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Last active November 1, 2015 15:05
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Dark-theme documentation for viewing in Visual Studio 2015 dark-themed. Place core.css in `...\Unity\Editor\Data\Documentation\en\StaticFiles\css\`. Place core-manual.css in `...\Unity\Editor\Data\Documentation\en\StaticFilesManual\css\` and rename it to `core.css`.
/* ====================================================
* Company: Unity Technologies
* Author: Rickard Andersson,
* ====================================================
* Modified by : Halvor Smedås,
* ==================================================== */
/*Fix for bottom part of the page, as pointed out by /u/EristicEscalator. Thanks!*/
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==== FORM
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==== TYPO
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/* ====================================================
* Company: Unity Technologies
* Author: Rickard Andersson,
* ====================================================
* Modified by : Halvor Smedås,
* ==================================================== */
/*Fix for bottom part of the page, as pointed out by /u/EristicEscalator. Thanks!*/
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==== FORM
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==== TYPO
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