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Last active October 3, 2022 17:30
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  • Save Stephanevg/aa4f0ad50b9762b241bbed6d75f7d69d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Stephanevg/aa4f0ad50b9762b241bbed6d75f7d69d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This function will create random files. It allows you to select the total size all the files together must have, and the number of individual files to create in total. (for example, A total of 5GB in 100 different files). The main advantage of this function is that it will create files with human understandeble names (and if your lucky, funny na…
Function Create-RandomFiles{
Generates a number of dumb files for a specific size.
Generates a defined number of files until reaching a maximum size.
.PARAMETER Totalsize
Specify the total size you would all the files combined should use on the harddrive.
This parameter accepts the following size values (KB,MB,GB,TB)
.PARAMETER NumberOfFiles
Specify a number of files that need to be created. This can be used to generate a big number of small files in order to simulate
User backup specefic behaviour.
This parameter is not mandatory, but two choices are valid:
Office : Will generate files with the following extensions: ".pptx",".docx",".doc",".xls",".docx",".doc",".pdf",".ppt",".pptx",".dot"
Multimedia : Will create random files with the following extensions : ".avi",".midi",".mov",".mp3",".mp4",".mpeg",".mpeg2",".mpeg3",".mpg",".ogg",".ram",".rm",".wma",".wmv"
If Filestypes parameter is not set, by default, the script will create both office and multimedia type of files.
Specify a path where the files should be generated.
Permits to launch this script in "draft" mode. This means it will only show the results without really making generating the files.
Allow to run the script in verbose mode for debbuging purposes.
.\Create-Files.ps1 -totalsize 50MB -NumberOfFiles 13 -Path C:\Users\Svangulick\
Will generate randonmly 13 files for a total of 50mb in the path c:\users\svangulick\
.\Create-Files.ps1 -totalsize 5GB -NumberOfFiles 3 -Path C:\Users\Svangulick\
Will generate randonmly 3 files for a total of 5Gigabytes in the path c:\users\svangulick\
-Author: Stéphane van Gulick
-Email :
-Version: 1.0
-Creation V0.1 : SVG
-First final draft V0.5 : SVG
-Corrected minor bugs V0.6 : SVG
-Functionalized the script V0.8 : SVG
-Simplified code V1.0 : SVG
Write-verbose "Generating files"
$AllCreatedFilles = @()
function Create-FileName{
begin {
$AllExtensions = @()
$MultimediaExtensions = ".avi",".midi",".mov",".mp3",".mp4",".mpeg",".mpeg2",".mpeg3",".mpg",".ogg",".ram",".rm",".wma",".wmv"
$OfficeExtensions = ".pptx",".docx",".doc",".xls",".docx",".doc",".pdf",".ppt",".pptx",".dot"
$AllExtensions = $MultimediaExtensions + $OfficeExtensions
$extension = $null
Write-Verbose "Creating file Name"
#$Extension = $MultimediaFiles | Get-Random -Count 1
switch ($filesType)
"Multimedia"{$extension = $MultimediaExtensions | Get-Random}
"Office"{$extension = $OfficeExtensions | Get-Random }
$extension = $AllExtensions | Get-Random
Get-Verb | Select-Object verb | Get-Random -Count 2 | %{$Name+= $_.verb}
$FullName = $name + $extension
Write-Verbose "File name created : $FullName"
return $FullName
$FileSize = $TotalSize / $NumberOfFiles
$FileSize = [Math]::Round($FileSize, 0)
while ($TotalFileSize -lt $TotalSize) {
$TotalFileSize = $TotalFileSize + $FileSize
$FileName = Create-FileName -filesType $filesType
Write-verbose "Creating : $filename of $FileSize"
Write-Verbose "Filesize = $filesize"
$FullPath = Join-Path $path -ChildPath $fileName
Write-Verbose "Generating file : $FullPath of $Filesize"
fsutil.exe file createnew $FullPath $FileSize | Out-Null
$FileCreated = ""
$Properties = @{'FullPath'=$FullPath;'Size'=$FileSize}
$FileCreated = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $properties
$AllCreatedFilles += $FileCreated
Write-verbose "$($AllCreatedFilles) created $($FileCreated)"
Write-Output $AllCreatedFilles
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