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Created May 28, 2019 10:28
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[String]$GroupName = "administrators"
html {
head {
title 'Local User Manager'
body {
h2 {
"Local User Report:"
import-module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts
$Group = Get-LocalGroup -Name $GroupName
$Users = Get-LocalGroupMember -Group $Group
h3 "The group $($AdminGroup.Name) contains $($Users.Count) users"
h2 {
"Remove user:"
Form -action "/removeuser" -method post -id "AddUser" -Content {
ConvertTo-PsHtmlTable -Object $Users -Properties "Name","SID"
input -type submit -Name 'Submit' -Id "btn_submit" -value "Remove"
SelectTag {
foreach($U in $Users){
option -value $U.SID -Content $U.Name
} #-Attributes @{form="AddUser"}
} -enctype 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -target _self
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