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Last active August 3, 2023 17:12
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Powershell Example: Try/Catch, ForEach, If/Else, Break/Continue, Write-Verbose/Warning/Host/Error
Clear-Host #Clearup the console.
### Script Output/Error Preferences.
#Enable/Disable Verbose Output for Debugging
$VerbosePreference = "Continue" #Use either Continue (Show) or SilentlyContinue (Hide)
#Stop Script Execution when an error occurs.
#Always use Stop!, if you need to bypass this behaviour for a specific command then use the -ErrorAction Parameter with SilentlyContinue for that command.
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
### Script Settings
#Declare Services to Stop, To throw a warning make a typo.
$Services = @("WinRM", "W32Time")
#Get-Date -Format "0" outputs the time as a universal time stamp
Write-Verbose "Script Started at $(Get-Date -format "O") under user $($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME) on system $($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
#Define $ServiceObjects as empty array in GlobalScope
$ServiceObjects = @()
# Service Retrieve Loop Start
Foreach ($Service in $Services) {
Write-Verbose "Retrieving Service $($Service)"
Try {
#Add the ServiceObject to the $ServiceObjects array.
$ServiceObjects += (Get-Service -Name $Service)
#To find the Exeption Name for a specific error examine the $Error variable after the error occured and note its place counting from 0
#Then Use $Error[ErrorPosition].Exception.GetType().FullName to display the execption.
Catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ServiceCommandException] {
#Some Exceptions are to generic, in this case you could use the Message Property of the Error Object to Narrow it down to a specific error.
If ($_.Exception.Message -like "Cannot find any service with service name *" ) {
Write-Warning "Service $($Service) does not exist, skipping."
Continue #ForEach Loop wil start proccesing the Next Item.
Else {
Write-Error -Message "Unknown Error, error message: $($Error[0].Exception.Message)"
Break #ForEach Loop wil end
Catch {
Write-Error -Message "Unknown Error, error message: $($Error[0].Exception.Message)"
Break #ForEach Loop wil end
#Only Runs when there is no Error (Break) or Warning (Continue)
Write-Verbose "Service $($Service) retrieved succesfully"
} # Service Retrieve Loop End
#Calculate the amount of Services found
$ServiceObjects_Measure = $ServiceObjects | Measure-Object
#Console Message.
Write-Host "
$($ServiceObjects_Measure.Count) Service(s) has been found, see table below:"
#Output the ServiceObjects to the Console
$ServiceObjects | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host
Write-Verbose "Script Stopped at $(Get-Date -format "O")"
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Use the following code if you want to output this in a HTML Mail Message or .HTML File for example.
$ServiceObjects_HTML = $ServiceObjects | Select-Object Status, Name, DisplayName | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment

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