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Last active January 2, 2020 14:33
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Compute Shader variations
//named with '.hlsl' extension to get highlighting, it's really a '.compute'-file
#pragma kernel CSMain
RWTexture3D<float4> Result;
// if Shader Model doesn't support kernel threadgroups in the Z axis
// organize the threads differently
[numthreads(16, 16, 1)]
[numthreads(8, 8, 8)]
void CSMain(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
Result[id] = Compute();
using UnityEngine;
using System;
class SomethingCompute : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private Vector3Int resolution;
[SerializeField] private ComputeShader shader;
private uint
private int kernel;
void Awake()
kernel = shader.FindKernel("CSMain");
shader.GetKernelThreadGroupSizes(kernel, out numThreadsX, out numThreadsY, out numThreadsZ);
void Dispatch()
Debug.LogFormat("Dispatching kernel with groups of size ({0}, {1}, {2})", numThreadsX, numThreadsY, numThreadsZ);
shader.Dispatch(kernel, resolution.x / (int)numThreadsX, resolution.y / (int)numThreadsY, resolution.z / (int)numThreadsZ);
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NOTE - resolution (xyz) must be a multiple of numThreads (xyz)

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