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Last active July 5, 2018 22:03
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Powershell Function 'Watch-Job', see the Progress of the Jobs you are running, kill all when one is failed
Watch Powershell Job progress.
This function allows you monitor the progress of the Powershell Jobs you just started,
it wil show a progressbar and the remaining jobs that are still running.
one of the key features is the ability to stop the other Jobs when 1 is failed.
Watch-Job -Job $Jobs
Shows a progress bar indication how many jobs are completed/still running
Watch-Job -Job $Jobs -StopJobOnError
Shows a progress bar indication how many jobs are completed/still running
When a single Job is Failed all other jobs that are still Running wil be Stopped.
Watch-Job -Job $Jobs -RemoveJob
Shows a progress bar indication how many jobs are completed/still running
When a Jobs is finished (Failed, Stopped, Completed, ...) the Job including the data it contained will be removed.
Watch-Job -Job $Jobs -StopJobOnError -RemoveJob
Shows a progress bar indication how many jobs are completed/still running
When a single Job is Failed all other jobs that are still Running wil be Stopped.
When a Jobs is finished (Failed, Stopped, Completed, ...) the Job including the data it contained will be removed.
Created by Sten Lootens at 5-7-2018.
Please contact me at
Function Watch-Job {
# Powershell Job(s) to Watch,
# normally the result of the Start/Get-Job command or -AsJob parameter.
# When Multiple Jobs are provided in the $Job Parameter and a single Job fails
# This wil wil stop the remaining Jobs that are still running.
# This wil remove the Job when it is finished (Failed, Stopped, Completed, ...)
# Setup the ProgessBar
if (-Not $JobStartCount) {
#Create variable for the current scope (function) that is also avaiable to any child scopes (functions).
$VariableJobStartCount = @{
Name = "JobStartCount"
Option = "AllScope"
Value = ($Job | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count)
}; New-Variable @VariableJobStartCount
Write-Progress -PercentComplete 0 -Activity "Watch-Job" -Status "$JobStartCount/$JobStartCount Jobs Left" #-CurrentOperation "Waiting for a Job to Finisch"
# Wait for a single job to finisch (Failed, Stopped, Completed, ...)
$Job | Wait-Job -Any | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.State -eq 'Failed') {
# Show a warning about the current 'Failed' Job
Write-Warning "Job $($_.Name) returned with state $($_.State)"
# Stop all other Jobs.
if ($StopJobOnError) {
Write-Warning "A Job has failed, forcibly stopping other Jobs"
$Job | Stop-Job
Else {
# Show information about the current Job
Write-Verbose "Job $($_.Name) retuned with state $($_.State)"
# Remove the Current Job
if ($RemoveJob) { $_ | Remove-Job}
# Wait for further Jobs to complete
$RemainingJobs = $Job | Where-Object Id -ne $_.Id
If ($RemainingJobs) {
Write-Progress -PercentComplete (100-($RemainingJobs.Count)/$JobStartCount*100) -Activity "Watch-Job" -Status "$($RemainingJobs.Count)/$JobStartCount Jobs Left"
Watch-Job -Job $RemainingJobs -StopJobOnError:$StopJobOnError -RemoveJob:$RemoveJob | Out-Null
Else {
Write-Progress -Activity "Watch-Job" -Completed
Return $Job
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SteloNLD commented Jul 5, 2018

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