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Last active January 17, 2017 17:07
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  • Save Stephanevg/1930808a341b78f178c5bade545aff90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Stephanevg/1930808a341b78f178c5bade545aff90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reads the WindowsUpdate.log file and creates a Powershell object with it's content.
Function Read-WindowsUpdateLog {
Param (
test-Path $_
[string]$Path = (Join-Path -path $Env:windir -ChildPath WindowsUpdate.log),
$RawContent = gc -path $Path -ReadCount 0
#as described here
$Pattern = '(?<Date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\t(?<Time>\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{3})\s+(?<PID>\d{3,4})\s(?<TID>.{3,4})\s(?<Agent>\w{0,})\s(?<Message>.*$)'
$objects = @()
foreach ($line in $RawContent){
if ($line -match $Pattern){
$hash = [Ordered]@{}
$hash.Date = $Matches.Date
$hash.Time = $Matches.Time
$ = $Matches.PID
$hash.tid = $Matches.tid
$hash.agent = $Matches.Agent
$hash.Message = $Matches.Message
$obj = New-Object -TypeName psObject -Property $hash
$objects += $obj
if ($GetInstalledUpdates){
$kbobjects = @()
foreach ($o in $objects){
$Pattern = 'Title\s=\s(?<UpdateName>.{1,})'
If ($o.Message -match $Pattern){
$h = [Ordered]@{}
$h.Date = $
$h.time = $o.time
$h.UpdateName = $Matches.UpdateName
$kbobj = New-Object psobject -Property $h
$kbobjects += $kbobj
return $kbobjects | Sort-Object date
write-verbose "Returning non sorted entries"
return $objects
$filteredDate = get-date $date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d
Write-Verbose "REturning sorted objects on date $($date)"
$SortedObjects = ($objects | Group-Object date | ? {$ -eq $filteredDate}).Group | sort-object time #| select date,time,message | Sort-Object time
return $SortedObjects
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jkdba commented Jan 17, 2017

Maybe create a check for windows 10 as its update logs are completely different and PowerShell has a function built in to merge all of its log files into a single windows update log file.

You would also need to check if the output of the new log file has the same format from a quick glance it appears it does.

How to Read Windows 10 Update Logs

Windows 10 Get Windows Update Logs Function:

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