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Created September 1, 2016 14:55
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Class Computer {
$this.Reboots ++
Computer ([string]$Name){
if ($comp = Get-ADComputer -filter "name -eq '$Name'" -Properties * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){
$ =$Name
$this.Description = $Comp.Description
switch -wildcard ($comp.OperatingSystem){
('*Server*') {$this.Type = 'Server';Break}
('*workstation*') {$this.Type = 'Workstation'}
('*Laptop*') {$this.Type = 'Laptop';Break}
default { $this.Type = 'N/A'}
$this.owner = $comp.ManagedBy.Split(',')[0].replace('CN=','')
write-verbose "Could Not find $($"
Computer ([string]$Name, [String]$type,[string]$Description,[string]$owner,[String]$Model){
if (!($comp = Get-ADComputer -filter "name -eq '$Name'" -Properties name)){
if ($user = Get-ADUser -Filter "name -eq '$owner'"){
New-ADComputer -Name $Name -Description $Description -ManagedBy $user -ErrorAction Stop
$this.Name = $Name
$this.Type = $type
$this.Description = $Description
$this.owner = $owner
write-warning "the user $($Owner) is not existing. Please verify and try again."
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