v3/auth/login -> same as POST /api/v2/auth/login -> same as POST /api/v1/auth/login
// GET /api/v3/foo -> same as /api/v2/foo -> NOT same as ->/api/v1/foo (v1 replaced by v2)
const router = require('restify-router').Router;
const routes = new router();
const ProductController = require('../controller/product');
//return the restify-router instance
module.exports = routes;
//merge is combine existing endpoints with new endpoints
//clone JUST copy the router
//v1 is a restify-router instance like model-product.js
const v1 = require('./v1.0_router');
v1.get('/foo', (req,res,next) => {});
const v1_1 = v1.clone().merge(require('./v1.1_router'));
//same as
const v1_1 = new router();
//copy all from v1.0 to v1.1
const v1_1 = v1.clone()
//add new endpoints from 1.1 and (if in v1.1 also exists) overwrite v1.0 endpoints
//v1_1 new router() not required, because its copied from 1.0
//in short
const v1_1 = v1.clone().merge(require('./v1.1_router'));
const v1_1 = v1.clone().merge(require('./v1.1_router')).applyRoutes(app,'/api/v1.1');
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