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Last active March 27, 2017 11:54
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  • Save SteloNLD/052b9b0e00a16c95fe6eb5702b53c099 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Registry Changer, Adds predefined registry keys to the windows registry.
#requires -version 3
Registry Changer
Adds predefined registry keys to the windows registry.
Optional, The UserName to use, defaults to $env:USERNAME (the username of the current user)
Optional, The UserDomain to use, defaults to $env:USERDOMAIN (the domain of the current user)
ErrorEvents in the EventViewer under Log $EventViewerLogName Source: $EventViewerSource
Version: 1.2
Author: Sten Lootens (
Creation Date: 27-03-2017
Purpose/Change: Cmndline variable UserDomain for UserSID retrieval.
Bug fixed: UserName not used, hardcoded $env:username
Version: 1.1
Author: Sten Lootens (
Creation Date: 24-03-2017
Purpose/Change: Cmndline variable UserName for UserSID retrieval.
Error checkking for UserSID retrieval.
Better formatting, code clean-up.
Version: 1.0
Author: Sten Lootens (
Inspired by Hasan Ördek (
Creation Date: 22-03-2017
Purpose/Change: Initial script development
Run the script with powershell, with or without -UserName
- powershell.exe -file "path\script.ps1"
- powershell.exe -file "path\script.ps1" -UserName "username"
###Script Parameters
#Console cleanup
# Variables for common use.
$ScriptName = "Registry Changer"
$ScriptMaintainer = "Your name here"
### EventViewer vars for ErrorLogging.
# LogName, for example Application, Windows PowerShell or $ScriptName.
$EventViewerLogName = "Application"
# Source, for example Application, PowerShell or $ScriptName.
$EventViewerSource = "Application"
# Please be aware that a Source and Log need to be registered in order for them to be used.
# Some default logs and sources are
# Log:Windows PowerShell Source:PowerShell
# Log:Application Source:Application
# You'll need to run the command New-EventLog -LogName $EventViewerLogName -Source $EventViewerSource as Admin if you want a customized log.
# This is a permanent change, you dont have to repeat this step between scripts or reboots, only between Computers or Operating System instalations.
# After that you could use Write-EventLog –LogName $EventViewerLogName –Source $EventViewerSource –EntryType Error –EventID 0 –Message "ErrorMessage"
#Set Error Action to Stop, if an error occurs the script wil stop!
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
### Retrieve the UserName
# if the UserName is not provided trough the commandline it wil default to the username of the current user.
if (!($UserName)) {$UserName = $env:USERNAME }
### Retrieve the UserDomain
# if the UserDomain is not provided trough the commandline it wil default to the domain of the current user.
if (!($UserDomain)) {$UserDomain = $env:USERDOMAIN }
### Retrieve UserSID
# You can do this in more than one way for example (get-aduser $env:USERNAME).sid.value but this command requires the Active Directory Module, the following sollution does not:
try {$sUserSID = ((New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("$UserDomain", "$UserName")).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])).Value}
catch { Write-EventLog –LogName $EventViewerLogName –Source $EventViewerSource –EntryType Error –EventID 0 –Message ("Could not retrieve UserSID for user $($UserName) `n " +
"Execution aborted Script $ScriptName Maintainer $ScriptMaintainer `n " +
"ErrorDetails: $($_ | Out-String)"); exit} # Error handling
### Registry Drives
# You can use any Registry Root but only HKLM: and HKCU: are mounted by default, HKU for example has to be mounted manually
if (!(Test-Path "HKU:\")) {
Try {New-PSDrive -PSProvider Registry -Name HKU -Root HKEY_USERS}
catch { Write-EventLog –LogName $EventViewerLogName –Source $EventViewerSource –EntryType Error –EventID 0 –Message ("Could not mount Registry Drive HKU:\ `n " +
"Execution aborted Script $ScriptName Maintainer $ScriptMaintainer `n " +
"ErrorDetails: $($_ | Out-String)"); exit} # Error handling
### Registry Paths
# Place frequently used paths or paths that need complex formatting here.
# AppV example:
$RegPath_AppV_Test = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Packages\**********\$sUserSID\Registry\MACHINE\Software\test"
# HKU example:
$RegPath_HKU_Test = "HKU:\$sUserSID\Software\test"
#Normal example:
$RegPath_HKCU_Test = "HKCU:\Software\test"
###Registry Keys
# Seperated by ','.
# Path, the path to the key prefixed with HKLM:\ for example.
# Key, the name of the key.
# Value, the value of the key.
# Type, the keytype, allowed values:
# "String, Expand String, Binary, DWord, MultiString, QWord, Unknown".
$RegKeys =
@{ Path="$RegPath_AppV_Test";
Key="Key Name";
Value="Key Value";
Type="String" },
@{ Path="$RegPath_HKU_Test";
Key="Key Name";
Value="Key Value";
Type="String" },
@{ Path="$RegPath_HKCU_Test";
Key="Key Name";
Value="Key Value";
Type="String" }
#-----------------------------------------------------------[Registry Key Creation/ main functionality]
#Loop trough every Key (variable) defined in the $RegKeys array
Foreach ($RegKey in $RegKeys) {
#Check if the path exist or try to create it if not.
If (!(test-path $RegKey.Path)) {
try { New-Item -Path $RegKey.Path -Force | Out-Null }
# -Force allows a subfolder of an non existing folder to be created (folders will be created recursively)
# This will also overwrite an existing folder wich is a potential risk!
# | Out-Null prevents the command response from being printed in the console
catch { Write-EventLog –LogName $EventViewerLogName –Source $EventViewerSource –EntryType Error –EventID 0 –Message ("Could not create path $($RegKey.Path) `n " +
"Execution aborted Script $ScriptName Maintainer $ScriptMaintainer `n " +
"ErrorDetails: $($_ | Out-String)"); exit} # Error handling
#Check if the key exist and change it or try to create it if not.
If ((Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey.Path)."$($RegKey.Key)") {
try { Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey.Path -Name $RegKey.Key -Value $RegKey.Value | Out-Null}
# | Out-Null prevents the command response from being printed in the console
catch { Write-EventLog –LogName $EventViewerLogName –Source $EventViewerSource –EntryType Error –EventID 0 –Message ("Could not change key $($RegKey.Key) for $($RegKey.Path) `n " +
"Execution aborted Script $ScriptName Maintainer $ScriptMaintainer `n " +
"ErrorDetails: $($_ | Out-String)"); exit} # Error handling
} Else {
try { New-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey.Path -Name $RegKey.Key -Value $RegKey.Value -PropertyType $RegKey.Type | Out-Null}
# | Out-Null prevents the command response from being printed in the console
catch { Write-EventLog –LogName $EventViewerLogName –Source $EventViewerSource –EntryType Error –EventID 0 –Message ("Could not create key $($RegKey.Key) for $($RegKey.Path) `n " +
"Execution aborted Script $ScriptName Maintainer $ScriptMaintainer `n " +
"ErrorDetails: $($_ | Out-String)"); exit} # Error handling
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