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Created May 28, 2019 08:35
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mocha-simple-html-reporter with retried test in error
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<ul class="mocha-menu">
<li><span id="toggle-passes" class="toggle-passes">show failures only</span></li>
<ul class="mocha-stats">
<li class="passes">passes: <em>1</em></li>
<li class="pending">pending: <em>0</em></li>
<li class="failures">failures: <em>1</em></li>
<li class="duration">duration: <em>26s</em></li>
<ul id="report"><li class="suite"><h1>TESTS: Customer creation</h1><ul><li class="suite"><h1>Test retries</h1><ul><li class="test pass fast"><h2>Test 1 =&#x3E; OK<span class="duration">4ms</span></h2><pre><code>this.retries(1); // Fix number oif retries for each test
addContext(this, &#x27;Run started at &#x27; + getFormattedDate()); // Add start time to each test in report
processs.apply(this);</code></pre></li><li class="test fail"><h2>Test 2 =&#x3E; KO</h2><pre><code>this.retries(1); // Fix number oif retries for each test
addContext(this, &#x27;Run started at &#x27; + getFormattedDate()); // Add start time to each test in report
processs.apply(this);</code></pre><pre class="error">AssertionError: expected 1 to equal 0
at Context.&#x3C;anonymous&#x3E; (scenarios/test.spec.js:209:22)
at Context.&#x3C;anonymous&#x3E; (scenarios/test.spec.js:28:16)
at process.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:120:23)</pre></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
function hideSuitesWithout(className) {
var suites = document.querySelectorAll('#report > .suite');
for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
let suite = suites[i];
var els = suite.getElementsByClassName(className);
if (!els.length) {
function unhide() {
var suites = document.getElementsByClassName('suite hidden');
while (suites.length) {
function togglePasses() {
var report = document.getElementById('report');
if (report.classList.contains('hide-passes')) {
hideSuitesWithout('test fail');
} else {
document.getElementById('toggle-passes').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var tests = document.getElementsByClassName('test');
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
var elem = tests[i];
var head = elem.children[0];
head.onclick = function () {
var code = this.parentElement.children[1];
var display =;
if (display && display === 'block') { = 'none';
} else { = 'block';
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